Underground Tales - Chapter Three

Story by toucanplay on SoFurry

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#3 of Underground Tales

More gayness, more slow transformation, more porny porn.

Jake snorted awake; he hadn't noticed he'd fallen asleep. He usually hated napping in the middle of the day - it just left him even more drowsy - but he'd probably needed it and being stuffed with food didn't help. He checked the time: he'd only slept for a couple of hours, so he could probably head in to see the adult store when he felt like it now. Before that, however, he felt a trip to the toilet was in order.

When he entered the bathroom, the mirror informed him how scruffy he looked. Hair bristled around his mouth, and his own hair was bushy and wild from where he'd fallen asleep. His eyes looked tired under his bushy eyebrows. He scratched himself as he pulled down his pants to sit down: his skin felt slightly itchy, probably from not having dried himself off properly earlier.

He'd had another brief, gay dream when he'd fallen asleep. This time it made a little more sense: he'd been a wild barbarian in an animal skin fucking a bound captive man in the ass. "Gay of Thrones," Jake remembered, chuckling aloud to himself.

While he waited to finish doing his business, Jake checked out his cock. It had felt good all day, staying nice and thick even when it had stopped being erect after his great self-pleasuring session in the shower earlier. His balls felt nice and heavy too. "Maybe I can see if they have one of those prostate massagers at the store when I go," he thought. After all, he already had one charge on his card there, another's not going to be any less embarrassing.

He scratched his belly; it itched quite a bit, so he admonished himself into remembering to dry properly the next time he had a shower. "Although," he thought, "maybe it's the shirt." It did feel a little extra tight, and not just around his gut. Jake had had the shirt for several years now, and after more than a few turns through the washing machine it was pretty likely it was going to have shrunk a little bit. He decided that he'd have to get dressed properly when he went into the city centre anyway: he'd been going commando all day, which was fine when he was at home, or if he had to pop out quickly to the little store on the corner for five minutes or so at most, but not for a proper trip into town.

After he was done, he wiped repeatedly. Since he was going to be changing his clothes anyway, he pulled his sweatpants completely off, throwing them in the bedroom where he could put them on later. The hairs on his legs seemed to puff up as a static charge ran down his legs.

Then he started to scrub his hands. "What's wrong with me today?" Jake wondered: he seemed to be particularly clumsy, always sliding his hands just a fraction of a second too, slamming into the ends of his fingers. He studied his nails quickly, wondering how in the hell they got so dirty, before drying them off. Dirty fingernails he could live with, but he had to find out about this lubricant.

He pulled off his too-tight shirt, looking in the mirror. Jake had to admit; he didn't look too bad: he was still pretty rotund, sure, and his muscles weren't exactly bulging, but they were definitely noticeable. A couple of months of recovery, he thought, was what he really needed. He rubbed his rather hairy body, playfully posing and flexing in the mirror, before he pulled himself out of his silliness and went to pick out some decent clothing to wear.

Picking up the deodorant bottle, Jake went to perfume himself; but after giving himself a quick sniff, decided he didn't really smell that awful, and he'd probably be fine. He was, after all, not going on a date or anything, just to a store he would probably never visit again to get some information. He picked one of his work shirts out: with the long weekend and a load of laundry left to do, he didn't need to be stingy with his clothing. Slipping into some boxers, he noticed they felt extra-tight, and decided to add underwear to the list of new clothes he'd need to pick up at some point. Thankfully, his jeans were always slightly too big, so neither his legs nor his bulge felt uncomfortably confined in the pair he'd grabbed. After quickly pulling on some socks and shoes, Jake grabbed his phone, keys and wallet and, along with a plastic bag filled with the plastic bottle pieces, headed out the door.

Usually Jake wasn't around to see the mid-weekday activity; at least, not on conventional work days. It was surprisingly busy this early in the afternoon; though Jake didn't have much idea. It was definitely busier than it usually was when he headed into work and when he got home, but he already knew those were relatively quiet times traffic-wise. There were even some people waiting at the bus stop: granted, it was a mother and her baby in a stroller, but that still counted as two people.

The bus wasn't due for a while, so Jake spent the time playing some simple game people at work had talked about over lunch. It wasn't great, he thought, but it was a pretty effective time-killer. He wondered if he'd damaged his phone: it didn't really seem to be responding as precisely as it he'd gotten used to. Before he had time to dwell on it too much, the bus was pulling in.

