Track and Field: Chapter 3

Story by Tavian on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: If you are underage or unable to legally read a sex story in your location, don't read further. I'm not responsible if you choose to continue. This is a sex story about a jackal coach and his teenage student. If coercion and roughness offends you, please do not read. Possible 'trigger' material. Other than that, enjoy! Thanks to Zcdrike and Entih for proof-reading. Posted for a certain snakey who made me feel inspired enough to get back to writing.

The jackal stood in the alcove by the gym doors, looking up at the sky. It was raining cats and dogs out there. He chanced a glance at his watch and wondered if the teen would even show up. Would be a pity if he didn't. The pickings had been dry around town and Gordon craved some fun. There was nothing like starting a day by breaking in a raw 'recruit'. Not even coffee could compare to it.

Would he fuck this one? Hollister was sure to have some notoriety just due to his surname. Everyone loved that brother of his, after all, and might recognize some resemblance. Still, Zack was nothing compared to his brother. Devon had skill whereas Zack could barely stay on his own two feet if the conditions were right. Putting a little runt like that on the team would only make everyone question his sanity. Gordon wondered how he could work it all out to his advantage. He needed a way to lead the teen on without actually committing himself to any course of action.

Maybe he could trick Zack. The cat didn't look too bright. Hollister seemed to be the sort to just throw himself into a situation without thinking. The jackal slid one paw down to rub along his own thigh, carefully, as he imagined what he had seen in the shower yesterday. He had on thicker sweatpants today due to the weather, but could still clearly feel the outline of his own tense muscle through the cloth. He slid his touch upward a little higher, stroking over where his shaft lay dormant in the pants leg.

God, he hoped the punk showed up.

How many days had it been since his last romp? Weeks, really. The idiots up at the office kept him screwed up the ass with paperwork. If he wanted that kind of spindly-wristed work he would have stayed in the military. He knew from experience that they were full of bureaucratic crap as well. Hadn't that been part of why he left in the first place? He thought back over his overseas travels and sighed longingly. The bad thing about promotions was that you ended up seeing less action and ended up making more decisions. Decisions brought both opportunity and stress.

Power opened other doors. He remembered a handful of deadbeat privates that would get on their knees and in his pants if he had merely uttered the word. Gordon was just enough of a bastard to enjoy that kind of attention. It wasn't enough to just find someone willing. He liked to dominate, to control. He liked putting those under him carefully under his mercy, where a word from him could make or break them. More often than not he'd break them, but not before he'd used them to the point they were no longer interesting to him. Fresh meat excited him, but he'd toss away carrion.

Coming back home had been hard on him. He hated the word 'reserve'. He was 'reserved' for grunt work. His 'reserve' status meant just that, inactive. No one wanted to suck up to him. No one wanted his good favor. They all sneered and knew they could be deployed at some station on the other side of the world, far out of his reach. The most he could do was threaten to have them shipped to the front lines or to some god awful garbage outpost. With the way things were in the military these days, that risk was there all the time and made his tactics ineffective. He had a lot of say, a lot of responsibility, but he really missed that kiss-ass attitude that made everything worthwhile.

School here offered that attitude to a degree. The jocks and cheerleaders looked to him like he was a god. It put him in touch with their fears and their families. Plenty of powerful men and women would grant him favors to see that their darling little boy or girl didn't end up busted for possession or snorting behind the bleachers. Too many of the kids here were into that stuff these days, even more than when he was a punk giving his teachers hell. He could give them warning to clear out their lockers or even make the evidence disappear. So what if he wanted a little fun in return? Wasn't like he couldn't get it anyway. He could have any straight woman in town he wanted just from looks and attitude alone. He knew he could have more than a few of the men as well.

It was rare he would actually move in on jailbait like this, but some students had a way of getting under his skin. In the few years he'd been there, either as coach or assistant coach, Gordon had only taken a few risks. He could still count the number of affairs he'd had with students on one paw. Two males had fallen victim to him and one female. While he was equal opportunity in sexual preference, males were easier to shame and bully into keeping quiet. Both of the little fags had kept his secret, mainly due to the fact he made they didn't want it getting out they were queer. The girl had come on to him, wanting him to put in a good word with the cheerleading coach. She had a nice rack and a cute ass. It had been a treat for him to oblige. He hadn't been her first, but he had been her largest according to her.

Gordon mused to himself the philosophy of his life, "Sometimes you've got to give a little to get a little."

Nice ass or not, he wouldn't be waiting out here all day. He gave himself a squeeze down below and stretched out. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a soaked looking figure running laboriously through the rain. He watched the figure trip once or twice, each time only seeming to stay upright with supreme effort.

