Candy Treats Ch.1

Story by Nova_Austin on SoFurry

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#1 of Candy Treats

Myself and a friend of mine were chatting, and she threw out the idea to write a story through Intant Message with eachother, and it sounded like fun. ^_^ So here you go!

Lontar Treats is copywrite myself, Nova J. Austin

Siltrixia Candy is Copywrite her player, Blueray Dragon

"Damn these people are sure packed in tight", she muttered to herself as she slid through the large groups ganging together. Her dainty black feet kicked up dust off the streets as she continued to wind her way through the throng, no one was parting to make things easier for her at all and she cursed heatedly. "Ouch watch where you're going", she hissed gritting out her words at the poor creature that bashed in to her. How she wanted to just kick them all back for their rudeness, her gold eyes narrowed a little with her hidden irritation and her black ears folded back to hide in her black shoulder length hair. As the female walked her silver furred brush waved behind her, its white tip like a white signal flagging down those dared to watch.

Growling, Siltrixia Candy, a silver fox decided to take an easier route. She slipped in to an empty alleyway and used the two walls to rebound between them to get on to the rooftops. It was useful to be built slender, it came in handy; also the clothes she could get away with wearing were revealing. The vixen wore a strapless light blue silk top; she had hot pants to match showing her midriff and a lot of her slender legs. Standing at about five foot five she was a good height for her species and sexy to boot she also knew it well, flicking her brush Siltrixia took to running from roof top to roof top.

"Sorry, excuse me, pardon..." The small raccoon kept apologizing to those he bumped into in the crowded street, fighting his way to the alley on the other side. "Sorry sir, didn't mean it." He slipped past the rest, a sly grin spreading all the way to his powder blue eyes. His fluffy ringed tail swishing back and forth as he opened the bag on his belt. Wallets, rings, gold purses... he laughed as he slipped away into the dark shadows of the alley with his winnings. A simple grey shirt fluttered as he slipped through the buildings, finding a hole at the end of the alley. The short coon had an easy time squeezing into it, he himself only being about just short of 5ft. He moved swiftly through another street, this one empty as he moved to an old looking building, pulling out a key and unlocking the door. He slipped inside and ran to the back of the room, hopping up a small mountain of crates and through another small hole in the ceiling. He looked around at his small place, and smiled. He hopped onto the bed, unable to wait to examine all of his spoils. "Another successful days work, Lontar."

Darting over rooftops was a faster way to travel and less crowded by far, not many people came up here, for such places were controlled by street thugs and thieves. They watched from above and then picked targets; pickpockets were always a hazard in such thriving places as these. Crouching low Siltrixia paused for a moment sniffing the air, her gold eyes darted to the right then to the left. Okay, one on either side. How amusing for her and how unfortunate for them. Her ears perked up as she bunched up her lithe form, preparing to move. As they rushed in on her she dashed forwards, looking back over her shoulder to see them collide and she laughed aloud.

"Oh god what idiots", the fox snickered as she somersaulted off the rooftops and in to another alley. Siltrixia raised her right black paw to run her delicate fingers through her hair, just to get out the knots; that's when she noticed her gold bracelet was missing. "Fuck I've been robbed some dirty scoundrel thief", Siltrixia snarled, breathing in deeply. She caught a whiff of a scent on her wrist that was not her own, smirking to herself she sniffed for faint traces of this strange smell. Quickly like a silver blur she trailed it, skidding around corners while trying to avoid other passersby, and finally coming upon a small hole that didn't look very big. Brutally she kicked up street filth stalking to the hole, making sure this was the right scent she wanted and finding it was. Being slender came in handy as she wriggled her way through the gap, her brush waving frantically behind her.

"Gggrrr..., YOU BETTER STILL BE IN HERE THIEF!" Once free of the hole her nose snuffled around for the scent, it was like a rats maze, but she had the string to follow. An unseen string, but it was there all the same. Bounding across the street, feeling that she was hot on the thief's trail, she grew excited from the chase; it didn't smell like another fox, nor did it smell like anything else she knew. "Sneaky aint ya?" Mumbling to herself as she pushed open a dusty wooden door, sneaking in to the interior and turning in to what her nature belied. A sneaky, sly vixen that crawled with belly low to the floor on all four paws. She came up to the crates and clambered her way up them, discovering a hole in the ceiling. "Typical, it looks like a rat hole".

Lontar smirked, looking down at the pile on his bed. He separated a few things, looking at what was real and what was fake jewelry. He was just in the process of admiring a gold bracelet he had slipped off of a silver vixen, when he heard someone downstairs. He sighed and cursed himself for forgetting to lock the door.

Siltrixia leapt up to the hole, poking her head through the opening and heaving herself up. It had led her all the way to here, and her gold gaze finally lay upon the culprit. He had just started to gather everything up, when the owner of the bracelet popped up through the hole.

"... Shit!"

"You stink weasel!" the vixen barked as she dove to grab a hold of the raccoon. Lon yelped and jumped out of her way, tumbling to the side and getting to his feet in one motion. He looked around quickly, and found his escape. He smirked, his soft blue eyes watching her through his "mask", as he pulled a pair of daggers from the small of his back. He was going to get away, and keep her from chasing him. His grin widened as he slunk down, and charged for her, yelling wildly as he dove for her, daggers flashing.

Siltrixia rolled her eyes and put her arms to cover vital areas such as her pretty face and her neck, her brush curled around her lithe body as she prepared to brace herself. He let out a yell as he came close to her, and then slipped right past her, slashing down her back as he went, only slicing off her top. He ran as soon as he landed, laughing as he jumped through the window and onto the next roof.

There was an audible gasp of shock as her top fell away to reveal her breasts, she meeped dramatically using her arms to hide her chest. "GET BACK HERE!" She ran over to the window, looking out of it and saw neither hide nor tail of him; she growled under her breath and tried to find something to wear as a top. Grumbling, Siltrixia found a torn piece of cloth that would do as makeshift thing to wear. She tied it around her chest, and then leapt out of the window jumping to the roof top. "Bastard!"

