The Gift of Godhood

Story by Joseph Raszagal on SoFurry

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The Gift of Godhood

As Written By Joseph Raszagal

"In all my years I've never seen such a lazy wallaby!" Grumbles the Professor from afar as he motions for his over-encumbered luggage toting assistant/slave, me, to come hither. "Is procrastination all you know?! The day is dying and I would prefer to use these last rays of light to get some actual work done!"

An old cougar with sharp green eyes and an even sharper English tongue squints through his thick-rimmed spectacles at a deteriorating wall covered in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, his thumb and forefinger cupping his chin in the symbolism of his mental gears turning as he methodically deciphers even the most broken and faded passages of text. Though an annoying old fogy with a penchant for demanding too much of his hapless underlings, he still merits proper respect as an archaeologist; even I know that. After all, I'd traversed the world ten times over with the old coot already, scaling frigid mountains and navigating dank caves, so what real point outside of sheer spite or aggravation was there in trying to deny his obvious genius? Then again, this was my first time being whisked away on one of his sudden whims to driest, dustiest Egypt; a place that neither a cougar nor a 'roo had any business at all inhabiting. The sun screamed down upon us like the bright light bulb of an Easy Bake Oven, the wind served only to sizzle us further with oddly burning breezes, I'd been spit upon at least four times by my camel, and the desert sands had successfully managed to infiltrate absolutely every fold of my clothing. So needless to say, I wasn't the happiest wallaby in the world and the Professor's grumpy growling from over my shoulder was the last thing that I needed.

"Joey, where are you?!" Trumpets the old man angrily, surely only seconds away from a hundred or more aneurysms. "I can't very well dust these sculptures with my bare paws; bring my brushes!"

"I'll tell you where you can stick your brushes!" I hiss in my head, somehow managing to keep my thoughts to myself.

Glaring daggers at him, I scowl, stop, and then drop all of the heavy bags that I'd been carrying. As a result, a sizable plume of fine dust erupts from around them as they impact and forces me to shut my unprotected eyes for a few seconds. Trust a kangaroo far out of his Aussie element to make such a simple mistake. Unzipping one of the large saddlebags, me being such a trusty workhorse and whatnot, I hastily withdraw a fine-bristled brush and trot over to the aging cat before jets of steamy rage can begin shooting out of his ears in superimposed, cartoon fashion. With a roll of my eyes that he must have missed, I slap it into his open paw and promptly hop off in search of sweet, sweet shade. Almost immediately, the tan furred feline sets to work sweeping and dusting a wide variety of stoneworks, brushing the centuries worth of compacted sand away from the invaluable history hiding several layers beneath. Though difficult to deal with in person, I always found a bit of odd pleasure in watching him work; watching the irate anger of his personality take a backseat to his scholarly curiosity.

But let me tell you, did the hours just FLY by...

"Joey, my boy, get over here!" Shouts the excited cougar some time later, waking me from a particularly peaceful nap. "Be quick about it, I've found something!"

Blinking the dust from my eyes, some of which may or may not have been my own, I lurch from my position on a large limestone slab and absently mutter, "Well, at least he sounds happy this time. That's a plus, right?"

Standing and stretching my stiffened arms, still tired and hazy from my brief rest, I let out a huge yawn as I stagger my way towards the wrinkly, old cat; my thick tail dragging lazily through the evening sand. Upon reaching the Professor, I immediately take notice of the sprawling texts on the wall adjacent to him. Instantaneously, I wake up. Judging by the brush held loosely in the old man's paw, his shocked and awed expression, and the area on the wall where he'd abruptly stopped dusting, I'd say that the passage of ancient symbols that my eyes were so firmly affixed to, and I'm QUITE certain that I COULDN'T look away, were what had spurred him to summon me as hastily as he had. Though not in any remote way an expert on the subject of hieroglyphics, I still know all too well what certain pictures mean when placed here and there; having at least tried in the past to keep my knowledge up to date so as not to burden the Professor with my ignorance. And with that said, clearly, what stood before me was a stone monolith inscribed with the long since sought after words:

If thou hast wandered and wayfared in search of everlasting life, then search no more as thou hast completed thine journey at long last.

"'The Elixir of Life', 'The Holy Grail', 'The Fount of Youth'?" I question aloud in a hushed, awed voice; the question itself posed to no one in particular.

Snapping out of his much longer daze, the Professor turns around, slapping me in the back of my head in the process, and shouts, "This is no time to be amazed, boy! Fetch me my tools! We may well have a wholly new discovery here; this could be a globally significant find!"

