
Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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London, East India Docks, 1887. A troublesome time for many workers both foreign and local coalescing into one mixed sea of hard working scrap-feeding crew of misfits. But being in the same boat all at once gives them a solidarity, especially when uniting their potent male selves against one overbearingly ignorant influence above them all.

You should always be nice to those who work under you, or else you'll find one day the tables may turn themselves against you...

(This was my favourite story to do out of all the ones I did on offtime, a special little idea my BF asked in a simple concept, to which I elaborated and put upon my own personal kinks into. I have a huge thing for racial play and love when nationalities start sizing each other up and dominating each other in more sexual contexts...not sure why, but there's my weird fetish for you, could be worse! Enjoy~)

1887 was a tumultuous time for the London dockyards, specifically that of the East India Docks clustered around the region of Blackwall in the east end of London. Specialising in lumber and grain of the East India region itself, but it was simply one of many gateways for the great imports of the British Empire's reign all across east Asia. The lush sweltering jungles of tea leaves and exotic spices were a far cry from the smog-ridden city and tepid Thames water. One particular morning however was the scene of a rather large crowd, all of them wearing overalls with the occasional flatcap upon their heads. A mixed cluster of both cetaceans and scalies, from buff black-muscled orcas to large-headed whales to rugged old crocs, all of whom were looking rather dumbfounded at the large CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE sign in front of the large company gates. The sea of black, white, grey, green and brown all muttered amongst themselves in front of the large brown doors with growing discontent, until one younger croc worker turned to see a face show up. "OI BOSS!" Striding up towards them with a slowing step, looking more and more confused by the apparent scene, was the foreman of the group's company on the docks known as Thompson's Trading Company. The foreman, while not the most muscular of them all, was certainly one of the tallest, a reddish-brown Tyrannosaurus in brown overalls at 6 foot 8, with official foreman badges. The crowd turned to look at him for answers. "Wot's up 'ere you lot?" asked the foreman with grizzled tone. "Boss, place is closed!" "You wot?" "Shut down all round 'ere, no entry no nothin'! Mr. Thompson's insoide but 'e won't talk to none of us until you arroived!" "Said some kinda business meetin' wuz at 'and," said an orca worker, "don' know wot 'e's talkin' about if he don' let us get on wif our business!" "Lemme talk to 'im," said the foreman, "Oi'll sort this out lads, don't you worry." "Fuckin' better," said a coarse Scots stegosaur, "ahm nae goin' back hame withoot mah fuckin' wage packet!" "Yeah me either!" "Hey-ey-ey!" replied their leader, "don't none of you start a racket, too early fer that shit alrigh'? Now stay 'ere, you let me deal wi' Mr. Thompson righ'? Righ', now out me way." The rex, using his own foreman's key for on-site access, opened up a smaller door within the gigantic company gates, closing it behind him as he headed up inside the office. Normally he never had to enter the office unless he had to settle disputes, which he feared would be the reason why he was entering it again. With hands in his pockets worn down with scars over long-working years, he headed up to the surprisingly-empty office floor where his boss waited.

The dockyards outside the windows remained empty, with no trace of shipment or ship to be seen, worrying the foreman even more as he knocked on Mr. Thompson's door. A fine blurry glass with his name proudly stencilled upon it, between several desks where money and transfers would be counted and made within the brown and green walls of the shipyard company offices. A voice of the upper class came from beyond the door. "Ahhhh Mason, come in." The foreman opened the door to see his boss, a rather pale lean snake of cream and orange hues, sitting at his oaken desk while wearing his immaculate blue suit. He kept himself well for someone in his 40s, the slight crow's feet around his blue eyes only noticeable when close up as he offered Mason to sit down, pensing his fingers together. He felt better conducting these sort of meetings with those seated, being as he was shorter than most of his employees at a good 5 foot 6. "Please, sit." "Wot's up wi' the workers sir? They said you wanted to see me." "Indeed...your work and your team have been nothing short of marvellous service to this company, and I must thank you especially for being able to handle such a...robust group of strongmen from all around the local area." "Heh...'andling 'em's just one part of my job sir. 'elping 'em out when they gots a problem is another part of it too." "Quite. Have you heard that they've opened a new dock further along the bank correct? The Tilbury Docks." "Yeah I movin' down there fer sum property eh?" "Indeed, yes you are quite perceptive Mason, something I always admired in my best foreman." He knew the buttering up with compliments, as condescending as they were to him, meant that something big was going down. Mason however kept seated with eyes locked on towards Thompson. "Yes, the company IS moving down towards the Tilbury Docks, meaning that the company here is going to be dismantled and whatnot. Good news is, we are going to keep you all on board, as many of you as we can, for the new location." "Yeah? Pfft well that's great sir, no worries there eh, dunno wot all the fuss was about-" "However," interrupted Thompson, "we are going to have to build the new workplace first...and the company has seen it fit to hold back on its savings in order to make sure that the new area will be sufficient. Meaning that...six weeks at least your group will have to go without...the usual pay." " wot?" "I'm terribly sorry about this Mason, you're my best worker and I absolutely would have thought otherwise if the rest of the board did not think-" "You OWN the board sir," growled Mason, "you tellin' me, that yer gonna make us wait fer this new building, without proper pay? You gonna pay us at all!?" "Oh no, no, I couldn't! There's a lot of finances we must consider, what with building the new place and dismantling the old place, we have to make sure the company stays afloat even! We all have to make a few sacrifices if we want to make this company truly great but once it's done, you shall be paid the usual." "My workers ARE wot makes this company great, an' they ain't gonna be so great when YOU screw 'em outta their money cuz you don' plan ahead wif the buildin' property and whutnot!" "Mason...please. I do not want you to be upset."

