La Playa Secreta (The Secret Beach)

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"Diego, hurry up!" You're going to miss your flight!"

Diego Sanchez, the 11-year-old Australian shepherd pup, awoke with a start. He had been having this really fascinating dream about...something. He couldn't quite remember what itâ€"wait. Yes. Now he recalled. He was dreaming about a black-furred female cat about his age (why he dreamed about a cat, he wasn't sure). She was in her underwear, which took him by surprise, swaying her hips in a way that caused a stirring in his loins. He had woken up just as the beautiful feline had smiled and started rubbing a particular area between her legs; he still felt that funny feeling in his pubic area. He also felt slightly uncomfortable down there. He pushed the sheets away to see what was causing his discomfort and gasped at what he discovered. Something was making his boxers tent and stick out. ‘Whoa. What in the hell is that?' he thought. Curious, he lowered his boxers to get an even better view. His sheath was swollen considerably, and poking out of it was a tiny, red, slick, glistening penis. ‘Wow. I've never seen my privates do THAT before!' He extended his arm to touch it, but retracted his hand as the morning fatigue wore off and his consciousness returned. He remembered that today was the day he was supposed to fly to Costa Rica as an exchange student for the summer. He'd been a very responsible young man like he'd promised; keeping his grades up, staying out of trouble and all that, and his parents were considerably wealthy due to the fact that his dad owned an offshore oil drilling company, so the decision to allow him to go was a no-brainer. It'd be the first time he'd be away from his parents for so long, but he didn't expect to get homesick that easily. His father was obsessed with his work, so they rarely got to spend time together. A chance to be away from him for awhile was something he simply couldn't pass up. Plus he'd always wanted to go to Central America to put his Spanish to good use (he was ¼ Spanish on his father's side) and learn about another culture firsthand.

But all that would go away if he missed his 12:30 flight from Orlando, FL to San Jose. '12:30. What time is it?' He looked at the SpongeBob clock he had gotten for his birthday. "Holy crap! It's 11:15, and it takes nearly an hour to get to airport from here!" he yelled out loud. He pulled his boxers back up and threw on some jean shorts, a Tampa Bay Buccaneers ball cap to cover his messy, long, blond head hair, a green wristband, and his favorite Achmed the Dead Terrorist shirt. ‘Oh well. Maybe next time.' He then put on his black sandals that he always wore everywhere any time of the year, grabbed his suitcase full of enough to clothes to last for 2 weeks (he'd have to wash them while he was there), a backpack containing a cell phone, a couple of books, a DVD player and a few movies, and some various snacks, and a guitar case (he was quite the musician and wanted to impress his host family). He brought all his stuff to the family Ferrari and was about to yell for his mom when she came along and pulled off his shirt, scolding him about how airport security people do not have a sense of humour and that he needed to pick out a different shirt. "Aw, mom." Diego complained. He ran back to his room and put on his How to Keep an Idiot Busy shirt.

When he came back to the car, his mom rolled her eyes and said, "Does your shirt always have to say something like that?"

"You should know the answer to that by now, mom." He climbed into the front seat while she put his stuff in the cargo area, then she joined him, started the car, and slowly backed out of the garage. As they zoomed down the highway at 75 mph, Diego asked his mom jokingly, "Can I drive next time?"

"Sure, when pigs fly." she replied.

After a brief silence, he asked, "Can we go by Grandpa's farm on the way to the airport?"

"I sure wish dad could be here to see me off." Diego said as he stood at the entrance to the terminal. His other bags had been checked and the security people waited anxiously for him to get in line.

"I know, honey, but dad had a last-minute business meeting he had to go to. He said to call him when you get to Costa Rica. You can talk to him then."

Diego had gotten used to not seeing his workaholic dad much, but frankly it was starting to annoy him. "I won't bother. He's probably not going to answer his cell phone."

"Diego! Don't be so judgmental of your father! He's been trying so hard to--."

"I'm gonna miss my flight, mom." he interrupted.

His mom knelt down and hugged and kissed her son one last time. "I love you, Diego, and so does your father."

Diego hesitated for a moment, then turned around and walked to the x-ray machine at the end of a long, zigzagging line of divider ropes...

Diego was a rare sight on American Airlines flight 630 non-stop to San Jose, as children rarely flew alone, and even rarer still was the fact that he was in first class. Of course, he was used to first class because he had flown with his parents on vacation to other places around the world, and even when he was with his parents, he still got nasty looks from the other snobby, middle-aged, rich folk that were in first class. But this time he didn't mind, mostly because he was preoccupied with what awaited him in Costa Rica. The takeoff was a bit shaky, as Orlando was having gusty winds that day, but soon the plane gently glided over the Caribbean Sea.

About ½ an hour into the flight, an elderly, female, border collie flight attendant asked Diego if he needed anything. "Just Pepsi, thank you." She smiled and came back with a small plastic cup of the fizzy drink. "Thanks. Keep ‘em coming, if you don't mind." She nodded and walked away to tend to the other passengers. As he took a sip, the captain announced that is was okay for the passengers to turn their electronic devices on. Diego happily obliged by pulling out his DVD player and a copy of The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. An hour into the movie, he grew tired and decided to nap for the remainder of the flight, so he turned off his player, stashed it away, and reclined his seat back to a near 180 degree angle. As his eyelids drooped, his thoughts drifted back to that mysterious cat girl in his dreams, and a smile appeared on his face as he slept, the first of many sexual hormones creeping into his bloodstream. He slept so deeply and his dreams were so enticing that he didn't notice his pants were tented with an erection again...

