The Alpha: Chapter Three, Part 1 of 2

Story by Raevocrei on SoFurry

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#3 of The Alpha

Okay! So, I had originally planned on only writing three parts to this story, averaging about 7k words each. Since I am bad at planning, I'm going to start calling parts chapters because guess what! Chapter Three has two parts to it. .-.

Therefore, this entry will be Chapter Three: Part 1 of 2

It is shorter (4k words), but a really helpful division for my editing. Plus, I feel like 7k words is too much to read at one time.

Enough jabbering from me, here it is! Thanks for reading! =)

Nearly a month had passed since Reesa and Koru started on the road to recovery. Reesa was completely healed of any physical wounds while Koru still had another full month to recuperate. When Reesa wasn't with Koru, she was building up her strength, practicing and training without Koru's knowledge. She also talked with Eeve and became good friends with her. Bry was a quiet dragon, never really the one to speak his mind. He got along with Koru well, but Reesa rarely talked to him.

Eeve and Bry's hospitality was better than they ever could have hoped for. As Reesa and Koru progressed, they were often brought out of the cave to meet the siblings' clan members. The surrounding area was colder than their home and its forests consisted of pine trees instead of deciduous. It snowed more often than it rained--the ground was littered with the white, fluffy flakes. It was rare for Reesa and Koru to see snow, so they were excited by the sheer amount piled on the ground, covering the earth like a blanket.

The dragons in the ebony-scaled siblings' clan were kind but intimidating. Their scales were mostly dark colors as if they never saw the sun. Reesa didn't enjoy meeting new dragons, and Koru was timid around the unfamiliar company. Still, they made a few friends and acquainted themselves with others. At the beginning of the next month was their clan's bimonthly celebration where they would see them all again.

When Eeve told Reesa and Koru of this, the two mates felt apprehensive. The siblings reassured them that it would be fun and enjoyable--it was similar to their gatherings--but they couldn't help but to be uneasy. When that day came, Koru's bandages could finally be taken off, though his broken wing still needed to be strapped down and secured.

Reesa nuzzled Koru affectionately, excited to finally see her mate's unmarred, sapphire-scaled hide. There were pinkish scars where his wounds were the deepest, but most of his scales had grown or were beginning to grow back. Koru smiled proudly, flexing his limbs freely as Bry removed the last of the bandages. Bry took the dirty wraps away.

"You can't exert yourself too much yet," Eeve said. "But you should only need another week before you're completely healed, besides that pesky wing."

Koru looked at his broken limb disappointingly. "When can I use it again?" he asked.

Eeve sighed and honestly answered, "I'm not sure. It looked like a clean break, but it could be another month before you can move it again, and another month after that before you can use it."

Koru winced as he tried to move his wing. Reesa nudged him, trying to take his attention away from it. She could see the sadness in his blue eyes, his longing to fly again. It made her heart ache. Koru placed his head on top of his mate's and smiled reassuringly. "I will be fine."

"Now, if we want to get to the gathering on time, we should start walking!" Eeve exclaimed cheerfully. She walked toward the exit to the cave and called, "Come, come!"

Bry met them outside and they began walking to the gathering place. The snow crunched beneath Reesa's paws with every step. Icy-cold water clung to her paw pads, chilling her feet. It was uncomfortable at first, but she became used to it as they continued on.

Tyrand walked along the lake's edge, his thick tail drooping sadly behind him. It had been a month since the incident, and he still felt abnormally depressed. When he had apologized to the clan, he saw their eyes peering at him with dissatisfaction and a hint of fear. Every single pair of eyes had a gleam of anger until he held up his dead, slaughtered hatchling. There was silence. Dead silence.

Tyrand stopped and looked at his tainted paws and grimaced.

It had been his light-blue scaled daughter, sired from one of his beautiful broodmates. He had held up his trembling arm with the slain hatchling in it, professing the hideous acts of Reesa and Koru--all a part of Neekay's immoral plan. Tyrand's brother's plan was successful; the red-scaled Alpha looked like the victim.