Spinning around on my heels, not even stopping to think as to how the Professor went about the task of discovering these ruins all on his own and before every other seasoned explorer in the world, I raced excitedly back to the bags and jammed my paws into the one I'd left unzipped. Less than a microsecond later, a searing, screaming pain shoots up through my right arm like a jolt of electricity and sends me stumbling backwards, sprawling to the ground in shock. With my heart pounding in my ears and my chest heaving up and down as though I'd just run a marathon, I look to my paw in search of some sort of injury. At the center of my palm, discoloring and swelling the pad into an ugly bruise, was a tiny pinprick. Squinting my eyes, I look it up and down, hoping and praying that whatever tool I'd inadvertently stabbed myself with hadn't been rusty or contaminated in any way. But imagine my surprise when instead of a razor or one of the Professor's digging picks, it's a scorpion that comes scuttling out of the bag and off into the red, setting sun.

Feeling a cold numbness climb up my arm, I quietly stammer, "Th-that... That didn't j-just happen... Th-this isn't h-happening..."

But it WAS happening. In seconds, my whole body begins to feel similarly cold and numb; a clammy sensation washing over me like an ill wave. I vaguely remember the Professor dashing into my vision minutes later and kneeling down beside me, his face contorted with fear and worry in a way that just didn't suit him. His mouth moved frantically, his lips forming words, but strangely, no sounds seemed to come out. I tried hard to lift my paw and show it to him, but all he seemed to do in return was hold it tight between his own while brushing something away from his eyes with his sleeves. Were they tears... maybe? A few more minutes tick-tock away, the metronome in my mind gradually slowing to a halt, and everything around me starts to blur and fog over; the shapes losing their sharp definition and slowly meshing together like blended paint. Vague silhouettes deform into indistinguishable blobs; those blobs eventually becoming impossible to tell apart either. Eventually, every image vanishes entirely and becomes replaced by pitch black; the lonely darkness joining hand-in-hand with the solemn silence. I laid there for what seemed to be an eternity, though several seconds probably sums up the whole experience more accurately; my fear elongating every minute into an hour. Over time, even my thoughts steadily begin to wink out like snuffed candlelights; my mind falling asleep in a more absolute way than ever before.

And then, in another instant, my eyes suddenly flood with a burning, blinding light; a fiery white flash that shatters all of those horrible feelings and calls out to me like a mighty, blaring, golden trumpet.

"Rise!" Shouts the strongest voice I'd ever heard; a booming thundercrack that echoes through time and space. "Stand tall and defy death!"

More powerful a command than anything I'd ever heard before, I'm forced to stifle a scream of pain as raw, unbridled feeling and sensation rush violently back into my cold flesh and fur; my body exploding back to life in an instant. I happened so fast, too fast, like the surge of carbonation that comes spraying out of a thoroughly shaken soda. Air rushes into my lungs at hurricane speeds and my heart lurches in my chest as it thumps back into pace. Opening my eyes for the first time in what fells like a millennium, I struggle woozily to make out the image of the hazy, unfocused silhouette looming over me; an unknown black blob that my eyes couldn't yet identify.

"I shall beckon but once more!" Reiterates the mighty voice. "Rise!"

A tall, slender frame begins to come into focus before me as my eyes adjust; long, pert ears and a thin, whip-like tail adorning this mysterious stranger. Only once my sight fully returns do I realize under whom I am laying, sprawled embarrassingly across the ground like a rag doll. The Egyptian god of the underworld and eternal master of all departed souls, Lord Anubis, smiles bemusedly as he looks upon my quivering form from his lofty heights hovering mere inches above me. Deep, dark obsidian fur glistens in the light and contrasts glamorously with with the gold rings dangling casually around the deity's neck, wrists, and ankles; each hoop socketed with a king's ransom in rare and exquisite jewels. Painted around the his eyes and across various other areas of his body are many snow-white esoteric symbols and hieroglyphs, many of which are far beyond my understanding. The midnight jackal's onyx hair falls across his back and shoulders in long cascading braids; thousands of thin strands, all lavishly decorated with their very own assortment of gleaming gold rings as well. Lastly, the graceful god's minuscule loincloth does little to hinder my imagination as it blows aside with each and every breeze, thereby revealing the secrets hidden beneath; the sizable secrets.

I was gazing upon the sacred form of a true god... and I could see ALL of him.

"How did I end up here?" I wondered, terrified out of my mind. "Am... am I to be judged? Is he going to feed my heart to Amut?"

