Sibling Rivalry: A Weird Day at the Beach and an Extremely Weird Sleepover

Story by KodaSkunk on SoFurry

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#2 of Sibling Rivalry: Things get weird very quickly

Right now there are a bunch of errors in the story. Things are popping up twice, cut and paste mistakes and some stuff I rewrote and forgot to erase the original bits. Sorry, it's kind of raw right now, and going to take a little while to fix!

Here we watch and see as the twins slowly become more depraved, and some voyeuristic and exhibitionistic qualities. They're developing too fast too soon, don't you think?

This was originally going to be two separate chapters. But the first part felt too short for what I wanted it to be so I combined it with the sleepover which was going to be all on it's own. There's a lot of sex in this. Sorry.

The end was a little rushed, actually. I lost interest in the game they were playing and wanted to get to that short bit at the ending.

Edit: I noticed that I didn't add the risk of pregnancy tag. That's definitely a tag that needs to be added in, most likely for every chapter I write.

Samantha awoke to the familiar stark white of her brother's room. She groaned and rolled over after she realized she was in bed alone and pulled her tail up into her arms, snuggling into its warmth. She felt shitty, a mental weight on her mind as she thought of Dale. He never left bed until she was awake. Although, she had to admit, thinking on last night, it was really freaking weird to wake up next to your brother after a night like last night, so maybe it was okay...

"Wake up nickel-humper." Sammy said, startling her out of her thoughts. He sat at his desk tick-tacking away at his laptop at a rapid pace, typing on some document. She threw his blanket over her head for half a second before throwing it off, wrinkling her nose and rolling out of his bed to flop onto the floor with a groan.

"Fuck, I smell like... Like..." She thought about it, and took a deep whiff of her arm. "Christ, I smell like you. All over." She finally said, her tail twitching above her as she sprawled on her stomach on his floor. "Which means I smell like ass." Although to be honest she didn't mind. She was a skunk. And smelling like Sammy meant smelling like skunk. "And I'm still nekkid."

"You seemed to compliment my smell last night butt-fingers. Anyways, you cried in your sleep." He rolled over the comment like a pro and she felt a little disappointed at the lack of a rise. "Kinda. Therefore, I am deeming you unfit for Bitchy-Sister duty. You're suffering from PDSD, Post Dramatic Split-Up Disorder." He spun around in his chair, letting her see his shower-fresh look and a very controlled expression. "Your treatment is as follows." He said, standing up and placing his arms behind his back, beginning to pace back and forth. "First you will shower, then you will wear a pair of my boxers that I know you steal, one pair out of the laundry every month; don't deny it, I know you wear when you're home alone because you find them incredibly comfortable. I asked mother to bring home several bags of potato chips and three gallons of ice cream, Mint Chip, imagine I used capitals, since it's my favorite, cookie dough and Neapolitan, along with various kinds of Lemon-Lime sodas. We will occupy your room for the next eighteen hours watching really shitty B movies while snacking on our incredibly unhealthy gatherings until we explode. And if you don't feel better by morning after passing out on the heap of pillows and blankets we will pile onto your bed, then we will proceed to initiate my back-up plan, Operation Closure, at the beach. Just the two of us." He said, before standing at attention in front of her prone form as she rolled over, her tail twitching atop her nekkid self. Nekkid nekkid nekkid. She really didn't wanna get dressed today.

Samantha smiled at the obvious thought he put into her mental health, recognizing the "Treatment" being the same as their weekend "I had a bad week at school and I need to feel better" treatment they used during the school year. Normally it was carried out on Sunday and they stayed home sick the next day de-bad-day-ifying. Mother said it was far more refreshing to lie about being sick to skip a day of school. 'Good for your sinful soul!' she would say.

She did think about last night, for just a moment. Last night was definitely just desperation. Yeah, that had to be it. Desperation for companionship in the form of a random lust, her brother being the obvious target as the current only close male of same age-group in her life. Her mind kept turning over to Dale, and she felt helplessness creep up her chest.

She must have made a face because Sam grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet. "Stop moping soldier! You have your orders!" He shoved her out his door before dragging his sheets and blanket off his bed, no doubt for the wash. "Get to it! I don't want to see you until you're in your uniform!"

She stepped out into the hall wrapped in her towel, heading off towards the bathroom. The scent of coffee filtering in from the kitchen. Dad must have already left for the morning. "Morning sweetie, sleep well?" Her mother called from the kitchen.

"Y-yeah mom... Just fine. Apparently I cry in my sleep or some shit. But I feel really great. Um, about last night..."

"We're not going to talk about that right now. Right now, you and your brother have a date with those terrible movies your father collects. Too bad you're not in school, it's always refreshing to skip a day, and you feel all the better for it the next day! It's good for the sinful soul! All your stuff is in your room." She said, clasping her hand and beaming a smile, her deep blue eyes shining with excitement. She was a very eccentric woman, obviously. "I'll be out all day, I have a contract with Pine Acres Pinot magazine to take pictures of their winery. I may or may not come home a little tipsy and attempt to embarrass my darling twin babies!"

"Right, right. Thanks mom. Have a good day. Try not to pass out in a dumpster." She said, only a little spiteful, before stepping into the bathroom for her shower. She spent an extra fifteen minute under the water in a cold soak, doing her best to clear her mind. She blinked at the pair of her brother's boxers laying on the bathroom sink when she stepped out. How'd he know where she kept them? In fact, how'd he even know? She literally only wore them because they were comfortable to sleep in. She was just embarrassed to admit it, so she kept it secret. It would mean he would have to dig in her room. And if he dug into her room, then he would have to have had seen some embarrassing things.

Samantha dried off, slipped into the boxers and checked to see if anyone was watching before she wandered into her room, stretching her arms out and yawning before cupping her breasts and hefting them. She was definitely taking after mom in that particular department, and nodded in satisfaction. They weren't the biggest, but they were perky an- oh. "Fuck, you were there the entire time crud-sucker?"

Sammy snorted and pat the bed beside him. "You know we're not allowed to call each other names on a mental health day Sam." He said with finality, a nod of his head. "You also don't have to put on a shirt or bra if you don't want." He tilted his head a little bit, a stupid smile on his face. "I do enjoy boobies, even if they are my sister's."

She laughed and pulled out one of Dale's old button ups out of her closet and buttoned a few buttons to keep it shut before flopping beside her brother. "Boobies huh? What about mom's?"

He made a face before he looked to seriously consider it. "Well she DOES have some nice tits... But she's thirty-one and a mother. So they're milf-tits, which automatically means they're epic." He said before ducking a pillow thrown at his face, sticking his tongue out at her. "I'm joking, Jesus. As nice as I think mom looks all the time, I'm not in any hurry to peep on her just to satisfy my pre-pubescent curiosity of what a boobs looks like. And I don't exactly have mommy-issues. That'd be pretty disgusting. Anyways, pick your poison" he said motioning to what seemed to be eight full liters of soda.

"This is going to be a long day." She mumbled.

It was in fact not a long day. He could tell she was enjoying herself, she was very much. He stretched out and mashed himself into the mountain of pillows before his ears perked. Her cell was ringing, and could already feel her shifting in bed to grab it. He sat up quick and, as she reached over top him to grab her phone from her bed stand, snatched it up first, coughing and clearing his throat.

"Hey! What the hell, gimme my phone!" She shouted, pouting at him as she attempted to snatch it back. He had an advantage though, and that was that he already answered the call and held it up to his ear.

"Hello?" He said in a very smooth, soft voice, one that could be mistaken as Samantha herself over the phone no doubt. He nodded and closed his eyes. "Oh hey Dale. It's Sammy. Sorry, you're not allowed to apologize today or pretend you know my sister. You'll have to wait until tomorrow. Yeah I'll let her know you called." He turned to her and smiled. "Dale called. Anyways, go back to feeling guilty until tomorrow. Sis and I have a date with shitty movies." He cut the call and pulled her battery, sticking the battery into the crotch of his pajamas and stuffing her phone under the pillows. "Just in case you decide to try and take it back." He said with a self-satisfied grin.


He yawned and stretched and quietly grumbled to himself. There were multiple things with this morning that were wrong. One, he did not wake up in his room. Two, he woke up late. There was too many things wrong to count, really. He got up and stumbled out into the hallway, where his sister was, her pink towel draped over her shoulder as she held out his to him. He felt all the straws he had break. Especially the last one. And now 'Morning Normality' juice was spraying all over the inside of his skull. "Hey, Sammy?" She asked quietly. "NO! Stop! This is WROOOOONG!" He shouted to the heavens, throwing his fists up in the air.

"One! I woke up, not in my room, but yours, because I passed out! TWO! I woke up LATE! Every morning with no school I am supposed to wake up at six o' clock on the dot. Two hours before I get out of bed. When I wake up, I am supposed to have a MASSIVE RAGING BONER! My morning wood was not there. In fact, I didn't have one yesterday morning either!" He took a deep breath and held up two fingers. Then he flipped another one up. "After either edging or masturbating I get up, wipe myself clean with a tissue, toss it into my desk trash and go to the hallway. There I pass you on the way to the shower. You have clearly not showered yet. And you are supposed to be using mine. You greet me with a name after I say good morning, and depending on the day it's either buttmunch, dick-eater or biscuit-fucker. And then you tell me the shower is all mine and give me YOUR towel. I smack you with my tail, and you yank it, make me shout, and walk away with a sexy hip sway with your tail high thinking you one upped me, riding the towel up, which I then proceed to admire your bottom until you enter your room. When I enter the bathroom I strip, turn around to observe my own ass in the mirror, compare it to the memory of yours to make sure my ass is still the most amazing thing in the world, brush my teeth, use mouth wash and then head into the shower. I shower using the GREEN bottle of shampoo with the label scraped off and then the RED store brand generic conditioner. I then dry off, brush my tail and leave, I go to my room, make my bed, pick up my clothes, empty my trash, and then get on with my day. THIS DAY HAS NOT BEGUN PROPERLY!" He shouted before standing there, hunched over huffing and puffing rapidly looking a lot like Mr. Hyde.

