Lesson #1

Story by Kaily Spensor on SoFurry

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"Hey man you got a minute?" MythicFox the digital editor for his videos asked as he rounded the corner toward his dressing room.

"Sure what's up?" His tentacles coiled and shifted around on his back a little, partly in anticipation of going home and partly in reaction to the smell of virile male. If only the kitsune was a female, he'd have hit on him long before this. As it was he was going to be hard pressed to turn the other male down but he just didn't get the same kind of energy from males as he did females.

Golden eyes made a quick survey of the surroundings, either to make sure no one noticed or to take note of who did. "I... was wondering if you could help me with a little personal problem." He tucked his hands in his front pockets as if he wasn't sure what to do with them but his eyes met the demon whiteness of the puma's.

The demon's face never changed as he thought over the request, personal problem could mean any of a million things. "I suppose so, as long as it's within my realm of knowledge."

A nervous chuckle, followed by a quick assurance, "Oh I know you only handle females. Much as I'd like to see what you could do for me this is... well I'm having a little trouble with the girl I'm screwing. She's been acting like a little brat lately, you know how they get when they think they have you by the balls. Well I want to make a point in a big way, that she's not in control, I am. I figure if I get your help that'll be a lot easier." He was loosening up now that he was sure no one else was around to hear the conversation, not that anyone on staff would bat an eye at what he was proposing. After all Ropes did this kind of thing for a living.

"Ah, so the little missy thinks she's got you wrapped around her finger does she? Yeah I can help with that what'd you have in mind?" The two men drifted slowly toward the puma's dressing room, discussing the situation and how best to handle it.

* * * * *

He knocked on the solid oak door and looked around once more, the neighborhood was quiet, the house secluded from the roadway by a screen of trees. The perfect place to stage a little corrective lesson. The door opened and he turned back to find a vixen in the doorway clad in a little white camisole and matching panties, her long blond hair falling down over her shoulders to partially obscure her pert young breasts. Brilliant blue eyes met his and she smiled so disarmingly that if he had been the kind to fall for that kind of artifice he'd have been drooling and following her around like a puppy. Instead he said in a steady voice, "I'm here to see Mythic."

She rolled her eyes in typical teenaged ire and spun around giving him an excellent view as she yelled, "Uncle Mythic! It's for you!" Before he could say or do anything else she started up the stairs to the left of the door purposefully swaying her hips and exaggerating her tail lift so he got a wonderful view of her backside as he let himself in and closed the door. She even paused a few steps up to look over her shoulder and see what kind of reaction she was getting from him. He just raised an eyebrow at her and waited.

"Kittara I told you not to answer the door in your underwear! You're supposed to be upstairs doing your homework anyway young lady!" The golden eyed kitsune said as he walked toward the door from further into the large main room of the house.

The vixen on the stairs stuck her tongue out at him and darted up the rest of the steps to disappear into the upper reaches of the house.

"You didn't tell me she was your niece."

"That a problem?"

"No, it just adds a little more spice to it. How long have you been fucking her?"

"A little over a year, she came into heat and instead of taking the damned pills she flaunted herself until it got the better of us both." The kitsune didn't sound ashamed of the situation or of the fact that he was still fucking his own niece over a year after what should have been a one time incident.

The Puma smiled and nodded looking up the stairs after the vixen. "I can understand why you'd need to reestablish who is in charge in this situation."

"Did you want a drink or something before we get started? The rest of the family is out for the evening so there's no need to hurry." From the tightness of the kitsune's pants the demon could see he was ready to jump right in and get to the heart of the issue.

"No I'm fine. Let's broach the dragon in her lair and prove once and for all that she is not the princess she pretends to be." He grinned widely and turned his eyes to his host. "Besides knowing we can take our time just means we can do it right." He clapped a hand on the shorter kitsune's shoulder and started up the stairs. A moment later he heard the front door lock and the kitsune following him.

Ropes let his nose lead him to the girl's room, it wasn't hard, her's was the only female scent in the house. He paused outside the bedroom door, this part of the plan was very clear, Mythic had to start things off or the girl would never accept that he was the one in charge. If Ropes just burst in and took over she'd be subservient to him but never listen to her uncle again. He quietly pulled his shirt off over his head letting his tentacles work their way out of the holes in the back of the material, then unfastened and stepped out of his jeans. He hadn't bothered with underwear considering the evenings activities.

Mythic had the girl by the hair, her head bent backward as he told her again, "I said get your clothes off." in a soft almost tender voice. When the girl didn't move to comply he reached up and simply ripped the camisole she was wearing down the front with his claws so the soft material parted baring her lush young bust. A moment later he had treated her underwear the same way, ripping it with his claws from both leg holes to the waist at the front so the small garment simply fell away from her body.

Moving as quietly as he could Ropes slid into the room and around the two of them to position himself lying on his back on the bed. His part was to be the bindings that held the girl and to help her uncle fill her to the point of breaking. A shiver of anticipation ran through him as he watched that small sexy body being shoved toward him. She had to be about 16 or 17 but she was petite, short yet beautifully curvy, with the most delicious looking pert little breasts. He couldn't wait to have a taste of her, his cock eagerly sliding from his sheath to stand ready.

