The Meeting of Dragons.

Story by PrairieFox on SoFurry

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#1 of When Two hearts Collide

The Meeting of Dragons: By PrairieFox

The battle had gone badly, and most of what was left of a rag tag army wandered aimlessly through the wilderness just trying to find their way home.. to rest and lick their wounds after such a horrific loss to the Imperial army. It was folly for the king of a second rate country to try and rise against the mighty force of the Emperor himself, but one could not fault him for being ambitious. However, it was this ambition that had rendered most of his forces either dead or taken as slaves to serve his Imperial Greatness. This left their homeland in a state of weakness that many other neighboring powers would be just as ambitious to seize in this time of mayhem, like rabid wolves sweeping down to devour an injured prey.

The disheveled form of a gold dragoness, a lone solitary figure... battered and weary, wandered alone in the vast expanse of this great wilderness that divided her homeland from the Emperor's. Stumbling along, her dust coated and blood stained wings drooping, she was not really thinking about the consequences of what this defeat might mean for her and her family. No, Kiafell was simply concentrating on trying to get back to her family and friends, envisioning herself gorging for an entire week on the succulent morsels of food her mother made, and sleeping for at least a good month in the comfort of her own bed before she would even attempt to mingle among the living again. She was just simply too weary and hungry to worry about the workings of such political matters right now... her body sore from the abuse of this past two months of just trying to stay alive, and her mind sluggish with exhaustion.

Something as ancient as time stirred darkly in the depths of the forest, the enormous bulk of a shadowy figure rising up from its slumber, as glowing crimson eyes cracked open to peer irritably upon the waking world. It grumbled as it stretched out the leathery membrane of its wings, the tips brushing against the cavern walls of its bedding chamber, before being refolded along its powerful flanks. A thick sinuous tail whips out, curling around and snapping out the tip to make a light *cracking* sound in the air as it stretches out, preparing itself for the inevitable journey outside. It was hungry and thirsty after having slept for several days, and so it slithers ponderously out of its lair in search of a decent meal.

Coming out into a clearing, the first sound that reached Kiafell's ears was the gentle babbling of a nearby stream... the scent of its cool, crisp cleanness catching her attention next. Oh, how she would love to take a moment to slack her thirst from the cool refreshing waters, and perhaps bath the stench and grime of battle from her fatigued body. It doesn't take her long to hone in on the sound, rounding an outcropping of boulders, and observing the rippling blue waters that sparkled like a bejeweled ribbon as it wound its way through a little secluded cove of trees. There was even a small waterfall just a short ways upstream that would be perfect to bath in, a light mist of moisture boiling up from the spilling waters coating every thing nearby with its glistening essence. Her lips curl up into a pleased smile of delight as she spies the lush green grasses swaying in a gentle breeze, and the various different wild flowers that paid homage to the sun while wafting their gentle scent across the glade. Birds chirped merrily in the trees, the droning chorus of assorted insects joining the symphony, adding to the calm peacefulness of this place that was as soothing as any healing balm to her mind and soul.

With slow lumbering steps of one a bit stiff after a bout of inactivity, the dark beast makes its way down the side of the mountain, and wanders along a well known path towards the stream that resided on part of his territory. First he would slack his thirst and wash the rancid taste of sleep from his mouth, then he would think about hunting down his prey to fill his belly with its warmth. As his muscles begin to loosen from the small journey, his movements become more fluid and smooth, the huge bulk of the creature moving along almost silently with a single minded purpose. A gentle wind stirs up around the beast caressing its craggy face with wispy fingers. Partially shutting his eyes, his serpentine neck stretches out as he lifts his long tapered muzzle into the breeze, the actual hint of a smile cracking at the corners of his mouth as his broad muscular chest expandes with his deep inhale of breath. Suddenly his eyes flash open, and a deep booming rumble of disquiet ripples out from him as he picks up on an unfamiliar scent... a draconic scent that was not suppose to be there. All thoughts of slacking his thirst and finding food fade into the background as more territorial and feral instincts come into play. This was HIS land... HIS domain... and he growls low when he thinks another has invaded the sanctuary of his home.

Staggering wearily over to the stream's edge, Kiafell drops to her knees with a light clank and clinking of her armor, and shoves her snout right into the water not even caring that her actions were uncharacteristically feral and unlady like. After all, who was there to see her breach of social etiquette except the native wild life? In long sucking droughts, she greedily swallows mouthful after mouthful of the deliciously sweet and cool spring water, hardly stopping to take a breath until her stomach was slightly distended from the copious amounts she had ingested. With muzzle dripping wet and her thirst thoroughly quenched, she finally lifts her head and rolls over onto her back with a soft groan, her eyes closing as she basks in the gentle caress of the golden sun hovering directly over head.

Like a black shadow passing quickly through the seclusion of the trees with surprising stealth, and down around the path that lead closer to the spring, the hulking form of this great dragon quickly makes his way from whence the scent of another guides his sensitive nose. His eyes are narrowed, his teeth bared in a feral mask of rage, and totally prepared to fight off any that dared to violate his rightful ownership over this part of the forest he had claimed as his own. His path leads him down and around a few jutting rocks and boulders, until he finally stands upon the lip of the cliff over looking the water fall, a proud and powerful form of darkness glistening like polished obsidian. Scanning the horizon below for any sign of the interloper, his attention is caught by a sudden glint of sunlight off of something metallic. With wings flared a bit in anger, his crimson eyes flicker and whirl as he focuses in on that sparkle of light, until the visage of the resting female fills his vision. He blinks, not once.. but twice, his eyes going wide not sure if what he was seeing was just an illusion... or if it were real. Long curly hair the soft golden color of corn silk fanned out to frame her body against the backdrop of the rich green grass. And though her outfit was tattered and torn, and her form covered in armor, the voluptuous curves of her clearly feminine body made it quite plain what her gender was. A fallen angel resting in the seclusion of this earthly domain. It had been a very long time since he had seen a female, and right here in his very home, one had stumbled into his midst. His anger evaporates like a fine mist under the morning sun, replace by a keen curiosity to learn more about this stranger who lies there in repose, resting beside the stream. Backing away from the edge of the cliff, he slinks down and hides himself behind a few rocks, and waits... watching and observing... bidding his time.