The serpent stood up and sighed, looking over towards a few old pictures of his younger days, small items of remembrance from Eton and beyond as he put his hands behind his back, walking around the desk. "It was a very tough decision, and quite frankly I see better chances of you and your fellow men being able to use your heads to find other ways while we keep to our own for now. I daresay that I lack the freedom that you lot have." "My lot?" growled Mason. "Wot you mean by that?" "Why the working class of course! All you do is work, work, work, it's admirable really! A lot of people admire the bravado and dedication you have to make these companies great, both ours and rivals!" "Helps when you actually work fer once in your life, sir." "Ahhh but you are older than me, you speak from experience, not wisdom." " takin' the piss or wot?" "Now see here-" "No you lissen!" The rex stood up with arms stiff as boards as he strided up to the snake. "First you tellin' me that we're out of work fer six weeks, without pay, then you tell us to bugger off to fuck aroun' on the streets fer ourselves like urchins, an' now yer pissin' about wi' me, callin' me thick cuz I lived longer than you without sittin' behind a desk?! The fuck you talkin' about eh?!" "Mr. Mason, there is no need for that sort of language, I did my best-" "You did NOTHIN'. You pissed about, threw around a bunch of numbers an' buggered off back 'ome. Wot else were ya gonna do, please the missus? Oh wait, you never 'ad any 'ad you? Wot's your game eh? You think you can jus' muck us about like we're yer toys or somethin'?" "Whu-that is a PERSONAL attack and I will not stand for such Mason. I will give you ONE chance to leave before you incriminate yourself with a sacked position." "You give us our pay, in full, until we're back at work with you, or else." "Or else what?! Are you THREATENING me?!" "Don' sound like a fuckin' invitation don' it? Or maybe...that's wot you'd like ain' it?" "I will not deal with you and your vulgar vernacular, now get out. You should be ashamed of yourself with that behaviour." "Really?" His burly arms grabbed at Mr. Thompson before bending him over the desk, pulling out some rope from his pockets for emergencies before pulling his hands up in front of him and pulled them upwards and over to directly behind his head. Tying the wrists together, Mason took the key to the office before leaving and locked him in, an idea already growing as he headed down to the work yard whilst Thompson struggled against his desk. His hands were nicely secured, and while still able to move and walk about despite some intense new problems with balance, finding his door locked only further exacerbated him.

"Mason?! MASON! UNTIE ME NOW! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS YOU DEGENERATE OAF!?! I DEMAND YOU, AS YOUR SUPERIOR, TO OPEN THIS DOOR, RIGHT NOW! MASON! MASON! YOU THICK-WELTED BASTARD I'LL HAVE YOUR HEAD FOR THIS, I'LL SEE YOU THROWN INTO PRISON FOR THIS, I-GAAH!" During his tirade, the door opened as he was pushed back against his desk, forced down onto it as a horde of thick muscular men started to pile into the room. Mason was in front of them, a variety of dungaree'd crocs, orcas, whales and saurians all staring down at their employer. They held him down on top of his desk, propping him up on it as the rex foreman strided up towards him, his overalls barely brushing against his nose. "Now," began Mason, "why don't you tell us all about wot yer plan is eh? Come on, let's hear it, just so me boys'll understand." "...I...I-i-i...wh-what in blazes are you doing Mason?!" "Thought I should bring all my boys in...all thirty of 'em...just to make sure we all gets the message. Come on then, tell us about your management plan." A general murmur of feigned agreement came from them, as the well-suited male upon the desk tried to keep himself as professional as possible. Stiff upper lip through any adversity, cliched but true. " all to await the new development, of our company at Tilbury six weeks time at the least. During...that, you will not be paid so as to asset our company finances for availability...and even then we may...expect one or two weeks of unpaid service." Murmurs of dissent rose all around him, fearful for the snake who knew he could not trust such a large group of males altogether with one room. The phrase "mob mentality" came rushing to his mind, as he shivered slightly before Mason said. "Seems like me boys don' like yer financial plannin' sir. In fact, I'd say we all downrigh' disapprove of it don't we boys?" "Yeah." "We trusted you well enough, despite all the shit you give us about our...speakin' from experience an' not wisdom, wuz it?" "L-l-look," said Thompson, "I understand that you are upset, and I know why that is...but if you so much as lay a finger on me, you will all be charged for criminal prosecution, and I know that NONE OF US want that, I-" "Oh don't worry...we're not gonna 'urt ya...we're just gonna letcha know wot it feels like when you fuckin' rich pricks 'ave your way wif us..." The men all chuckled greedily, as the snake feared for his life with shaking uncertainty. He was truly expecting to be lynched in his own office, but instead was something far more than he ever imagined. He watched his foreman undo his clothes, slipping off the overalls by their clasp, and reveal a hot semi-erect cock which slowly began to throb, the reddish-brown skin pulsating as the scent of male sweat flowed to his serpent nostrils. His eyes widened with both fear and surprise, not expecting this as he shrinked back from the rex, but the workers kept him still on the desk. "Now," said Mason, "suck it. Unless you wanna beauty spot an' a black eye." He clenched his fist, waiting to see what Thompson would do, shivering hotly with uncertainty as he flinched away before looking up with horror. "You...filthy guttersnipe." "Says the filthy rich."