Zack ran breathlessly up to where he saw his coach standing. By now the rain had drenched him to the point his clothing clung messily to his fur. The snow leopard's bushy fur served only to turn him into a dripping, matted mess. Devotion showed bright in his young eyes, even through the chill he felt. Coach Gordon had waited for him! Words could not describe how happy the cat felt, seeing that his dream might still be realized. He did his best to wring himself out once he stepped into the alcove. The jackal critically looked him over.

"You get two points for making it here, barefoot, despite the weather. You lose three points on account of being dumb. Ever heard of a rain coat? What about an umbrella? You know, rubber things that keep water off fur and prevent you from looking like a used mop at a dollar store?" Gordon snickered, watching the boy's expression go from joyful to hurt.

Zack didn't know what to say. He had hurried here, in the rain, only to be put down by the first words out of the coach's mouth. The urge to fire off a smart-assed remark boiled within him, but he kept his tongue silent, not wanting to ruin his chances. The coach was the military type. Maybe he just liked testing his 'soldiers' and seeing who was strong enough to stick around. That had to be it! Gordon was just trying to weed out the weaklings and it had nothing to do with him.

"Sorry. I wanted to get here on time. I figured that was more important! I really wanted to prove I can be reliable even if the weather is bad, " the boy stated, giving his coach another hopeful smile.

Gordon snorted, "You figured wrong. Although I might have found a way to use you as a secret weapon. Soaking you wet might make you just heavy enough to throw and use in place of the football. With the way you trip over yourself you'd be fumbled all the time, every pass."

The jackal halfway meant his words. Wet cat definitely did less for his cock than dry cat. Wet cat annoyed him, too, for some reason. This wet cat, in particular, annoyed him a lot.

"W-well, may I can go to the locker room to dry myself off? I have some spare clothes here. I'm always prepared, you know, " Zack offered, hoping to make some impression.

Gordon gave the cat a slightly incredulous look. Every guy that went to school and took gym had some measure of clothing in there in the form of track outfits. It didn't make one special or prepared to have standard issue clothing locked away in a room that served as a glorified changing area. Although he had planned to take his time somewhat, the thought of spending conversational time with Zack did nothing to increase his arousal. Maybe he could keep the snow leopard quiet and get him naked without complaint.

"Might be the first good idea you've had. We're going to be doing some intensive training today. Get down there and get yourself a shower while you're at it. You're no use to anyone frozen half to death, " the older male ordered.

The snow leopard nodded enthusiastically and pushed past the coach into the gym. It was creepy without anyone in there. The lights were heavily dimmed and the bleachers cast odd shadows. He turned to the right and slipped past them, heading down a small set of stairs to the locker rooms. Gordon followed after him, although he took the time to lock the gym doors behind them. He didn't want anyone cutting into his persuasion of the teen. Zack already had made it downstairs and didn't notice. When Gordon arrived he was just starting to pull off his wet clothing.

"Think I'll join you, Hollister. It's been a long morning and I'm a bit musky from my own training, " Gordon said, keeping his eyes on the undressing feline. He hooked his fingers under his own shirt, tugging it off. The jackal had a toned, sleek body covered in short black fur. His body was muscled, having been trained athletically most of his life. His muscles weren't bulky or bulging, though, but had a very smooth appearance that fit him well. Zack glanced over the canine nervously.

"If... you say so, sir, " he mumbled, having a hard time maintaining his enthusiasm. This didn't seem quite right, though it wasn't the first time he'd seen another male naked. It struck him he'd never seen Gordon naked or anything like that. He could only hope that one day he'd be that buff and strong looking, just like Devon.

While the teen's eyes had been prepared for what was above the belt, what was below the belt made him gulp awkwardly. When Gordon slipped his sweatpants down, it was painfully apparent that he wasn't a fan of underwear. He like going commando style and rarely bothered putting anything on that would hide his better assets from being outlined in his pants. Size differences aside, the canine's anatomy was also fairly impressive. He had a thick shaft that was easily as long limp as the feline was fully hard. The tip was humanoid, but had a bit of a point to it before seeming to thicken out toward the base.

Gordon chuckled at the distressed look on Zack's face and kicked his own shoes off. He slid his sweatpants down past his ankles, giving the teen a view of his gorgeous black paws. He'd seen that look before, usually from the straight ones who were intimidated by him. Zack intentionally left his boxers on to hide himself. They were close enough to swim shorts that he'd probably be able to get away with showering in them. In any case, he curled his tail forward protectively

"What's wrong, Hollister? Never seen another guy before? " the coach asked, trying hard not to chuckle at the totally oblivious expression on Zack's face. The snow leopard kept his crotch hidden by his tail and edged gradually toward the showers.