Time passed slowly in languid relaxation as Kiafell laid there, only the playful whistle of the wind through the trees and the joyous song of the birds her only companions as she allowed herself to drift in idle thoughtlessness. She didn't want to think, she didn't want to remember the terrified and pain filled cries of her comrades in arms as they fell before the bloody massacre of Imperial swords and spears, or the blank stare of her friends as they died in her arms. No, for a brief moment, she wanted to think of nothing... and to simply trap her emotions away for a short time... to feel nothing of the pain, guilt, and grief that welled within her heart. Thick golden lashes flutter like delicate butterfly wings upon her cheeks, then slowly her eyes reopen to stare up at the rich cobalt blue of the noon day sky. Fluffy white clouds chase each other in merry abandon across its surface as if not having a care in the world, and for a second, she ponders how something so lovely could exist in a world torn with suffering and strife. Giving a little shake of her head, she quickly sits up, pushing those thoughts from her mind and refusing to think on such things. She needed rest, and she needed food.. and she certainly needed a bath. This was her main concern right now. There would be time to think on the other, more depressing matters later. Unaware that she is no longer alone, and that attentive eyes watch her every move, she rises up with a soft groan and stretches out a little bit. Her wings flare out in a grand display before she folds them down along her back once more, and begins to make her way upstream to the waterfall.

Nyox's tail begins to flick, his body crouching down low against the ground as he spots the female beginning to stir below. Perking his earfins forward, he watches with intense interest when she stretches out, observing how the sun glittered softly off her golden scales despite the layer of dust and grim that coated them. In this standing position he was better able to gage just how big she was, and as she comes closer, a bit more of her features begins to stand out. To him, the female didn't look to be all that old for a dragon. Infact, many small details began to come together to paint a larger picture that would denote her to be a rather young female. For one, she was about half his size, and even through the hazy coating of dust that covered her form, her scales had a healthy glow of youth to them with very little blemishes. Also, the fact she had not yet picked up on the markings he had left behind to stake out his territory, would also proclaim her naive and ignorant enough to give away some of her age. Only hatchlings and younger dragons were not as well versed in the various draconic markings which were learned in due time. He shifts his weight from one foot to the other as he watches her walk closer to the waterfall, a very soft rumble of appreciation vibrating in his strong chest as he observed the way her hips swayed in a naturally sensual manner. Lifting up his muzzle a bit, Nyox presses it into the wind that was blowing his way, and he began to pick up on the subtle underlying tones of her draconic scent that marked her even more as a female... that tantalizing aroma of estrus. It appeared this golden female was in heat. With lips curling back, his huge maw opens slightly, and his long thin tongue flicks out, tasting the wind... and the sweet essence of pheromones it carried with it. Giving a silent laugh, his whole body shudders for a moment as he nearly smirks. Oh this was turning out to be a very interesting prospect indeed. It had been quite some time since he had the luxury of indulging in a good robust mating.

Finally reaching the waterfall, Kiafell sinks down tiredly upon a low rock just about big enough to make a good seat. Giving a soft toss of her head, she flicks back the tangled strands of her hair and leans back a bit. Propping herself up with her hands, they splay out on the rock just behind her rump. Arching her back slightly, she tilts her head back exposing the long slender curve of her supple neck, and revels in the touch of the sun once more. It felt good against her golden scales, warming them and chasing away some of the chill that had seeped into her spirit through the disheartening chaos of her journey back home. After lounging this way for a few minutes, she finally turns her attention to the delightful display of the rumbling waterfall that seems to invite her to partake of its refreshing essence. Sitting back up, she reaches back and slips her battered shield from off her back and lies it aside, then proceeds to unbuckle her sword belt. Laying the scabbard across her lap, she strokes the weathered leather with her fingertips. A great sorrow builds in her heart as she thinks about the many battles her father had fought with this very sword, and how she now sat here a complete failure on her first real battle. Still unbeknownst to her, she was wholly unaware of being watched, her keener instincts that might have alerted her to another's presence, having gone by the way side with her grief and exhaustion. A single tear slips down her cheek, lingering on her scaled cheek for a brief moment like a ghostly gem, then slips free to splatter onto the leather scabbard. Closing her eyes, this to she sets aside with her shield, before she turns her attentions to removing her arm and leg greaves, and taking off the scale armor that had severely chaffed at her own scales making them a bit raw in places. Giving a small sigh of relief as it clatters to the ground, her sandals and other various minor items are quickly done away with as well. With only the very thin film of her linen shift remaining to keep her covered, she finally stands up from the rock and walks down the bank towards the water.

Nyox continues to study Kiafell from his elevated position above the falls, scooting cautiously a bit closer to the edge on his belly to get a better look at her as she sits down on the rock below. Slowly, his tongue flicks out to lick over his lips as she tilts her head back, and he can envision that supple oral muscle slithering across the smooth scales of her neck before his maw would descend in a dominate hold to claim her for his own. This was his territory, his home, and since she had decided to trespass upon what was rightfully his, then he considered her to be fair game and easy enough to stake his claim to also. He cocks his head to the side slightly when he catches the small glimmer of her tear, but soon that is forgotten when she begins to undress. Bit by bit, as the armor and other items are removed, he can feel the slow building of tension in his loins as he begins to thicken and grow hard inside his draconic slit. His tail begins to lash around behind him in excitement, and his paws curl under to dig long furrows into the stony surface upon which he lay. He could barely contain himself as she walked towards the water, his growing need nearly screaming for him to take her here and now, to take what he wanted from this lovely female intruder and sate is growing lusts. However, he bids his time a bit longer, wanting to watch her for a little while more before making his move. Oh yes, he wanted her, and the scent of her was stronger now that she was closer and without the masking essence of her clothing. Yet he was an old dragon, and it did not come without it's fair measure of patience and self control.