Despite being victorious, Tyrand felt the opposite. He sulked to himself for some time afterward, cursing his own brother. For weeks after the incident, the females of the clan avoided the Alpha and the males looked at him differently, almost as if he were a monster. He couldn't explain what he sensed, but he felt like an outcast of his own clan. It was only recently that females began to approach him again, but Tyrand sent them away. It wasn't the same.

Tyrand walked alone by the lake, beside himself with contempt. This was where he often saw Reesa, the red-scaled beauty. The sun was beginning to set as an orange light filled the western horizon. Water crashed against the shore, splashing him with cool sprays as he walked in the sand. His feet imprinted into the warm sand with each step, leaving large paw prints. He looked ahead and saw a long distance between him and the other edge of the lake. Then, he saw another dragon. He squinted. It was a white-scaled dragon lounging on the sandy shore ahead of him. He only knew a few in his clan with that color of hide.

Curious and lonely, Tyrand decided to approach whoever it was. When he was close enough, he saw that it was a dragoness, and a strange, red pattern painted her scales. She was not from his clan. From her head to her tail, there were red scales marking her body in an intricate design, complimenting her gracile form. Tyrand had never seen that before in any dragon. She noticed him coming, but continued to lie where she was, content with her position.

Tyrand gave a friendly smile and greeted her. "What brings you to my lake?" She was half his size, but bigger than most of the females in his clan. The dragoness was also calm and showed no fear of him. Her hind-legs were kicked out comfortably as her bottom half lay on its side. A shiny, golden ring was wrapped above her hind-paw and around her ankle, and two more were worn around her ivory horns.

"Your lake?" she asked and scoffed. "What makes this your lake?" An immediate sense of defiance emanated from her. He didn't like that.

Tyrand would have growled or snarled under any other circumstance to assert his dominance, but he didn't want to scare her off. Instead, he sat down across from where she lay and curled his thick tail around his body. "These are my lands that you're trespassing on, pretty thing."

The dragoness shifted and brought her legs in, lying completely on her underbelly. "I wasn't aware that a big brute like you had claim to any territory," she mocked. "I thought you were just a thug trying to take something from me."

That time he did growl. "Watch your tongue, bitch." Tyrand bared his teeth angrily. He wasn't sure if she was toying with him or just determined to annoy him.

It was both.

"Oh no, I upset the almighty ruler!" She laughed brightly. "I hope he doesn't throw me in the dungeon!" She didn't show a single shred of fear--which angered Tyrand--and she acted like it was a game to her. Her crimson colored eyes were unnaturally passive.

The red-scaled Alpha huffed and turned his head away, scowling as he tried to think. He didn't want to harm or scare her away, but he had never met anyone with stones big enough to mock him straight to his face. And she was a female!

The white-scaled dragoness grinned proudly. "Looks like I've sated the beast. What's your name, brute?" Whatever game she was playing seemed to be a test, and Tyrand was losing his patience.

Tyrand turned his attention back to her in disbelief. She was still trying to push him. He wanted to be angry, but he somehow lost that feeling of rage. There was just emptiness. "Tyrand..." was his meek response. He stared into her calm eyes and nearly lost sense of himself. Her red irises almost seemed to move by themselves, swirling into a cloud of crimson around her black, ovular pupils.

The dragoness brought her paw to her chest and proudly stated, "My name is Daeis. What brings you here, Tyrand the Brute?"

He stared at her crossly. If she was going to continue to pester him, then he might as well play her game. "I was patrolling my land and saw a beautiful dragoness resting on my lake. I was curious what sort of haughty little she-devil would dare to step on my territory."

"There you go again, saying this is yours," she sighed. "What makes it your land?"

Tyrand squinted at her with a slightly confused expression. "I am the Alpha of my clan. These are my clan's lands; therefore, they are mine," he explained condescendingly.

"So, being the Alpha makes you a leader?"

"Yes! What else would it make me?" he growled.

"So... if I defeat you in battle or kill you, I become the Alpha?" She grinned deviously, asking questions that made Tyrand feel uncomfortable. He had never been cautious of anyone before, but her simplistic and bold way of meddling with him made Tyrand feel uneasy.

He stood up and bared his teeth. "Yes. If you miraculously struck me down, you would be the leader of the clan." He scoffed and continued, "But what could a dainty female like you do against me?"

