Transformation Story: Soarin Outta The Box

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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FA: Animorph59 really loves the mlp universe, doesn't he? Well, here he is with another transformation into a pony. I hope that you guys enjoy it.

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Soarin Outta The Box for Sunkit by Draconicon

"Well...I've always liked mirrors, but this is ridiculous."

David slipped out of bed with a bit of caution mixed with a great deal of curiosity, slowly turning from side to side as he examined the strange wall of mirrors that had apparently surrounded him in his sleep. It wasn't his room, even disregarding the fact that he was surrounded by reflections; it wasn't the same shape, even if he had woken up in the same bed.

As he kicked his feet over the edge of the bed, he heard a thump, and paused. It was like something had fallen off the bed. Glancing over the edge, he saw a box, like something a person would take back from a mall, and picked it up.

It didn't take long to spot a note taped to the box, and he read it.

_Hello David,

I brought you here because I want to play a little game with some 'friends' of mine. And you're going to help me._

"Like hell."

_Indeed, you probably do think 'like hell' as most of you humans do. But we'll be playing regardless. Inside is your costume for the event. Slip it on, and you're free to go. See you soon.


"Well, whoever you are, D, I know you're a dick."

He grumbled, shaking his head as he opened the box. Inside was...well, it looked like some sort of full body jumpsuit, just leaving eyes, mouth, and nose free. There were some odd holes in the back, too, which he couldn't figure out the purpose of.

But, if it was what he had to wear to get out of this place, so be it. David sighed as he pulled the suit on, feeling it cling to every part of him. It wasn't until he had his arms all the way down the sleeves and his legs down the legs that he realized that there were no fingers, and no shoe-like parts, as if it was made for something that only had flat hands and feet. But at least the lightning bolts along the sides were nice.

As he zipped up the back, he felt a sudden blast of energy hit him at the base of the spine, like a huge crackle of static electricity. He fell to his hands and knees, groaning as he landed on...grass? Why was there grass?

He didn't have much time to think about it. As he tried to get up again, his hips suddenly felt like they were being blown up. David looked over his shoulder, watching as his hips burst out in sudden clumps, bits of fat and muscle suddenly shoving their way outwards. He swore that what he was seeing was impossible, yet there it was. Bit by bit, his hips were getting fatter, rounder, less human and more...he didn't know. It just felt wrong.

Reaching up and putting his hands on his bed, he used it as leverage to pull himself upright again. However, every time that he tried to take his hands away, he felt another zap through the suit, and it was only by leaning forward that he kept from falling over entirely, and every time that he tried to stand up again without support, it was harder than the last. David groaned, almost collapsing as he felt his hips continue to grow, even as another change began running through his body.

Looking down at himself while trying to catch his breath, David could only stare as his body started to thicken to match his hips. His belly just dropped against his suit, the material somehow not ripping around it, and he groaned as he felt it wobble around with pure fat before it filled out with a bit of muscle as well. He rolled his head from side to side, groaning and grunting as the thickness ran up his sides and along his back as well. It was always the same, first fat, and then muscle, making him feel heavier and heavier.

Certainly heavier than his arms wanted to support. He had to lock his elbows tight to keep from collapsing onto his mattress, and even then they were wobbling and shaking as his stomach and chest became more and more barrel shaped, thick and wide from whatever this suit was doing to him. He grimaced as his arms started to ache, biting his lip as he tried to hold on. He didn't know what it was, but he felt like if he fell, he wouldn't be getting back up on two legs anytime soon.

But there was no stopping it. As he continued to wobble, the weight continued to grow, and he soon had a small head on top of a much bigger body. David groaned, and risked lifting one arm to try and reach for the zipper.

It was a mistake, and he immediately paid for it. Rolling on his one bit of support, the barrel-bodied young man hit the bed and rolled off of it, landing on the grass with a deep 'oof' of discomfort as his breath was knocked from his lungs.

Stuck on his back, he was even more helpless than before as he watched the thickness spread from his torso to his limbs. David shuddered, even if it was more muscle than fat now. Even the barrel nature of his chest felt hard and solid, rather than blubbery as it had been when the changes had first grown in. Fat or muscle, however, he knew that he was being changed, and he was still freaking out.