"Heheheheheee!" The raccoon was having trouble breathing, he was laughing so much. "Oh, that was so worth leaving everything behind!" He said, remembering her face as he dropped from the window. He sighed and calmed himself down a little, resting on an old crate in another alley. "Well, I suppose I'll have to make another run if I want dinner tonight." He said, looking around and making his way back to the street.

Following the stench he had left behind, the vixen hurried to catch up with him, jumping down off the rooftop and crashing in to a wooden crate, tumbling head over heals. "And dancers are supposed to be light on their feet, fat lot of good that career is doing for me now." she muttered, getting up and taking to running again. She realized that she had forgotten to pick up her bracelet, not that it mattered as now all she wanted was to give that male an ear bashing. She streaked in to the street as she spied the raccoon slipping in to the crowd.

"Come on come get out of my fucking way!" the female fox barked as she barged her way through. Soon her black hand reached out, firmly grabbing Lontar by his shirt. "I bet you thought that was funny you pervert, no one gets a free show off me!"

"Gack!" Lontar choked out as the woman grabbed him. "Double shit!" He said, struggling against her. "Damn lady, you got your stuff back, with interest. Can't you let it go?" He growled, flipping his daggers again and slashing his own shirt, the short coon taking off under the crowed.

"GGGGRRRYYAAAHHH!!!" she screamed in full rage and pelted after him. "That isn't the point you twisted striped dog, you ruined my only top with your antics!" She wasn't about to give up she would keep tracking him for as long as it took, after all she wouldn't be much of a fox if she let her prey go.

Unfortunately, she did lose track of him, as well as his scent. Siltrixia got thoroughly pissed off, abandoning the chase to go to a local bar. At least there she could take up her old job and replace her top, she thought, her black ears twitched with pent up anger as she weaved her way to a seedy looking tavern. Soon as she walked in she got greeted by a familiar face, a chubby looking cat who wheezed a lot hustled the fox in.

"Welcome back Sil you know where to go." Frowning, she shooed him off her, "Yeah yeah Clive, leave me alone." She said, padding her way through the smoky atmosphere to her old dressing room. She sighed as she opened the door and slammed it, sliding down to the floor. The vixen banged the back of her head against the solid surface as she let out a defeated sigh. Eventually she got herself together to prepare for the upcoming night. "Sil", she whispered to herself. "Doing this now is a bad idea".

Outside, Lontar frowned as he walked up to the bar. "Damnit, only a few wallets, that woman ruined my day." He grumbled as he walked in. The coon made his way through the tables, moving to the far wall and taking an empty table. He grinned as he sat down, his pocket heavier with a few more additions from the patrons in the bar. He settled into the chair as a Bunny in an apron walked up to him. He smiled, "I'll take a whisky, please." he asked. She smiled back and went to the bar.

As Siltrixia got ready in a skimpy almost see through pastel pink dress that came up basically to her crotch, she began to think about how she despised most of the patrons in this joint. Half of them were fat fucks who had most likely never seen their cock in years, and then you got those few who were pretty handsome and you want to get in bed with. Her silver brush flicked in frustration at having to dance again, but it earned her money, and since she needed it for new clothes... "Stupid striped rat!!"

Her dressing room happened to be the cleanest part of this hellhole; everywhere else was covered in filth and scum while the main bar was smoke filled. Just as she was about to leave a red vixen bolted in, practically bouncing on her own dainty black feet. "Sil! You did come back! At first I didn't believe Clive at all when he told me, so I had to see it for myself." she sort of chirruped in her excitement to see her old friend.

The silver vixen grinned wryly, "Aye, if it hadn't been for an earlier incident I wouldn't be here at all to dance, but at least I would've visited ya to see how you were Alice."

Alice clapped her hands as she soon bustled Siltrixia out of the room, "Go on don't want to be late for your first time back."

"Hey, hey! Ok I get the message." she giggled as she got pushed. Rubbing her hands down her attire she composed herself taking a deep breath.

Meanwhile out in the bar it had darkened considerably. As Clive stood up on a stage with a pole at its centre, he motioned for silence then with his booming voice. "Gentlemen gentlemen we have a special treat you all, we welcome a returning dancer in to our midst. Some of you may remember her and some of you will be new watchers of her graceful form, I give you Siltrixia Candy!"

The coon thief ignored the fat cat on the stage, still thinking about that vixen. "She's trouble, popping up everywhere, ruining my business." He grumbled to himself. Lon ran his claws through the fluffy forelock on his head, sighing. The bunny came back with a bottle of whisky and a glass. "Here you go." Lon smiled at her again. "Thank you." he said as he poured him self a glass, looking around the bar, thinking of what he should do for the night. "I can't go back to my place; she could be waiting for revenge." He took a sip from the glass. "And I sure as hell don't want to spend all of my earnings on an Inn... Damn."

The spotlights came on, directed to the center of the stage. The curtains pulled back and out walked the attraction of the night. A lithe silver vixen appeared, she made a bow rather than curtsy, letting her gold eyes scan the patrons of the bar. She had to do a double take, did she just see that Raccoon in the crowd? Twitching her ears she took a hold of the pole with her right hand and curled her left around it also, waiting for the music to begin before she started to dance. With her form she spiraled around the pole, shaking her hips as she spirited in her movements, holding the pole with both hands and bending over to show everyone her tight ass that she wiggled with enthusiasm. Siltrixia would dance until the music ended, but some of those men had staggered forward to shove money in to her visible thong, it was a great way to earn tips, that's for sure, and she kept what she got given plus her wages for the night.

Lon refilled his glass, not paying attention to the stage, worrying about his newly acquired state of homelessness. He sighed before finishing his second glass, caving in to the idea of an Inn. He looked into the bottom of his glass, frowning. He spent so much time worrying about surviving through the next week, the next day. He was tired of it.