Immediately, the deity presses a single paw to his lips, as if to hold in a bubbling laugh, and replies to my mental fears, "Worry not; though your life did indeed end, it was only for the shortest of whiles. I am here of my own volition, not to weigh your heart... which, might I assure you, is far too light to satiate the fangs of Amut. Only the darkest, vilest of souls befit his gullet."

"Holy shit, he can hear my thoughts?!" I yelped in my mind, frantically trying to make sense of things. "Wait, wait, wait, somebody stop the ride! Did he say that I was dead for 'the shortest of whiles'? Does that mean that I'm... I'm not dead?"

With a bemused smile, the beautiful deity replies, "Yes, though your paws had taken to treading the path to Duat, I took it upon myself to guide you back to this world."

For the first time in the great god's presence, I open my maw and speak, "Y-you brought me back to life? You can do that?"

"But of course." Replies Anubis warmly. "Life and death; they are mine to command and command them I shall. It is a taxing thing, reviving the dead, but not beyond my abilities to do so." Smiling, the dark jackal saunters slowly towards me; his long strides displaying the slender beauty of his strong legs and thighs. "And, might I add, that you are all too deserving of this second life... and more."

Wavering with uncertainty, I ask, "What do you mean, more? Why did you revive me and why did you bring me here?"

Cupping my chin with one outstretched paw, the canine god stares deep into my eyes, undoubtedly deep into my soul, and answers, "It can be a lonely, empty existence at times; this role that I play. I have spent eons alone, guiding the souls of the dead to their rightful places; some towards the light and others towards the darkness. Is it so selfish of me to seek companionship?"

"C-companionship?" I echo with a stammer as I swallow a choking knot in my throat.

"Indeed." Replies Anubis morosely; his crimson eyes sad and pain stricken. "I have withered away in this bleak loneliness for long enough, have I not? Please, mortal, please grant me the honor of your presence and I will in turn relinquish unto you the greatest gift that a god can offer."

Dumbstruck, I teeter unsteadily for a moment and exclaim, "The honor of... my presence? And what gift?"

In a few short steps, the graceful obsidian god then strolls around to my back, resting his paws upon my tense, rigid shoulders. Elegant and poised, beautiful beyond words, he begins kneading my fur and massaging my muscles; all of my fears and apprehension crumbling away as my body relaxes. The deity's strong, dexterous paws work their way through my coat, his pads rubbing tenderly against my taught skin. Slowly, while one paw massages my neck, the other began gliding gently down my back; eventually coming to rest upon my hip. Leaning over my shoulder, I can smell the onyx jackal's powerful, exotic scent, I can feel his firm body pressing up and conforming to mine, and I can hear his breathing as his chest steadily rises and falls. Quivering with a whole host of new anxieties and uncertainties, my body reacting in ways that my mind couldn't yet compute, I immediately cover my slowly bulging crotch with one paw and quietly whimper.

"The gift of godhood, little wallaby." Anubis coos; his warm breath hitting my ear and muddling my thoughts as my hormones surge again. "By sharing with you my very own essence, I can transform your body into that of a god like myself; immortal and all-powerful."

With wide eyes, I question in an awed near-whisper, "A god? You can make me into a god?"

"Should you wish it of me, I can and will." Answers the dark, midnight god as he wraps an arm around my waist and squeezes gently; his strong hips straddling my thick tail while his barely hidden goods press into my back and spark a hundred fires. "But be aware, young one, that this essence of mine comes not in the form of an elixir or potion; it is not merely an apothecary's alchemic concoction. Nor can I bestow it upon you through spell or incantation; no, it is not something so cryptic or abstruse as arcane sorcery. It is simply the energy and vitality of my being, my body, and you have only to participate in a single ritual to obtain it; an act of intimate physical passion, the entangling of our bodies as one."

Jolting away and staggering back a few steps, I exclaim, "S-sex?!"

"Yes." Answers the jackal bluntly; a lusty gleam sparkling in his eyes that I might have missed had I not been looking for it.

Backing away but with nowhere in particular to go, an ominous expanse of empty white nothingness sprawling in all directions, I hurriedly stutter, "N-no, I can't! W-what I mean to say is I can't because I'm strai~

"Straight? Heterosexual?" Laughs Anubis with a wide, merry grin as he cuts me off and reaches forward, cupping my chin between his thumb and forefinger. "Nay, I think not; not in the least. I know, full and well, what your eyes have been enacting upon my regal form; the many lewd and licentious positions you have already imagined me in. And furthermore, did not my mere touch excite you and spur your body to react rather than your mind?"

