Dragon's Embrace (BoyxDragon) Chapter One: Escape

Story by CherryBlossomSystem on SoFurry

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#1 of Dragon's Embrace

Author's Note: Even thought they are called werewolf or weredragon picture them as Anthromorphic animals. It helps with the visuals trust me.

_ bold and italicized text indicates that telethapy is being used or that the character is thinking. _


I was in my cell recovering after another training session. I panted heavily as I struggled to ignore my pounding head and aching body. This time they fired various guns at me and I had to block the bullets with my mind.

Long ago they had learned that when I was under duress my power spared no expense in keeping me alive. However the cost behind it was heavy and left me in a gasping heap after every session. However over time my body had begun to store the power away in a safe location.

I knew of this reserve and did nothing to stop its collection. I desperately wanted out of this place and if I had to bathe the walls with the blood of the insane individuals within this place then I would happily do so as it was only just.

When I finally recovered hours later I watched as the power flowed into my reserves and held my breath as I gauged its strength. "It's nearly enough" I thought to myself. I started to perform a telepathic scan on my mind to make sure their pet psychic didn't slip in any new blocks.

I growled lightly when I found them and as I sank deeper into my meditation I slowly began to unravel the blocks. The process was very tiring and as the night wore on it began to take its toll. I was only able to unravel one block and put a duplicate in its place.

I am a Telepath as well as a Telekinetic and these scientist would regret the day they thought I was nothing more than their lab rat. I don't know what the outside world is like because I can't remember the last time I saw it. I am not allowed to watch the news or hear the weather. I am completely isolated within this hellish complex.

Maybe by isolating me they thought that my craving for human contact would be my undoing. But these creatures are not human. They may look like them, talk like them, and act like them but they are truly the devil's demons.

I finally drifted off to slumber only to awake seemingly seconds later to a guard stomping the ground near my head. I instantly jumped to my feet alert and ready and got shocked with a cattle prod for my troubles then dragged along the floor as my body spasms from the electricity.

When I arrived at the testing chamber I had another layer of bruises on top of my many others. I got thrown down onto a bed and before I could move was instantly clamped down tightly. Then the bed was raised so I could see the head scientist Dr. Namoura grinning at me.

At his right side two Telepaths launch simultaneous attacks in an attempt to get inside my mind while the two Telekenetics on the left began to exert pressure on my bones. So one front I was busy counter hacking the telepaths and on the other my telekinesis was doing a deadly dance with the others.

I divided my focus between the two tasks and while I battled on those two fronts I touched a small psychic tendril to the scientist in front of me and began to feed on his energy and pour it into my defenses. Normally I wouldn't do such as I wanted them to see me as weak.

Today I was tired of the crap and the bullshit they put me through. So I kept going even when the good doctor dropped to the floor unconscious. This provided enough of a distraction for the telepaths that I was able to slip past their guard and hungrily devour their power.

" The beast has been unleashed " I sent to everyone in the room using a bit of the borrowed power. I coupled it with my reserves as I turned my full focus on the telekenetics in the room. "Feed me! _" _ I shouted in their minds as my own abilities over powered theirs and they hit the ground with a thud.

The straps that bound me to the table came undone on their own accord as someone hit the alarm button. I glanced at the flashing red lights annoyed then head for the door. Since I don't have a passkey and don't feel like trying to hack the door lock with my telekinesis I stand back like a good little psychic and wait for them to open the door.

When they do the first thing they throw in... or rather attempt to throw in is a tear gas grenade. I through it back outside using my telekinesis and then snatch a gas mask off a distracted guard and make my way into the corridor among the chaos.

I was tired of being tame I was tired of them trying to control me. So I let my power go wild. Without my careful control behind it my telekinesis grabbed everything around me and started smashing it into the walls with crushing force. My telethapy made sure to reach into the mind of every person around me and feed upon their energy to keep me going.

I lightly jogged down the hall like I was on a tour and I wasn't leaving a growing pile of crumpled unconscious bodies behind me. Oh I knew within a few hours it would all come crashing down but for now I was determined to get out of here.

So I made my way through the compound using the convenient maps to make sure I didn't make a wrong turn and just let my power unleash it's fury on my tormentors. The toll was beginning to show as my steps faltered.

