A simple date

Story by FalconMage on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: I do not own Tai Lung at all and he belongs to dreamwork. This is a small Kung Fu Panda story with a little twist in it. If for some reason, you do not like male and male stuff, don't continue with this. Hit the back button and go somewhere else.

I will not be held liable for any injuries that happens to these character.

The restaurant was very busy that night. The packed establishment was quite famous for its exquisite gourmet cuisine, and getting a reservation was quite the challenge; most customers needed to make weeks in advance. With some minor exceptions, one couple was able to find a private room to be together.

The room wasn't very large, but big enough for two people to sit comfortably over a meal. Plates heaped with delicious food were placed around the small table, and the ambience from the few lighted candles set the romantic mood for the evening.

At the table, a lion was swirling his drink as rested his head on his hand. The dull look in his eyes gave away the only emotion possible at a time like this.

Bored..._he trailed off. _Just ungodly bored... The male lion had waited anxiously for his date to come and the other party was late. He had been waiting for over an hour, and though he should have left by now, he wasn't going to give up yet.

_He promised me..._he sighed.

His mind trailed off as he slumped back in his chair with anxiety. The lion scrutinized his own body, chest rising and falling with dejected sighs as his body relaxed with boredom. For a moment, he flexed his bulging muscles which he had carved out of from years of training and with that, he allowed a smile of satisfaction.

Then again, I will wait for him. How can I ignore such a beautiful snow leopard? That day, when he accidentally bumped in to me, I knew that I just had to have him. Even under all that fur, I could tell he had an amazing body.

The lion closed his eyes and imagined the spectacular snow leopard in his mind. That was all it took for his body to respond.

Abs tensing as he unconsciously moved his hands over his well-defined body and gave out a soft purr.

Where is he? If he doesn't arrive in time... He paused a few moments and gave it a thought. A few seconds passed, I am not paying for his food.

The snow leopard raced anxiously to his destination, sweat dropping down from his brows but he didn't care. All he knew was that he was late for a date; very late...obscenely late.

"How can I be so late?! I'm never late to anything!" he berated himself.

His strong paws and legs ran as fast as they could carry him. It didn't take long for him to realize that he had just passed the restaurant.

"Oh, hell!" he shouted through the night sky.

The lion felt huge tension growing in his groin and he was anxious to get some release. For a few minutes, he had been thinking about the hot snow leopard he had bumped into two days ago. Due to that, he was playing with himself even more and had bravely taken off his shirt and loosened up a few ties from his trousers.

Luckily for him, he was in a private room where only certain people where able to access. His voice vibrated as it became more prominent, and purrs after purrs of pleasure flooded his mind. In exchange for that beautiful heat he was having, his member grew even more and demanded to be released even quicker and he did as his body had told him to.

Gods that snow leopard is gorgeous! I can barely contain myself. His slender curving form, muscles on his pecs and biceps on his upper torso with all those years of kung fu training, and those amazingly tight calf muscles. I'm sure he will be a great mate!

The more the lion thought about it, the more his member started to throb in its pulse and his preseed had squirted a glob of it as it flowed over his chiseled abs. With one paw moving over his nipples, he gave them a pleasurable squeeze that nearly sent him over the edge but kept hold over it.

Where is he?

The snow leopard arrived, sweating bullets all over his body, fur a little disheveled but otherwise quite ready for his date. He cursed softly under his breath for being such an idiot that he had passed over this huge restaurant that even the villagers from the other side of town could have seen it.

"Name, sir?" A rabbit approached him with a clipboard, a straight-faced expression written all over his expression.

He took a minute to catch his breath and answered, "Tai Lung..."

The rabbit examined its clipboard notes and found his name on it.

"Ah, yes, with the lion," the bunny waiter lead the snow leopard to a hallway but stopped abruptly. "I'm not allowed any further, but you are, because you're our customer. Please proceed to Room Number Twelve on your right, sir."