"It's not that, sir. I've just never seen... well... it's you. You don't normally shower with the guys and... well... it's a bit weird, " Zack gulped, not wanting to make a bad impression. He halfway expected Gordon to throw him out there, but the older male merely headed into the shower room to turn on the water flow. The feline followed submissively, but didn't step into the water just yet.

"I'm a guy. You're a guy. Same thing, different size. Grow up, Hollister. If you're ever going to be on the team, you've got to get used to showering with others. Do I have to train you in losing modesty as well as overcome your general incompetence?"

"N-no, sir... I'm fine with it. Not gonna bother me, I mean... we're just two guys, naked, in a shower together. It's not like we're gay or anything, " Zack replied, chuckling nervously as the water heated up.

Gordon stepped into the flow of warm water and let it soak over his body. It made his fur lay down against his body and outline his physique. Every muscle was outlined as the water ran down him. It poured over his crotch and ran off his shaft, concentrating into a flow like he was pissing. If he paid any attention to the snow leopard or his comment, he did a good job of hiding it. This was about him and he moved his paws over his own body to slowly work loose any sweat or musk.

The teen finally stepped forward and moved beside the coach, letting the water flow over his own body. He tried not to shoot any glances in Gordon's direction, finding that he was more comfortable staring straight ahead. He occasionally felt a little shiver run through his body, but it wasn't clear why. Zack reached to a soap dispenser, only to find his wrist grabbed by a powerful, black furred hand paw. This made him jump slightly.

"S-sir? W-w-what are you doing?" Zack asked, stuttering heavily as he worked to contain himself.

The canine pulled the younger male a little closer, still washing over himself with his free paw. He slipped it down over his shaft and made the proper motions of washing it. Zack watched as the jackal's cock slowly grew more aroused, jutting slightly from his body as it hung there. He had half a mind to take a running start out of there, but held on dearly to the hope he something had been misconstrued on his part.

"You want on the team... and the truth is you're not exactly my first choice, not even for towel boy. I'm going to have to spend a lot of time getting your sorry punk-ass in shape, if it's even possible. You've got to give a little to get a little, " he murred, slipping his fingers around his half erect shaft. The water glistened on the dark flesh, steaming slightly as he squeezed himself, "Are you going to make it worth my time?"

Zack realized very quickly what was going on. Was this guy on happy sauce or something? He wasn't about to get down and start doing 'things' like this for another guy, not even his coach. He futilely tried to tug his arm back, his ears lowering somewhat.

"H-ey! I don't do that sort of thing... I mean... I'm sure you're attractive and all in that 'Gonna tear you up' way, but I'm not into guys! This is... kinda illegal, you know?"

"Illegal if anyone finds out. No one is going to find out. No one, " Gordon growled, tightening his grip on the teen's wrist. He pulled Zack up to his body, close enough for him to lean in to nuzzle the feline's neck from the side.

Zack tried to tear himself away, but could do little to sway the powerfully built canine or his grasp. His struggles only served to excite the jackal more.

"The door is locked, no one else is coming down here. If you scream it's got to go through a few layers of concrete, and even then there's no one around to hear it. We're going to talk business, got it?"

Was Gordon going to rape him? One of Zack's many complaints with life was being a virgin, but he sure as hell didn't want to lose it this way. He especially didn't want to lose it to another guy. No matter how hard he pulled or thrashed, Gordon didn't budge an inch. Every move ended up being met with a counter move. The teen realized he had to play ball.

"B-Business? I'm not here to give you eye candy or get your jollies off! Maybe you should work on your method, too! You're about as subtle as a brick wall standing out in the middle of a field!" the teen growled, making a bit of a grossed out face. He yowled in an indignant way.

"You're on my turf, in my ball park, up shit creek and you ain't got a paddle. I've got something you want. You've got something I want. I can make or break you. Hell. I could make your life miserable if I wanted."

"But I've done nothing to you! I just want to be... better. I'm just wanting to have a shot at things. I shouldn't have to do something like this to just get a chance!"

"With your skill set you'd be lucky if they let you in the quilting club. I can make you powerful. I can make you have what that brother of yours had. Fame, girls... whatever you want. It can be yours, for a price."

Zack's ears totally flattened at those words. Gordon had nailed his weak spot again. He considered his options carefully. The coach easily had two times his body mass and very little of it was fat. Even if he tried punching or fighting his way out he'd likely do more damage to his own fist rather than Gordon. He felt his feet leaving the floor as the jackal spun him. Gordon turned his back to the shower, leaning over the smaller feline as if to shield him from the flow. His free paw slipped down, playing over the teen's chest and stomach before slipping down into his boxers.

