Starwind present

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#3 of Starwind

Taymon followed Arrin up the slope at the north side of the village to the sheltered outcrop that overlooked the lower settlement and barren plains that stretched out for miles toward the western mountains. It was here the various homes and communal dorms that housed the majority of the pack tribe brothers were built, safe and secure on the high ground yet still close to the settlement below in case of emergency. A maze of smaller huts, built mainly from clay bricks and a little timber, clustered around the larger central buildings that formed the nucleus of the close-knit community. Visitors to the village, cubs, females and other outsiders were never allowed beyond the lower village, only true pack brothers being allowed entry through the surrounding palisade. The gate was guarded by some bored looking warrior brothers, but they snapped to attention as we came into view and recognised Arrin. We were allowed to pass without challenge, the brothers deferring respectfully to Arrin with me close to his side and eager for my first close glimpse of the pack brother homes.

Arrin led me along the paths between dwellings, twisting at random around homes and the occasional fenced garden, toward the centre of the upper village. The uphill gradient and unrelenting heat of the still summer air had my entire young body glistening with sweat as we neared our destination, although it felt good to stretch my calves and my developing muscles felt strong and energised. Had we not had pressing duties I would have found some of my young friends and played chase around the village, laughing and panting until we collapsed with exhaustion. I felt a tinge of sorrow for my young friend Jay, but knew that if he had failed his Adoption Trial then he did not truly belong amongst us as one of my brothers.

We came eventually to what seemed to be a close cluster of buildings, but as we neared I realised they were merged together in a chaotic sprawl. Buildings of different size and construction joined and bisected one another, and I would soon find that the inside was no more organised than the route we had followed here. We followed a curving wall until we came to one of the many small entrances the dotted the various outer constructions. Nevertheless another warrior brother stood guard inside, and Arrin led me into a small side room before we could continue into the building proper.

"This is the central living space for all pack brothers Taymon" Arrin told me. "There are big rooms, little rooms, whole houses and large halls all part of this one building. This is where most brothers live their lives, and within these walls everyone is completely open and loving with one another. You will always be safe here, and never want for fun, companionship, food, sleep, or anything else you may desire." I looked around the small side room as Arrin spoke, and as my eyes adjusted from the harsh daylight to the indoor gloom I made out the racks covering the walls, holding all manner of clothing and garments.

"Whenever you enter this place you must disrobe to display your openness to your brothers. You can leave all your clothing and belongings in these rooms and they will never be touched until your return." I felt a little excitement as I listened, recalling my thrill at my nakedness in front of Scar and the council. It is not as though I was unused to displaying most of my body, having scant need for many coverings in the hot, dry climate that baked the village most of the year. I always enjoyed swimming with my cub friends in the river, grabbing and sparring with them playfully as we frolicked in the cool refreshing water. But this was different now as I watched for the first time Arrin stripping in front of me. He wore the expensive blue cloth which marked him as one of the council, and he looked glad to be free of the heavy material as he pulled it over his shoulders and hung it carefully at one side. His chest and stomach were well defined, his biceps prominent along his strong arms and broad shoulders. He looked at me, standing now in only his shorts, watching my eyes trace the faint light lines in his fur that extended along his sides.

"Don't be shy Taymon, remove that little cloth of yours" he smiled at me, and as I had done earlier I let my loincloth fall away from my waist and stowed it to one side of the room. While during my trial I had stood naked and alone, I sensed now the greater intimacy of just the two of us alone in this small room, and I could feel my little cock beginning to stiffen and push against my sheath.

"Come remove these shorts of mine Taymon" Arrin told me, and when I seemed uncertain he continued "You must learn to obey your elder brothers Taymon, at least while you remain a young cub." My young pride had the better of my senses as I became defiant.

"I am no cub!" I contradicted. "I am a pack brother now, an equal with you!" He simply chuckled, and I felt myself deflate with embarrassment at my little rant at my friend.

"You have taken your first seeding yes, but you have much to learn before you are truly accepted as a full brother. Let us learn the lesson of obedience shall we, and do as your mentor brother tells you." I smiled sheepishly and knew I was being foolish, that Arrin would guide me gently in the ways of the tribe. I came forward and placed my hands on his waist, kneeling down so I could tug his shorts down over his thick powerful thighs, firm calves and large paws. I smiled as his cock spilled from his shorts, semi-hard and glistening as I pulled his underwear down over his paws and he stepped out of it, beckoning me to throw them to the side of the room. I began to rise, but he placed his paw on my head and ruffled my fur affectionately, not saying a word but standing with his legs apart and flaccid member dangling inches in front of my cute face. I looked at his big round balls and bit my lower lip as I glanced up at him, receiving a nod of permission to open my mouth and take his tip into my muzzle as I had done for Scar.

