A Fox Among Wolves Chapter Two: Fox Omega Part Two

Story by CherryBlossomSystem on SoFurry

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#2 of A fox Among Wolves

This chapter well things get interesting for both protagonists and the sharp Miranda keeps a watchful eye over them both.


When I woke up the next morning I decided to take a walk around the town to explore. I didn't see that much of the town when I came in yesterday besides the school and it was Saturday so I had the weekend to myself. I told my mom I would be back and I went to go walk around the town and explore. It was a nice town full of trees and wide open space.

Seeing a small mall I went inside figuring I would find a place to get something to drink while I was there. Once inside I noted the boy from yesterday with a group of people but he didn't seem to be very happy. In fact he looked as if he was distinctly on edge. I went to the counter of the local Chicken Cow and ordered a frosty as it was hot outside today. As I waited I heard footsteps behind me and I moved to the side to let them get to the counter.

A tall bald girl in a white coat stood out the counter. To say I was surprised was an understatement. She glanced my way and smiled. "I'm Miranda. Are you new?" She asked offering a hand to shake. I took it and nodded. "Yes. My name is Josh." I reply to her before releasing the handshake.

I got my order at this moment and lingered to see if she had anything further to say. She did give me a few parting words "Since your new in town I'll give you a hint. Be wary of the woods at night. If you hear howling it is not safe to be outside." I nodded at her words but my curiosity was sparked as I am a wolf Furry and while I never saw a wolf in person I would enjoy such very much.


Despite the hint I just gave him the new kid seemed excited. I'll admit it intrigued me. Kyle wasn't here by choice today but some of the pack were giving him an undo amount of attention something he could do without. "Ok then josh I'm going to go do my friend Kyle a favor and rescue him then we can go around town together." I told him before marching over to the group and coughing lightly. Kyle gave me a look of relief and then slipped away.

The group moved as if to stop him and he gave a low threatening growl of warning which made them look at him unimpressed. "Get out of the way. I have no problem with causing a scenes here. I don't matter. But every single one of you has a social life...and it wouldn't do for you to show up to social functions a little.... beaten or bruised would it?" Well I had to give the fox credit he spoke with tact and just enough menace to set the edge of my fur on end if I had been in anthro form.The group reluctantly parted and Kyle marched firmly towards me his eyes like cold blue fire. He softened as he approached his mate a gentle kindness coming onto his face as he did so.

"Hey Josh. Adjusting to the town OK?" he asked him with a smile and I wondered if I should make an excuse to just disappear and leave them to it. "Yeah I guess I am. Where they giving you trouble?" he asked curiously and I listened with interest. "They only wish they could." he replied unable to keep the slight hard edge from his voice. "Please may we change the subject? They set my teeth on edge."

Josh nodded and the two began to walk away after Josh got his frozen yogurt and I tagged along to somewhat chaperon. Really I was interested in watching the interplay between the two and honestly this was a side of Kyle I'd never seen before so it was interesting to me.

This was the second time in two days the fox managed to surprise me. The first time was the whole scene with Brian. Kyle is many things but I'd never seen him quite so cold and efficient.His words that day still chilled me to my bones I had no doubts he could have killed Brian, he could have done it within seconds too but he didn't. He manipulated the situation to gain some respect and let his opponent live.

Now watching him with his mate who knew nothing of wolves he seemed to be a different person. Listening with rapt attention to Josh's words as we walked and replying in a soft gentle tone with hints of warmth that made me recall as fire on a cold winter's night. Enough heat to kiss the hairs of your fur and make you smile but not oppressive. There was a care there though was easy enough to tell but unless he pressed it further Josh likely wouldn't be able to tell why though he was reacting to it on a subconscious level.

"So why do you smell like Cherry Blossoms?" Asked Josh and I bit back a laugh while Kyle not missing a beat replied "It's my deodorant." Josh gave him a look. "You wear Cherry Blossom Deodorant?" The way he said was flat as if disbelieving. "Well I believe so. If you want me to go get you some I can. Or I could hike home and get the bottle and come back just to prove it to you."

Josh just laughed lightly and Kyle looked at him curiously. "Stop being so serious. Learn to take a joke." Josh told him and smiled towards him. Kyle sighed and nodded "Your right. I'm still a bit on edge with my mind on other things. I do apologize."


_Well if I wasn't gay this would be awkward. _I thought when I mentioned the smell about him. I did like it but he seemed to be elsewhere so that's why I brought it up to try and jar him from his thoughts. He had a slight panicked look about him before saying it was his deodorant which made me curious.

I watched him as he walked and noted he walked a little odd his hips swaying as he did so though I don't think he was doing it on purpose more like subconsciously. The way he walked didn't generate any noise though. I admit that little mystery intrigued me. I don't usually care how people walk or even notice it really but there was something about him that drew me to notice the little details.

However I was beginning to have my suspicions as to just how straight this boy appeared to be. I could have been tactful or sly but instead I just straight up asked intending to surprise him. "Kyle are you gay?" If Kyle was shocked by my question he didn't let it show. "Yes I am." he replied after a slight pause. "Is that going to be an issue?" I could practically see Kyle's guard come up beside me though...something was off about it. Like he was cautious of me but didn't want to slam those walls shut.