The snow leopard nodded his head and walked past a few rooms before reaching over to his destination. Number Twelve stood in front of him and he was reluctant to go in.

How'd the heck did I ever get into this mess? He sighed heavily as he came over his realization. Though he was a mess, appearance meant little to him at that moment. All he wanted was to get over it before anybody else saw him together with another male.

It's just a date. Have a good nice chat, sit down like old friends, eat and drink a little like we're celebrating an occasion and get it over with it. Nothing to it! Talk, eat, drink, and go home. What's so difficult about that? I mean, he's not going to do something with me, right?

The lion's shaft was bobbing in his calloused paws and leaking like a water fountain as preseed spilled all over his body. His paw was a blur as it stroked all over his engorged member while the other paw gently played over his aching ball sack, kneading it softly. Tension was building in him and what better what better way to burst than with everything out in the open?

The big feline was panting like a marathon runner and sweat covered his well-built body and mane. He could feel his sack tensing up and legs buckling as he was nearing his climax. Much to his dismay, it happened before he knew it.

"I'm so sorry I'm laâ€"" Tai Lung panted as he swung open the door. He stopped in his tracks and stared what he was seeing. The door stopped opening and the snow leopard took another step in to the room. "â€"late...for...dinner..."

The lion gave a sensational roar as he burst and released his load. Fire after fire of warmth covered his body as the calm sticky substance of his seed shot around him. His member was still gushing out more and more of that delightful cum, making his whole body shiver. Eyes still half-closed, he enjoyed the afterglow and caressed his body a little while longer with his warm, creamy seed. The lion's member was soaked with his own cum, barely visible as copious amount of it dribbled down onto his nut sac. He tried his best to not let one drop of his essence fall to the ground.

It took a whole five minutes for everything to subside before the lion realized that his partner, or rather, date had arrived and was standing in the room, gawking at him. Even though he was enjoying himself in the afterglow, he was still not content with the amount of cum that lewdly flowed right off his upper torso. His passion for more had given him a whole new breath and the very thing that he wanted all along was standing right in front of him.

"Well..." he panted between breaths. "Did you enjoy the show?"

There was an awkward silence and Tai Lung had nothing else to say but kept quiet the whole time. He sat next to the lion, who was still in the nude and member draping over his tight abs.

The snow leopard cleared his throat and scooped up a rice ball with his chopsticks and popped it into his mouth. He tried to ignore the lion's sexual act as he ate, but that was proving difficult.

"Having fun?" Tai Lung asked as he poured out a cup of green tea. The lion sat upright in his chair and ignored the sticky glob of seed that was now hanging off his body. He took a bowl of water that sat on the table and washed his paws but didn't bother to clean up or put on any clothes. Not only that, he was proud of his looks, and decided to show off his fantastic sculptured god-like upper torso.

"Are you always so sarcastic?" he asked.

"Yes, deal with it," Tai Lung snapped back, trying to ignore the fact that he was sitting in the very same room with another male who had just finished pleasuring himself.

"Hey, loosen up," the lion put his paw on his shoulder. "Training isn't everything."

Tai Lung roughly pushed his paw away and stood up straight in front of the bigger feline. Though he was twice his size but he was not intimidated at all.

"First of all, training means everything to me and secondly, I will not loosen up!" His nose was flaring with anger and cheeks red with embarrassment but tried to keep himself collected. He didn't want history to repeat itself again where he rampaged all over town because of his rage.

"How can you indulge in this? In public andâ€""

"Like this." The lion stood quickly and pressed his lips to the snow leopard's lips, his tongue demanding entry into the other male's mouth.

Tai Lung's eyes widened in shock and he tried to pull away, but the lion was stronger than he had expected. The lion didn't pull away and still kissed him passionately. His paws were slowly moving over the snow leopard's hard body, pleasuring him in a way Tai Lung had never felt before.