"Everything checks out." said the human customs officer in a thick Hispanic accent after he was finished searching through Diego's backpack and handed it back to the boy. "So what brings you to Costa Rica, little one?" he asked as he lit himself a Cuban cigar.

"I'm here as an exchange student."

"Ah, I see. What are you going to do during your time here?"

"Hang out on the beach with my host family, I guess."

"Gonna go looking for chicas bonitas, amigo?"

Diego cocked an eyebrow. "I beg your pardon?"

"You know...the pretty girls?"

"Umm...I don't know. Maybe."

"Come now, surely you have at least a little interest in the ladies, no?"

"Well, yeah, I guess."

"It's okay, kid. I'm only joking. Enjoy your stay!" Diego nodded and began walking over to the male jaguar chaperone holding a sign with his name on it not far from the customs desk when he heard the customs agent behind shout, "Good luck with the chicas, amigo!" Diego turned around and saw the customs officer wink at him before getting back to work. Diego rolled his eyes and waved the chaperone over.

The jaguar bounded over and, not knowing much English, asked, "Diego?"

He nodded and said, "Yes. Diego."

"Vengan conmigo." said the chaperone who motioned Diego to follow him and pointed to the baggage carousel sign.

"Oh, okay. Coming."

Diego did not get see much of Costa Rica during the first two days of his stay, as it was the orientation period for all the exchange students that had arrived that day. He stayed in his hotel room most of the time when there weren't any assemblies, texting his friends, watching movies, and talking to his 14-year-old roommate, an Irish setter named Patrick O' Riley. He seemed to know a lot about the strange dreams Diego's been having. "It's a sign that you're changing into a man." Patrick said in a thick Irish accent on one of their evenings together. "You're becoming more and more interested in girls, especially what parts they have under their clothes."

Diego shuffled in his chair.

"Well, you have, right?"

"Well, yes," he answered nervously, "but I I'd rather not tell anybody about it."

"Hey, no need to be embarrassed. It's only natural. And trust me; it gets even better as you grow older."

"It does?"

"Oh yes. Would you like me to show you a *ahem* "preview" of what comes next?"

Diego grew more uncomfortable. "N-no thanks." He stuttered. "I think it's better if I find out on my own."

Patrick shrugged his shoulders. "Suit yourself. I'm gonna go take a shower now." Not long after he heard the water start running, Diego's ears picked up a slapping noise and a faint moaning emanating from the bathroom...

It was 8:30 A.M., and Diego's heart raced as he waited in a designated section with all the other kids whose last names began with R-Z for their names to be called. It was the 3rd day of his Costa Rica trip, the day he gets to go home with his host family, and he couldn't wait much longer. After what seemed like hours, he finally heard his name on the P.A. system in the local San Jose high school gym that they had been using during the orientation. "Diego Sanchez, please report to the front office." said a feminine voice in a British accent.

"Cheers mate!" yelled Patrick as Diego gathered up his bags and walked out the double doors. When he entered the office, he was greeted by a female Clydesdale who ushered him into a seat.

"Sorry about having to rush you, but we're a bit behind today." She apologized in that same British accent. "Now, you do already know the name of the family you're being housed with, right?"

He closed his eyes for a moment and searched his memory. "I think their last name is Bandearas."

"Ah. Very good." She pressed a button on the desk and spoke into a microphone in Spanish, "Las Bandearas, vengan a la oficina, por favor."

Immediately, a small family tentatively came into the office from the nearby conference room. It was a family of cats comprising of a black and white jersey-patterned mom, a white-furred dad, and...a black-furred daughter? Diego could not stop staring at this beautiful girl who appeared to be about his age, give or take a year. She had a petite figure complimented by a cute butt over which she wore a pair of jeans shorts and developing B-cup breasts over which she wore a tight yellow tank top with spaghetti straps. He noticed that she wasn't wearing a bra under her tank top and the shape of her nipples could be seen clearly through the fabric. ‘Wow. How did she convince her parents to let her dress like that? Could this be the cat girl from my dreams?' he thought. He wanted to say hi, but he was so stunned by the cat girl's beauty that he could not speak. It took him a moment to realize she was suddenly standing right in front of him, just inches away and he nearly jumped from being surprised. She blushed and smiled as she showed him her hand daintily and introduced herself in heavily accented English. "Hi. I'm Maria Bandearas."

Not knowing what was happening to him, Diego took her hand, kissed it and said, "Encantado. Me llamo Diego. *I'm enchanted. My name is Diego.*"

Maria giggled. "You speak Spanish well, but you won't need to use it around me. I started studying English the day I heard you were coming."

"Well, that's awfully nice of you, but you didn't have toâ€""

"No no! I insist! I want you to feel more comfortable with me." she interrupted. She sized up his athletic figure. "I've never met an American before, especially one as handsome as you." They stared at each other for a minute or two before the cat girl's father coughed to get her attention. "Oh!" She slapped herself in the forehead. "Where are my manners? Eso es mi padre *this is my father*, Santiago."

Diego shook his hand. "Mucho gusto." Then he shook his wife's hand.

"Y soy *and I'm * Lola."

Maria picked up one of Diego's bags enthusiastically. "Let me help you with that." Then she motioned him to follow her out the door and winked at him. "Come on. We need to hurry before traffic gets backed up."

He growled playfully and chased after her as she ran squealing to the car parked outside the school. She got there first and looked back at Diego, teasing him by thumbing her nose at him. "Ha ha! No puedes correr!" *You can't run!*

Then the parents came to the vehicle and assisted Diego and Maria in loading up the car with his luggage. Maria hopped in the minivan and patted the seat next to her. "Sit with me." He wagged his tail happily and obliged, plopping down next to her and stealing glances every few seconds.