I finally reached the exit to find it blocked by blast doors and twelve people with guns. "Get out of my way!" I growled at them. Instead of answering they opened fire. I caught every single bullet and said "Hey guess what? This package says return to sender! Eat lead assholes!" I sent their ammo rocketing back towards them and soon nothing was left but 12 very holy bodies. I drained the last of the psychic energy from their dead minds before approaching the door and injecting it with my purple power.

The door shimmered and then began to creak and crack while I hastily checked my reserves to see they were rapidly diminishing and then the door gave way and crushed the dead bodies underneath it. I ran outside and eventually I made it outside of the complex. I was so tired that I could barely crawl. I dragged myself into the forest and kept going for hours and hours on end until I collapsed on the outskirts of a town.

6 Hours Later....


I just got out of class when I heard some of the local werewolves howling in the distance. I thought nothing of it as I made my way home to my house. I live with my mom and even though she knows I'm gay she is still supportive of me.

I don't really date because I haven't found someone that was worth it. I guess I was still waiting for my Mr. Right. So when I saw the various werewolves run by in their full wolf form I was curious. I glanced up at the sky and saw the full moon.

Then I heard the scream of fear and the shout of denial. "OH HELLLLLLLL NO!!!!!!" I started to run towards the spot wandering what was going on when I saw a human boy surrounded by wolves. He wasn't trembling from fear like I expected. Instead he was calm and determined.

A wolf I recognized as Brian the Beta of the pack lunged for him and he held up his hand and stopped him cold. "Dear little wolf...Don't make me hurt you." he spoke aloud while Brian struggled to free himself from unseen restraints.

The human moved his hand and Brain went flying with a yelp. The boy then turned around to face the remaining wolves and though he stood with confidence I could tell he was barely able to move without pain.

I walked towards him and he turned his gaze to me. I watch him as the gears in his mind turn and he seems to process something. Joshua my brother's dragon is begging me to close the distance to him. I don't however as I assume it is important for him to make the first move.

The other wolves thinking we are going to fight draw back and form a loose circle around us. Sighing I drop my bag and ready myself. I do not have my twin swords or my bow today as I had no expectation of getting into a fight.

The human tenses as he sees my movement then he speaks "Who are you and where am I?" I decide to indulge him. "I'm Jacob. I live here. You are in Pine Terrace the home of the Dark Sun Wolf Pack."

He nodded and said "I'm Saki. I don't know where I came from or how I got here. This is the first time I have seen the outside world." Then his face seemed to twist in pain as he held his head and fell to his knees.

The wolves around him reacted in sudden surprise and then whined in sudden pain as he said "Too many voices." before passing out cold on the side walk. Is he alright? Asks Joshua and I move closer to check on him.

" He has a pulse. I don't quite understand what he meant by the too many voices comment though. He appears to just have blacked out." I sent to Joshua. Joshua seemed worried. " Let's take him home with us." I nodded and after grabbing my bag I picked him up bridal style and carried him in my arms. 'If the alpha asks where Saki is tell him he is staying with me." I said to Brian before making my way home. The gray wolf nodded and the small group dispersed and headed home.

After opening the door once I got home I carried him to my room. My mom was busy in the kitchen and didn't notice that I passed by. Once in my room I set him down on my bed and watched him curiously.

"I wonder what he is" said Joshua and I found myself within my mindscape sitting in front of him. Joshua had scales that were a darker and icier blue then my own. Also Joshua didn't appear to have a cock. It had bothered me at first but now I was used to it. When I was little I was attacked and my dragon Monroe was badly poisoned, to save my life my older brother sacrificed himself by feeding me his life energy. Joshua has looked after me ever since my brother died.

Oh don't worry I have a nice 7 inches that I keep in my jockstrap when I'm not pawing off. It has its uses. Anyway on to more suitable subjects that don't involve cock.

"You saw him stop Brian without even laying a finger on him." I said and Joshua nodded as we both looked at the boy in front of us.

"Still doesn't explain why he just blacked out like he did" Joshua remarked. On the bed Saki seemed to be having a nightmare. He twisted back and forth and the paperclips from my desk nearby rose into the air on their own accord.

I hastily backed away wondering if I should roast them with my fire breath before they just dropped. With one last glance at the human I went into the kitchen to get some food. My mom greeted me warmly and I smiled back in return.

