A Late Night Meeting

Story by Ranan Absidian on SoFurry

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Ok so be nice this is my first posted story

It was a dark and cold night. If you looked carefully you could see a dark figure moving along the side of the road. He was a vulpine. He had dark brown fur and deep blue eyes. He walked tiredly along the side of the road mumbling to his self.

"God it's so cold"

He continued to walk slowly rubbing his shoulders hoping to add to the warmth that his thin jacket was barely giving. He started thinking about his past and what had brought to this point. Tears started to build up in his eyes. He had just been left by his abusive lover. He loved that wolf, but clearly judging by the bruise on his side and the black eye he had the wolf had not loved him back. He sighed deeply as a tear fell onto the cold ground. He covered his face as he fell to his knees crying into paws. He had no one anymore, his mother had died giving birth to him, his father was a drunk, and his brothers hated him for killing their mother. Crying on his knees he fell onto his side in a small ball bawling his eyes out. He normally was not a sad creature and for the first time he was ready for his life to be over.

"Don cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me. Don cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me. Don cha ...Don cha..."

A quite attractive tiger was singing in his car driving along a road. The music was loud, he liked it loud, music wasn't good soft. He danced quite goofily in his car as he drove down the road. He looked to the road making sure he wasn't going to hit anything and he spotted a dark figure lying on the side of the road. "Fuck it must be 20 degrees out there!" He stopped his car right beside the figure, "Hey buddy! You ok over there?!" There was no response, "SHIT!" the tiger threw his car in park and jumped out of his car running over to the figure. He grabbed the shivering fox. The fox had passed out due to the intense cold and exhaustion. The tiger being extremely strong picked the shivering fox up and put him in the passenger seat of his car. While his seat belt was being buckled the fox opened his eyes barely enough to see a beautiful tiger before him tenderly caring for him. "Thank you" the fox said with the last bit of energy he had. The tiger took his paw and touched the foxes muzzle, "Hey don't worry about it, your gonna be all right"

The tiger put the heat on full and jumped into the driver seat and drove off.

The tiger was sweating from the intense heat in the car; he reached for the heater when he noticed that the fox was still shivering. He pulled the car over worried for the fox's health. He placed his paw on the fox's shoulder and noticed that the jacket was wet and so were the fox's pants. "God no wonder you're still cold!" He got out of the car once again he ran to the passenger side door and opened it. "We gotta get these clothes off of you or your gonna get hypothermia." He took off the fox's jacket and threw it in the back seat. "Jeeze what happened to you?" He said as he saw that the fox was wearing soaking wet clothes. The fox managed to let out a low audible whimper and said "fell into puddle." The tiger smiled at the fox knowing that he was lying. He continued to take off the fox's clothes. He pulled the shirt off of the fox revealing his muscular upper body. The Tiger's gaze stayed on the fox's rippling abs for a long time until the fox let out a soft groan "mrrah" The tiger seeing that the fox was in a bad shape shook his head and continued to take off the fox's clothes. He untied his shoes and took off his socks. Stuffing the socks into his shoes he threw the both of them in the back seat. He started to unbuckle the fox's belt when the fox moved his hand to stop the unbuckling. He looked the tiger right in the eyes almost fearful when he said "No." The tiger laughed, "Oh you think I'm going to...Ha no these clothes have to come off, I mean you gonna go hypothermic if they don't." The fox looked into the tiger's eyes feeling that the tiger was not capable of lying. He lowered his paw letting the tiger continue his work. He softly nodded at the tiger. The tiger feeling that he could now continue. He continued to take off the fox's pants exposing his bare sheath. The tiger stared at it, with less then clean thoughts crossing his mind. After all the fox was hung particularly well for a creature his size. The tiger blushed "Well I guess I should introduce myself, my name is Andrew." He says as he tosses the fox's wet pants to the back seat. The fox managed a smile and said "Brian." The tiger walked around the car getting back into his seat and drove off once again.

"Brian huh? I've always liked that name in fact my ex-..." He stopped talking not wanting to say anything else. The fox placed his paw on Andrew's leg. "It's ok I understand." Brian smiled at Andrew and tilted his seat back. Andrew smiled back. "You can go to sleep if you want to you know" Brian replied "nah I'm fine I'm just...err...um...yeah." Andrew chuckled at the nonsense that the fox had just said. Brian smiled at the sound of the tiger's laughter then slowly drifted off to sleep.

