Lycans of the World 5 Love shown.

Story by Heartless Dragon on SoFurry

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#5 of Lycans of the World

i am surprised at my last one that i did of this story. I didn't know i would go so far in that kinda of stuff, but i guess that after all the mushy and sad things that i read from you guys and girls that i have become soft whenit comes to this stuff so thanks alot!!!!!!! ):( ><

Lycans of the World 5 Love shown

Nkeyo was the first to wake in the morning. He felt dazed as he opened his eyes to see his sister. Her beautiful face showed happiness and joy, eeven thou she was still asleep. Nkeyo felt something wet below and found himself still inside of his sister. Both of their legs and bellies were covered in cum and juices, and it was preaty good to be in it but to Nkeyo it was something new. he slowly grabbed his sister's hips and slowly pulled his cum covered dick and it slowly resheath itself. He saw his sister's clit and slowly gazed up to her pointed breast and tips then to her. He sighed heavily as he slowly uncovered himslef and looked for his covering. he found it off to the side were he slowly put it on and hiding his penis once more.

He stood up and stretched himself, reliving his tiredness as he walked towards the cave covering.He blinked away as the sun's rays quickly hit his eyes but he adjusted to them and saw that mostly every lycan here was still asleep. Some were awake and were heading to the lake far off to the end of the bowl moutain. He guess that he must have missed it and saw that at the end of the bowl were the lake was, a river came from the north of it and it went down to the south. He looked down below to see that he was standing at the highest point of the moutain and it was a preaty site.

His memories of this place were still a blur and he was still adjusting that this was his old and new home. He sighed as to what now do here. He had just made love to his sister and he wandered what the Lycans here would do if they found out about it. His worries got to him and he went back inside.

He walked up to his sister who was still asleep and leaned down towards her. He slowly rubbed her face to wake her up. She moaned a bit before she slowly oopened her eyes and saw her brother hovering over her. She grew a smiled and leaned up giving him a kiss on his mouth. "Good morning." she said.

He smiled a bit. "Good morning."

She sat up and pulled him in. "Last night was wonderful."

He lowered his smile and sat close to her. "Yeah i wanted to talk about last night."

"What is it?" she asked.

He looked down for a bit before his eyes focused on her breast. She saw him stareing at her breast and giggled. "Don't worry brother. You can gets some tonight."

He shook his head before he looked up at her and stared in to her eyes. "Lyyfa look. I know that last night you and i together but i still feel uncomtrable with the fact that i did do it with you."

She motioned a bit before she sighed and looked at him. "Well i guess that you are still getting used to knowing that we are no longer brother and sister but mates."

He shook his head. "No i am just not getting used to making love with my sister and that now, you and i have a problem that can be noticed by others here."

She giggled a bit and smiled at him. "Well to tell you the truth brother. Out kind here does what we do. They do mate within their famlies and sometimes not for love but sometimes for fun."

He stared at her widely. "Our.... kind does....that?"

She nodded. "Kcasa told me that when you were still sleeping. She told me that both of our kind does that and even she has a child that she belives is her son's child, thou she is not for sure yet but be assured that our kind will accept us as mates with each other."

He looked down for a bit. "well Lyyfa the thing is i don't know if i want to be your mate yet."

She lowered her smile and stared deeply into his eyes and her eyes showing a hint of sadness. "So you don't want to be with me?"

He looked up at her. "No i do want to be with you its just that i.... don't know if i want to be with you as a mate. I mean sure maybe our kind would accept us as a couple and what not but i don't know if it is right for me to take my sister as a mate."

She looked down at the floor and sighed. "I guess..... all that time you have been out.... you have forgotten what its like..... to be with a family or a mate."

He nodded a bit. "Yeah probaly." They both kept silent for a bit and from what Nkeyo could see that his sister developed a small tear at the corner of her furry cheek. He had to thing to himself. "Could i really take her in as my mate? Should i? I mean yeah she is my sister but at least i could give it a try and maybe i could actually start a family."

He slowly rasied his hand were he slowly lifted his sister's chin to eye him. He slowly grew a smile and spoke to her. "Listen Lyyfa if it makes you feel any better, i will think about us to gether and maybe we can be as mates."

A tear rolled down her cheek as she smiled. "really?"

He nodded. "Oh that would be so wonderful." cried Lyyfa as she brought her brother in for a hug and started to kiss her muzzle.

They both decided to head outside and go catch breakfast. They saw that the Lycans would care their breakfast outside of the moutain and break over here. Once the siblings had got their breakfast, which was wild boar, they brought it back to their caves and ate it there.

