My Journey Through High School: Chapter 7: The First Regional Chess Tournament

Story by Ryan-masterpaladin-Lewis on SoFurry

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#7 of My Journey Through High School

After the usual riff raff of regular school, the first major day that I had waited for had arrived. The four weeks leading from my fun time with Nokemy had passed quickly, and the very next day was going to signal our very first tournament of the season. The weather was so well that the tournament was going to be held outside in the park. The weather was in fact surprisingly well sunny for the middle of October, and Halloween was only a week away.

The Saturday came faster than I had expected it to. Before I knew it, we all met at the fairgrounds at the park, the entire team was up and ready to play for the cool early morning. It was strange being the school's number 1 board as a freshman myself, but it felt nice all the same. We headed off to the tournament grounds set up at the picnic tables, and Coach Sundin showed up shortly after we all were set up.

"Wow, you guys all showed up early," I heard a familiar voice of a tournament director I knew very well. I wasn't surprised that my team was the first to show nor that the timber wolf that greeted us was no stranger to me. He's directed several tournaments that I've participated in and sometimes won. "Ryan Lewis, it's good to see you again. I hope you've been practicing up."

"Only everyday Dr. Martin," I replied happily. While I had a nice chat with the good Doctor and coach, everyone else was setting up games to warm up with, deciding what strategy to try on the other teams. Fortunately for us it didn't take long for the other four schools to show up. The first was the specially talented Snow Canyon High School. Although our rival school was Dixie, these guys were strong enough to be considered our rivals. They were all garbed up in their green t-shirts with a picture of their mascot, a warrior stationed where ours were on our shirts. Our shirts were black with the picture of a panther in the shape of a Knight piece. Speaking of rivalries, Dixie High School was the next to show up. They were all decked out in a blue shirt, with their mascot, a pilot flyer on theirs. Desert Hills High School with their thunderbolt on their gold shirts were the next to show up despite being relatively new. Last to show up was Hurricane High School with red shirts and a picture of their mascot, a tiger decked out on theirs to complete our school district set.

"Alright then," Dr. Martin began as he stood up, "it looks like were all here, we're definitely in for some serious competition now . Let's get the first round of five started." It didn't take long for pairings to get put up for the first round. The goal was for everyone to play five rounds and with each win scores a point. For teams the top five scores in the team are added in to make the team score, and the one with the most team points in the end was the winner. That was the reason I was put in as the team's top board, so that I could whittle down the top of the competition. As soon as we were all set up and in our seats it was about time to begin. My first opponent was from Dixie and he didn't seem like he cared to be here.

"I'm sure all of you are aware of the rules," Dr. Martin began, "so good luck. Shake your opponents hand and start the clock." Everybody did so and the round began. There was deadly silence throughout. Most everyone who was talking every second were now so quiet that a pen could be heard if it was dropped. After three minutes of play, my opponent found himself in checkmate within seven moves. We quietly got out of our seats, reported our scores and I quietly observed the other games, keeping an eye on all of my teammates and their progress. Alduin was playing against a Snow Canyon player, and Alduin seemed to have just the upper hand of one pawn on him. Both Eq and Snow had a player from Hurricane playing against them, and both seemed to be very even in all aspects. Adair also had a player from Dixie, and he was only down by a pawn. I had confidence that the battle was far from over there. Jake was down by a Bishop from his Desert Hills opponent. I knew he was going to have a tough time.

By the end of the round I noticed some of my friends had come to observe. Ryan and Hinori showed up together with Morrell, Jason, and Blaze had shown up after to watch us.

"Hey there hun," Morrell said to me with a hug, "how's it coming along?"

"Well Alduin, Adair, and Myself came out with a win this match," I began, "Both Lucians ended up with a draw and Jake was the only with a loss. Poor guy, he got put up against Desert Hills' number one board."

"Pretty strong first round then eh?" Ryan said. You know, the more I saw him and Hinori together the more convinced I was at them going out together, they would be so cute together. Back on subject, several hours past and by the end of the fourth round, we were in a clear lead for first. I myself had a hard fought four straight wins. Alduin came out with three wins and a draw. Adair and both Eq and Snow had two wins, one draw, and one loss. Jake wasn't having much of a fun time, he had one win and one draw, with two losses to face.

"You alright Jake?" I asked concerned, "you're getting pretty beat up out there."

"Oh don't worry about me Ryan," he said with a hearty laugh and smile, "I've had plenty of worse tournaments in the past. Besides, don't let me distract you from your final match. There's only one person with four straight wins other than you, show that Snow Canyon captain who's boss." Sure enough, it wasn't long before the last match started for us, and I was placed on the top board against the guy Jake was mentioning.

