Roads Untraveled - Part IV

Story by OttersGonnaOtt on SoFurry

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#55 of Entropy Series

The gang comes home to an interesting set of greetings, and Cid has an awkward time with the 'ottirrel' whelps.

Yes, I just made that up right now. Sue me. :3

This chapter took a while for various reasons, but I'm glad I managed to get my points across the way I envisioned them. There's a fair amount here I really love, and a lot of future plot points that have just come into being as a result. Let's just say that sometimes good friends can inspire you in ways you never thought possible. And yes, I'm talking about you, Coonfox.

I'm going against my better judgement and actually attempting to upload this from atrocious hotel WiFi. Apologies if it takes a day to clean up the mess. :u

As always, this story contains adult content and ~loads~ of explicit sexual imagery. If you aren't allowed or don't wish to view such material, please stop reading immediately. To all the rest, enjoy! Comments and critiques are welcome and encouraged.

"Mom? Dad?" Ilaria peeped through the window of the kitchen-side door into the dark of her parents' house. "They'd hear us from here if they were sleeping. What gives?"

"I dunno. Maybe they went on a date?" Iolvin checked the nearby windows and found one was unlocked. "Here we go. They really need to check the locks before they go off."

Ari barely heard her mother's voice in the distance, closer to the stairs. "No, they're home. Well, I mean yeah they should lock up the house better but..." She waited for Yoyo to boost Zoë through so she could unlock the door, then continued, "...they're here so there's no real harm. Dad always keeps a gun in reach, anyway."

"Well with all these bad guys running about I'd rather the locks be used." Yoyo closed the door after his twin entered and crept towards the living room to where the sounds were emanating. "Mom? That you?"

"Oh ~yes~, Vasily! Yes!" Laying down long-wise on her belly and her husband atop her, Catherine drowsily raised her head to spot her children. "Oh, kids! Wait, honey. Let the Iolvin and Ilaria join in."

"Oh gods. No, mom. I'm not in the mood." Ari walked right past and checked the sliding door to the backyard, but nearly roared at her parents when she found her own pups staring through the glass. "Really!? You can't even close the drapes!?"

"Well we wanted some moonlit romance, sweetie." Vasily kept plowing into Cat as hard as ever until she slapped his thigh. "Enough, honey. Your grandchildren are here."

The husky looked out the back window to find two girls with their paws in their pants and then resumed his pistoning. "They look old enough to understand all this. Your tribe does promote early learning, right?"

"Ah... They do." Cat grimaced as Vasily shoved his knot partway into her. "I suppose they c-can learn."

"They already know the good parts." Ari shook her head as her parents committed to their lovemaking, then she finally flipped the lock latch on the sliding door. "Just don't show them anything without me. Alright?"

"Without you?" Cat gasped as that knot popped fully into her snatch, sealing her up tight for the impending flood. "Ooh... Slower, honey..."

"Yeah. I'm getting some sleep." Ari gave her kids a few quick pats on their heads and went towards the stairs, the distracted twins soon making the hard decision to follow their mother rather than watch the spectacle. "We'll talk in the morning. Have fun, you two."

"Aw... Ah! Too deep, Vasily..." Cathy rubbed her belly as her husband emptied a hefty load of his seed right into her core. "Bad day, sweetie? Do you need to talk about it?"

"Morning, mom." Ari climbed the stairs, groaning when her one broken arm didn't reach out to grip the banister railing. "Yoyo, could you make sure the others find somewhere... ~sanitary~ to sleep tonight?"

"Yeah. I'm chatting with Dee about that right now. Carbon's just set the final anchor, so they should be coming in a minute." Yoyo waved to the girls as they left for Ari's old room. "Take it easy, Lulu. We'll sort all this out tomorrow."

"Thanks, lil' bro."

Just then Dee walked in from the moonlit backyard and immediately shielded his eyes. "Oh! Sorry!"

"It's fine, babe." Yoyo walked over to his parents and swept two fingers beneath their tie, preventing some leaking cum from staining the couch. He let Zoë lick those digits clean as he reminded, "You forget what family you're joining."

"Oh... yeah, I guess--"

"Joining?" Cat immediately sat upright, much to Vasily's discomfort, and quickly snapped her eyes between both of the engaged. "Iolvin, what do you mean?"

Adrian smiled nervously, then pulled out his ring that he otherwise couldn't wear per anatomical reasons. "Yoyo popped the question earlier. You're actually the first we've told."