The bus was mostly empty, and Jake slunk into one of the rearmost seats. He grunted: he really didn't feel like heading out today, all he had planned to do was sleep and eat and relax, but something in him was pushing to find out what exactly was the deal with his current infatuation with the male sex.

That wasn't even stopped by getting outside: the bus was heading into the city, and slowed to a halt by a traffic light. Just outside of the window, Jake noticed a bunch of young people milling about. One of the guys had his shirt off: the guy was ripped, and Jake found himself staring, his pants tightening and his mouth watering. It took all his efforts to keep from craning his neck when the bus started moving again. "Christ, calm down, dude!" he admonished himself. He adjusted his pants discreetly, trying to hide his erection by pinning it up against his belly.

Thankfully, Jake didn't have to travel much further to get to his usual stop, and he got out, almost running across the road. The adult store was open, though not exactly active. The city centre was busier: people heading into and out of stores, travelling on business or coming back from a late lunch. Jake grumbled: he really wanted to go find out what the hell was happening - now more so than ever now that he was lusting after men in the street - but he didn't want to be seen, especially by anyone he knew, going into an adult store. Then again, loitering in front of the store was probably also not the best thing to do. Jake waited, scanning the footpath; nobody around seemed to acknowledge him, and he didn't recognise anyone. After a few moments, he slipped inside.

The store, once again, was basically empty; Jake wondered idly when the busiest time was for an adult store. The same tattooed guy was there, thumbing through a book; when the door opened, he glanced up. At first, he didn't seem to recognise Jake - not that Jake had necessarily expected him to - but after a second he grinned smugly and asked, "Back for more?"

"Yeah," Jake answered. "Well, not exactly. The, uh, the stuff you sold me last night. It broke in my bag, and - "

Before he could finish, the guy shook his head, "Look, that's on you; all sales are final, yadda yadda yadda."

"No, that's not what I mean," Jake explained. "Could this, uh, I've been feeling ill, well more strange, and I wonder if maybe something in there went off and might be responsible."

"Wait, you actually used it?" the guy asked incredulously

Jake laid the pieces out onto the counter, elaborating, "No, it broke and it got over my hands. Look, I don't want to sue you guys or anything, I just want to know if I'm having a chemical reaction to something in it, but I don't have a label. I just want to know what it is, just in case I need treatment or something."

While he was trying to stammer out an explanation, Jake's eyes were busy roaming over the guy's body. It was nice: he probably worked out in the gym before coming to work here. Jake bit his lip to stop himself from groaning as his head started to imagine the guy getting naked. He wondered if the other guy was gay; he certainly looked like he might enjoy a bit of man-on-man action, but Jake didn't want to trust his own judgement at the moment.

"I really just want to know the supplier," Jake concluded lamely. His cock was sliding up his belly, the erection still tucked up against the fabric of his boxers.

"Look," the guy admitted, "I haven't been working here that long; that bottle's been there since I started. I don't even know what company it's from; I don't recognise the bottle or anything. Maybe if it's a rash or something, you could look up the symptoms online?"

"It's not a rash," Jake replied, his face turning hot. He had to get out of here. "Look, it's fine, I'm probably just overreacting. Stress from work or something. Thanks anyway." He was feeling embarrassed; he'd not really thought this whole thing through, and now he couldn't get over the idea of seeing the guy buck naked. He started to feel a dampness seeping into the armpits of his shirt.

"You okay, dude?" the guy asked, his face growing concerned. "If you need to sit down for a bit, there's a place in the back."

Jake nodded, feeling slightly dizzy. Not only were his armpits getting damp, but he was feeling something dripping out of his cock and against the front of his short, sometimes dripping down onto the top rim of his pants. His whole body was suddenly burning with a potent need for sex.

The guy, initially willing to just point the way out to Jake, dashed around as Jake needed to set his hand on the glass counter top to steady himself. Grabbing him by the other arm, he helped Jake stay on his feet, moving him to the back of the store. Jake's hand peeled wetly away from the glass, leaving behind a wide, foggy print.

Jake groaned, staggering through the shelves of categorised pornography DVDs as he headed towards the back of the dimly-lit store. His jeans hadn't felt confining before, but they certainly felt that way now. He was breathing heavily; the adult store worker smelled really good, and he was so horny it took all his efforts not to just push the guy to the floor and fuck him right there.

At the back of the store, secured behind a door labelled "Employees Only" was a small office. Boxes of erotica and more mundane office supplies were scattered around; it only had one desk and a rather uncomfortable-looking chair. Off to the side was a door leading to what a plaque stated was an employee-only bathroom, and another, wider door leading out into the back alley. Jake found himself plopped down in the chair. His cock twitched, and he grunted.