"You're a weakling, a runt. You want training. I can give training. Your name is Hollister, but you can't even catch a ball without fucking it up. Guess what, pussy-cat? I don't like you, " the jackal murred, as if pleased with himself.

"S-sir? I'm... I mean... We're... I'm just fifteen. You... We can't!" he gulped. Gordon's paw slid lower, working its way deeper into his shorts. Zack could do nothing to stop the canine's exploration. The coach wanted to scare him. He could feel the jackal's strong and large fingers almost touching his bits, yet always dodging to the side or feeling around them. Finally, the older male slipped his fingers down and grabbed onto the teen's cock. Zack yelped loudly as his soft shaft was groped.

"Small down here as well. Definitely got the short end of the gene pool, didn't ya, pussy cat? Age don't matter in here. No one knows. No one sees. No one hears ya scream. Don't have to be that way, though. Scratch my back, I scratch yours, " he murred, slowly pulling his paw out. The cat's fur was soaked even down there, but he thought it to be from the shower. It surprised him greatly to see a sticky white mess stuck in his sleek black fur. Gordon chuckled slightly and gave the boy a naughty look. "Seems you've been scratching your own. You beat off before coming here?"

Zack shook his head furiously, trying to rid himself of any naughty thoughts. He wondered how he went from dreaming about hot feline twin sisters to being groped by a muscled male canine. Those two ideas couldn't be further apart.

"Uh... H-had one of those dreams overnight. Right before I left to come here. Didn't have time to change, " he replied, trying not to stutter or look too embarrassed about it. Maybe if he kept the subject off his impending rape Gordon would forget about it.

"Fresh cat cum from a pussy cat. Wonder what made you shoot off like this. Girl or guy?" Gordon asked, moving his cum covered paw dangerously close to Zack's lips. The teen immediately looked horrified. Did the coach intend to make him taste his own cum?

Zack shot out, "Girl! It was two, actually! Twins! I only fucked one of them!"

He hoped answering truthfully would make his coach show some mercy, but the canine brought his finger forward and started to smear a long line of his own cum along his lips. Zack tried to turn his head away, but was rewarded with Gordon shoving his finger inside. Salty, musky cat seed met the teen's tongue as his coach rubbed across it. The boy immediately gagged and spit the best he could around his coach's finger.

The jackal snickered to himself at this reaction and let Zack fall to the floor. The cat's big, fluffy tail easily cushioned him, although he yelped from the shock of landing on it. Gordon leaned down and pressed his foot paw against the feline's chest to keep him pinned to the floor. He didn't want his 'friend' getting up just yet. The pads flattened and the toes splayed as he slowly compressed the feline's ribs.

"Surprised a little fag like you would dream about a girl. Too bad you don't like cum better. Would be easier on you if you did."

Zack sputtered up the last traces of his own cum and gagged, "W-why?" He feared he already knew the answer, though.

Gordon smiled at the slow-witted feline. Maybe now he would get the point.

"If I let you up, here's the deal. I like to have a little fun on the side sometimes, pussy cat. You give me a little excitement, I make you a little less pathetic. Got it?" he growled, pausing to ask and wait for a reply. Zack nodded slowly. The coach continued, "Good. I'm not explaining it again. Without me you'll never even make towel boy. I can see to that. If you can't say yes, I don't want to see your ass on my field again. You can forget about ever being as well known as your brother."

Zack's eyes widened in horror. He had a choice. Either to give in and get the training he wanted, or say no and kiss all of his dreams goodbye. It had never been a thing of his to be attracted to males. While he hadn't had a girlfriend either, he definitely considered himself straight. His coach wanted to ruin that. He had never even looked at another male that way, much less thought about consenting to what was being asked of him now. He didn't even beat off to thoughts like that. Even his dreams featured girls.

Still, he wanted to make his dreams real. He couldn't do that if the school coach refused to even consider him. Until this point he thought he had been making a good impression. He realized that now all he had done was dig himself in deeper. The coach didn't know him, didn't have reason to like him. It wasn't even his brother's name getting him consideration here. The jackal only wanted him as a fuck toy. It made him feel horribly nervous to think about taking on a cock that wasn't his own.

Why couldn't he have been born like Devon? Devon had skill, was good looking, and charming. He didn't have to turn from being straight just to satisfy some sick teacher. He didn't have to play with another guy or sleep his way to the top. He never would have agreed to anything like this. Devon had integrity, but he had never suffered either. He grew up with a clean slate and had no one to live up to. Devon never grew up under another person's shadow.