Cathy immediately tried to lunge over and inspect the ring, but a yip from her husband forced her to sit and wave Adrian over. "Iolvin, I knew you'd found a mate in this young man. I'm so happy for the pair of you."

"Thanks, mom." Yoyo smiled and gave his fiancé a hug from behind. "We've been through a lot lately and it's got me thinking about what's really special to me. So naturally I started with Dee, the sexy weasel he is."

"It was mink though, wasn't it?" Carbon walked in the door with the remaining crew in tow. "You should have said something. Congratulations."

"Mink and ermine actually, father's mother's side. And thanks, Carbon."

Yoyo kissed his special little otter on the cheek and then faced the Major. "I was going to say you could bunk here tonight, but they sort of took over first..."

"Well maybe I'll just ~join~ them." Carbon churred as he lifted his mask and gave Cat a flat-out French kiss in greeting. "Looks like you two have been doing well with the kids off the raft."

"Well we didn't kick them out. They're always welcome... in our bed even." Cat reached out and grabbed her son's and Carbon's groins, massaging their bulges through their pants. "I've got a few holes that could still use some stuffing. And how about them? Should we give those girls the tribal greeting?"

Carbon pulled Cat's paw away apologetically, but then jokingly placed it on Dee's instead. "I'm not sure they'd take well to that. And as much as I'd like to find out where this goes, I have some business to take care of first."

"Huh? What business?" Yoyo watched the hybrid head for the stairs and threw up his shoulders. "Oh, 'business'. You do know I'm cool with you fucking my twin sister, right?"

"No, ~real~ business." Carbon jogged up the stairs and looked down through the banister. "Those girls need debriefing before they get sidetracked. You know how they go off on tangents."

"Oh." Yoyo checked with the other girls and only Punk was really panicking when he pulled out his semi-hard cock. "Well we'll be doing something down here a while if you have any energy left in you after. If not, my bed's your bed."

Zoë frowned, misunderstanding that wording as she knelt down to share her patron's manhood with Cathy. "You're already thinking of other men so soon? I can't object, but--"

"I meant just for sleeping, Zoë." Yoyo grinned as he moved the human away from his length and over to his fiancé's, letting his mother have full access to her treat. "We can always find ~another bed~ to share."

"Kiss my grandchildren goodnight for me." Cat suckled her son's cock tip for a second, then continued with her tongue still dragging along his length. "An' don' fo'get ta' fuck meh af'a."

"You'll get the D soon enough, dear. I'd worry about your husband's for now." Carbon shook his head at the lewd mood Cat was in and returned to the task at paw. Then a mechanical arm flew out of Ari's room, nearly hitting him and dinging the hallway wall. "Ari?"

"Give me some space, Carbon."

The hybrid stormed into Ari's room and slapped her cheek with a tendril hard enough to set her off balance. "You will respect your parents' home, Baby Lulu. Whatever's wrong, you don't dare take it out on them or their stuff."

Ari watched as her daughters backed up into a corner, their recent disciplining still leaving a sour taste in their mouthes. "Gods... I'm sorry. Alright?"

"Good." Carbon noticed the twins as well and rubbed their mother's cheek as if it would soothe their nerves. "Sorry I hit you so hard; I don't use these things often enough. Now can I borrow your pups for a bit while you sulk?"

"The girls?" Ari grabbed some spare clothes from her old dresser and headed for the bathroom, but paused to stare at her little whelps. "I'm curious about what happened too, if that's your intent."

"Partially. You also mentioned they were reaching puberty." Carbon watched as the girls peeled off their clothing and scurried beneath Ari's bed. "I'll take a look and see if they're healthy, if you don't mind."

"Do whatever you want. Just don't hurt them." Ari slipped into the bathroom, braking for a moment to grab something from her desk. "I'm cleaning up after that engine work. Give me some alone time, would ya'?"

"You look like you could relax a little. Take a hot bath or something. Don't worry, the kids will be fine with me."

"Alright." Ari waved to her girls and they waved back. "Be nice to Carbon, girls."

Carbon shook his head as the twins gained deviously-large grins. "I know your type and it isn't working that way." The hybrid pulled Ari's desk chair beside the bed and sat facing the two. "You ladies up for a Link, or are you too tired?"

The twins looked to each other, then rolled over to spoon while facing Carbon. Slowly two tendrils poked out of the sheets, which Carbon met with one of his own. «Uncle Carbon!» The twins relayed messages in unison, utilizing pure intent rather than simulating sound. «What did you want to talk about?»