A smug smile curled at Daeis' lips. She shifted onto her side and lay comfortably as she was before. "Oh, you would be surprised," she replied nonchalantly. "But you aren't worth my time." She closed her eyes and laid her head down.

Tyrand stood there, dumbfounded and defeated. His anger just disappeared; it vanished like dust in the wind.

Daeis opened her crimson eyes again and saw him frozen in place. "What are you still doing here? Leave me, you brute."

Tyrand wanted to say something--his mouth hung open as if he would--but he just shook his head and left. He had no idea what to do. A familiar feeling crept into his body. It was that same feeling he felt when Reesa had turned him away countless times before. That feeling is what drove him mad and it was returning. He looked back at the white dragoness anxiously. Tyrand couldn't deny it; he wanted her as his mate.

The next day at the same time in the evening, Tyrand went back to the area where he saw the white-scaled dragoness last. To his disappointment, there was no trace of Daeis--not even a print in the sand. He sighed with discontent and lay down, moping to himself. He accepted the fact that he would never see her again, that mysterious and alluring female.

Later that night, Tyrand flew wearily back to his den. His eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness as he trudged into his chambers. And there she was: that conniving little she-devil. Daeis was asleep on his bedding, curled up with his belongings. Tyrand froze in place, completely dumbfounded once again. How did she know where he slept? He felt hesitant, but he lit his torch with his breath, bringing a warm, glowing light that dissipated the darkness.

Daeis inhaled loudly and opened her eyes. She stretched out and yawned, baring her sharp claws and teeth. "Why must you wake me?" she said drowsily to him with slurred speech.

Tyrand growled, "Because you are sleeping in by bed! How did you get here?"

She looked at him and yawned again. She lazily blinked a few times and simply replied, "I walked in."

"How did you know?" Tyrand frustratingly pressed, baring his teeth defensively.

Daeis cocked her head and looked as if she would fall back asleep. "It's not that hard to find. I asked one dragon and they said this was your den. I walked in, found your bedding, and fell asleep," she casually explained. She laid her head back down, resting it on the soft fur. "Your bed is extremely comfortable... but the smell is disgusting."

Tyrand growled again. "Move." Daeis didn't budge. "Move or I will make you move!" he hissed. The dragoness was still, seeming to be asleep once more. Tyrand felt that emptiness inside of him again where his anger normally was. He couldn't bring himself to harm her in any way or even to simply move her. He scowled and sighed, unsure of what to do. So, he merely extinguished the light and curled up around the dragoness. If she was going to sleep in his bed, then she was going to sleep with him.

The thought occurred to him that she would kill him while he slept, so Tyrand wrapped himself around Daeis, pressing his red-scaled body to hers. If she moved, he would know. He felt the heat of her smaller frame radiating against his underbelly as he hugged her tightly. He smiled, feeling a bit of satisfaction warming his heart. Her faint scent brushed his nostrils. He inhaled the pleasant aroma. He had never slept with anyone like this before, and Daeis was completely compliant.

When the Alpha woke, he immediately noticed that Daeis was no longer next to him. She slipped away without him noticing, leaving nothing but her tantalizing scent. Tyrand looked around expectantly, and resigned his hopes. He sighed dishearteningly with an empty, cold feeling in his heart. He lay there for nearly an hour, berating himself for being so stupid. He wished she had killed him while he slept.

Once he finally roused himself, he walked through his large, treasure-filled den to the entrance. The morning sun was bright outside, making him wince as he entered the radiant light. The waterfall rushed beside him, roaring as the waters cascaded down. He walked toward an enormous tree that shaded the grassy area surrounding his den. The trunk itself was thicker than ten large trees combined. On the other side of that tree was a flat rock that he and his brother enjoyed laying on because the sun peered straight through the branches onto it. It kept the rock warm for his underbelly as his red, scaly body was warmed by the sunlight.

Tyrand walked around the large base of the tree and was caught off-guard by the white-scaled dragoness lounging on his rock. Daeis was sprawled out on her back, happily basking in the sun's radiant light. She didn't leave him. Tyrand unexpectedly felt his heart yearn for her, almost leaping out of his chest after her. He never felt that way about Reesa, or anyone for that matter. It was a new, pleasant feeling for him that felt caged inside, waiting to be released.

