2 Scarlett Waters Second Visit

Story by minatek616 on SoFurry

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This is the second encounter you have with the injured shark woman. If I get Taboo the game back up and running it will have a fishing minigame.

Scene from Taboo: The Wild Wonderlandhttps://sites.google.com/site/taboothewildwonderland/

You manage to find the shark woman's cave along the cove again and make your way through the darkness to the chamber you last found her in. You sneak quietly, remembering your last reception. Peering into the chamber from around the wall of the stone tunnel you spot her sitting on the floor beside the stone slab, tail off to one side. She seems to be completely naked. Your gaze darts around the room and you see her clothes lying out next to the pool of water, they look washed and still damp. She must have cleaned them and herself at some point because looking at her nude body, she seems to have washed off much of the blood and gore that covered her last time. There is still plenty of evidence of whatever conflict she found herself in before you came along, but with the blood gone and wounds healing, she looks much better. Her hair even looks nicer, having been washed and left to hang around her face. She seems intently occupied by something on her forearm and you can see her holding the long dagger to it. Not knowing any way to alert her to your presence without startling the woman you take a shot in the dark and call, "Scarlett?" She is to her feet in a flash, dagger held ready for violence, and teeth bared. You put up your hands in a nonthreatening manner and slowly show yourself. She turns her head slightly, centering on you and snarls, "Who the gutter rat 'n' gull shit are you and how do you know me name?!" You point over to her jacket with one of your upraised hands. She looks in the direction for a moment then back at you, "Talk, before I make your nuts trade places with your eyes!" "Your jacket, has your name on it. I helped you before, remember?" you ask, keeping still. "Aye, ah remember you, thought I told you to fuck off. What'er you doin' back here?" she demands. "I just wanted to check in on you, see if you were ok." You reply, honestly.

She glares at you for a moment before shouting, "Oh? A right proper gentleman are ya? Come to check on poor little ol' me? Well I'm just fine, so leave me be!" The short exchange seems to tax her significantly and her stance wobbles. She seems to be close to toppling over when she sits back down heavily, breathing hard. You take a few steps towards her and she raises the dirk in your general direction. It sways drunkenly as she tries to find you through some mental haze. You move a bit closer and there is a delay as she tries to keep the point of the weapon aimed at you. "Leave." she manages to growl under her breath. From here you can see that she isn't fine at all. Her skin has gotten paler. Most of the smaller wounds have healed well enough, but the larger ones seem to still need time to heal properly. And then you notice the horrible wound down her left forearm is looking much worse. Where it was a bright angry red it now seems to be turning dark brown and even black in places. Without her clothes you also notice that she is thin, dangerously so. From her current appearance, she may not have eaten for several days or more.

Fish: Try to catch something for Scarlett.

You make your way back to Scarlett with some fish. To your dismay, you find her with her trousers back on though it seems she'd given up on her torn rag of a shirt leaving her lovely full chest bare. She sits with back against the stone slab as she was before, picking at her mangled left forearm with the dagger again. She suddenly sniffs the air some before looking your way, then back down at her tattered arm. "Thought you'd be back." She calls out, "Like a lost puppy, just don't know when to leave folk well enough alone." You approach without saying anything. Once within a few feet, she extends her dagger point to you. "Uht, that's plenty close enough." You stop and she eyes your catch. "What's that you got there?" she asks, intensely focused on your haul. "I thought you might be hungry." You say, presenting her with it. She glares at you then back at the food uncertainly. She seems to come to a decision and waves you over with the dagger, "Well, come on then, don't make me waste what little life I 'ave left comin' to you." You begin to move cautiously. "Oh, come now, I'm not gonna bite." You stop completely, remembering that she nearly engulfed your face already and you still have the scrape on your nose to prove it. Scarlett seems to recall that little episode as well, "Oh that was just a nibble, never meant anything by it." she says dismissively. You kneel in front of her and offer out your catch. Without any warning she drops her dagger and grabs at your offering, tearing into the dead fish with her sharp teeth. She is utterly without grace or manners, her hand shoveling bloody bits toward her face and her jaws working only to ripe as she swallows bites whole. You notice she only uses her right arm, her left fairly slack at her side. You also notice her ravenous motions are doing interesting things to her bare breasts. The smooth pale palm-able mounds jiggling hypnotically as she sates herself, even as they begin to drip with fresh blood.

She finishes off her meal quickly and notices your staring. "What'cha lookin' at there Red Nose? Starin' like you ner seen a woman before." You look up at her and she turns away, a hint of a toothy smile on her bloody face. She erases it and turns back to you, "Well, thank you kindly for the meal good sir, but I'm a bit busy dying so now would be the appropriate time to hoist anchor and shove off." "Let me look at your arm first." You say leaning toward her. "Uht!" she growls the dagger appearing between the two of you. "You've been kind enough for one day I think." She jerks the dagger toward the exit a few times. "Go on."

Not understanding what her problem is, you get up in a huff and leave. You head back to camp trying to unravel the mystery of the shark woman named Scarlett.