Kiafell looks down into the water as she stops near the edge of the bank, admiring its simplistic beauty before she finally takes a step in. She shivers slightly at the brisk coolness of spring fed waters, but she knew it would feel absolutely divine as it washed away the grime and blood from her body. Slowly she wades in till the stream laps lazily at the flat toned contours of her stomach, then turns and makes her way up under the waterfall. She gasps softly as the cold water washes over her sun warmed scales, her nipples growing hard almost instantly under its chilled caress. In no time, her thin shift is completely soaked and starts to cling to the luscious curves of her body like a near transparent second skin. Even the teasing rosy tint of her thick large nipples could almost be seen clearly through the wet material, along with the vague outline of the darker "V" between her legs. Closing her eyes, she groans softly as she lifts her hands to cup over the delicious swells of her D sized breasts, her fingers splaying out over the curvaceous mounds of flesh as the caress of the water began to do a bit more then just cool off her scales. She knew she had been coming into heat a couple of days ago, but she had been to weary to pay it much heed before. But now, a bit rested and relaxed, her body's natural urges were coming to the fore and playing havoc with her senses as a smoldering fire begins to spring to life inside of her own loins. Well, it would not have been the first time she had sated her needs by her own hand since she had never known a male, and this time would be no different.... Or so she thought. Cupping her breasts with her hands, she lifts them up a little and begins to knead and stroke them, every splash and every drip of water on her sensitive nubs making her shiver and gasp in pleasure.

Nyox can't help but slither just a bit closer to the edge of the cliff as he watches Kiafell wade into the water, his wings quivering as he watched the way the water lapped at the succulent curves of her body. He had to admit, he had seen his fair share of females in his time, but this lovely creature had to be one of the most alluring he had seen in some time. Or maybe it was just his long absence without one around that made him thinks so. Especially with the way the water washed away the dirt to expose the true luster of her beautiful scales, and the way they glistened wetly making him think of other ways to make her wet. He nearly topples off the edge when she walks under the waterfall, and the caressing waters that soak her shift damn near expose every thing to his roving eyes. He growls low in his throat, a needful sound as he picks out the subtle nuances of her young body when the shift clings to every delicious curve and swell of her form. Damn if she wasn't like a piece of heaven come to earth to tease him into a total consuming lust. His hardening length grows as he watches her caress herself, his earfins perking when he catches the very faint hint of her groan over the sound of the cascading water. Glistening wetly, the bright red of his tapered shaft begins to emerge from his slit, the veined surface pulsing with the throbbing essence of his desires. His heart starts to pound fiercely with the wild beating of feral longing, his breathing becoming quick and shallow with the thrill and expectation of being able to ravish this divine creature. The whole length of his tail quivers with his efforts to contain the powerful urge to pounce her here and now, causing the tip to lash back and forth as he restrains himself for just a bit longer... waiting to see what more she might do.

Kiafell is totally unaware of the spectacular display she is making for the lustful eyes that watch her still, nor the potent yearning she is creating in the huge beast of a dragon that lurks but just a scant fifty feet from her. Tilting her head back, she lets the water flow over her flushed face as one hand skims up along the supple curve of her throat to find its way over her chin to her lips. Her lips part as she presses her fingertips to their full, soft curves... the tip of her tongue flicking out to slowly lick the droplets of water off her fingers. This is before it slides down over the other side of her chest to once again caress over her full breast. Her other hand splays out across the flat expanse of her stomach and begins to rub in slow sensual circles that progressively move down over her lower abdomen. She whimpers softly as her need to sate this growing feeling blooms into a desperate yearning. She was hot.. so very hot despite the cold water that continued to caress her body with its icy fingers. She needed more, and this little bit of teasing was only serving to make it worse as the tension mounts till her body feel like a tightly strung bow. Finally her hand slips below the water to catch the hem of her shift, only to peel it up off her golden scaled flesh to fully reveal one of her large, luscious breasts. Cupping the globe in her hand, she softly kneads and rubs as she pushes her muzzle forward towards that thick stiff nipple. Her long pink tongue slithers out from between her lips only to curl around the hard nub, her body shivering in ecstasy as she pulls it into her own mouth to suckle lightly. The fingers on her other hand are not idle, by any means, as they slip down between the apex of her thighs and delve into the dark-bronze furred center of her ripe mound. She cries out softly as the tips brush across her throbbing clit, her hips jerking as she begins to hump slightly against those slender digits. Its not long before she has two pressed deep into the tight clenching folds of her pussy, pumping slowly in and out, her head is thrown back with an expression of rapture. She was a female in the throes of heat lust, a wanton vessel of desire that desperately needed some form of release.

Nyox's gaze is riveted upon this golden beauty with an intense awareness as he continues to peer down at Kiafell from his secluded position. He growls softly as he watches the female caress herself in such an erotic fashion, his thick cock slipping out completely from its slit to dribble pre onto the ground. It twitches heavily upon observing her suckle her own breast, and when she starts to work her fingers in and out of her hot little snatch, his hips being to hump a bit at the ground as he envisions his thick slab of dragon meat plowing that field instead. Its almost too much for the brawny male, and when he hears her cry out with pleasure and sees the look on her face, there is no holding back the tide of longing that consumes him like a raging inferno. With a quick lunge, Nyox is on his feet and launching himself over the cliff, his wings unfurling like billowing black sails to guide him unerringly towards the mouth-watering morsel begging to be devoured. He lands before Kiafell with a loud splash and a dominant roar of possession, his crimson gaze pinning her within his sights. So caught up in her own actions to ease this powerful craving that were driving her to utter distraction, she didn't not see the huge black figure launch itself from the cliff, only to bear down upon her like a ravenous vulture. Her eyes flash open upon hearing the splash, her look of confusion turning into a wide eyed expression of utter terror when she hears that roar and is greeted with the visage of that enormous black, her hands stilling in there motions as she freezes in place.