"Do you want me to call for an ambulance?" the guy asked nervously.

Jake shook his head; no way was he going to a hospital sporting a leaky boner. He answered loudly, "No! I should be okay if you just sit on me - uh - I mean if I just sit here for a bit."

The adult store employee finally noticed the bulge in the fabric and the wet spot. He frowned, "Dude, not cool!"

"Sorry, I can't help it," Jake moaned. The tightness of the fabric rubbing along his shaft was going to get him to cum. "The lube - ngh - this is what I - huh - I meant."

The guy just stood there, looking a little shocked. "Uh, okay," he mumbled.

Jake just wished he'd shut up and suck him off already. "I don't know what's wrong with me," he cried. His shaking hands moved down to his crotch, fumbling at the button on his jeans. He needed to set his cock free; his balls were working overtime, and he didn't want to leave a huge mess on the only pants he had. He could already sense the oncoming load was going to be massive. He'd never needed release more than he needed right now.

He panted, his bulge pushing down on the zipper as his dirty-nailed fingers tore at the front fabric on his boxers. He heard them rip; Jake sighed as his penis, the head glistening with his own natural lubricant bobbed out. It looked huge: Jake had been averagely endowed, judging by the data he'd seen occasionally online, but his cock was definitely thicker and longer than the median at the moment. He glanced apologetically up at the stranger in front of him as his own sweaty, pent-up musk poured out of his crotch. He'd looked shocked; the guy had probably seen his share of dicks, even if it was just from perverts jacking off in the store, but he hadn't banked on the nervous, work-stressed guy who'd come into his store that night to be like that too.

"That's quite a problem," the guy said, his eyes wide as he gasped involuntarily. Jake's cock was so hard it was almost purple and looked like it was going to explode.

Jake had wanted to say, "Help me!" What he actually felt himself saying was, "Want to help me with it?"

The guy tried to protest, but Jake was desperate; he grabbed the guy's wrist, surprising both of them with his strength, and pulled the guy on top of him. Grabbing him around the waist, Jake ground his cock up against the guy's body, planting his pierced lips against Jake's own as the other man's mouth twisted open in shock.

Jake hadn't kissed a man passionately before, but he did so now; his tongue invading the man's open mouth. The hand not around the man's waist ran along the singlet-clad torso; Jake's hands felt nice, tight muscles heaving up and down underneath as the other guy breathed in heavily. He couldn't wait to get his hands all over this guy.

Strangely, the guy seemed to melt: at first, he was inactive through shock, then he had struggled, but only for a few seconds. Jake found his tongue being pressed back into his own mouth by another tongue. Their lips parted, and Jake looked up, slightly confused: the store manager's eyes were slightly glazed over. When their eyes met, the other guy grinned sheepishly back.

"Yeah, okay," he mumbled, sliding up and pulling off his singlet, the large, tattooed arms revealing the barely-concealed bulging pectorals and hard, tight abs.

"Holy shit," Jake noted, speaking on impulse, "You're fucking hot!"

The guy grinned, asking playfully, "You like?" as he flexed his muscles.

"I'd like it better if your mouth was on this," Jake gestured, pulsing his cock for emphasis.

Still grinning, the guy dropped into a squat, rolling forward onto his knees. Jake widened his own, nudging the chair forward as he thrust his hairy, musky crotch into the guy's face. The guy's tongue darted out, lips widening, and the slick tip of Jake's dick disappeared into the guy's mouth.

"Yeah," Jake mumbled, his nostrils flaring, "just like that!"

The lips closed around his cock, the guy bobbing his head up and down. Jake's penis seemed to feel everything: the smooth grooves of the roof of the mouth, the rough texture of the tongue as his fluids leaked on to them, the nice tightness the guy was able to get with his lips, the piercing running along his bloated urethra.

Jake grunted, curling his toes. His hands moved, feeling the rough, almost shark-like texture of the man's freshly-shaved head rubbing up against his fingers. Slobbery wet sounds came from below, as the guys lips smacked and slapped against his cock.

He was already pretty close to ejaculating, so Jake's cock didn't need much encouragement. He moaned loudly, hot salty cum torrenting out into the other guy's mouth. He pulled the cock out, letting the hot cum splash over his lower face and then down his massive body. For Jake, it felt like a river of semen was trying to flow out of his penis; for a couple of seconds, it was almost like he was pissing cum.