Mason pressed his burly hand on Thompson's head, forcing it against his cock and making him grind the head of his meat at the snake's smooth lips. The nostrils flared at the musk, wincing back hard as he tried to pull away, the scent a rather strangely powerful one that began to muddy the thoughts in his head. Seeing the other huge fist at his foreman's waist made him reconsider, wanting to ease his way through this situation as he panted hard on the slowly-stirring half-hard erection. Soon he began to lick, his forked tongue leanly flickering out at the dino's skin, eyes closing as he tried to wish himself away from this situation, despite Mason's moans and petting hand. The cock rising before him was quite a thick length, 8 inches and a little wider than average. "Ooooooh yeah...thassit, thassa good start...get a good taste fer it first." Slithering his slender tongue along the meaty flesh, Thompson tried vainly to imagine anything else, whimpering as he slipped along the entire length from base to top. Soon as he reached the head however, Mason pushed him down on it, forcing him to swallow as he put both hands onto his boss' head. The taste of it all in his mouth was hot, and all he could do was start sucking by instinct, taking to it a little faster than they expected. But the foreman only smiled with intrigue, watching him swallow further as he firmly pushed him down for more. In return Thompson went more into it, sucking harder as he wriggled forwards slightly to gulp more of the cocklength into his throat. The workers all around were rather fascinated by this, as their own cocks began to rise in their work clothes which they slowly began to unravel. Mason only pushed his hips straight, forcing his boss to swallow the whole thing to the hilt, which he took with surprising ease as his chin rubbed against hot red balls. "Fuckin' 'ell," said one worker, "didn' take long did 'e?!" "Too righ'," said Mason, "almost like yer a pro at takin' it...arentcha boss?" The business snake had no idea what he meant, shaking his head while still sucking away as the foreman slipped his length back out, slippery with saliva, the boss of the company panting hard. "I...ghhh...h-have no idea what you're talking about, I...please, just, I'll do what you want, I just-please don't hurt me!" "Awwww now sir, don't you gimme none of that...I know wot yer like...wot you do in yer spare time..." "N-n-no...I...I don't know what you're talking about Mason, I-i-" "Really?" The foreman grabbed at suit and tore it apart with his bare hands, ripping the trousers off to reveal a naked smooth serpent rear, the slender tail snaking upwards with fright as they revealed his tight-looking pucker. Thompson gasped as his shirt was forced open, still able to keep it on but with ragged strips now hanging off from it, revealing pieces of his chest underneath which Mason rubbed at teasingly. Thompson shuddered at the firm male touch. "H-hoh! suit cost m-more than two weeks of your s-salary you reprobate!" "Oh, well, good thin' you ain't payin' us fer a month arentcha? Now you can buy three of 'em you fancy wanker. Or maybe some extra trips off to Manchester fer some...private time," " don't know what you're talking about! This is harassment!" "Not yet it ain't. Hold 'im down on 'is back, let's 'ave a look at that poncey arse of yers."