He had to chose. Time was wasting. Gordon wouldn't wait forever for him to make his mind up. Should he give up his sexuality and virginity, or walk away? What did he have to walk away to? Average grades, a shared bedroom, and hand-me-down clothes? Maybe the pile of soda cans under his bed were worth it. There was nothing in his life. He had no girlfriend, not even a job. Zack felt his stomach twist slightly, maybe due to the pressure on his chest. He felt sick with himself. He felt sicker due to the words that slipped out of his mouth, before he realized it.

"I'll try..."

His eyes closed as he said it. The thought of getting what he wanted, even at the cost of his ass, was enough. He hoped it was worth it.

Gordon watched the cat battle with himself for those few minutes, but smirked when he heard that reply. Consent was everything, even if it did come from coercion. It was so much fun to make them agree to it, to break their pathetic little wills down and destroy their pride. He pulled the cat into a crotch-level kneeling position and reached down to rub under Zack's chin as the water ran down his own black furred back. The young snow leopard fought the urge to look away. He was gonna be made gay.

"Ever tried taking on a cock before, pussy cat?", the older male asked. He already knew the answer. He could tell due to the way Zack shivered.

Zack shook his head and replied honestly, "Never wanted to, sir. "

"You're going to get a crash course in it now, I believe, " the jackal whispered, moving his free handpaw to his shaft. He brought himself into the feline's sight, almost touching his nose with it.

Zack gazed in a slight wonder at the fully grown jackal's cock. Gordon fit the prime example of his species. His supple shaft was dark like his fur. The sleek meat had a delicious blend of humanoid and canine features. The dark tip of it was pointed, yet flared out like the bulge of a human shaft. It faintly resembled the blunter design of canine meat, but definitely had the rounded, bulbous head of a human shaft. The main difference seemed to be that the tip was more pointed, perfect for insertion. The thick body of it would appear as curved when hard, but for now held little shape due to being mostly soft. Nothing betrayed the spot where the knot would rise and nothing prepared the poor straight cat for its size.

Would it even fit inside of him? In his mouth or his rump, that doggy cock would split him open. Zack wondered the wisdom of agreeing to play with such a monster.

"W-w-what do you want me to do with this... thing?" Zack asked, shivering a bit. He could feel the weight and heat of it against his muzzle. Words failed him and he failed to express his surprise. He had agreed to something far more than he expected.

"Lick it. Worship it. Do whatever you want other than biting it. Tease it good and play with it. You'll get the hang of it, " Gordon said, barely suppressing a growl. He could feel the feline's muzzle fur brushing his cock.

"The hang of it, " Zack repeated, giving his coach a look of disbelief. His lips curled into a bit of a disgusted snarl as he moved his paw up to comply. The teen grasped the shaft around the base, rubbing his plush fingerpads into it. Gordon released himself to let it be under the feline's ministrations. Zack could feel it hardening under his touch. Every squeeze told him of the power contained in that shaft and left no doubt in his mind it would easily split him open once hard. Still, he couldn't bring himself to lick it. "Do I have to use my mouth on it? Can't I just give you a pawing off?"

Gordon's shaft slowly rose from its soft state and grew to nearly full size. The delicious curve in it formed, one sure to drive someone wild. The jackal growled, being so close to getting what he wanted. He frowned at Zack.

"Lick it. I want mouth. You want training? I want a blow job. You're up shit creek until you do something about my cock."

The snow leopard winced at those words. This was what he feared. He timidly slipped his tongue out and touched the delicate pink tip to the jackal's dark meat. His eyes couldn't hide his revulsion. The taste itself didn't bother him as much as the act did. There was something decidedly wrong about the musky, almost meaty tasting shaft. It had an almost salty flavor to it, but wasn't one he could put his finger on. It tasted 'male' and that was enough to make the poor teen's stomach flip. Still, he forced himself to lick along the cock. From the tip of it to the base, he slid his tongue in a flat, unpleasing manner. He had no experience giving blowjobs and really didn't want to know how to do it.

Gordon could feel the little punk's tongue caressing him and it only made him want more. He wanted the boy to get into it. Both paws moved to grip Zack behind the ears. He pulled the snow leopard's head up and guided it around the tip. This combination of touch and taste made the straight teen gag. Worst of all, Gordon pushed his tip to make the feline's tongue curl. Zack ended up with his tongue semi-wrapped around the jackal's meat. It was the last place he wanted it.

"Kiss it. Up and down. Lick it like you would candy. Don't just run your tongue along it!" he barked, issuing his order in a harsh voice. This was making him hornier and hornier.

Zack jumped slightly at the harshness of his coach's words and quickly moved to comply. He wrinkled his nose as he kissed up and down the length, pretending that he did enjoy it. His tongue slid from slide to side, working over the shaft in a more determined manner. Eventually he planted his lips right on the tip of it and drew his tongue along the opening of it. Gordon let a deep murr escape his lips as the feline found one of his sensitive spots.