The other guy pushed the cum out of his mouth, sliding backwards onto his butt, seemingly relieved his knees were no longer on the hard, cold concrete. Jake's cock flopped forwards as he tumbled down afterwards; his nose could smell the other guy had gotten turned on as well, and his mouth hungered to be filled with the guy's cock. The guy's jeans were tight, and he had a nice, thick bulge: Jake wanted to control it, to feel it squirming and jizzing against his thick tongue.

His own shaft still juddering and squirting, his hands pushed the button on his jeans through the button hole, yanking down the jeans. The guy's body was smooth, his crotch only showing a little bit of stubble as the base of his fleshy pole. It slithered out, smooth and thick. Jake's mouth immediately opened, taking the pink tip in between his lips.

Jake hadn't sucked a dick before; he'd barely thought about it before today. He caught on quickly, keeping his teeth away from the flesh, using his tongue to stroke along the underside of the cock as he tightened and relaxed the muscles in is lips. The tip went up against the back of his throat, making him gag a little, but he controlled this urge.

His right hand gripped the base of the shaft, jerking him off: his was something Jake was a lot more familiar with, though it was different not being the one the cock was attached to. He closed his eyes, running his hands over the smooth, tight abdominals, his hand running through his own cum, spreading it into the crevices of the muscles.

Jake must have been doing something right, because the adult store worker moaned and panted beneath him. His own tired cock, fully spent and slowly dripping with the last of his semen, twitched a little, enjoying the idea of making this muscular stud react to his touch. He felt the guy lift his legs, hanging them over Jake's shoulders. Jake felt strong hands pressing his ears flat against his head, fingers scratching his head.

Stretching his hand up, he toyed with the other man's nipple; those, too, had been pierced, so the guy probably enjoyed someone playing with them. His other fingers gripped into the guy's pectoral muscles. The guy's whole body felt wonderfully warm beneath his touch. Jake kind of wished that he hadn't been so ready to ejaculate earlier, because he found himself wishing he could get his own cock played with right now.

Jake tried to fit more of the cock into his mouth: the guy's balls or prostate or something were gearing up. He dropped his cum-coated hand down, and felt up the guy's balls, running a finger along his taint. He debated whether he should stick his finger up the guy's ass, but decided against it. "Maybe if we go again," he thought, wondering what it'd be like to stick his dick in there.

Drool was flowing from his mouth and over the guy's crotch. Jake dared deep-throating the guy - just for a little bit - burying the cock down his throat and his nose into the guy's crotch. He gave it a good sniff; the guy smelled relatively clean, probably wanting to have a good bathe after working in here, but there was a hint of nastiness that pleased Jake swelling in the scent.

The guy was panting loudly; Jake could already tell he was close, his tongue could feel the cock throbbing and jostling even more. He wrapped his sticky left hand around the guy's shaft, the other one starting to feel cramped and tired, and using his sticky semen as lube helped make him pump the cock faster.

"Fuck yeah," the guy repeated, "fuck yeah!" Jake felt his ejaculate flow up his shaft, bursting into his mouth in a wave of heavy, salty fluids. Jake lapped it up; it burned his throat as it went down. The guy didn't quite have Jake's production capacity, it seemed: after three heavy loads shot into his mouth, Jake knew he'd gotten the lion's share, and let the cock fall out of his mouth, milking the shaft a little to squeeze out the last dregs until the guy batted his hand away.

Jake looked over the guy: cum smeared over his muscular chest, his cock limp, his legs over Jake's shoulders. "What the fuck did I just do?" he thought. There was no hiding it now: he'd actively had sex with another guy. He didn't even know the guy's name. He had done so willingly, practically falling on top of him to suck his cock. Who knows what sort of diseases the guy could have given him?

"Hey," the other guy said, snapping Jake out of his thoughts. "I should, uh, probably go look after the store."

"Yeah," Jake answered, slightly out of shock.

"Not that that wasn't fun," the guy grinned, patting Jake's head as he stood up. "Probably the most entertaining day I've had at work." Looking down at his abs, he requested, "Uh, could you help clean me up a bit?"

Jake handed him his singlet, shifting onto his knees; he ran his tongue over the guys abdomen, tasting his own semen.

"So, that was what the lube did to you?" the guy inquired.

With his mouth occupied, Jake stuck his thumb up in answer.

The guy continued, "Well, it seems to have done you some good. I've never known a guy to cum like that before, and working here I've seen a fair few."