Whimpering as a series of huge hands began holding him down hard, he was laid on his desk with shirt in ruins and trousers torn off, revealing a flaccid thin average-sized cock of 5 inches. Mason walked around the desk to stand between it and Thompson's chair, a luxurious swivel design with plush support that the foreman always admired having one day. Now it was to be his, as he kneeled down in front of Thompson's ass and grinned with a toothy leer. He began to nuzzle against the puckered hole, rubbing his huge ridged snout against it as Thompson eeped, but not as much as he would once he felt something warm and wet slither up against it. "A-AAAH! AAAH! Oh GOD what are you doing?!" "Wot? I thought you'd be familiar with a li'l arse-licking after all that you done Mr. Thompson." "I-I NEVER DID ANY SUCH THING, THAT WAS A BUSINESS MEETING, WE DID NOTHING UP AT LLOYD'S, NOTHING!" "Oh? And 'ere I thought I wuz talkin' about the way you suck up to the richer ones above you...didya think I wuz talkin' about someone else?" Thompson felt his words turn silent, gasping as he looked up at the judging eyes of all those around him. All thick muscular men ranging between 30 and 55, with Mason he knew to be the oldest of them all. Whales, crocs, orcas and saurians, all leering with their cocks out at impressively hung lengths never any shorter than 8 inches. He found himself too distracted however by the hot foreman's tongue pushing into his own rear, making the bound snake gasp out a squealing peal. "AAAAAAH! M-MASON! S-STOP IT!" But Mason's moans showed no signs of stopping, as his tongue pushed deeper inside the hot crack and suckled upon the pucker, widening it more and more to softly fuck him further with the wet slippery length. Wincing from the strange feeling, Thompson writhed helplessly underneath the strong hands, his moans ringing out as his voice turned higher and higher, legs spreading almost instinctively to allow his foreman easier access, to the point of the thick snout brushing up against his balls. The rex approved of this. "Mmmmmmm...ohhhh you got yerself all open noicely now don't you sir? you always wanted me to do this now don't you?" "A-a-aaaah...hhhhaaaaa...AIE!" "Ooooh...squeal like a girl a gentleman or a lady?" The men chuckled all around him as Mason slipped a finger into Thompson's mouth, forcing him to suck on it helplessly as the snake moaned softly at the taste of gnarled scaly skin. Thick working hands from years of dock labour, he had rarely ever seen them up close and wished dearly to see his own hands, slender and manicured as they were as a far cry to these. Once the finger had been sufficiently wettened, Mason brought it towards Thompson's rear, and started to finger him smoothly, penetrating to the first knuckle. "A-AAAAH! OHHH!"

The serpent's shrieks of discomfort were counteracted by his odd moans after, as well as his pulsating cock quivering above his belly with each push of the foreman's finger into his anal walls. The rugged sausage-length digit pushed in and out of him teasingly, making Thompson's legs twitch with each thrust that he felt, panting hotly up at the men who all turned even more aroused. "Oh god...oh...GOD...wh-why are you d-doing this, please!" "Jus' wanted to show you how good a boss you are," said Mason. "Always keepin' us going, always givin' us ways to make money...least at, you wanna try an' make a li'l bit more cash by screwin' us over the past few months, 'aven't ya? First ya cut our hours...then ya changed up THIS!" "AAAAAAAH!" A forceful shove of the entire finger went into Thompson, soon followed up by a second finger coming into play to spread further his anal pucker which made him wince. "You been fuckin' wif us fer the past three' I think it's time that we repay you the favour." "N-no...n-n-no no please! Please I'll, I'll make a deal! I'll make a deal, we can arrange something!" "Sorry mate...offer's closed an' final. Now don't you worry...think of it as one of yer Manchester trips...down that ol' canal pub, where all them fancy lads like you meet up wif sum big...burly men...not unlike myself, eh?" "H-how did're lying, th-this is slander, I would never-" "Did you know that I used to work wif Mr. Carlson? Or as you like to call 'im, 'Big Rocky Jones'?" "N-no! None of you know anything about this, it was just a business trip!" "Well then...let's call this a business meetin' eh? Now..." Sitting down on Thompson's chair, the plush velour making him groan deeply at such a feel on his naked rear, he said to his workers: "Let's begin business...we'll 'ave our first...deposit from me...then we'll give all you lads a good chance to 'ave our input eh?" Lewd chuckles rose up from the thirty men all around him, as Thompson was hoisted up by his bound hands and forced onto Mason's lap, sitting against his cock which grinded smoothly against the pale cream-coloured rear of his employer. The gnarled red hands grappled around the torn-shirted chest, rubbing inside of it to feel the warm skin as he took a hold of him possessively. Thompson moaned at such a touch, gasping out: "H-hoh god your rough..." "Yeah...that's cuz I do a li'l thing called work...let's 'ave a look at yer 'ands eh?" Shifting him slightly, he brought Thompson's bound shaking hands to move over his head and in front of them both. Smooth and slender, untarnished by labour and immaculately manicured.