Kiafell's moment of paralysis dissipates after only a moment of utter shock, not only being caught in such compromising actions, but also by being confronted by such a imposing looking male. Then she is scrambling frantically to try and get back to the bank... and her weapons. The water hinders her efforts as she splashes about, sucking at her legs as her feet slip on the shifting rock below. Loosing her balance, she ends up careening headlong into its liquid embrace. She comes up sputtering, clawing feverishly at any thing she can find to gain purchase while working her way towards land. Nyox watches her desperate struggle to flee his presence, and he nearly grins with sadistic glee at her terror. He could well imagine the poor child's distress at being confronted with a creature renown for their evil ways, let alone one that simply dwarfed her in comparison. She finally scrambles out onto the bank on her hands and knees, and he is gifted with a rather succulent view of her bare ass bobbing in the air, and a hint of pinkness between her thighs as the wet material of her shift remains hiked up over her hips. Its all the incentive he needs to send him charging towards the flailing female with a trumpeting cry of the hunter after his prey. Her heart pounds heavily within her chest as she tries to get to her feet, hastening to get to her sword in the hopes of fending off this male, and nearly sobbing in despair when she hears his bellowing roar proclaiming his pursuit. Yet fate did not seem to be with her this day as Nyox leaps upon her, knocking her flat to the ground on her stomach. Letting out a small scream, she twists and rolls over to try and use the only weapons she had left available to her defense... her own claws and teeth. Kiafell snarls and snaps out at Nyox, her teeth bared as she writhes and squirms trying to break free of his paw that descends to hold her shoulder down, her talons lashing out in desperation where ever she could possibly strike a blow.

Nyox snarls when the feisty female finds her mark with a few well aimed swipes of her claws over his chest and forelegs, along with a light scrape of her teeth across his muzzle which draws a few spots of blood. He turns his face away for only a moment to avoid her attack, then turns back as to nearly presses his nose to hers while letting loose a deep rumbling growl of warning, his sulfurous breath puffing out hotly across her face making her damp hair flutter a bit. His paw on her shoulder shifts to grab her throat, his talons pricking the delicate scales of her neck as he hisses, "Desist! or I'll rip that lovely throat of yours to shreds!" Kiafell gasps softly as the male's muzzle comes back around to growl his warning, his hot breath washing over her delicate face making her gulp slightly. With eyes wide, her whole body goes rigid when she feels the bite of his talons. Out of panicked alarm, she stops her struggles and looks up into Nyox's eyes, the striking violet of her own eyes filled with both dread at what this male might do, yet touched with a look of defiance despite her fear. He chuckles softly as his gaze bores into her own. He had to hand it to her, she had spirit, that was for sure. In a near silken croon, the male mrrrs in a deceptively gentle voice, "MMmm.. that's better my dear. You be a good little girl, and you just might come out of this alive."

What more could Kiafell do at the moment but comply to Nyox's wishes? She was not a fool to think she could fight a dragon that was bigger and stronger then her, and probably had a lot more experience in combat and magic then she did, without the aid of weapons. Her wings tremble as she lies still upon the ground, and in a bit of modesty, tries to cover herself with her hands and tail. Nyox chuckles darkly upon seeing such an innocent and naive action. Oh, how he was going to enjoy this little female that he now had under his control. One that he could... and would... do what ever he wished with her. Keeping a firm grip upon her throat, he settles down on his haunches before lifting his other paw to tease a talon across her cheek. Closing her eyes, she jerks her head to the side away from the touch as she hisses softly. He smirks a bit at her reaction, then slowly trails that talon down the delicate curve of her neck until her reached the collar of her shift that hugged the luscious curves of her body. Licking his lips slightly, he admires her golden form through the near transparent material, but he wanted more. He wanted her completely naked so that his paws could stroke over her bare scales, and he was too impatient to try and woo her out of it. Gripping the top of her shift firmly within his taloned paw, he suddenly jerks down with enough force to tear the delicate fabric right down the center to fully expose her full firm breasts to his hungry gaze.

The sound of rending cloth filling the air, along with the shock of feeling the cool wind against her damp, bare-scaled flesh, has Kiafell gasping softly before she begins her struggles anew. In a soft, mortified tone, she cries out her protest at his actions, "Noooo! .... D-Don't!" She becomes a flurry of action as she once more tries to claw and bite at Nyox despite his threatening hold on her throat, even her tail lashing out as the tail-spade opens up to like a pair of sharp scissors to snip at his side. So the young one was not as submissive as she appeared. Nyox takes most of the blows with little reaction as they scrape over his hard draconic scales, but she does manage to land a good solid blow along the softer flesh of his belly with one of her clawed feet as he leans over her. Her struggles serve to only excite the male even more as he viewes the scrumptious image of her bared breasts bouncing and jiggling around with her actions. Not to mention, her estrus scent was like a potent perfume at this close range to render his blood boiling with lustful fires, and making his hard throbbing meat twitch as several drops of pre splatter against her legs. This is probably the only thing that saved him from killing her when he feels the sharp sting of pain on his belly along with the warm trickle of his own blood.

With a savage snarl, Nyox releases Kiafell's throat, only to grab her wildly clawing paws in his powerful grip, pinning her arms above her head in one smooth motion. Dropping down, he pins her petite frame beneath the bulk of his hard masculine body, his strong legs wrapping around hers and preventing her from any further attacks upon his person by those wickedly sharp talons. She whimpers softly as she is rendered incapacitated, tears of frustration and trepidation welling up to make her lovely eyes sparkly like liquid gems. Yet, for all this, there was something else rising up within the core of her being that was starting to make itself known. The feel of his powerfully muscled body against her softer feminine curves, his naked scales rubbing against her own as he settled against her, and the growing male musk of his arousal were playing havoc with her senses and emotions. She shuts her eyes and shakes her head, trying to deny the way all this made her stomach clench and her pussy throb with an unspoken demand. How could she possibly feel any sort of desire towards this creature that revolted her? Holding both Kiafell's hands within one of his larger paws, Nyox slowly caresses his talons down over the supple curve of her arm, appreciating the silken texture of her scales compared to the rougher surface of his own. She squirms a bit as his touch sends small tingles along her flesh. Roaming down along her side, he rubs his palm over the side of her ribcage before shifting inwards so that his fingers brush over the side of her breast, cupping the delicate flesh within his strong grip to knead at it lightly.

