Chapter 8

Story by rhenthar on SoFurry

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Chapter 8.

Zach followed Sinclair through the various rooms and hallways of his estate on the colony planet, Allenvan. He knew this meeting was about Keman, but Sin hadn't given any specifics at the time, just "come." His team was confused when he had ordered them to abandon their current mission, but they couldn't handle the truth.

He almost had to run, to keep up, and Sin was doing it on purpose, but he wasn't about to object. It was a test, Sin performed them steadily, to gauge the reactions of those around him. Unlike Zach, Sin was a true alpha, such tests were instinctual in a wolf.

Claws scraped on expensive rare woods, caught in thick carpeting. Workers parted around them automatically, giving a wide berth. They reached a long hallway, and as they walked down it, Zach glanced into the windows on his right. Business executives were holding meetings in small groups, and he wondered how many credits were involved with each one. Clare Industries had passed its net worth of a billion credits since Sin had acquired it two and a half decades ago. Those executives were here for the sole reason that Sin required in-person interactions for all critical decisions.

Zach was worried about Keman, he wondered how his mind was coming along, and what Sin thought of him. He wanted so badly for this project to be a success. Finally, Sin spoke.

"He's been cycling in the higher levels; I've got some footage I want you to review." Nothing strange about that. Sin paused and stared at him, sniffing the air.

"That's normal, what will I see?" He twitched his whiskers, "he's not doing it in the lower levels?"

Sin flicked his ears in the negative, "no, but," he hesitated. "We had an interesting conversation yesterday."

Conversation? No! Zach's pupils widened, it was too soon to let him talk. The process of articulating speech could purge his artificial memories. His instincts, sensory processing, speech, his cultural nuances, all the things Rhenthar needed, to be Rhenthar. Zach stammered, looking around in silence, trying to hold his scent neutral. Finally he spoke, "Er, what did he say?"

They had reached their destination, Sinclair opened a heavy door and gestured for Zach to enter. "He said my Hahkota team was going to kill me some day."

Zach couldn't help it, he yelped and swallowed, trying to calculate the implications with a blur. "Oh." His legs felt like rubber as he walked past Sin into the room.

"Yeah," Sin tilted his muzzle to track him, "oh." He flattened his ears, "I made sure he understood who's team that really is, I blew your cover." He shrugged, like it was nothing. "He's definitely had a recall, so it was only a matter of time." He followed, and shut the door.

The scent in the room overpowered Zach, bringing forth many happy memories. Ripples of pleasure shot between his legs, this was Sin's bedroom. He reached down and shifted his sheath around, trying to push those thoughts away. He caught Keman's scent, his brought good memories, too.

Keman was asleep in the corner, and despite the underlying seriousness of the situation, merely seeing him in person was like so much water in the desert. He paused and stared at the big timber wolf, all curled up and dozing, then twisted his neck to look at Sin. "He's-"

Sin continued the sentence, "at a one. Been there since. I mentioned his human name, twice. No problem on a four, but at five... that was a mistake." Complex anger radiated from him in waves.

Zach flinched from the last part, he thought for a moment about how many years of effort had been invested in Keman so far. Zach had been born naturally as a Rhenthar, but the modification process had really screwed him up, he didn't want Keman to suffer the same fate. He knew so much more about how the mind worked, now. This time, it had to work!

Keman opened his eyes and stared up at the two new arrivals. He got up and stretched out, one hind paw at a time, then shook his fur out, wagging his tail as he trotted close, sniffing Zach's feet. Zach stared down at him, curious about what he might be thinking. Keman turned, glanced at Sin, then sat on his haunches and panted, seemingly happy.

Zach dropped down onto his hands and pet Keman between the ears. He pulled on his whiskers, playing with his lips, trying to irritate him so he could gauge his reactions. If his base memories were falling out too fast, his aggression would spiral out of control.

Keman took it all in stride, panting and quickly turning it into a wrestling game. He didn't put any real strength into it, and Zach knew precisely how strong those muscles of his could be, he had designed them. He wrestled back, grabbing at Keman's hands, "I've got your paws!" Keman howled and twisted around, trying to prevent his paw pads from being tickled. The weight of the situation faded the more Zach interacted with him, pulling on his tail, rolling around with him on the floor. Keman brought out one of his toys and together they played tug-of-war, growling at each other and howling, both. A half hour passed in what felt to Zach like seconds.