"Ooooooh look at them fancy 'ands eh? Nice trim nails...barely see the knuckle in 'em...'eaviest thing you ever lifted wuz a cricket bat, weren't it mate?" "" "Please...wot?" He brought his lips towards Thompson's ear and murmured deeply enough that no one else would hear: "You've wanted this fer a while 'aventcha?" "H-haah..." "The way you look at us...all thick muscles an' liftin' ourselves up...s'why you took this job weren't it? Bit of a soft spot fer the 'ard-workin'' a hard spot fer 'im can dress yerself up all you want wif yer suit, yer shoes, yer big fancy house, college wotnot...bu' in the end...this is like a special li'l fantasy fer you ain' it?" "I-i...I....hhhh-" "Tell me wot you want. After everythin' I done fer owe me a li'l honesty at least, Mr. Thompson. Beg." "But...n-no..." A grinding push of his hard cock against Thompson's ass made him squeak with a hot shiver, biting his lip. "NNNNNGH!" "Beg." "...please...take me." "Wot wuz that? Let everyone 'ear you." "...take me. Take me. I beg of you..." "No...beg me to fuck you." "Wh-what?! B-but I-" "Wot...too vulgar fer yer sweet li'l mouth? All that silver spoon an' custard creams? You been 'avin' other kinds of cream in yer mouth mate, so don't you go thinkin' that you anymore special than anyone else 'ere. When yer like this...yer ours. Now..." Another grinding push of his cock against the puckered rear. "Say it." "P-please, just-" "Say it." "I-i won't say s-s-such vulgar things you b-brute, I-" "The more you don't say it, the more I'm gonna tease yer arse with' I know it's begging fer it you cup-sipping li'l fuck. Say it." "No!" "Say it!" "I-i can't!" "SAY IT!" "FUCK MEEE!" "...say that again." "...f-...f-f-...fuck me...please. I want you to fuck me. I want you to fill me, inside me...with your...c-cock." "Gooood boy." A teasing smooch to the snake's cheek made him blush, while all the men kept themselves hard and moaning at the sight of their two bosses. "You even said please, such a gentlemen you are, right boys?" "Yeah!" With a rousing of support from the men, Mason pulled up Thompson's hands until they were behind Mason's own neck, locking the two in place together with his head kept tight against his employer's cheek. Moving him up, he slowly began to push him down onto his cock, the first touch of the head onto the pucker soon followed by a swift penetration of two inches.

"H-HAAA! God damn you!" Thompson's squeal got the men further aroused, as the foreman began to push him slowly down while taking his time, stretching the ass nice and smoothly. He knew from friends up north that his employer was not entirely a virgin, or at the very least familiar with the company of men every once an occasion specially. But that did not stop the fact that his ass was beautifully tight still, making him imagine otherwise as the third inch sunk in. "Ohhhhhhhh yeah...fuck you feel nice dontcha?" "A-aaaah...M-mason...hoh...s-so thick." "Don't you worry, daddy'll take care of you." With a hot blush from such lewd playful words, Thompson gasped as the cock sunk in halfway, his legs spread apart on Mason's knees as the foreman's breath rolled hungrily across his cheek. The thick old naked red chest grinded up against his ruined suit, his moans meeting with the rex's deeper grunts of bliss. Lewd long licks across his face made him shudder warmly as he panted harder, feeling the cock push harder and harder inside of him until he just about felt his rump sit upon a hefty pair of balls. "Nnnngh...ooooh yeah...howsit feel?" "It...hhhhhoh god...b-big..." "That's righ' yer gonna spurt fer me all over yer nice silky suit...I'm sure yer maid knows 'ow to clean it out for ya don't filthy rich bastard." With one slow pull, he shoved mightly back in as he held Thompson tight, a croaking gasp coming from his lips as the hot T-rex cock stuffed plentifully inside him. Pumping him repeatedly as his balls swinged against Thompson's, he grabbed the snake's cock and began stroking at him hard, a rough hot hand jerking at him strongly that caught him off by surprise. Groaning with a rising bliss that he soon could not deny, he panted hungrily for more as he rode his foreman's cock. At one point he even started to ride it of his own will. "Ah, aaaah, ohhh god y-yes, Mason, please!" "NNNF, h-h-heh, so 'e wuz righ', yer a bloody queer aintcha?" "S-s-says, the one, who m-made me s-suck you off, OH!" "Takes one to know one then...or rather thirty-one." "Y-you...all of you?!" "Why else would we 'ang out together always? I scratch yer back..." His claws sneaked around to behind Thompson in order to prove a point, tearing the back of his suit to become nothing more than shredded white and blue strips over his cream-orange skin. "You scratch mine...nnnf...f-fuckin' tight beggar, lemme speed this up a bit." Pounding harder, the foreman forced his employer to ride him ever stronger, lean scaly legs splayed over tree-trunk limbs as Thompson cried out for more, pulling Mason's head closer with his arms behind. Breaths scattered against each other as with each smack of the rex's balls against the snake's hot quivering rump, the serpent came closer and closer to his own climax. Soon, with a few last tugs of the meaty rex hand, Thompson cried out in orgasm, moaning hotly as his seed sprayed both onto his desk, as well as onto his chest and shirt.

