Mrs Robinson

Story by Logan Storm on SoFurry

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#10 of 3rd Earth Shorts

[Due to a request by admin, on this and other stories have had cub tag added and set to extreme]

Mrs Robinson

It was still dark out and the digital clock on the bed side cabinet read '05:30am', peering though the crack in his bedroom curtains a youth barely in his teens watched as the light went on in the next door neighbors bed room the curtain was open as it generally was around that time in the morning.

Hell the young Human male could have set his clock by the exact time his neighbors Wife would get undressed for her early morning shower, easing a hand down his pajama bottoms to his already hardening boy-hood he began to gently grasp hold of himself.

Taking a deep breath he begins to squeeze and stroke his length with practiced ease and for his male of his age he was pretty well endowed with all of a good seven and half inches of rock hard length, the child or teen as one of his age would prefer was still young enough for several more inches in length and girth to develop a few more inches, something as a man in later years he would grow to become extremely proud off.

"Mnnn yeah that's it take it off for me nice and slowly!"

He moans in a quiet voice as he watched her easing her night gown slowly down one shoulder then the other as if deliberately stripping for her unseen watcher, he wondered what it would be like to be there in person to touch and squeeze her firm rear and those wonderful full breasts with his very own hands.

He wasn't a virgin well not exactly a few years back his cousin had brought herself off by camel toe riding his boy-hood until she had climaxed so hard that she didn't care that he had unleashed his load for the very first time in his life against her skin, since then he had been using his own hand to bring himself off every night more so after recognising the woman next doors amazing body.

His hand moved faster as the lioness gradually eased her top down around her breasts but unlike every time before this time she didn't have a bra on, biting his lower lip he began to pant deeply as her arms drifted to her side allowing the night gown to freely slide down along her body.

"UGHNNNN!.....Oh God!"

The youths gasped his eyes widened as he found she wasn't wearing any panties either, it was to much for the young lad to handle as he felt the heat at the base of his shaft suddenly explode forcing a torrent of warm sticky cream to splatter against the wall just below the window while the Lioness walked into her ensuite bathroom.

Slipping back into the darkness of his room he felt around for his box of tissues to clean himself and the mess he'd just made up.

There was a sense of satisfaction flowing through the lad that manifested itself physically as a slight swagger in his movement accompanied by a wide all most idiotic grin that seemed to spread from one ear all the way around to the other.

Easing under the curtains to finish cleaning up after himself he spotted the Lioness coming back into the bed room her back to the widow as she tossed her towel aside and bent over to her chest of draws going through it probably to choose what she would ware for the day.

As she did so her tail rose up revealing her lower lips in all there glory, all most instantly his flaccid length became as hard as a rock while his hand pushed his Pajama bottoms down around his ankles.



He gasped, his hand grasping himself firmly once more as the felines hips began to sway from side to side in an all most teasing motion as if daring someone to come up from behind and mount her; in fact he found himself in a detailed fantasy of doing just that.

He imagined her pushing back into his thrusts and roaring out his name as he used her for his own sordid pleasure, by now his hand was rapidly sliding along his own boy-hood now drawing him closer and closer to a second Orgasm.

It was then she turned around and looked at him her amber eyes locking onto his own brown ones making him climax so hard his seed shot up against the glass, a look of horror at being caught filled him as he pulled away from the curtains panting deeply with an empty hollow sensation in the pit of his stomach at being caught.

It was a good quarter of an hour just staring at the drawn curtains, he knew he had to clean the mess he had made but he was afraid she'd still be there, running a hand through his short scruffy brown hair he takes a few deep breaths.

"C...Come on get a grip maybe she didn't see? I mean it was dark after all!"

He whispers to himself trying to convince himself but deep down he really didn't believe it himself, after a few more moments he parted the curtains and found the lights in his neighbors bed room window was off and swiftly used the cuff of his pajama top to try and clean the window while it was not perfect it at least didn't look like someone had just ejaculated over it.