Staring at the ground and blushing fiercely, I plead, "But~

"Will you lie to me once more?" Questions the jet black deity, cutting me off yet again; his voice more playful and mischievous than stern. "After all, lies do stain the soul and though I am here of my own volition, it does befall me to judge you should you prove sinful in the end."

Averting my eyes, I grit my teeth and remain silent; my face flushing a deep red beneath my tan fur.

"Now do tell, young one, are you just as you have described?" Interrogates the god as he circles me closely; his devilish smile only growing wider with time. "Or were your words untrue and brashly falsified in my presence?"

Biting my lip, I struggle to quell the torrent of thoughts rushing and running rampant through my head; my mind literally swimming in the flood of confusion. In the throes of perplexity, I slam on the brakes and eventually come to a startling conclusion. Having somehow overlooked this, I nearly smack myself. Only minutes ago, the regal canine had heard and read my thoughts as though I'd shouted them at the top of my lungs; answering my questions before I'd even had a chance to ask them. With wide eyes, I peer back up at the omnipotent god and study his thoroughly amused expression, wondering why he'd even bothered to ask me anything when my mind had been laid bare before for him like an open book the entire time. And that's when it hits me, all too obvious, and I ponder, "He knows the truth already; he's known it from the beginning. What he wants is for me to admit to the truth and face it myself... something I'd planned on avoiding for a few more years at least."

Smiling warmly, Anubis places one paw on my opposite shoulder, squeezing gently, and states, "It is an easy task, lying to another, but nearly impossible to lie to oneself. You have done so for far too long already; remove your mask and face your true self in the mirror of your soul."

"People judge you when you show yourself for who you really are." I reply in a whimper. "They pick out a single quality that they don't identify with and hate you for it."

Placing his other paw upon my other shoulder, the onyx god looks deep into my eyes and firmly adds, "I judge the souls of the damned for crimes beyond redemption. For this, your simple, fearful secret, I have absolutely nothing to judge you for. I am merely sorry to see that the prejudice of your world has left you too hesitant and afraid to take pride in yourself."

Fighting back a quake and the tears that would undoubtedly follow, I gaze back into the mighty jackal's eyes and find myself drawn into them as if by magnetic force; steadily closing the gap between us. Before I know it, I'm inches away from the deity's slender maw, the sound of my own pounding heartbeat thundering in my ears. In this moment of understanding, in the strong, comforting arms of this otherworldly man, I abandon all of my worries and fears and reply with what the obsidian god had been hinting towards from the very start. Leaning in, I wrap my muzzle tightly around his and kiss the omniscient Egyptian god; working my tongue in a spiral and indulging as the dark, noble lupine presses his paws firmly against my back and pulls me into his chest.

Breaking the kiss, the midnight jackal runs a paw through my long mane of hair and then muses in a soft purr, "Now, dear boy, with whom do your sexual allegiances lie?"

Opening my unfocused eyes, I let out a contented sigh and answer without hesitation, "With men."

"So it seems." Chuckles Anubis, grinning gleefully. "Now, was that truly so difficult to admit."

"Difficult for a MORTAL to admit?" I reply with a sardonic roll of my eyes. "Yes."

Trailing one finger across my cheek and stopping at the tip of my nose, the onyx deity proclaims, "Well, worry not, as you status as such shall soon change."

Snapping his fingers, the ancient and almighty god transports us to a lavishly decorated room; plush pillows covering the floor and surrounding a royally extravagant curtained bed. Sweet smelling incense permeates the air and the flickering lights of a dozen or so torches dance across every surface. Padding over to the bed and gently pulling me along by the arm, Lord Anubis sits down and smiles wide. With a wiggle of his finger, the stunning god motions for me to join him and I do so all too willingly. With bedroom eyes, the fetching deity glides a single paw across my thigh and rests it firmly upon my crotch, squeezing the tender region ever so slightly. With a quiet gasp, I blush feverishly and turn my head to avert my eyes. In response, the black jackal grins from ear to ear and circles his fingers around the base of my thick tail, gently stroking it up and down. Brazenly, I let my own paw drift south of the god's boarder and bury it beneath his paper-thin loincloth, cupping his hidden treasures in my padded palm.

"Ready to begin, little one?" Chuckles Anubis warmly as he pokes my nose with a single finger and removes from the folds of the bed's blankets a leather collar. Clasping it around my neck and hooking a leash through the collar's steel loop, he clutches the chrome chain tightly one paw and mewls happily. "Because though your mortal body shall be transformed into something greater by the marrow's eve, you are still a mortal tonight and shall be treated as such; subserviently." With an innocent wink, he strips away his tiny loincloth in a matter of seconds and glances down towards his bulging sheath and then back up at me, tugging on the leash and leading me steadily down. "So, as a mortal of lesser status, I command you to kneel before your master and warship him with your maw. What say you?"