In that tightening wonderful ass, Mason shoved all the way in once more to feel every inch of his cock get milked to their limits, roaring dominantly as he filled the businessman's hole. Thickening spurts of saurian seed pumped deep inside of him, the sore upper-class snake panting weakly from the pulsating rear now reddened slightly against Mason's hips. Thompson found himself in a reverie from the feeling, unaware of what would happen next. "Mmmmmmmhhhhh...that'll do fer our...openin' bid." "H-huh? ...mmmmm..." "Now..." His duty still in effect, he slowly pulled Thompson off his dripping cock before placing him firmly back onto the desk, his hot tailhole dripping of thick cum onto the carpet as Mason stayed seated. "Who else wants to...contribute?" "Ahll do it." The stegosaur from Glasgow stepped up to the front first, his cock a luscious green 7 inches of girth wider than Mason's own as he pressed it to his employer's lips. Mason simply chuckled and said: "Alrigh', go ahead Greg, boys...just try not to break 'im alrigh'? He only take two cocks." "Fer noo," said Greg, "lessee how much this wee English bastard can take us 'til then, now suck it ya prick." The intimidating Scottish brogue made Thompson swallow hard as he could, sucking the length greedily so as he managed to push the thicker length in, getting at least down to about four inches before coughing a little. Giving him time to adjust, Greg slowly began to facefuck the company owner lightly, using longer strokes of his dick inside his mouth before he felt he could start thrusting to the hilt. Thompson adjusted well, moaning and sucking heavily in both desperate plea and also desperate need. "Ohhhhh aye thassit, you fuckin' fanny, like that?" "Mmmhmmm..." "Someone give his arse a good stuffin' 'til ahm done with 'im." "Lemme at 'im." A muscular croc from Liverpool strided up to stand behind Thompson, with Mason still in his seat watching the view of the hulking croc swing out his hot hefty cock before slowly plunging inside. The sight of thick green legs sliding forwards with balls heavily between, followed by muffled moans from the serpent, made Mason plumpen hard again as the croc groaned with bliss, all while Thompson slid his tongue across the hot stego cock right in front of him, precum dribbling onto his snout. "Fuckin' 'ell....ohhh tha' is one tight arse." "Tighter than his fuckin' wallet," said Greg, "am ah right lad?" "Y-yes," whimpered Thompson, "y-yes, I-" "Shut it." A sudden push of the serpent's head down onto Greg's cock stifled any words. "You fuckin' speak when ah tell you to, when WE tell you to, fuckin' sassenach prick." The men all chuckled at hearing Thompson moan with a blush, his response more positive at being trapped between two men forced to grind back and forth against their cocks. One going deep into his throat, the other stuffing nicely up his well-slickened rump. As the croc soon found his pace, thrusting at a moderate pace, he felt the tongue of his foreman slowly come sliding up to his own raised tailhole, breathing hot breaths upon his scaled pucker. "H-hhhh...boss, you up to sumthin'?" "Just love the sigh' of yer arse Craig," said Mason, "thought I'd help you cum quicker."

The croc accepted this with a moan and allowed his boss to keep rimming him harder, the hot tongue stuffing its way in as Craig took his time more in thrusting. It didn't take long for him to cum thanks to Mason's skilled tongue, the croc holding down on Thompson tight as he pumped him full of thick creamy jizz. All while the snake could do nothing but suck always on the Scottish cock, facefucked ruthlessly with his head held down as balls slapped into his chin. Once Craig was done, Greg the stegosaurus slipped out of his employer's mouth, and went to the other end of the desk. He slowly leaned down on Thompson's body, grinding his cock at the cummy loose entrance as the serpent moaned needfully, the stego's burly arms keeping him held still. "Ohhhh aye...ahm gonnae spread yer arse bigger than yer mansion...issit a big hoose yer in, sir?" "Y-yes...q-quite...big." "Good, cuz ahm gonnae fuckin' shaft you like you shafted US!" Driving his hot cock in, Greg took on full dominance and pounded hard into Thompson, the snake squealing with outcry at the sudden unexpected force of his penetration. Balls hung low and smacked hard on his own, the brutal Scots pounding was spared only by how soon he had come, his cock already on the edge thanks to the good facefucking from before after he came a short time later. His own seed added to the mix within Thompson's ass, now heavily trickling with seed "UNGH! NNNNGH! FUCK! Hhhh...ohhhh thassa tight wee arse you got there...yer nae a bad fuck fer an Englishman." "Th-thank you...sir." "Mmmmm, respectful too, yer right boss, he learns fast." With the third cock sliding out of him, the day had only begun for Mr. Thompson as male after male came up to either fuck him at each end, or spitroast him altogether. At some point he had been given freedom of his hands back, untied in order to please more men wanting to feel the slender touch of gentry upon their hot meaty members. Coming from all over the country and beyond, a mixed multitude of crocs, gators, whales, serpents, orcas, and saurians including allosaurs, deinonychus, stegosaurs and triceratops. He had lost count on how many he had pleased after the tenth cock that fucked him, slamming into his ever-widening hole which ran free with a hot river of seed down his desk. He swallowed so much that his belly started feeling full, and his scales were soon streaked with the odd bit of cum both his own and of others around him, once he started stroking off the males above him. Only a few of the ones part of this orgy he could remember being rather striking. One that he could remember in the haze of lust were two brothers from India. Cobras of a dark purple hue, one lighter than the other as they both smoothly made their way towards the desk, with brawny physiques that matched their hooded necks in width. Both of them had slender cocks at 8 inches long, thinner than Mason's but still impressive in length.