He pulled my head towards him, filling my mouth with his member and sighing softly as my little pink tongue slid along his shaft. I began to suckle gently, and could feel him stiffen as he stood enjoying my little boy's mouth.

"Enough" he said after a few minutes and withdrawing. "Stand up and turn around little one", and this time I followed his command, beginning to accept that must trust in all the commands that I was sure to be given as I was taught in the ways of the pack, despite my apprehension for these strange and unknown new acts. "Legs apart little one" Arrin commanded, and I parted my slim legs as I felt his paw caressing the smooth round mound of one of my little cub ass cheeks. "Good" he noted his approval, his voice lowering in tone and betraying his own desire. "Now bend over little one, and put your paws on your knees." Again I followed his command, balancing forward as he told me and presenting my little rear entrance to my brother.

I heard him moving, and saw from my view between my legs that he had knelt behind me. A paw on each of my ass cheeks spread me apart and I soon felt a warm, wet length being drawn from the base of my little balls up over my crack. My legs shook as I struggle to retain my balance, my little hole tingling as I discovered the wonder of being tongued by my loving brother. I whimpered and squirmed as I was licked, and when Arrin began to flick his tongue against my ringpiece, teasing it and gently pushing against my convulsing hole, I cried out in pleasure and felt my cock sliding from within my sheath to dangle between by spread thighs.

"Some of us get all the fun" a strange voice suddenly announced, and I realised that in my enjoyment I had failed to notice a pair of wolves, both in their late teens, enter the room.

"You'll get yours soon enough Cavill" I heard Arrin reply behind me, seemingly unconcerned at the intrusion as I, in contrast, felt my cheeks burning in shame. The wolves both wore the robes of the Arrin's arcanist caste, and they proceeded to undress right in front of me while Arrin refocused his attention on my rear parts. The two teens were both fairly slender, but not muscled as the young warrior caste always were. Still, I marked them as belonging to the healers or archivists rather than one of the martial tiers within the arcanist caste. Despite trying to distract myself with such thoughts, my gaze was helplessly drawn to their similar members as they stood before me enjoying my embarrassment. Unlike Scar's and Arrin's large, thick and powerful cocks the pair's lengths were more slender, yet they seemed to hang down a long way and I was sure they would both be extremely long when fully engorged.

I felt my body responding to the sight of them again as my own slight cock hardened and began to throb, Arrin now driving me wild as he pushed his tongue inside my little ring and began to lick back and forth inside my hole, still greased with Scar's sticky fluid from earlier. After what seemed like hours I felt myself convulsing, my rear hole contracting tightly as my cock gave a little spurt that flew out and spattered against the belly of one of the watching wolves. They both laughed, and I heard Arrin joining them as he withdrew from inside me.

"Oh now Taymon really, you should at least ask before spurting on one of your brothers" Arrin said to guffaws of laughter from the two wolves. I felt ashamed, but Arrin stood up and put his paws around me, pulling me up straight behind him and leaning down to nuzzle me.

"I'm only joking little one, you're doing so well. I'm so proud of you" he said as he hugged me, and I felt so relieved and safe in his arms as I came to terms with the incredible experience he had just given me. "You should probably go and clean up your mess though" he grinned at me, and I squinted over at the two grinning wolves still standing there. Arrin coaxed me toward them and I tentatively padded over, the one I had hit placing his paw on my shoulder as I neared him. He motioned down to the white mess I had made in his fur and pushed me down level with his belly, his paw fondling my neck and shoulder as I obediently lapped his fur clean.

"What a good little boy" the wolf said as I finished, and I recognised from his voice that this one was Cavill who had spoken earlier. "We'll be seeing you later" he winked at me as the pair left the room, each with an affectionate paw around the other.

"What did he mean Arrin?" I questioned as they left, but he just smiled.

"All in good time Taymon. I think we've spent enough time here â€" come on, I need to show you the main hall."

Unsatisfied but without much alternate choice I let Arrin take my paw and lead me from the side room, past the smirking warrior brother on guard who had obviously heard everything including my squeals of orgasm, and on into the deeper recesses.

Were it not for Arrin I would have been completely lost as I followed him through a series of twisting corridors and rooms with hanging drapes partially covering all manner of pack brothers engaged in various activities from sleep to... more playful adventures. The only consistency was that without fail each was entirely naked.

We eventually came to what must have been close to the rear of the assemblage, entering a huge hall that was easily as large as the council chamber in the pack Alpha's hut from which we had came. I paused for a moment as I took in the scene which was confusing both in sight and sound, a cacophony of talk, grunts, roars, snores and other sounds assailing my ears.