Pre formed at the tip, then squirted into Zack's muzzle. The teen tried to fight swallowing it, but he could feel it leaking down his tongue and into his throat. The salty-sweet taste blocked out every other flavor and overwhelmed his senses. If the pre was this bad, what would he do when the big canine shot his full load? He dragged his tongue back over the tip to clean it, but could take no more. He turned his head to the side and spat the pre out messily on the floor. Needless to say, Gordon wasn't pleased.

"I did not say to spit! Open your muzzle now!" he yelled, making Zack nearly shrivel up inside his fur. The snow leopard opened his mouth obediently and didn't dare challenge the angry male. He didn't trust himself to speak.

No sooner than the inexperienced teen parted his lips did he find himself with a mouthful of jackal cock. Gordon was relentless. He pushed himself forward, smacking the tip of his cock against the back of Zack's throat. The slick surface rubbed over his tip, making him leak more pre. It spurted against the teen's throat, causing him to gag. Zack fought to breath, but didn't dare bite down. His eyes watered from the stinging sensation and soon he was forced to yank his head away.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing? You're gonna choke me with that thing!" Zack growled, his anger finally taking hold. Training or not there was no reason he should be suffocated by a mouthful of doggy cock.

"Too much for you, pussy cat? Use your tongue. Guide it back there and tug it into your throat, now!" Gordon ordered, gripping Zack's head tighter. He loved seeing the cat resist, only to be forced to submit.

"It's dripping too much! I can't breathe if you're leaking pre the whole time!" Zack replied, trying to turn his head to the side. What his coach said next made his blood run cold.

Gordan smirked and forced Zack to face his cock, "Then don't breathe."

With that Zack found himself having to learn faster than he had in his life. The coach yanked his head down hard, forcing that throbbing black rod of canine meat well beyond where it had been before. It slid messily into his throat, gagging him to the point of choking. Although his tongue fought furiously, he couldn't push the cock out. More of the jackal's pre leaked from his tip and poured directly down Zack's esophagus. Zack forcibly swallowed to try and keep it out of his lungs, but only succeeded in forming a tight seal around the invading shaft.

It felt so much better this way. The boy's throat muscles spasmed around his tip as he was forced to deep throat the older male. That slick, young tongue milked him for all he was worth, even while it tried to force him out. Every time the feline gagged, his throat clenched tighter around the cock. It was so warm and slick around the jackal's shaft. Gordon's knot rose at the base of his shaft.

"Cl-clench the knot with your hand!" the older male ordered, reveling in his domination over the small feline. Zack struggled to maintain consciousness, much less follow orders. Even so, the feline moved his paws to wrap around the swelling knot, squeezing it with a tightness that felt like bliss to Gordon. The jackal felt like he was popping into a nice, tight rump. The thought of it almost set him off right there, his tongue hanging messily out of his muzzle.

Zack tried to bob his head the best he could, swallowing to keep the pre leaking from the cock from drowning it. He felt the shaft thickening and throbbing a few times. It dawned on him what was about to happen a moment too late to do anything about it.

Gordon was cumming.

The tip flared in the boy's throat as the jackal's powerful balls emptied themselves. Thick spurts of canine cum flowed out and soaked Zack's esophagus, flowing directly down into his stomach where he could do little to spit it out or resist. He gagged harder than he ever had, opening his muzzle to try and force the cock out. Gordon snarled, letting the feline tug himself away. Thick ropes of his cum fired over the teen's tongue and across his face. Zack gasped for air and spat violently, trying to get all of the stickiness out of his mouth. He wiped frantically at his face, forgetting about his coach's dripping cock.

It was hilarious to Gordon to see the poor straight teen get his first facial. He snickered and reached down to rub Zack behind one of his ears.

"We're going change positions here. Good work, Hollister."

Zack shook himself and braced himself against the floor. He took long, choking breaths of air to try and make up for that which he lost while his coach had him cock gagged. His throat hurt and he felt his nose burning. Maybe some of the jackal cum had gotten up there, but he didn't know. He felt a paw gripping his tail, tugging it up out of the way. Another paw gripped his shorts and tugged them down. He jerked his head around, just in time to see Gordon moving behind him.

Oh god. The coach wanted -more-? The knot had deflated but it had to be as thick as his wrist! It'd tear him apart before an inch of it went inside. His virgin ass probably couldn't handle one of Gordon's fingers, much less a full on canine cock. Wasn't using his muzzle enough!? Zack felt his tail being pulled, pulling him back toward that big pole. He frantically shook his head.

"Way uncool! I licked your dick! Isn't that enough? I've never even had a thermometer up there!" he cried, being afraid of what was to come.