"Anything happen at school tonight?" she asked me as she sipped a cup of coffee. "No not really, just the usual stuff." She nodded and then asked "What about on the way home from school?" She gave me a shrewd glance that made my gulp.

"Well I don't know the full details but a human was sited today near the end of the village towards the edge of the woods. His clothes were all but shredded and he had various cuts on him. When the wolves surrounded him he jerked awake and screamed his head off."

She leaned against the counter as she listened and then she asked 'So when did you arrive on the scene?"

"When I heard the scream I started running. Brian lunged at him as if he was going to knock him down and he got stopped in midair. The human didn't even raise a finger he did however say this: Dear little wolf don't make me hurt you. Then he tossed Brian aside thinking I had arrived to fight him the other four wolves drew back and he turned to face me. He reacted to my actions but I didn't attack him. I told him where he was and my name and he told me his name was Saki and that this was the first time he had seen the outside world. Then he collapsed after saying something along the lines of Too many voices. He is in my room right now."

I got a glass of water while my mom thought over everything I just said. I waited patiently for her take on the situation. A frown creased her face and she drummed her fingers as she thought. She seemed to be deciding something and said "Do you have any clothes that would fit him?" I must have looked surprised because she burst into laughter.

I shook my head and thought for a few moments. "I have a few clothes that I used to were when I was forced to be in my human form." I replied and then went to look for them. I cautiously entered my room once more and saw Saki still asleep. I went to the hope chest at the end of my bed and opened it slowly.

My clothes were folded neatly inside and I sorted through a few of them before selecting the ones I thought would fit him best. I laid them on top of the chest and left a note telling him where the shower was and telling him that I was letting him use the clothes.

Then I left and closed the door softly behind me.I went back to the kitchen and watched my mom quietly for a few moments. While my brother and I were blue dragons Mom was a green dragon. The fresh green of new life or the color of grass when it's healthy. She worked at the nearby hospital so though I didn't see much of her during the day I was usually sleeping by that time.

"When is he going to be meeting the Alpha?" she asked and I shrugged. "I don't know. I told Brian to tell the alpha where he was so I imagine we should be receiving a visit in a few days or I might be approached in school tomorrow. If that's the case I'll make sure to text you the details."

She nodded and after telling me goodnight she went to bed. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was midnight and decided to retire as well. I grabbed a few covers and things from the hall closet and made a small bed on the couch. Within minuets I was asleep.


I woke up the next morning on something soft. I frowned as I knew that the floor of my cell was harder then this. I felt something warm against my skin too. My frown deepened as I dared to open my eyes.

I was in a bed that was the first thing that I noticed. The second is what appeared to be a bundle of clothes at the end of the bed with a note on them. This seemed too surreal and so I woke up my powers and searched my own mind making sure I wasn't under some type of illusion.

Finding nothing I turned them down so much that they were practically off as I didn't want one of the pet psychics to figure out I was awake and ruin my good dream. Then I had a thought _ Wait I NEVER dream. _

I moved and bit my lip as pain danced it's way through my nerves. _ Yep I'm not dreaming. There would be less pain if I was. _I settled for sitting up and looking ruefully at my destroyed clothes. I moved my feet to the side of the bed and after the wave of resulting pain had passed I carefully put my bare feet on the cold wooden floor. _ Wait.. wood? The Labs never had wood floors. _ ** **

Logic made it's presence known here as I finally started to work out where I was. On the walls were posters that I paused to read and chuckled lightly after I did. The person that owned this room had a good sense of humor. I studied the room for a few more moments while my feet got colder. I sighed and went to go investigate the note.

Once I read it I paused to look over the neat writing and the signed name. My memories of the past day came back to me as I saw the name. I wobbled and sank to my knees holding my head as I did my best to make some sense of what happened.

Once the picture was clear I straightened up and after grabbing the clothes I headed to the bathroom. I carefully undressed and looked at my scared body in the mirror. Many bruises and cuts covered my pale almost ghost like skin. My white hair had various twigs and leaves in it and my black eyes stared back at me.

Within their depths I found curiosity and fierce determination to never be dominated again. With that thought in mind I turned on the water and eased underneath the spray hissing lightly as the water touched my fresh wounds and cleaned them.