The parents closed the passenger doors and stepped in the car themselves. Then they started the vehicle and drove to the main highway, the two new friends whispering amongst themselves. When they came to the first stoplight, Maria's father looked behind him to check on the kids. "You all right so far?" he asked in much more labored English than Maria. They quit looking at each other for a moment and nodded their heads before turning back to each other. He smiled and resumed looking forward at the road, thinking to himself in his native tongue, ‘It's a long drive back to our house from the school, but I believe our daughter can keep our guest company."

It was 10:00 A.M. on the same morning, and Diego and Maria were sitting on her bed, looking at pictures of her family and telling each other about themselves. As the conversation continued, Maria shifted the focus to Diego. "So what do you like to do for fun?" she asked.

He answered, "Well, I like playing outside a lot. A game of tag or soccer gets my adrenaline going."

She gasped. "You play soccer?! I love soccer"

He smiled. "Me, too. I'm actually on a team at my middle school."

"You and me should play sometime. Does your team always win?"

"No, but we do win most of the time."

"Thanks to you?"

He blushed. He wasn't used to this much praise and attention from a girl, especially not a cat girl. "Well, sometimes, but I usually have help from my teammates."

She poked him playfully in the arm. "You're so modest. Isn't there something you like to brag about?"

"I'm so glad you asked."

He got up and unzipped his black guitar case, pulling out a kid-sized acoustic guitar, which made Maria's eyes light up and caused her to giggle uncontrollably and clap her hands. "¿Puedes tocar la guitarra? ¡Excelente! *You can play the guitar? Excellent!*"

"Why do you think I even brought it, silly?" He came back to the bed and sat down while she grabbed a chair from her desk and sat down in front of him. He spent a couple of minutes tuning the instrument, then played a few chords idly.

"What song are you going to play?" she asked eagerly.

"Do you happen to know..." he looked up from his guitar, "...La Bamba?"

She scratched her scalp thoughtfully. "I might have heard it once at a seaside café, a long time ago, but I don't know. Why don't you refresh my memory?"

"Of course. It would be honored to.." His fingers danced across the strings as he played the first few notes, and to put the icing on the cake, he sang the song, too, as he played.

Para bailar La Bamba

Para bailar La Bamba

Se necesito una poca de gracia

Maria was screaming as if she were at a rock concert. As the song progressed and he got to the chorus a second time, she hopped down from the bed and began to dance to the beat, snapping her fingers at first, then putting her hands behind her head and swaying her hips from side to side like a girl at a strip club. There was something amazing about the way she was dancing, about her hips and shapely rump that made Diego forget the words to the song and just play the guitar for a moment. Maria noticed this and asked as she continued her seductive movements, "Do you like my dancing?"

"Ummm...Words fail me. I...I think it's beautiful."

She grinned and stepped towards him, "Mind if I dance a little closer?"

His heart raced and he began to pant to cool himself off, not knowing how to answer. She mistook this for a yes, so she stood right in front of him, placed a hand on her backside, and thrust her hips forward and back smoothly.

Poor Diego. He had no idea what to do. Should he dance with her? Maybe even touch her? Or should he seek an escape? He chose to escape. "Uhh....My fur is messy from the wind, my clothes don't smell so good, and I need to cool off. Do you mind if I take a shower?"

Maria stopped dancing and looked at him with disappointment. "Okay, but don't take too long." Diego stopped playing and retrieved a set of clothes out of his suitcase as well as some fur shampoo and conditioner. As he passed by Maria on his way to her bathroom, she gave him a playful smack on the backside and said rather sensually, "I'll be waiting." He ran into the bathroom and shut the door behind him, letting out a sigh of relief as he undressed. Before stepping into the shower, he looked at himself in the mirror and admired his muscular figure. He noticed his sheath in particular, which appeared to be a little firm again. ‘I wonder what she'd think of it?' he thought. He stepped into the shower and adjusted the knob to where the water was lukewarm. He stood there in the stream of water and closed his eyes, his thoughts drifting back to Maria...

Maria sat in her chair and fidgeted. ‘I hope he doesn't take too long.' She thought. ‘My parents want to take us to the beach for a picnic.' She smiled as more thoughts of Diego were conjured in her mind. ‘After we eat, me and Diego will go swimming in the ocean. I wonder what he looks like in just a bathing suit...with no shirt on...or without any clothes at all.' Then she smiled as an idea hatched in her brain, a wicked plan to see her new friend naked, and she immediately put it into action.

She walked to her bathroom door and twisted the knob to see if it could be opened. To her surprise, it did! Diego had forgotten to lock it! With a long, drawn out creak that made her cringe, she opened the door all the way, entered the bathroom, and locked the door behind her to make sure they weren't "interrupted." ‘So far, so good.' Quietly, she crept closer and closer towards the silhouetted figure of Diego in the shower, who appeared to be busy washing his head fur. Maria then removed her clothing without making a sound and was about to open the shower curtain when she hesitated. ‘Should I really be doing this? What if Mother and Father catch us like this?' In the end, she decided to go for it. There was something about Diego she took a liking too, and she wanted to show him how much she liked him. She also wanted to find out what parts boys had and felt she should "enlighten" him on the parts she had.

Slowly, she pulled the curtain aside just enough to where she could take a peek. She stuck her head in, and the first thing she saw was Diego's butt, which appeared to be toned quite well thanks to all the running he did in soccer. ‘So American boys aren't as fat as people say they are.' She looked at his nubile body up and down, and then hid behind the curtain when she heard a yell and saw him hit the shower tile with his fist...

