Horse Story: Outgrowing the Competition

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by FA: Skarlath is a little story that shows a little growth, and a bit of nudity, for a very anxious horse in a muscle competition.

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Outgrowing the Competition for Skarlath by Draconicon

"You've outgrown your weight class. You're lifting with the dragons and behemoths today."

Those fateful words were ones that Roan, a professional weight lifter, most definitely didn't want to hear. Yet, as the bull elk judge walked off, leaving the stallion staring into space in the locker room, he couldn't help but keep hearing it over and over again. That he had outgrown his previous weight class, that he had to lift with the behemoths and the dragons in the show now.

"Behemoths...and dragons..."

And they weren't small lifters, either, not like the drakes and the lizards that most people were used to. No, no, he knew what they were like. For that matter, the stallion could just look up at the television in the corner of the locker room, watching as a seventeen foot tall dragon lifted a massive weight that was bigger than what Roan could lift on an average day. And that was just a warm-up for the big guy.

No, this was bad, very bad. The horse looked down at his own body, regretting those buffet nights just a few weeks ago, and definitely regretting not taking the advice of a couple of trainers that suggested working on streamlining rather than just muscle building. Maybe if he had, he wouldn't be at the bottom of a new category and still at the top of his old ones.

Then again...

Roan turned to his locker, opening it and rooting around towards the back. In his jacket pocket, he found what he was looking for and pulled it out, holding it between his thumb and forefinger. It was a small bottle, filled with 'supplement' pills. He'd gotten it from another lifter at the gym, and he was told that it was a pretty damn good set of stuff, but he hadn't wanted to push it while he was still doing well. Now...well, if he didn't get some sort of advantage, he not only wouldn't place, but he'd be laughed out of the building.

There was a recommended dose along the side, but Roan ignored it as he popped the lid and tossed his head back. A good dozen of the pills went flying down his throat, and he chugged them down with a glass of water.

Almost immediately, his stomach rumbled in complaint, but he drowned it out with another couple of gulps of water. When it stilled, he stood up and took a couple of deep breaths. He had to be calm. He had to keep himself collected, or -

"Will competitors 1-16 please come to the lifting mats? Competitors 1-16, to the lifting mats."

Lucky 14, my ass, Roan thought as he looked down at his chest, the number flipping about as he started walking to the hallway to the main room. He wasn't lucky...but maybe he could get lucky.

Nope. Nope, not lucky at all. Not only was Roan at the bottom of a new weight class, but he was less than half the size of most of the competitors. Hell, the shortest dragon competing was that one at seventeen feet tall, and most of them were past twenty. How was he supposed to come near that when he was barely seven feet tall?

The stallion groaned as he looked at the giant barbells that the gigantic creatures were using as free weights for warm-ups, shaking his head in embarrassment. Their arms formed into massive bulges of muscle every time that they curled their hands up, and even when they were relaxed, Roan felt like he could have fit half of his body into the biceps of the dragons alone. Hell, he was amazed that they were even able to wear singlets, considering how stretched most of the material had to be.

He blushed as he was placed next to a larger, green dragon that was definitely bulging at the front of his singlet, showing that just about everything was developed. The stallion snorted, trying to ignore the smell of sweat and man and everything else, and just focus on the weights. After all, it had to be competition approved, right? Maybe the big guys were just showing off with all their weight lifting.

The beeping of a cargo container startled him, and he looked down the line. When he saw a large flat-bed truck coming in, the sort that would carry houses down a freeway, he groaned.

"You've gotta be kidding me..."

But no, they weren't. The officials for the competition couldn't even move the weights onto the mat, requiring the help of the different competitors. Even then, in order to preserve strength, the big guys took it in pairs to lift the different weights off of the truck and put them down on the mats.

Roan felt absolutely tiny when he couldn't help his partner, and ended up just shuffling his hooves as some of the other guys presented him with his weight. Just looking at it, his heart sank. The barbell alone had to be two hundred pounds, from how thick it was. The weights themselves had to add hundreds more, and he dreaded putting his hands around it. Even as big as he was, he swore that he wasn't going to be able to even pick it off of the ground, let alone actually lift it above his head.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the final round of the annual Weight Lifting Extravaganza!"

The crowd roared at the announcement from the referee. The bull elk, Tobias, was still walking around, riling them up, and Roan couldn't help but glare at the guy that had sunk his opportunity.

