Tiger's man

Story by FalconMage on SoFurry

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A tiger had a car breakdown and looks who's coming over to fix it! No, it's not fix-it-felix.

Finally got this done! Was in my mind for while in between a commission but its out! One more story for the year! XD

Tiger's man

"Fuck!" I trashed and kicked the front wheel of my car. "Start you stupid piece of junk! God! You suck!"

My anger and rage was at its peak and nothing could have calmed me down. What fucking luck. Me, Hank Bron, couldn't even get a car to work or even save my life if it depended on it. That wasn't the worse part of it. I'm stuck with barely enough money to pay for a mechanic and it's nearing midnight. What more, I heard thunders rolling in the air. Great... Just Great... I'm gonna get stranded in the middle of a rain storm with no means of getting home and what more, I'm hungry!

The faint rumble of my tiger tummy had me cringing and from a distance, the salvation of a petrol station was at paw. I knew it existed within walking distance but being the male dominant, I couldn't bear to ask for help; up till now. I sighed in defeat, looking sideways to my car and it seemed hopeless with nothing more than a need for a mechanic. Sadly, my phone decided to take a break and ran out of battery, leaving me with no means of contact, cash or shelter. This night couldn't get any worse. Grumbling and cursing under my breath, I took important items with me while abandoning this godforsaken car. When I get back, this piece of metal is off to the junkyard!

As I started to trudge and sulk through the soon stormy night, a large truck could be hard from the distance and to my surprise, it stopped to the road side. An eyebrow rose inquisitively at the sudden figure. Great, things just got worse; I'm gonna get robbed in the middle of the night. A tiger got out from the vehicle and smiled with an extended right paw.

"Need any help? I'm a mechanic."

Excuse me? Is he for real? Seriously? Several doubts ran through my mind because this scene is exactly like those in the horror movies where the stranded - innocent I might add - man gets help from a total stranger and gets himself killed when he's not aware. Ungh... really? I've got enough shit to handle and I just can't afford to jump into another hell hole.

"No thanks, I'll call for a tow truck tomorrow first thing in the morning or probably when the coming storm dies down."

The tiger doesn't seemed amused at how someone was rejecting help because he kept squinting his eyes and glared right at me like I murdered his precious pet. Despite his slightly menacing look, he was quite a looker and I cannot deny how attractive he was. Here's the thing: I have an affinity for bigger and stronger guys and this man fits every aspect of that and more. His arms extended and smiled. I watched at him cautiously and looking down at his large and muscled striped arm, I couldn't help but be polite about it.

"There's not a single tow truck within the vicinity and the line here is usually bad, not to mention it's late in the middle of the night. You'll have to wait for our town representative to help you out," the tiger grinned, "You can wait for that or... You could believe in my skills and capability to fix your car."

He actually sounded genuine.

"I don't know... I mean... Getting help from a total stranger in the middle of nowhere seems fishy to me and you seemed more of a trucker than a mechanic."

"It's the outfit, isn't it?" The man flexed both arms to show himself off. Fuck... He was probably one of my biggest wet dreams. Dressed in his tight looking singlet and torn jeans, the man was dressed to kill; here's hoping not literally.

"Maybe but that's beside the point. I just needed to grab a bite, call for a tow truck and I'll be safe."

"I'll get you there, it's the least I could do as a kind stranger." His voice and expression was very genuine right about now. From there, I was conflicted if I should accept or not but what the heck, he was just being friendly I guess. So I accepted. "Hank Bron," I extended a paw.

This time, the trucker tiger glared and smiled knowingly. "No wonder you looked familiar! You work for that tax Company, right?"

I looked at him like a confused feline and tried to recollect any memory that I had with another client but slowly and surely, the bells were ringing. With that, I face palmed myself so hard that my paw print was imprinted on my face. "Frank Desley..." Now I remembered.

And he nodded quickly. "Yes! Oh my god! Isn't this a coincidence? I was about to head home from that meeting with one of your managers about my tax issues."