Jake leaned back, getting back onto his own feet. "Uh, well it's more than that. I think - I think it might have made me gay."

"No way!" the guy laughed.

Jake felt his face growing red from a mixture of embarrassment and anger. "You should probably get back to minding the store," he replied.

"Hey, don't be a bitch!" the other man said. He looked Jake in the face, and his mouth fell open. "Holy shit, you're serious, aren't you?"

Jake shrugged, refastening his pants, careful not to get anything sensitive caught in his jeans. His cock rested against the cold metal of the zipper.

"Wow," the other guy stated, mostly to himself. Jake could tell he was thinking through the ramifications of that. "Am I your first?"

"Yep," Jake answered.

"Wow," the guy repeated.

Jake, looking askance, replied, "I'm going to get going." Before the other man could reply, Jake was heading out of the door, past the rows of adult toys and movies, and out into the open air. When he got out, a bus was waiting at the bus station, and he got on immediately, wandering to the back and sitting in the corner.

He sat in silence the whole trip, his eyes trying not to focus on anyone or anything. The bus wasn't his usual one, but it went close enough to his house for him to walk, and he wasn't interested in sticking around. He had to get his head together. He yawned, not realising just how tired he had been: ejaculating that much had taken a lot out of him, and it seemed that he'd been buoyed on through in a mixture of weird desire for sucking another guy's cock and his own orgasm-induced high.

He'd gotten no answers, aside from one: he was definitely into having sex with men now, apparently okay with sucking off strangers. Jake didn't even feel that badly about it; it just seemed way too much, too soon, and his head was now messed up.

"Sleep," Jake decided, "he needed sleep."

When he got off to walk, he swore; noticing he'd not only left his only clue, the bottle, back at the store, but he'd also dropped his wallet. Searching around for it on the bus proved fruitless: if it had slipped out of his pockets, it might have been picked up at any time. Nevertheless, he checked the floor quickly, getting a few stern looks from people, before deciding to just get off the bus and away from himself for a while.

The walk home was longer than he'd anticipated: his boxes had torn completely, and slid down one of the legs of his jeans, and they and the shirt were barely holding his flesh in. His body itched like crazy, and he was certain people were giving him odd looks when he passed them in the street. Not only that, but his hyperactive libido had picked up again, giving him a rather obscene bulge right in front of the poor people who had to see him like this.

"What I wouldn't give to just go off and hide somewhere," he thought glumly.

His phone rang; apparently it had done so every fifteen minutes, as he'd missed some calls on the bus. It didn't matter to Jake; he wasn't in the mood for calls, particularly from unknown numbers that were probably just after him for something. Like at work, after his time and expertise; or some con-artist after easy money. He just wanted to get inside, tear off his clothes and hide in bed from the world.

"At least I didn't drop my keys," Jake thought, digging them out of the pocket as he finally approached the sweet sight of his front door. It proved difficult to manage, as his legs had thickened considerably, stretching the pockets. Glancing warily, he undid the front of his pants, letting him open his pants up a bit until he could get his hand into his pocket and unlock the door.

It slammed after he stepped in and leaned against it, sighing with weariness. He bolted the door behind him: Jake didn't want to be disturbed by anything for the rest of the afternoon. He tore open his shirt, buttons flying off to the side, exposing a large, wide and hairy chest. Jake ran his hands, which too seemed to have grown, down his body. He had actual pectorals now: he checked, flexing the muscle and watching them move.

His stomach still barrelled out, but he could just about see the outline of abdominals through the layer of fat and the thick, black hair that covered him. The hair was the wildest thing: he'd never been particularly hairy, but had definitely become so now. It felt like his hair did after he'd cut it short over the tops of his new pectorals, down between them before spreading out again over his muscular gut.

The hair didn't stop there, a huge shock of it appeared over his exposed groin as he shook his jeans completely off; it also ran down his legs, not quite as thick but definitely more plentiful. His cock flopped out, thick and semi-hard. Picking it up with one hand, he examined it thoroughly. It seemed bigger, thicker and he could tell that his foreskin was growing back.

Stepping on the sole of his sneakers in turn, Jake released his feet. They had been aching for a while; he'd thought just because of all of the unexpected walking, but now he wasn't too sure. They seemed bigger as well, the socks' elastic digging into his flesh a little. Pulling them off, he stomped into the bathroom to check himself out.