Still the memory of her bending over and revealing herself to him in such a way made him swell thick and hard yet again, biting his bottom lip he doubted his hand would suffice this time and went to his bed and bunching up his pillows before easing himself free of his night ware and climbing onto his bed pushing his member between a couple of his pillows before starting to thrust against and into his make shift lover.

The youth began to pant and grunt as he closed his eyes imagining he was have wild sex with the feline next door despite the fact she was old enough to be his mother, he began to tremble as he slides and pushes against the pillows beneath him.

Grasping the pillows as if they were the Lioness's hips he began to give shorter sharp strokes before suddenly stiffening with a whine as seconds after starting he unleashed a large burst of seed before collapsing exhausted and panting for breath.

By the time he came down from his afterglow the light from the morning sun was illuminating his room through the curtains, with a grunt he staked pillows back into place before redressing himself and laying back down over his bed feeling so incredibly good about himself.

His mind began to wonder back to that image again having an immediate effect on him but he was too drained to do anything about it save to just lay there as time slowly passed by until finely he had to get up.

Thankfully he had recovered enough of his strength to get washed dressed and head down to breakfast, eve then he still couldn't get the image the image out of his head no matter how much he tried to think of something else anything else his imagination would return him to that same mental image.

He was just glad it was a Saturday and there was no school, it would have been so embarrassing trying to hide his erection while at school especially in his school uniform, but at home he could hide it in a pair of blue stone wash baggy Jeans and a white 'Bat Fur' T-Shirt.

Sitting down at the table he poured himself a bowl cereal before looking over to his mother asking her.

"Mom could you pass the milk?"

The plump blond haired woman raised an eyebrow as she spoke in a disapproving tone.

"Mom could you pass the milk, what James?"

With a sigh James asked again this time correctly.

"Mom could you pass the milk?...Please!"

With a polite smile his mother passed the jug over as she spoke to her child.

"That's better, Oh by the way I saw Mrs Robinson from next door while getting the milk in, she needs some help raking the leaves up in her back garden and I said you would help. There's a good boy!"

The youth groaned loudly but didn't dispute it, he hated it when his mother did that, volunteering him for things without even consulting him but he knew better than to refuse let alone give her any back chat.

His only real hope was Mrs Robinson hadn't been looking at him this morning as he jacked of to her naked body, though deep down he doubted that was the case despite how hard he tried to convince himself he knew he was doomed.

Dragging his breakfast out for as long as he could before taking his time to clean his teeth James eventually though even this could postpone the inevitable for so long, he made his way in to front porch he grabbed his blue and white trainers making the effort to unstring then restring each of the lace holes in the hopes of some divine intervention.

Nothing happened though as he tied his laces up and he headed out of the door to face his fate, with a few deep breaths and a failed attempt to deceive himself it was going to be okay.

Heading out of the door he took the longer route of waking along the path instead of cutting across the grass to Mrs Robinsons front door James continued his delaying tactics for as long as he could before at last he was in front of the neighbors door his finger hesitantly hovering over the door bell, with one deep audible gulp of air he forced his finger against the button as a chime sounded that felt for the youth more akin to a dirge than anything else.

For what felt like an eternity passed until the door finally opened to reveal the Female lions scintillating beauty, his underwear instantly became more restrictive in her presence as his boy-hood became painfully erect.

"Hello James, your mother said you'd be around to help rake my back garden for me, please come in!"

The Lioness rumbled with a pleasant chuffing sound, she could smell his nervousness and terror as she smiled tenderly to him as she tries to put him at ease, stepping aside she gestures for him to come into her home.

With a few small steps James entered her home with a sense of apprehension only to jump as the door was closed firmly behind him, he was trembling slightly a she looks around the hall way.

All around he could see mementos of Africa from old tribal masks, copper art to carved wooden sculptures and carvings that had over the generations been handed down from mother to daughter.

The walls, carpets and stair rail where decorated in warm orange and browns while in one the corners at the far end of the hall way was an African talking drum.