The fuck is this?! Get off of me you...hmm...mm... Tai Lung's mind had shut down. The lion's full caress had defeated Tai Lung's pride and he allowed the other male's tongue to enter his mouth. Their tongues wrestled with each other as their lusty kiss deepened.

The lion knew all too well that this was the time to move in before he lost his chance with the snow leopard. With his quick and agile paws, he tugged down garment that kept his treasured prize. The snow leopard's prick had started to grow the brief cold air touched his member and ball sac.

Tai Lung moaned in excitement as the bigger feline groped over to his fully erected member, paws running over each other as if they were lovers for many years. The lion broke the kiss and both of them panted heatedly. Neither said a word to the other and a deafening silence filled the room.

"Is this...loosening up...?" Tai Lung said suddenly.

The lion chuckled lightly at his cute antics, "Part of it, and there is more to come,"

He touched his own member, still covered with his seed, and glided it firmly over to the snow leopard's aching member. Tai Lung gasped as pleasure surged through his body and threw his head back with a louder moan.

"You're easily excited..." The bigger feline said proudly.

The snow leopard said nothing but moaned out of pleasurable excitement. Paws ran over his ripped chest as it traced down towards his muscled abs and eventually, on with the shining tip of his member. Early pre had seeped from its slit and the lion immediately engulfed it into his waiting, hungry mouth.

Tai Lung practically screamed with lust but tried to quell it so as not to alert the neighboring rooms. His mind had frozen as the lion worked his magic on his aching member. He playfully fondled the other male's nut sac in his strong and powerful paws, and this time, Tai Lung was in ecstasy.

Never in his entire life had he experienced something like this before and he was not about to let it go. The lion was lapping all over him hungrily as the member throbbed in his warm, enticing jaws. This, being rewarded by a squirt of preseed in his mouth and his sand papery tongue lapped on the tip like a hungry cat, waiting for dinner to be serve but it was already served with great pleasure on a silver platter, better yet, on a silver tip.

"Hrr... please...stop it...You're going to make me..." Tai Lung begged for mercy. The lion suddenly obeyed and stopped his suckling. His member bobbed up and down and pulsed as the soft caress of the lion's maw was taken away; the snow leopard frowned and panted as he whined with dissatisfaction.

"Why...did you stop?"

"Because you told me too."

"Get the hell back in there or I will give you a whole new meaning of the word pain," he admonished sternly.

The lion grinned. "As you wish." He continued his lapping; licking on the sides, moving upwards on his foreskin before sucking on the tip of his swollen slit once again.

It drove the snow leopard wild with pleasure and he couldn't hold back any longer. Feeling his ball sac tensing up, he held on to the lion's head and buried himself deeper into his waiting mouth. His member suddenly grew in size as he neared his inevitable climax.

Tai Lung screamed and roared loudly but tried as hard as he could to suppress his desires, failing indeed but didn't fail in releasing the tension that was already building up. The lion had been waiting for this moment and he had finally achieved his greatest accomplishment. Loads after loads of tension erupted like a volcano in his mouth and he tasted every single drop of it. Some dribbling over his maw and the snow leopard's ball sac but he managed to not drop one single cum out of the hard and throbbing member.

Tai Lung was nearly out of breath when he had stopped spraying everywhere and he slowly sat down on the ground, heavy breathing coursing in his lungs as he moaned out again after his treatment. The bigger feline moved over to his face and both cats locked gazes together, one not moving away.

"Finally loosened up?" The lion finally asked.


"Well, there is one more place that needs loosening up."

The snow leopard cocked his head with curiosity and when the thought had finally hit him like a speeding cart, he made a stunned expression. Worry overcame him and he started to sweat profusely, sweat beading on his forehead.

"W-will it hurt?" His voice wavered with fear and anxiety, mixed with desire. He wanted more but...