Samantha broke into a fit of giggles and grabbed his arm, tugging him along to the bathroom. "Come on butt-lover, we're meeting Dale at nine at the pier." She watched him instantly sober up. "It's seven. We have one hour to shower, and it takes almost an hour to bike over there. You can admire your ass and get your teeth brushing done while I'm in the shower. Then you can stare at mine while I'm hunched over the sink doing my hair." She said, shoving him inside and stripping and stepping into the shower the second she got in behind him.

Perhaps, she thought, her brother infected her with 'Morning-Ritual-itus' because she had her bathroom time in the morning down to a science, and even knew Sammy's. She spent fifteen minutes in the shower, exactly, fifteen with oral hygiene and fifteen brushing out any knots in her fur and hair and used whatever time left to put on make up or do her hair up pretty or use the restroom depending on the day. Her brother spent fifteen with his oral hygiene, thirty in the shower, and his last fifteen brushing his tail. An hour each, without fail. It was coincidence that their showering habits meshed together so well. Maybe they should share their shower time for efficiency more often.

It was when she finished and was sitting on the toilet lid in her towel watching her brother struggle with his tail. The comb kept getting caught and he kept cursing under his breath. Was this how he spent every morning? She let out a small sigh and stood up, grabbing the brush from him and putting her hands on her hips. "Okay fuckwad. This is silly, you're putting way too much effort in such a simple task and still failing." She said. He looked properly chastised and gave her a pout. "I'm going to make a deal and you're going to accept. From now on, I'm going to do your tail maintenance so you don't ruin it. That'll work for you since you're so proud of it. Ev-ery-mor-ning." She said, giving him a stern look when he went to protest. "In exchange, I'll let you come to Mindy's sleepover tonight. We planned it last week, her parents will be gone and said it's okay if she invited some friends over to keep her company."

"Why the hell would I want to go to some girly sleep over, skunk-sniffer? Shit, I'm a guy. It'll be a bunch of girls." He said, yanking his tail away when she reached for it. He tightened his towel around his waist and stuck out his tongue as she rolled her eyes. "You'll be doing girl things like talking about boys and playing dress-up or some crap."

"Hellooooo. Teenagers. I didn't say it was a pajama party. She knows where they keep the key for the beer-fridge, they have video games, and a giant TV that covers half their fucking wall. They'll probably all be wearing little more than their skivvies. Plus, for the past two years we've all been comparing boob sizes if we hadn't had a sleepover in a while." She said. She saw him instantly perk up. At what exactly in the sentence she wasn't sure.

"Well... I mean, as long as they agree, then fine. I'm not sure why they would, but, hey, free tits." He sat down on the toilet seat and faced away from her, waving his tail in her face. "Get to it, slave! Chop chop!"

Samantha laughed and grabbed the big bushy thing and sat on the counter, beginning the grooming. It was rather therapeutic. She often didn't bother with her own tail because it usually worked itself out. But her brother's tail had longer fur and was bigger in general, just like their fathers. Whenever it got into a mess, it was a pill for him to fix. She gazed at it as she ran the brush through his thick tail-fluff in short quick motions and knew where he went wrong. He tried brushing long strokes and ended up getting it stuck in his fur, often creating his own knots and tangles. She giggled when she heard him rumble in his throat, leaning on his elbow against the back of the toilet seat, dozing off. Yeah, she did love his tail. And she was sure the only reason he held it over her was because it made her jealous, otherwise he probably would let her use it for whatever dastardly cuddly deeds she could. "So, you agree to letting me deal with your tail every morning, faggot?" She said, and he nodded euphorically. Big tails are definitely best.

An additional five minutes after saw them geared up and ready to go. Since they were meeting Dale at the Pier, a shack built on the side of the town's lake camping resort, they brought their swimsuits. Sammy slung a backpack over his shoulder and smiled at her. "Ready to go? Let's go talk to the Cheater-Cheater-Pumpkin-Eater and get you some closure so I can go back to being the most annoying thing on earth again." He said, pulling himself onto his bike. Even their bikes matched, big orange mountain bikes. Identical twins indeed.

"Yeah yeah. And might as well enjoy the weather too huh? I'm sure Dale will bring us back whether I want anything to do with him or not after this." She replied, pulling her shirt over her swim top. They even wore matching swim suits. They were light blue, solid color. Her two piece was fairly simple, and acted more like a bra with a bikini because of the clasps in the top. Her brother's trunks were DEFINITELY a size too tight, with the way they hugged his hips and, when they got wet, tended to highlight the bulge of his crotch. She often teased him about wanting to show off to boys and received the same response every time. 'Go shag a sheep fluff-fucker.'

Clarissa watched as Dale paced, his big brown eyes full of worry and his spotted brown and grey fur occasionally standing on end whenever a noise startled him. He was definitely anxious about meeting Samantha. They had agreed to go together, since she was the one who convinced him to talk to her and get everything sorted out to begin with.

Clarissa was the mouse that Dale got caught with. She wasn't a bad girl, honest. She didn't even know Dale was still technically with the skunk he had been worrying over since the mall incident. She chewed him out for lying to her, especially since they had been talking for a full three months, and showed interest in each other practically the first day they met. It was a bit hasty, deciding to go out so soon, but she was a very shy girl, and easily impressionable. Dale seemed like an amazing guy. Especially the way with he often talked about this Samantha. He was very sweet. She ashamedly admitted that she probably fell in love with him at first sight. Being a mouse, and him a cat, it was definitely unorthodox. But to each their own.

She saw them before he did, and did a double take. Dale mentioned twins, but she could have sworn she was seeing double. "U-um... Dale. I think they're here."

He immediately looked up, and winced as what she assumed the brother that had clocked her sort-of-boyfriend in the nose stepped up. He lift his chin and stared up at the taller, older feline.

They stood there for a few moments before the bobcat and the skunk stepped away from each other. "What wa-" She started to ask but both skunks and Dale all interrupted her in unison.

"Guy talk."

With that, Dale grabbed the skunk with the boobs and walked a distance away to talk in private. She was now alone with what she assumed to be the brother. And an awkward silence assumed.

"I'm Sam." He finally said, looking over at her. She blinked in confusion and was about to respond before he chuckled and held out a hand. "Sammy, I mean. Sammy Luck. I'm Samantha's twin brother. Identical, obviously." She clamped her mouth shut and took his hand, giving it a polite, brief shake.

"Clarissa, but you can call me Clair." She said, voice quiet before staring down towards his feet. "Sorry about..." She struggled to find a word for it before simply waving her arms out in a grand gesture, sending her breasts bouncing beneath her shirt with the motion. "This."

"It's fine. Sam convinced me that she would live and they were planning on breaking up to begin with." He looked over her and gave her a grin she would soon call the 'Shit-Eater', a term se would eventually learn from Dale. "I decided it wasn't all bad. He wasn't stupid, just heartless. He at least ditched my sis for a hot girl." He turned and crossed his arms, blatantly looking her from the ground up. "Short, stout, curvy, a nice rack, and white fur. I approve."

Her jaw dropped at his blatant... Could she really call it perversion? It was definitely a compliment at least. She was about to retort but Dale and Samantha returned and she could finally see up close that yes, indeed, the two were twins. If it weren't for breasts and clothing choices she probably wouldn't be able to tell which was which. "Dale and I talked." Samantha said, letting out a small sigh. "It's all good guys. I'll live. I just wasn't expecting you to get over it so fast." She said. Dale shrugged sheepishly. "I just wanted my friend, us being... Together, was kind of putting a certain stress on our friendship. It was starting to feel like just being fuckbuddies, and the 'I love you's were becoming a chore. Yeah, it hurts, but I had my mind set on it anyways. And besides..." Her gaze turned to Clarissa, who squeaked from the sudden attention. "Now I can coach someone else on how to treat Dale, and watch him crumble. I'll teach you all his sensitive spots and ways to make him bow to kiss your toes." She cackled dramatically and her brother elbowed her in the side as Clair gave her a horrified look.

"You're drawing stares and scaring the girl, shit-head. Come on, your drama is settled, I have my sister back, and we're at the lake. Let's go swimming."

"Are all skunks this weird?" Clair asked hesitantly. "Yep." Dale replied casually.

And so they went for the beach.

They walked along the beach of the lake until they came to the massive boulders that lined the shore and the railroad tracks that circled it from there on around the entirety of the lake. They stopped at last of the few public shower-house slash changing rooms that lined the beach before it cut off into the wilds around the lake that made up the large resort and campgrounds. This particular part of the lake was the twin's favorite spot, hardly anyone ventured this far down the beach due to the long walk when there was so much room elsewhere, plus it was less kept up with by the ground's maintenance. Weeds poked up out of the water near the shore and grass peeked out of the sand in various places. But it was quiet and private, save for a few people who had the same idea, a few children half a football field away played out in the waves that gently lapped the shore. The water was mostly clear as well, and she could see a few ripples off shore where fish touched the surface. Even the shower-house was welcoming. It was a simple concrete block building, pretty standard as far as lake things went, but looked rather unused. It even lacked most of that public restroom and mildew smell that accompanied moss and algae filled buildings like it. It had a wood awning that provided shade for anyone standing close to it, a small room with mirrored windows where no doubt maintenance could be done. Clarissa could see why they went out this far to spend time at the beach, it was peaceful and beautiful.

Sam and Sam both stripped under the shade of the awning and dug through the bag they brought. Dale forgot his own in his truck and ran off to retrieve it. No doubt in all his anxiety he forgot that they agreed to the beach specifically because it meant swimming on a hot day. Assuming all went well, of course. That left her with the Sam-Twins.

"Could someone help me get this oil rubbed into my fur? Normally I'd have Dale do this but I don't think that would be appropriate." Samantha asked. Clarissa could see her through the nearby one way window and blinked as she set the small bag she brought herself in the corner of the building, turning to look at her over her shoulder.