He poured the whiskey into the glass, and took another sip as he finally looked to the stage. He choked on the drink, his throat and nose on fire, bringing tears to his eyes. "Damnit to hell!" He rasped, catching the attention of those around him, a few laughing. He just stared at the Vixen on stage. Did the gods themselves want to make him miserable? He couldn't believe, refused to believe his luck was that bad. He put the cap back on the bottle and made his way to the door, wiping the alcohol from his fur.

Siltrixia entangled her legs around the pole, clinging to it with her hands as well as she arches herself backwards to view everything upside down. She let go with her left hand and pointed straight at Lontar, as she barked out an order to the staff. "Don't let him get away! He owes me money, catch him and keep him in my dressing room!" The music stopped and she flitted off the pole and put a hand on her hip as she smirked in victory. A pair of burly dogs moved in on Lontar, blocking his way out the front. And just in case, three more blocked the back entrance too.

The raccoon stops, looking up at the muscle heads. "Great. Bloody freaking fantastic!" He turned to the stage. "You have a real issue with letting things go don'tcha!" He yelled at her.

"I'm a fox, I don't let things drop!" she shouted, crossing her arms. He looked around quickly, before his pale blue eyes locked with her gold, and he grinned. He popped the cap off the whiskey and threw it in one of the dogs' eyes, and with the same motion jumped and smashed the bottle over the other ones head. As the others started to push through the crowd towards him, he blew a kiss to Sil, laughing as he ran between the dogs and into the street. Her eyes followed after him as he avoided the dogs. She sort of was impressed by him; though, he was too damn cheeky too for his own good. Leaping off the stage she pounded out in to the street, hoping to catch him off guard; besides she knew where his hideout was and she could track him down with ease.

She found him outside, walking across the street. "Look, you owe me for a new top that you wrecked, and as I said no one gets a free show off me. Pay up or I will keep hunting you."

Lontar stopped and turned on the other side of the street, his blue eyes cold with indignation and anger. "FREE SHOW!?" He screamed, making Siltrixia take a step back from him as he continued yelling at her. "What was free? And what show?" He growled. "The only thing I saw was the window as I ran, and I paid you with all of my spoils for the day and my home!" He yelled, wiping more of the whiskey from his fur on his shirt. "I can't go back there now that you know about it, it's a lost cause! You got that stupid bracelet back, plus everything else that was there, and my home. You got paid more than enough, you put me out on the street, now leave me be!" Lontar growled as he turned and started walking away.

She rubbed at her temples, confused. She hadn't realized the damage and trouble she had caused him. Grunting a little, she ran after him again. "Wait, what do you mean you lost your home? It's not like I'm gonna tell anyone where you are, hell I don't even know you. And those spoils you keep blabbing about are where you left them. Tch, I was so busy being pissed at you I forgot to pick my bracelet up." She frowned. "So it's all there and everything, I mean we both have to make a living, right?" She offered to him.

Lontar turned to her, his stripped tail twitching, clearly agitated. "I'm a THIEF! I would be a complete idiot to go back there! It doesn't matter who knew about it. It's a hideout, no one is supposed to know about it!" he screamed back at her. The vixen stopped, standing there shivering since her clothes weren't warm. She curled her brush about herself, almost having tears of shame fall from her golden eyes. He crossed his arms, glaring over at the shivering woman. After a short time he sighed, grumbling as he pulled a black shirt from a pouch at the small of his back. He looked into her eyes, frowning deeply as he tossed the shirt to her. "Go back inside." he told her as he turned around to walk away.

"Wait". She caught the shirt and put it on, grateful for the warmth. She needed to repay him somehow, and she could only think of one way at the moment. "You can stay at my place until you find somewhere new!" The vixen's ears flopped as she stared at his back, she still shivered. "Please?"

Lontar stopped in his tracks, his fuzzy black ear twitching. "You can't be serious," He said, turning to look back at her. "This is some kind of joke right?"

Siltrixia gave him a look that suggested she never changed her mind once made up. She hurried across the street, going right up to him and starring down into his blue eyes. "I'm deadly serious. Here's the thing, I'm only staying here for a couple of months, and as it seems I owe you far too much, so you should stay with me for a while till you get a new place."

He shook his head, covering his face with his paws and sighing. "I don't believe this." He looked up at her, frowning again. "I don't want pity, you don't owe me a damned thing; I screwed up. If I was anything worth it you would have never found me." He said, crossing his arms, becoming frustrated with her, and himself. "Don't jump into something you'll regret. Go back inside; you don't want a thief under your roof, do you?"

"Gggrrr damn it you never screwed up, I'm a vixen I can bloody well smell your scent". The vixen snarled low at him, he sure knew how to rub her up the wrong way. "Fine, you be that way. Go scrounge about on the streets and get caught by the night watch, find a nice cold corner to curl up in and be pathetic. I offered you a warm place to stay even if it is for a couple of months; it's fucking well free bed and food". Siltrixia glared at him unwilling to go back inside not until he accepted.

"How the hell do you think I've spent my life!? Did you look at that rat hole? I've grown up on the streets, I've never had a warm place to stay, this is nothing new for me, And Night watch!? HAH! They couldn't grab me if I covered myself in glue and danced in front of them!" He yelled, his eyes wild, and full of unshed tears. "Just go back inside damnit, a few more nights in an alley isn't a big deal..." He said, turning away.

Siltrixia waved her brush about now, "You're not the only one, ok? Plenty of us around here grew up on the streets, most of us orphans! And stop telling me to go back inside because I'm stubborn as hell!" She put her hands on her hips, shaking her head and making her already frizzy hair frizz out more. "...You impressed back there in the tavern, you got nice footwork." Her silver fur ruffled up as she leant against a wall, still keeping an eye upon him.

