2020 A.D. Part 6 [unfinished] OLD Version DONT read

Akira looked carefully out of the ventilation shaft. Through the grid, he could see the entire cell block, where no one seemed to be. He carefully opened the ventilation grid and sneaked out of the shaft. He scented Ari and went to his door, but it...

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2020 A.D. Part 5 [unfinished]

Akira went ever deeper into the ventilation shaft, the smell of blood grew stronger. Rats were everywhere, it was moist and the stench in the shaft was disgusting. He crawled deeper until he stood before a narrow ventilation, from it the smell of the...

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2020 A.D. Part 4 [unfinished]

Akira knocked open the door and pointed with his gun at the man. The man looked like he would almost get an heart attack, then Akira talked to him. He demanded the contents of the drawer, without protest the man handed them over. With shaking hand...

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2020 A.D. Part 3 [unfinished]

Shane backed away, he tasted blood on Akira's mouth. He was wondering from where the blood came, he wanted to know if it was human blood. Akira said that the human was lying dead in the cellar, Shane wasn't able to remember him. Both of them went...

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2020 A.D. Part 1 [unfinished]

Akira received many missions to ensure that he was really the best. He should kill all Lupain he could find and take as many weapons as possible. To ensure that the Lupain were really dead, he beheaded them. (The human soldiers could hardly compete...

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2020 A.D. Part 2 [unfinished]

Akira received many missions to ensure that he was really the best. He should kill all Lupain he could find and take as many weapons as possible. To ensure that the Lupain were really dead, he beheaded them. (The human soldiers could hardly compete...

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2020 A.D. Part 0 [unfinished]

In 2018, humanity came for the first time in contact with an alien life form. These "aliens" could be described as an humanoid wolf-similar species, they called themself "Lupain". The resources of the Lupain were scarce and they were desperately...

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2020 A.D. Teil 6 *Unfertig* Alte Version

Akira schaute vorsichtig aus dem Lüftungsschacht. Durch das Gitter konnte er den gesamten Zellentrakt sehen, dort schien niemand zu sein. Er öffnete vorsichtig das Lüftungsgitter und schlich vorsichtig aus dem Schacht. Er witterte Ari und ging zu...

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2020 A.D. Teil 5 *Unfertig*

Akira ging immer tiefer durch den Lueftungsschacht, der Geruch von Blut wurde immer staerker. ueberall waren Ratten, es war feucht und der Gestank in dem Schacht war widerlich. Er kroch immer tiefer hinein, bis er vor einer schmalen Lueftung stand,...

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2020 A.D. Teil 4 *Unfertig*

Akira schlug die Tuer auf und hielt seine Waffe auf den Mann. Dieser Mann schien fast einen Herzinfarkt zu bekommen, dann redete Akira mit ihm. Er forderte den Inhalt der Schublade, der Mann rueckte sie ohne Widerworte hinaus. Mit zitternder Hand...

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2020 A.D. Teil 3 *Unfertig*

Shane wich erschreckt zurueck, er schmeckte Blut an Akiras Mund. Er wunderte sich woher das Blut kam, er wollte wissen, ob es Menschenblut war. Akira sagte, der Mensch liegt Tod im Keller, Shane konnte sich nicht mehr an ihn erinnern. Beide gingen...

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2020 A.D. Teil 2 *Unfertig*

Es war kein Mensch, es war ein kleiner Lupain, der sich wie ein Mensch angezogen hatte, er trug eine Kapuze und sein Gesicht war vermummt. Akira verstand es nicht. Ein Lupain, der ihm hilft? Wieso tat er das? Wusste dieser Lupain nicht, was er getan...

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