"As you can see, we have a new guy this year. Newly graduated to the super heavyweight class, Roan the stallion! And as our newest member, he'll be our first lifter, too. Let's give him a big hand."

I swear, I'm going to get you for this, he thought as the elk set him up for the first lifting. He looked at the bar again, then at the crowd before nodding and stepping up to the weight.

He didn't even have to bend down, it was so big. Admittedly, it was made for people much larger than him, but still. His heart raced as he wrapped his hands around the bar, and just as he'd thought, it was too big for his fingers to fully wrap around. He could feel the weight without even pushing on it, and he was tempted to forfeit.

But he didn't. There was no way that he could win, but he wouldn't embarrass himself by not trying.

Gripping the bar all the tighter, he stepped closer and bent his knees. Bunching up the muscles in his back and shoulders, the stallion kicked his body up towards the weight, trying to shove it up as hard as he could.

Almost immediately, he realized that it was a bad idea. Yes, he lifted it off of the ground, but his legs were bent, and so were his arms. Only years of training kept it from coming back down on his head right then and there, and his legs wobbled, his arms shaking as he held the barbell a scant couple of inches above his head. He broke out in a sweat that ran down his body, and he panted as he pushed at it, trying to lift it just a bit further.

As a tingle ran down his spine, sweat bursting through his mane, he felt it lift up an inch. It was barely more than that, and his arms and legs were still under a ton of pressure, but it was something. Roan smiled. He was making progress.

The tingle got stronger as he pushed harder, bunching his arms up so hard that it stung. He swore that they were bigger than they'd ever been as he pushed upwards a bit harder, throwing all his effort into it, and getting another inch. Another inch up, another inch further from his head.


He groaned as his eyes flicked down. Was his singlet tighter? It felt tighter, and...was the ground further away than it used to be?

It was. Somehow, he was taller, and he was still growing. That strange, almost painful tingle rushed from his back down his arms and legs, and Roan felt them thickening, getting tighter with muscle. His skin seemed to stretch around it, making the bulges and the thick cords that were growing in all the more evident. The stallion whinnied loudly as he suddenly lurched upwards, a full foot of height stretched out over his body.

The judge was shouting something, but with the blood pounding through his ears, Roan couldn't hear. All he could do was keep pushing, keep going with the flow. The stallion's arms throbbed as he lifted the weight a bit further, his arms almost two thirds of the way to full extension. The weight pushed back down so hard, but it was easier now, like he wasn't having to fight so hard.

Another tingle, another throb. His singlet started to rip down the back, snapping around his shoulders but hanging from his growing pecs. His chest burst outwards, forming a slant that the singlet couldn't just slide over, and his tail whipped over an ass that was hardening, thickening with powerful muscle.

Thump, thump went his hooves as he adjusted his footing, each step slamming his foot down with a lengthened leg. He had to be over ten feet tall now, and he was still growing, the singlet on its last legs as his abs rapidly firmed up, muscle as thick and strong as a stone wall popping out against his gut.

This is amazing, he thought as he grew, and grew.

As he finally extended his arms, straightening them above his head, the singlet popped off, falling to the ground in shreds. Roan could feel wind blowing over everything, his cock flopping down and dangling about, but he didn't care. The stallion had just lifted something impossible for him just a day ago, and it was something that put him on the level with the rest of the big guys.

He felt a sudden pop and surge of energy as he held the barbell over his head, and as he let out a roaring whinny, he had a massive growth spurt. It felt like something out of a cartoon, his body expanding upwards, his arms and legs thickening massively with new muscle. His ass popped outwards with new muscle, and his back and shoulders widened with the new masses of powerful tissue growing in.

Even his cock grew, which was a small relief in the back of his mind, as it told him that at least this stuff wasn't some sort of steroid that would shrink everything down there.

When he finally threw the weight back down, he realized he wasn't the smallest guy in the room anymore. The dragon that he'd watched, the one just about seventeen feet tall, was perhaps an inch shorter than him now. He was the second shortest guy around.

He could live with that.

"Well, um," Tobias started to talk. "It seems we have an unexpected development. While the medics test Mr. Roan for any illegal substances, we will continue with the rest of the competition. If he passes, he can come back for more. Who knows, folks? We may see the invention of a new weight class this year."

Please don't be illegal... Roan thought as he allowed himself to be led off the stage. He looked down at himself, and blushed. I want to grow...more...

The End