"And I was just about to inform you about it," I shrugged away and shook his paw. "Perhaps now is not a good time to discuss about work. It is going to pour."

At that right moment, it started to drizzle and the tiger chuckled aloud. He offered to bring me back to his home and despite my reluctance, I caved in. Taking in on his offer, I saddled up on his truck and we drove off. It was an interesting ride because the man couldn't contain his excitement as if a kid that was just given a new toy. His business wasn't doing as good as he'd expected due to the current economic downfall and he would rather pay less tax than it being a burden. "That's why I need your help."

I pinched the bridge of my nose and looked right at him. "I cannot promise anything. Are you married by any chance?"

The man shook his head and smiled. "Gay as can be."

Somehow at the back of my mind, I had an inkling that he might bat for the other team but to just bluntly announce to a total stranger was a little uncalled for. "Good for you but not for tax planning."

He muttered a single curse but nevertheless continued with our journey. Working out, owning his own business, lives alone with moderate income; he was pretty much a run of the mill business owner, except for the fact that he was drop dead gorgeous. A single call had me informed that my car would be safely towed to his workshop and will get down to fixing it tomorrow. The pitter patter sound of raindrops came crashing down and we were lucky to get indoors half dry because for the next second, it rained cats and dogs.

I wasn't one to be so thrilled at getting wet and Frank shared the same sentiment but approached the problem differently. "Sorry, gotta get my fur dry before showering. I stink like an old used up rag." And the next second had him shirtless.

Oh please oh please let me lick you up. His wet fur showed every valet of muscle that was carved on his torso and I would have drooled unconsciously if my mouth wasn't closed. I was practically staring right at him and it took a single cough from the tiger to break my reverie. I rubbed the back of my head from it all and thankfully, he excused himself for a quick shower.

"My shower is open if you want to clean up," if I wasn't aware of his offer, I'd say he was hitting on me but then again, it was just my imagination. Fuck... why am I so fucked up with him? As tempting as the offer was, it's best not to play around with a client. It was in my professional ethics that I should be independent but it was killing me from the inside to let go of such a man. "After you're done that is."

Frank shrugged and headed off with his shirt hanging from shoulder. Even as he walked off, I couldn't get a good glimpse of that bubble butt but his back was to die for. Tail swished around and I did truly admire his well-defined stripe back. Those stripes were aspiring and looking back at myself, mine wasn't as beautiful as he was. I rolled my eyes at such sentiment and decided to look around the place while unloading a bunch of documents. Regardless of time and place, as long as we have an opportunity with a client, we must help them. Or something along the line when our department manager decided to give us pep talk.

For a single gay tiger, he seemed to have quite a number of luxurious stuff and I was in awe at the modernized kitchen that he has; slick and spotless that you could use for a mirror. I grimaced for the sorry state of being poor. Letting out a loud sigh, I laid the necessary documents for him to look at and after pondering for a few minutes, Frank was out with just a towel hanging from the bottom half of his torso.

"We're starting now?" He blinked and rubbed his right pec.

I swallowed and nodded away. "Get this done and I'll be off tomorrow. Let's not waste time. I was planning to meet you first thing tomorrow morning but as you've seen, my car is useless at the moment."

"Ah, right. Your vehicle is at my workshop and they told me that your radiator had seen better days," the tiger leaned over at the counter and stared at me with those handsome eyes, "Looks like you're stuck here for the night."

This was too much of a coincidence and I was beginning to question his motives. Then again, if his objective was to get it down in bed, I wouldn't mind a single bit and from the looks that he was giving out, there were several signs. I pondered and decided to level the playing field with him. "You've got a guest room here?"

"No but I'm more than willing to share mine."

"Ah... Well, let's get started with our business and look into a bed later on. I'm sure you're eager to hear some good news in regards to some tax planning," taking up my pen and started writing down information from the numbers that was presented to me, "And I'll clean up right after this. So no need to worry,"

"Why don't you clean up now? Your shirt looks constricting." A little forward but I liked it.

