Wolves' Legacy 2: Chapter 21 (END)

Story by seraphor12 on SoFurry

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#54 of Wolves' Legacy Saga

Right, this is the end of this second chapter of the Wolves' Legacy story. Truth be told, I'm planning to finish everything in the third one, but this one might suffice.

I hope you like it.

Rated R for

-Light Bondage (Yeah, only a little)

-Masturbation (Magically-assisted)

-Milking (Magically Assisted)

The fight at Arbal finished without the town being invaded and becoming a new front for the demons, all thanks to the effort of the initial group Karkos assembled to find information about the demons. While it was a success, it didn't end as well as they hoped.

After morning break, many of the civilians were surprised of the damage. Body parts were strewn on the streets and blood became a lot like paint than the original red one. Most of the buildings near the gates were left in ruins after two dragons laid waste to the battlefield. Yet, the damage that was greatly felt by the civilians was mental damage. For the first time, they had known that the rumors in Tragoria were true, and they feared what the invasion would do if they were overrun.

Amidst all the terror and fear, there was one emotion that took the toll of the group, which was sadness. After Ifrit and Anubis helped the group to medical attention, they were grieving for the loss of Jo, who was their friend and comrade. She was given a proper burial in Arbal's graveyard with her comrades giving her a final goodbye. The one who was hit the most was Mizarka, who refused Anubis's attention because of Jo's death, yet she admitted that she missed Anubis and began to cry on his shoulder, which was something her friends had never seen.

Ifrit, on the other hand, was also shocked to know that after the brief meeting with his love, he must endure again until he could find Lilac. Not only that, after the fight with Eshdar, both Rhynsa and Nergora were critically injured. Nergora had quite a shock on his head after his head hit a wall and he was still disoriented. Rhynsa, on the other hand, had a worse condition. His limbs were broken and the ribs caved in, giving a fatal risk to both his heart and his lungs.

One other problem was Eshdar himself. While he was immobilized, he was still in a trance and in control of the hypnosis put on him. Ifrit and Albreich couldn't do anything about that, and they had a disagreement whether to kill him right there and now or believe that something could be done for him.

Then, while they were arguing, the same catsith who saved them in many occasions came, which surprised those who never met them, but Azgal and Ifrit explained the group, which they believed.

The catsith then said, "Eshdar here is hypnotized by a low-level control, so I can help you disperse his hypnosis with no side effects. The problem is...you might need to turn around."

"Why? I'm sorry, catsith, but we're not ready to trust him to you..."

"Felina. My name is Felina Tybolt."

"Felina...we're sorry, but we don't know what you will do to him if we turn our gaze away. Despite of what he is in now...you're still mysterious to us," said Ifrit. "How do you even know that wyvern, and why are you helping us with fifth circle technologies? Just what do you want to achieve for doing them?"

"I have my own reasons, but right now your friend is your current priority, right?"

When Ifrit nodded, she said, "I don't know if hellhounds know the information beyond the outer circle, but as you can see, Catsiths are lust demons."

This caught them by surprise. "What?! B-but, you kill those hellhounds back there with gruesome results."

"Not all lust demons defeat their opponents with sexual assault, Ifrit. Yet, despite of that...what I want to do...is a little bit...sexual-oriented, so that's why I want you to turn around..."

Albreich immediately turn around with some girls, while Azgal and Thotha didn't even turn while Ifrit stayed in his place, concerned with his friend. Felina then made a sigh and said, "I guess you demons have some degree of a dirty mind, huh?"

Ifrit needed to see if his friend was alright, but when Felina said about it being 'sexual-oriented', he shivered at the thoughts of his experiences in the bondage club, which was sexy in its own rights, but not for Ifrit.

Felina asked Azgal to take Eshdar to an empty house, in which the three of them found one where they put Eshdar on a bed and tied all of his limbs to the poles. He was still struggling and growling, not like a normal hellhound, but like possessed.

"Okay, let me tell you in advance of what I'm going to do to him," said Felina. "Eshdar is currently being hypnotized, not possessed, yet he looks like it. To break the hypnosis, lust demon style, I need to undress him, so as to prevent anything on his body to get dirty, then...you know the rest."

"O-Oh, yes, right," said Thotha, who accompany them without reason. "But, uh...how do we disrobe him if he's tied like that?"

"Don't ask, werewolf," said Azgal with a smirk. "Just do it."

Thotha realized that Azgal had started untying Eshdar and holding him at place, in which Thotha, who somehow had a preference to something like that, made a devilish smirk and said, "Yes...just do it."