With a sensuous smirk, I reply, "And what if I refuse, Master?"

"You will have to be punished." Gleefully answers the midnight canine as he caresses my head and hair. "Is that what you want?"

"Oh? I thought you were here either by your own choice or to grant me immortality." I giggle as I follow his strong lead and begin to kneel. "Since when does helping me include punishment?"

With a sinister smile, the black canine returns, "True, but what would pleasure be without the prospect of pain? It makes the whole of the ordeal that much more tantalizing."

Rather than reply once more with words, I use my paws and muzzle. Taking to my knees and looking up into his beautiful eyes, I caress the onyx god's smooth sack and fuzzy sheath; gently jiggling his balls between my fingers. Round and plump, I'm soon drawn in by their mesmerizing allure and before I know quite what I'm doing, I find myself slathering the firm package in dripping wet saliva; my tongue trailing across the length of his furry pouch and savoring in the salty taste. His intoxicating musk infiltrates my nose immediately and summons forth from my body a rapturous quiver; my shameful length of dirty roo meat just starting to peek out into the open air as a result. Several contented murrs and purrs tell me that my work is well received and I continue about my business, poking a single finger into the jet black god's sheath and gently rubbing the tip of his regal rod as it extends further and further. Sighing contentedly, the Egyptian god leans his head back and closes his eyes; his paw tightening down upon my leash but still allowing me enough slack to move about freely. Seconds later, the deity's pulsing cock emerges from its fuzzy hideaway and stands strong at attention, ready and waiting to be lavished by my hot, moist maw.

"Beautiful." I mutter absently to myself as I look upon Anubis's smooth pole.

"Why thank you." States the omnipotent creature in a hushed whisper. "Though I must say, your maw will most certainly look equally as beautiful, if not more so, as it pleasures me."

Taking the newly revealed stiff staff between my fingers, I grip down upon it gently and feel the supple flesh pressing against my paw-pads. Pulsing and throbbing in my firm grip, I once again feel myself drawn forward as though by gravity or some sort of otherworldly force, and exhale slowly as my muzzle steadily engulfs the rigid rod; my warm saliva dripping down the shaft and coating it in preparation for the many sultry acts to come. Then, in one well-practiced motion, I go down on the stunning phallus and take its entirety into my hot maw; suckling and slurping as it fills my mouth and the back of my throat. Releasing the sheets from his grip, the mighty deity places one paw atop my head and rests it there while his other tightens the strain upon the leash.

"Yours is a mouth... clearly befitting a god." Pants Anubis; his lean and muscular chest heaving up and down as I polish his perfect sword.

The added strain of the jackal's tugging upon my chain merely gives me a force to act against whilst pleasuring his kingly cock; the obsidian shaft disappearing into my wet oral cavern and reappearing in rapid succession as I bob my head up and down. Sucking, slurping sounds echo around the dimly lit room as I take in yet more of his dark pole with each passing second; the taste of his sweet and salty pre soon hitting my tongue and eliciting from my stuffed mouth an elated moan, partially muffled by the girth of my work but still obvious. Soon, I'm deepthroating the onyx lupine's hard length of wood and swallowing again and again; the throbbing member in my maw quaking and spasming as his first climax draws near. Lost in the heat of the moment and long since having abandoned ALL of my inhibitions, I could only hope that it would be the first of many. My paw, still jiggling the god's tasty testes between my fingers, drifts down and begins massaging his stretch of taint, steadily working its way towards his holy ring. Murring louder and louder until fully fledged moans start escaping his lips, Lord Anubis's fingers begin absently kneading my hair and scalp as he struggles to find a way to vent the powerful sensations coursing through him. Gently, I poke and prod at the ebony deity's tailhole as his commanding paw assists me, pushing me down on his dark rod and pulling me back up. My eyes, hazy and out of focus, are drawn to his beautiful form; his jet black fur, his pert and rigid ears, his whipcord-like tail. Everything about him entrances and mesmerizes me; the simple knowledge that I, a mortal, have the honor and privilege to be mated and loved by him enough to put my soul at ease even were I to die.

"P-perfect... little wallaby..., utterly perfect..." Mutters the god between labored breaths as he slams his eyes shut and struggles to contain himself. Between each word, several moans and guttural groans are spaced; his body's limits fast approaching.