Zach glanced up at Sin, panting hard. He had been leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, silently watching the whole time. His scent was of extreme pleasure, Zach felt embarrassed for a moment, he pushed himself up onto his hind paws to stand up.

"He has an amazing temperament, don't you think?" Zach looked hopefully at Sin.

"Fuck yeah," he said. "You were crazy on a one. I would have needed an hour with the autodoc, doing what you just did." He narrowed his eyes, "it was not pleasant, don't laugh."

Zach had a hard time remembering ever being at a one, the most rudimentary a Mark V collar supported, but it was funny. "Put him at a two?" he said. "You let him see it, right?"

Sin scowled. "Of course I let him see it," he walked to the side of the room and, with a flourish, tapped a button on the console beside his bed. He turned and looked at Keman.

I was panting and felt hot, like I had just gotten done running. I felt so happy, I looked around and saw him by the bedside table. Someone else was in the room, I glanced his way, curiously. His scent was familiar, and it was all over me. I walked up to him, my muscles were stiff, it felt good to move around. I sniffed at his feet, his crotch, then I looked up at his eyes, they were bright blue. I looked away. His scent changed, approval, happy.

If he was happy, then I was happy. I glanced at him, sniffing in his direction. Satisfaction. If he was satisfied, then I was satisfied.

"He's mirroring." The new one, still staring at me.

"That's because Keman's a very good boy." Ohhhh! That's my name! My tail flew as I ran up to him, panting. I sat, looking up at his big yellow eyes, then I looked away. I lay down on my stomach and peered up at him, sniffing his feet. I licked between his toes.

"Hahaha, hey, quit that." I rolled onto my side and gave a little howl, stretching out. Maybe he'd scratch my belly.

"He smells good. Do a three?" I turned my muzzle to look back at the new one, then glanced up at him as he touched... something. I cringed, waiting...

"Yep, he knows. Look at that." The Siberian, I turned and glanced at him, he's familiar. Zeek? But, what's he doing here? I walked up to him and smelled him closely, I could never forget that scent, my old Alpha, but I have a new Alpha. I glanced back at him, Sin... Sinclair. I felt silly, my ears splayed with shame as I walked back to him, to take his scent in a little closer. He smelled curious with a little bit of satisfaction. My confusion faded, I sat next to him on my haunches and leaned against his legs, staring at Zeek. My old Alpha, my old team... I had forgotten about them. For how long? Too long to care. Oh well.

"Stable, smells good. Let's try four." I wonder what Sin meant by that.

Sinclair pushes a button, and I know something is about to happen, I freeze. Words form in my mind, only faint at first. I want to speak them, but can't, I know I'm not allowed. I look up at Sin while leaning by back against him, feeling a little afraid. Zeek is in the room, my old Alpha, my old team... my old life! I don t want to dwell on the past, though, it doesn't make any sense, I don't even want to think about it, it hurts too much.

Sinclair reaches down and scratches me behind my ears. "Penny for your thoughts? Here's a dollar. Speak."

"But-" I cringed, waiting for the pain, but it doesn't happen. "Whu, why is, see," damn lips, "Zeekuh here?" I scented Zeek's sudden disappointment, and felt my ears wilt.

"Ahh, shit." Zeek rubbed his chin with a claw. "Talk some more, Keman."

"Whu, why am I herrre?" My heart picks up a beat, as I form conclusions... "Wherre haf, have you buh been?" I advanced a few steps to the middle of the room, and turned to look at Sin. Where I expect hatred to fill my mind, instead, it's pleasure. I turned and looked at Zeek, but instead of pleasure, there's hatred. He betrayed me! But, when? I haven't seen him in forever. His new scent hits me, distaste, concern, worry. I glanced at Sin and sniffed the air, some of the same, but there's one on top of it all: recognition. I don't understand, what part of me seems familiar?

"Yick, he is cycling." What? I turned and glanced at Zeek, I don't understand, help me understand.

"Suh, cycleeng? Who, me?" I stared at him, but he didn't answer, his scent only became guarded, neutral.