Brains eyes opened the next morning and he was an extremely comfortable bed. Wrapped in layers of sheets and comforters. He looked around the room trying to remember everything that had happened but all he could remember was the car ride. As he looked around the room he noticed it was painted a beautiful emerald green with golden curtains hanging on the windows. The bed he layed in was layered with green sheets and gold pillows. Brian mumbled to himself "green and gold hmm never thought it could look so good." "Glad you like it" said the tiger standing in the doorway wearing only a pair of shorts. Brian sat up quickly looking at the feline. He had one arm propped up on the door while the other was in his pocket, he was smiling and it was the warmest smile Brian had ever seen. Getting up so fast made the room spin and he quickly fell back down into the pillows holding his head trying to make it stop spinning. Andrew walked over to Brian and placed a warm wet cloth on his head. "You shouldn't get up so fast you need to rest". "Yeah I guess" said the vulpine. Brian looked down at the tiger's beautifully sculpted chest. It was amazing, mostly white but it had trails of orange and black, every muscle could be seen and all Brian wanted to do was feel it. Andrew noticed the stare and smiled getting up and walking across the room. "So what happened to you?" Brian shook his head still staring at the tiger only his gaze had moved from the tiger's chest to the tiger's pants trying to figure out what he would look like without them...

"Huh? Oh it's a long story..."

Andrew looked around the room and then met with Brian's eyes "Yeah? Well I've got time." He smiled at Brian.

Brian began his story.

"Well I was with my ...err...um...friend, and we got into a big argument in his car. It was over something pretty dumb actually." He softly chuckled. "But my friend, Carl by the way, decided that I wasn't worth his time he punched me and kicked me out of the car. Of course we were on a bridge and he decided that kicking me out of the car wasn't enough...He grabbed me by the necklace he had given me and drug me to the edge of the bridge where, well, he threw me off of it." Andrew looked shocked "He threw you off a bridge?!?! Oh wow" he walks over to the bed and has a seat right next to Brian "I bet that bastard took back the necklace to, didn't he?" Brian looked away "well sorta he kinda ripped it off my neck when he threw me." Brian lifts his head moving the fur on his neck away so Andrew could see a red scar that resembled a chain necklace. Andrew cringes at the sight of the scar and gives Brian a hug. "Oh god that's horrible!" Brian wrapped his arms around the feline feeling his back and softly rubbing his back muscles. Andrew asks "How long had you been walking before I found you?" "A week I guess" Andrew reels back from the hug. "God, a week!! Wait if you had been walking for a week wouldn't your clothes have dried out by now?" Brian looks at Andrew "Well I was walking by the road and well after a huge rain like we had yesterday there is a lot if splashing from passing cars..." Andrew hugs him again "Oh Jeeze I'm so sorry, is there anything I can get you?"

Brian smiles at Andrew, "well can I use your shower? I feel really dirty and I am sure I can't be that appealing to smell" Andrew chuckles "Oh is that what that smell is?" Brian laughs. "Yeah sure you can take a shower its right through that door." He gestures toward the closed door. Just leave the door unlocked and I will get you a towel and a dry pair of clothes." The vulpine smiles deeply at the tiger and says "thanks a lot." "No problem, and any boyfriend that would treat you like that, isn't worth your thoughts." He smiles deeply at the fox then gets up and leaves the room.