I saw wolves standing talking nonchalantly as a young pair wrestled next to them, roaring at each other as they were goaded by a half-dozen cheering onlookers. The talking pair distractedly stepped around them as the fighters rolled on the ground, one of them apparently now pinned face down and whining in submission as a paw was twisted behind his back. As I continued to stare the grinning victor straddled the loser's rear and proceeded to mount him, his audience jumping around in glee with their own erections in paw and squabbling over the victim's mouth as the poor wolf yipped and squirmed.

I noticed another pair, a little older, stretched lazily on the open floor, holding one another and chuckling as they too enjoyed the entertainment. Everywhere I looked I saw brothers together, simply sitting and chilling, playing games, sparring or engaged in various acts of oral and anal penetration. After a few moments I felt Arrin's paw on my shoulder, and looked up at him in obvious question.

"Welcome to your new family Taymon" he smiled. "Do not be overwhelmed. This is the communal hall where all pack brothers are welcome to gather to relax and play, and love one another as all brothers should." I watched as the winner of the wrestling match was now penetrated by one of the onlookers, frustrated at being unable to take the loser's muzzle. He did not seem to protest much, but rather increased his gyrations as he slid back and forth between impaler and imapalee.

"Come, I shall introduce you to some of your brothers and tell you what is expected of you now you have taken your first seeding." I could still feel Scar's thick fluid inside me, an occasional drop oozing from my little hole as I padded along behind Arrin toward a series of cubicles near the back of the hall. Some were quite small and contained various beds, tables, chairs, wooden crosses and other items of furniture upon which wolves were generally being penetrated, although some few sat playing various games or eating meals.

Arrin stopped just before we came to quite a large area that was partitioned off and turned to take my paw in his. He held it tightly as he led me into view of this space, and I gasped at the sight before me. There were several timber constructions of varying complexity, the simplest being a set of stocks and the grander assemblies built into differing walls and scaffolds from which hung an array of chains and ropes. On one side there was a wall from which two wolves of an age with myself hung with their arms tied above them, and their ankles tied and pulled up and to either side above their heads too. They hung helplessly with their rears pulled up and spread a few feet off the ground, at crotch height for an adult wolf. Their cheeks were covered in tears and each was muzzled so they could not cry out. From one I saw the sticky white fluid of his recent use dripping from his twitching hole. The size of the puddle below him indicated he had been there for some time, and had received the attentions of far more than a single wolf.

The other cub I could not see so much of due to the large fat old wolf which was knotted to him. The old wolf's belly was pressing against the cub's slim young body, and I could see the cub weakly gripping the ropes which bound him as his body shook in torment. His muffled whimpers and cries were drowned out by the grunting of the older wolf, his paws fondling the cub's soft little legs, sliding back and forth along them as he thrust his crotch back and forth, the cub's dangling body swinging as it was pulled and pushed by the knotted cock inside his abused hole. A silver thread of drool hung between the older wolf's muzzle and the cub's nipple, and I watched the cub's cute little face grimacing in torment as he was forced to endure his perverted violation.

The area in all held about a dozen young wolves which were all within a few years of myself. One was bent over in a set of stocks and being ridden hard by a hugely muscled warrior brother. Others were variously tied and restrained, some being penetrated and others simply waiting in terror for their own inevitable turn.

"Do not be afraid Taymon, for I am sure you should never have to endure what you see before you." I clutched at Arrin's paw all the same, my imagination all too clearly painting a picture of me being restrained and repeatedly violated so roughly. "These cubs are being punished for disobedience, mainly refusing to take the seedings they require to earn the true love of all pack brothers."

"Seedings?" I asked, raising my voice over the roar of the warrior brother who had just climaxed inside the unfortunate cub he was riding. So powerful was his eruption that I saw spurts of his seed squirting back out from the stretched hole of his victim, despite the tight seal of the cub's ring around the intruding shaft.

"Our Alpha always takes the first seeding of new cubs" he explained, "but you must now come to learn the touch and love of every brother in the pack. Only once you have felt them inside you and taken their seed will you become a true pack brother." His words took a moment to sink in, but my eyes widened with understanding of the task ahead of me.

"All the brothers in the pack? But that's hundreds!" I exclaimed to Arrin's obvious amusement.

"Indeed little one, but don't worry â€" I don't expect you to take everyone today!" he laughed, but I did not feel so jovial. "It will take time for you to come to know and love all your brothers. Come, and I shall show you where to begin" as once more Arrin held out his paw and beckoned me to follow...