"I-I suppose I could help. He's not here, anyway." She reminded. "What's the oil for?" Sam stepped in and snatched the bottle out of his sister's hands who made grabby hands at it, and poured it into his palms.

"I got it." He said as he slapped his hands on his sister's back. She squawked indignantly and held her arms to her chest as he unclasped her swim top to rub it in the covered fur. They even wore matching swimsuits, odd.

"Asshole." She muttered before she gave Clarissa a wane smile. "Think of it as sunscreen that humans use. Except that it's for long fur. You and Dale don't really need it with your short and medium hair, but our family line has always had issues with sun and long periods of time spent in the water. Our fur tends to get split ends easily or become dried out and brittle and fall out. It's kind of a mix of different oils, a family recipe so to speak. We use it on a regular basis whether swimming or not, but since we've been inside for so long..."

The mouse smiled in kind at the knowledge and turned back to her bag, digging into it to pull out her towel and swimsuit and put away anything she had that couldn't get wet or didn't want to leave out in the open. She tugged her single piece out of her bag until her ears perked up. "W-watch where you put your hands dickhead!" It was Samantha, she whispered it, probably to Sam. Clarissa looked up and watched the twins through the mirrored surface of the window. He was rubbing oil into the fur at her waist as she worked her tail. She thought about offering help again so the siblings didn't have to seem so awkward and irritable. Except that Sam leaned forward, that same grin from earlier spread across his face.

"Don't be so uptight. It's like I haven't touched it before." She just barely made out the whisper, his sister going entirely still, arms till crossed over her chest. She couldn't be sure at this angle, but his hand disappeared behind her butt. She swallowed, deciding to mind her own business and aimlessly resumed shuffling through her stuff. She was just imagining it, that was it. The heat was going to her head, because it was very hot.

"S-shuttup jackass. Just finish up with my back." She grumbled, still very low. Did they not know how easy sound traveled near the building? She couldn't help it and looked back up in the reflection. Sam had stepped closer behind her and his hands freely roamed her belly as Samantha stood stock still, her tail comically straight out to the side and fur on her neck and shoulders raised. She looked a lot like a startled cat. Clarissa stopped aimlessly rummaging in her bag, distracted by the sight. Not that it mattered, they must have wrote her off, assuming she was too busy to pay attention and couldn't hear. How wrong they were.

Sam leaned forward, raising his muzzle to touch his lips to her ear tip and said in an almost too-quiet voice to hear "Slutmuffin." She blinked at the name. Was that an insult or something else? It seemed to have an effect though. Especially when his fingers dipped beneath her panty line, under her swim bottoms, and one hand simply slipped completely in. He whispered something she finally couldn't hear and visibly shivered, eyes glazing over as she relaxed just a bit. Clair's jaw slowly opened, her eyes going wide.

"F-fucking stop, asshole" She breathed, her chest heaving in a very tell-tale way, though made no move to stop him. The scowl on her face was completely at odds with her lack of attempting at pushing him away.

No, no no no. She was just imagining that. Hallucinating. That was definitely it. They were brother and sister. She thought it was her mind was playing tricks on her. She was sexually frustrated, having dropped a few hints over the last week to Dale and not getting much out of it. She tore her eyes away from the reflection, but immediately looked back up at the sound of a whimper, her jaw dropped. Sam's face was buried into the side of her neck, that grin still visible from the way his teeth showed at the corner of his mouth, and she could SEE the outline of his hand in her bottoms. Without a doubt. And his fingers were *really* moving. Two of them had disappeared.

Clarissa felt a knot in her throat. No way. It wasn't real it wasn't real.

"Hey guys!" Shouted dale from a ways away. "I brought a beach ball too!"

Clarissa shook her head and took a deep breath, looking up. The twins had separated and Samantha's top was on. There was no from behind hug, there were no hands in crotches, there were no fingers disappearing into-

"Good timing Dale!" Sam said with a grin, Samantha bouncing on her toes with excitement. They looked innocent, too innocent. So basically the same as they looked when they arrived at the beach. She had a feeling they were a very mischievous pair. "We're all ready to have some fun, and I want to race you since you beat me last time we came here!"

Clarissa stood up and passed them with her swimsuit, heart beating hard in her chest. "You okay Clarissa?" Samantha said with a concerned look. "You look like you saw a ghost."

"I-I'm fine! I'm fine. Just a little hot. I'll be fine once I get changed and into the water." She replied, cursing herself for getting so worked up. She wondered how open Sam would be to helping her get into Dale's pants. Seventeen and a virgin was too much for a girl who had already dated multiple guys was just too much.

She turned her head as she reached the door to watch them all head down to the water and saw Sam walk close to his sister. He looked at her very deliberately, lifting his hand up to his face. She felt her heartrate increase again. Two of his fingers were slicked with -something-. She could tell by the way the sunlight gleamed off his fingers. And it was definitely not the oil. He made a show of shoving them into his mouth while his sister who stared, shuddered, and took a deep breath before turning and chasing after dale, already on the sand.

"Oh fuck me..." She said, whimpering quietly. What kind of secret did she just stumble upon?

The day had been fun. Sam and Dale did have their race, the older boy won. But Sam took it in stride and showed that, despite being slower, was still an amazing swimmer by stroking out until his head was just a white and black dot in the water, and swam back. "I'm not even winded!" He yelled.

At that moment the little mouse girl was simply enjoying floating nearby, a simple activity but she was never an active person to begin with. Sam and Samantha were doing their best at attempting to drown each other, wrestling rather bodily. It was hard to keep track of who was who, as they both wore solid bright blue swim suits. Dale helped whoever was on top at the time on occasion, laughing all the while, at least until the twins ganged up on him and dunked him. Clarissa unable to resist joining in with the laughter.

After a few hours of simply fooling around they swam in to shore, Dale and Sam throwing on their shirts while the girls simply packing everything up, no need to put anything on. Their suits were probably the most modest on the beach for their age group. They had all skipped lunch and decided now was a great time to eat and probably just go ahead and leave. And now here they were, at the "Pier". It was a big wooden shack that served as a small store filled with novelties, common swim-gear and a small snack bar with stools lining the small building. They were lucky that the lunch rush was over, the place was quiet except the gentle sizzling coming from behind the food bar, and all piled into a corner booth and munched on burgers, hotdogs, fries, and anything else that went well with a beach-side grill.

Clarissa felt oddly uncomfortable, glancing at the twins from time to time before she purged the picture out of her head and decided to break the silence.

"So um... How long have you guys known Dale?" She asked, her tail swishing irritably behind her. The only reason they were all here was because she forced Dale into calling Samantha to sort everything out. She wasn't willing to get close to someone who had so many issues with another girl. That being said, she was also a stranger, well aware these three must have been friends for a long time.

Samantha perked up, a fry sticking out from between her lips making her look rather silly and earning a giggle from the mouse before she bit it off. "Dale? Oh... For maybe almost six years?" She responded, Dale nodding idly as he bit into a rather greasy looking burger. "Sam and I are almost sixteen. Technically almost two years younger than him." So young! Clarissa's mind went to a dirty place before it was forced back into reality. Bad Clair, bad!

"Samantha and Dale dated after their first year of being friends. Well, kind of. Officially they'd only been dating three. They were such an awkward romance. A ten year old and a twelve year old at first. It was pretty hilarious when Dale went through puberty and they started making out. It was sloppy, and gross and they didn't care if they were around other people when they did it." Sammy said, grinning as he thought back. "I never really bothered to get close to him, myself though." He offered an apologetic look to Dale.

"You never bothered to get close to anyone Sam." Dale said, waving the matter off with a hand. "Probably the only reason you and I became friends was because you were practically joined at the hip with your sister. Those first few years, you went with us everywhere I meant for her and me to go alone. I thought she had a brother-complex for a while so was figuring out if I had to start dating you both."

"I was not that bad!" Samantha shouted, putting on a rather affronted expression.

"Yes you were dander-butt." Sam said. "I was terrible as fuck at making friends. And that only got worse the less time I spent around you." He faced Clarissa and shrugged his shoulders. "How about we just tell you about our life growing up? It'd make a lot more sense. You see, our dad was a foreman for a mobile construction company, big name. They fixed up a lot of what the war left. Not to mention built 'important' city scrapers and corporate offices. He was the best in the company so they moved him around to supervise the building sites that were having various issues. He would always get them settled. We never spent more than a month or two in one place."

Samantha rested her chin in her hand, face taking over a glazed look as she reminisced. "We had a big travel trailer that we set up everywhere we went. Mom was incredibly eccentric. Err, she *is* incredibly eccentric. But she's still an amazing parent. She got into all kinds of different stuff, never settling on one thing, but it was all art. She sculpted, painted, drew, took up writing and photography. It was writing books and photography that she did the most, since that's where the money was, and between mom and dad we lived pretty comfortably. You know, besides not having a real home.

Sam frowned and pulled his tail up into his lap, giving it a squeeze. Probably for comfort. "I stopped bothering making friends since I constantly had to make new ones. Samantha faired way better. Where I got discouraged, she learned. She made friends easier and easier with each move, and just dragged me along everywhere she went. We were pretty inseparable until we moved into this town."

Samantha gave his shoulder a comforting squeeze. "I couldn't leave my brother behind. It went against our family code of conduct. To loosely quote Bon Jovi, it didn't make a difference if we made it in one place or not, we had each other and that was a lot. For family, we gave it a shot. We listened to that song a lot, because sometimes it really did feel like we were living on a prayer. Moving here was a godsend, and Dale was my first friend. That he and Sam get along now, it's all I really could have wanted. I made friends here, going into a public school for the first time, good ones, and a lot of them. But Dale will always have a special place in my heart." She smiled at Clarissa who couldn't help but return it. "I know that's a bit cheesy. Dale is a really great guy, and as long as you don't ask him to stop being my friend, you won't be disappointed."