"Shiiit!" Lontar said, and with feeling to it. "Don't, do not try and make me feel better. And don't try that you're not the only one crap! You have a warm place to go all your own. I'm still on the street." He turned back to her, staring at her, leaning against the wall. She really wasn't going to leave him alone. He sighed, "I'll agree, if you just stop with all of it, alright?" He growled.

Siltrixia put her hands in the air in a somewhat defeated manner, an open hand gesture, but at least he accepted. She wouldn't say anymore, he could find out for himself what kind of a warm place it was. She grinned at him and started walking to her home. "Ok, I'll stop. By the way, I'm Siltrixia Candy. Though, you probably heard that back at the bar." she smiled softly at the raccoon.

"Lontar Treats." He said, following her. He walked to the side, and behind her, keeping his distance.

Her brush whipped from side to side as she walked along, turning various corners and so forth. The streets were empty, and she preferred them this way. "Nice to meet you I guess." Making a little try at conversation as she led her companion to what looked like a run down hovel of an inn. She opened the door and beckoned him inside. "It's all I can afford. Sure you can make you do?" she lilted as she bounded past him and up some stairs, pushing open another door. Siltrixia bowed Lontar in to her dank room with a flourish. "You can take the spare bed."

Lontar looked around the room before going in. "... I feel like I've been swindled..." He frowned as he walked in.

"It's better than a street corner and a lot warmer too." she huffed at him as she bent down every now and then to pick up old scrolls and various maps. With them all bundled in her arms she dumped them in a corner.

Lontar watched Sil move around, his frown growing. "I can't believe I tried to rob an adventurer." She grinned a little, hurrying to tidy the rest of her various traveling items away. He sighed, picking up a stray scroll and looking at it. "Why are you in a place like this? I've never heard of an Adventurer so strapped for cash she'd have to dance in a bar." He said, tossing the scroll to her and leaning against the wardrobe.

Siltrixia grabbed the scroll, and tossed it in with the rest. She took off the black shirt she had been given, and placed it on the bed. She pondered for a moment, before answering him with a flat toned voice. "Truth be told I'm not a very good adventurer, so I don't get much work. I needed to earn money fast and the only way I can do so is by returning to my dancing job." She frowned at the dress she still wore, the one she danced in. She had forgotten to pick up her clothes, as well as her wages. "Damn, I'm so forgetful today..." the vixen chastised herself. Though, she would be working tomorrow, so she could pick up both nights wages at the same time. Just means she has a bigger wage packet at the end of it. She lifted her dress slightly and pulled down her thong, tossing it on the bed as well. She grabbed up a cloth bag, placing it underneath her. She then released a certain muscle, and gold coins dropped from her, and into the bag. All those coins were tips she had earned from the patrons in the bar. She had stored them up her cunt for safe keeping, and showed no sign of discomfort or pain at all. Crouching down a little over the pile in the bag, she inserted two of her fingers inside of herself, trying to pull out any coins that hadn't fallen out. Once done, she made sure they were all in the bag before standing up and tying it shut. "I'll clean that up later." She muttered to herself as she stamped on a floorboard. The floorboard moved up and Siltrixia stashed the bag underneath it and put the board back down into place.

The thief had stood there, dumbfounded by what he had just witnessed, blushing crimson through his black mask. "... What the hell was that!?" He yipped, his voice a little high, as he finally turned away from the exposed vixen.

She smoothed her dress down, glancing at him over her shoulder. "Did ya think all that jiggling about on stage was just for show? How else am I supposed to carry all that around with me?"

"Get a freaking purse or something!" He said, starring intently at the wall, feeling the heat in his face.

"Really now; a purse costs money, and I can't get one unless I've earned some!" She giggles a bit and pads over to Lontar, standing right beside him. "You're blushing like crazy." He kept his focus on the wall, trying to ignore her. Her silver fur bristled a little with a random twitch of her body. She murred lightly, moving away from him to set up the spare bed so he could sleep. Her own bed a bundle of sheets and blankets that seriously needed sorting out. Once she set up Lontars' bed, she twitched again. "I'll be back in twenty minutes." The fox muttered, wanting to leave the room to be on her own for personal reasons, rushing out and closing the door behind her. With wide eyes she scurried down the hallway, diving to her left and straight into the bathroom. She kicked the door shut and bolted it. Inside she knelt by the bathtub, clutching the edge with her hands. Her breathing was erratic, she had to get it back to normal but it wasn't that easy.

She played out the scene in her head, crouching in front of Lontar and partially fingering herself as he starred in shock. Siltrixia had worked herself up to a frenzy that needed to be gotten rid of. Letting go of the bathtub, she slipped two of her fingers back up inside of her, gently stroking herself, bringing a low moan from her throat.

He placed his forehead against the wall, sighing heavily. "There is something very wrong with her..." He mumbled to himself, before pushing away from the wall and moving over to the spare bed. He looked around again. There was something very wrong with her, he thought, glancing over at the bag of gold and shaking his head. He started to lay down, when he caught his own scent. "No wonder she tracked me, I've been running around non-stop for three days." He grumbled, getting up and walking out, looking for the bath. He walked down the hall, noticing a door with a sign on it. Going over to the bathroom, he stopped, noticing it was occupied.

After ten minutes of waiting, he began to get annoyed. He walked up to the door, knocking on it sharply. "Hey, don't take too long, I need a bath!" He called.

Growling at his voice, Siltrixia closed her golden eyes. Really; he did seem uptight, he needed to loosen up a little bit. "Yeah yeah, I'll be done when I'm done!" She called back. Lon sighed, walking back to the room to wait.

After half an hour, she exited the bathroom with dripping fur. She had taken a shower while in there, and she now ran down the hall, zipping in to her room. She quickly picked up a sheet and flung it about herself. She hung up the dancing dress upon a hook on the wall. "Bathroom is free now." She said, turning around to find the room empty.