"Damnit! That hurts!" Diego cursed when some of the shampoo got in his eyes. He shut his eyes and cringed from the stinging for a moment, then looked directly into the stream of water and blinked his eyes several times to rinse them out. "Ahh...much better." He turned around to grab a bottle of conditioner for his hair when he saw Maria peeking at him from behind the curtain. "Whoa!" he screamed as his hands flew down to his crotch in an attempt to protect his modesty. "What are you doing here?"

"I...uh...need to take a shower as well. I don't smell good either."

"Wait your turn, then."

"That's the problem. Our water bill has do you say...getting bigger lately, and my parents have told me that we need to be conserving as much water as possible to save money and the environment."

Diego wore a doubtful expression on his face. "And you have no problem with me seeing you naked?"

"We'll both be naked, so what's there to feel ashamed about?"

Diego appeared interested, but still not entirely warm to the idea.

"Por favor, Diego. Do it for me." She pleaded, batting her eyes at him.

With a sigh of submission, he said, "Okay. You can come in."

With a smile on her face, Maria got into the shower with her new best friend. Diego's eyes widened as he took in her natural beauty; her thin figure; her shapely, young breasts with pert, pink nipples at the center of them; her wondrous curves; her cute butt; and that tantalizing slit in-between her legs, which he could have sworn was wet and dripping before she stepped into the shower stream with him. She noticed he was looking at her in a strange way, and his hands were pressed against his own crotch even harder. She smiled some more and said, "Hello? My face is up here!" He snapped to attention and apologized. "It's okay," Maria responded, "I don't mind." Her attention was now focused on his hands, which were still covering that which she wanted to see the most. "Why are you still hiding your parts? I've let you see mine, so now it's your turn to reveal yours." Diego blushed as he complied, slowly letting his hands fall to his sides. Maria stood there with her mouth agape as she observed his male anatomy. After a brief and awkward silence, she asked, "What are those parts called?"

"Uhhh...well, this part is called a sheath," he answered, pointing to it, "and these are called testicles." He then pointed to the cute little orbs located in his pouch. "I don't know what they're for, but they hurt if you squeeze them too hard."

"I'm not sure what my parts are called. My mother has not told me yet."

"Maybe you should ask her someday."

More silence ensued as they stared at each other's parts, blushing harder than they ever had before in their lives. Then Maria spoke.

"Well, uh, let's get started washing. We don't want to waste water, now do we?" She picked up her own bottle of strawberry-scented body fur shampoo and handed it to Diego. "Would you like to help wash me? I don't usually start with my body, but I'll make an exception for this time."

"Uhh...sure. Where do you want me start?"

"Wherever you want." She answered, winking at him. They both stepped out of the spray, and Diego lathered up his hands, moved behind Maria, and tentatively placed them on her shoulders, scrubbing gently but firmly, sometimes going in circles to spread the soap. He continued down her back, a faint purring emanating from her throat. "Mmmm...that feels nice." Diego then washed her tail, gently stroking the trace amounts of dirt out of it, causing her to moan a bit from the way he massaged it. He then turned his attention to her rump, hesitating briefly until Maria reassured him it was okay. Firmly, he squeezed her buns, paying maybe a little too much attention to them, massaging them to her obvious liking, her purring getting somewhat louder. "Keep doing that." Maria commented. "I love it when your hands are there." So he palpated her glutes a little bit longer. Next, he briefly washed her long, slender legs, tickling her footpads and making her giggle. "Hey! Stop that!" she teased.

Diego smirked and asked, "Do you want me to wash the front, too?"

"Oh yes!" she answered. "Please do!"

"Aren't we excited today?" said Diego as he scooted past her, but before he could turn around, she gave him a firm slap on the ass, making him yelp in surprise. "You naughty girl!" he teased.

Maria giggled and whispered, "Shh! My father will hear you!" But Diego would not go down without retaliating, so he tickled her neck and armpits, making her laugh and squirm. "Stop it!" she squealed, tickling him back. He, in turn, tickled her all over her front, and when he tickled her breasts, she gasped and grabbed his hands, making him stop.

"What's wrong? Did I hurt you?"

"No no," she answered, "it actually feltâ€"wellâ€"I don't know how to describe it. Do it again."

He blushed as he felt her breasts some more, first letting his fingers dance across them, then gently squeezing and palpating them, every now and then tweaking with her nipples. Maria had an expression of pure ecstasy on her face, and she looked into Diego's eyes with...a new emotion she had never felt before, almost like a want, a need, a...passion.

Diego seemed to feel the same way about her, and his curiosity about her parts grew. "Umm...Maria?" he asked nervously.

"Yes, Diego?"

"Have you know...felt yourself...down there?"

She shook her head. Contemplating on what he should say next for a moment, he looked away and put a halt to his ministrations, then looked back at her and asked, "May I...?" not needing to say more. She nodded approvingly.

He squeezed a small amount of soap on his fingers and knelt to where he was eyelevel with her crotch. Ever so slowly, he brought his fingers closer and closer to her waiting pussy. He placed his palm on her folds and heard her gasp with pleasure. With gentleness unmatched by anyone else's hand, he lathered her parts in soap and slid his hand back and forth, back and forth across her mound, clitoris, and labia. "Mmm...keep going..." Maria moaned. Diego did as he was told, his fingers caressing and gliding over her bits. He had not been "cleaning" her parts for long when one of his fingers accidentally found its way into her virgin hole, causing her to gasp in surprise. He was beginning to pull his finger out of her when she stopped him.

"It's okay. Leave it there. I actually like it." she assured him.

