college days

Story by freakdudebob on SoFurry

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#1 of college days

The day began like any other day before. The petite fox, named Sam, woke up early and got ready for the day. He began to walk to his class deep in thought about the day. At the end of the day, he began walking back to his dorm undisturbed until he ran into a larger than he female wolf. Given the size difference, Sam found himself on the ground at the feet of the wolf.

"Oh! I'm really sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." The wolf said

"What? It's not your fault. I was not paying attention at all." Sam replied.

The wolf held down her hand and Sam grabbed it. She overestimated his weight and gave a very hard tug. When he was pulled into the air, she stumbled backwards and he ended up landing on top of her as they both fell. When Sam realized where he was, the wolf could tell he was blushing. She began to laugh as he got up but stumbled falling on top of her again. She helped him up still laughing when another wolf walked into view.

When the wolf saw them, he charged at Sam yelling, "What the fuck are you doing with my girlfriend??" Sam only had time to look up before he was flying into the wall. The back of his head slammed into the wall causing him to black out.

"Ugh! My head. What happened?" Sam said as he woke up.

"Are you ok??? When you didn't get up, I thought that you might seriously be hurt. What's your name?" the wolf said as she knelt down by Sam.

"Hmm? My name is ... is... I think its Sam. It's all fuzzy right now. I can't really remember that much. Who are you?"

"My name is Claire. Can you stand?" the wolf responded.

Sam began to get up but he could not support himself and he fell again. Claire reached down and helped Sam stand up and she half-carried him to her room to get him something to drink. There was one thing that she had forgotten about until she was in the room. Her roommates were waiting for her to bring John, her boyfriend, so they could have some fun. She had helped Sam onto the couch and then asked him what he wanted to drink. He said, "Water would be fine" and as she went to get him a bottle of water, her roommates pounced on Sam. When Claire came back with the water, all she found of Sam was his shirt, torn. She then remembered and ran into the room where they were going to put John. She found Sam already naked, muzzled, blindfolded, and tied down with his legs apart. She saw that the locks used on the muzzle, the chains keeping his hands behind his back, and the chains to keep his legs spread all had timers that would not unlock until time was up. He was struggling but was not accomplishing anything. On both sides of him were Claire's roommates, Jessica, a panther, and Chloe, a Jaguar. They turned to look at her when she ran in and asked, "Who is he"?

"His name is Sam and I brought him here so he could rest. John slammed him into the wall knocking him out so I decided to be nice to him. How long did you set the timers for?"

"They had kind of been preset for John for umm twelve hours."

"TWELVE HOURS?? You can't be serious!"

"Sorry. Now I think it would be cruel to leave him alone seeing how he is. This should make him feel better." Jessica said as she began to massage Sam's erect cock. Claire heard Sam moan at Jessica's touch and she agreed with them.

"I guess we can start by putting the ring on him." Chloe said as she showed them a special vibrating ring. She slid down Sam's erect cock and turned it on. He began to quiver at the new stimulation and then when Claire took off her clothes, she joined her two roommates and began to have a little fun with their young friend. She began to lick one of his nipples causing him to let out a squeal of laughter. Jessica soon joined in while Chloe began to lick Sam's cock. When he could not hold it in any longer, he came still laughing from Claire and Jessica's tickling tongues. Claire and Jessica stopped licking but it took Sam a few minutes to stop laughing.

"If this were John, we would probably be giving him some piercings now but since this isn't john, I think we should ask him" Claire said. She looked towards Sam and she asked, "Would you be alright if we gave you a few piercings? Just shake or nod your head."

Sam turned his head so they were looking at one of his ears and he gave it a little twitch. Claire guessed what he was wondering and said, "Yes your ears and also your nipples."

When she said nipples, his head snapped back to where he had heard her voice coming from.

After a little bit of careful consideration, Sam twitched his ears and then shook his head. He put his head down as if to look at his nipples and then, very slowly, he nodded.

"Ok then. We are going to pierce his nipples. Do you have the rings we wanted?" Chloe asked Jessica who nodded. After a few painful moments, Sam's nipples were pierced and had rings with a current being run through them attached. This current was causing Sam to moan again and along with the vibrating ring, he was in a state of ecstasy.

"Are you a virgin Sam?" Jessica asked as she began to rub her moist slit against Sam's cock. Sam could only nod as he felt himself getting close again. "Good" she said as she slammed her pussy onto his cock. She continued to do this until he had come and she had come a few times.

While Jessica was doing this, Chloe and Claire were exploring Sam's tail hole with a vibrator and were also making use of his tail to massage their slits. When he had come into Jessica, he was already exhausted and he simply passed out from sheer overexertion.

What will happen when he wakes up? You'll just have to wait until I finish it if you want to know.