Lontar walked down the street, bag in hand, heading back to the Inn. He had realized while waiting that he hadn't eaten since yesterday, and had gone to the nearest tavern for some food. He walked up the stairs, looking down the hall at the open bathroom. "Oh, goody." He mumbled, opening the door to Sils' room. He froze on the spot, seeing the wet vixen in the sheet. The coons blush returned as he set the bag of food on the bed, not looking at her. "You ever hear of the word modesty?"

"Erm, no." She responded, frowning in her confusion.

He sighed, walking back out the door. "I'll be back in a minute, help your self to the food." He grumbled before closing the door.

"Just too uptight." She sighed, rummaging through the food sack until she found a bread roll. She thought that when in the public such as on the streets, modesty was a must. But when in a place of dwelling or when she was dancing, modesty could be thrown out the window; because Clive always told her ~You can earn a pretty penny if you're pleasing to the eye.~

Lontar walked into the bathroom, shaking his head as he closed the door behind him, and going to the bath. Turning on the water, he removed his clothes, wincing and finding a few new bruises from the day's activities, and a few cuts. He changed the water to be very hot, and slipped under the shower. He murred as the almost scolding water rushed over him, and just stood there, letting it soak his fur. The raccoon kept his eyes closed, reaching for the soap, and began to wash himself. He hadn't had a real good shower in a while, and he decided to take his time, enjoying the water. He started thinking about Sil. "... I need to find a new place; this woman's going to drive me mad if I stay here." He sighed.

So this is odd, a fox living with... hmm, whatever he is. Siltrixia thought as she finished the bread and licked her lips. She took the sheet off and put it back on her bed, sliding in under the covers. Her fur was still a little damp, but it would dry off while she slept. She nuzzled in to her pillow, murring as she did so. Her brush curled up under her nose and she yawned as she settled down for the night, the vixen also curling up her body in to a loose ball.

Lon padded back down the hall, wearing a fresh set of clothes, matching his previous outfit. He held his pouch and daggers in his hands with his belt and dirty clothing. He opened the door to the room, finding Sil curled up. He stood there, wondering to himself how she messed up as an adventurer, when she kept up with him a little on the street. He dropped his things on the bed, and lay down, placing the daggers next to his head.

Siltrixia grumbled from her bed as she uncurled slightly, perking up an ear as she screwed her eyes shut tighter. She soon buried her head under her pillow to filter out the noise she felt he was making, the vixen now laying on her front with the covers only covering her waist. His ears twitched at her moving, and he opened an eye, finding her losing her covers. He rolled over, facing away from her, his long bushy tail hanging over the edge of the bed.

"Damn it", Siltrixia exclaimed as her head came back from the under the pillow. Lon jumped at her shouting, his tail puffed out to the max. Taking the sheet with her she left her bed, opened the window and clambered out of it. She climbed up to sit on the roof wrapping her brush about her ankles as she drew her knees up to her jiggly chest and put her chin on them. She couldn't sleep, maybe because she had company with her, male company to be precise, and it had been a while since she had had a male in her room. Her ears flattened backwards as she starred out over the second world a city always had, the rooftop world. The stars were out since the night was a clear one, and the moon hung sickle like, cutting in to the blackness of the sky.

He glared out the window, his heart in his chest, and his hand on his dagger. "Damn!" He growled, letting go of the dagger and trying to calm himself. He sat there for a minute in confusion, and blushing at the full view he had received when she had crawled through the window. She's insane, crazy, A few cards short, he thought. He grabbed the bag of food from the floor, and started eating, thinking of where to look for a place to stay before she went mad and killed him in his sleep.

She stayed where she was hunched up on the roof, huddling the sheet tighter about her form. A small smile flickered on her pretty face as she heard Lontar growl, she sort of liked him for his roguish charm he exuded. The vixen still didn't feel tired at all and it made her fur bristle. She snorted in her frustration at the whole situation she managed to get herself in.

Lontar sat there after a while, frowning out the window. He was starting to think that she didn't want to be in the room with him. He knew this would happen, inviting a stranger, and a thief back to her place. He got up and put his belt back on, placing the pouch and daggers in their places. She heard movement inside and her ears perked right up, she scrambled and hung her head down over the edge of the roof to look in to the room upside down. "HEY! Don't you dare think of leaving!" Siltrixia snapped. Her frizzy black hair frizzed even more as she continued to hang upside down.

"What the hell do you care?" He growled, not turning around to look at her. "You don't want me here, you can't even stay in the room with me." He continued, growling deeper. "I told you not to bring me here, so just leave me alone already." He moved for the door.

The vixen rolled her eyes, "Is that what you think? Sheesh striped one, I happen to like sitting out here when I can't sleep, and I've not had company in a long time." Siltrixia flipped herself back through the window, the sheet fluttering out behind her; she quickly gathered it to keep herself covered. Moving over to him she gripped a hand on his shoulder and spun him round to face her. "Perhaps you should learn my habits before jumping to make assumptions."

Lontar pulled away, snarling up at her. "I don't want to learn your habits! I don't want to know your likes and dislikes!" He yelled, his blue eyes flashing in the silver moonlight. "I don't want to get to know you, I don't want another friend, friends only stab you in the back and die on you!" He stopped, shocked at his own outburst. He looked up at her, before wrenching the door open and running down the hall, leaping down the stairs and flying through the door into the street.

Siltirxias' gold eyes widened with her own shock. She hadn't expected this at all. A strangled cry of surprise came from her as he ran from her room. Trembling, she dropped the sheet and grabbed the hanging dance dress, struggling to get over her head as she ran. She partially trips over her own feet in her rush, trying to do two things at once, and she tumbled out on to the street doing a spectacular headfirst roll. Finding herself sitting on the cobbled ground she burst in to tears, for no apparent reason she just started to cry. "If you hate me that much ya shoulda said so before coming here."

He stopped, turning around on the corner, seeing her on the ground. He covered his face and screamed into his paws, frustrated like never before as he walked over to her. "Damnit." He growled, stopping half way, looking at her, watching her cry. "... Double Damnit." He closed the last distance between them, kneeling a little away from her. "Why do you keep chasing me? What has you so obsessed with keeping me here?"