Kiafell's breath catches in her throat feeling the way Nyox's paw roams over her shivering scales, her body jerking slightly with the erotic feeling of him touching and kneading her breast. She turns her head to the side as she shuts her eyes, pressing her snout against her bicep as both pleasure and shame flood her mind making her sob softly. This was a black dragon, she was a gold. They were mortal enemies for which his kind were known for killing her own on sight, and the two simply did not indulge in acts of pleasure between each other. Besides, there was Zodiac, that mature gold back home whom had been courting her and wanted to take her as his own mate. Yet she could not deny the warmth that was beginning to bloom between her legs as Nyox touched her in such a familiar fashion, spreading out to make the rest of her body feel flushed as her nostrils were filled with his potent male scent, the air filling with the stronger scent of her own heat. Nyox growls softly as he picks up on her scent, the craving urge to breed this delicate flower becoming almost unbearable. He lifts himself up on his knees a bit so that he can use his legs to try and spread her own, his muzzle dipping down so that he can lick and nibble over the side of her neck as he mrrrs deeply, "Open your legs for me, little one, and I will fulfill the deep yearnings within your own body."

Kiafell shivers delicately as Nyox's muzzle touches her neck, a light whimper escaping her slightly parted lips when he begins to nibble and lick. It was like sensual electrical sparks dancing across her skin with every little act, but she quickly comes back to reality when she feels him shifting, and hearing his request. This was not right, and she could not allow this. Keeping her eyes closed, she silently shakes her head in denial of his request, her legs crossing and squeezing tightly together in refusal to comply. Nyox's head rears back feeling her rejection, and he lets out a low angered hiss as his eyes narrow. How dare this little strumpet disobey him! "You little bitch!" he snarls down at her before his tail whips around and curls around her throat. Like the constricting rungs of a python's crushing coils, his tail begins to tighten until she can barely breath, feeling her delicate neck give beneath his strength as he growls, "Open your fucking legs, or I'll strangle the very life from your worthless carcass!" Kiafell eyes flash open when that tail wraps its deadly essence around her throat, gasping and chocking as her air passage is slowly squeezed shut. Instinctively, she begins to struggle, writhing and squirming to get free. Her meager efforts are like a child's vain struggles against Nyox's strong hold, and finally out of fear of her very life, she concedes giving a nod to him. Slowly, her legs uncross and begins to spread open to reveal alluring view of her moist petals peeking out from the silken hairs of her dark-bronze snatch.

Nyox's crimson eyes nearly glow with his sadistic joy while watching Kiafell struggle against his hold... every jerk, twist, and wiggle finding his tail growing tighter and tighter until she gives in. He chuckles darkly when she finally opens her legs, his muzzle dipping slightly towards her belly as he takes a deep inhale of breath, inhaling the sweet ambience of her heat scent. He shudders softly as the smell tickles his nose, and sends his brain into a fevered state of feral longing. Even though he retains his hold about Kiafell's neck, his tail slowly releases it's strangle hold allowing her to breath, and while she lies there gasping and struggling for much needed air, he takes advantage of her quandary. Quickly letting go of her hands, he grabs her hips in his paws before she can even think to react. Forcefully, he pulls her forward until her legs are wrapped around his hips keeping her from trying to close them again, his hot throbbing member pressed flatly against the heated folds of her mound. Kiafell gives a startled cry as she is drug forward by Nyox's powerful tug, a soft whimper escaping her as she feels his maleness pressed against her most intimate treasure while she looks up at him with tear-filled, imploring eyes that beg him not to do this to her. However, for all she protests and pleads, her body had other ideas, and betrays her with the way her pussy quivers feeling him pressed against her, and her breathing quickens with the anticipation of the inevitable.

Nyox looks down into those imploring eyes, and his own gaze softens a bit. Lifting one paw off her hip, he reaches out and brushes away some of her tears with the back of his knuckles while his muzzle dips to kiss her nose in an unusual display of tenderness. "Shhhh.... be still my child, and I promise not to harm you. I'll make you feel more joy and pleasure then you could ever imagine," he croons gently, before his hand trails in a light sensual caress down her neck and over a smooth supple shoulder. She was beautiful, this little golden angle that he held in his grip, and he intended on making her his very own while showing her over and over again the exquisite joys of his love making. Kiafell blinks in bewilderment at Nyox's actions, totally confused on why he was suddenly being so gentle with her. Even more shocking is when he actually kisses her nose with such tenderness. She didn't know what to think or feel, her emotions a jumbled chaos of fear, pleasure, yearning, wariness, confusion, and desire. Swallowing slightly as his hand caresses over her, she opens her mouth to try to speak, her voice very meek and quiet as she stammers, "I.. I umm.. we can't... I mean.. I... uhhh..." Grinning down at her, Nyox lets her prattle on for a moment before he places a single finger against her lips to still her words, and gives a small shake of his head as he mrrrs, "Yes we can... and we will my darling. Now just lay back and enjoy what you fight so hard against, but your body knows it needs." His tail around her neck shifts, and his tail spade moves in to caress lightly over her cheek as he shifts his large paw down to cup her left breast. She stiffens a little at the touch, before Nyox lowers his muzzle and envelopes a large nipple in the moist warmth of his mouth. He lets his long serpentine tongue curl and lick around the stiff nub as he suckles as his hand kneads and caresses the firm full globe.