"Start your clock," Dr. Martin said and we were off. I was white and decided on my favorite opening the Queens Gambit. Five moves in and I could tell that this guy knew what he was doing, and I haven't even seen him playing in any tournaments I've been to before. Eleven moves in, we were still fairly even, although I had the attack position on the board, just the way I liked it. Fifteen moves in and I'm up a pawn and a knight for a material advantage. I also had major space, development, and tempo advantage, easily applying the basic principles into my play. The match still went on for quite a while. About forty moves in I had a definite advantage and would have won easily anyway had he not run out of time. After one last shake of the hands and it was over. Jake and I were the only ones to pull out a win this round though. But hey, 16 points was very strong for a team, and according to the final standings, we beat out Snow Canyon by half a point for the win.

"Congratulations for Pine View High School," Dr. Martin began, "And a solid congrats for our very own Ryan Lewis, who came out with a perfect five round victory." There were cheers from my teammates and friends. Dr. Martin also handed me an envelope, which when I open revealed a cash prize of two hundred dollars. After a while the rest of the teams left, leaving us alone again.

"Great job this tournament guys," Coach said, "looking forward to the rest of the year." With that said he took off and left, leaving all of us alone.

"Alright we won," I said, "quite the start isn't it?"

"Yep," Ryan said, "party at my place tonight to celebrate. My mom's out of town so we have the place all to ourselves. Just don't forget to clean up afterwards, especially you Ryan and Morrell."

"Oh come on," I said innocently.

"Don't worry Godsey," Morrell said, "my little squeeze and I won't make too much of a mess." He and everyone else busted out laughing. I thought it was kind of funny myself, but I blushed more than I could laugh, which wasn't at all."


It didn't take long for all of us to get to Ryan's place. And with snacks, non-alcoholic drinks, and plenty of music, the fun began. Every single one of our friends was there, even those that couldn't make it to the tournament to watch. We were all certainly making a good time of it. After a while I saw Ryan lead Hinori somewhere and disappeared. Shortly after Morrell grabbed me and led me up the stairs shortly after. From there he led me into the bathroom and shut the door.

"Way to go today Ryan," he said, "you made me so proud of you. Now I just have to give you a little "reward" of my own." One split second after that we were pressing our lips together in mad passion. Our tongues dance over each other as we quickly shedded off our clothing. Our hands went everywhere, feeling everywhere our loving hands could.

Apparently we forgot to completely lock the door when we came in because it was Jake who opened the door and spotted us, and we pulled away quickly in great surprise.

"Oops," Jake said, "sorry about that, I'll leave you to your thing then." He turned to leave although Morrell stopped him at lightning fast speed.

"Oh no Jake," he started, "feel free to stay and have some fun with us. We're more than happy too, right Ryan?" He looked at me and he could easily tell I was blushing again. I nodded slowly to signify I was ok with it, and Morrell quickly shut the door this time making sure it was locked. Jake blushed a bit himself and started to strip as Morrell and I resumed our earlier kissing. As soon as the dolphin finished stripping we joined in with us. It took a little maneuvering in the slightly small bathroom, but we managed to triangle ourselves to the position where we were all level with each other's cocks. Soon shortly after I was bobbing my head back and forth along Jake's, with him sucking off Morrell, and him sucking me off respectively. Morrell was definitely known to be a teaser, only this time he really teased me, from playing with my balls to fingering my ass repeatedly. It was tough to keep up on Jake's cock as Morrell kept this up, but Jake seemed to enjoy it none the less. It was quite obvious that I was the moaner in the group, which was just the way Morrell liked it. Regardless of who did what to whom it was fairly the same time that we climaxed the first time, eagerly swallowing all of our cum before pulling off. But we easily weren't satisfied yet.

"Sandwich Jake," Morrell said out of the blue and we were on him in a split second, catching him off guard. Morrell caught Jake in a hold from behind and laid both of them on their backs. With Morrell under Jake he shortly shoved his meat inside him. With a loud moan from Jake I took my sweet time bringing him back up to full erection. As soon as I finished that I stood up, leveled myself over Jake and slowly lowered myself onto his cock. With the added ride, it was easy to tell of Jake's blinded expression of ecstasy that we were given him, and with a steady rhythm and good timing, we bounced into and onto him together. This got the desired result, and with Jake's moaning, he grabbed my cock and stroked extremely hard, much to my satisfaction. After a while of this treatment we all climaxed roughly the same time once more, my cum making a mess of both Jake's and Morrell's faces. We took a while to settle down before showering ourselves off, and taking time to clean up the bathroom to keep up our promise to Ryan.

"Did you enjoy that Jake?" I asked him as we got dressed again.

"Are you kidding?" he joked, "VIP treatment from two star players, that was the time of my life."