"I made you lose your home, and I'm kinda lonely." She rubbed at her eyes and looked at him. She sniffed as she got up to her feet, rubbing some more at her eyes as they grew red rimmed. "I would give you the you're not the only to suffer lecture but I promised not to. I'll let you be, you seem to want to be out here." The vixen slunk back inside and walked up the stairs to her room. She slumped on to her bed, beating her pillow with her fists. "God, for once I bump in to a good looking male and he turns out to have issues, I swear the world hates me, and I most likely deserve it." Siltrixia took the pillow and put it back over her head after wriggling out of her dress, leaving it on the floor and pulling the covers up over her.

Lontar was still there, kneeling in the street. He closed his eyes tight. "What the hell!?" he yelled to no one, looking at the door. "How does she manage to make me feel like a shit?" he asked himself, getting up. He walks over to the Inn, hopping up the side of the building, grabbing a pipe and climbing up the side, to her window. He finds her in bed, under her pillow. He sits there, not making a sound, thinking to himself. Why me? Why does she come after me? And how did I get to be the bad guy in this mess!? And why the hell do I care? He sighed, managing to half smile and half frown down at her.

Under her pillow she spilled hot tears choking back on her sobs. From the moment she laid eyes on him she had been nothing but horrid, and she had tried to make up for it by inviting him to stay. Fat lot of good that did; he turned on her, had an outburst and everything! Ok, she got the picture, he obviously had a bad life, but seriously he wasn't the only one. Most of her cubhood had been spent on the street til Clive picked her up to train her in the art of dance, it so happened that most of his staff used to be some type of street urchin. No one cared about a bunch of orphans being taken in by anyone, because orphans had no rights and that was about it.

He sat there in the window, listening to her cry. The prospect of falling back and slamming into the street was looking better by the second in comparison to talking to a crying woman, but he couldn't just leave her like this. Somehow, this was his fault. He had no idea how, but he was wise enough to know that it was.

Siltrixia came out from under her pillow and rolled on to her back. She rubbed her eyes, she snuffled a little and stared up at the ceiling. Her gaze drifted to her open window, and she meeped at Lontar in surprise, thinking he had gone off by himself. She sat up, keeping her covers over her endowed chest. "It's cold out there, come back inside".

He hopped down to the floor, but stayed by the window. "I didn't mean to upset you..., I just..." He looked around the room, never letting his eyes stray to her, unable to meet her eyes. "I'm still on the street, you, you have friends, a real job when you need it." He said, frowning as always.

"I got one friend that doesn't count as a whole bunch now does it"? She leant back as she spoke. "And you call dancing a real job? I was raised in to that work its one of the reasons I became an adventurer, the other is I wanted to travel find some excitement".

"I can't afford friends, the place I still live in can't take friends, and you trust someone and they get you in trouble, or they leave you." He laughed. "I can't understand how or why you would invite a complete stranger into your home, especially a thief who robbed you that same day!" He finally looked at her, nothing in his eyes but the weight of too many years experience in too young a body. "Why? Why did you really bring me here, even if you were lonely, why me?"

She sighed, "I felt bad having chased you out your home; and because I made you homeless and I'm lonely, I asked you here. I'm not heartless, I gotta do something to make up for what I did. Besides, you move pretty good on your feet, you got my attention." The vixen smiled a little. "You're lonely too, I can see it in your eyes, broken friendships and constant betrayals. Lontar, you've had it tough, but sometimes you got to offload on someone."

"Tch." He turned away from her again, crossing his arms. "How the hell does a thief unload?" He mumbled.

She sighs once more and folds her ears backwards, "It's called talking."

His bushy ringed tail twitched. "I never had anyone to talk to, you start getting emotional around my kind you get taken."

"There are always ways around things, for instance find someone who isn't a thief and talk to them, then pretend like you have no emotions at all when you return." She replied, hoping it was a helpful suggestion.

"Hahahaha!" he started laughing, turning around to look at her. "Who am I going to go to? I don't know anyone other than thieves." He asked, a small smile on his muzzle.

Siltrixia grunted at him, "Find someone, its not hard. I'm sure someone would listen to a bleeding heart. I know I would". She looked away from him, her ears flattening further as she drew her knees up to her chest.

His smile faded, looking at her. Lon watched her for a while in silence, thinking. "I don't think talking about my life is possible, with anyone, not right now." He pushed away from the wall and padded over to her slowly. "But this... this, a place to stay, a hot shower, this helps." He smiled down at her, a mixed expression.

She looks up at him from her place on the bed, a sad smile curling her lips. "That's good to hear. If you want, when I leave I can pay for you to have this room. I can possibly stretch for a few months for you".

"No, don't. I won't need it..." He sat down next to her, looking up at her. "Why are you having such a hard time being an Adventurer?" Lon asked, having a sudden idea.

"" Siltrixia stammered as she tried to get her tongue around it. "When you end up getting most of the members in your group killed, you're reputation tends to go downhill after that".

Lon starred at her, frowning. "Why do you think it was your fault?"

Her hands clenched up in to fists, "Because it was a night attack when it happened, I.... we... I don't know what happened really, but I can see quiet well in the dark. I tried to help them. Hell I could barely see who or what was coming at us, it was as if they were veiled by something I couldn't see through". Siltirxias' gold eyes brimmed with tears once more, "By morning they were all dead, brutally torn apart, and because I survived; though severely beat up, word got around not to give me work".

He just stared at her. "... you mean to tell me, you got blacklisted, and blame yourself because you got lucky that the obviously magickal creature didn't rip you to shreds?"

"What else am I meant to do"? She hid her face in to her hands, "I'm the only one could see in the dark I should have been able to help, gods my body was torn up I'm lucky I didn't scar at all".