The fox watches the tiger's ass as he leaves the room. He gets up slowly and mumbles to himself, "No it's too soon." He steps into the bathroom, and is shocked by how big the bathroom is. He looks around at the two sinks and the hot tub. He chuckles at the fun that could happen in the hot tub then turns to the shower. He opens the door to the shower and turns it on. He reaches his paw down to his chest scratching it. His paw then finds its way down to his member as he playfully paws at it and softly scratches it. He stops himself. "No I can't, not here" He steps into the hot shower. He lets the water flow all over his body, he places his head under the water leaving it there for a few minutes just letting the water beat on his head. It was the most comfort he has had in a week, except of course the hug that Andrew had just given him. He smiles at the thought of Andrew and grabs some of his shampoo. He opens the lid and smells it "mmmm Oh god it smells exactly like him!" It was a strong smell, it resembled that of flowers, but remarkably it did not smell feminine it was in fact very masculine. Brian put a gracious amount into his paws and rubbed them together then rubbing the shampoo into his scalp then his cheeks. He moved his way down to his chest and sides rubbing in circles all around, not missing a spot. The smell of Andrew and the hot shower made Brian get a little excited, his shaft starting to grow. By the time he reached his sheath, his member had already found its way out. He shook his head "No I can't do this here". He moved past his throbbing member and moved down his legs rubbing the shampoo all over them. He rinsed all the soap off and looked down at his sizable cock. "Eh, it's not like he'll ever know..." He grabbed a paw full more of the shampoo and applied it to his cock. He slowly covered his throbbing head with the soap and softly stroked it. The smell of the incredibly hot Feline filling his nostrils, he imagined that his hand was Andrews's hole. He used his unoccupied paw to brace himself on the metal bar in the shower as he stroked his member harder and faster. He began to thrust into his own hand imagining it was Andrew; he started to breath heavier and softly moan. He went completely into his own world. He thrust faster and faster. He let out a loud Yip then screamed out "OH ANDREW!"

Hearing his name he rushed into the bathroom with the towel and the clothes. "Brian are you all right?" The bathroom was completely steamed up from the shower and he could only see the shadow of Brian. It appeared to Andrew that Brian was in pain hunched over in the shower, using the metal bar to brace him trying to keep him from falling. Andrew ran to the shower and pulled the door open quickly. "Brian!! Are you...OH Jeeze sorry... Andrew blushed deeply as he saw Brian working on his member. Brian quickly let go of his member and blushed a bright red. "Oh um, Andrew... hey..." His massiveness hanging from between his legs. "Umm sorry Brian I guess I will...uh... let you get back to you shower... I'll just leave the towel on the counter and the clothes on the bed..." He left the bathroom as quickly as he had come in thinking only about the hard throbbing cock he just saw. He involuntarily licked his lips as he left wondering how it would taste.

Brian's erection was subsiding now being caught he really didn't have the urge to finish. He sighed as he mumbled "He'll never know...Stupid, Stupid, Stupid." He said as he hit his paw against his forehead. He finished his shower and dried all of his fur. He looked in the mirror and he looked like a giant ball of fluff. He snickered as he grabbed Andrews brush and brushed all of his fur down. Looking at his sheath's reflection "He'll never know gah I am an idiot." He wrapped the towel around his waist and stepped out into the bedroom seeing the clothes lying on the bed. He sits next to them as he hears a knock on the door. "Come in?" Andrew walked into the room carrying a tray with orange juice and scrambled eggs on it "Thought you'd be hungry." "Yeah!" replied the fox "you know this is your house you don't have to knock..." "Yeah I know I just didn't want to interrupt anything..." At this both of the masculine males blushed a bright red. They looked at each other and Brian said "I'm sorry I shouldn't have been doing that." Andrew smiled at him sitting next to him and handing him the tray. "Don't worry about it actually its kinda flattering. A fine vulpine like you doing such acts while moaning my name..." Andrew smiled and softly rubbed his paw against Brian's leg. Brian smiled and blushed; he turned to his food and devoured it. Andrew looked amazingly at Brian, "you know I can always make more..." Eating the last bite Brian looked at him sweetly "Thank you" Andrew smiled at him and gave him a hug, "It's the least I can do, you've been through a lot." Brian hugged back and gave Andrew a small peck on the cheek." Most people wouldn't be as kind as you." "Oh I am sure there are others like me out there..." "Maybe but I know I've never met another one." Andrew smiles and softly rubs at his legs nervously. Brian breaks the silence by saying "Hey is there anyway that I could brush my teeth?" "Yeah there is an extra tooth brush in the drawer in the bathroom." Thanks" Brian says as he places his hand on Andrew's inner thigh softly scritching it. "No problem" he says as he smiles at the sexy vulpine leaving the room.