«You know that's creepy, right?» Carbon looked around and found two flower people standing at his sides. «Ah, so the whole gang ~is~ here.»

«You needed ~them~? Aw, boo.»

«Not right now, but in a minute. First I wanted to know what you two did to send us into another reality.»

«Alternate universal timeline.» The twins shuffled around, probably wrestling with their tails as they liked to do. «We wanted to help Punk see her home again, but it turns out the physics of meta-gravitational forces aren't fully calculable in our three dimensions alone. We hope to solve this soon.»

Eve's eyes bulged as she sat on the edge of the bed. «I have no clue what you two are talking about. Maybe a genetic data exchange--»

Each of the twins pointed to their own symbiont with their spare tendrils. «We don't know how to relay that kind of information to them. We both know pieces of the problem.» The girls cuddled and snuggled with all the excess energy to be expected of kids their ages. «We can explain in basic terms though. What don't you understand?»

«All of it, technically anyway.» Eve tilted her head at the odd way the girls fidgeted in bed, but continued a moment of thought later. «You mentioned gravitational forces. Is that how you opened the rift?»

«Wormhole. And yes, we opened it with a massive swell of gravitational energy, which in turn disturbed the surrounding tidal forces in our and other universal timelines.»

«And those... timelines, right?» Carbon scratched his head as he tried to understand the science without Eve's help for once. «What ~are~ the timelines exactly?»

This time only one of the girls, Chelle by the feel of the signal, answered the question. «The infinite possibilities that define our history also shift our timeline from the others. If time is calculated as one-dimensional, the added variety of choices as well as their outcomes become its second and third dimensions.» Chelle paused a moment and grunted from behind her sister, drawing Eve to look closer at the pair. «We took our timeline and accidentally curved it three-dimensionally to intersect another.»

«And how the hell do you change time? I thought that was impossible.»

Now the pair both started responding again. «We used the oxydium, the æti. It is the result of a well of primordial gravity. If you release the gravity and inject electromagnetic energy as well, the resulting forces bend our timeline towards others. Doing the same on the other side just reversed the curve.»

«That's... odd, but sort of making sense.»

Eve quirked her head again, this time proposing a pertinent batch of questions. «Æti isn't just an energetic element at all, then? That's just the residue encrusting the surface?» Finally Eve noticed what was bothering her about the girls, groaning in disapproval as she finished her questions. «What is æti then, exactly? Exotic matter of some kind?»

«There isn't a term for it exactly, as nobody has seen its raw form until a day ago. But yes, the classification of exotic matter is a close approximation.»

«Wow. That changes everything we thought we knew about... well, all of Yangurran engineering for a start.» Eve slid down to kneel next to her host and whisper some news. «They just got done having sex with each other, by the way.»

«Ah, fuck. Really?» Carbon focused on the sensations transferred through the Link and noticed it as well; Chelle had just had a very nice orgasm inside her twin sister. «We'll have to talk about your findings later. If the gravity on the ship says anything, this could mean good things for Earth if you harness that new energy. But for now...» Another of Carbon's vines whipped the sheets off the girls, revealing that Chelle was indeed deep inside her sister's lowermost pussy. «What the hell compelled you to do that, Chelle? You're nowhere near old or experienced enough to have safe sex.»

«They... uh...» Eve blinked idly for a moment, as if she suddenly became lightheaded. «They're not the normal kind of ouschee. They're more...»

One of the other symbionts took a step forward and answered for her. «They're ~traditional~ ouschee.»

«And that means...?»

Eve shook herself awake and tried to explain for Carbon. «I'm trying to fight it for you, but they have especially strong pheromones. Versus their own kind, they can chemically persuade anyone to do things they want. It's why ouschee are so revered, and why they evolved that trait to be weaker as well.»

«They were hunted down once they started to use their hypnotism for evil.» The other veile, this time feeling like Mik's, helped define the answer further. «All Yangurraa have this ability, but typically to only entice favor with a mate for reproduction. Our hosts may be as powerful as the old ones, and perhaps could persuade someone to kill herself if needed.»

The other flower girl added, «We can't stop them from using their pheromones, but we will attempt to prevent such drastic events.»

«Well that's... a... relief...» Carbon blinked a few times as his vision blurred. «Woah... Girls, stop that.»

«Stop ~what~, uncle?» Mikhaila spread her legs for Carbon, revealing her two unused orchids as well as the mess leaking from where she and her sister were joined at the third. «We aren't doing ~anything~.»

