Lagomorphs -- Chapter 30: Mated, Part 2: Sunny's POV

Story by furrywurry on SoFurry

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#32 of Lagomorphs

Jeff and Sky make love to Sunny.

I'm very sorry for the delay. This was harder to write than I expected, and I'm not sure how successful I've been in describing Sunny's reactions. Part 3 may take a few days, too.

__________________________________ Lagomorphs Copyright © July, 2015, FurryWurry All rights reserved

Chapter 30: Mated Part 2: Sunny's POV __________________________________

Sunny watched with amusement as the males put on their dominance display. The results were a foregone conclusion, of course. Smooth, soft Jeffie had no chance against her Sky. He might be a little smaller, but Sky was much stronger. She couldn't resist adding a few nibbles of her own, just to make sure Jeffie understood. That was her only reason. His taste had nothing to do with it; well, almost nothing. His squirming attempts to escape the inevitable were so cute!

There was no doubt about how much he enjoyed their attentions, though. The way he bucked when she blew on him was a big giveaway. He was so easy to tease.

His sudden eruption was a surprise, but she managed to catch a good part of his cum. A little was wasted on the pad, and some ran down her arm. That tickled!

She stared at what she'd managed to capture. The room's lights glimmered off the milky fluid quivering in her palms. Quivering with her heartbeat. And its odor. Oh, my. She'd never smelled anything so, so... She didn't know what. That scent, it made her insides clench, and melt, both at the same time. She knew where it had to go. Oh, yes. But the smell... What would it taste like? She brought it up closer to her nose, and the urge got stronger. She just had to taste it.

"Sunny, no!" Why not? Her tongue slowly came out, dipping toward that ambrosia. "Stop!" Somebody grabbed her hands and pushed them down. "Don't do that. Don't lick it. We need it." Who would interfere? Oh, Sky. Oh, right. They needed this. For lubrication. For breeding. For kits. Not for tasting. But it smelled so good... Now Sky was bending over it, too. His nose was twitching, too. His eyes were starting to glaze over, too. He smelled it, too, didn't he? How good it was?

He was reaching out, though, reaching out to someone else. Jeffie, who yelped. He said something to Jeffie, but she didn't care what. The stuff in her hands, that was what mattered. Oh, yes. It was so good.

She heard Jeffie say something, something about lying down? Why? She was doing fine as she was. Smelling it. Relaxed enough already.

Someone gripped her shoulders. Sky was taking a hold on her hands. Someone was pushing on her. Jeffie? Oh, OK. The bed would be soft. Lying down would be fine, too. She let herself fall over, relaxed, fall toward the bed. But Jeffie was catching her. Letting her down. Nice Jeffie.

Oops! Her hands were starting to tip! Not all the way! Don't lose it! She put out an elbow and landed on that. It hadn't spilled. But... oh, my, how it smelled! She could almost hear it calling to her. Calling for her to do something with it, but she didn't know what. Do something while Jeffie made her more comfortable. Staring seemed to be enough. She kept watching it. It didn't move. It just quivered a little.

Hey! Someone was stealing it! Oh, it was just Jeffie. It was his stuff anyhow. He could have some. Sure. There was lots left. Was he saying something? Whatever it was didn't really matter. What she had in her hands was what mattered. Oh, yes. Mmmm.

Hey! Someone was getting fresh! Rubbing her down there! And the tingles of pain were fading! "Wha'?"

"I told you. I'm rubbing you. Making you slick. OK?"

"Oh. Yeah. Sure. OK." Just Jeffie. Making her feel good. Her head dipped down again. Look! The creamy fluid was jiggling again!

Jeffie! Get away from my hands, I gotta smell... but the words didn't come out. It was too much trouble. He'd only taken a little more this time. There still was plenty left. Plenty to sniff.

Oooh. Jeffie was pushing on her slot again. Didn't that feel good! Almost as good as his stuff smelled. Almost. But he was talking again. Did he have to keep talking? What was he saying, anyhow?

"Sunny, relax. You've got to relax. Let me in. Please? I can't make you slick if my finger can't get inside you."

Oh. Relax. Wasn't she relaxed enough already? Mmm. He was rubbing on her tummy. That felt good. Um hm. Warm. Good. She felt her lower self go limp, limper than before, but he wouldn't stop complaining.

"That's it. Just a little more. OK. Here it comes."

Oh. Oh, my. He was inside her! That felt great! Even better than before. Oh, yes. That little bit of pain she'd felt inside was gone now. It felt ever so much better now, didn't it? She crooned to his juices. Feel that! Oh! Oh, yes! She couldn't help tightening up again, grabbing on to it. Whatever it was.

"Sunny, relax. Please. Am I hurting you?"

"Oh. No. Not hurting. No. Not at all." She almost whimpered, though. The feelings were just so good!

"Relax then. Let go. I need to do it again."

"Again. Please. Yes. Do it again." Again!!!