"Good point. Let me just - "

"No, let me," he came over and grabbed on to my waist without a second thought, "I find that you would look much better without a shirt on."

The pride from within welled up and I huffed at his casual comment. "And you imagined this all in your head?"

"No, I thought of it the first time I saw you at work yesterday. Mmm... the number of things I'd do to you," that was a little bit more than forward but again, I liked it. If only I was more attentive at the furs that came in and came out of the office because it seemed that my busy life schedule had hunks like him whizzing pass right through my door. His paws were relentless and kept unbuttoning my shirt one at a time but mine wasn't going to stay still either because they found itself a nice joystick to play with now.

His eyes never left mine and despite my pet peeves on staring at another, his was unique, hypnotizing in fact but I found him severely attractive. "Aren't you afraid that you're hitting on a straight guy?"

Frank shook his head and kissed on to my cheek, "You were ogling at my muscles when I flexed them. No fucking straight man would stare and drool at another man's physique. If you're damn straight, you'd have pushed me off right now within a second but here you are, not even trying to pry me off."

I bit the bottom of my lip and licked away, slightly embarrassed at how quick this was all going. Finally, he got me undressed and stood there with a handsome smile. I wasn't one of those overly muscled guys like Frank here but enough muscle and meat to be called a stud and I was proud of it. Seemed that the other tiger took a liking too because he pressed his chest up to mine and paws began to dwindle to my pants.

The towel that coiled itself on to him was finally displaced. It was just the right proportion to his studly built. Cock above average and girth that could stretch the bottom to their limits. While I drooled over him, the now naked tiger continued to play with my soft spots and he seemed not to be satisfied until I begged him to stop but I didn't want him to. It has been a long while that I've gotten a good lover like this to fulfil my needs after my break up with another good for nothing lion few months ago.

My ex had too much ego and pride that I couldn't take it anymore. The best part was him calling it off with me for the reason that I wasn't paying him any attention. The nerve of that man! As expected, he jumped right back into the circle of love when he got another that was just as egoistic as he was. Meanwhile, I'm playing the field once again and this tiger had tackled me hard.

For a man that works with automotive, he is rather gentle and subtle. Most men usually fuck and go, like my ex, but he was different. As I like to put it, he was a chef boiling a chicken and once their soft, it falls apart. Yeah, an unnatural way to describe a situation but fuck it, he's breaking me apart slowly and surely. My shirt was no longer available and my trousers soon followed suit and he did so with the grace of a feline.

Both our tail found each other and it made me jump for a second but Frank was being romantic about it. Standing proud with all of my stripes showing, the male licked his lips and smiled away. It made me blush and hesitated. "Do you always do this to guys that you bring back home?"

He gasped and placed a paw on his chest dramatically, "You, my good sir, wound me deeply. I do not make this place as my personal harem. Though it does sound enticing,"

I rolled my eyes at his humour. "No but seriously, do you?"

"Well, from time to time, yes but not always. I've got a reputation to keep."

"Reputation as a tiger Casanova?"

"Pfft. No. A reputation as the best mechanic in town," he slurred.

"And if that's so, why is your business going downhill?" This was getting interesting.

He didn't reply but shut me up with a pair of tiger lips. His whiskers against mine and I was feeling up his tongue as he tried to pry right in. I loosened up and allowed the abrasive man to do as he pleased and God dammit was he pleasing! This was probably the best kiss that I've ever received in my entire life because most men just kiss with little to no feeling and did nothing to make you yearn for more but this male was a completely different species. He held me in his arms to prevent my weak body from falling and he did so with such tenderness.

Evidently, we had to break off to catch our breath. "There, you talk too much," he retorted while grinded our cocks together.

"But I was only trying to help." I whined.

"You can help by sleeping with me tonight." Frank grinned and caressed the top of my head like a parent soothing a baby.