«Goddess, they're toying with me now.» Carbon tried to focus his vision, but only managed to see two glowing sets of eyes humming a rainbow over all his visible spectrum. «Eve, I... really need...»

«Hold on, Carbon. I'm... looking for a solution...»

«I... need to...» Carbon stared at those pairs of eyes, never realizing that he stood up and started freeing his stone-hard manhood from its confines. «I need to fuck Mik... ~now~.»

Evelyn perked up as she watched her host, then started freaking out when she couldn't command his limbs to move against the twins' intent. «Hey! You two, do something about your hosts!»

«We can't prevent them from utilizing their pheromones, remember?» Chelle's symbiont sighed in frustration as she watched helplessly. «Their kind are from before we lived in harmony with our hosts. They may choose to relinquish access to our own abilities.»

«Well for the love of the goddess, at least tell me you have ~biological~ control still.»

The two symbionts looked to each other, then Chelle's answered once they understood the question. «Yes, more or less. Don't worry. We're preventing conception of any kind.»

«Their mother wishes for them to refrain from unsafe sexual activity, so we will abide by that mandate.»

«Oh, well that's something at least.» Eve walked over and watched with a sigh as Carbon lined up his cock with the girl's left pussy. «Might as well enjoy yourself if you've no choice. They'll listen to Ari, so we'll get her to reprimand them later.»

«Hmm?» Carbon gasped as he shoved himself all the way to the hilt, his balls slapping into Chelle's own phallus. «Goddess... You're so tight, Eve!»

«Oh... Wow. At least they're making ~me~ your wank material.» Eve tried to access Mik's sensory banks to enjoy the motions of her lover, but the girls both locked her out to toy with her. «I'm not sure how to feel about this situation, young ladies.»

«Simple. Just let us have our fun.» Chelle started moving again, her stamina apparently being one of her mother's traits that carried over. «We'll make sure to bring him back in one piece. We just... have needs right now.»

Evelyn watched as the girls seriously got into the mood with their motions, then looked back to her two counterparts. «I'm guessing libido is an issue for them?»

«It is. Ouschee mate an average of four times a day.»

«Due to their numbers in relation to the rest of the Yangurran population, the species requires this pace to maintain its numbers.»

«And then you throw a mammalian estrus on top of that and this happens.» Eve could only watch as Carbon slammed his length deep into the smaller girl, the desperation of his motions actually making her a little happier about the situation. «At least I know he loves me.»

«Goddess...» Carbon bucked a few final times, quickly reaching his peak. «Fuck... Eve, I'm cumming! I'm cumming inside!»

Eve rolled her eyes at the corny sex talk, but walked over and rubbed her lover's back tenderly anyway. «That's right, Carbon. Cum for me. Fill me up.» She paused for a moment as she thought about something, then decided to take a chance. «Give me your pups, Carbon.»

Carbon kept rocking his hips as he filled Mik with his creamy cum, the girl returning the motions with her own to help. «Really? You'd bear... Ah!... my pups?»

«I wish. I'd love to give you children.» Evelyn looked over to the girls pleadingly. «Though I'm afraid I can't, however much I wish otherwise.»

The twins huffed and puffed from their ordeal, but soon relented and allowed their symbionts to take control. «We had our fun. He's all yours now, Eve.» Mikhaila reached out and caressed Eve's cheek for a moment. «And thank you for understanding. It almost hurts when we get the urge.»

«Yeah, well that's a heat for you.» Eve took control of her host and made him back away slowly so he wouldn't regain his senses deep inside a teenage girl. «He'd have done it if you'd just asked first, you know. My Carbon's a very selfless and understanding guy to nice people.»

«He would?» The girls shifted and pulled the covers over themselves, ignoring the copious volume of mess sticking to their lower halves and the sheets. «Then we will. We're sorry, Aunt Eve.»

«I'm your aunt now?» Eve sat her man down in his chair and made him tuck his shrinking package back into his pants, the mess going unexplained until later. «Well I'm glad you girls like me that much. So as a token of our friendship... let me ~feel it~ next time. Okay?»

The two girls looked at each other with wide grins, then nodded to Evelyn. «You've got it.»

"Oh, you actually got them tucked into bed?" Ilaria stood in the bathroom door, now missing large amounts of hair on her head, and smiled at the sight of Carbon 'sleeping' near her children. "Oh, that's adorable. I guess this can wait until later."

Eve detached the tendril that Linked her to the twins and shot it behind Ari's neck for a new connection. «Carbon's a bit out of it at the moment. What do you need help with?»