Everything seemed so amazing to his young mind it was like nothing back at his place, he could hear her chuffing to him with pride at his reaction to her home.

"You wouldn't be able to buy any of this in any store as they are genuine heirlooms passed down through the ages"

The Lioness boasted proudly as she began guiding him towards the back door via kitchen, James began to feel more at ease believing he was off the hook and began to enjoy being in her presence more and more.

Passing by a framed photo of her three young daughters about his age a smile formed on his lips, he had seen them a number of times down the local swimming pool and while he had to admit they where developing some very interesting curves of course to James they were still a pale shadow of their mother or at least that was his personal opinion.

Allowing the large feline to walk in front of him he watched her firm rear sway slightly from side to side as she walked, her tail poked the bottom of the ankle long green dress she was wearing.

The way it all most hugged her body made him feel weak in the knees as once more the image of her going through her draws from early on that morning replayed itself within the confines of his mind.

It was a good few minutes later outside in Mrs Robinsons back garden that he began to get a grip of his wild lustful imagination, with rake in hand and a slowly building pile of leaves as he began to put more effort into the chore his mother had volunteered him for.

James had to admit it wasn't as bad as he had thought it would be more so now he had seen smelt and felt the warmth of his next door neighbors house compared to his own.

He found himself feeling a tad envious wishing he could live there but then he figured it was like the expression went 'The grass is all ways greener on the other side', though even this little mental diversion did not help for long as his mind began to wander back to his golden furred goddess which in turn found him once again trying to will down his swiftly swelling member but as all ways it was refusing to obey him.

Trying to distract himself he looks through the kitchen window where he could see the daughters remerging through the cupboards as the grabbed themselves a snack of one kind or another at times struggling to grab the same thing despite there being enough to go around.

Their slim yet still strong bodies covered in slightly revealing outfits could be seen on full display in an attempt to look older than they really where, it really didn't do much for him as it left nothing to the imagination that and they preferred older none human muscle bound males that tended to gather around the local superstores car park to hang out and try to show off to each other.

He watched them leave moments before Mrs Robinson head popped out of the bed room window two floors up from where he was, wiping the seat from his brow he had worked up from working so hard.

James was unaware that he was being watched by the Lioness that was the target of his school boy crush, looking down at him she smiled warmly in a way only a Lioness could as she calls down to him.

"James could you be a dear and come upstairs please? I need your help with something!"

James felt as if his knees would give out from under him as looked up into her eyes before finally forcing some words out of his mouth.

"Yes Ma'am!"

Came his replies propping up the rake against the wall and heading inside pausing to remove his shoes before heading back to the lobby where the stair case was, a sudden lurch in his gut made the young man tremble slightly as he wondered if Mrs Robinson had been luring him into a false sense of security and was now about to confront him about what he had done while spying on her naked.

Occupying his mind the best he could by looking at the animal prints along the wall leading upwards he found himself starting to relax a little more, reaching the top he found himself met by the Lioness her hand reaching out and sliding around his waist drawing him in closer to her.

"Let go to my room where we can talk in comfort shall we?"

Her voice rumbled tenderly both reigniting his fears and sending a sexual message deep into his subconscious mind forcing him to shiver in arousal.

James could feel her strength it was incredible he doubted any one save for one of those massively built wrestlers could match her strength and she was only average for a middle aged Lioness, but he was under no doubt while it seemed like she offering him the choice to walk with her, it was just an illusion and she was in full control.

Not that he cared as the feeling of those pads on her finger tips and palm had him feeling tingly all over, she was so close to him he didn't realize his hand had eased around the small of her back and was easing down over her firm rear cheeks but she was and she liked it as she gave him an approving squeeze drawing him closer against her side.

As they entered the master bedroom James was in even great awe than before as the decor remained constant to the rest of the house, even the more modern furniture had been modified to fit in with the general theme of the room.

The TV that hung form the wall had been framed to make it seem less intrusive to the whole feel of the room, his reaction pleased the Lioness greatly as she guides him towards the large king sized bed before sitting down on it with him between her legs as he stood there still mesmerised.