I looked at Sin as soon as Zeek said it, my ears were sideways as I watched him push a button. Zeek. Zach. The dream, my previous life, life as Keman? No, life as...

I looked down at my hands and turned them around, thick, dark paw pads, canine. Something tight around my neck, I pulled on it, a collar. The tags jingled, the sound was very familiar. I focused on it, time slowed down. Forty-Six centies... my suit, my allergy, something went horribly wrong. I stared at my forearms, I'm not supposed to have fur on them, how will I go out in public? Panic rose as I stared closely at my fur, noticing that it's not even a single coat, it's thick and dense with an undercoat. I'll end up shedding, oh no...

"Look at that." Guttural, growly.

I slowly raised my sight to stare at a huge black wolf standing on his hind legs, looking at me with piercing yellow eyes. He had just spoken, but something was in the way, I couldn't see, I reached up and pulled at it, it's my face, get it off my face! I pulled and dug in with my fingertips, but it stung, I had claws. I looked at my hands again, in horror. Sharp, black claws. I felt around, in my mouth, a long tongue, sharp teeth. I looked at the other side of the room, my heart was pounding in my ears. A Siberian Husky, standing on his hind legs, too. Staring at me with intense blue eyes. Zeek, Zach.

"Keman!" I froze, staring at Zach. Zach had once been nice to me, but who's Keman? "Calm down..." He pointed a finger at me, leaning forward. Keman isn't my name.

"Muh nem is Arrr... urf." I held my head in my hands, shutting my eyes while the world swam around, it suddenly gave a violent lurch, I felt my stomach heave. Someone was shouting, "lower it, lower it!" I heard growling, some sort of argument. "No! Let him sort himself out." The growling got deeper, "too much!" I opened my eyes, everything had a red cast to it, the growling was me. "Not yet, a little longer... do you smell that?" Who's a little longer? I need to fucking kill something...




I felt lost and scared, but there's Sin, he's in my sights and I lunged at him, wrapping my arms around his legs, letting out long whimpers. I tried to sit every inch of my body on top of his feet, where I knew I'd be safe. He smelled strange, like he was afraid of me, and if Sin was afraid, I was really afraid. But the fear was only for an instant. Someone was licking my muzzle, which tickled, I shook all over, but that pink tongue kept hitting my eyes, it was Zeek, Zach. I hated him once, but I couldn't

remember why. Forgiveness was the canine way, so I licked him back, and he smelled wonderfully happy. I looked up at Sin, he was petting me between the ears and speaking words of comfort, I'm a good boy. Such a good boy. More licking and tickling, why yes I do want to wrestle...

Zach stood up, the game was over. I licked the sides of my muzzle, tasting my blood. When had I been hurt? It didn't hurt, much, I was ok.

"That was good." Sinclair stared down at me curiously.

"Good? That was dangerous, he could have, he would have... he needs time! Please, sir." He scratched me between my ears and inspected my muzzle closely. "Just give him more time." More time? Who needs more time? Words hovered in my periphery, it felt like if I reached out, I could grab them, but I wouldn't know what to say. I felt so tired.

"I agree, he does need more time." Sin stared, his eyes unfocused. "Hmmm," he tapped a few keys on the console next to him. "His scent's fucked up at the highest level, but that's where he needs to be at, in order to learn. In order to get past the barrier. We need to get him around more of our kind, but if they smelled him, that would be it. I could hire a team, disable their olfactory..." He looked around. "A team. Who can't smell. Can't smell much when it's real cold, can you, Zach?"

I tried to follow the conversation, but it was vague and I felt exhausted. I rolled onto my back and kept licking the blood off my muzzle.

"Erm. Cold? Zach laughed, then whimpered, "a sled team?"

"Got it in one. Who's a good boy?" Sin was all teeth.

Zach yelped, he held his ears sideways and looked around on the floor, thinking. He looked up. "No scent, he's partial quad, he can run on all four."

"Just like you can, mister sled dog.'

"I? Me? But I..." he stared at Sin. My nose scented frustration, submission. "Yes sir."

"Hey." Both Zach and I stared at Sin. "Keman, your bed is over there," he pointed. I heaved myself to my feet, "Zach, tell your team you're going to be away for a while..."

I plodded to my bed and fell down on it, curling up. I yawned, so much to think about, yet so few thoughts.