Kiafell reaches up with both hands, a half-hearted attempt to try and stop his touch as she tries to push away his hand, but it still remains as he continues to do even more. She gasps loudly when his mouth descends upon her sensitive nub, her fingers twitching against his arm as she begins to squirm. The feeling was just simply intense as it sent shock waves of pure sexual electricity right down into the very core of her being, making her whimper and whine as heat spread through her loins. Nyox smirks lightly at the way she responds, knowing she was going to be ultra-sensitive in her time of estrus, and he intended on using that to his advantage. His other hand slips off her other hip, and he lightly drags his talons down over the flat surface of her soft stomach making her squirm even more. He starts to lightly bite at her nipple while squeezing her breast, forcing the thick juicy nub further into his hungrily sucking lips, while his hand on her stomach moves down. With her legs spread over his hips in such a fashion, her ripe little mound was fully exposed to his roaming touch as he slips his thumb down between her pussy lips. Pressing the thumb pad right up against her little love pearl, he begins to rub in slow firm circles, stimulating the sensitive nub. Kiafell was quickly drawn beyond caring what might be right or wrong as Nyox began his sweet torment upon her receptive body. Her head begins to swim and spin when he bites her nipple, her eyes closing as she moans softly, her body quivering. Yet this was nothing to the shock that goes through her when he begins to stroke over her clit. Her hands slip off his arm only to slap down flat against the ground, her hips jerk up in a reflexive action. Her head lolls back, her neck arching, as she cries out softly, "Oh god!"

Nyox mrrrs deeply in his chest as he watches this pretty little dragoness respond so eagerly to his touches, a wide grin spreading across his muzzle while he continues to suckle, lick and nip at her nipple. Soon, his head is lifting up to turn his attentions to her other nipple, a string of saliva trailing off her glistening nub and across the deep valley of her cleavage when he shifts. He can barely contain himself, but he wants her hot and needing him as badly as he needed her, so continues to assault her luscious body with the diverse assortment of sensations. Twisting his hand around, his long supple fingers gently push through the folds of her sweet little pussy to rub around her tiny opening, even as his thumb continues it work upon her clit. Kiafell's back arches up as the gambit of sensations molest he senses, and she can no longer stay still under this delightful torture. The fingers of one hand curl under to dig furrows in the sand upon which she lies, while the other reaches up to cup the back of Nyox's head as he works his magic on her throbbing nipples. His attentions on her clit and around her opening have her hips squirming and jerking, her soft cries of pleasure filling the afternoon air. Nyox groans softly as her little receptive actions cause her furred mound to rub up against his rock hard prick, the thick spire of meat twitching and jerking in response, and dribbling out more of his steamy pre to glimmer wetly on her furred mound. This little dragoness was simply hot, a seething volcano of lust and passions just waiting for him to draw it from her into a delicious eruption.

Working his middle finger into the sweltering heat of her canal, Nyox growls in delight in feeling how tight she was, knowing it would be nearly mind blowing to feel it wrapped around his cock. The fates sure had certainly smiled favorably upon him this day by sending Kiafell into his very clutches. He works his finger in more with a light pumping motion, stimulating her sensitive inner walls till she is nearly writhing in bliss. Kiafell's breathing sky rockets into a light panting, her hips jerking and wiggling about as she mewls and moans, lost in the tide of erotic sensations that has her heart pounding heavily in her chest. The more Nyox did, the more she craved it... wanted and needed it... till she had given in totally to these new and delicious feelings. It was totally different from when she had masturbated and gotten herself off. No, this was so much more intense and nearly over whelming, her hand on his head gripping tightly as his lips on her nipple only increased the over all potency of pleasure. Nyox finally lifts his head from her breast, and looks down into the rapturous expression of Kiafell's face, and his lips turn up into a cocky grin. He knew she was his now, that she was utterly and totally ready to accept the joining without any further fight. He gives a few more heavy thrusts of his finger, delighting in how she cries out and whimpers, reveling in the way her hips would buck and jerk, fucking his finger in abandon. But then he stops, blinking slightly before he arches a ridged brow when his finger comes in contact with a small barrier within her wet little pussy. Then his eyes narrow, and a deep appreciative rumble vibrates his chest when he realizes she is still untouched... a chaste little flower that had yet to be sampled. He would be her first, and it had been such a long long time since he'd had a virgin.

Nyox splays his free hand out over Kiafell's stomach, rubbing and caressing as he begins to work his finger inside her again. Leaning in close, he presses his muzzle up against hers as he rumbles, "Tell me you want me girl. Do you want to feel me deep inside you, and know what its like to experience total rapture? What its like to be a complete and total woman?" Kiafell shivers and moans deeply as Nyox works his finger into her pussy, her body growing hot as all her muscles began to quiver with the intense sensations starting to build. She blinks upon hearing Nyox when he asked those questions, and when she finally opens her eyes to look at him, they burn with internal flames of passion and desire. She really didn't want to admit it, but she did want him.. she wanted him in the worst possible way, and didn't care any more that he was a black, and that there was another waiting back home for her. All that mattered was here and now. Swallowing slightly, she nods slowly to him before whispering two, longing filled words, "Yes.. Pl-Please."

With a gentle smile, Nyox strokes his hand over Kiafell's head, and gives a single nod to her words of affirmation. Pulling his finger out of her pussy, he slowly licks her slick essence off of the digit, a pleased expression on his craggy face as he delights in the taste of her which was sweet, like honey. Shifting his weight a bit, Nyox moves his hips till the tip of his cock slips down, dragging through the moist valley of her nether lips, until it was positioned at her opening. Slipping his hands under Kiafell's arms, he pulls her up against his broad chest and holds her close, while letting gravity do the rest. Kiafell whimpers softly when Nyox pulls his finger out of her throbbing canal, then lightly bites her bottom lip as he positions himself. She looks up through the thick curtain of her lashes at this big virile male, feeling a bit shy when he reaches down to pick her up. Resting her hands against his broad muscular chest, she trembles softly as she feels him pressing against her, just the bare tip of his tapered head pressing in between her puffy lips. Slowly, Nyox lowers Kiafell down upon his impaling spire, his eyes closing as he gives a soft hiss at the extremely erotic feel of her tightness slipping in over his cock. He holds her tightly against him while he gives a few gyrating wiggles of his hips while pressing up more and more of his thickness inside her.