It was very touching to be sure. She thought it would be a lot more awkward spending time with a girl that the boy she was interested in dated for five years. Especially after finding out that he was more or less going behind her back. But this was pleasant, and having the supposed support of Samantha with her interest in Dale was very comforting.

"That's very enlightening" she finally said. "Although now I'm curious." She bit her lip, now that her serious silence breaker was done and over with, she had to know. "Just how close are you guys?" She asked. After half a second, noticing the small glance they shot each other, she realized that might sound a bit strange, especially after what she saw. "I-I mean you know, being siblings who were forced to spend so much time around each other, I thought you would be at each other's throats all the time."

"We'll leave that story for later, Clarissa. It's just as long and shit head is impatient." Sam responded with an elbow to her rib, Dale bursting out in laughter. She nodded her head in her agreement and smiled. "So how about you Clair, I can call you that right? What about you? Have any hobbies?"

She felt like shrinking back into her seat with the sudden question directed back at her, but she gave a small shrug. "I um... I... I write." She said quietly. Sam seemed to perk up especially at that.

"Oh? What kind of stuff do you write? I actually write some myself, I guess I got interested because father would often read mom's stories to us at bedtime. "He asked, his tail swishing up behind him and swaying. Body language said a lot about a person, and she could tell that he was excited to meet someone with the same interest.

"I uh... I write romance." It was a bit pathetic, she knew, after everything they shared with her. But there was a problem with her sharing exactly what kind of writing hobby she had...

"She writes romance stories based around incest." Dale blurted out, before busying himself sucking at his straw and studiously ignoring the glare the young mouse was shooting him.

Sam didn't seem any less interested with how his tail was swooping. He looked a bit like a domesticated fox who caught a hen, and didn't get caught. "Oh? That sounds... different. But judging by reluctant you seem to be, I'm going to guess... The stories often tend to involve a lot of smut?" It was blatant. And she could feel her face go up in flames. Her white fur gave away her blush far too easy. It was as good enough as an admission as anything.

Samantha smacked the back of his head and he laughed as he ducked a second swipe. "You dumb fuck, look what you did. You're embarrassing her! This is why you can't get a girlfriend!"

"Wouldn't want one anyway cunt-smusher." He responded in kind, throwing her a nasty smile. "Girls like you are gross!"

"Oh so you're gay? Faggot." She said simply, a grin widening and mentally adding a tally to her side of the scoreboard. "That explains why you like sitting on the sidelines at the public pool!"

"I admeet nossink to yhew, yhew vile demon!" He shouted dramatically, pointing directly up and swooping his arm dramatically to point at his sister. "Begone, you eenglish peegdog!"

Several pigs and dogs in the store stared at them oddly.

"Y-yeah" Clarissa said, interrupting the comedy show after stifling giggles and wiping a tear from her eye. "Smutty incest stories pretty much." She suddenly got quieter. "I'm an only child, adopted. So I never had a brother or sister. I always wondered what it was like. I read a book where a brother and sister fell in love and... It was kind of exhilarating to read. It was very uh... 'Taboo'." She said with an awkward smile. She paid extra attention to the way they reacted. "I like stressing how wrong it is."

"Fuck the system. I can dig it. What inspired you to write those stories?" Samantha responded, her brow raised. "And why smut?" The two skunks seemed to be paying really close attention. There were definitely better places to discuss a topic like this. She was actually very embarrassed.

"I um... Well, technically there is a lot more sex than romance. I don't think they're that great, as I've never had sex, but, I write it more for the feeling of..." She stopped and chewed her lip, stopping to think it over. "I always imagine a protective older brother, hovering over his little sister, promising to be with her always and doing the only thing he can think of to show just how much he needs her." She felt satisfied with the summary before becoming incredibly self-conscious about how exactly she worded it. She was about to apologize but Sam laughed and gave his head a nod.

"I'm not too fond of smutty writings, but if you want, I'd like to take a read anyway, sometime. I like novels and stories with heavy emotion and feeling in them. And you sound like the kind of person to portray that during those scenes." He said, smiling rather disarmingly. She felt her ears heat up and looked up to Dale, who smile down at her.

"What he fails to admit is that he's a raging pervert and has a diary on his computer of large amounts of nasty dirty raunchy sex." Dale explained.

"He's a dirty fuckin' pervert." Samantha said, grinning as she shoved an ice cube down the back of his shirt, making him jump and squirm and causing a round of laughter from the table. It was about then that they decided to leave and head back into town. Sam and Sam had things to do after all!

Clarissa felt a bit embarrassed as they walked along the park towards the car lot. These two acted nothing like how she suspected they would if they were really... She shook her head and took Dale's hand, giving it a squeeze and he gave her a gentle smile. It was an action that had a negative effect on Samantha.

And Sammy noticed. She tensed visibly and her eyes lingered on the pair's fingers entwined. He saw her tail twitch erratically and knew that she was feeling a gnawing depression. Just like he knew how to help her keep from falling into a funk before it could begin. Despite pretending everything was okay, she was still watching a boy she loved for five years of her life show affection to someone else who he didn't know for even half as long. It was emotional adultery. Dale's eyes were soft as he looked down at the mouse and he could tell the feelings he had were legit. It's a shame he was able to get so attached to someone so fast. And now his sister was paying the price. So, he nudged her.

"Hey Dale, could you load up our bikes in your truck? I have to use the restroom." He said, turning his head to shoot his sister a meaningful look.

"Me too, actually." She said, shooting the pair a smile. "We'll meet you at the truck." She gave them a wave as Dale nodded and let Clarissa go, quickening his pace. Clarissa however, shot them a suspicious glance, opting to leave with Dale instead. Though she had to nervously bite at her lip to keep her mind off the pair, as she could SWEAR that she heard Sammy whisper something into his sister's as he walked close to her, his hand on her ass. Her tail was straight up and she looked like she was getting antsy and tense. All she could make out though was "Slutmuffin."

There was definitely something going on. Something weird.

Samantha let out a strangled noise as she rounded the corner of the park's main shower and bathroom building. It was secluded in the back, a brown fencing obscuring several large pumps that directed water to the other shower houses along the beach. The area was fairly small, and they made their way to the far corner, where they were less likely to be seen. Her brother shoved her against the wall of it and stepped far too close to her, but she did little other than slump against the wall as he stood over her, tail swishing in a large arc behind him. He leaned forward, his fingers resting on her shoulders, the touch making her whimper. "A-asshole." She muttered. "I didn't want to do this. N-not again damnit. It's gross."

"You didn't seem to believe that the other night." Sammy said, his hands gripping the straps of her top, she herself reaching behind her to unclasp them. They were functional, more like a bra than a top, but they stayed together far better than a Tied bikini. And they came off far easier. The top fell to the ground, baring her breasts to her brother.

"I-I was caught in the heat of the moment, dick! I was confused! A-and depressed! Technically you took advantage of my weakened emotional state!" She said rather loudly, before letting out a choked noise as he pressed his lips tight against hers for a brief moment. Her fingers grasped at his shirt and he quickly discarded it, throwing it in a corner of the small maintenance area before pulling away and dragging his lips down the side of her neck to her throat, and from there to her chest. He lapped his tongue over one of her nipples until it poked through her fur, and he circled it with his lips. He lathered it softly with his tongue, his sister gasping, gripping his shoulders as he grazed his teeth over the sensitive nub, and giving it a soft suck before treating her other teat with the same lusty respect. "D-damn, that doesn't feel half bad..." She whispered, her hands squeezing his shoulders. "H-how the fuck did you know exactly what to say to get me willing dickhead? All you did was whisper in my ear... Why am I okay with this? F-fuck this is so wrong." Her voice was rather cross, but the irritated effect was ruined when she groaned, his fingers sliding down to her crotch, teasing the pliable flesh beneath and her verbal complaints completely nullified as she ground her crotch against his hand.

"Because that night, you practically told me exactly what to say. And you did say you'd like to do it again. You were getting mopey again watching Dale, so I'm going to make you feel something else." He said with a smirk, sinking down to his knees and grabbing the inside of her thighs, easing them apart until she got the picture and spread her legs enough for him and lean in, pressing his nose against her crotch. "Damn, you smell good twerp. I bet if I tried hard enough, I could still smell myself." He grinned at her from between her legs, hooking his fingers into the crotch of her swim-suits and tugging it aside. "I never got a chance to admire this... I was too busy being balls deep in it." His voice was smug, confident and it did NOT help her arousal. "Too busy doing what my sister told me to and emptying my balls into it."

She let out a soft groan at his words, his fingertips tracing over her exposed cunt. He took a moment to admire the inside of her thick thighs. The fur was soft and white, and traveled up to surround the soft, pink entrance to her pussy, then disappeared behind and no doubt up between her ass cheeks. It was exactly the same as his. And she even had the same birthmark as him. It was a small heart shaped spot of gray fur on the inside of her thigh. He slid his fingers up over it, and she shuddered involuntarily as his fingers ghosted over her pussy again. The birthmark was simply that close to her nethers that he could admire it and molest her at the same time. "I really do like the look of this cute little birthmark of ours. Especially on you."

He finally leaned in and press his lips to her, and she spread her legs further, leaning heavily against the wall for support as she watched her brother with wide eyes, resting her hands on his shoulders as he spread her soft, pliable entrance with his fingers. He leaned in and dragged the full bulk of his tongue from the bottom of her slit to the very top, and it made her moan in frustration and anticipation. His tongue retraced the path and this time flicked over the small hood of her clit, tending to it with slow, deliberate licks, his sister shivering as it teased pleasure into her nervous system. He slid a pair of fingers up over her exposed flesh, Samantha sacrificing a hand's hold on her brother and slid it down, helping him pull open her cunt, and in that moment he dove right in. He pushed his tongue against the tiny hole that lead into her, the same hole he'd violated quite thoroughly only a couple nights earlier. He pushed his lips to her soft pink pussyflesh and pushed his tongue as deep as its limited reach could go.