Oddly enough, I felt at ease with him and with that command, I agreed for the night. Looking back at the paper work that was splayed on top of the counter, I shrugged and pushed it aside for the night. It was by the way, after midnight and my brain usually shuts down by then and all it could think of was sleeping the night away. With Frank in mind, it looks like tonight was going to be a different night because when we arrived at the doorstep of his bedroom, I was pushed to the bed with little to no hesitation and we bounced away like a pair of bedroom lovers.

Both paws had coiled with mine and grinded both our bodies together. His tiger scent was sweet and not a hint of sweat due to the fact that he just showered mere minutes ago and it was beginning to push me over the edge with little to no effort. Small little kisses landed on to my neck and nibbles from his teeth had my fur standing on end and I was in utter bliss at such ministration. Oh yeah, tonight is the night I get laid and loving every single second of it.

My eyes were closed and my body was in total submission to the tiger above me. His breath was getting heavier as he inhaled my slightly sweaty fur and he seemed not to notice it. As he continued on, his eyes met with mine and I chuckled like a little school girl. "You really are a Casanova."

"Please, I am a tiger's man," his finger tipped on my chin and rubbed away, "A tiger's man for another tiger."

Take me! Fuck it! My conscience was trying to kick me because I cannot just fall in love with a man that I just met! This isn't a fairy tale where my knight in shining armour comes waltzing through the door and sweep me off my feet. No, not really. This is... this is... oh... lower... much... much lower...

"You are exquisite... so very exquisite." Frank murred and pulled my arms up. This time, he had enough time to bury his nose against my pecs and nibbled on to my subtle nipples. My cock bounced at the immediate attention against my chest and my body was beginning to squirm uncontrollably. If it wasn't for him holding on to my paws, I would have trashed all over. Unfortunately, it stopped just as he was about to go on further.

"Come, get up." The tiger smiled and urged me to follow up. "Are you a top or a bottom?"

"Top or a what?" My mind was too fuzzy to even comprehend such a simple question.

"Top or a bottom?" Frank repeated.

"Uh... isn't that kind of obvious and why are you even asking this question at a time like this?" I was honestly thinking that he wasn't just a dumb jock like the whole stereotype kind of guy but he doesn't seem to prove me wrong.

"No, that's not what I meant I just..." This time, the muscled tiger poked at his fingers and looked away, "I just... I am... a... b-bo-bottom..."

He was down to a whisper but I could hear him clearly. A bottom? Seriously? Tell me it isn't so! So here I am, sitting in the bed of another man that was twice my body weight and that included muscle mass, far more handsome that I could ever be and he was a bottom? I stared at him and just couldn't take my eyes off him. He was probably the cutest tiger that I've ever seen in my entire life and that's saying a lot since I've met with a whole lot of male due to the nature of my job. Frank sat there like a lost cub without a mother and waiting for me to give the verdict.

"I know it's probably difficult to wrap your head into this but I just am," he finally replied.

"But you were so forward and dominant downstairs. What happened to that?"

"Oh I like to do that. Perhaps it's the very fact that I had another man grinding his body against mine that urged me to do so but I assure you, I'm a bottom most of the time. So I just... I rarely top." He lay on the bed and wiggled about before lifting that muscled rump of his.

Watching him turn like that had me drooling even more and I finally got the chance to look at how well shaped his ass was. As expected from a weight lifter, he did leg days. His ass was simply sublime and from the looks of that tail hole, he has been playing with himself. I lowered myself and watched attentively at the gaping hole before giving it soft lick. Frank shuddered and whined out in response. If I ever told someone that a jock like this was actually a tail raiser, no one would have believed me until they saw it with their own eyes.

I stopped after the first lick and waited for his next action. The muscled tiger didn't say a single word but I knew that he was begging for more. Through experience, I've seen quite a pawful of submissive men in my life and they usually beg to get fucked and Frank isn't any different. Sure, he was romantic before this but when it comes right down to getting fucked in the ass; these power bottoms prefers it hard and rough.