Daeis glanced at Tyrand as she heard him approach. She lay comfortably on her back with her hind-legs apart, refusing to move even though she was exposed. The Alpha couldn't help but to stare at her visible slit as he neared. Her feminine form was gracefully curvy all the way down to her long tail. The red pattern curled around her body but stopped at her pure-white underbelly.

"What have you come here for, brute?" she asked.

Tyrand grinned deviously at her and sat right in front of her spread hind-end. To his luck, she still didn't bother covering herself. He could see a little bit of her pink flesh peeking out, and he could smell her earthy scent. "I was going to rest on my rock, but it appears that someone beat me to it."

"I couldn't sleep in that filth for much longer, especially with a warm rod poking into my back," she retorted with a smug grin.

Tyrand blushed. "If you didn't like my warm rod, then I don't think you would be teasing me as you are now!" he returned.

"Who said I didn't like your rod?" Daeis grinned deviously as Tyrand's jaw dropped and continued, "I simply didn't like being teased by your thick cock while you slept."

Tyrand's cheeks flushed with heat. He was at a loss for words. He wanted to mate her--he really wanted to mate her--but he didn't want to press his chances with her. After what happened with Reesa, he couldn't bear losing another potential mate as beautiful as she was.

"You can stand there and gawk or you can get to work!" she said and pressed her paw to her slit, spreading apart her nether lips. Tyrand's eyes grew wide as her entrance was revealed to him. She wanted to mate with him! He felt his body reacting: his heart throbbed in his chest as his blood warmed and quickly circulated; and his tapered tip was peeking out of his slit. He looked into her crimson eyes, seeing that serene, swirling color. Her pink flesh was glistening with arousal. Tyrand quickly lowered his head and licked her sex, pushing the flat of his tongue between her softly scaled lips. Her scent was even stronger, filling his nostrils with her earthy aroma. He tasted her rich flavor which sent shivers down his spine. He pushed apart her legs and continued to lap at her vent, hearing her lewd moans as her serviced her.

"Oh! You dirty brute!" she cried, laying her head back.

Tyrand's mouth was watering more than usual as he slathered his excess saliva over her crotch. Her secretions clung to his tongue, enticing and sweet. Daeis squirmed and her tail twitched. The Alpha's thick member was erect and throbbing. He stopped stimulating her and moved his torso over the rock, his large body hovering over hers. He looked down at her with a sly grin.

Daeis looked between their legs and saw the large, red length that would fill her. "You are well endowed for a brute," she said, staring at it anxiously. She held his shoulders and spread her hind-legs wide, ready to be taken on the rock.

"I'm going to make you scream, bitch," Tyrand replied and began to press his tapered tip into her smaller body. Daeis' white claws clenched his shoulder tightly, digging into his hide as the first inch penetrated her entrance. She groaned as his thickness spread her tight walls apart. The male was extremely careful, slowly stretching the female so it wouldn't be too painful. She winced and mumbled a few obscenities, taking inch after inch of his thick cock. He felt her tight walls beginning to loosen around him. His length succumbed to her warmth as it nestled inside of her.

Tyrand began to pull out before he pressed too far. He heard her sigh as she released some of the tension in her grip. "Oh, don't get too comfortable. That was only half of it!"

Daeis opened her eyes and grinned. "Good! I was beginning to think that you weren't that big at all!"

He smiled with her and quickly pressed back in. Daeis cried out and lurched forward, holding him tightly once again. She groaned as he filled her; his tapered tip rubbed against her cervix. He was only three-quarters of the way in. Tyrand lay with her for a moment, letting the female stretch and comfortably take him.

"You're very tight for a whore," Tyrand teased.

"S-Shut it!" she tersely growled, grimacing. Tyrand grinned proudly. He finally beat her; he won her game. He pulled out of her again, feeling her walls tugging on his flesh. He moaned and began to dip into her, humping her gently. Daeis moaned loudly, taking just a few inches of him. The female's slick secretions made it easier for him to thrust into her. He was gradually easing himself in with every thrust and was soon rocking her body back and forth.