Kiafell's lips part softly as she feels Nyox pressing up inside of her, gasping softly as her passage is forced to stretched open over his large girth. She whimpers, pressing her face up against his chest as her legs tighten around his hips, her wings trembling. Inch by inch, Nyox manages to work his way deeper and deeper into her hot little well, before he finally stops when he feels the tip of his cock pressing against her hymen. He groans softly as he resists the urge to just slam up hard and hilt himself, but he knew this would be painful enough without taking her brutally. Gritting his teeth slightly, he curls his neck over her shoulder and presses his muzzle to the middle of her back, caressing lightly over her hips as he holds her, then makes one quick, short thrust. Just enough to force his way past that small barrier and hilt himself inside of her without being too rough. Kiafell's fingers curl in over Nyox's chest as he fills her more and more, her talons digging lightly into his scales as her body begins to respond to his presence. Her vaginal wall automatically clamp down upon the invading spear, gripping him even tighter as he works his way in, her whimpering mewls getting even louder. Then suddenly, he thrusts up to fully bury is cock in the near scalding heat of her canal, and her head rears back with the burning pain that rips through her middle as her maidenhead is shorn away before its force. Her eyes go wide as she gives a startled cry of pain, and tears begin to well up as her body convulses slightly. She whimpers loudly and ends in a light sob, her whole body shaking as it struggles to adjust to this new sensation.

Nyox croons softly to his little gold, his hands gently caressing her back as she is subject to this initiation into full womanhood. He remains still, letting her get use to the sensation of how he feels inside of her tight throbbing cunt. He gives a light growl of pleasure upon feeling the warm trickle of her virginal blood wash over his embedded cock, before he starts to kiss and nibble at her neck. "Shhhh... shhhh.. its ok little one. It only hurts a bit for the first time, but after that, you will know only pleasure," he mrrrs softly to her, then starts to move again. With slow deliberation, he pulls his cock back out till just the tips remains, then gives a light thrust of his hips to once more bury himself deep inside. The pain fades as Kiafell sobs softly in Nyox's embrace, leaving behind the odd full feeling of her slick well being spread wide open over his thick meat. She gasps when he moves again to pull out, then lets out a quivering exhale of breath when he thrusts back in. She clings to him as she mewls softly, her tail lashing around behind her. Shifting his paws down over the round toned curves of her ass, Nyox grips Kiafell's rump, and begins to pull her up off his pumping meat, only to let her slip back down while wiggling his hips to grind his cock up against her inner walls.

Kiafell shuts her eyes as the drawing sensation of him pulling out sends ripples of sensual heat cascading through her loins. Then he is pushing back in, filling her completely until she feels she could possibly take no more, every thrust and pull working over her inner pleasure spots making her cry out, "Oh!.. mMmmmm.. oh god!" Nyox just grinned when he hears her, and presses his muzzle to her ear as he growls out, "Oh yes my little golden angel.. it feels good doesn't it? Feel how my cock fills you up, stroking your inner fires with sensual delights." He starts to move in quicker, more rhythmic motions while squeezing and kneading her ass cheeks. His eyes half close as the strong muscles of his flanks work while he continually invades and conquers her hot moist depths, pistoning in and out as he growls, "Oh fuck yes! You are so damn tight my dear. MMmmm... so damn good!" Kiafell's back arches as she is flooded with sheer bliss, her hips starting to wiggle and buck as Nyox takes her over and over and her body responds ardently. Her lips part in a deep moan of ecstasy, her passage becoming wetter and wetter till her sweet nectar is dripping down over the male's cock and coating his balls in her essence.

Nyox gives a savage snarl when he feels her start to respond so readily, and his motions get a bit quicker and rougher as he beings to pound heavily into her blazing little snatch. The lewd sounds of flesh slapping against flesh fill the afternoon air, along with naughty sounding squelches and squishes as their juices begin to mingle when his cock twitches and jerks slightly to spurt out a few ropes of pre to coat her inner walls. Higher and higher, Kiafell rises upon the fiery wings of passion, the supple form of her body writhing and bouncing up and down upon Nyox's cock, and her cries of rapture grow louder and louder. She was like a wild thing as she claws at his chest and sides, her legs wrapping around his hips as she feathers feverish kisses across his chest scales. Leaning back a bit more so that Kiafell is positioned straight over his shaft, Nyox watches her intently as he grabs a hold of her luscious hips. Gripping them tight, he slams himself up into her time and time again, making his nut sack slap heavily against her ass and her tits bounce and jiggle with each thrust. He is relentless now, giving her no reprieve to come down from the sexual euphoria that are building rapidly to an explosive end, a smirk upon his lips as he observes the look of extreme elation upon her face. In a gruff voice filled with his own ardor, he growls out, "That's it, little one, ride me. Work that nice little honey pot over my cock. I want you to cum so hard you scream, my little fiery nymph."

Kiafell's inner walls quiver and throb as Nyox pounds away, her body jerking and bucking in wild abandon as each thrust he makes slams his cock hard against the wall of her cervix. She pants heavily, her breathing coming out almost in soft little sobs as she clings to him, her eyes tightly clamped shut as her head spins and whirls. Higher still, her spirit soars until she feels as if she has touched the sky, only to have the sun set with in her very womb to spread its molten rays through her veins. Her pussy grips at Nyox's cock, suckling it greedily as he moves in and out. Her tensions rise to an intense peak, and her inner walls begins to clamp down heavily making it almost exquisitely painful for the male to move, forcing him to grind up harder to work through there milking embrace. Nyox throws back his head with a loud lusty growl as his grip on her hips gets so tight, they dimple in her scaled flesh as the sensation of her tight gripping pussy sends him into a frenzied humping. She felt so extremely wonderful, and he was beginning to shake from the force of his own tensions mounting. Unable to hold back any longer under the intense feel of her pussy working over his cock in such a manner, he begins jack hammering up into her with a blurring speed, his tip battering against her cervix with a bruising force until it finally gives way, and he feels himself enter her womb.