After some struggle and awkward moments, Eshdar was completely naked again and re-tied to the poles. Felina then said, "Schelkz, if this is too much for you, just turn around and stay outside..."

"No, I'm okay. Eshdar's condition worries me, though, so whatever happens, even if it's being tied helpless and getting aroused uncontrollably, I won't budge."

The catsith made a grumpy face and said, "Let me guess...you're not into bondage?"

"I have the first impression of what 'bondage' looks like, and I don't want to be force-raped again by a succubus, you understand? But that doesn't mean I..."

"Okay, let's start."

Felina started chanting some magical words that the three of them didn't understand, but after she finished, her hands glowed and Eshdar suddenly tensed. Ifrit realized what happened to him. He knew beforehand that since this would be a sexually-oriented hypnosis break, he knew that Eshdar's penis would tense and standing like a rod. Ifrit could see he started to pant hard, but still trying to break free and growling even harder, struggling to break free of his bonds. He started to glow even more, and he tensed many times after the initial growl. This pattern happened for at least three times, each with a greater intensity of the struggle. Just then, Felina flicked her finger and Eshdar made a roar as white fluid came out of his penis, shooting up and hitting him in the face. Yet, despite of calming down, Eshdar still growled and didn't acknowledge Ifrit.

"I still have more to come, hellhound," said Felina with a devilish grin, which Ifrit didn't know what it meaned until Eshdar made a growl again, but this time, he was shocked and started moaning and many huffing noises with high pitch while he moaned and shouted and roared in place, struggling to break free of his bounds. Unlike before, Eshdar now had a shocked expression.

When Ifrit turned to Felina, the catsith said, "You know, dogs like you have one very sensitive cock when you've spend your first load. That's the purpose of this session."

"What's the point torturing him if that would destroy his mind! Just look at him. He's like someone who's got kicked at the balls!"

"That's my thought exactly. If his mind was muddled with overstimulation, the control over him will be released, and that was when you get back your friend. Yet, I have my own reasons, too. I like to see how he struggles helplessly while he's milked relentlessly for the amusement of your gay friends."

"Wait, but that would..."

"No, he won't be catatonic. It's just simple overpleasure for him. Now, let's see how much he could give out."

Eshdar blew another load again and he sighed, but Felina didn't give him time to rest. Again he struggled at his place, while Ifrit watched his friend being 'tortured' to maximum pleasure with unexpected arousal. While it looked embarrassing, he couldn't deny that he enjoyed it. Maybe deep inside him, he really wanted to be treated that way, and he felt jealous that Eshdar got it first.

Another load went out of Eshdar, and the red furred hellhound, now trembling instead of struggling, started to say, "(P-Please, don't dry me out. I want to have kids...)"

Before Ifrit could intervene, Felina said, "(Oh, but I won't finish until you shot every last cum out of your balls. Now, ready for the fourth orgasm?)"

"(Wait, please! I'm all out!)"

"(You're barely halfway there)."

Ifrit now realized that the roars of overstimulation became a shout, and was a high-pitched one when Eshdar started to rock again, being overstimulated.

After the seventh blow, Eshdar couldn't produce more of those white fluid anymore, and he moaned in place, unable to make inaudible words. Nevertheless, Ifrit was glad that Eshdar still remembered him when he saw the black hellhound and shouted, "(Ifrit, please, this is too much. You gotta help me out of here, man, or I won't get another chance with girls!)". Despite of that, Ifrit stayed in place, as he was also curious what actually happened if Eshdar was out of commission after all of that sexual assault.

Felina then made a sigh, and said, "Whew, that was satisfying. At least now Eshdar is out of his hypnosis and he's completely revived."

"Yes...thanks for the help, Felina, and...for the show."

"You're welcome anytime."

Felina then moved closer to Eshdar, who was naturally scared of her after the ordeal. She then leaned to him and said, "(You're one hell of a cum factory, dog. Let's do this some other time again)."

When Eshdar shook his head weakly, Felina said, "(Oh, don't be shy, silly! I know love it)."

Felina then kissed Eshdar at his cheek, and all of the sudden, Eshdar stared back at Felina, who was giving him a wink. He clearly had a surprised look on his face when Felina left him and went out to the door behind Ifrit.

Then Ifrit untied Eshdar and said, "(You're kind of messed up to be covered in semen)."

"(Just...let me clean myself and have clothes. We need to fuckin' talk about that)."