Samantha dug her fingers into his shoulder as he did, it was definitely a different experience than what it felt like to have his cock buried inside her. With this, he wasn't trying to get off, he was simply trying to please her. And for some reason it was an incredibly novel, intimate experience to think about. Especially with her brother. Dale vanished from her mind. Dale? Dale who? She couldn't think when Sam constantly reminded her that she was enjoying being violated by her own brother. He didn't spend too long twisting his muzzle to lap shallowly inside her and dragged his tongue back up to flick and lap at her clit. He must have realized that was the only way she was going to cum in this situation, and that was just fine by her as he bared his teeth, and gently tugged. She let out a loud noise, and clamped her other paw she was bracing herself with over her mouth as she let go, letting out a muffled moan into her fingers and let her brother do all the work. And work he did. He mercilessly shoved a pair of fingers into her cunt, her walls clenching around them every time he curled his fingers or his tongue drug over her clit. It was truly an intense experience.

The following five minutes was exactly that same process, except that it slowly built her up, and she finally let out a loud groan against the palm of her hand and ground her crotch to her fellow skunk's face as she came. Femcum seeped against Sammy's tongue, and he greedily lapped at it as if it were a liquid sugary treat. It definitely had a taste he could agree with. It wasn't especially strong, but there was a mild tang to it, and he did his best to lick every drop he was provided with. "Heh, I can taste myself in you, slutmuffin. I really got it deep didn't I?" Her cunt twitched in response. His words really hit the nail in the coffin.

When she came down from her orgasm, her brother spreading her lips apart again to slurp softly at her sensitive soft flesh clean from any residual arousal. But she didn't want to be done yet, completely disregarding that they had two people waiting on them in the parking lot, him temporarily ceasing to be her brother in her mind, she tugged at her brother's arms and traded places with him, pushing him against the wall and darting in to snag a kiss where she filled her brother's mouth with her tongue, and let out a breathy moan at her own scent and taste. It showed true dedication to the task that he hadn't really much.

She sunk down to her knees and quickly yanked down his trunks. His cock flopped out, bobbing not even an inch in front of her nose... And that's when she smelled his scent. It was strong, mixed with their natural skunk smell, and made a heavy musk that she could drown in. It was incredibly tempting, so she reached up and grasped softly at his balls, leaning in with her eyes half lidded, in a daze, and nuzzled her cheek against his shaft, pressing her nose to his sack. The smell was amazing. It made her head swim and her crotch burn with returning arousal. Her tail swished lazily behind her as she gave the beloved sack a lick. It was a bit awkward, dragging her tongue over his balls. They had a very light covering of fluff, just enough that they were pleasant to hold, but not enough to keep her from tasting the salt of his sweat beneath. She shuddered and returned to staring at her brother's cock straight on. "F-fuck." She muttered. This close, it was intimidating to look at. In the sunlight she got a very good idea of just how big it was. "This monster fit inside me? How the hell is my pussy not ruined?"

Her brother grinned down at her, resting a hand atop her head as she took a tentative lick at its tip, and then wrapped her lips around the head of his cock and pulled off, tongue dragging along its belly. She found she didn't mind the taste. She could definitely do this and enjoy it. "It just seems like you were made for me Samantha. Like a jigsaw puzzle. Your cunt was the perfect size, and I had just enough cum to complete it." He said, a rather wide grin on his face as she practically choked at the reminder of how much jizz he stuffed her with. He watched his sister take his head into her mouth again, entirely enjoying the show of her down on her knees for him. This time she lingered, sucking at his tip for a good few seconds before pulling off with an audible pop. "It also seems we go above and beyond the duty to help our sibling out, hm?" His grin never left his face.

"O-okay. I can do this." She said, more to herself, wrapping her free hand around its base and giving it a stroke, still fondling his balls with her other. "When you get close, brother, you WILL tell me." She said rather sternly and he scratched the space between her ears and smiled his agreement to her. "A-alright. Here it goes." She muttered before sinking his cock back into her maw. Thankfully she and her brother had their father's muzzles, she didn't have to worry much about taking it all to please Sam because her mouth was long enough, her lips pressing against her fingers that she had wrapped around his base, and pseudo-knot's swell. She held it there, lathering it with her tongue as he visibly fought the urge to move his hips.

Her mouth was amazing. It was far wetter than her cunt was, and just as soft. Unfortunately the sole muscle that actually moved was her tongue. But he wasn't going to let that get him down. Her mouth was still a nice place to be buried in. His cock certainly liked it. In fact, it throbbed hard in her grasp, and she "Mmmfhhff"d around his cock, no doubt a glob of pre giving her a tasty preview of his happy ending. He smiled as she turned her eyes up to him before taking away her hand, gripping his thigh, and taking a deep breath from her nose.

And then the warm looseness of her mouth gave way to the tightness of her throat as she sank him in inch by inch, and unlike her mouth, everything was a muscle. It was like her cunt. Her throat attempted to swallow his cock, literally, and the feeling made him shudder heavily. He gasped when he looked down and saw her lips press against his pelvis, his bulb just barely contained in her mouth. And she looked rather miserable doing it, but he was done with the feeling of her throat convulsing around his cock. It was amazing but he didn't want to hurt Samantha to take advantage of it with thrusting and grinding. Maybe they could build on that later. "You look so fucking sexy right now buttmunch."

She took in a much needed gasp when his cock slid out of her mouth, coughing quietly as strands of mucus and saliva clung to her lips and his cock. "Just be careful, okay? If you choke to death on my cock, then who'll keep me in line?" She wiped tears out of the corners of her eyes as she went back to it, ignoring him almost entirely as she sunk his cock into her mouth, though not nearly as far, using her tongue to clean any of her excess mouth lube from his shaft. She also got a healthy spurt of pre, salty and bitter and left a slight sting to the back of her throat. But it filled her snout with a heavy hot musk, and it was intoxicating. It was potent, so no wonder why her brother could still probably sense himself in her. She slid a hand down to her crotch, the swimsuit still pushed to the side, and lightly teased her clit to hopefully ease some of her arousal. And it didn't help. She bobbed her head down on his cock and back, taking advantage of a sensitive spot on the belly of his cock to make him squirm. Every few times her lips squeezed down the length of his cock it throbbed and dropped another glob of pre on her tongue, her hand still wrapped firmly around his balls squeezed, and she felt them twitch in her grasp as her brother's breathing labored. That halted her. With a deep breath she buried his cock into her muzzle, taking it into her throat for a very brief dive before pulling off and looking up at him. His lips were parted, and she blushed. This entire time he had been watching her with an expression akin to awe and admiration. It was admittedly really cute, like she was doing something that just made her world. It was absolutely perverted how true that was. "Y-yeah slutmuffin, you guessed it. I'm g-gonna cum soon. If you had did that one more time that would have been it." He said, smiling tiredly at her.

She grumbled something along the lines of "Cockmonster" and "Don't waste a drop" under her breath and stood up to press herself up against him. He grabbed her hips as she lift a leg, resting it against his waist and against the wall behind him. She grabbed his cock as she braced her arm against the wall beside her head and pressed it's head against her cunt before pushing her body against his, sinking his cock into her depths. She suddenly felt full, and had the impression that this entire time her body was feeling empty, that this was what it was begging her for, for the past day and a half after their midnight tryst. A small grin spread over her lips to match his as she pressed her lips against his, his hands guiding her clumsy attempts to gain leverage with her hips and thrust him inside her until he grabbed both her hips and pulled her off him, resulting in her whining her disappointment very loudly as he ripped his cock from her greedy cunt. He spun her around and pushed her up against the wall. Her eyes went wide and pushed back against him, bending forward and pressing her cheek against her arms, against the wall. He grabbed her ass with one hand, his cock with the other, and probed it against her entrance and THRUST!

All of this foreplay transpired over the course of fifteen minutes. Incredibly quick, sure, but they were young and they weren't porn stars. Their first time was in private, being outdoors where someone could catch them was another thrill, and they wanted to finish fast. That mentality made their orgasms so much easier to achieve. Neither one of them doubt that their friends were wondering where the hell they went. That thought spurred them on into quick action. He wasted no time slapping his hips against her ass, the new angle providing a new tightness for them to experience. She slid a hand down between her legs, fingers finding her clit and rubbing at it. Her fires weren't hard to stoke, in fact despite her orgasm they had only grown. She let out a soft breathy gasp every time he slammed into her, and she pushed back, away from the wall some more to lean forward even farther. That tightened her cunt around his cock and he found himself plunging even deeper. He leaned forward and wrapped an arm around his sister while he indulged himself by grabbing one of her breast, massaging and rolling it against his palm.

That affected her very little, but she enjoyed it nonetheless. Her brother's hands on her, she couldn't explain it. Like his cum, it was just as right as it was morally wrong. And the feeling of disgust at having her brother fuck her like this only spurred her on, excited her. 'I could get used to this.' she thought regarding the backwardness of the situation, whimpering as he rest down against her back, her tail, up till now forced off to the side, wrapped behind him and quickly coiled around his, forming a bushy, fluffy helix behind him as he thrust deep into his sister. His balls swung forward and tapped her fingers a few times before she slid down further. Her angle of leaning against the wall was uncomfortable, but it was incredibly rewarding as every time he thrust, his heavy, full sack bumped her clit as she was forced to brace herself with both arms against the wall to hold her balance, and sent a shock of pleasure into her nervous system. The pleasure was far more mental than it was physical, and perhaps that was the real reason when she felt him shudder and squeeze her in his arms, mash his hips against her ass and hold it there, that she came. She *knew* that her brother had reached his peak, and was about to pump her full of cum. The simple thought spiked her pleasure. The pleasure brought her orgasm, her orgasm brought adrenaline, and the adrenaline brought that hyper-awareness. He whispered something into her ear, something she heard clearly as she slid her fingers from her clit to her brother's balls, grabbing hold of them and squeezing, coaxing his seed into her waiting pussy.