"OK. But you have to relax." She relaxed. She did. He pushed in! Again! Oh, that felt so wonderful. It made her all tingly and quivery down there. So wet, too. She could feel her own hot juices coming, flowing to mix with Jeffie's. But, ack. He pulled out. He wasn't supposed to pull out! Oh. He was back for more. He kept taking more. There wasn't all that much left. He needed to leave some! Some she could smell!

"Here it comes." This time she couldn't help whimpering loudly, but not from pain, oh no. Oh! Yes! Doit, doit. Doit! Rub! Right there! Her tummy was going all fluttery. It made her want to... But he stopped and pulled out again. He was teasing her. Just like she'd teased him. Revenge.

"Again? Please, again?" Sunny pleaded.

"OK. Just one more time. I think that should be enough. Then you'll be nice and slick. Ready for Sky."

"Please." Please, please. He took some more fluid. Precious fluid. But it felt so good. What he was doing with it. It made her feel so good. Good at both ends, now. Now!

"Now! Please!"

"Relax, you've got to stay relaxed. Here it comes."

She relaxed. So limp. So ready. Yes, there it came! He did it again! That twist, it made her quiver, her back arch, her tummy flutter, her own juices flow some more.

Oh! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

The orgasm was like a blow. What her own body did to her, tying her up in knots! Delightful knots, over and over. She convulsed, groaning. Oh!

But even that only lasted for a short while. In the aftermath it felt so good, so right, to just let go of (almost!) everything, to relax again, this time to spread out on the bed, the bed: oh, so soft. Jeffie had turned her into a puddle. A glowing puddle. Mmm. She thought she heard Jeffie say something, but it didn't matter. Nothing mattered. Not now. Not after that. Mmmmm...


An irritating fly. Buzzing. Buzzing in her ears. Why didn't it go away?

"Sunny, wake up. it's time for you to get up. Up, girl. Come on."

Couldn't it just leave her alone? It was so nice being a puddle. A large pool of water. A pond. Quiet and smooth under the sun. The sun inside her. The warm sun. Still glowing. Glowing warmly, making her ever so limp.

Ohh. That odor again. The scent. The scent of Jeffie's stuff. It was too faint. She had to smell it, rub against it. It wasn't fair. She needed it! She had to go after it!

Up. It made her get up. It led her in circles. Why in circles? Wasn't being up enough?

Ohhh. Now it was on her nose. Where her tongue could reach it. Oh, the taste! The flavor! Yes! It made her rub her teeth together, hard, to purr. Oh, so good!

Uh. Pressure. Weight on her back. It was that Sky again. Must be. Lazy bum. Couldn't he even stand up on his own? Fur-fucking bum. Hurtful bum. Never mind: Jeffie's hand was back. Nice Jeffie. Jeffie's nice fluid. Nice taste. Yum! Gone. Oh! Not all gone: some was on her nose!

Now that annoying Sky was on her back. Was he doing handstands? What was with him, anyhow? He should taste the fluid. That's what he should do. Make him all warm inside. Make him relax. Be a puddle.

Oh, that was nice. Now he was licking her back. Grooming her. Making her presentable. Flower would approve. Get the curls out, Sky! She could hold him up for a while if he did that. For a little while. Making Flower happy, that mattered. She was Dam here. Her new Dam. A much better Dam than her Mam had been.

Why was Jeffie pushing on her? Moving her legs? Nice to be rubbed there. She purred in between licks. Her licks. Sky's licks.

Hey! Stop tugging! Why was he pulling her back like that? She hadn't finished with the stuff on her nose! Oh. Her nose moved back, too. Nice, tasty nose.

Oh! A tickle. A tickle down there! Between her legs! Was it Jeffie again? Was he going to rub some more? Please? Or was it Sky? Was he going to hurt her again? He'd better not!

Eeep! Full! Full of hot Sky! Sky dick! Yes! Bigger than Jeffie's finger. Oh, so big! So hot! So good this time, no hurting at all.

No. No. He was pulling it out again. Don't pull it out! It felt so good!

Eeep! That second one hit her in all the right places. Hit inside. Wonderful! Better than Jeffie! Hear the squelch! Do it! Do it again! Faster!

Oh, yes. He was doing it again. And again. And faster! She moaned in pleasure, pushing back against his thrusts. She couldn't push back hard enough. Harder!

She felt him grab her tight, tight around her hips. Pulling her back! Yes! More! She could hear him working at it now: grunting with effort. Working hard to make her feel so good. Good Sky. Wonderful Sky. Yes! Doit! Again and again and again!

Ahhh! He spasmed! She spasmed! Feel that hot cum spurt inside her! Feel it filling her emptiness. She had to squeal in delight! Then collapse. Collapse alongside her mate. Oh, yes. Him.

After a while, she could feel Sky move. He shouldn't be moving. They should be cuddling, dozing, napping. Incredible sex like that was so tiring. They needed to rest, rest until they could do it again. Oh, yes. Again. And again after that.

Oh, it was just Jeffie. He was pulling Jeffie in with them. Good Jeffie. Smell Jeffie. Taste Jeffie. Nice Jeffie. Mmmmm....