As the three tailed kitsune pushed the girl backward toward the bed and the waiting demon he stopped talking all together, simply forcing her to do his bidding without regard for her preferences in this matter. Ropes was ready, his tentacles whipped out and caught both of her arms lifting them up over her head where he could use just one to contain them. Then he wrapped another tentacle around her waist and lifted her from the kitsune's grasp, his final two tentacles gripped her ankles and put her firmly into a reverse cowgirl position, her knees on either side of his hips. However he didn't penetrate her, not yet. She whimpered and kept repeating "No, no, no." over and over but there was little she could do now that the two males had her in their grip.

The Kitsune unfastened his shorts, the only article of clothing he'd been wearing and joined them on the bed. He too knelt over the prone demon, but he was facing his niece, his legs stretching out beside the puma's. With one hand the fox circled both his and Ropes' hard cocks holding them together with their tips at the same level. His other hand reached for the girl's hip and drew her in closer. With the demon's help he positioned them at the entrance of her tight young pussy and pushed down on her hip so she was forced to feel the pair of cocks pushing into her at the same time. Her mouth opened and she let out a shriek as her uncle's tapered spire and the demon's fat barbed cock were both forced into her.

"That's enough of that! A good girl is quiet." the kitsune had a note of disapproval in his voice as he said this but it was still that soft soothing almost loverly whisper that he'd used since he'd entered her room. Once he was sure they were firmly anchored inside her body his hand released and he pushed the girl down harder making her take more and more of the thickening girth of those two cocks.

It was then with her half way down their lengths that Ropes shifted one of his tentacles from her ankle to her ass. The Kitsune had told him to violate her in any way he felt inclined to do so and that little ass of hers was so tender and innocent it nearly screamed for him to take it. His tentacle poked around a little until he found what he was looking for, then he put more pressure on her until the ring of muscles started to give way. She screamed gratifyingly for him as he pushed his thick tentacle up into her making her take him even as Mythic's hands shoved her down harder onto their joined cocks. However the kitsune made a tisking sound, "I told you to be quiet my pet." His left hand reached for the tentacle still wrapped around the girls right ankle and pulled it up to her mouth. "If you can't be quiet on your own then I will have to find a way to silence you myself." That said he pushed the tip of Ropes tentacle into her still open mouth and the demon did the rest.

Ropes knew how to feed his tentacles into an unwilling mouth and make a female suck whether she wanted to or not. A bit of pressure at the back of the throat and she was swallowing hard allowing him to force more of his cock like appendage into her mouth and down her throat. The room grew still as the girls ability to protest cut off, now her soft whimpers and moans were more acceptable to the two males. in concert they both pulled their hips back barbed cock rubbing against knotted one as they withdrew a little from the hot tight little vixen cunt, then as if they'd practiced it several times they thrust back up into her in unison filling her once more with the heat of turgid flesh. Ropes found the experience exhilarating, he'd never had the opportunity to penetrate one of his victims with another male this way before and the added tightness of her pussy was blissful on his cock, gripping his barbs as he pulled back and making the little vixen shudder with the sensation.

The demon was careful to let his tentacles work at their own pace, making it seem as if several males were taking the sweet little body at the same time instead of just the two of them. He worked her ass in opposition to their mutual thrusts into her sweet little cunt, letting the tentacle pull nearly the whole way out before shoving it brutally back into her virgin ass. His hands ran up her sides and found those pert little breasts, finger and thumb gripping and pinching the nipples rolling them and pulling at them just to see how hard he could make them. All the while he kept his tentacle in her mouth, force feeding her the length of it between allowing her to catch quick breaths.

Again and again the two males thrust deep into her body, until the room was filled with the slick wet sounds of good sex and the moans and grunts of virile males taking what they wanted. Her body began to accept what was being done to it, making her shudder and clutch at the various appendages that were enjoying her. She even orgasmed twice before Mythic started to loose his timing as the pleasure built inside him. Ropes too was feeling the effects of prolonged pleasure, and her tight little grabs at their cocks when she came. Their thrusts became erratic, fast and impassioned as they both grew closer and closer to the ultimate peak. Even Ropes' tentacles were working with faster shallower thrusts, now the engorged tips leaking the same pre that was flooding the vixen's little pussy.

A few final thrusts that brushed his length up against the kitsune's madly thrusting spire and he threw his head back and roared out his pleasure as cum jetted from not only his cock, which he'd buried as deep in her body as he could manage but also the tips of all four of his tentacles, one filling her ass, one her mouth and the other two covering her from head to bust in thick hot demon spunk.

His orgasm touched off the kitsune's who shoved as deep as he could, almost like he was trying to force that knot of his into the already over stuffed cunt, then threw his head back and yowled as his own hot seed rushed forth to mingle with the demon's contribution. The backwash from their mutual orgasm's was forced from the girl in a gush that covered both of their balls and thighs in the mingled spunk.

Both men thrust a few more times reveling in the sensation of all that hot cum surrounding their cocks before they both fell still, Mythic collapsing forward onto the vixen as she fell back onto Ropes' chest. For a few long moments there was no movement but the labored breathing of the three on the bed. then slowly Mythic lifted his head and looked into the vixen's eyes. "The next time I tell you to do something I expect you to do it young lady, or we'll have a repeat performance. Do I make myself clear?"

The girl nodded once since she still had a tentacle in her muzzle and was unable to answer verbally. The kitsune placed a single kiss on her nose pad then pulled from her body and shoved her over onto her side so that Ropes could disengage as well. Leaving the now sobbing vixen curled on her side on the bed the two males left the room gathering their clothing on the way.