After a while, Eshdar walked outside and quickly confronted Felina, who grinned after Eshdar complained on the process. She even made a giggle, which made Eshdar all around embarrassed, before Felina explained everything.

"You what? You don't know a thing about dispelling magic?!"

"Well, I actually said that the magic is low level, but I don't belong to a any magic school of persuasion! Catsith embodied the sexual lust and the lust for power so I don't belong in the school where I can hypnotize!"

"At least don't make me endure that."

"I can't help it, dog. But say, you enjoyed that, didn't you?"

Eshdar blushed, unable to say a word, which Felina said, "Gotcha. You dogs are so predictable."

"A-anyway, Ifrit...we need to talk about how I died."

Seeing Eshdar alive and well made Ifrit forgot the time when he must part with his friends, which was the saddest moment in this adventure. Yet, knowing that his best friend was revived, Ifrit quickly said, "(I'm sorry if everything I did actually made you in pain. If anything would make you happy again I'll completely help)."

"(Dude, I know you're blaming yourself for what happened to me, but I don't care about that. All I care about is how I died. My memory cut while I fell from the cliff, and the last thing I saw was you falling down with a hellhound. Did you get revived with me?)"

"(No...actually I was in a coma...for two years. But Anenka and Mizarka said they cremated you. How come you still have that body?)"

"(I don't know. Everything is a blur after my memory was cut off. The next thing I remember was that I was inside a room, unable to move, with my father...)"

"(Wait, stop)," said Ifrit when hearing that statement. "(Ensalder...what happened?)"

"(My father was standing near a table arguin' with a figure I think was a human male. Well I can't actually hear them talkin', but my father was completely angry and yellin' to him many times. He just left, and then he went to me, and my memory was off again, yet I was preserved in a dream...about me prep talking you when you fought that satyr)."

"(So that's not something that's happening inside my head!)"

"(Yeah, of course it isn't)."

"(But tell me, Eshdar...how did you have that strength? I mean, hypnosis or not, your strength is formidable enough)."

"(Maybe my father gave me something that enhanced my family's natural strength, but maybe it's only temporary, since I can't break free from that...restrain)."

"(Yeah, I get that...)"

Then Eshdar turned to Azgal, who just sat at a bench that miraculously, still intact. "(Show me what you've been hiding)."

"(Excuse me?)"

"(I know you've been hiding something. Despite of you being a goat, I can still see your expressions. You're far too aware despite of being in a group of equally aware hellhounds. When I was confronting the catsith, I took a glance on you and you keep watching a street just beside this house. For a fifth circle demon like you, being too worried of sneak attacks is not your style. Believe me, I've known satyrs are vain and prideful)."

Azgal watched Eshdar for a while, staring at him with his red eyes. After he relented, he said, "(I must say, you have an exceptional deducting skill. Yes, I believe that's what you're seeking for, yet I can't trust enough after that ordeal)."

"(You trust the catsith)," said Eshdar short.

"(Yes, with a death threat)."

"(Then let me make the same deal as the catsith made before. If I happen to make suspicious behavior, don't hesitate. Just stab me, throw me, rip my head off, be my guest. I ain't gonna object)."


There was an uncomfortable silence between the demons, which was not very beneficial considering their current condition. After a while, though, Azgal made a smile, turned his back, and said, "(You are bold, I can get that. Come, I'll show you the way. Ifrit and Anubis, accompany this fellow, would you?)"

Both Ifrit and Anubis walked behind Eshdar, but then the red hellhound said, "(Ifrit, you know me the best. Tell your satyr friend if I'm suspicious)."

"(You won't be. I believe you)."

"(Despite of what happened earlier? Ifrit, I drew my dagger on you. You and Anubis are both in danger because of me. Not to mention Nergora, too. Don't be so naïve, Ifrit)."

"(Even if you actually did attack us, it's under an influence. I will never betray my friend, even if he thought he's the one to blame. In fact, I've known that you won't betray us again)."

"(How can you be so sure?)"

"(Because of me)," said Anubis. "(You may talk big, dude, but your soul particles prove otherwise. In front of me, everyone is a terrible liar. That bargain with Azgal left a sudden distortion of the usual undead swirl inside you)."

"(You're Anubis Caropus, right? The god of death?)"

"(That's my father, not me. I'm just a death jackal prince, nothing more)."

They finally reached the same warehouse, where inside, Eshdar was met by the technologies that the rebels left behind. It was still intact and very much an information center, since there were so many databanks inside.