«Oh, hey Eve.» Ari held up a pair of scissors in her paw and sighed. «I thought I could sneak off and cut my hair shorter on my own, but... it's a lot harder than it sounds. When Carbon wakes up, could you maybe... apologize for how I've been acting on my behalf? Maybe even hint that I could use a helping paw?»

Eve turned Carbon's head so she could get a better look at the atrocity of a haircut and tried to be polite. «I think... a bit shorter would be nice. Maybe a bob.» She let her host's drooling face fall back down and giggled at the sight of Carbon that Ari granted her. «I'll pass the note along. Just get cleaned up and we'll worry about your hair in the morning.»

«Thanks. Oh, and Eve?» Ari reached back and removed the queo connecting them. "It means a lot to have such good babysitters. I appreciate it."

Eve laughed to herself now that the Link was severed. "If only you knew!"

"Where the flying fuck have you been?" Cid grunted in frustration and annoyance as she stomped over to the Starbreeze's lower elevator exit. "I thought you never left this place undefended. What's the deal, Carbon?"

The hybrid groaned in return and pulled his meerkat friend to the side. "We had a bit of an ordeal, Cid. It couldn't be avoided."

"Just be glad Lilly knew to call us first. We fought off a few waves of Sect stragglers, so you better have something bigger than that to share."

"Oh, it's bigger. I may have found us a timetable before we're attacked, too." Carbon sighed as he gave Sydney a more thorough examination, her hair and dress not quite as tidy as normal in a way that matched her current mood. "But what about you? Are you doing alright?"

Sydney leaned in closer and lowered her voice. "I'm also in heat. It didn't help that I got my hopes up for some personal time with you and... well..."

"Oh... Well I'd still offer to help but I'm busy planning a planetary defense strategy." Carbon put his paw on Cid's shoulder and squeezed a bit. "Sorry, but I really need to go over this new info. Our lives could depend on it."

"Yeah, yeah..." Cid looked around and found Ari's girls were hanging around rather than moving about with the others. "What's their deal? They got a crush on you or something?"

"Babysitting, even though I really need to focus..." Carbon looked to the twins for a moment and then shot a more pleading look back to Sydney. "Hey, think you could do me a favor?"

"I already did. You still have an intact elevator."

"Oh, come on now... Please, Cid?" The hybrid smirked and added, "I'll make it ~worth your while~ when I'm done."

"...Sure. Damn your sweet ass, but sure." Cid turned back to the girls as they started laughing in silence. "It's the least I can do after I let Vorak get their mother killed. So how does this even work? I'm not used to children, let alone deaf ones."

"They read lips really well, so just look at them when you address them." Carbon smiled and started heading for the main deck behind the others. "That's about it, really. Just keep them busy so they don't get into mischief."

"Oh. I can probably handle that."

"And one more thing--Don't let them near anything scientific. Just trust me on that one."

"Wait, ~what~?" Cid fidgeted in place a bit as Carbon left the docking area, baffled by the meaning of that last addendum. "Gods, that flower boy sometimes..."

The twins walked up closer and offered paws to greet the meerkat.

"Oh, sorry about that. I guess I do have an image to uphold, after all." Cid took both paws at once for awkward shakes, partially due to the symmetry but mostly because of the three-fingered, webbed nature of the girl's alien paws. "Uh... My name's Cid, girls. Carbon wants me to take care of you for a bit, so let's try to get along. Alright?"

The two nodded in unison, then one threw up a response in glowing text. <We know about you, Sydney. We have most of Uncle Carbon's memories. You're shorter than he remembers.>

"That's... interesting. I guess I am a bit larger than him, after all." Cid pointed to a hallway, then paused to look back at the girls before speaking again. "Since he's the one asking me to do this, he can't complain if we use his place for a bit. You two want to hang out at Carbon's?"

The two nodded again, enthusiastic about something--or perhaps everything by the way their eyes constantly shot around to everything in the area.

"Alright then. We can watch a movie or something up there, I guess. Oh, or maybe you're hungry?" The twins followed silently, causing Sydney to stop midway to the elevator. "Can you guys understand me? Oh, or is it hard for you to answer me?"

The girls conferred with each other before submitting a final, somehow unconvincing answer. <It's really hard. We're sorry if it's an inconvenience to you.>

"Okay..." Cid stepped in the elevator as it arrived from only a floor higher, then tapped Carbon's apartment once the twins followed suit. "You don't have to hide anything with me, girls. I keep a lot of secrets myself. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about."