It was just as warm as she remembered. His cock throbbed, pulsing with his heart as it thud against her back through his chest. His fingers dug into the flesh of her tit, almost painfully. Almost. But she readily pushed her chest into his hand and pushed her ass against his crotch. He wasn't able to reach that same depth that he had pouring directly into her belly, but it didn't matter. His fertility was going to end up inside her either way.

Splash after splash of fresh seed painted her spasming muscles white, his cock's fake-knot had stretched and let him slip and grind his cock inside her without tugging out, making her whimper, her mouth wide open as she finally found the strength to carry out her brother's request. To talk dirty to him. "F-fuck, brother, cum in my pussy!" She shouted. It had the effect she wanted. His cock throbbed, and she could feel a fat wad of cum stuffed into her cunt. "C-cum in my pussy, brother, fill my belly! G-give me your kits!" She shouted louder. She didn't have to shout it. He wanted to just hear it. But she was enjoying having his seed pumped inside her so much that she simply had to shout her perversion to the world. His orgasm subsided after a good thirty seconds, her cunt milking it had prolonged it until it was painful, and she settled down, panting quietly as she ground her ass against his hips. "D-damn, Sammy." She whispered as she looked down between her legs. She watched it as she felt it, a warm blanket spread across her as he felt the cum ooze from around his cock. She watched the thick white glob slide down the inside of her thigh and let out a whine as she felt Sam tugging his hips back. "D-don't go..." She whimpered, but he chuckled and, in an unexpected move, bit his teeth softly into the soft scruff of her neck. She stood stock still, a moan on her lips as she felt his teeth sink in, using her temporarily paralysis to pull his cock from his sister's cunt without complaint, and as he released his bite, lapped softly at her neck as a small bead of red formed. She knew that mark would show through her fur, as he bit at a very fleshy part of her neck where the fur was thin. She shuddered. "W-why d-did you-" She muttered before shaking her head, the fog lifting from her mind as she took in a deep breath.

He slid his boxers back up quickly and stepped into the flip flops he'd brought, helping her put on her bra. Then he sank to his knees and dart his nose between her legs, dragging his tongue up her thigh and slurping the few big globs of cum that had oozed from her and escaped. He even tugged the material over her crotch to the side again and dragged his tongue over the slightly stretched flesh, gleaming with thick white glaze, growling in pleasure as he did so, earning him a hearty, throaty groan of appreciation, before tugging her bottom's cover back over. "To keep it in."

He stood up and grinned, pressing his lips against hers, and when she decided to humor him and slid a tongue past his lips, was caught in surprise as he forced a wad of his own cum into her mouth. She moaning quietly as she rolled her lips against his for a few moments before pulling away and swallowing the treat. "Y-your cum... I-it feels great. But tastes like shit." She said. He just smiled and grabbed her hand, leading her back out into the parking lot.

Clarissa had made her way to the bathroom where Sam and Sam had went towards, in hopes to find them. They'd been gone a while. She was about to go in when she heard a muffled voice that sounded suspiciously like Samantha's. So she investigated.

That was why she was paralyzed and couldn't help but watch. She peeked her head around the corner of the machinery in the fenced off area, wondering why they had went back there, doing her best to ignore the cobwebs that clung to her fingers as she watched slack jawed as Sam buried his cock balls deep into his sister from behind.

She hadn't been there long, but from the pathetic noises Samantha was making, they were about to be finished. That was confirmed when with a muffled SLAP! He mashed his hips against her ass, an idle thought appreciating how pliable her rear seemed to be. She felt her legs go weak and sank to her knees. She was actually very... VERY close to the source of sex. On her knees was the perfect angle, clearly. She looked up, Sam's tail was raised as he hugged his sister, and could see his balls twitching and drawing up. She could also see stretched flesh of Samantha squeezing around the base of her brother's cock.

And in perfect clarity she watched as his cock throbbed, his sister yelled "F-fuck, brother, cum in my pussy!" VERY loudly, and witnessed as the sight of a twin brother obeying the request, filling his sister's cunt with his gooey hot sticky sperm. His cock pulsed, very visibly, like a spastic muscle. It was mesmerizing to watch. "C-cum in my pussy, brother, fill my belly! G-give me your kits!"

She felt horny, she decided, right then. It was like how she envisioned most of her stories. Samantha shuddered and whimpered as she came, In Clarissa's mind she could only imagine how much her orgasm was driving her brother's on, and fought the urge to relieve growing tension of her own right then. They were still for a good twenty seconds before they both sighed. It was a satisfied sound. She ground her ass into his crotch before she went stock still, and Clarissa nearly gave away her presence with a throaty whimper as she watched the whitest, biggest glob of male cum she had ever seen ooze from her stretched cunt and dribble down her thigh. It was absolutely HOT to her, she who writes incestual erotica. Now she had a visual to go with it. Samantha let out a pitiful whine and said the hottest thing Clarissa had ever heard someone say to the other during sex. "D-don't go..." Sam said as her brother started moving and he leaned in and BIT her neck. He used the moment to pull out. From Carissa's view it was the most erotic thing she had seen in her life. His cock throbbed as he drew it out, very slowly. It was a very big, very thick thing, and she couldn't help but goggle at its size. It was covered in femcum and white streaks of his seed marred it. His sister's cunt didn't close all the way, leaving it gaping just slightly as his cock inched out with a very wet sounding, quiet noise. And when his tip finally flopped free, another glob of cum oozed from her entrance and slid down her thigh. She watched Sam pull his pants up, get down on his knees and lean in to drag his tongue up her thighs no doubt to clean her up.

Clarissa got the hell out of dodge right then and there. She briskly walked to the side of the building, in view of the parking lot, and leaned against the wall, holding a hand to her rapidly beating heart. She tried to control her heart beat with her breathing, and could feel her panties were a sticky mess. She had used the showers to rinse and then changed clothes to keep from feeling dirty with all the lake water that soaked into her fur. Now she felt absolutely FILTHY!

The twins came around the corner as she was walking back away briskly from the building. They jogged to meet up with her and each apologized for taking so long. They were entirely un-aware that their little session had a voyeur.

She could smell a different scent coming from Samantha. That was definitely the smell of her brother. It was heavy as it radiated off the skunk girl in droves. She squeezed her eyes shut for just a moment as 'oh god oh god ohgodohgodohgod She just got fucked by her brother. She just got bred by her fucking brother. He came in his mother fucking sister.' sped through her mind at five thousand miles a minute before she calmed herself and nodded. She made an oath to broach the subject with them some time, or 'accidentally' observe again. Or maybe both. She had some writing to do when she got home, and with all said and done between Samantha and Dale... Was going to invoke dating rights of the feminine kind on Dale and demand he take her virginity.

This beach trip got so fucking weird.

It was probably pure luck that Dale didn't seem to notice the smell permeating his truck as he dropped the twins off at their house. The open windows probably helped. But god, if he shut the windows before it had aired out... Samantha shuddered. Sometime during the trip, some of Sammy's gift oozed out and soaked through her bottoms into Dale's seat. She really hoped neither of the two figured out where it came from.

She snorted and stuck her tongue out at her brother, the exact source of where said cum came from.

Thankfully their mom was still out, their Dad shut in the spare bedroom converted into an office, so they didn't have to worry about the heavy scent they trailed through the house. They showered together, no time for naughty stuff, and efficiently helped each other get clean in the shortest shower either one of them had ever had in their life.

Only when did they both plop down on the living room couch, freshly dressed in a matching set of flannel pajama pants and oversized shirts did they relax with deep, throaty sighs of relief.

"Holy shit that was..." Samantha struggled to find the correct word before settling for sinking into the cushions of the couch.

"Hot? I like the word hot. It was pretty hot." He said before turning a glare on his sister. "Why did you and Dale go on about me being a smut-writer? I do not! I mean shit, I did an RP online once and you guys never let me live it down. Asshole. Go fuck yourself."

She laughed at he made his scowliest scowl before he lightened up a bit. "Sorry pencil-dick. I wanted to see how far I could go. If Clarissa can stand our brand of humor, then maybe she'll be a good friend."

"So now it's pencil-dick from cockmonster? You wound me... Deeply." He said, placing his hand on his heart and feinting back on the couch. She jumped him instantly and started smothering him with a couch cushion.

"Stop being ironic!" She shouted before he successfully fought her off and the collapsed at separate ends of the couch, lying in silence for a while. They enjoyed the peace and quiet for a while longer. Samantha sighed and looked over at the living room wall clock. "Anyways, we should probably begin getting ready to leave. We're going to Mindy's remember? It's already nine."

"But I aaaaaam ready!" He said, rolling around on the couch before he went too far and fell to the floor. He watched his sister get up and check her phone, rolling to his belly and lying in place, his tail swishing above his head. She hummed in thought before smiling down at him.

"Time to go. Seems we'll be the last ones there. Come on... Cockmonster." She said, with some thought, grinning all too wide as she dropped her mother a few texts.

"Right behind you, Slutmuffin."

Mindy the Raccoon's house was only a block away, so the walk was short enough. They took their time, the night was clear and cool, and the streets were lit brightly with moonlight. But the enjoyment was short lived as soon they arrived in front of a two story home. Its windows were dark but Samantha knocked anyways. There was the sound of several girls shouting before all went quiet and the door opened a notch, a bright hazel eye gleaming in the light of the moon giving it an eerie effect before it closed and a short, tubby raccoon girl threw open the door and engulfed Samantha in a hug. "Sam! I haven't seen you in forever!" She said excitedly, her bushy 'coon tail thrashing out behind her before she opened the door. "And Sammy! You're too introverted, spend more time with people! Especially your sister's friends. Jeez, everyone's been excited to have two new additions to our little group."

"I'm a guy though." Sam said, pouting a bit much to the girl's amusement as he followed them in. "I can't relate to girls." He mumbled under his breath as they walked through a coat-room and into a living-room area where apparently all the guests who were invited were currently located in a half circle around a rather massive television that filled half the wall.