"Oh, ever had pussy then, pussy cat? Or are you all talk? How do you know what way you swing?" Gordon retorted. He let go of the cat's shorts and moved to rub the last remnants of his own cum along his cock. It would make for a poor lube, but would serve well enough."

Zack lowered his ears, being unable to reply to that. The cat was a virgin and still had a couple of good years before he seriously expected to lose it. Last thing he wanted was to lose it to his coach, nailed to the shower floor.

"No, huh? How bad do you want on the team? You're a little runt and I'd be looked at funny if I even put you on reserve. You know the deal. You want something, you give something. How about I let the jocks on the team know what a little fag you are? Think you'd go another day without being beat up?"

Horror crossed the feline's face. He could barely believe the engorged jackal was threatening like this! There was no other option. Coach Gordon was fucked up twisted. He thought he had an advantage here in playing with the coach, but realized the trap he had sprung. If he ever said no now, the jackal would practically own him. Zack growled.

"Just get it over with!" he whimpered, trying not to let the jackal see any more weakness than he had to show.

Gordon was pleased. This one definitely wasn't as smart as his brother. He had himself a nice feline plaything, one he could use as a hole to get off in until bored. The sleek black tip of his cock slid forward and poked against the feline's tight ring. Lubed as it was, it was gonna be a rough fit. One big male versus such a small feline. One of them was gonna end up on top and from the look of things, it wasn't the cat.

Zack winced at the pressure he felt on his tailhole. It stung like crazy and only seemed to be growing worse. The pointed tip pierced into him, stretching his tailhole wider and wider. He felt himself being forced down the canine length. Inch after inch slid downward into his rump. When more refused to go in, Gordon would push in harder. For the feline this was nearly unbearable. His own natural flexibility was all that saved him.

Back and forth the jackal rocked, hammering into the feline's rump. Like it or not, Zack felt himself stretching. His insides felt like they were on fire as the jackal pushed into him. A pleasure was there slowly drowning out the pain. It made him sick to his stomach as it radiated through him.. For Gordon, though, it was bliss. The cat was like wearing a living condom, one determined to get every drop out of him. His rump was every bit as satisfying as Gordon could have hoped. Every time Zack as much as twitched, the older male could feel a delicious spasm go down his shaft.

Gordon pushed himself in until his hips firmly smacked the teen's rump. Every time he did this, he'd shake his hips to slide his cock around inside the teen. Each pounding movement forward made the cat yowl loudly. More and more a bulge grew at his base, bumping against the tight hole and sometimes slipping into it. Eventually it swelled and refused to go further. It beat at Zack's tailhole, stimulating it in a way he never thought possible.

Zack whimpered loudly and buried his face in his paws. Worst of all, he felt himself getting aroused by this treatment. Sometimes his cock would get hard when Gordon thrust against that sensitive spot in him, sometimes it'd go limp from the feeling of himself being stretched. He didn't know if it was possible to get off like that, but he hated that he was getting close at all. It made him -feel- gay that he drew any sort of enjoyment from it at all.

Not even the jackal could hold it at this pace forever, but he had a goal in mind. He wanted the feline to enjoy it, though, just so he'd beat himself up later. Both paws gripped the feline's hips tighter, yanking them back jack-hammer style as he used the cat military style. The snow leopard shuddered under the rough treatment, his mind feeling like it was on fire. It only vaguely occurred to him how close he was getting. He let out a whimpering-moan and ground his teeth to try and resist any urge to cum.

It was a failure, though. His sensitive, virgin body couldn't take it. The canine's thick cock pressed on all the right spots and was so hot inside of him. It had leaked pre until his tailhole dripped like girl's slit. He could hear the sound of him being fucked even over the sound of the water beating on the coach's back. Zack whimpered heavily and arched for a moment, his half hard cock throbbing and spasming in the air. Cum poured out from it in hard, brief spurts, making a puddle on the floor that quickly ran toward the drain.

His humiliation made Gordon want to just break him in even more. It was exciting having such a nice young piece of rump wrapped around his needy cock. His balls ached for him to shove forward, to tie with the feline and make him a proper bitch. He wanted to split the teen open. God, he wanted to feel him pop.

"Steady! Hold it tight! I'm going to tie you, pussycat. I'm gonna shove it all in that tight little ass of yours!" the jackal growled. His knot was sore, wanting to be placed inside the tight feline. here was only a slight chance that it might fit, but Gordon wanted to try anyway. He wanted to feel that tight feline squeezing him. Nothing more mattered to him.