"I take it you like?"

She rumbles her words vibrating through his body as her paws begin to undo his belt and metal jean buttons one at a time popping them free from each of the buttonholes, with the last one popping free, her powerful hands eases his jeans down to his knees before simply letting fall and pool around his ankles.

It wasn't until his briefs where pulled up over and down along his hips that James snapped back to reality to find his erect boy-hood standing proud and naked before the felines hungry looking eyes,

He shivered slightly as his undies went the same way as his jeans.

"Mnnn you are certainly more impressive up close than from some window!"

She murmurs grasping him firmly around his thick twitching length with her experienced paw like hand, the feel of the pad on her palm felt like some vice like cushion as it began to ease back and forth with a slow yet strong pumping motion.

He could feel her warm breath breathing across his bulbous end as it was exposed from his foreskin with every down warn caress of her hand.

"UGHNNNN!.....Mrs Robinson!"

He cries out in a gasped trembling voice as he feels those thick black lips press against his bulbous gland, seconds later she pushes her muzzle forwards easing his tip between those lips as if she was guiding him into her vaginal entrance.

A cry left James as he back arched and his knees turned jelly, even with only the end of his boy-hood just inside of her mouth he was unleashing his young immature seed, spurting against the back of the Lionesses maw which she swallowed hard.

She rumbles lovingly making him shiver and shake from his ongoing climax, minuets latter the young lad would slowly return to his senses but even then she did not stop as her long rough tongue coiled and eased around what little of him she had so far engulfed, for James though it was more than his body could bare.

The intense pleasure left him unable to move or even make a sound as her paws eased around his hips and guided him around to sit on bed while she eased into a kneeling position in front of him, however not once did she relinquish her hold upon his bulb like end as her tongue continued to caress it tenderly keeping his length from growing flaccid form having already performing its job.

Mrs Robinson wasn't in the least disappointed or annoyed after all he was inexperienced, something she was intent on changing.

Pulling away she looked up at him cocking her head to one side and whispers tenderly.

"Breath James, breath!"

Hearing the sound of her voice and the sudden over stimulation of one most sensitive parts of his body his lungs automatically began to take in deep gasps of air which where exhaled in a deep whimpering moan as he felt her rasping tongue begin to lap along his entire length as if she was grooming him.

The sudden orgasm he had felt had taken him quite by surprise, having gone form wondrous pleasure to sudden explosion of intensity in one go, his mind was still foggy as he had yet to come down from his afterglow.

Soon he was laying over the bed with his legs dangling off of it with as the lioness nodded and ground her fur covered face between his thighs doing things to him that made him feel as if he was in some kind of dream.

"Mnnnn good boy...such a good boy!"

She praised him as she eased her tongue around one of his balls in a way no Human female ever could, looking up at him slightly as she continued her ministration upon him she whispers in a soothing rumbling tone.

"Breath my little lover! Breath!"

He gasped in a few more sudden breaths as he responded to her request with the actions she desired him to perform, he couldn't believe his woozy mind, she had called him her lover.

It just had to be a dream, if it really was one then he truly hoped he would never awaken save he should feel a sense of deflation if he did.

He was panting now rather than holding his breath but he was completely unable to move is strength was gone drained from him after his first ejaculation into the sensuous feline's mouth,

Not that she cared as she continued to leave slick trails of her saliva along his man-hood before finally easing back up to his very tip and pressing her lips together once more.

"Remember darling, breath!"

She chuffed before with one swift motion pushed her head down fully towards him taking all of his considerable length to the hilt, her muzzle took a good portion of the imposing muscle but the bulbous end and a good quarter was eased down her throat as she rumbled deliberately against him.

She was rewarded by his cries of surprise and sheer pleasure, the touch of his hands against the back of her head made press more firmly in fear he might try to pull her face away from his pelvis.

Though this proved not to be the case, as she could feel the weak feeble attempts of his tired body as it tries to grind desperately against her muzzle.