Diego was astonished at her reply. He had accidentally penetrated her in her private place with his finger and now she wanted more? A curious smile formed on his muzzle, and he continued his explorations. Maria couldn't help but giggle and squeal at this new sensation of Diego's finger tickling her vaginal walls. He wiggled his digits some more, feeling her muscles clench and squeeze around them as she moaned happily. He then started slowly moving his finger in and out of her, and she let out a meek sigh of ecstasy.

Maria's conscious mind tried to think of ways she could make Diego feel what she was feeling, and in the process she remembered that she was supposed to wash him. She cleared her throat. "Uh, Diego, I believe it's your turn."

Diego whined disappointedly and hesitantly withdrew his hand from her parts. He was having fun touching his new friend in her special place. Oh well.

Maria stepped into the shower spray to rinse herself off, spending a little too much time rinsing her breasts, much to the delight of Diego. Then she grabbed the bottle of dog shampoo and lathered a few ounces of it in her hand paws, taking great care not to get any on her arms, knowing from experience how painful shampoo meant for another species can be. Humming a happy tune to herself, she gently scrubbed his head, sometimes scratching behind his ears, making his leg twitch in satisfaction. Then she moved to his torso, moving to his side so she could wash his chest and back at the same time. "Arms, please." she requested when she was finished with his belly. Diego happily obliged, holding his arms up in front of him for her to wash. She got away with tickling his hand paws a pit as she washed, making him giggle. Next, she washed his long, slender legs and foot paws, then his tail, giving it a small yank when she was through.

"Ow!" he exclaimed.

"Consider it payback for when you tickled me." she said mischievously.

He chuckled. "Let's go play outside before one of us slips and falls."

"Nuh uh uh! We still gotta to wash you here!"

Diego almost jumped when he felt Maria grope him briefly. "Oh. Right." he said as he blushed a bit. Maria got some more soap and smiled before she got on her knees and slowly rubbed it into his privates. He murred and twitched once or twice as he felt her hands caress his most sensitive parts.

"Uh, Diego...what's this?" Maria asked.

Diego looked down and realized that his stiffy had come out of its sheath again, this time in front of Maria! "'s my penis, I guess, but I've only seen it happen once and I'm not sure why it does that."

"Ooh, it's so big..." Maria eagerly wrapped her fingers around his red boyhood, "...and warm!" giving it a gentle squeeze. Diego shuddered and sighed while she stroked him, warmth and electrical impulses spreading throughout his body from his dick. Is this what he would have felt if he had had more time to touch himself the morning he left home? Her next action definitely caught him off guard. Making a daring move, Maria gave a dainty lick to the tip of his penis, tasting a clear, salty liquid in his peephole. Diego couldn't take it anymore. It felt so good. He had to stop her before he exploded with pleasure! Diego grabbed her by her armpits and pulled her up off the tub floor, and Maria trembled with fear at what he might do next, but her fears were instantly gone when Diego embraced her in an intimate hug, and she hugged him back, her breasts pushing against his torso. "I'm glad I met you." He whispered in her ear.

"I'm glad I met you, too." she whispered back. They remained in that sweet embrace for a minute or two, a new emotion coursing through their bodies, until Maria felt something poke her vulva, making them both gasp.

Diego loosened his grip and took a step back, still holding her shoulders. "What happened?"

"Iâ€"I don't know. Our privates...they must have just..."

"...touched." finished Diego. Suddenly a new idea manifested in their minds, a thought so simple yet so exciting, they wondered why they never thought of it in the first place. They both smiled, knowing what was coming next, and yet not knowing what it would be like. Diego widened his stance a bit to get his height even with hers, placed his hands on her rump, and brought her close to him again. They grinned with anticipation as he brushed the tip of his cock against her folds, and then took a deep breath, preparing themselves for the most amazing sensations they would ever experience in their lives...

RAP RAP RAP! "¡María! ¿Donde está tu amigo Diego?" *Where is your friend Diego?* a gruff voice called from the other side of the bathroom door.

Maria trembled with fear and held Diego tight. "¡Es mi papá!"

Diego shot her a double take. "Your father? Oh crap, what are we gonna do if he--?"

"It's okay," she interrupted, "I'll handle this." She turned her head in the direction of her father's voice and yelled out, " está aquí. Está caminando en la playa." *He's not here. He's walking on the beach.*

"¿Verdad? Entonces, cuando él vuelva a la casa, dígale nos vamos a un picnic, ¿sí?" *Truly? Then, when he comes back to the house, tell him we're going on a picnic, all right?"

"¡Sí, papá!"

A door shut, and Diego and Maria stood there for a moment, waiting to make sure he was gone.

Then Diego sighed with relief. "Whew! That was close!"

Maria giggled. "I thought it was exciting!"

Diego smiled affectionately and hugged her once more. "We should get out now." He suggested.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." She agreed. She opened the shower curtain and, without knowing it, grabbed hold of Diego's hand as they stepped out. She gasped and blushed when she realized what she had done, but Diego chuckled and said, "It's okay. If I let you touch my penis, then I'm certainly gonna let you hold my hand." Maria was happy he enjoyed this intimacy, and she smiled as she opened the door back into her bedroom and led him in. They giggled while they watched each other put on their swimsuits, Maria laughing at Diego while he tried to tie on his blue trunks and attempt to rearrange his boner at the same time, and Diego laughing at Maria while she fumbled distractedly with the clasp on her white bikini top as she stared at his erection. Next they went to the bathroom, gathered up a few towels and some snorkeling gear, and went to the living room where Maria's parents were.