Then Azgal said, "(Though it seems unlikely that bargain of yours would actually fail, I am obliged to tell you about this. Lilac Rezmirn, that surface she-wolf, was kidnapped by the enemy. I don't know who took her, but the assailant killed one of our comrades. If you want to help, then first, we must tell about this place to Karkos, then, you need to tell them about your allegation)."

"(We decided to keep the incident a secret. It's better if they know that a hellhound monarch is alive and well, without further knowledge)."


"(If that incident is known by most of the refugees, they'll lose faith in you, and you won't get any assignments, which would severely halt our progress)," said Ifrit. "(Your deduction abilities and tracking skills will be very useful in these times, at least for a while until we know how to stop them)."

"(I think you're right...)"

Azgal moved to a nearby monitor where he again manipulated the boards to produce more and more information on the screen. Based on that, the demon goat said, "(Lilac is not lost. Fortunately for us, your enemies put up a list of potential hostage safehouse. Who knows? While you're at it you can also recruit more allies into your small freedom fighters)."

And so, after getting the help from the databank, they all waited for a week before Karkos and Anarim could come to where they were. The databank was a crucial step in helping the surface world from being overrun by the rebels, and they managed to get it.

With a little persuasion, the mayor of Arbal understood that the attack that devastated most of the border town was not an illusion and thus, would endanger the humans, for this wasn't a human matter anymore. In truth, he wanted to move after the rumor of Tragoria being overrun by demons, yet there's no place safe anymore. Albreich agreed to rally what's left of his demon slaying comrades, and led the human and Lycan survivors to Dusdolf in a one month journey.

Felina disappeared the next day, alongside Angelus and Caim, possibly going deep into Tragoria. The town of Arbal slowly became a desolate, abandoned place, with rubbles and ruins now decorating the town. The next day, some of the early new refugees came from Tanah region, and started cleaning the town for those who might needed it.

Both Rhynsa and Nergora regained consciousness at the same day, with Nergora's condition getting better each day. At the third day since he woke up, he prepared to leave at the early morning. When Ifrit asked, he said, "(You know, brother, when Sovarn gave me the letter about you having a girlfriend, I felt jealous, but I'm glad that despite of what our family had endured, you can still find a place to settle in. Truth to be told, I have those I cared about, too. I saved both of us because of that)."

Ifrit, after knowing what his brother said, put one of his hand to his shoulder and said, "(Aside from knowing that you're still alive, I'm still happy that you also found someone to fight for, too. Do you have...)"

"(I have my own comrades to fight for, and I'm happy to always be their leader, even in dire times. I wish our paths cross again, my little brother)."

"(Safe journey)."

Despite Nergora not admitting it, Ifrit knew his older brother had another one he cared for, someone he cared about that ruled out all feelings, much like Ifrit and Lilac.

"(Hope you find someone to settle in, too, Nergora)," said Ifrit in a whisper.

Mizarka decided to stay in the town to help the settlers and Rhynsa while he recovered. Azgal and Thotha agreed to help Hans in his own fight. The group slowly walked to different paths, leaving only Ifrit, Eshdar, and Anubis alone.

"(So, what's next?)" asked Eshdar. "(We've the time and place to start a journey. We can follow one of them in hopes of making a difference in this desolate world)."

"(We won't, Eshdar)," said Ifrit while scavenging the things he could find. "(The suicide mission is over, and this is the end of this group's journey. Everyone knows that it's time for goodbyes. Our fates are on our own now, including Albreich and the others. If, by chance, we found them in our journey, it will be a pleasure to fight alongside them again)."

Both Eshdar and Anubis then took a glance at each other, before returning their gaze to Ifrit. The black hellhound then continued.

"(But for me, Lilac is everything I cared for, so while we're at it...maybe we ought to find more allies along the way)."

Both then smiled.

"(Carry what you think it's important. We travel light. Let's slaughter them all)."

Eshdar smiled to Ifrit, knowing that now his friend had become someone he could look upon. He took his trustful bow, arrow, and dagger with him, alongside a travelling cloak he scavenged. Anubis took an ornate, but sharp, thin sword which he slung up his back. Ifrit wasn't carrying anything except supplies.

They knew that saying goodbye to Rhynsa and Mizarka meant that it would become a final goodbye, so they preferred not to. After preparing, they walked towards the gate leading to Tragoria. With only a map for the reference in the journey, they started their personal mission to find more allies, including Lilac, and to kill other demons along the way.

By time, the three of them, known as the Three Kings, would become a formidable and feared menace that struck fear into the hearts of the rebels, for they had become a strong team, and a great bond of friendship.