With one final thrust to bury his cock deeply inside of Kiafell, Nyox presses his hips up hard while grinding against her as his paws hold her tightly in place. His jaws open, and the booming roar of ecstasy that escapes from his chest sends a multitude of birds flocking into the air with shrill cries of fear. His balls clench heavily, and soon the thick strands of his hot dragon seed are spurting out with a volatile force to fill her womb. Several times, his cock twitches and bucks until her flat stomach is slightly distended from the hefty amounts of spunk he spills into her. Kiafell's breathing comes in fast panting gasps as her own body is suddenly thrown into convulsions of orgasmic bliss when Nyox hilts himself into the soft warm flesh of her body, the feel of him cumming inside her like a potent blast that has her spiraling over the edge. Her talons rake down his sides as he holds her down upon his spewing rod... her hips bucking and jerking, gyrating and wiggling in the throes of own release. The warm gush of thick creamy juices wash over his shaft to soak his balls and drip messily upon the ground, her own vocalization of rapture joining his roar as she screams, "OOooooohhh god! I.. Oh!.. Unnnngg.. Yes! Yes!.. MMmm... Oh god, YEEESSSsssss!" Her body gives a few sporadic shudders following her release, her tight passage spasming around his shaft as he keeps her impaled upon his unyielding flesh.

Nyox holds Kiafell against him, his body shuddering with the last ropes of his seed spilling into this delightful little gold. Finally spent, he falls gracefully onto his back while taking her with him so that his cock remains inside her as she lies on top of him. Kiafell gives a soft little erp when the male falls back and she finds herself laying on his belly. Her body shivers and jerks slightly as the motions shifts his cock inside of her, sending into a volley of smaller orgasms. Nyox gives a soft grunt as he feels her spasming over his cock once more, then grins as he strokes her back. "Well, little one, that was very very delicious. I don't think I've cum that hard in near a century." Placing a talon under her chin, her lifts her muzzle up to meet her gaze, and leaning his muzzle forward, he places a gentle kiss upon her lips before adding, "You my luscious little morsel, are one gorgeous gold. What is your name my dear?"

Kiafell pants softly, trying to catch her breath after her multiple orgasms, her hands splayed out over Nyox's chest as her soft breasts press into his stomach while she rests. She lifts her muzzle at his urging, her silky lashes fluttering up as she shyly meets his gaze, and even blushes softly at his comment and compliment, her blush deepening to lend her golden scales a pretty rosy color when he kisses her. Yet she does not pull away, her lips moving gently against his in a return kiss before he breaks the kiss. "M-My name is... Kiafell," she finally answers, and he grins finding her blushing rather cute. Lightly, he trails his fingertips over one of those flushed cheeks as he repeats her name, letting it roll off his tongue like a fine wine. "Kiafell... MMmmmm... a pretty name for a pretty female. I'm called Nyox." Giving her another gentle kiss, he lingers a bit longer as he lets his lips caress hers, then mrrrs softly, "Why don't we go get cleaned up, my dear, and you can have that bath you were trying to get before I so rudely interrupted." Kiafell mrrrs softly as she is kissed again, and she seems eager enough to return it as her outlook on this big black has changed considerably since she first saw him. She can't help but giggle a bit at his comment as she nods a some. "Ummm... yes. I think I would like that... Nyox."

Nyox lets out a low rumble, and with a mischievous grin, he takes a hold her hips to hold her in place once more, then humps his cock in and out of her a few more times before pulling out completely. She gives a loud gasp, her eyes going wide, as she is subjected to the raw eroticism of him moving inside her once more. She whimpers softly and shudders heavily on top of him as she is hit with a few lingering after shocks, her pussy spasming and clenching down on Nyox's shaft before he pulls out letting his seed seep from her to coat his legs and groin in it sticky substance. Giving Kiafell a playful grin, he strokes her golden hair as he rumbles out, "And there is more pleasure to come, my pet. If you will honor me by remaining here as my mate, I'll continue to show you many different forms of such delights." She looks up into his eyes looking very taken aback and surprised by this request, knowing he could force her to remain. Yet here he was, asking her to remain of her own free will, and she was simply stunned. She opens her mouth to try and speak, though she is not sure what to say, when Nyox places a talon over her lips to silence her words. "Do not answer now, my golden one. Simply think it over. I'm an old dragon with a great horde of treasure to keep me company, but I'm still lonely, and your presence here has made me a very happy male. For now, lets go take that bath and perhaps go hunt a while. I'm famished, and you can make your decision later." Gently plucking Kiafell from off his stomach, he places her back on the ground before rolling over and lumbering off towards the waterfall.

Kiafell stands there, staring after him as she tries to let this all sink in. Would it really be so bad to be his mate? Sure, he was a black and she a gold, but he had not really harmed her, and he certainly had made her feel things she never known were possible before. Slipping her right hand down over her stomach, she splays out her fingers and presses lightly, her eyes half closing as she gives a soft mrrrrr in remembrance. Oh yes, he had certainly made her feel absolutely divine. Nyox looks over his shoulder at Kiafell with a light grin, his crimson eyes resting on her with a gentle expression as he growls, "You coming my pretty?" She blinks a little, seeing that look in his eyes, and her lips curve up in a tender smile. No, being his mate would not be that bad at all, but there was still time to think on that later. Giving a light flick of her tail, she nods to him before making her way down into the water to enjoy a relaxing bath with her new lover.