"¿Están listos, niños? *Are you ready, children?*

"¡Sí!" they answered at the same time.

"Muy bien. ¡Vámonos!"

Diego and Maria squealed excitedly and eagerly followed the adults to the car...

The drive to the beach was longer than the children expected, but they didn't mind, as they were enjoying each other's company far too much to notice. They talked about what their families were like, what their daily lives consisted of, their interests, the differences in each other's government and schools, and nearly everything under the sun. Maria's mother glanced back to see how they were doing and smiled, amused that her daughter had gotten along with the American so quickly. Before her mother could turn her attention back to the road, Maria whispered, "Shh! Do you hear that?"

Diego moved his ears forward, then sideways, and his face lit up with excitement. "The ocean!" he exclaimed.

"¡El océano!" said Maria.

Moments later, the car came to a stop in a parking lot behind a rather large sand dune topped with a patch of grass. Cawing seagulls could be heard overhead, even from inside the car, but even that was drowned out by the immense, rumbling roar of the distant sea in the south, on the opposite side of the sand dune.. The sun was shining brightly and there wasn't a cloud in sight. The kids stirred with anticipation when Maria's father turned off the car and turned to face them. "¡Estamos aquí! ¡Bienvenidos al Océano Pacífico! *We're here! Welcome to the Pacific Ocean!*"

"Yippee!" the kids shouted as they opened their doors and burst out of the vehicle with incredible speed. They laughed giddily and chased each other around the mostly empty parking lot for a minute or two before coming back to the car, out of breath but still smiling. Then Maria's mother, having to exercise great patience, asked them in broken English, "You help with the food now?"

"Sí." they answered in Spanish. Maria's father opened the cargo door, and Diego took it upon himself to carry the drink cooler while Maria handled the picnic basket, her father gathered up the towels and radio, and her mother got the umbrella, toys, and a video camera. Walking in single file, the adults led the children over the sand dune onto the golden shore son the other side, the infinite blue waters stretching out past the horizon.

Diego sniffed the air and sighed with satisfaction. Maria cocked her head and wore an expression of confusión on her furry face. "What do you smell?" she asked him.

He glanced at her sideways and grinned. "The smells...fresh and clean, not oily and filled with boat engine exhaust like Florida's coasts." He eyed his surroundings curiously. "Where are the other beachgoers?"

"Oh this is a private beach. My father Works for the government and they gave him a mile of this beach as part of his promotion reward."

"Wow! That's so cool! All this beach to yourself, no crowds; this is amazing!"

She giggled lightly and put a hand on his shoulder. "Isn't it, ¿mi amor?"

Diego shuddered with excitement and surprise. "¿Qué?"

"Oh I'm sorry," she apologized worriedly, "I just thought I'd call you that since we seem so close and...well..."

"I don't mind, but I was just wondering...why?"

"Well, I...uh...I..." ‘Oooh, I want to tell him how I feel, but why is it coming out like this?' "...i-it's because I...lo--."

"¡Niños! ¡Vengan!" *Kids! Come!* Maria's father beckoned to them.

Maria quickly removed her hand from Diego's shoulder and led him to the spot her parents had set up. 4 towels had been laid out under a big, red, shady umbrella, and the kids set the cooler and picnic basket down next to them. Maria reached to open the basket, but her mother slapped her hand and scolded, "We haven't prayed yet." They bowed their heads, crossed themselves, and recited the Lord's Prayer in Spanish. When they finished, she permitted the children to eat. They squealed happily and opened the basket, reaching inside to find soft tacos wrapped in foil to keep them warm. In the cooler there was some grape soda for the kids and Corona Royal for the adults. As they munched on their food hungrily, Maria's father caught everyone off guard with a simple question in Spanish. Diego understood it well, but was hesitant to answer. Then Maria said, "You don't have to speak a language other tan your own anymore today. I'll translate for you."

Diego gave a sympathetic sigh and said, "Maria, you don't have to--."

"But I want to! Please!" Her lips quivered, her eyes got glassy, and she sniffled a bit as she feigned sadness.

He shook his head in submission. "All right. What did your dad say?" he asked, already knowing what she would say.

She swayed her shoulders side to side bashfully and looked down briefly. Then she looked back up and giggled. "He wants to know what you think of me, since we seem so close already."

Diego cleared his throat and took a deep breath while Maria sat cross-legged on her towel and faced her ears forward, eagerly waiting to hear him express his infatuation in words. Then he opened his mouth and spoke. "Well, I think you're friendly, kind, smart, playful, fun, optimistic, brave, fit, and..." He held his tongue for a few seconds for dramatic effect. "...and beautiful in every way."

She playfully smacked his footpaw. "Stop it! You're teasing me!'

"No really, you are beautiful; the most beautiful girl I ever met."

Maria giggled and relayed what he said back to her father, who sat up in surprise and grinned. "Ahh, te gusta mi hija, ¿no?" *You like my daughter, no?*

Diego blushed through his fur and stuttered, "Pues, ah...que...Yo...ah--."

Maria's father chuckled. "No te preocupes. Es bueno. Lo permite." *Don't worry. It's okay. I permit it.*

Maria squeaked happily and tackled Diego, hugging him and holding him down until he broke free of her grasp and tickled her furiously, his fingers flying across her belly and under her arms, both of them giggling wildly, their parents laughing at the sight of 2 innocent children playing together. Soon they both collapsed on the towels together, panting and giggling happily, simply enjoying eachother's company.

Then Maria looked into Diego's eyes and asked, "Wanna go someplace we can relax and be together?"

Diego side glanced at her and pretended to be uninterested. "Not right now, Maria, I'd rather soak up some sun."