"We'll fix that rather shortly." The 'coon girl, Mindy said rather ominously as she gestured with wide arms into the room. "Girls! Everyone's here!"

The 'Girls' consisted of five people of female stature, four that Sammy was at least familiar with that did not include his sister. There was Mindy the raccoon, the short stout, tubby girl who boasted an air of self-confidence and made her build look sexy simply with the way she acted, she was loud and up front about everything and often took the lead in most situations, and who abused her family's rather privileged position to spend money on her friends. She often got away with a lot of things she shouldn't. Then there was Tiffany, a quiet avian covered in blue feathers, she was a slender thing with a thicker lower body, giving her a bit of an hour glass figure. A very good looking girl, except she spent most of the time covered up in baggy clothes. He was also aware that she had a crush on himself. According to his sister, anyways. Brianna was a dolphin. She was a tall, thin senior, and her skin was amazingly smooth like most porpoises. She had lightly toned arms and was a regular member in the high school's weight room. She was also the football team's quarterback's girlfriend, and no one doubted that she wore the pants in that relationship. But she was very sweet despite her tendency to act like a man. Fourth and last was Camille, a thin reptile who looked far more androgynous than she did feminine, and often acted as a guy to get into certain establishments or find out certain things. These four were the female illuminati. He was sure of it.

The fifth girl was a human. You didn't see them often on this side of town, as they took up the other half. After the civil-war of humans versus animals, the two sides still held a lot of prejudice. But there was peace. He looked at her closely. She had her arms covering her chest, looking rather startled at the sight of the two skunks. She was pale, had black hair that stopped at her jawline, bangs parted around her face, and a thick strand of hair that stuck up and to the side. Her eyes were pointed, dark colored, and she looked very small. "This is Chiyo." The little blue avian Tiffany said, smiling at Sam. "She was adopted by a pair of felines who moved in on the corner block. She looked really out of place, so Mindy thought it'd be a nice way to bring her into society by hanging out with us." He nodded along with his sister before they looked everyone over again.

The one thing that everyone was not doing was wearing clothes. The girls were all in nothing but their panties and bras. Some lace here, a thong over there by the bold androgynous Camille, boyshorts for the human. But they were all in their skivvies. "Okay. What are you guys going to do to me." His verbal prediction earned more than a few grins as his sister and Mindy suddenly rounded on him and dragged him slowly towards the stairs. He felt like he was being dragged to his doom. He KNEW there was something fishy, being allowed in the presence of teenage girls. There was always a catch.

Fifteen minutes later he sat miserably in the half circle of the girls in panties, stockings and arm stockings. All bright blue and striped. He looked and felt like a cross dressing faggot. "I knew it was too good." He muttered as they all giggled and laughed. "I'm not expected to wear this the whole time right?"

"Nah, you can take it all off later." Brianna giggled, flashing a grin. It wasn't a very nice grin. He could see the tiny pointy teeth of her aquatic beak and he shuddered and hugged his tail up to himself. "However, there are criteria for you to meet before you can regain your masculinity. And one of them is by sharing that tail." Her own finned tail flopped on the floor loudly behind her for emphasis.

Now THIS was going to be a long night.

It was and it wasn't. As far as sleep overs go, the beginning was kind of great. The girls had good taste in video games, in his opinion, and only a few participated. They surprised him with racing games and shooters. And surprised him even more when they beat the ever living crap out of him in split-screen. He felt like he was being hustled. It was mostly the human girl and Tiffany, the blue bird who occupied his tail, not that he really cared too much. As long as they didn't stroke its fur the wrong way, he was comfortable with it.

At twelve they pulled out the movie. It was a romance, and Sammy fell asleep halfway through out of boredom. When he woke up the girls were all gathered around in a circle. Some point during his nap they had dredged out several six packs of bottled ale. He blinked and looked over at Mindy. "Are you sure your parents are okay with this? I mean, only a few of us are over sixteen so we're technically underage."

Mindy shrugged and offered the bottles around. "They said as long as we don't go overboard and someone is sober enough to watch us all, then we're good." She apparently had cool parents. Sam accepted one and so did tiffany and the little human girl and they all began telling stories. Ghost stories, or family stories. It was actually rather fun. He told some of his favorite wives' tales from his mother's books that he'd read and before they knew it, two o'clock rolled around and he had three bottles of the drink of the night sitting in front of him in an orderly row and they were all out of things to talk about.

"So what now?" Brianna asked, yawning as she stretched. "We all going to pass out?" She motioned to little Chiyo, the human apparently couldn't handle any alcohol, and opted out after half the first bottle handed to her. Human biology, tch. Tiffany was a little far gone as well, giddy and giggly and more open than she normally was.

Sam didn't want the night to end though, not yet. He grinned, pulling off the arm socks he was forced into earlier before picking up a bottle, pulling a plate from a pile left over from their snacking and flipping it upside down, and set the bottle in the middle. "Really dickweed? Spin the bottle?" His sister asked and he rolled his eyes.

"No buttmunch. I was thinking more along the lines of Truth or Dare. That's what chicks do at sleepovers right?" He snickered at the chorus of 'That's a stereotype' from all the girls. "But instead of traditional, we combine it with spin the bottle. One person spins, and whoever it points to, they have to ask truth or dare of the person who spun." He never got to do any sleepovers when he was little. Never joining in on his sister's before he hit puberty and it was inappropriate. So now he just wanted to have a little bit of that fun. He'd later come to realize what a mistake it was to challenge girls who were older than him at a game predominated by females.

"Actually sounds pretty interesting. I'm game!" Mindy said, clapping her hands together. "By the way, sleeping arrangements. We have guestrooms upstairs and can fit four people in the guestroom, and then one will have to sleep in my room with me. But sharing of beds will have to be a thing. Sam would you be okay on the floor?"

He was about to reply his affirmative but his sister hastily interrupted. "It's okay, he can sleep with me." She said. "He's my brother and I'd feel bad if I let him prey on innocent sleeping girls in the middle of the night." She received one male glare and a round of laughing from everyone. With that settled, they commenced the game.

It was pretty much as he figured. No one wanted to start with dares, all getting truths out of their friends. "Did you do this with so and so?" "What do you think of such and such?" "Is it true that you this and that?" Pretty standard in his opinion. When the girls warmed up to it, they were simple things. "Go ring the neighbor's doorbell." "Make a prank call." Etc. They slowly got more and more ridiculous as the girls all tried to one up each other, and he had to admit he was having a lot of fun getting them to do strange things. They even broke out several more bottles of the ale, and this time everyone had some. They drank all of it over the course of the game and the dares and truths were getting more and more outlandish. All the girl's bra's and come off, on a chain-reaction dare. Chiyo looked rather embarrassed, still seeming out of place in the group of animals but she eventually loosened up as she actually managed to outdare. His latest masterpiece was sitting on ice cubes. Tiffany shifted uncomfortably, her panties wet from the melted ice, but she giggled with her triumph. It was Sam's turn to spin the bottle. By this time there were only a few of them left. Besides the twins, Mindy, Tiffany and chiyo were the only other girls left. Brianna and Camille turned in, unable to stay awake any longer.

It landed directly back on tiffany. She grinned, rather evilly, and lifted her finger. The motion made her breasts bounce. She oddly enough drank the most out of the group, and some of her true colors had shown. For instance, she was a pervert, having had readily made out with the quiet human of their group for a full two minutes. Chiyo seemed to be surprised that the beak didn't make it awkward. They even allowed Sam to slip back into his pajama pants, though he remained shirtless "In the fair spirit of bralessness."

"Sammy! I" she paused and took a breath as she thought for a moment. "Dare youuuu... To..." Her eyes darted left and right before they landed on Samantha. "To make out with your sister."

The little circle went quiet and the remaining girls stared at the two Sams as they looked awkwardly at each other. There was an unspoken rule that whoever denied a challenge had to do a dare from everyone in the circle, no ifs or buts. They would receive "Help" if they refused.

They quiet circle watched the two skunks as they thought it over. "I uh... Um. Alright." He said after some hesitation. There was a collective releasing of held breaths, Mindy and Chiyo looked fairly shocked. Except Tiffany, who crossed her arms under her breasts. A pair of blue nipples poked out of the short fluffy feathers of her chest, looking fairly perky. The girl was a horny drunk, apparently.

Perhaps it was the alcohol fuzzing his brain, it certainly had a hold of everyone in the room from the way some of them had to brace themselves with their arms on the ground, or opted to lay on their stomachs until it was their turn. But he wasn't willing to accept an entire round of dares that got weirder and weirder from everyone playing. He beckoned his sister over as he sat up on his knees, looking fairly disbelieving at him as she sat up in his lap, hands on his shoulders to brace herself. She wasn't spared from the bra-less dare, and he had a good view of her bared chest in the low light. Her breasts were sure perky. "Are you sure Sammy? I mean, we could say things are going a little too far and call it a ni-"

"Nah, what are you talking about? Things are getting interesting, finally." He responded, smiling cheekily before she took a deep breath.

"Well? I'm waiting." Tiffany said, her beak twisted in a wide grin. It was a strange dare to hear from her. He more expected the dare to be targeted at her. Maybe she was crushing on both the twins and thought it'd be interesting to see what they were capable with if she ever bagged them both. That was certainly a possibility. Teenage girls and their whoremoans- I mean, hormones were weird. He looked up to his sister and she resolved herself before leaning in, tucking the strands of her white hair back over her shoulders and pressed her lips to his. They left it at a very hesitant, rather awkward light kiss tilting their heads for a small comfortable angle before pulling away shortly thereafter. Tiffany didn't seem to be pleased. "I said to make out, not act like little kids playing house." She said. They couldn't see her face but Mindy decided she wanted in on the fun of what she perceived as torturing the skunk twins.