"It will hurt at first," the lion assured him as his hips suddenly moved upwards to the snow leopard's muzzle. His member was leaking more preseed once again and a drop dripped over Tai Lung's maw. He gave it a sensual lick and slowly opened his jaws, fitting in the tip of it over the lion's shaft.

"Yeah," the lion moaned. "It will hurt at first but a little help from you will make things a little easier."

The member was pushing in deeper and deeper into Tai Lung's jaw, pulsing through each heartbeat as he sucked on it harder than he had done before. Moaning filled the air as the two played with each other but the lion pulled away abruptly, Tai Lung's tongue lapped out suddenly as a drip of saliva dropped on him. Licking his lips to clean away the preseed in his mouth, he lay down on the floor and spread his rump before the lion.

Impressed by the snow leopard's bravery to start off first, he slowly guided his member towards his backside, playing with it a little before his tip touched the snow leopard's entrance.

"I will go slowly. Furthermore, this is a date. Don't want anyone of us getting a sore ass when it's time to go home," the lion said as he licked his lips with anticipation.

The big member slowly proceeded into his entrance and Tai Lung's body twitched in pain at the sudden penetration. More and more went in as it slid easily inside with the help of saliva and pre-covered lubricant. The lion was happy that the snow leopard was able to take his whole length in without a sound but in reality, Tai Lung grimaced at the intruding pain that surged into him.

He's so damn big! His claws scraped over the wooden floorboards as the lion slowly humped him. Oh, damn! How can you say this is enjoyable when it hurts like hell?! I think my ass is going to split in two!

The lion sensed his uneasiness; pain was etched all over the snow leopard's face. So, the bigger feline decided to try and calm him down as much as possible before he screamed in agony. Slowly, he turned the snow leopard's head to catch his lips in a soulful kiss. Tai Lung moaned and grunted at the kiss, feeling a paw running down over his crunching abs, his member growing back to full erection as pleasure conquered the pain from before. The pain subsided and they were both taken over by pure lust as the lion went in harder and harder, pumping with full thrust over the other feline's tight, clamping tail hole, burying his shaft in to the hilt.

Moans of ecstasy came from both felines, making the snow leopard's member pulse even harder, the lion growing bigger in size as they rocked in unison, pumping through and through. Tai Lung put his paw over his own engorged, throbbing member and started pumping like mad. Even though his calloused paws were rough from his grueling training, the amount of cum that he had spilled out before played a huge role to pleasure him even further. His shaft grew and more pre overflowed upon his tight abs, feeling the amazing effect of being thrust even harder and deeper by the huge lion.

The lion panted harder and harder from exertion. He knew all too well that he was about to explode into the snow leopard's beautiful entrance. He, however, abruptly stopped his thrusting. Member still pulsing inside Tai Lung's tail hole, the snow leopard gasped sharply when the other predator had stopped. He turned his head to focus on the lion, wondering why he stopped, his paws still pumping on his swollen member.

"Stop pausing like a fuck and fuck me harder!" Tai Lung cursed to him, his ass muscles clamping harder and harder on the lion's member. The lion felt the spotted male's tension but wanted to tease him as much as possible. Moving forward, the enticing lion elicited a fierce growl that made his lover's fur stand on end.

"Can you go for another round?"

Tai Lung closed his eyes for a second to register his impertinent question. The bigger feline definitely doubted his ability, not to mention his stamina as well. Kung fu training has built up a lot of stamina in him for the spotted feline, how could he not have stamina?!

Tai Lung growled back and muttered to him. "I will give you the ride of your life if you finish what you started."

The larger feline locked gazes with him and saw the truth in his eyes. He didn't need a second reassurance and continued to pump in harder. Tai Lung was back in action and he reached back to fondle his golden nut sac that churned more pre, making the room even more heated as it radiated in the chamber.

That nearly drove the lion over the edge as he took a whiff of their mingled pheromones. The smell of seed, pre, and sweat combined with heat of their mating made both feline yearn for each other even more.