He sighed. "You can see in the dark, not through magicks. It's not your fault, didn't you have some kind of mage in the group?"

She shook her head, "No we didn't think we needed one". Her silver fur fluffed up in her obvious distress at even talking about this, take your own advice and unload on someone.

He leaned forward, resting his chin on her knee lightly. "You can't be blamed for a group decision. Fore what ever reason the collective group felt you were all prepared, things happen, no matter how tragic, you can't let yourself become the scapegoat."

She peeks at him from between her fingers and then drops them in to her lap, her expression becomes one of gratefulness and she kisses him lightly on his nose. "Guess I needed to hear that from someone".

The raccoon blushes, sitting back up. "Well..., the truth helps sometimes." He said, looking away from her gold eyes.

"Suppose if at least one thinks it is truth", she heaved out a sigh. "You blush a lot". The vixen suddenly piped up, she stared at him fully now and smiled at his redness. "Kinda cute".

His ears twitched as he blushed even more, turning away from her. "It's not cute." He grumbled, crossing his arms.

"Yes it is", the vixen chortled as she crawls on her hand and knees to be in front of him. She peers in to his face waving her brush around; she giggles and kisses his nose again.

He jumped back, his face crimson. "Hey! Clothes!" He yipped, falling off the bed.

Siltrixia looked over the edge of her bed down at Lontar, "What is it with you and clothes? I'm basically in bed I don't need them right now". She frowned a little at the raccoon. "You ok though"?

He frowned, rubbing the back of his head. "Damn... Are all women this comfortable being in the fur around men, or are you a special case?" he grumbled, turning away again.

"I'm a special case most women are far too shy, but heck I couldn't dance if I was like the rest of them". She pointed that rather bluntly. "Don't you find me attractive"?

Lontar sat very still, only his tail fluffing up and twitching. He could feel the heat radiating from his face. "uh..."

The fox smirked, "I don't expect an answer". She snuggled back down in to her bed, getting her covers back.

He turned his head slowly, still red, eyes wide. "I-I do think you're... attractive..." he mumbled softly.

Siltrixia's ears twitched as his voice went almost quite, she crawled back to the edge of the bed to look back down at him. "I heard that," she murred low. "Want to come back up here"?

Lontar's heart almost stopped, he couldn't stop blushing. He also couldn't understand how this happened. "Wha- what?"

"I asked if you want to come back up here", she answered him gently. She reaches an outstretched hand to him, an offer to help him back on to her bed.

He look's up at her, taking her hand, and standing back up. He sits on the far end of the bed, not looking at her again, becoming frustrated with himself for looking like a fool, blushing like this.

After a while she was kneeling behind him wrapping her arms about his waist, pulling the raccoon close to her naked chest and body. She murred lightly nuzzling her muzzle in to his tender neck, she took in his scent breathing in deeply.

"Wha- What are you-!" He started to protest, confused, but calmed almost instantly as the vixen nuzzled his neck. His blush grew stronger again, as he turned his head to look at her. "What are you doing?"

She puts a finger to his lips to hush him, as she drew it away she leant forwards kissing him softly. "You never done this before? That's ok". He looked up at her with his soft blue eyes, forgetting about his blush, and wrapping his fluffy tail around himself. He smiled, a mix of nervousness, uncertainty, and shyness. "Follow my lead", she churred to him running her fingers down his back. "Better get you out of those clothes". The vixen used her other hand to try and remove his shirt, all the while her fingers are still dancing over his spine. He shivered at her touch, staying silent, as he pulled his shirt from under his belt, lifting it over his head slowly, uncovering his dark grey fur.

Siltrixia moves back a little to stare at his chest licking her lips, moving back in she licks her roving tongue over his left nipple, drawing a gasp from the coon. Enjoying the taste of him she then presses her mouth upon it and sucks it lightly. Looking down in surprise at the vixen on his chest, he drops his shirt, bringing his tail to wrap around her. She attacked his right nipple now also sucking upon that one but adding in a few nips for good measure, she pulls up to dive upon his neck biting it softly. Her silver fur bristled out again since she was excited at having a male who she could show a good time too, her hands reached down fumbling to undo his pants.

He let out a soft murr, calming down again as she bit his neck. He flicked the buckle of his belt with a claw, undoing it for Sil. "Mmm", she half moaned as she worked on getting him out of his pants. "Oh my you got a good one on you", the vixen exclaimed happily wagging her silver brush. Lon managed to blush even deeper, not sure what to say to her. She helps him out of his pants tossing them to the floor on his shirt; she closes in on him licking at his left nipple as her fingers dance down his chest. Tilting her head down she smirks at what was on view to her, she lays down on her front lapping her happy tongue the tip of his member. He begins to murr softly, his tail twitching back and forth over the bed. His soft blue eyes watch her, almost unbelieving of what is happening, his claws gripping the sheets.

She makes her tongue curl around his width, softly runs the fleshy tunnel up and down. Groaning at the taste of his apparent innocence, she engulfs him fully in to her mouth sliding downwards nibbling gently with her sharp fangs. "Ngh!" Lon grunts, the feel of her teeth sending shivers up and down his spine, and driving his claws deeper into the bed. His member twitches inside of her mouth as he almost looses himself, biting his lip.

She pulls back from him not wanting him to release just yet, gently she picks up his right hand sucking on each of his fingers. Siltrixia sits in front of him opening her legs a little; she guides his hand to her cunt whispering hints to him. He started to protest, but fell silent as she opens herself to him. The raccoon lets her guide him, listening to her voice. Helping the coon to ease two of his digits up inside of her, she utters a small groan. "Gently now use your fingertips to stroke." He feels the heat surrounding his fingers, the softness as he begins to move them inside of her slowly, exploring. She leans back on her hands as she closes her golden eyes murring at his slow exploration, every now and then she would wriggle her hips a little to re-direct his wayward fingers. Good thing he learnt fast, she was enjoying this greatly. He followed her movements, watching her, and feeling an odd sense of satisfaction from making her feel like this. He started to use his thumb, putting his dexterous thief skills to better use than picking locks, moving up and down her slit, hitting a firm nub at the top.

