Love's Battlefield: After the Battle - Monsters
Love's Battlefield: After the Battle - Monsters Featuring Andrew Klein By Joseph Raszagal "High-octane nightmare fuel. Pretty blunt and to-the-point, I know. I've been referred to as that before. I remember it as though it were yesterday. I...
The Gift of Godhood
The Gift of Godhood As Written By Joseph Raszagal "In all my years I've never seen such a lazy wallaby!" Grumbles the Professor from afar as he motions for his over-encumbered luggage toting assistant/slave, me, to come hither. "Is...
Fastball As written by Joseph Raszagal ~ ~ ~ It's funny how old memories tend to resurface at the most inopportune of times. I used to pitch for my high school's baseball team. Everyone always told me that despite being a fox, my throwing arm...
Love's Battlefield - Volume 15
Love's Battlefield - Volume Fifteen: Winning the War By Joseph Raszagal With an aggravated grunt, Forrest growls, "So, remind me again, why are we here?" "Because Adam asked us to meet him here." Answered Danni with a sigh as he pantomimed...
Love's Battlefield - Volume 14
Love's Battlefield - Volume Fourteen: In Autumn Arms By Joseph Raszagal As Jay's car faded into the distant urban mesh of street lamps and traffic, Forrest and Danni waved goodbye one last time before turning on their heels and...
Love's Battlefield - Volume 13
Love's Battlefield - Volume Thirteen: Philosophy and Bread By Joseph Raszagal Barely aware of the elapsing minutes or the rapidly passing city blocks, Forrest and Danni strode down the sidewalk in stunned silence. They'd done it....
Love's Battlefield - Volume 12
Love's Battlefield: Volume Twelve - Courageous Cowards By Joseph Raszagal In a harried scramble, Thomas and Adam both bolted up from the bed simultaneously and assembled their discarded garments in a flash. Piece by cotton piece, they quickly...
Love's Battlefield - Volume 7
Love's Battlefield: Volume Seven â€" Stress Relief "Was that a motorcycle?" Questioned Danni groggily as he stirred from his quilted tomb at Forrest's side. Sitting upright and brushing the sleep from his eyes, the white wolf replies, "It...
Black Magic - Chapter Twelve: Badlands Drifters
Chapter 12: Badland Drifters The desert is a vast and unfriendly place, this is no new news to anybody with even a half of a functioning brain, but the Badlands are an entirely different story; a dry, dusty, dangerous nightmare. People on Earth...
Black Magic - Chapter Eleven: Disbanding
Chapter 11: Disbanding Screeching tires roared as Kris slammed on the brakes, nearly releasing all of the airbags in the process. Standing on the large marble staircase that sat beautifully before the entrance to Dominique's gaudy mansion was my...
Black Magic - Chapter Ten: The Secrets Inside...
Chapter 10: The Secrets Inside... At times like these, people often find themselves doing one of two things: praying to God and asking him for his protection, or cursing his name and asking him why he's dealt you such pain, so much more pain than...
Black Magic - Chapter Nine: To A Safer Place
Chapter 9: To A Safer Place Somewhere just beyond the maze of parked cars and trucks, sunlight could be seen. The exit sat directly in front of us; mocking us arrogantly as a platoon of black clad Section 2 foot soldiers quickly came into view,...