"There's lube on the left table drawer," I looked up and Frank had covered his eyes with both arms, "There's condom as well if you want to play it safe but all I'm saying is I'm clean. Last checked a week ago and I can assure you that I've never been fucked in months."

He was so blunt about it! If there's one thing that kept my interest going was a man with confidence but not egoistic.

My sand papery tongue grazed on to his tail hole and an immediate response of moan came from the tiger like the expected bottom. I was still flabbergasted by the fact that I'm gonna top a muscled feline like him because most large men aren't like this but fuck that stereotype, this was turning me on! I tugged at his tail and he yelped at the sudden roughness. "Does the tiger like it rough or gentle?"

Frank still had his eyes closed while he clawed against his sheets. "Can it be both? The tiger hasn't been fucked for quite a while."

"Then rough it shall be." I slapped his striped ass and didn't care what he had requested for because I knew he could take all of me without a problem. Judging from that gaping tail hole, looks like Mr. Big and muscled might have a nice pawful of toys lying around.

The bottle of liquid used for tonight's copulation was found and the tiger offered to lather me up. I had no qualms on that and I did want his rough paws to wrap around my leaking shaft. However, he had an unorthodox way to get the job done. Frank poured a generous amount of lube around his broad and hardened chest as I watched with much interest. It drizzled all over and the slight shine from the liquid made his pectorals extremely delectable.

"Rub your cock around here," he pointed at his beefy chest while smiling away. "Ever heard of a good pec fuck?"

I wasn't a total idiot when it came to sex positions or terms but I do like the idea. There haven't been many muscled encounters in my life where I had the opportunity to run my shaft around a good and sizeable pecs and this was probably my first. Despite having countless sex sessions with my ex lion, he never did any of those. All he wanted was to just fuck and go. This tiger however, was a complete polar opposite... and I liked it. I crawled myself to position and sat right at his set of pectorals, drooled at the sight of him. No words would have described the man for he was just perfect.

Cock now in place and he lathered it up as I wiggled about. Fuck, I was hard as steel and there was some slight discomfort when Frank had me downwards but the utmost pleasure of his paws pushed it off. The cock head was played with and every inch of my manhood was thoroughly oiled up. My hips started thrusting in and out in between his pecs and the motion itself had me dripping rivulets of pre. If given the chance, I would have cummed right then and there and the very image of those strong muscles covered in seed had me moaning out loud. Frank was excited to hear my happy grunts because he knew he was doing something right and damn was he doing it.

Paws held my cock up and gave it a single final touch before catching it in between his broad chest. "If you want to, you could just cum right now. I do like a good fuck in between here once in a while." He licked his lips sensually while rubbed against them.

"Tempting as that sounds, I would prefer something tighter and making a certain tiger to yell out my name," I gave a knowing smile and pulled myself off, standing proud with my erection sticking up.

Frank quickly turned himself on all four and raised his tail as high as he could and let me tell you, he's got the best stripped ass that I've ever seen in my hey days of sexual encounters. He wiggled for a bit and his fingers came into play. All lubed up from before, it slides right in and he purred in glee. I could hear his happy moans and it turned me on even more. If I were to ever wonder how a big manly jock would look like whenever they fingered themselves, this man, right here, would best portray that image.

"Anyone ever told you how fucking hot you are when you bottom?"

Frank squirm his finger deeper and spread his ass wide. "Maybe... A few..."

My heart leaped as he allowed me full access to his bubble butt. Cock at the ready, I got into position as the tip grazed at his gaping tail hole. "Here I thought I was gonna get a good pounding but seems like a complete role reversal but hey, I'm not complaining!"

"I'm one in a million, tiger... Rawr..."

Oh fuck me with the biggest dildo in the world... He made a cute roar in bed.