Tyrand rutted Daeis, eliciting lewd, lusty moans from the dragoness with every drive. His hips slapped against hers as her body was jounced by his larger weight. Her hind-legs bounced back and forth lazily. His large length delved into her constricting folds, spreading her apart as her ridged walls rubbed his tapered tip pleasurably. He moaned as a spurt of pre ejaculated from his tip. Pressure was welling up inside his loins while he mated the white dragoness.

Daeis firmly gripped his hips with her rear-legs and cried out. Tyrand humped her forcefully, making her body shake back and forth. His instincts drove him as he increased his speed. The female couldn't take anymore. She roared her pleasure and hit her climax as he rutted her ruthlessly. Her sex constricted even tighter around his thick cock and pulsated. More of her secretions came oozing out of her, making a slick mess on her crotch. Tyrand continued to thrust into her, trying to climax with her. Her moans and cries encouraged him. Her vent stretched enough that he could fully penetrate the female without hurting her.

With one final thrust, he pressed as far in as he could, stretching her depths to fit his large member. Tyrand erupted inside of Daeis as she continued her climax. Her vent milked him for his seed as thick, steaming strings ejaculated from his tip. Tyrand roared piercingly as his orgasm filled her. He humped her again, sloshing the mixed liquid in her sex. Daeis groaned and moaned, holding him closely as every powerful throb sent copious amounts of the Alpha's seed into her reproductive organs. They both lasted for a long time and finally came down moments later.

Tyrand looked down at Daeis and smiled. Her crimson eyes were glazed over and glassy; she looked like she was in absolute bliss. It made Tyrand's cold heart feel warm--rejuvenated. He didn't know what he felt, but he knew he was happy. "How does it feel to be bred by the Alpha?" he asked with a smug grin.

"Like being pounded by a giant."

Tyrand frowned. He wasn't sure if that was a compliment to his size or an insult to his performance. Daeis laughed at him, so he assumed the latter. "At least I'm not as loose as a whore!" he retorted.

"I wouldn't be so loose if you'd pull the damn thing out!"

Tyrand grinned deviously and pushed his softening length deeper. Their slits touched as he slid into her and pressed his hips to hers. "But you're my whore."

Daeis smiled and massaged him with her sex, using expert control over her muscles. Tyrand groaned and felt himself hardening inside of her, his erecting length pushing apart her walls. Daeis moaned and closed her eyes.


Tyrand heard the cough and quickly turned around and saw his bronze-scaled brother behind him. He blushed and hissed, "Damnit, Neekay! Not now!" He covered Daeis with his wing, trying to protect her privacy.

"I see you found yourself another female to please you," he said with a shrewd smile. "There is an urgent matter you need to attend to."

Tyrand waved him off, "I'll get to it."

"It's about Reesa."

Tyrand scowled and bared his teeth. "I don't care about her anymore!" he growled.

"That's wonderful and all, but she and her mate have been located in another clan's territory. They are both alive and well."

"I said not now, Neekay!"

Neekay sighed disapprovingly. "Something will need to be done, Tyrand." He left them alone, flying away elsewhere.

Daeis raised an eyebrow at Tyrand as he uncovered her, looking for an explanation.

"Neekay is my brother," he said. "And he killed the mood." Tyrand's length was now flaccid. He pulled it out and sighed unhappily.

"This Reesa... was she your last lover?" Daeis asked curiously with the first ounce of concern she had ever dared to show. After they separated, she rolled onto her side respectably and was soon joined by Tyrand on the rock. The warm slab of stone barely fit the both of them, but they were comfortable together beneath the sun's rays.

Tyrand grimaced as unwanted memories fogged his mind. "Something like that..." He wanted to tell her the truth, but he could never bring himself to do it. His thoughts roamed to the problem at hand. Reesa and Koru were both alive; they had a chance for vengeance. If the truth was revealed, Tyrand would be exiled immediately. He had no doubt about that. But would the clan believe them, those who killed his hatchling? Or would they believe that I am a monster?

Tyrand scraped his claws on the stone. Daeis stared at him, watching his fretful expressions. He held her closely, his paws gripping her tightly. He had to protect Daeis from the storm he had created; she couldn't know anything about it. If she knew about his sins, she wouldn't dare to stay around. And she was the last thing he wanted to lose.