From his lovely vocalizations, I can tell that his eruption is near. Swallowing faster and wrapping my pink tongue around his dripping, throbbing mast, I pick up yet more speed and dive deeper than ever. In a sudden, salacious burst, I'm rewarded with a flood of delectable, delicious, milky cream; the midnight canine howling with ecstatic joy as his lavished cock spasms and pumps out more and more of its pearly semen. Growling and murring, his tongue lolls out to one side of his sleek and slender maw and dangles there as my mouth is filled with his godly nectar. Pulling tightly upon my silvery leash, he makes certain to keep me there until every drop of his creamy dessert is milked from his quivering cock; my constant sucking and slurping taking in every single ounce. The warm, sticky milk fills my maw with a saccharine sweet flavor that befits a being of such status and nobility, and after swishing it around with my tongue and absorbing the taste and texture completely, I am forever honored as I swallow and the ivory stream flows down into my greedy gullet.

Licking my lips, I come up for air at last and mewl, "Did this mere peasant's performance meet your expectations, m'lord?"

"Not only... did you meet all... expectations..., but you surpassed them..., all of them..." Replies Anubis as he huffs and puffs, catching his breath.

"I'm all too happy to be of service to you." I purr, gliding on paw across the winded god's bare thigh.

"Indeed... but soon I shall be the one... servicing you..." Retorts the lovely lupine as he stands up from his set. Amazingly, as my eyes drift across his beautiful body, I find that his erection has already returned, if not stiffer than before.

I'm fairly sure that my eyes widened and my jaw dropped, but I can't be absolutely certain.

With an amused grin, the dark deity chuckles, "I AM a god, dear wallaby, should it surprise you at all that my stamina surpasses that of a mortal?"

"Surprise and dumbfound are two totally different words." I retort, still awed.

"Well, consider such as a bonus, for in the near future you too shall experience the many varying graces of godhood." States Anubis as he slowly runs his paws along my shoulders and neck, gently raking his nails through my fur and tickling the tender flesh beneath. "The VERY near future, mind you."

Pressing me down upon the bed, my belly against the plush surface and my stocky tail sticking rebelliously up in the air, the onyx canine trails a long and indescribably wonderful lick up my sensitive spine. Reaching my neck, he nips at the base and elicits from me a quiet gasp, then returns southward from whence he came. With my feet still anchoring me to the floor, I thrust my Aussie ass into the air a bit higher and receive an immediate slap on one fuzzy cheek; his paws proceeding to gently rub and knead my soon to be battered bum. From the corner of my eye, I watch as he takes a single finger into his maw wets it down, swishing his saliva around until the finger is fully coated and ready. With a smile and a wink, the obsidian god grabs my tail with one paw and begins prodding my exposed tailhole with the other. Shuddering briefly at this new sensation, I take in a deep breath and relax myself. The dampened finger moistens my virgin ring and, over the course of next few seconds, gradually presses in further; each gentle nudge loosening my tense muscles and preparing them for something larger. Then, in one swift but painless motion, the finger disappears into my tunnel and I'm alighted with an even newer and more stimulating sensation; my inner walls tingling as the little, padded invader wiggles and wriggles about.

"Are you ready to receive the greatest gift that I can give?" Questions the mighty, omnipotent being behind me as he strokes his throbbing, saliva-slick erection and positions it at my rear entrance. "For if so, then I promise you that, after this night, you shall be forever changed. Do you accept such stipulations as an unavoidable effect of physically being with me, dearest mortal?"

With everything dawning on me all at once and the knowledge that my chastity is about to be stripped away from me by one of this world's celestial rulers, my voice quakes as I reply, "D-do with me what you will. T-take this body and make it yours, by force if need be; use it until not an inch of it remains clean. T-take me and mate me as only a god can..."

"As you wish." Replies Anubis softly.

Placing his paws upon my hips, the ebony jackal leans in close and kisses the back of my neck and then, in a single practiced motion, thrusts his tool deep into my insides. In that instant of penetration, I am forever deflowered; my body mounted by the powerful and omniscient lord of the underworld. Immediately, my every cell is ravished with the raw, explosive sensation of my insides being pushed apart by the pulsing girth of a true god. His thick stick slams into my cramped confines like a bolt of lightning and sets my world on fire as it slowly slides back out then hammers swiftly back in. The mighty deity's motions carry with them the power, wisdom, and skill of many ages; truly a magnificent creature capable of ravaging and loving a man unlike any other. Each thrust pushes his massive length of jackal meat further and further into my moist bowels. My walls clench uncontrollably, having never known a lover, let alone a lover so great, and tighten down around his cock like a fleshy vice, refusing to let go without a fight. But being a god, clearly my inner resistance is all but useless, as he effortlessly pulls back out and then slams back in twice as hard. Whimpering and moaning the entire time, being mated and spread out by a lordly, regal, celestial king, I couldn't possibly be happier.