I just shook my head and proceeded with the ass that was presented to me on a silver platter. A small push was just the right amount of force needed and the cock head was quickly enveloped in a room filled with pleasure. Oh fuck this is good. I shuddered and got in another inch and this time, Frank lets off a good moan that spurred me on further. Deeper and deeper I went but occasionally stopped mid-way to allow this jock to feel comfortable. Hot and tight was probably the best way to describe this piece of tail because it just is. Anyone said otherwise is a complete idiot who did not appreciate a good romp.

His paws traveled on to his pecs and groped on to them, seemingly pleasuring about. That or he was trying to tease the fuck out of me because if he was, he was doing a fantastic job at it I growled as loud as I can and started pounding through and this time, giving in as rough as I could. My hips grounded to the base and I was buried all the way without a problem; probably thanks to the generous amount of lube given or just the very fact that he was a slightly loser tiger than he had expected. Nevertheless, it was tight enough to have me hissing and snarling in need.

He clenched away, as if trying to suck cum out of my cock but I was not going to let him win. My paws hiked both of his legs up and that naturally gave me full access to every single inch of his sexy tail. His cock dangled precariously from his muzzle and I took the liberty of guiding it through his mouth. It wasn't difficult because the stripped male had been moaning with mouth opened ever since the first penetration. Frank moaned away but saw my intentions. He was big in proportion... Oh yeah, fuck that sweet mother fucking hole.

Big and lengthy, just the right amount to have him sucked off. Frank opened up willingly and began lapping on to his own cock head, all the while trying to purse his lips to suck on his delectable nectar. He succeeded in doing so and without even hesitating for a second, the large tiger managed to have more than just half of his cock with his own sweet muzzle. I watched for a second as Frank did his best and grinned away. Not only was I getting a good fuck in a bubble tiger butt but I was also watching this man sucked his own cock.

My thrust started off slow and easy but when I heard the soft and knowing moans of him, I knew that it was time to pick up the pace. Loud slapping noises echoed around the room and both of us were far too deep into each other to stop even for a second. My cock began to twitch under the tiger and the familiar feeling of letting loose torrents of cum had built up to the point where a few more pumps would have me shooting like a cannon.

Frank's muffled moans were enough to get me through all of his because I then knew what I was doing right. It would be completely bias if I were to get all the pleasure while the tiger underneath me felt the horror of a baseball bat driving into his anus. Heck! I'm not surprised if the man had a dildo nearly the size of a baseball bat lying around here somewhere because his hole could honestly fit in another dick that was twice his very own.

"Not only are you hot and sexy but talented enough to suck your own dick," I was sweating profusely by now. In fact, the sweat that hanged on to my fur was emanating a strong tiger musk that wafted through the air and somehow, I was pumping harder with each whiff. However, Frank was sweet smelling but that, too, was slowly dissipating and soon to be overcome by our sexual desire. He continued to suckle with eyes closed and watching this handsome tiger perform such lewd act had me falling all over for him. Each slurp was accompanied by my snarls and both of us had finally gotten into a good rhythm.

Frank was pretty close and I could feel it when he started clenching down on me but I wasn't going to let him have his massive release just yet. I pulled his cock off and saw that sweet and extremely submissive look. Nothing could have compared to all of the guys that I've fucked before. He whined and whimpered when I did that, mouth gasped for air as he panted like a dog. "Cum... Cumming..."

"No you're not," he pleaded but I wasn't so generous. "You want release? Sure! I'll fuck the cum out of you!"

I pulled him closer and spread his legs wider to gain full access in between. Frank got the signal and if he ever wanted to blow, he'll have to obey the other tiger. His legs wrapped around me tightly and we were practically locked in with no way of escaping. My engorged cock was on the edge but it seemed that the muscled feline wasn't about to cum any time soon despite his cry for it. Perhaps it was the loss of stimulation from his warm muzzle but I wasn't going to leave him high and dry.