The female moans softly in appreciation then eases her head back allowing all but the tip of his member to escape her lips though only for a moment as she pushes back down with just as much force and speed forcing her Human lover to arch his back inwards and his shoulders hard into the blanket.

Repeating this a few more times she settles into a shorter but far more relentless rhythm resting her paws against his still developing stomach muscles she picks up the paces his hands tremble against the back of her inhuman head.

She could tell he was lasting longer now than previously which was all most perfect for what she had in mind, the taste of his seed combined with his own flavour had the tingling sensation deep in her loins increase considerably.


James groaned shaking his head from side to side as the warm pressure began to build at the base of his shaft with every passing second, it was all he could do to just pant deeply for breath as the goddess in golden fur between his thighs devoured him alive.

He was her prey and she was his predator locked in carnal act of lust and pleasure, biting his bottom lip he tried to hold his breath only to feel claws suddenly dig to his skin as a reminded to breath but it also sent him over the edge as he reached yet another climax erupting down into her throat.

But this didn't slow her down or make her stop if anything she began to rumble and chuff encouragingly around his semi flaccid member making it swell and harden fully once more much to his surprise as she eases herself free.

"Time to get ready for the main event darling!"

She moans provocatively; getting to her feet the Lioness turning around before starting to undress slowly, sliding the shoulders to her dress down over one shoulder then the other before turning her head slightly to make sure he was watching her.

Little by little the dress was worked down along her revealing more and more of her beautiful well-groomed fur to him, after a few seconds she finally cocked her hips to one side allowing the entire dress to fall down around her waist.

"Remember This?"

The older female asked slowly bending over as she eases her dress down over her firm well-formed rear while raising her tail to reveal her lower lips to him, his eye stopped following her dress as they focused fully upon the Lionesses more intimate parts.

Kicking her shoes to one side the feline turns around to see her full breasts that while not as pert as in her youth where still thanks to keeping herself in shape where still somewhat firm, a smile graced her lips as she began to walk slowly towards him her tongue running form one side of her muzzle to the other in a hungry manner.

James gulped slightly feeling a sudden second wind of energy welling up inside of him as he drags his body back along the bed, she pursued him easing upon to the bed on all fours with a deep demanding growl that vibrated through both his body and the bed.

He realised she had seen him but more than that she had been deliberately undressing with the light on every morning knowing he was watching her, the illusion of control over what he had been doing all those months while watching her was a lie.

She had been in control from the very start luring him and baiting him to where he now upon her bed at her mercy, he gulps deeply as he found himself out of bed to move along as she caught up with him positioning herself over him still on her hands and knees.

"A..Are you trying to seduce me Mrs Robinson?"

He whimpers nervously something she could easily pick up on through his scent and she savoured the sensation of dominating a male rather than being dominated herself, so much so she gave deep predator smile as she replies.

"I've already seduced you, now I'm claiming my prize!"

She whispered looking down over him, her larger stronger body dwarfing him; with a smile she repositions herself so he was looking up between her thighs before easing herself down into a semi crouch semi kneeling position.

"Ease your tongue inside of me James and I'll do the rest, I'll teach you about going down on someone latter"

He could feel the heat against his lips as it emanated from her moist vaginal entrance, slightly hesitant at first she helped encourage him with a few tender strokes of her long rough tongue against his over sensitive boy-hood.

With a gasp at the rasping strokes of her tongue he eases his own up towards her lower lips in turn she began ease down careful so as not to smother or crush him beneath her powerful body, all most instantly she let out a yowling sound of pure delight as his thick oral prehensile muscle eased up inside of her.

"Y..yes..j..just keep it there..hnnn!"

The Lioness stutters, her hips slowly grinding and pushing back and forth before returning her attention back to the thick swollen member standing fully to attention before her.

Leaning down her back arching in a typical feline manner she squeezes her breasts together around James length trapping it between her soft fur covered cleavage, she could feel his moans vibrating through her inner muscles as she begins to pump his length between her breasts slowly at first.