The girls nodded, then smiled and jumped as the elevator started to rapidly slow itself.

"Well don't be afraid I'll be a bad nanny or whatever. If you want to eat ice cream and stay up all night, that's fine by me." Sydney stepped out of the lift and opened Carbon's front door with his personal entry key, which usually wasn't missed since he could just wave a paw to open any doors. "Carbon's footing the bill anyway. Go nuts."

The twins gave Cid a quick hug as they passed by her, slowly making their way towards Carbon's bedroom.

"Fleur? Fleur, you here?" Cid scanned around, poking her head into the various rooms before checking the security cameras in the garage. "Guess it's grocery day or something."

The twins played around with the control panel to Carbon's airtight room, drawing Sydney's attention.

"Hey, you sure you should be going in there? Carbon's very particular about his clean room." Cid slowly closed the gap and then tapped a lock on the controls to the door. "This might be the one thing he'd get pissed at me for allowing. Sorry, girls."

The twins silently huffed out some airy chuckles and opened the door with the queii on their paws.

"And of course, they have that shit too. Should have known better." Cid followed the girls inside to keep an eye on them, but paused when the air quickly became hazardous for her. Oddly, the girls turned back and activated a flush of the system for Cid's sake, apparently wanting her to keep them company. "Thanks, girls. Go do whatever you're doing and I'll wait here while it cycles."

Both of the girls scampered off in different directions, one heading for the master bathroom and the other entering what appeared to be a walk-in closet. Neither bothered turning on the lights, a quirk Carbon usually had as well because of his extended range of visual sensitivity.

"Yeah, I'm always waiting by myself." Cid sighed and took a moment to listen to the hiss of the room's air modification system. "I know it's for a good reason, but he didn't have to just ditch me like this. I'd gladly give him a paw with his plans or whatever." The meerkat craned her head about to check on the girls, spotting to her dismay a multitude of objects being thrown about each part of the bedroom. "Damn it, girls... Well, no. Fuck it. Fuck ~him~. If he wants to shove me aside when I need the emotional support--Well, yeah, physical too I guess--but if he does that he deserves his shit turned over like this."

Mikhaila poked her head out, then stopped what she was doing when she spotted Cid talking to herself. She scurried over to the closet and grabbed Michelle, then they both just sat on the bed and watched Cid for a while.

Sydney let out a quick laugh as her audience decided to pay attention. "You don't need to stop for me, girls. I'm just pissed at Carbon. By all means, continue."

Chelle walked over and tugged on Cid's arm.

"Oh, really?" Cid took a few testing breaths and didn't have any difficulty breathing further inside the room now, even though the air system was still audibly running. "Okay then. Well I'll be here driving myself crazy. Go have your fun, girls."

Both of the twins symmetrically shook their heads and plopped down cross-legged atop the covers.

"What, you actually ~want~ to hear this stuff?" A few nods made Cid cock her head to the side. "You're more grown up than you look. Thanks, girls." Cid sat next to them and sighed when she tried to rethink why she was mad in the first place. "Carbon's my best friend, so I don't like when he excludes me. We went through hell together, and I just want to see this whole thing through. You know?"

The girls smiled and nodded, slowly starting to get out of their clothes as Cid spoke.

"What are you two...?" Cid noticed a bunch of clothes scattered on the ground in the closet and put the two concepts together. "Huh. Well anyway, I like sharing things with him. Not just my secrets, but everything. We have fun together, and even more in, uh..." Cid lowered her voice and mumbled to herself, forgetting the twins could understand every bit of it. "Well the sex is great too, even if you're too young for me to explain that bit."

Chelle pulled off her shorts to reveal not one, but three dangling half-erections to the now-stunned meerkat.

"Oh, ~wow~. Maybe you girls ~are~ old enough for that." Cid averted her eyes, only to settle upon a perfectly matching set on Mik's groin. "Damn, girls... You're not helping my heat any."

The fun view didn't last long, each of the girls soon finding their way to the heap of clothes expelled from the closet to try on various frilly dresses.

"I didn't know he even owned anything ~that girly~. Makes sense though." Sydney smirked for a bit as she remembered a particularly fun evening with Carbon. "That explains how he's so good at helping me shop, though. I'd suck at helping him when he's... well, a ~her~, but it's always fun to shop around with him. I don't much like secretly looking for my own male clothes."

Both of the girls returned dressed in goth-lolita garb, presenting their choices as if for approval.