With quick succession, I got through the right rhythm and there was no stopping both of us now. All there is now are two lust hungry felines that yearned nothing more than to breed each other and I wallowed in that sensation. It has been way too long... So fucking long that I've gotten such action and I'm not afraid to cry it out. Frank's moans were hard and gruff, all the while keeping composed like how a true big cat should. I've heard guys that moan like little bitches and it took me a second to realize that I was dicking a man and not a woman.

His ungodly tight and warm cavern clenched away as if he's trying to squeeze the cum out of me but I wasn't complaining. Each thrust and slam was pure ecstasy for Frank because without a proper warning, he was spilling his seed uncontrollably. He came in ropes at first but the next few shots were down to several drizzles and it pooled against his wash board abs. Caked completely with his own seed, the tiger moaned while stretching out.

"Did I... wet myself...?" He blushed.

"With seed? Yes, yes you did." I casually replied but I wasn't going to get all lovey dovey with him just yet. His tail hole gripped ever so tightly that I couldn't keep my pleasure any more. With a loud roar that practically shook the room, I came and never held back. My balls unleashed jets of white and painted the tiger's ass with it, filling him up to the brim. The number of shots that came was numerous and I was surprised that his belly didn't swell up but then again, that would be exaggerating. When we had finally dwindled down to small drips, I collapsed on to the tiger and covered both of us with his cum. I smiled and giggled away as I hugged the man.

My cock was lodged deep inside of him and he minded not one bit as he was filled thoroughly. Instead, he wiggled his ass playfully to get a good feel of my softening shaft. "Somehow, this all feels right."

Frank chuckled and pulled me in as close as he could. Our cum caked body was ignored and would only pose to be a problem early in the morning later on. For now, it was cozy and warm enough to just fall asleep in a snap. The rain has been pouring since we got back and doesn't seem to show any signs of stopping. I looked at the tiger with tired eyes but only came to a smile as I watched him fall asleep. He was rather cute... Like... cute to the point that I might have fallen for a guy that I just met few hours ago.

Perhaps it was the click that both of us had or the spark that lit up but whatever it was, it is to be explored when my car is finally up and running. The very thought of what to come the very next day had me cringed but whatever the circumstances, I would still need to look into it.

Morning had been extremely eventful because Frank was kind enough to give me a spare radiator with no extra charges but only for workmanship. He still needed to pay his worker but the parts came in free. I wasn't here for charity but from the winks that he was signaling over, he was either trying to bribe me for quick fix of his taxes or he just plain wanted to be the good guy once again. Of course, my own personal professional ethics may have been breached but fuck them all. I wasn't going to let a good looking tiger like him off my paws.

We walked towards my good for nothing junk of a car and patted at the top, "Ever wanted to get a new set of wheels?"

"If I could afford it, I would but I have other commitments to think of. Even if I did, perhaps not the kind that you are trying to suggest."

"What? A BMW with all the works? Naw, those are for the upper classmen. You and I aren't even on that par. Heck, I dared not set foot into those borders. What you need is an economical vehicle that makes other go wow!"

I chuckled and that thought. "Yeah, the wow factor. You do know that I'm a tax agent and we are one of the most boring guys in town, right?"

The tiger leaned in close all of a sudden and killed any gap that had existed between us, "I didn't find you boring last night."

I blushed and wanted to look away but his tiger eyes had me entranced. "L-Last night was... eventful."

He took my paw and gently laid a small kiss on it, "Would you like to have dinner tonight, with me? Everything is paid for."

"By you?"

"By me,"

"Guess... I don't have a choice then..." I was elated but tried very hard to keep composed.

"I'll come by and pick you up by 7. Mind giving me your address? It would be disrespectful to have you walk all the way there."

I fished out my name card and pointed to the address below but he took it without even giving it a single glance. Instead, he had eyes for me only and at that point, my heart was beating at a steady pace. Sweat was beginning to form along my forehead and I couldn't just push the tiger off. In the end, I accepted.

Frank nodded and gave a gentle kiss on to my neck, "I'll see you, tonight. Wear something handsome,"

Yes, yes I will. He truly was a tiger's man.