"Feels...uhnnn!...good doesn't it....hnnnnn!....James?"

She whispers as she rocks her hips enjoying the pleasure of his tongue between her inner walls, closing her eyes she began to pant deeply as her own orgasm began to draw closer with every passing clenching motion of beautifully toned buttocks as she pushes herself down against this face.

True he had much to learn but she could tell he had potential and so much raw talent just waiting to be sculpted by the paws of someone with experience and that was something she had plenty of, squeezing her cleavage tighter around his hard rampant muscle she gives into to her climax with a loud trembling cry.

The tsunami of unrelenting pleasure washing through her body and mind that it almost felt like some spiritual moment, she laid their over James half crushing him beneath her strong feline body as her mind drifted in the sexual high of her blissful dreamlike state.


She gasps lifting herself off as she comes down from her afterglow, realising how she was pressing her full body weight over the young the Human, turning around to knee next to him she lowers her paws as if to check he was okay only to pause in fear of causing him any more harm than he might have all ready been subjected to.


She cries nervously only to sigh in relief as he smiled faintly up at her while panting for breath.

"I think for the next part you had better be on top darling!"

She smiles softly to him her tick black lips pressing repeatedly against his brow, cheeks and lips in rapid kissing succession.

Easing herself onto her back she turns her head to his before running her tongue along the side of his face, her paw easing gently up and down along his chest as she realises he wasn't quite as naked as she was.

He still had his white 'Bat Fur' T-Shirt on something she felt needed to be rectified right way.

"The top loose it and climb between my thighs!"

She rumbled firmly to James making him shiver nervously, for a moment the Lioness wondered if she had sound to stern and in doing so ruined everything but after a brief pause he began to sit up and slip his top up over his head and away.

"Good Boy!"

The Lioness laughs tenderly as she guides him between her legs, kneeling there looking somewhat unsure if not nervous as to what he was supposed to do next, a soft smile forms across her lips at how adorably cute James looked.

Easing up on to one of her elbows she reaches down easing her large paw around his impressive offering and slowly guiding him towards her moist hungry entrance, soon the youth could feel her lower lips spread around his bulbous end as she teases her exposed clit with his swollen gland.

It sent a shiver of pure pleasure through both Human and Feline forcing a shared mutual moan to escape their mouths.

"Brace yourself I'm about to turn you into a man!"

She whispers, her hand guiding him closer and closer towards the gateway to manhood.

James began to tremble as he feels the heat from her passage as his bulb like tip nudges against her opening, he could hear her voice cooing and whispering to him with a reassuring tone to her voice as he gulps deeply.

"Push your hips towards me dear, you can do it, just slowly ease closer"

Came the older females voice as lays back arching her back upwards to allow him easier access into her body, she waited patiently as she felt his hands quiver against the fur of her hips seconds before he began to push himself little by little inside of her.

Closing her eyes slightly she raises her taunt rear up from the blankets as she felt herself being stretched by her lovers member, she wasn't used to anything so thick easing itself into her passage way but then again she had only ever slept with her husband before.

She had been in so much need for something like this for so long now, her paw and toys just wasn't enough anymore; she needed the real thing but she had no idea it would feel this good.

"Tha....That's it...uhnnnn!.....yes ....yes....push as much into me as you can!"

The Lioness begged as she felt none of the barbs along the tip of the young Humans bulbous gland that some mammal had or even any knot like muscle at the base it was as if nature had nurtured it for one main give wondrous glorious blissful pleasure.

He was about three quarters of the way in side of her shallow passage way when he finally reached her cervix and could go no further or at least so he thought.

But the females of Third Earth had all evolved with one extra bonus function Humans had not,

the pouting entrance into their womb or egg sack which ever that female had was designed to be penetrable ad penetration was what she had in mind as she pushes down towards him applying the extra pressure his boy-hood needed to force her cervix to dilate and give way.