"Oooooh," said Mason in his chair, "this'll be fun, two brothers from the colonies. Time to pay back fer all that tea-drinkin' eh sir?" "H-hoh...goodness...I...I never met anyone from...there." "That one's Bahadur, the other one's Shahdev, don't mix 'em up." The darker serpent, identified as Bahadur, bent down towards Thompson and hissed a wide grin of pleasure, hard eyes and sharp fangs as he said: "We were gurkhas in your country's army...before an early retirement. I think you owe us even greater than that, my pasty little kuthi." The paler serpent, Shahdev, murmured something darkly in punjabi, his brother chuckling with him as Thompson whimpered with anxiety at what was said before Bahadur answered: "He said what I said...but much filthier, hahahaha." Both of the brothers conferred briefly on who'd take each end before Shahdev went to Thompson's front and turned him onto his side before promptly fucking his face, grunting with bliss as his purple muscular arms pushed down on the Englishman's head. Bahadur eagerly took him from behind, plowing into the creamy rear with a moan of bliss, forked tongue hanging out as the two panted to each other in their native tongue. Thompson shivered at such a strange feeling, the cobra brothers humping together with an almost perfect rhythm to each other, watching them above him with one eye dreamily within lust. Both Shahdev and Bahadur grunted to each other, murmuring strange words to the other as they looked down upon Thompson occasionally, chuckling now and again. The slender cocks were easier to take certainly, which the English snake was thankful for as he sucked calmly away, unresisting as he groped at Shahdev's rear to push him all the way in. "Hoho," said Bahadur, "someone is a hungry boy hmm?" "MMMM! Glk! Mmmmhhhhh..." "I did not know the upper class were such whores in your country, Mr. Mason." "You don' know the 'alf of it," said Mason, "feels good I 'ope." "Even after being fucked by half of us, yes...mmmmmph...I see all your drinking tea has served you well in drinking my brother's milk hmmm? Is that how you always take your tea, sir?" "Mmmmmmmm...glk...mmmhmmm." " little feb." The men laughed at how he nodded, so blissfully full of seed that he could not help but follow every word they said, as the brothers had one little surprise to show their friends. With a lustful murmur towards his other, Bahadur leaned forwards over Thompson's body, and began to kiss Shahdev deeply. Their tongues danced briefly in mid-air before entwining around each other's, locking lips together as the men around them whooped at the hot display. Thompson couldn't believe it, the sight of the two brothers kissing with such a lustful passion as hot moans dripped from their mouths onto his belly. Were he of clearer mind he would be horrified, but now within the haze of lust he could not care less, swallowing Shahdev's cock to the balls and snuffling against the musky base. As the two cobras kept kissing, one hand around the other's head, they humped in unison for their final thrusts, cumming together with practiced ease.

The flood of rich seed flowing into both ends made Thompson groan with weakening need, as both of them slipped out once they were done before letting their fellow workers have all the fun. Various males of all shapes and sizes, yet always bigger and heavier than him, would pound away at his throat and rear. With each new cock that came, not only was he more eager, but he was also more able, swallowing to the hilt every single time obediently, slurping along their sweat-slickened bellies with a growing need for more cock as he submitted to his own desires. Even with all the spitroasting and ass-widening however, the only hiccup was an attempt to doublepenetrate him at cocks number 25 and 26, courtesy of two orcas from Aberdeen who were not related to each other. While they were not able to push both cocks inside him, they were however able to tease him with a rather kinky little game. Sandwiching Thompson between their thick monochrome muscles, one on top and one on bottom, they took turns in fucking his hole all the way in, then all the way out. One after the other they would thrust, the top one sliding in before pulling out to let the bottom one in, whimpering long moans from Thompson coming out every time they did so. It was a test to see who would cum first, while also stroking off the gentleman's woozy pulsing cock, cumming quite a few times that day to the point it had gone a little weak. But they were eager to make him cum again, much to his pleas not to as they continued to alternate fucking him one by one. Soon however, the bottom orca would both win and lose, plunging all the way in as Thompson shrieked another orgasm on him, weakly spurting out his seed all over his belly and tightening hard on his anal walls. The orca found himself unable to hold back, fully cumming into him with deep groan of lust into his ear, panting heavily as the one on top got his turn once his friend was done. Plunging his own length into the recently-used hole, he added his own male juice to the mix as it spurted down Thompson's legs, whimpers of bliss at the new warmth within. "You lose," said the top one breathlessly, "you owe me three farthings pal." "Aw fuck's sake!" said the bottom one, "cannae deal wi' this tight arse ya ken?!" "Aye sae whut, he nae a munter least, let's git aff." The two orcas left with a smirk to each other, walking off to settle their little debt as the last few cocks were given unto their employer. But on the final 30th cock, there came an Irish blue whale. Lumbering at an even huger height than Mason, a good 7 foot 2, the whale had a smooth paling blue chest as well as a darker overall body, which beared down towards his impressively huge cock at a sturdy 11 inches. Thompson shook visibly at the sight of the monstrous flesh, swinging hard against the whale's belly as he murmured: "H-hoh're...h-h-henormous." "Glad you ain' blind ya wee better beg fer this if you wannit that much ya ." "B-b-but...oh...god I can't fit all of that in-" "No." He grabbed at the snake before pulling him up by the chest, the huge whale sitting on top of the desk which creaked piercingly under his weight as he sat down Thompson onto his lap, grinding his cock against the rear. "Yer gonna beg fer all of it, and we'll see how much of it'll fit." "B-but, I-you, n-n-no, oh I couldn't possibly-" "Jaysus it's always the same with you narrow-back fuckers." The whale grappled both arms of Thompson tight, holding him up slightly against his chest as he moved his cock into position. Mason chuckled at such forceful eagerness and reminded: "Don't break 'im now Royston, he ain't a one-time use only." "Foine foine, this little toff is gonna take my cock 'ere an' luv it like it were his own da's, am I roight ya wee crumpet-sucker?!"