It was when he saw his fingers stop moving that he actually screamed. Up til then, he'd been clasping, clenching, flailing around, and his fingers had matched that, making the end of his sleeves bunch up and wrinkle. Now, though, the ends of the sleeve were not wrinkled, but flattening out. He stared in shock as the suit not just flattened, but expanding, getting wider around the end of his arms as if he was growing...growing something. He couldn't tell what.

It was no matter with his feet, as they went from the normal human shape to something that was much rounder, more disturbing. What little sensation he had through the suit was rapidly being lost, and soon, both his hands and his feet - whatever they had become - were nearly numb. The only sensation he had was through the very bottom of them, and then only when he felt something prick against them.

David threw himself to the side, the only way that he could get off of his back. He found that, even if he put his hands up on the bed again, he couldn't do more than lift his upper half up. There was no way to stand now, particularly with his body so heavy with muscle.

He grunted as a sudden burning sensation pushed at the base of his spine, almost like something trying to break through the skin. David realized it was right beneath one of the holes, and thrust his backside out, feeling like something was about to -



He looked over his shoulder - his much bigger, broader shoulders - and stared at the horse tail that had popped out from his spine. As it settled down, he could feel the dark blue tail resting between his ass cheeks, and he blushed as he realized he could actually feel it resting against his hole.

He barely had a chance to think about that as more changes pushed at him. His neck bunched up, and then pushed forward. David moaned as his neck began to lengthen, pushing further and further out from his shoulders, and he had to fight a strange sense of dizziness the further his eyes got from where they normally were.

That was hardly the only change, however, as his nose and mouth pushed forward on his face, extending it outwards and slowly giving him more of a...of a...

Horse face...

David realized where he'd seen this suit before, why it had felt familiar, even what and who he was turning into. It should have been obvious from the start. He was -


He slipped again, his head dropping. Due to his longer neck, this time he was able to see under his belly as his face continued to become more and more horse-like, and what he saw...well, he blushed at the size changes that were happening between his legs.

It was hard to tell exactly how far along the changes were, but it was clear that he didn't have a human cock anymore. The bulge that was gradually trailing up his belly was clearly thicker than any human would ever have, and the shape of the head definitely wasn't humanoid. David knew what a horse cock looked like, and that's what he had.

Not to mention the horse balls at the base. It wasn't just what he saw through the costume, but in the mirror as well. His tail flicked back and forth, but when it was out to the side, he could see a big pair filling in, stretching the costume under...under the pucker that was his new hole.

He groaned as he pulled his head back up, shaking it rapidly as a fuzziness filled his mind. What was going on? He had a handle on it,

What was...happening?

The horse opened his eyes as white-blue fur sprouted along his muzzle, his mane of dark blue growing in. White feathery wings sprouted from his back, and as he shook his head again, even his eyes changed color, turning a light green as he opened them once more.

Soarin blinked a few times as he looked around, seeing the mirrored walls for a moment before they suddenly collapsed. He jumped onto the bed - which smelled rather strange - and looked around himself at the landscape. The familiar rolling hills of Equestria sprawled out all around him, and he could see the two cities of Ponyville and Canterlot far in the distance. Very, very far in the distance.

"Man, I'm gonna need some apple pies by the time I make it out there."

The horse hopped off of the bed, only to pause as he smelled something else. He looked back over his shoulder, and his eyes went wide at the sudden sight of a piece of paper catching fire. He darted over to it, stomping on it a few times until the fire was completely out. Pushing it out onto the grass, he looked over it, but shook his head. Nothing to be seen there; most of the letter had already been burned up, leaving only the signature of the letter 'D' behind. Not that it meant anything to him.

He looked back at the bed again, hesitating with one hoof in the air. It felt...familiar, in an odd way, but he couldn't quite figure out why. It wasn't like any of the things back home, and not like what any of the Wonderbolts had for sleeping quarters.

Dismissing it, he took to the skies. He was probably late for practice, and he really didn't want to be chewed out again.

The End