Finally, it burst. Tai Lung didn't have much experience in this field; being a rookie, he was the first to burst. He felt his large balls tensing up and his member shooting cum all over his body. It smeared upon his silvery fur as wave after wave of pleasure surged through his body. He screamed with pleasure once again as he came a second time. This in turn made the other partner scream with satisfaction as he was sent over the edge as well and coated the snow leopard's inside with his thick, creamy semen. Shot after shot of his seed flowed in his lover's tail hole, and Tai Lung loved it even more. Never in his entire life had he gone through this and he wanted more out of it.

Slowly, his ass muscles milked out every single drop the lion could give as his lover's seed trickled out of his bowels. Half closing his eyes, he enjoyed the afterglow, wishing to have that thick member inside him as long as possible.

Why...am I...loving this...? He thought, I'm confused, yet satisfied with it. Am I...turning to the other side? I mean, how can I love a having a dick inside me like this? I love Tigress so much but this...lion... is something else. I don't even know his name! It was a stupid bet! And now, I can feel...

He felt his member slowly softening and the laying still. Using his paws, he massaged his own seed all over his sculptured body and let out a pleasurable purr. He whined when the thick shaft in his ass was slowly removed. Now, he felt as if he was empty.

The lion panted hard, looked upon the snow leopard's satisfied face and he knew at once that he loved it. Chest heaving up and down, every muscle tensed up and flexed with each motion. However, his hunger for more was yet to be satiated. He wanted the snow leopard to be inside of him before he could call it a night. That was his one desire since he had bumped into him.

I will not go until after I've had him inside me.

Slowly, he got down to his knees and gave a sensual lick to the snow leopard's soft member. Tai Lung gasped sharply and exhaled profusely.


"Sensitive?" the lion helped to finish the sentence for him.

Tai Lung nodded quickly to him, eyes staring at his flaccid member.

"You said you have stamina to continue going on, just enough for one last round."

"I shot two rounds!" he exclaimed. "The amount of it was more than what I've given to Tigress!"

"Don't care," the lion ignored his plea and engulfed the member into his hungry jaws, teeth casually scraping all over the sensitive tip, licking and lapping around the remaining cum that was still pouring out of its swollen slit.

Tai Lung was in no command over the situation as he was drained out of his wits from the session. He couldn't help it, but a surge of energy filled him, and his member started to harden once more, giving him a mouthful of groans and grunts. Not only that, a sudden urge to want the big lion even more had invaded his mind. With a great thrust, he lifted up his hips higher for the lion to deep throat him all the way down to the hilt; and he groaned louder, feeling the warm saliva as it coated every inch of his maleness.

The lion was taken aback but was pleased to know that he had managed to get him hard again, and so soon. The tip of the head grew larger and he was feeling this all over his maw. Not even moving away, his tongue lapped all over it, and over his sagging ball sac. With a quick slurp from the lion, a small amount of pre seeped out.

He, however, couldn't wait any longer. He needed this dick to be inside him now, regardless of how prepared the snow leopard was. With one quick glance over his entrance, he guided himself to the tip, bringing his hips down, taking it all in, all at once. His stomach bulged out a little with the sheer endowment of the feline's member digging deep into him.

The bigger feline was in ecstasy and obviously, this wasn't his first. If it was, he would have been in pain but pleasure immediately flooded his mind, and he enjoyed every single second of it. Tai Lung however let out an agonizing scream as his member was thrust into the lion deeper, and harder as well. He had never experienced such tightness! He had never done this before and a new feeling had just invaded his mind, blocking out everything else.

As if by instinct, the snow leopard kneaded over the lion's hard, enticing nipples, which in turn made the bigger feline loll out his tongue like a lunatic. With powerful thrust, Tai Lung buried deeper and deeper into the lion's bowels. Harder and quicker his actions were, just enough to pleasure his mate.