"Oh, you need an opinion? Um..." Sydney nearly chuckled at the pairing of the kids' punk hair with the ultra-cute of their dresses, but stifled her laughter in favor of correcting their offset waistbands. "I think you two look wonderful, even if you don't know how these things work. Hell, my experience with complex clothing usually ends with a three-piece suit." She smiled as she straightened everything out, then backed away a few steps for a better view. "So what's the reasoning? Just having fun? Special occasion?"

Both twins nodded enthusiastically at the latter option.

"Oh, really? It better not be something of Carbon's. He'd never let me play down forgetting it..."

Chelle pointed to her hair, then Mik stepped forward with projected message and accompanying sign language. <It's Punk's birthday today.>

"Oh, is it?" Cid furled her brow ponderously as that point expounded in her head. "Wait, doesn't that mean the other two as well? Isn't that how it works?"

Chelle held up all three fingers of one paw, then added another with the free one.

Sydney quirked her head at the extra digit, then her face lit up with surprise. "~Four~? You found ~another~?" The meerkat sighed as she paced near the airlock door. "He just can't stop until they single-pawedly repopulate the planet, can he?" She looked to the smiling girls and shook her head clear of Carbon's apparent knack for Arctic wolf collecting. "I guess we'll need a lot of cake."

The girls stared back, their smiles unchanging but somehow ever the more sinister.

"What? If you're thinking you want to make a cake, I'm completely useless there. You want help buying some?"

The twins looked to each other for a moment, then resumed their now-insane, yet normal smiling. They slowly approached Cid, offering paws like they wanted to take her somewhere.

"Hmm? Oh, are we really?" Sydney took the girls' paws as well as a deep breath of air. "Well at least it's better than hearing my woes regarding Carbon. Sure, let's go buy some cake and forget I said anything."

They girls stood fast, then shook their heads side to side.

"No? No what?"

Out of nowhere two hidden tendrils snaked out from beneath the twins' dresses and snapped into Sydney's neck and chest.

"What the... fuck!?..." Cid wobbled in place a bit before collapsing to her knees. "What did... do to me...?"

Chelle threw up a message while Mik signed this time. <We're helping you be happy.>

Barely making out the words through blurred vision, Cid collapsed to her side. "Fucking... knew not to... trust..."

The twins stood over Cid's body, smiling to themselves. Then they picked her up with surprisingly little effort and headed for the bed.

«Should we have our fun now, or after?» one twin queried through their near-perpetual state of Link.

The other twin grinned wider and thought back, «There's more than enough time. Before ~and~ after.»

"Well give me a minute and I'll help put that stuff away, Fleur." Carbon stood in his penthouse doorway, his paw fixed onto the entry panel. "Cid? I hope you're keeping an eye on those girls in here, Cid. They love messing with my shit." The demi-otter peeped around as he removed his paw until he noticed Fleur staring into the dining room from the kitchen. "Fleur? What's wrong?"

"Monsieur... Madame Sydney iz en 'ere waiteeng, um... She'z..."

Now a bit concerned, Carbon quickly jogged over and took a look of his own. "The hell...?" Cid was delicately and purposefully draped over one of the chairs of the dining table, facing an beautifully-prepared and romantically lit meal. As odd as that was, the real concern for Carbon was actually that Sydney was wearing a dress. "Cid? What the hell's gotten into you?"

Sydney snapped awake at the familiar voice, her head pounding at first from her induced nap. "Gah! You fucking kids!"

Carbon sighed a breath of relief when his friend started moving on her own, then rushed over to check her vitals. "The girls did this to you? I ~figured~ you'd never willingly put on a dress while on the clock." He found the injection sites and frowned. "They need to reserve that poison for actual emergencies though. I haven't taught them about that yet."

"They poisoned me!?"

"Shh... Not really, Cid. Just tranquilized by the looks of it." Carbon looked over the meal set for apparently the both of them and then to Fleur. "Could you give us a minute, please? I'll look after her, so don't worry."

Fleur bowed and excused herself back to the kitchen, closing the separating door for some privacy. "Oui, but ov course."

"Ugh. At least the headache's going away." Cid sat herself up straight and finally realized both the setting and garb surrounding her. "Oh gods... What were they thinking..."

"Cid? You can borrow a bed if you're not feeling good."

Sydney realized she was blushing, which in turn only worsened the flow of blood to her face. "N-No... I just..." She grabbed at the formal evening gown tightly hugging her curves and felt around for a zipper or clasp. "I don't need to be wearing this right now."

"Well it looks like you're dressed for the occasion at least." Carbon sat lightly on the edge of the table and took in this once-inALifetime sight. "I have to say, even though that's in my size you wear it well."

