Musk Stream Story 3: Slave to Scent

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Slave to Scent For Jayce by Draconicon

Shae didn't know what she was thinking. With heat right around the corner, the blue dragoness should have been staying home, dealing with her body with the usual toys and medications. She should have been entertaining herself with a few movies, and maybe a few 'shows' online.

She most certainly shouldn't have been out at a bar getting a few drinks.

Putting down her bottle, the dragoness looked at it a little closer. It was wavering a little before her eyes, blurring around the neck and definitely looking more out of focus than she would have liked. Worse, the burning she felt down below - nothing like what it would be in a few days, but definitely 'warmer' than usual - made it look enticing in a whole new way.

Better stop, she thought, pushing it out of reach.

Shaking her head, Shae turned in her stool, looking at the rest of the bar-goers. Most of them were watching a game on the television - not quite her scene - and the rest seemed more interested in getting some girl around them than in socializing.

She guessed that's what she was out here for. There wasn't much fun to be had in talking on the computer all the time, and she'd been craving someone's attention. The dragoness told herself that it wasn't that she needed it, or that she wanted intimacy.

Probably it was her body lying to get what it wanted.


She groaned, getting to her feet. She should go home. Go home before all the drinking messed with her head too much, before it got to a point where she started being stupid.

First, though, she needed to use the bathroom.

The need hit the dragoness hard on her way to the door, hard enough to tell her that there was no chance of her making it home in time. Groaning, she turned around, rushing towards the back of the bar and hoping that there was a toilet open.

Stumbling and almost falling three times, the dragoness finally made it through the swimming tables and to the back doors. She pushed through the one on the left, and almost ran into the wall on the other side. Slumping against it, she pushed herself through into one of the stalls, shut the door, and sat down.

It was only after she was partway through getting her relief that she realized that she'd seen urinals on the wall instead of just sinks.

"Oh, damnit..."

With that realization came other subtle clues that she was in the wrong bathroom. The sound of other voices around, deeper and most definitely not feminine; the fact that it was dirtier on the floor; hell, the smell alone was a bit of a tip-off that something was wrong in here, and that should have been what she noticed first.

Groaning, the dragoness tried to forget her embarrassment as she wiped herself clean. Shaking her head and promising herself to never drink to this degree again, Shae stood up and opened the door.

On the other side were two males just getting ready to zip back up. Their cocks were hanging out, pointed down, and her eyes went wide at the sight of them.


It took her a full five seconds to look up from them to the males that owned them. Looking back at her, without a hint of shame, were a tiger and another dragon. The two of them didn't seem the least bothered by her staring. If anything, they looked like they enjoyed it. It looked like they really enjoyed it, considering that their cocks were not pointing towards the ground anymore.

Before she could take a step, the two of them were on her. The tiger grabbed her by the chin, turning her head to face him, while the dragon moved up to her side and started pushing his hand under her skirt.

"Look at this little thing. Little blue girl got a need for cocks?"

"I bet she does, scales. Look at how much she's staring."

Shae couldn't look away from the two of them. But the worst thing was the scent. Now that they were close, she could smell them, her own sense of it heightened by her oncoming heat. The dragoness shook her head, her cheeks flushing, but as she kept breathing in, she could smell their masculinity all the clearer.

She knew that the dragon felt her reaction, too, as his fingers reached up to her panties. he pulled them back, holding his wet fingers in front of her.

"Damn, man, look at that. She's needy."

"Heh, what say you let us help you out, girl? I think we got what you need."

"I...I shouldn't..."

"Who says you need to do what you should? Do what you want, huh?"

Well, she did want it...

The car trip left her wondering what her problem was. Whether she was giving the dragon a handjob while he was driving or giving the tiger head while he told the dragon where to go, she kept getting a headful of their scent. By the time they got to the males' house, her head was swimming worse than it was in the bar.

They had to help her up the stairs, smiling at her giggles all the way up, and she collapsed almost as soon as they took their hands off of her. She giggled with her face against the floor as they shut the door behind them, and kept giggling as they pulled her clothes off.

Of course, she didn't notice that she was naked until they rolled her over again, the dragon pressing his shoe against her crotch. She moaned, arching her back and grinding her pussy against the toe of his shoe, getting her juices all over it.

" more teasing...let me...let me have it..."

"Let you have what, huh? What do you want?"

"Your...your cocks...let me have your cocks."