"Yeah! That was just a little baby kiss. No, get into it. Make out like you're with your dream lover." She said, grinning as the two looked at her with identical exasperated looks before returning. This time they actually put a little feeling into it. They wrapped their arms around each other and mashed their lips together. They twisted their heads this way and that, occasionally Samantha would tug at one of his lips before getting back into it, the spent a short amount of time enjoying each others lips before pulling away. But before they could pull apart, eager to stop, Mindy and Tiffany showed that they put their heads together and ganged up on them.

"No no no! Really get into it! When I say make out, I mean hot and heavy!" She must have drank more than she thought. All the girls seemed to be paying rapt attention, perhaps even looking eager as curiosity took them all over to see just how far this dare would be taken. Mindy threw in her thoughts and started mashing her hands together.

"Yeah, hot and heavy. Like porn stars. No no no, Like that moment right before you're about to have mind blowing, awesome sex." She had a shit eating grin on her face as she said it and tiffany nodded. The two ring leaders were on each side of them. They weren't going to let this go were they?

Sammy looked up at Samantha and a sudden grin overtook his face. "Slutmuffin." He said. She let out a long suffering sigh and dropped her butt into his lap, leaning in and brushing his hair out of his face for him responding in kind with a "Cockmonster."

And then they got into it. They got into it real good. They parted their lips as he kissed, their tongues lapping out over each other, over the other's lips, into the other's mouth, their arms started to rub and scratch at each other's back. Mindy and Tiffany actually looked alarmed that they did it anyways. But they didn't stop them. The three onlookers let out gasps as it looked like the already pretty racey make out session increased in intensity really fast. Sam lift his lips from his sisters, their chests heaving as he grinned. One of his hands had landed on her ass. She panted out a few breaths, trying to still her beating heart. But she caught the little look on his face and she smirked. "You guys said like a build up to mind blowing sex right?" She asked, never breaking eye contact with her brother, pushing his chest with one of her hands and dragging it down to the band of his pants. "Should we show them dickhead?"

He grinned. "Fuck yeah." It was one thing to do it behind closed doors, but this was totally, awfully, horribly train-derailing-into-a-busy-freeway wrong. She slid her hand into his pants. He was hard. Very very hard, and all the girls who watched gasped.

"W-wait! Hold on, isn't this going too far?" Chiyo said in alarm, although she made no move to stop them, just like everyone else who simply stared on.

Mindy and Tiffany both looked at each other. This dare definitely did get out of hand. But Mindy, the forward girl that she was, rolled right along with it. "No, it's finally gotten interesting. Keep that up for just a bit longer and then you're Dare free." She said, the bird girl nodding along in agreement. She didn't know what she just got herself into.

Samantha took that as her queue to resume. She mashed her lips against his, and this time it was a legitimate hunger. Grinding into her brother like that and supposedly being cheered on by a couple of her best friends took away any sort of worries. Just a dare, she thought. To them, anyways. 'I think that Sam and I might have a serious problem.' She thought as her fingers grasped her brother's dick.

She stroked his cock in his pants, just like that, shifting in his lap so she had room, angling it so it tented the fabric of his pants outwards. She hooked a thumb in her own bottoms and tugged them down to bare her butt to her brother's hand, which he quickly took advantage of, grasping and squeezing its soft fluffy flesh. He thrust his hips against her hand as she ground her crotch into the bulge of his pants, teasing her cuntlips apart with the fabric covered head of his length, and there was no doubt that she was wet as the fabric grew more moist with every passing moment as she jacked her brother faster. She had no idea if she was doing anything for him, but judging by the way he groaned and took her lips again, she was doing a good job.

Mindy finally realized, with wide eyes and a dropped jaw, that maybe yes they HAD gone too far. "O-oh my god. Oh my fucking god you guys." She said with shock. "That's so... Should I find this as hot as I do right now?" Tiffany just seemed to be completely entranced. In fact, the only one who noticed she had her hand shoved down the front of her panties was Chiyo, but she barely paid attention, eyes glued to the rather arousing scene of brother and sister playing out before her.

The hand job continued for another few minutes, Sam having migrated his devouring of her lips to her neck, nibbling and biting at it, and then further to her chest, baring his teeth as he teasingly tugged her nipple between them, the onlookers having a very good view of the stiff nub. Mindy shifted uncomfortably, a hand held up to her heart as she watched on, shaking her head and coughing, slipping out of her trance. "O-okay, okay! You can stop now. O-oh god. Dare's over, you win!" But her words fell on deaf ears. She might have reached them earlier, but it was far too late now.

Sam bucked his hips, and left his sister's nipples in favor of taking in a shuddering breath. She felt his cock throb in her hand, and to her, the outside world went dead to her. 'Let them watch.' She snarled in her mind as she, in fluid, quick motions, she grabbed her brother's pants, ripped them down, exposing his raging, throbbing dick to the three girls who all ogled it, and then in one quick motion, dropped her ass down into his lap, sinking his cock up into her heated, wet snatch, lips spread and gripping the base of his bulbed shaft. This was the perfect position for her to recreate their first nights last position. She spread her legs, her cunt tightening around her brother's pulsing length even as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into his chest, bracing for his orgasm. His cockhead mashed against her deepest barrier, tip not just kissing her cervix, but making out with it. And then he let go, lifting his head, entirely unable to close his mouth as he let out a quiet pleasured groan as he bucked into his sister's cunt, her bracing for dear life against the pain of his cock pushing against her womb. She buried her face into his neck as he came, shuddering beneath her as his fingers still on her ass dug into her flesh, and with every pulse of seed his cock forced into her belly, he convulsed. She reached down behind her, just like the first time, and gripped his balls, squeezing and massaging, rolling them in her palm. It definitely prolonged his orgasm for another few seconds, cum oozing deep in her belly, able to feel the heated warmth of her brother's cum spread from her crotch to the rest of her.

And then it was over. He nestled his nose into the crook of her neck, still breathing heavily, breath's incredibly hot against her fur, as she took in a few deep breaths of her own, steadying her heartbeat. She looked over at Tiffany, who had long since abandoned pleasuring herself to the sight of them to get a closer look. "Did we win?" She said nonchalantly. She received a slow, entranced nod as they all sat there on the floor, staring awkwardly at the twins.

And then they asked questions. A lot of questions. Samantha told them *everything*. She stayed in her brother's lap the entire time, as he appeared to be dozing, leaning heavily against the front of his sister, eyes closed as he hugged her. He was listening though, half awake. He just felt catatonic, as the orgasm didn't mix well with the alcohol. The girls even asked for -details-. The kind of details that belonged in an erotic novel. Graphic details about how it felt.

And then they all agreed to turn into bed, Tiffany slipping into the bathroom as everyone settled in. Chiyo and Mindy shared a bed in the guestroom, as it appeared the previous two girls retired to Mindy's own room. "Isn't fair" she pouted as she snuggled in behind Chiyo who giggled quietly in response. The atmosphere was very silent, no doubt due to what they just witnessed. Sam and Samantha cuddled into the other bed, and that left Tiffany. She just found her way into the room after everyone had fallen asleep and was fighting nodding off as she attempted to slip her bra back on as she made her way to the bed shared by their host and the human girl. But then she stopped, and turned, staring longingly at the bed with the pair of skunks. Her feathers ruffled up, and her alcohol addled mind came to a decision.

She slid into the bed with the two Sams, who apparently were still awake. "T-Tiff?" Samantha asked, her voice strained, eyes staring wide at the bird girl as if shocked she would be there, Sam letting out a grunt that could have been a squeak, but was shushed as the bird girl snuggled up behind her brother, wrapping her feathered arms around the pair and nuzzling her beak into Sammy's neck fur.

"Y-you smell like your brother, Samantha." She mumbled, her words slurred. It seemed that without the adrenaline of arousal, her mind succumbed far easier to the effects of alcohol. "Smells good... Smells hot." She nipped softly at Sam's shoulder, the bird girl being entirely too handsy as her fingers grazed down the side of Samantha, tracing her hips, and then slipped down, the front of Sam's belly. And then she froze. She wasn't entirely in her right mind, and her hand went to grab at Sam's crotch of its own accord. But she realized she couldn't quite do it. "Y-you... Are you two..." She whispered, surprise evident in her voice. That explained why the pair were stock still, frozen, and Sam suddenly let out a loud groan. Tiffany's feathered fingers slipped around his cock, which was only half-buried inside his sister and throbbing rather rhythmically. She stroked his base softly, shushing in his ear. He rocked his hips forward, finding the urge too great and pushed his hips against his sister, her leg had been hiked up beneath the blankets to allow her horny brother access, both their pants pushed down to their knees. His balls rest on her thigh, and the bird girl's fingers sliding down to grasp at them as he came, for the second time that night, into his sister. "I-I've always... Always wanted to be with you two. Tonight opened my eyes wider to your relationship than they ever have been." She whispered, nudging her beak into his neck as she idly squeezed the pulsing sack in her hand. He grunted softly, Tiffany able to feel his slick, slimy cum dribble down over her fingers. The position prevented Sam from completely hiding his cock in his sister. "D-does that make me... Weird?" She half asked, eyes fluttering shut as Sam's balls stopped pulsing in her grasp. She wrapped her fingers around the base of his cock and squeezed, pushing her fingers up to meet the messy, now sticky lips of Samantha's cuntlips, squeezing any leftover spooge he may have had been holding back to ooze into his sister.

They were quiet for a long time after that, and Samantha and Sam lie there in thought. That was a very weird experience, but they couldn't stop. He was already in orgasm when Tiffany slid in with them. But it brought something to their attention. She thought they were romantically involved in a romantic incestual tryst. Samantha pressed a small kiss to her brother's ear before whispering. "Is that what this is?" She asked.

He leaned in, sniffing her neck. They'd never be able to wash the scent of each other off if they continued this. "I don't know. Is it?" He asked.

He felt her lips spread into a smile against his ear, and she reached over him to stroke the blue bird's feathers as she slept against her brother's back. "I don't know, but I'd like to find out. And I think we could use Tiffany's help."

Their relationship as brother and sister was going to get really weird.