"What? Oh... Thanks, I guess." Cid finally found the hidden zipper and pawed at it, growing more and more frustrated with each attempt. "The little bitches super glued it! Fuck!"

Carbon fought a laugh as he tried himself, frowning when he realized that the zip wasn't stuck but in fact had been glued. "That's an expensive gown. Damnit, girls."

"Well don't you have some alien ~crap~ or whatever to help?"

"Uh, nope. Actually, forcing it is... probably the only way. And I liked this one, too. My favorite, actually." Carbon fiddled with the zipper, but gave up for certain after a few good tugs. "Yeah, we're ripping it off. I can grab some scissors..."

"Just get it off me." Cid picked up her leg and groaned yet again when she tried to remove some leggings and the garter clasps were glued as well. "Okay, this isn't funny anymore. Help me with these first, then we'll move to the dress."

"And my favorite..." Carbon flipped up the bottom of Cid's gown and frowned. "...everything. If I ever had lucky panties, these were them."

"Eww. They even changed me into that?" Sydney's blushing reinvigorated itself now that Carbon had his head near her crotch. "J-Just take it all off. Nothing you haven't seen before."

Carbon tried to remove the panties and found they were pinned with dots of glue to the garter belt. The twins were extremely thorough in their prank. "Well I've got to shred it all, apparently. I think the twins are trying to tell us something here."

"What? They want you to ra-ravage me or something?" Cid cleared her throat and fought the trepidation filtering into her words. "Romantic dinners and ball gowns don't exactly do it for me."

Carbon stood back up and stared Cid in the eyes, though she stared instead at the bulge in his pants. "Maybe it wasn't intended for ~you~. They're really hitting my buttons here, Cid."

"Wait... you aren't..."

Carbon reached beneath the dress and ripped off Cid's panties with two hard yanks, then threw off his mask with another. "Yeah, I am."

"Oh fuck." Sydney threw her head back when Carbon when back down, this time not afraid to liberally apply his tongue to the problem presented before him. "Carbon... Fuck, you're heat drunk aren't you?"

The hybrid licked his chops and continued with his paws. "No, you're just sexy as hell right now." He dipped his muzzle down again and noisily explored deeply with his long tongue, then pulled back once Cid started writhing in place. "Atta' girl. Hey, you know you taste better when you're in heat?"

"I-I don't... think we should..." Cid reached down to push Carbon 's head back, but he only slithered his slippery appendage even deeper. "Oh, gods! Carbon, s-stop! Your d-daugt-ter's in the--"

Carbon swooped up and sealed his lips against Cid's, giving her a taste of herself as he swirled his tongue in her mouth. "Ah... Much better. Why complain when you can just enjoy yourself?"


"Shh..." Carbon gave his favorite meerkat another commanding kiss while his two paws and a tendril all worked their magic on and inside her other set of lips. "Fleur's busy, so why can't we get busy too?"

"Ah... I'm..." Sydney winced her eyes shut as a light orgasm started washing over her, then threw them open in surprise as Carbon fell onto her for a more romantic, embracing kiss. She rode out her peak, eventually relenting into the otter's warm entanglement. Then a wave of light washed over Cid's vision and her climax renewed itself, melting the meerkitten into a loose mess of shivers and fluff. «Car... bon...»

"Goddess, Sydney. You're so--" Carbon pulled his head back in surprise and tried again with thought alone. «Wait. Sydney, did you just...?»

«You ~kissed~ me... Like, really kissed me...» Sydney drowsily rolled her head and stared to Carbon's side. «Hey... why's everything... so wobbly...?»

«Damn. I'm sorry I didn't notice this earlier.» Carbon looked around quickly and spied two fluffy otter tails peeking out from behind the sofa in the next room. «Those girls are gonna be the end of me. Eve, you need to find some kind of defense against those pheromones... ...Eve?»

The flower girl held onto Cid's wrist and stared into her vapid eyes. «They did something... odd to her...»

«Well I'm not feeling much of anything, so let's hope it's some kind of temporary Link sensitivity or something. At least she's not--»

Sydney raised her head and stared right back at Evelyn, her expression transitioning slowly to one of raw confusion. «Eve? Is that Eve?» Sydney scanned the girl's figure and then shot a perplexing look to Carbon, one that now contained a slight violet glow to her eyes. «And she's so ~hot~...»

Carbon and Evelyn both looked to each other and simultaneously gasped, "Oh ~fuck~."