"Lontar", she panted out to him. She drew back, easing him out of her and his fingers dripped with her wetness; she was seriously excited by his tentive touching. The vixen hooked her legs around his neck and used them to drag him down to her; she basically had his muzzle directly in front of where he had been touching. "Lick it", Siltrixia murred. She had caught him off guard, pulling him down quickly, his muzzle less than an inch away from her slit. He looked up at her with his powder blue eyes, before giving in and giving her one quick lick. The vixen was sweet and salty all at once, and the raccoon immediately began licking her over and over again. His long tongue lick up all of the wetness his fingering had left, only to find more and more spilling from her. He slipped his tongue inside of her, pushing into the tightness of her, murring into her. "Yes right there", she exclaimed between a moan and a cry of lust. Her legs tightened their grip a little on him, she fell backwards laying on her back arching herself to push her hips upwards to him. She gripped her hands in to his hair as she moaned aloud thoroughly enjoying this, she shivered a little and bucked at his tongue going in deep. Lon panicked for a moment as Sil forced him into her, but grinned and started nuzzling his muzzle into her, rubbing his fur against her nub as he continued to lick her.

The vixen let him go and wriggled back away from him, she panted heavily her tongue hanging from the side of her own muzzle. Her ears half flattened in a relaxed manner but she was far from relaxed, she grinned at the raccoon trying to get her breath she didn't want to come just yet she was having too much fun with him. He growled in frustration as she started to pull away, reaching with his tongue and missing. He looked up at her, moving back onto his knees, waiting for what was next. Siltrixia said nothing to him but merely watched his frustration, it was good to be like that it meant it felt better when you finally hit a climax. "Here. Now." She churred out her order softly wiping a finger over her clit to make herself shiver. Lontar growled softly at the ordering, but moved over to her. Crawling over her till they were face to face, his fluffy tail flicking to the side, running up her leg as he moved.

The Vixen murrs softly placing her arms about his shoulders drawing him down, she lifts her hips up to wriggle herself over his dripping tip. Her own brush taps randomly on the bed showing how truly wound up she was. He feels her heat press against him, and lowers himself, pushing his length against her. He rubs up and down her wet slit slowly, as he buries his muzzle into her neck, breathing her in. He pulls back slowly, finding her opening, kissing the hollow of her neck before he starts to push himself inside of her. She gasps audibly, arching her back to make her hips greet him as she soon tangles her legs about his waist. Siltrixia murmurs in pleasure shivering at his muzzle in her neck, her claws dig in to his shoulders burying underneath his fur. Once Lontar pushed himself in she wrapped her legs around him tighter, pulling him down and drawing him deeper in to her wet warmth.

He couldn't believe the feeling of hot wet silk surrounding him, the stronger vixen pulling him fully against her. The shorter raccoons face was pressed against her breasts, and he couldn't help himself as he flicked his tongue out to one of her nipples, murring at her taste once more. She digs her claws further in to his shoulders uttering sounds of enjoyment, she bucked her hips up grinding them against his own. Her head had tilted back to allow her to cry aloud, her lover was a virgin but he was giving her one of the best times she ever had. He growled at the piercing feeling of her claws in his back, watching as her breasts jiggled softly under his cheek. He catches her breast in his mouth, suckling softly on her flesh, nipping her gently as his tongue flicked over her. Lon lifted his hips, fighting her grip, before thrusting himself back inside of her. Siltrixia only fought to keep a tighter grip upon him when he fought her, it was natural for her as the bigger partner in this. "Lon... Lon... just a little more", she whimpered in to his ear. She wanted more, she pleaded for more, the vixen's body felt hot as everything that he done to her built up inside her wanting to be released. He couldn't fight her grip on him, trying to do as she asked. He nipped her nipple harder in lust and frustration, trying to loosen her grip. Finally, growling into her breast the lithe raccoon started rolling his hips, moving himself all around inside of her. She was going to scream not out of pain but out of sheer ecstasy, she scratches her claws down his back leaving long red trailing marks. In a fit of lust induced madness she bit hard in to his right shoulder, stifling further sound from her as her body stiffened dramatically with her utmost climax spilling forth warm fluid on to his member.

Lontar's growls grew with the pain in his back and neck, her claws and teeth holding him back from the tight feeling around his member as she came. Murring slightly, she eased up on her biting and clawing, though she was satisfied she continued to rock her body gently underneath him. It would be unfair to let just herself have all the fun. His arms began to shake, the raccoon fighting to hold himself up as he quickly came back to the edge. He started rolling his hips against hers once more, growling softly into his vixens' neck as his member began to throb. Lon soon cried out in his first release, filling the vixen with his cum, rocking his hips firmly against her own. His trembling arms gave out finally, weakly falling to her side and slipping out of her with a wet pop.

The vixen churrs as she rolls on to her side to look at him, she buries her muzzle in to his chest murring happily. Her brush falls over her waist as she curls up a little, both their wetness dripping over her thighs. Lontar grins at her, nuzzling the top of her head as he pulls her closer to him. He rests an arm across her waist, trailing his claws through her brush, his own tail hanging off of the bed.

"Thank you", Siltrixia whispered in to his ear. She closes her golden eyes as she licks at his neck, she then snuggles herself further up against him. He grins wider, licking her ear in answer. He flicks his tail over them both, closing his own powder blue eyes, murring softly under his breath. She felt sleepy now and she yawns as she lets the tired aftermath take her over, Lontar was warm to snuggle up to, he was comfy too. The coon soon found the warmth and comfort of another body to be too much, slowly losing the battle to stay awake. He began to wonder what it would be like to be an adventurer.

We hope you enjoyed it, as we are half way through the next chapter! ^__^ Let us know what you think!