Thompson could only nod, fearful of the huge monstrous Irishman who readily began to plunge him down onto his huge cock. Despite the threatening aura he had, Royston was careful to not go too deep, groaning as he slowly pushed the snake down onto his own throbbing member, his balls a pair of thick white orbs that overshadowed everyone else's. The first five inches wasn't hard. It was every other inch after that felt like a whole new widening width for the poor hapless businessman. The tightness still remained even for the thick-bodied Irishman, panting hungrily against Thompson with bestial breaths, his voice resonating strong enough to send shivers down the snake's spine. He tried to relax, letting his cum-dripping rear lubricate itself in order to deal with the coming task as they sank to the eighth inch. Thompson bit his fingers firmly, trying to keep himself in bliss as the thickening length pushed deeper. "Uuuungh...thassit, ya like that don't you ya gobshite? Takin' a real man's cock up yer arse." "AH! AAAAAAAAH! OH GOD YES! YES, FUCK ME! PLEASE SIR!" "HAH, callin' me sir now are ya?! I'll fuckin' plow you better than yer gardener does you feckin' trust fund eejit!" Motivated by his own words, Royston pushed deeper and deeper until he could push no more, the firmest resistance peaking just at the tip of the 9th inch. He panted more heavy, firmly resisting the urge to just go straight through him at the risk of harm as he pulled slowly out all the way, before sinking back to at least 9 inches. Plenty enough for Mr. Thompson, whose ragged breaths flew like the remains of his suit, his desk creaking underneath the whale's hot smooth thrusts as he pulled Thompson close to his belly. "NNNGH...hhhh...if I break yer arse, I hope you got yer funds ready. I won't be TOO careful with ya since you can afford to lose a li'l bit o' green in yer loife, cantcha?" "Yes...I...I don't care...please...make me your little bitch, please I beg of you!" "Really now? Mmmmm...whut you say boss?"

The whale stopped thrusting briefly just so Mason could stand up and walk over towards Thompson, smiling into his eyes as the snake panted with needful begging. The cock was so deep, but he hungered for more as his lithe rump bounced a little desperately for more. "You wanna be our bitch eh?" "Y-yes, please, please I'll do anything!" "You wanna maybe do this again sometime too?" "Yes! Yes, d-don't stop please, fill me!" "Then you give us our paid' we can always come up round your house or wherever you want fer more. We'll still call you sir when workin'...but when we got our cocks out...yer our fuckin' cockslut. Got that?" "Y-yes...sir." "Good...alrigh', fill 'im up Royston." With no further need for encouragement, the Irish whale gripped Thompson hard and made his final few thrusts, groaning as he climaxed heavily with 9 inches still in his new slut. "Ohhhh fuckin' JAYSUS!" Blasting his seed hot inside of him, Thompson could utter no more than he had done before, the bliss of being filled so deeply that he almost reached euphoria. He barely noticed the way his belly filled ever so slightly, bulging up with whale milk that also spurted out from his rear, splattering all down his legs and onto the floor in a decent enough amount to make quite a mess. Once the climax was over, which felt like two minutes of solid spurting jizz deep into his hole, he was put down onto the floor, sitting in the puddle of seed as they all aimed their cocks at him. Some of the crew had gotten worked up enough again to try a second coming, at least 10 of them including Mason himself pointing their own cocks at their own boss. With a grunting lust of hard rubbing, they managed to cum almost all at once, spraying their thick torrents of seed all over dear Thompson. He simply smiled up at them, panting heavily with both simple joy and immense exhaustion. His cum-filled belly was a testament to that, as he opened his mouth with eyes closed to allow his working-class crew to cum all over his face. The office reeked of hot male sweat and musk, and all Thompson could do was shake with a tired body. He was feeling sore in the rear, his eyes a little dry and his mouth feeling the same way. All except Mason had now left, the foreman making sure that both his employer was alright, and that their new contract would be approved. He helped him up slowly, smirking at the younger businessman as he said: "We got a shower you can use, place is still closed so no one'll see you." "I...I see." "That contract still sealed righ'? I'll clean up yer office so you can get 'ome, but just wanna make sure." "Yes yes, I'll...I'll write it down now." Once the contract had been written and stamp-approved by both Thompson and Mason himself, the snake businessman found himself wandering almost listlessly towards the showering area on-site. Mason simply smiled, turning back towards the cum-stained office of his employer as he began to clean up. For once it was the sort of meeting that he actually did enjoy in this company. And he hoped that he would attend many more of them to come, maybe even those of just him and Mr. Thompson alone.