The Camera Eye: New York

Story by Darryl the Lightfur on SoFurry

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Nothing could have prepared the vixen, Olivia Johnson for what awaited once she stepped out of LaGuardia International Airport. For this unassuming little fox from small-town Wisconsin had just arrived in the city of New York, ready to shoot photographs of the buildings and culture and citizens who make New York the most vibrant city in the United States. Her boyfriend/agent, Jason Knobler a white fox who was the editor of a photography magazine named "The Camera Eye" was funding this whole operation- a trip to the Big Apple and then to London to "capture the essence of the two most important cities in the Anglophone world." This self-styled dilettante who was wealthy enough to afford a new outlandish outfit for every public outing stood out at the gate with his yellow-and-brown plaid outfit, bolo tie, black Stetson hat, and blue jeans.

"Why are you dressed like a cowboy? This isn't Wyoming or Texas- this is New York." was the vixen's first comment upon seeing her boyfriend, dressed in clothes which seemed so out of place in a city such as New York.

"Because I wanted to bring a little something from home. You know I'm not from New York, I'm from Texas- your photo shoots of Dallas, which is my hometown were truly wonderful as was your beautiful look at the minimalist beauty of the Midwestern states such as Wisconsin, Missouri, Chicagoland and Oklahoma City. The LDS temple in Independence for instance, was wonderful..."

She knew that once this Dallas maverick trapped in New York started talking about architecture, art, or Mormon theology there was no way to get him to stop but in a way this vixen was drawn to him. It was more than just having his knot and sheath inside of her, though the two had done this before and would probably end up getting married at the end of her photo assignment in New York and London. The white fox was knowledgeable about nearly every place he had visited in his years as a photographer himself, with the poignant photos of the World Trade Center, he studied the evolution of Frank Lloyd Wright's architecture, he knew nearly every artist who ever impacted American art. (Once Olivia received an unsolicited lecture on the importance of Roy Liechtenstein's comic book art in the middle of a romantic dinner which was informative to say the least.) But he was just too deep and intellectual for any of his former girlfriends- some believed him to be in fact bisexual but who was to know of this powerful man in the New York social circle.

"That's all very nice, you know but I came here for one reason, well actually two, to shoot photos and be with you as you tell me about New York," the vixen said joining her muzzle to the white fox who had been so kind to pay her airfare.

"Well based upon your past experiences and past assignments, I would expect nothing less than perfection. That is what you are capable of. I've taken the liberty of preparing my house for a guest- it's in the Hamptons", he said as he started to drive his VW Beetle away from the airport, after so chivalrously carrying her luggage. Why a fox so wealthy chose to get around in this cheap automobile, especially when some of the more expensive and desirable German cars were well within his price range was a mystery to all. "Just remember that as a guest, you're entitled to certain shall we say, privileges at my estate. Crepes made of the finest cheeses from your home state and Texas cattle, of course and wine flavored by cranberries from Maine will be on the menu at my house tonight. You know I am a good cook." He went on and on about how good the meal would be as Olivia looked out the window and saw the streets of New York, a display of the most beautiful and well-lit avenues the world has ever produced.

"What do you think, my dear?"

"I think- YOU SHOULD SLOW DOWN!" A car coming from 9th street ran a red light and nearly T-boned the VW Beetle. "I can't wait to get a roof over my head tonight," Olivia said. Already the city itself like all of its residents in their mad rush to get from Point A to Point B in as little time as possible and with no regard to safety, had taken its toll.

Finally, the fox couple reached the mansion-like homesteads of the Hamptons, a haven for New York's insiders and well-to-do for decades. Jason so much enjoyed pointing out the houses of various painters, poets, musicians, and writers. Then he reached his own home, the runt of the order but still more spacious and expensive than the houses one would find in New Jersey or anywhere else in the New York Metropolitan area. Jason parked his car and helped his girlfriend out, before pointing out to Olivia where she would sleep, in a lavish guest room with colors of pink and red, designed for whatever pretty female would want to sleep with this fox.

"From time I might ask for a little ‘preview' of what our life together as married couple will be like..."

Olivia was a bit taken aback by this. She loved her fox boyfriend/employer and was thrilled to be together with him but she was not quite ready for the marriage proposal yet. The spontaneity of their romance was what made their relationship fun and magical. Once he started expecting sexual favors though, Jason lost a bit of his romantic appeal. Still, a great fox to be around but sometimes she felt they were getting a little too close. But tonight, she would not resist his advances and soon she found herself melting into him in a state of bliss, together on that bed.

"Premarital sex" Olivia said, massaging his ear which was an erogenous zone for canids, especially those with pointy ears "you're not much of a saint, Latter Day or otherwise."

"I don't see you complaining at all. So are you ready to see some of paradise with your ‘cowboy' lover?" Before long, after pounding her crease with such amazing power and vigor he exploded into her, cum flying out of his sheath inside of her. While a pregnancy would have sidetracked her quest, Olivia was on the pill and he did have a rubber designed for canids on. Soon, they would wake up but now they stared deep into each other's eyes and found love, peace, and happiness.

The next day came, finding Olivia sleeping in after a long day of travel and with some irons in the fire. She awoke to a breakfast, prepared by her boyfriend- buttermilk pancakes with syrup and lingonberries imported from Sweden on the side.

"You know we'll be headed to the Museum of Modern Art."

"Why does that not surprise me?" She knew very well how much Jason liked artwork- his house was filled with Ming vases, and African masks, and paintings by Roethko and Newman. She knew that flash photography was not allowed inside but she did take the time to snap a few photographs outside the museum, including a store owned by lions which sold halal meats, Hasidim wearing their typical uniform of black fedoras and jackets and side curls, and a sign which read "DO NOT EVEN THINK OF PARKING HERE". Typical New York life where devout Muslims and ultra-Orthodox Jews could live together in harmony. The artwork inside captured her thoughts- they were showing mostly the works of "The Factory" where Andy Warhol and his friends worked. When the time came for them to leave, Jason mused about the differences between American cities and English cities.

"There's the rain in Britain, which you don't see here. I mean It rains here but life continues. In the English countryside and even in London, when it rains life tends to slow down just a little. There's a sacredness to an English rain. It's light but it is incessant and that's why I like it. Once you've snapped a few photos here, we'll be going to London to shoot some more there."

And that's how the days went with Jason and Olivia, hot sex at night, photo shoots in the morning- for him this was a two-week vacation filled with sights, sounds, good meals and when the magazine came out with his assistant editor in charge, all these things he would spending would eventually even out with plenty of material for next month's publication. Their days became filled with Broadway plays, street performances, museum tours, Yankee games, expensive meals and so much more. This was a honeymoon before marriage. All the while, the vixen was dutifully snapping up photos and loving her future husband with each passing day. It seemed this wonderful moment in time would never end but when at last, the time came for them to go to London, this very much in love fox couple would go without hesitation. For when Olivia, this unassuming vixen from the American Midwest saw reflected in the glowing streets of Broadway, the sense of great things and possibilities that the city offered its people, contrasted with the homeless which she photographed to show the hard realities of life in the Big Apple. But warts and all, this city filled with equal parts triumph and tragedy, provided plenty of photo opportunities.

The focus is sharp in the city.