Minutes flew by but for Tai Lung, it felt like an eternity. He was tired, sweaty, completely drained, covered with man cream and his member was deep inside of the lion. Faster and faster, he pumped in violently, relentless, making his partner moan in pleasure. Even though they were in a hard position to do anything, Tai Lung managed to crunch forward over to his lower torso and suddenly, devoured the lion's member whole. Being a feline like he was, flexibility was his greatest element and this even made it more interesting than usual.

The suckling feeling over the lion's cock was just enough to make him shiver in lust. In the end, the bigger feline caved in easily and ejaculated all over the snow leopard's face. As a result of this, his ass muscles clamped down harder on Tai Lung's member, making it harder and harder, tensing in a subsequent manner that made him shoot all over the lion's insides.

Both felines had finally blown off together, sweet delectable cum spread all over each other's rough fur as their sticky cream was shot all around. Tai Lung had never felt so tired in his entire life. Slumping down on his back with the muscled lion on top of him, he licked his semen-covered lips to savor all of it. It wasn't bad at all and he loved it even more now; making him all the more conscious about his sexual preference and desires.

His mind was reeling in with lots of possibilities about why he loved this...lovemaking he had done with another male.

Am I...gay? But, I like women, especially Tigress...I love making love to her! Does that make me a weirdo? Argh!! I can't think right now! I need to go back to the palace and clean up. I can't let Shifu or anyone else know what had happened tonight.

Once Tai Lung had collected himself from his odd thoughts, he slowly pushed away the heavy lion, his member pulling out at a snail's pace, leaving a trail of cum all over. The lion returned by giving him a simple lick on to his muzzle before standing back up again. He grabbed a towel and threw to the snow leopard's face.

"Clean up. Wouldn't want Master Shifu to know what happened tonight, right?"

"You bet he doesn't," he said while getting back up on his two feet. He wobbled a bit when he slowly rose to his feet, making him hold on to the nearest solid object to steady himself. The lion swiftly helped him on his feet and steadied the spotted feline so he was balanced, thinking how cute the snow leopard looked when he didn't act like such a brave warrior for once. This time, instead of being the overly macho fighter he was, Tai Lung actually looked cute and cuddly like a kitten with a new toy.

The snow leopard held on tightly to the lion's curved body, his own muscles flexed as he was nearly pushed down by his heavy weight but pulled him back up.

The invigorating session must have been more than what I had expected it to be, the lion thought. Soon, Tai Lung managed to stand up on both feet; picking up his indigo trousers to cover his nudity. He'd rather have nothing on his body, all the more enticing for the virile lion as he smacked his lips even more. The lion didn't even bother to put on anything. All he did was look at the snow leopard as he scrutinized at him with his golden amber eyes.

"This date had been really...different," Tai Lung said with a pinch of calmness that he knew he should be angry about. "I will pick up the tab on my way out. I keep my promises."

The warrior moved forward to the door and held on to the doorknob, not turning it. For once last time, Tai Lung gazed back at the lion, both looking back at each other. Casually, the bigger feline stepped forward and with one passionate action, his muzzle connected back with the spotted feline's, tongues twirling and dancing about with each other. Both closed their eyes tightly and embraced each other's vigorous kiss, not moving away but in the end, Tai Lung pulled back, licking his lips.

He finally asked one last question before this whole thing ended. "What is your name? I barely know you, but..." He paused a moment and sighed deeply. "This isn't what I had expected it to be at all. We were supposed to have a simple date, just a simple dinner, but it turned out to be different. But I'm...happy...that I bumped into you...."

The lion broadened his smile as he was filled with elation.

"Nieve," the lion answered him. "Name's Nieve. Hope we can meet up again soon."

There you have it. Again, Tai Lung do not belong to me but belongs to Dreamworks. Nieve belongs to a friend of mine and I have permission to use it. If you want to use Nieve, I suggest that you don't. Kidding!