She grunted feeling the pinch accompanied by the crunching like sound as he was drawn up into her womb, she was panting deeply now as he began to shake from the new experience as the pouting entrance began to close back up just below his bulbous end trapping it there until it either grew flaccid from performing its duty or neglect either way it was not going anywhere.

Leaning up she smiled to him as she eases her arms around him, she could smell the scent of fear on his scent and see the scared look upon his face.

With her young Human between her arms she leant back down on to the bed drawing him down over her as she went, last thing she needed was for him to hurt them both in a futile attempt to pull free from with inside of her.

"Shhhhh!....Shhhhh!'s' s okay James!....Shhhh!"

The feline hushed him gently bring his head against her cleavage with one hand while the other pressed between his shoulder blades pinning him down against her, though the unyielding need to feel his seed deep inside of her was great she resisted the urge to roll over and just take him like some wild lustful beast.

It was his first time, she wanted it to be special for him that way he would come back to her willingly for more and more of the kind of carnal pleasure she would gladly offer him.

A few minutes passed by until eventually she had calmed him down; slowly she stroked the back of his head with her paw making quiet chuffing sounds as she would her own cubs when they were scared and seeking comfort.

"See it's okay it all okay, shhh!"

She hushed softly as she began to grind her pelvis up against his hips with a gradual motion mostly to keep him nice and hard inside of her, drawing her knees up before pressing the sides of them down against the bed the Lioness spreads her thighs open even wider while locking her ankles around the small of his back.

"See you're doing it, you're making love to me!"

Came her words seeping deep into his mind, easing his hands up under her arms he grasps the back of her shoulders as he realized she was right he was doing it...he was actually doing it and not with some make shift lover made from his pillows.

No he was actually doing it to the golden goddess he had fantasised over for the last few years, his shaft was clenched firmly between the soft velvety vice of her inner walls and he was now loving every moment of it.

James could feel his own body starting to move now with long deep circular motions, quivering he felt that building pressure at the base of his shaft, he could hardly believe it he was about to shoot his load inside of a real person.

"Breath James, Breath!"

She reminded him all most forgetting to herself, she knew it would have felt different but she had no idea it would be this good, every inch of her being felt so alive as his thick long muscle felt as if it was stirring her insides into a gooey paste.

The thought of how mind blowing she would feel once he had some experience behind him all most made her reach her peak right then and there, the sheer mental image of her young lover pounding into her while she was on her hands and knees made her yowl and drool in sheer pleasure.

"Breath...*pants* Breath Mrs...*pants*....Mrs Robinson!"

James gasped and panted as he found her now holding her breath, this made her blush and give his twitching length a tender squeeze with her inner muscles as she upped the pace turning their slow grinding thrusts into sharp short stabbing motions.

He could the sheer pleasure as he tried to keep pace with her, pushing his hips down and forwards as she lifted and pushed towards him causing their pelvises to slap noisily together.


She just about caught herself before screaming out one the words it wasn't social acceptable to use around a child, but he felt so good inside of her that all she could do was to grasp and claw at the blankets rather than James soft tender skin.

Just as she could feel the building of her climax inside of her loins so to could he feel the same sensation at the base of his shaft, then it happened one last desperate thrust and he felt her passage way clamp down around him sending his thick sticky cream to erupt like a volcano against the back of his golden goddesses womb.

James shook with in her grasp, the intensity was far superior to anything he had experienced until then; holding him close as she surfed the wave of her own orgasm the Lioness growled and roared in pure ecstasy.

It would take the best part of a half hour before either came down from the sheer sense euphoria that both Human as well as Lioness shared, as their mind began to calm down James could feel with his had still held against her breasts his feline lovers heart beating loudly.

"Tomorrow...*pants*...we...*gasps* I shall....*pants*...teach you more...*gasps*...oh so much more!"

The Lioness pants deeply, she found herself looking down in to his eyes with a deep passionate softness in her own as she began to lean her head towards his and begin grooming the top of his head with her long rough tongue as thoughts of what she had planned for the young man filled her mind.