I stood there for several moments feeling the pain flow throughout my abused body a sensation so familiar that it was almost comfortable. Then I began to get the bits of twig and leaf out of my hair. Once that was done I grabbed the shampoo and set to work in getting my hair silky like it once was.

I knew I should have savored the shower but I didn't want to run up the water bill anymore then I already had so after I finished with my hair I turned the water off and stepped out to dry off. Once I finished that I looked at myself in the mirror one more time. "No more!" I breathed before beginning to dress in the new clothes. I gathered up my old ones and after hanging up the towel went to look for a trash can.

Some part of me wanted to save them but I crushed the desire. _ That's the past and now I have to look towards the present. _I wandered into what appeared to be the living room. I saw the dragon from yesterday. Jacob was his name if I recalled correctly snoring softly on the couch.

I smiled softly as I watched him for a few moments and then turned my mind back to finding a trashcan. I found one near the door and dropped my things in. It felt a little awkward to be wearing a jockstrap but I supposed I would get used to it.

I heard a yawn from behind me and I turned to see the dragon looking about sleepily. _ Did he hear me just now when I dropped my clothes into the trash? _I thought as his gaze focused on me. He smiled at me and I forced myself not to recoil as I observed the very pointy teeth. He after all did save my life last night.

"Good Morning Saki. I'm not usually awake this early. Do the clothes fit OK?" I nodded as I watched him. He seemed genuine and his tone was friendly. He sat up on the couch and gestured for me to sit with him.

Even if he had saved my life I should have felt wary of him. I couldn't find it within myself to muster any sense of caution though. In fact I couldn't even feel anything but calm towards him. I moved to his side and sat.

"You used my shampoo." he said with a kind smile and he sniffed my hair making me freeze before I heard the thumping of his tail against the couch and breathed once more. Jacob laughed and said "What? Thought I was going to eat you?" in a playful tone.

I laughed at his tone and said "Well you are a big bad dragon. I'm just a weak human." Jacob's eyes clouded at what I said and I felt the playful mood go down the drain. "I don't think your as weak as you let on." he said softly

I was cautious now but I stayed by his side. "Are you referring to what happened last night?" I asked to clarify. He nodded and I said "I'm a Telepath and a Telekinetic. That's why your friend got stopped in Mid air and why I blacked out. I accidentally touched what I would assume is the pack link last night and since I was not used to so many voices it was to overwhelming and I fainted." I explained my heart betraying my nervousness as it sped up and a cool sweat broke out across my back and my hands.

Lines of tensions made my back feel like coiled steel and I did my best to keep a handle on my power as it rose. Jacob looked at me and pulled me into a hug. It was so sudden and spontaneous that I didn't have time to react. But at his touch sparks seemed to race across my skin.

I found myself relaxing against the dragon without ever even thinking about it. The tension flowed out of me and I returned the hug. I looked up at him to see Jacob looking down at me with a kind smile and a playful light danced in his eyes.


Monroe my dragon stirred from the recesses of my mindscape and looked at the boy I now held in my arms. "MATE!" he said before quietly watching him. I felt the sparks racing all over my body from his touch and when he glanced up at me I couldn't help but smile back at him.

He seemed to fully relax after that and I released him from the hug and gave him time to move his arms before I settled back against the couch."So what was with the wolf pack yesterday? I mean granted I did pass out in their territory but considering the state I was in I would have rather had them talk to me then try and attack me."

I chuckled lightly before answering "The wolf pack runs the town here. You can only be here with their permission and I expect the Alpha will be here tomorrow to check you out."

Saki flushed. "There is no way I'm taking my clothes off to be ogled by an old man." He muttered and I burst into laughter. "Not that kind of checking out" I said once I contained my laughter. Joshua asked _ I like his sense of humor. Can we keep him?" _At which Saki's head jerked towards my head. "What do you mean Can we keep him?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"_ Wow he can hear me ! I'm Joshua the brother of Monroe." _"Yes I can hear you. It's nice to meet you Joshua. Who is Monroe?" Here I answered. "Monroe is my dragon." Saki looked deeply confused but he didn't ask any further questions.

Author's Note: So what do you think? Comment or vote if you enjoyed it.