Even though the face that greeted him in the mirror was still his, even that seemed to have changed. Like the rest of him, it had definitely gotten hairier: he now sported a heavy moustache, beard and - admittedly, some rather wicked looking - sideburns. His eyebrows looked thick and bushy, which only seemed to accentuate the heavy bags that appeared under his eyes. His whole face looked a little puffy. There were other, smaller, changes to his appearance too, but he couldn't remember his head with that much detail to really put his finger on them.

He studied himself in the mirror some more. He certainly didn't look bad; in fact, he kind of found his new appearance a bit of a turn-on, as he noticed his cock thickening further, the extra foreskin pulling back a little to release the rest of his penis head. He turned and posed a bit; even his back was hairier. "I can live with this, I guess," Jake admitted.

Pulling his eyes away from the mirror, Jake heard his phone go off again. He did feel a little better, so he slowly strode back over to his abandoned pants near the front door. By the time he got the phone out, the call had stopped, but he'd at least be in a position to get the next call.

Jake flopped on the bed, staring up at the ceiling; it creaked more under his apparent extra weight. "I have to cancel my cards," he thought. "I fucked another man. I sucked his dick, and he sucked mine. I have to cancel my cards."

Jake didn't want to have to think about any of those things, but he did. Picking up his phone, he went to call the bank; he noticed that one of the unknown numbers had left a message. "Hey, uh, Jacob is it?" the voice said. Jake recognised it as belonging to The Guy He Fucked. "I found your number in your wallet. I tried to call out to you when you were leaving, but you were gone so fast. Sorry if I weirded you out, by the way. Uh, anyway I talked to the boss, and he told me where some of the old paperwork is. Give me a call and I'll let you know what I've learned so far."

"Well, that's something," Jake thought, feeling slightly better. He wouldn't necessarily have to cancel his cards after all, and more than that, he'd finally get some answers to what was happening with him. It was the first good bit of news he'd had in what felt like forever.

He called the number back; after a couple of rings, The Guy He Fucked answered. "This is Chet," he said, "is this Jacob?"

"So, The Guy I Fucked is Chet?" Jake thought. Aloud, he answered, "Yeah, but just call me Jake." Even his voice had changed, which surprised him a little. It sounded deeper, and made him come off as a lot more confident.

Chet acknowledged, "Cool. Again, sorry about freaking you out earlier. The whole situation was weird, probably for you too. I don't know what came over me."

"I do," Jake thought; or at least, he believed he'd thought. However, Chet seemed to react audibly.

"Heh, yeah, that was pretty wild," Chet reminisced. "I've never done it at work before. Sorry for being an asshole about it. Anyway, I don't want you to think you're fucked up or anything, especially if that was your first time."

"It probably won't be the last," Jake answered, wondering what had gotten into him. Maybe he just no longer gave a shit? Maybe he was just giddy about finally getting somewhere? Remembering why he called, he said, "Anyway, you said you had some info for me?"

"Oh, yeah," Chet remembered. "I got in touch with my boss, and he told me where to look in the old paperwork. I haven't found anything just yet, but I figure by the time you get here to get your wallet, I'll have some answers for you."

"That might be a problem," Jake thought, looking at his hairy, grown body. Hearing the voice on the other end of the phone reminded him of earlier; his cock thickened up at the thoughts. "I'm kind of running low on clothes. It's, uh, laundry day."

Chet chuckled, "That's fine, most people who come in here aren't exactly well-groomed. I'll see you in a while, then."

"See you," Jake signed off. He scratched his nuts, daydreaming for a moment. Jake rolled off of the bed and inspected his closet. He needed to go better prepared this time, he thought. Something he usually wouldn't wear, to lower the risk of someone noticing that the same guy was going back to the same smut store twice in one day, like some kind of porn addict. Fishing around in the back, he found an old leather jacket he never wore any more because the zip had broken, but had never gotten around to throwing in the charity bin. He also grabbed a baseball cap from the top shelf.

In the bathroom, he dumped them and his sweatpants onto the closet toilet seat lid. Trying on the clothes, Jake found that he liked the look; he resembled the strange offspring that would result if a trucker fucked a biker. He pulled down the waistband of his sweatpants, letting his cock spill out into view, and gave it a couple of playful strokes. Reluctantly, he tucked it back in, giving him a nice huge bulge against the thin fabric. "God, I hope these pants don't rip," Jake thought; the fabric was tight enough to do that. "While I'm in town, I should get new clothes."

Shoes were another matter: he really only had two pairs, and neither were going to feel comfortable. Sneakers seemed the best bet, so after getting them he squeezed his sockless feet into them while sitting on the bed. Then it was back out the front door.