"Oh, Diego, ¿por favor?" She batted her eyelashes at him and scratched his chin delicately with one of her claws.

He smiled and finally gave up the charade. "Ok, but only because you asked. What is this place you're wanting to show me?"

"Oh, you'll see." She took Diego's hand, turned to her father, and asked him in a cute, high-pitched voice, "Papi, ¿podemos ir a la playa secreta?" *Daddy, can we go to the secret beach?*

"Hmm, no lo sé. ¿Mamá?"

She grinned slyly and beckoned her husband over to her. She whispered something in his ear, and the kids strained theirs to try and listen to what she was saying. When she finished, her husband chuckled, checked his watch (which read 1:30), and glanced back at the cubs. "Sí, ustedes pueden, pero necesitan volver a las tres."

"¡Qué bueno! He says we can, but we need to be back by 3:00." Maria translated. She picked up her towel and handed Diego his. Then she grabbed his hand and pulled him behind her as she scampered westward across the hot sand. "Let's go, Diego! ¡Vámonos!"

Her parents waved and shouted, "¡Adiós, niños! ¡Tienen divertido!" *Bye kids! Have fun!* Maria urged Diego on as he struggled to keep up with her pace. They ran about ½ a mile before they dropped down and disappeared behind a steep incline of sand...

Maria landed gracefully on her feet while Diego face planted the ground with an "Oomph!" He painfully pushed himself up with his arms, his face covered in sand and his mouth full of it. "Pew!" He spat it out and brushed his face vigorously, squinting and blinking in an attempt to get it out of his eyes. "Augh! I can't see! Why did you drag me down here?!"

Maria stifled a giggle and brought a paw in front of her maw at the hilarious sight of her friend covered in sand. "Oops." She commented, feigning innocence. "I guess do you say?...forgot how high the drop was. Come. Let's clean you up."

She took his hand once more and led him into the salty water. He shivered when his clawed toes came in contact with it. "Brrr! That's cold."

"You're from Florida!" Maria teased in an accusing voice. "I assumed you were used to it, Die--." She stopped, that same devilish grin forming on her beautiful face as another idea materialized in her brain. A few seconds later, she put her plan into action. "Hey Diego..." she said in a sing-song voice.

He gave an exasperated sigh as he searched for her through his Sandy eyes. "What is it, Maria?"

"Think fast!" With near perfect timing, she pushed him off his feet just as a massive wave was approaching, causing him to be swept ashore with incredulous speed. "Woooaaaaahhhh!" he yelled before the wave crashed him against the shore and sent him tumbling. He finally came to a stop and laid there on his back, panting and feeling a Little nauseous from his dizzying experience. He tried to push himself up again, but his arms were too weak and the strain on his muscles was too great; he fell back down in the sand with a "plop!"

Now he laid motionless, showing no obvious signs of life. Maria gasped with concern and said to herself, "¡Dios mío! What have I done?" Water and sand went flying as she rushed to her friend's aid, a growing sense of dread looming over her. When she reached the spot where Diego was laying, she knelt down and placed an ear over his mouth to listen for breathing. Nothing. "Diego?" No response. "Diego??" Her voice rose in pitch and volume as she quivered with terror. After pausing for a moment to decide what she should do, she shook his limp body a few time, desperately trying to rekindle whatever flicker of life remained in him. "Diego, wake up, please!" she whined, but his body remained eerily motionless. She gasped in horror at the reality of the situation. "Oh no..." she whispered.

Before Maria could call for help, however, Diego, without warning, sprung to life and wrapped his arms around her back, grabbing her and pulling her down on top of him. The Young couple rolled this way and that across the beach, wrestling and laughing heartily while they tried to push each other around and pin their opponent down. At one point, Diego playfully nibbled on her ear, getting elbowed in the stomach fiercely in return. "Hey! No hitting!" he complained. Both Diego and Maria were son very tired, and Diego's mind raced to figure out how to end this match quickly. His eyes looked this way and that, and the sea drew his attention. For his next move, he rolled her with him into the surf and managed to push her off. When they rose from the water, shivering but without sand in their fur, they glared at each other for a moment, pretending to be furious, then smiling and laughing once more, they held hands and waded back to the shore.

"What time is it?" Maria stopped and asked.

Diego checked his water-proof watch, brushing some leftover wet sand off the transparent quartz cover. "It's 1:50."

Maria grinned wickedly for the 3rd time that day as she sultrily brushed her paw along his back and tugged at his tail. "Hmm. We still have an hour all to ourselves." Then she winked at him and laid down on the towel, taking off her top and rubbing herself between her legs with one hand while she made a beckoning gesture with her finger on her other hand.

"Umm...what are you doing?" Diego inquired curiously, noticing that he was getting quite aroused from Maria's actions.

She put a finger to her lips and pointed between his legs, giggling to herself. He looked down and gulped; an obvious stiffy was protruding out from beneath his swim trunks. Maria sat up and poked and bounced his erection playfully. He gasped and murred from the surprising and sudden pleasure. Then she laid back down and slipped out of her bikini bottom, throwing it aside and smiling almost as if she was relieved to be naked again. Next she pointed at his stiffy again and gestured towards his feet, signaling him to remove his swimsuit. Shrugging his shoulders in submission, he lowered his swimsuit and tossed it by Maria's. He stood there silently for a brief and awkward moment, shuffling one footpaw in the sand and desperately trying to keep himself from covering his erection, which was bobbing up and down lightly to the rhythm of his quickening pulse. "W-what now?" he asked nervously.