"So warm and tight." Muses the noble creature currently buried up to his balls in me. "Truly a marvel to experience."

Continuing to thrust in and out, the speed and depth varying with each entrance and exit of my loosened tailhole, the lusty lord of all lupines hammers through my moist, warm inner walls like a machine. Leaving one paw on my waist to continue pushing and pulling, adding the strength of my upper body to our union, he gradually allows his other to slowly traverse my trembling form. First it slides down the inside of my thigh, gracing the tender fur with its presence as it makes its way towards my crotch, where it stops for a moment to touch and admire my stiff, red rod. Grinning as I moan under his gentle touch, he sends the paw further, caressing my navel and chest fluff and then running down the length of my outstretched arm until he finally finds what he'd been seeking; the discarded chain of the leash. Grasping it, the jet black god pulls upon it firmly, effectively securing my body around his penis each and every time he plunges into me. Whimpering and whining as I'm made his bitch, his roo in heat, I give the midnight canine a show of resistance against the chain, though I would never wish to be free of it or the paw clutching it. My mind jumps from place to place as I think of every sensation coursing through me; his paws caressing my thighs and chest, his thick and throbbing cock stuffing my once-pure rump, and the holy pads that had graced my own length of wood. Had the purest of paws truly caressed my unclean rod? A hot mist rolls into my mind and eats away at every thought as LUST jumps in to take complete control; all thought processes outside of my primal urges stopping entirely. Instead, the only thoughts that encompass my brain are those of the length of midnight meat jackhammering into me and rubbing my insides rapturously raw. Every fiber of my being, especially those of my deepest nethers, scream with joyous pleasure the whole way through as the deity's bucking hips crash against my frame like bombs; bursting on impact and sending shock-waves up through my distended hole in the form of his long, thick, pumping pole. My pants and puffs gradually become more and more labored over time as drool begins to trickle from my maw and this time it's my tongue's turn to loll out helplessly like that of a happy dog's.

"Enjoying th-this..., d-dear wallaby...?" Calls Anubis as he rams me again and again.

Unable to really answer his question as my climax gains ground and fast approaches, I moan in reply, "Y-y-yes..., y-yes!"

Taking slower strides now, the black jackal puts every ounce of his power into long, deep thrusts; the girth of his ebony shaft filling me brim. Sliding his paw from my waist to my hip, he grasps it firmly and uses it as better leverage with which to push and pull himself; plunging the entire length of his dark cock deep into my cramped recesses. Upon every penetration, the swollen bulge of his knot smacks against my tender ring and sends a jolt of tingling sensation shooting through me. From the quaking sound of his voice and the sheer size that his knot had already attained, it was clear that his second orgasm was well on its way. Likewise, with each passing second and each added thrust, my orgasm encroached closer and closer as well. My tailhole stretches to its limits as the mighty god stuffs it mercilessly, packing and unpacking my insides with his thick rod over and over again. My eyes roll back and my breathing becomes erratic at the onset. And then, as he rams back into me with that powerful, godly cock of his, I lose all control and explode into my cascading climax. Jet after jet of my wallaby seed erupts from my pulsing penis, thereby spattering my chest, my belly, the bed's silken sheets, and everything else in between.

With barely enough energy to keep my ears pert and attentive, I somehow manage to stammer, "P-please... my lord..., please fill me... Honor th-this mortal... with your truest essence..."

Grinning lewdly as the rapturous moment takes me, the commanding creature mounting me has but a brief moment to enjoy the sight of it all before letting out a long, guttural groan as his own climax strikes him, goaded on by my ring's sudden tightening and clenching. Wincing as the unimaginable pressure within him wells out and becomes pure, unrestrained pleasure, the almighty god forces himself as deep into me as he can go, plugging me with his bulbous knot, before erupting into an explosive orgasm and coating my insides with thick rope after rope of his sacred seed. My lower lip quivers uncontrollably as I feel seven whole volleys of his heavenly ambrosia fill my bowels, blocked from escaping my depths by his own swollen lupine cock. Growling and barking as two more shots fire off and fill me further, the exhausted god collapses atop me and becomes still and motionless at long last. Following in suit, a glorious afterglow washes over me like a lulling summer breeze as a warm sensation floods my belly; his godly gel steadily spreading through me and coating my every inner-wall. I turn my head as much as I am able to look upon the beautiful form of the god that had just ravaged my body so thoroughly and stuffed me fuller than I'd thought possible. And sure enough, there he lay; slender black form, golden rings, pert ears, thin tail, and all more fetching and entrancing than anything else in this world or any other world beyond it.