Once they were done, Lyyfa decieded to show her brother everywhere around inside of here. She showed him a giant cave were laid the the tree leaders of the clan here. One male and two females. However, the male was a Lycan and the females were both Werewolves. Odd as it was they remained in clothes and it was only and limited times to see them. Nkeyo asked about them to his sister but she only gave him a few details that they were only here for temperoly and that the real kings and queens here were gone.

With that out of the way Lyyfa took her brother towards the end of the moutain at the giant lake. From there, they saw many Lycans were taking baths in the lake and they drank their water from the river that was coming into to the lake so that the Lycans recived clean water before it reached the lake. During the whole day thou, something was nagging at Nkeyo. His sister was cheerfull and she always seemed to blush when a naked male or female passed by and she was starting to get off a scent that was yet to be studied from her fully yet it wasn't clear enough to know what it was.

After they had decided to take a quick bath since of their previous night, they laid out in the sun were they dried off comepletly and headed back to the fields for lunch. This time they caught large zebras and quickly consumed their foods and it seemed to Nkeyo that his sister's previous scent was getting stronger and she seemed more attach to him as ever.

As evening came and slowly the stars were starting to show, both sibilings decieded to do what they haven't done in years. They sat on the top of the flat part of the moutain bowl and look up at the night skies.

The sun had finally went down and slowly the skies were lit up with bright stars. They held each other in their arm and watched and scanned the skies for any sign of shooting stars. They mostly kept their eyes out for it but they also enjoyed the view from were they were.

It was a whole hour since the sun had set the night began as both sibilings searched without end on their star gazing. It got to a point that they were desprate to find one and they did. Or Lyyfa did. She saw one pass by and then Nkeyo saw it. He looked towards her. "You caught one so make a wish."

She smiled and closed her eyes and opened them. He smiled and aksed. "what did you wish for?"

She smiled and giggled. "First lets get back inside. Its getting cold up here." They both went in and Nkeyo follwed behind. As he did, he noticed that his sister's scent was getting stronger and it was starting to slwoyl arouse him..

They both entered and as soon as he closed the covering behind him, his sister came up to him and kissed him. Her kiss was so tenderly, that they both started to play with each others tounge. They both moaned as they kissed their way to the floor and Lyyfa laid on her back as her brother was on top of her. They kissed each other and their arrousal growing and lyyfa's heat was starting to grow.

Nkeyo could smell it and he seprated from her. "What is that? Is that your heat?"

She nodded with her eyes half closed and her smile wide. "yes but i do want to tell you something and i know that you hade trouble with this. Do you want me to be your mate? Do you want me to make love to you and hope that we can start a family?"

He looked at her deep loving eyes and he slowly asked. "Was that your wish for the shooting star?"

She slowly nodded. He sighed and brought her in for a deep hug. "Then of couse. i will be your mate."

A tear rolled down her cheek as she kissed her brother and she fell on her bakc and began to unstrap her coverings. He did as well and soon they were both in the nude and their arousal got higher as Nkeyo's dick was already unsheated and Lyyfa's pussy lips were starting to get moist. Nkeyo kissed his sister before he slowly reached down, grabbing hold of his dick and slowly entering his sister and making her moan. He slid the tip first and giving her a few drops of precum before he slowly entered her and inserted his dick and truely now making his sister is mate.

He slowly started with slow trusting and rubbing his sister's breast and kissing her neck. She moaned in absolute bliss as she was pleasured in such beautiful and strong ways. Her juices were slowly coming out of her and on to her brother's fur and dick making squeshing noises and making their love making stronger. His trusts started to go faster and he now picked her up, putting a hand behind her and sitting her on his lap. He was on his kneas as he trusted himself harder into her and making her moan louder as ever. Their juices making the floor around them wet and his one arm around her back and his other holding her hips and trusting harder and faster into, sendding his dick into her womb and finally dropping precum in her.

Lyyfa could feel her climax building as her brother trusted harder and making them both moan. Lyyfa dug her nails into her brother's back as she fianlly reached her peek and climaxed hard all over her brother's legs, dick and belly. He maon as she released her climax and he roared with pleasure as he reched his peek and shot his entire loa into her womb and finally gave them both hopes for future of having a family.

They both laid there panting a bit, with Nkeyo still stuck inside of her and she was holding on to him. She smiled as she gave her brother a sweet kiss. "Thank you brother."

he smiled and gave her a kiss. "Your welcome sister. I hope that we do start a family."

"yeah me to because that was my wish."

He chuckled and gave her another kiss before he reached down and covered themselves with the blanket and both going to a fast sleep into each other's arms.

Beautiful, absolutly beautiful. What to cheesy? Then go to hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11