Zack snapped his eyes open and looked over his shoulder to shake his head. It was too much already! His ass felt like it was burning, but there was little he could do to stop it. Each thrust pushed him harder against the floor as his coach mounted him over and over again. Every thrust brought that knot against his tight little virgin ring and made him jolt around it. If Coach Gordon wanted it in, the snow leopard didn't doubt that it'd get inside. He knew he'd rip apart, though.

"God, sir! I can't take it! Please! Have mercy!" the feline pleaded.

"You -will- take it. Push against me now!" he demanded, yanking Zack's hips to make sure the feline obeyed. The lust in his voice scared the small feline. Zack pushed back for all he was worth, just as Gordon pushed himself forward. His butt muscles tightened as he shoved himself hard into the cat, pushing his knot like a rock against the cat's ring. It was stretching. It would stretch! He could feel that deliciously tight ass giving way to the girth of his knot. Spurts of pre shot out of his cock tip like cum as it throbbed with excitement.

Zack screamed out at the top of his lungs, but it did no good. His muscles gave way and the knot slid in with a loud pop. The entire burning hot jackal cock was in him. It hurt more than anything he could have imagined, yet still pressed on his prostate. Shivers ran up his body as the dual sensation threatened to make him vomit. Gordon yanked the boy up and stood back, wrapping his arms around Zack's waist to pin him. He pulled the boy down hard on his knot and used the feline's own body weight to hold him on his cock.

"Fuuuuccck!" the jackal screamed, feeling the thrashing and squirming straight boy wriggling around his dick. That and the sensation of his knot popping in was enough to set him off. He howled loudly as his aching cock started to spurt. If the load he fired off in the boy's muzzle had been a stream, this was a geyser. He could feel it coating his own dick in the teen's rump, filling him over capacity. Not even his knot could keep it all trapped in. Some trickled outward and ran down over Gordon's balls.

Zack had no words to describe the feeling inside of him. It felt so hot, but also slimy inside of him. Each time the jackal's thick shaft throbbed, another spurt flowed out into the boy. Zack had been seeded by another male. His virginity had been taken. The chain of events swirled through his mind, leaving him barely conscious or able to register what was going on.

Gordon panted and lewdly licked along the cat's neck. His long tongue thrashed and his tail wagged like mad. Nothing seemed to stop the flow from his cock, pumping more in slow streams inside his bitch. It ebbed somewhat, gradually decreasing in volume.

"God, you're an annoying little bitch, but I like your ass. It might be the only part of you I can put up with, " he murred, pulling back somewhat to see if he could get his knot out. He didn't have all day to free himself. School would be starting before too long.

Zack let out a low whimper, feeling his sore hole stretching. He struggled to catch up with himself, trying to process everything that happened. He looked at Gordon in a dazed way.

"S-sir... May I go now?" he whined, his cock drooling a few last drops of his feline cum against his balls. He hoped he'd be able to walk after this.

"You want to go, huh? You asked for it!" Gordon laughed, pulling the teen up hard. Zack's tailhole stretched wide as the older male forced his way out. It was easily twice as bad being pushed in. He could barely stifle a scream as it popped out, releasing a small flood of cum from inside of him. It felt so good to have it out, but he also felt strangely empty. The jackal sat him down back on his two legs and he shakily stood.

"Do.. I get to attend practice today, sir?" Zack asked, hopefully. Maybe he'd be free now.

"We can always use another towel boy. Maybe if you build up some muscle we'll move you onto an empty reserve slot, " Gordon said, feeling relief now that he'd emptied those weeks' worth of cum into both of the teen's holes. He continued, "Your mom will be home today, right? I need to get her permission before it's official."

Zack's eyes lit up slightly despite his tired state. His dream was coming true even if it had cost him so much. He nodded at Gordon's words.

"She's usually home around two... You're really going to get her permission to let me on the team?"

"You've got to give a little to get a little... and you held up your end of it, " he replied, shrugging slightly. He had no intentions of letting Zack on the team, but could probably get by with him running errands and moving towels for the actually skilled people. He felt lucky today, anyway. Gordon gave the cat a slap on the rump. "Get yourself cleaned up, pussycat. You have a long day ahead of you."

This made it all worthwhile in Zack's eyes. Thoughts of pain and discomfort left his mind temporarily and he fought the urge to hug his coach tight. Even if he had been coerced, he would still get everything he wanted. Gordon wouldn't want this again, would he? Everything had to be better, since this was the low point. He let out a happy yelp and started scrubbing himself with much enthusiasm, though he winced more than a few times as he washed back behind.

The jackal ignored the boy's yelp of joy and slipped from the showers. He was done here for now and had something new to look forward to. One paw slipped down to give his cock a squeeze as he headed to get his clothing back on. He hoped the mother was just as tight as her son had been.