2020 A.D. Part 5 [unfinished]

Story by Shane1991 on SoFurry

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#15 of Alte Geschichte/Old Story

Fiction© Shane

translate and correction ©


Thumbnail ©


I would be really happy to get feedback, but please keep in mind this is not the end version of this story.

Alot details and changes i want to make later

I want to make a Comic about this Fiction / Story

if you want to support me, you can do it on this siteshttp://www.gofundme.com/5ne6abr3ghttps://www.patreon.com/user?u=318302&u=318302&ty=hEach Supporter get a Lick

Akira went ever deeper into the ventilation shaft, the smell of blood grew stronger.

Rats were everywhere, it was moist and the stench in the shaft was disgusting.

He crawled deeper until he stood before a narrow ventilation, from it the smell of the Lupains and Ari seemed to come.

Akira opened the shaft and squeezed himself into it. The smell of Lupains and laboratory grew even stronger.

He fell several meters deep as he was not looking.

He had not noticed that it went down steeply.

Akira hoped that no one heard it, but he was wrong. Several steps came toward him.

Akira wanted to turn back in order to wait until the soldiers were gone, but the way back was too steep. He could not go back.

He stuck his head out of the shaft to check if cameras or other soldiers could see him, but it was all empty.

Since it was secure and the steps came closer, he stormed out of the shaft, quickly but quietly.

But he collided with a soldier. Both fell to the ground.

"What the fuck, can not you watch out? ..." yelled the Navy.

Only then he realized that it was not a human but Akira, who sat before him.

"Aki .. Akira?" his face was anxious, as if he had the devil in front of him.

He raised his M16 and wanted to shoot at Akira, but Akira slammed the gun out of his hand.

As the Navy wanted to grab his gun, he got a slight blow on the back of his head.

Akira knew him, it was not just a human, it was a familiar face.

It was hard for Akira to kill him, especially now that the man was not able to defend himself.

But Akira's actions were not unheard, those he wanted to escape, were now behind him.

He felt the barrel of an M16 a soldier pressed against the back of his head.

He could not expect them to capture him, and he knew he would never be able to liberate Ari if he failed now.

He wanted his answers and above all the little white wolf.

When Akira does not come back, what would happen to Ari then?

He turned around quickly and held the barrel with his hand firmly, he pushed back the M16, so that the Navy's larynx was hit by the shoulder bracket.

The other marine wanted to aim his gun at Akira, but Akira bit through his throat.

While one suffocated and the other bled to death Akira looked at them dying, just as he had done earlier with the Lupains.

Although he knew one of the two, he felt no pity.

The many faces and smells of Lupains he killed for the humans shot in his head.

Akira brought the two dead and the living marine behind large material crates.

He wiped the blood aside and tied the living marine.

"If these Marines are found, they know that I'm here", thought Akira and continued to search for Ari.

The plant, which he search through was huge and full of marines.

Akira had never seen these huge underground constructions, he remembered only parts of the laboratories.

The strong smell of blood let Akira guess what happens here.

He was very careful and quiet, but he could not escape the many cameras.

He expected to fight his way through the system until he has found Ari.

But he seemed to trigger no alarm, the guards remained at their posts, and spoke among themselves.

As if he was invisible for the cameras.

Akira sneaked past the soldiers as quietly and quickly as he could, he smelled no blood anymore, instead he perceived the smell of drugs now.

The smell of was even Lupains stronger.

There were so many different scents, including the scent of Ari.

Akira followed the scent until he saw something bizarre through a ventilation shaft.

There were Lupains, too many to count them all, they were wearing orange prison uniforms.

Their faces were blank, emotionless, as if they were sleepwalking.

They were under strong influence of drugs.

In the main hall there was a Food Distribution, tables and chairs.

Above the hall stood normal US soldiers, but also soldiers who wore an unfamiliar uniform.

Akira had never seen this uniform.

He observed for a while what was happening, he saw a wolf in the hall that looked like Ari.

A loud signal sounded, it was a horn.

This frightened Akira so much that he bumped his head against the shaft.

The loud horn drowned the noise of Akira's headbutt.

This signal seemed to break the Lupains break, cell doors opened, Ari appeared to go to cell block B.

Akira followed him through the ventilation shafts.