For another ten minutes, we simply lay there in silence, I admiring his hypnotic beauty and he admiring whatever there was to admire about me, as we meshed together into one; his spent tool still buried deep within my cavern. Eventually, his knot receded and I was freed; my thick tail crashing down against my legs once it finally had the manageable room to do so.

"And now to complete the ritual." Whispers Anubis into my ear as he attempts to push himself up off of me and ends up simply rolling over to my side instead.

Still somewhat short of breath, I manage to flip myself over and smirk, "I don't know about you, sire, but I'm not quite ready to go again; not just yet."

Rolling his eyes and smiling salaciously, the tuckered and tired deity gathers up a pool of my spent seed in his paw and dabs a single finger into it. With my body's own paint, he inscribes a large ankh upon the center of my chest, each hip, both shoulders, and my forehead as well. Representing infinity and eternity, these symbols have been drawn upon my frame by the king of the underworld and with my very own ink; a powerful combination that can hardly be overlooked or ignored. Looking deep into the dark jackal's eyes, I find that my own have begun to water; the sheer gravity of this gift too much for my soul to contain.

"Even were I to die right here and now, being with you, my master, has made this mortal's life worth living." I weep softly as I lift a single paw and gently tough the black canine's cheek. "So if being reborn and staying by your side for the rest of eternity must mean the snuffing out of my flickering flame, then so be it. I'd have no other bring about my end than the very same one whom brought about my new beginning. Once able, I will repay your kindness tenfold." Grasping the lovely lupine's spoo-stained paw with my own, I smile softly and ease my body's tension completely, ready for what it to come.

"Typical mortal." Jokingly scoffs the jackal as he clasps his paws around mine. "You think that this was entirely about you, that you were the only one to experience total bliss; that I, a god, am unable to take solace in a night of wild passion with the man of my choosing? No, you need repay me for nothing, as I experienced everything in just the same way as you. Rapturous, joy and pure elation; I felt it, dear wallaby, and never forget that." Chuckling, he pokes my nose once more with a single finger and adds, "After all, you are looking at this in all the wrong ways; there is nothing in you that will end tonight, my dear, but rather something new which shall grow. When you drift off to sleep tonight, you shall allow the magic to take affect, and thus you will awaken anew in the morn."

"Indeed, your explanation makes it out to be much more beautiful a thing." I state with a smile as I brush my tears aside and alight in your hovering presence. "After all, dying is such an ugly thing, but simply awakening into new life; I can look forward to such an awakening without fear. I thank you for this gift and promise to abuse my immortality just as you yourself said; to gain better knowledge of the sins of the flesh and apply that knowledge as only a god can. I look forward to showing you the fruits of my research, m'lord."

Bubbling with laughter, Anubis retorts, "And I do believe you will, my darling. But always remember that the only true sin is to be untrue to oneself; for what is humanity but a celebration of extremes? Without differences, the masses are worthless and our jobs as gods have no point. So always do everything you can to embrace those passions which make you singularly special..., after all, those are from what your task as a deity will take form."

"The 'God of Self'?" I muse with a smile. "A beautiful title and I assure you that I will not betray it. Thank you, Lord Anubis, for reviving me, loving me, and bestowing upon me the gift of godhood."

The End... Almost

"M'lord, might I ask as to whom you had in your bed last; before me?" I Questions as the ending credits roll.

Scratching his chin with his thumb and forefinger, the Egyptian god answers, "Amaterasu, I do believe."

"The Shinto goddess of the sun?" I inquire.

"Yeah, if you subtract the 'ess' from that of course." Laughs the jackal.

"The Shinto 'god' of the sun?" I reply, confused by the correction. "Wait, Amaterasu was a god, as in a man? Are you sure?"

With a wink, the onyx canine chuckles, "Yup. He did the fucking that day too, so I'm pretty damn sure."

"Err... was he any good?" I continue.

Squinting his eyes in thought, Anubis replies, "Well, he didn't need self-warming lube because his cock could~

"That's alright! I don't need the rest of that thought!" I yelp, cutting him off. "My imagination is good enough on it's own and as gay as I am, I don't need to picture any gay, sex-themed superpowers, alright?"

"Your loss." Smirks the deity. "'Cuz it was a-w-e-s-o-m-e."

The End... Seriously