"Come lay next to me," she answered, "and don't be shy. It's not like I've never seen you naked before." She eyed his red, twitching cubhood with great interest as he lay on the towel next to her. He looked to where her eyes were focusing and gulped again, smiling weakly. Then Maria got up and sat on Diego's belly, straddling him with her legs. "Let's snuggle." She palpated his chest with her hands while rubbing and pressing her crotch against his torso, sending shivers of pleasure up her body from between her legs. Fort he second time that day, he noticed that his penis was so close to her slit, and he decided to rub her chest, too. He brought his hands to her budding breasts and massaged them just like he had that morning in the shower, squeezing and rubbing them gently and lovingly, getting giggles and moans from Maria in return. She pushed herself down on him harder and increased the pace of her grinding, which caused Diego a bit of discomfort.

"Mmf." He grunted.

"What's the matter?"

‘Iâ€"you're squishing me. Can we do this side by side?"

Maria smiled and rolled over to his right side before they wrapped their arms around each other in a warm and loving embrace. They laid there for a minute, gazing into each other's eyes with a deep affection neither of them had ever felt before. All of a sudden, Diego was caught unawares by a sudden kiss from Maria, her lips pressing against his muzzle. His brain took a moment to register what was happening, and when it did, something deep within his soul compelled him to kiss her back, so he did, engulfing her muzzle within his, tickling her gums and nose with his long, canine tongue. Fountains of passion and lust welled up from their inner beings, and great amounts of love flowed between the two of them, and Diego broke the kiss and found his hand wandering to her pubic area, where he tickled her labia a bit and then inserted his finger into her vagina, discovering that it was moist as it squeezed and contracted around his probing digit. "Ohhh..." Maria moaned with delight while he inserted 2 more fingers and wiggled them around inside of her. His penis began to jump and throb faster from pleasuring his friend, and he removed his hand from her vagina, bringing it up to his nose to sniff it. The succulent scent reminded him of honeysuckle and roses, and he licked the fluid from his hand, curious to see what it tasted like. His face lit up as a jasmine flavor with a hint of bitterness graced his tongue. Then he looked at his erect penis, then at his fluid-covered hand, then at her wet pussy, then at his hand again, and right then and there, he realized what was destined to take place.

"I...I think I'm supposed to...put my willy...inside you." He said timidly.

Maria, panting, nodded in agreement. They shifted their positions to where they were very close to one another, his cock poised right in front of her welcoming vagina. He glanced at her face to confirm one last time if she was okay with this. She smiled and nodded, and with one quick movement, he shoved his cock up into her vagina, breaking her hymen and taking both their virginities. "¡Ay, Dios mío, Diego! It hurts!" Maria whimpered. She sniffled and sobbed a bit until the pain gradually subsided and was replaced by a new pleasurable sensation.

"Are you okay, chica?" Diego asked her when she had quieted.

"Sí, I'm fine." She answered. The Young lovers enjoyed and reveled in the unique and warm feelings of their newfound intimacy and closeness, and they brought their faces together and kissed each other passionately, their bodies squirming with delight as their senses of touch were flooded with intense pleasure, especially down in their parts. A curious sensation and pressure was building up behind Diego's penis, and Maria felt something similar in her vagina. And that's when Diego felt the urge to move his penis in and out of her. With a brief grunt, he began thrusting into her at a slow rate, Maria's wet pussy lubricating his cock and making it easier for him to piston in and out of her. They panted and moaned as their pleasure heightened, Diego's red penis going deep within Maria and hilting, causing his furry sheath to scrunch up when he inserted himself further, his balls slapping against her ass as he thrusted faster and she bucked her hips to his rhythm.

" good, and it...(pant)...keeps getting better." Diego commented.

Maria could only moan louder as she felt very nice feeling inside her growing, welling towards the surface. "Ohhh...Diego, I... I feel something coming..." she whined.

"I...feel it...too." He replied. He mated her erratically, feeling his very first climax approaching rapidly; he himself started squealing and whining canine fashion until he ended up pushing his knot inside of her, filling her completely. Right before he orgasmed he tried to speak to her one more time. "Maria, I...Iâ€"RRRGGGHHH!!!" His cock twitched and spurted as he ejaculated thick streams of immature seed against her cervix, and she meowed at the top of her lungs as her vagina contracted and squeezed around his meat, milking him for everything he had to offer. The spurts never seemed to end, and she wanted to feel more of this strange new warmth, "his" warmth, filling her up. Eventually, their orgasms faded away, and they collapsed into eachother's arms with exhaustion. Then Diego leaned in close and whispered in her ear, "Te amo." *I love you."

"Te amo, también." *I love you, too.* she whispered back.

"¿Niños?" a voice called out.

Diego and Maria were frozen with fear, still as statues and trying not to breathe too loud, realizing they were still tied together.

"¿Niños?" the voice called again, the kids realizing it was Maria's father. "¿Diego? ¿María? ¿Están bien? ¿Qué pasa?" *Are you all right? What happened?*

"Uhh...sí," she answered. She and her dad conversed a bit, and then the young couple heard the sound of retreating footsteps.

"What did he say?" Diego asked as he pulled himself out of her with a pop, making her gasp at yet another new pleasurable sensation.

"He was just curious about the screaming, but don't worry. We'll come up with a story if we need to. He also said we only have a few minutes left before we have to go." She then sat up and embraced him briefly. "I liked that, by the way."

"I did too." he responded. Then a playful smirk crossed his face, and he said, "If we've only got a few more minutes, then let's make the best of it." He pushed her away and ran back into the crashing surf, Maria chasing after him, giggling ecstatically, both of them forgetting that their swimsuits remained on the beach behind them.