"Heh, you want 'em that bad?"

"Yes! I need them!"

"Alright, slut. Then you'll get them."

She panted, reaching down and fingering herself as the two males took off their pants. The pair of them - a fleshy colored cock from the tiger and a black one from the dragon - were both huge, big enough to make her gasp in anticipation. Or that might have been when she had a mini orgasm from her fingers.

Either way, she wanted it.

The dragon laid down, and she squatted on his legs, her toes digging into his thighs as she pulled his cock towards her pussy. The sheer hardness of it, the heat that filled her hand as she stroked it, made the anticipation almost unbearable.

She was perched at the tip of it when the tiger stepped forward. As he rubbed his cock against her face, dragging her nose down to the base of his shaft, her eyes rolled back in her head. He smelled so masculine, the potent smell coming off of his crotch smelling of sweat, cum, and the simple musk that hung around all males. She licked her lips, her pussy drooling over the dragon below just from one breath of it.

"Go ahead, girl. Sit down on my buddy's cock."

The encouragement was all she needed, shoving her hips down. She moaned as she was filled to the brim with the dragon's shaft, wriggling her hips from side to side to settle in and keep it inside of her, but it wasn't enough. Not nearly enough for Shae.

Opening her mouth wide, she swallowed the tiger's cock down to the root. He moaned above her, arching up onto his tiptoes as she suckled and swallowed around his shaft. She could taste her own saliva and the pre that he'd been leaking for her. It tasted magnificent, but only stoked her fires higher.

As she bobbed up and down the feline's cock, she timed it with her hips sliding up and down the dragon's shaft. Up she went, and down she went, both of them at the same time. They grunted with her, and she could feel both shafts leaking into her mouth, filling her with their delicious juices. Where the dragon's stuff touched, she briefly felt the heat fade away, as if it was being soothed away by the simple touch of his pre.

But it was momentary at best, and she needed more. Shivering, she wrapped her tail around the dragon's neck, pulling him up closer to her, making him fuck her harder, making him give her more. She needed more.

Her hands wrapped around the base of the tiger's cock, squeezing it and jerking it off as she raised her other hand to her breast. The simple gropes around her chest did little to sooth her overwhelming need, but she knew males. She knew the value of a show, and how much it might entice them.

It worked. In little more than another minute, the tiger blew his head. Half of it went down her throat, while the other half sprayed over her chest and face. She gasped at the heat of it, the stickiness and the sliminess mixing together to make it slowly roll over her large breasts.

As the musky scent of it filled her nose, she moaned, arching her back and leaning her arms behind her. Her hands rested on the dragon's chest, rubbing it and supporting her weight as she bucked her pussy up and down that thick shaft, forcing it as deep inside of her as the angle would allow. Her juices were dripping from her non-stop, running down that shaft, and each thrust filled the air with a loud squelching sound as that wet cock plunged into her soaking depths.

"Fuck me! Fuck me fuck me fuck me!"

Shae's shout turned into a chant as she fucked herself on the dragon's shaft, driven into an utter frenzy by her biological needs and the encouragement of being drunk and the males' scent. With a sudden gasp and a widening of her eyes, she came, screaming in pleasure.

She barely noticed the dragon filling her from below, not when she was in such an all time rut. She milked him with her pussy, and when he started whimpering below her, she turned around with a wide grin.

"You were good."

"Thanks -"

"But that's not enough."



"You heard me, you two. That was an appetizer. I still want the main course."

The dragon response was a bitten off moan as she started fucking his cock again, his hands ineffectually trying to shove her off of him. The tiger tried to pull away, but she grabbed his limp cock and jammed it back in her mouth.

He better be ready to join his friend in my pussy when he's hard again. They aren't getting away now.

She was going to get her evening's worth of fun, whether the boys were up for it or not.

Somewhere between midnight and morning - after both of the males had collapsed into catatonia - sense returned. Shae left the apartment (after grabbing the keys from them) and went to the local corner store. Getting a pregnancy test wasn't difficult, and she hoped that she would get a negative result.

She didn't.

She looked at the test, shaking her head.

"I guess that's what I get..."

She looked over at the males again. A part of her wanted to be mad at them, but she found that was impossible. She'd enjoyed it just as much as they had, and even now, she wanted more. Biology or not, that was at least part her.

As she moved back to bed, she smiled. At least she'd have a couple of lovers to help out with the kid, and a lot of fun until it was born.

The End