The fox returns to the room to find the tiger lying naked on the bed before him smiling. Brian blushes deeply as he walks over to the bed removing the towel that covered his sheath. He sat down next to Andrew, " mm Everything I imagined" Andrew replied " Oh we'll see about that" He smirks at the fox then grabs his muzzle and brings him down into a passionate kiss. The feline's tongue licks at the inside of the fox's muzzle and playfully teases his tongue. The fox shivers in pleasure at the kiss as he takes his tongue and wraps it around the feline's tongue making it harder for him to move it. Brian lies down next to Andrew and takes his paw and scratches at Andrew's sides softly. Andrew moans softly as he takes his paw and rubs Brian's chest. Andrew pulls back from the kiss and gives Brian a hug rubbing there defined bodies together and grinding their sheaths together. Brian moans as he starts to get excited his sheath growing larger. Andrew takes his paw and softly paws at Brian's sheath giving it a soft tug every now and then.

Brian moans as he moves his muzzle down towards Andrew's hardening cock. He reaches his paws to Andrews's muscular abs as he scratches them. He looks at Andrew's massiveness "I've always wondered what a Kitty would taste like." He licks at his head. "Mmmm pretty damn good so far" Brian then engulfs down Andrews entire cock. Sucking it, licking it, and softly kissing it occasionally. Andrew moans as Brian meticulously works on his member reaching his paw to Brian's ears softly pressing down and scratching. Brian moves up ad down Andrew's cock inch by inch going slowly occasionally stopping so as to keep Andrew from climaxing. Andrew moans "OH GOD! BRIAN PLEASE LET ME CUM!!" Brian stops sucking at his dick and pulls off it leaving it dripping wet. He smirks at Andrew, "I'm not gonna let you cum in my mouth I just brushed my teeth remember?" Andrew smiles at Brian, his member dripping a ball of pre on his stomach, "Ok then not your mouth." Andrew says with a smirk. Brian smiles and scoots to the edge of the bed his legs hanging off of it. Andrew gets off the bed and wraps Brian's legs around him. The bed is perfect height and Andrew's member is the perfect height for Brian's hole. Andrew takes his cock and presses it against Brian's hole. "MMM PLEASE SPEAR ME ANDREW" Andrew complies shoving his entire length into Brian's tight tail hole. Brian howls at the intense pleasure. Andrew leans over on top of Brian thrusting in and out of him he softly bites Brian's neck wrapping his arms around his body. Brian wraps his arms around Andrew's neck as Andrew lifts him off the bed holding him in the air on top of his member. Andrew takes Brian over to a wall. And lifts him off and on his throbbing member. Brian moans in pleasure as his cock rubs on Andrews's stomach smothering it with pre-cum. Andrew thrusts harder and faster into Brian. Brian leans his muzzle down to Andrews's neck suckling at it and kissing it. Andrew reaches his climax and roars spilling his load inside of Brian. Continuing his thrust shooting his seed constantly as he does so. Brian moans loudly as his insides are filled with a warm goop.

Andrew lays Brian back on the bed kissing him tenderly. He feels Brian's hard cock on his stomach. "Now what do we do about this problem here?" Brian moans softly needing release. Andrew licks his lips "I know exactly what needs to be done..." He pulls out of Brian with a pop as he moves off the bed leaning over Brian; he grabs Brian's cock with one hand and kisses his head. Brian moans and tries to thrust into Andrew's mouth. "Anxious are we??" Brian responds with a whimper "mhmm." "Well then we should take care of that shouldn't we? Andrew engulfs half of Brian's cock into his mouth sucking it. He licks the head as he makes his way down Brian's shaft. Brian moans loudly "OH ANDREW" as he places his paw on the back of Andrew's head softly scratching his ears. Andrew tilts his head to the side as he moves down Brian's shaft causing bolts of pleasure to be sent up his spine. "Mmm Oh Andrew" On the way back up Andrew exposes his teeth scratching along his cock all the way up. Brian lets out a whimper needing release. Andrew moves back down his shaft faster this time, tilting his head at a different angle. His paw starts to move up and down the unsucked part of Brian's shaft. Brian moans loudly and grabs a patch of Andrew's fur as he climaxes into Andrew's mouth bucking wildly as he does so. Andrew continues to suck at Brian's member getting every drop of cum out of him. Milking every ounce Brian has. Finally Brian stops cumming and Andrew returns to the bed beside Brian. "You know I may develop a taste for fox after all. Brian chuckles and rests his muzzle on Andrew's chest placing his paw on Andrew's stomach softly scratching it. They lay there for hours in each other's arms breathing in unison.