"Well that depends on if you mind furries." I reply in kind and he got a slightly confused look. before saying "Isn't that the group of people that dress up as animals and stuff and come up with a furry persona also known as a fursona?" he asked curiously.

"Yes it is. My fursona is a wolf called Pengu." "that's interesting Josh and no I have no problem with furries." he replied before giving me an odd look. "Why do I feel like there should be an and after that sentence?" said Kyle and I blushed lightly.

"Oh alright you caught me. I'm a furry and I'm gay too." I told him giving him a slight look. He chuckled softly. "Then I dare say I'm in good company." His sudden charm caught me off guard and the slightest blush colored my cheeks. Oh the look he gave me after saying that with the slightest smirk made me glance away. If I didn't know better I would think he was hitting on me.

Miranda looked as if she was trying not to laugh as she watched us and then Kyle nodded towards the stores as we approached. "There isn't an Aeropostle here thank goodness, but we to have G.A.P. and a few other stores though nothing fancy." he said to me and I turned to look at the stores in the mall noting a few furniture places, a game shop here and there, a few clothes stores and even a place where people could get tuxedos and dresses for weddings or Prom.

I know I had a while to go before I thought about Prom since it would be 3 years away just about. "What grade are you in Kyle?" I asked curiously. "Grade 9 same as you." he replied chuckling lightly. "Well then I suppose we will be seeing a lot more of one another." "I say we will though only if you want too." he replied seemingly reserved all of a sudden.

Ok I admit his sudden change in mood and tone made me curious. So I'm not afraid to admit he did have me curious about himself as well as despite what I saw early during the crowd stand off he seemed to be quite carefree in nature if a bit reserved naturally.


I noted how Josh had fallen silent and I had to stomp down on the worry that threatened to emerge. I wasn't one to casually throw words about though I'm sure my charm might have caught him off guard. I didn't try to press my advantage there though thousands of other wolves surely would have. I didn't want to come across as forceful nor did I want it seem like I was just hitting on him or anything like that.

I'll admit hearing that he was a furry had me a bit worried. Even more so that he liked wolves. Should he go wandering in the woods at night and came across one of the pack or a rogue and something were to happen to him I don't know what I would do. Well OK I have an idea. I would kill whoever did it for one and for two if he was still alive after it I would do everything in my power to keep him safe and get him well again.

Nakishodo in my mind growled lightly thinking about anyone harming our mate and I soothed him mentally as best as I could. During my thoughts I must have lost the track of the conversation because Josh was looking at me as if I should be answering a question. "I'm sorry could you repeat that?" "Where do you go for school supplies?" It took me a bit to answer but when I did I replied "There is the Farrow Mart a short walk away. " He nodded and said "What's there?" "Pretty much groceries and electronics and clothes. It will have office supplies and the like too."

"Would they have the supply list from the school?" I look to Miranda who shrugged lightly. "This time of year I doubt it." "What do you need in way of supplies?" "A few binders, some notebooks, pen and pencils," he replied and I nodded. "Then shall we head that way?" "Well as long as you don't mind doing such." "I wouldn't have offered if I minded." I told him honestly.

"Alright fair enough. How far away is it?" Josh asked "Around the block." I reply as we began to head towards the eastern exit of the mall. As we exited some of the pack glanced our way and I promptly gave them the stank eye which made them avert their gaze.Usually I'm not so on edge but I would not stand for a threat to my mate.

The trip across was uneventful though Naki and I were still on alert. Something I'm sure Josh noticed but was gracious enough to not comment upon.Once in the store I showed Josh to the proper Isle while I looked around once there to see if there was anything i could use. I found a locked book like several I had at the house and knew it wasn't up to the strength of a were but the lock appeared to be silver and that was good enough. Oh sure it would burn the hell out of me when I wanted to write in it but a were could not break anything made of silver.

I picked it up carefully wary of the silver within it. I was no silver blood that would only get a rash because of my partial immunity to silver but it didn't affect me as bad as it would a wolf. I could get away with it in other words. On another note Josh had already moved on to the next section so I slipped the locked book under my arm keeping my skin from touching the silver.

I followed to see that Josh was in the underwear section of the store and I pretended not to notice so as to not make things awkward for him. Though I did sneak some peeks at his rather Nice rear while he was occupied with picking out some boxers. Miranda had wandered to the ladies section of the store and I glanced her way wondering if she might have found anything of interest.

The look of disgust on her face was evidence that nothing was up to par and glancing through what I could see of the selection provided I couldn't blame her. The cut was to low to the point that she might be wearing nothing over her chest. How any self respecting person could ever wear something like that I don't know. Ok yes I'm gay, yes I like guys, but that doesn't mean I don't look at least at their clothes. Also no I don't cross dress. You can stop making assumptions you know. It's getting tiresome.

Josh completed his part of the shopping at least as far as I could tell he had. Miranda rejoined us and I began to help Josh get his things up on the conveyor belt to be carried to the register. In the space of the next few minuets his things were bagged and he paid then we walked out together. I offered to walk him home and he accepted the offer with a light smile.