A Flame in your heart:: Ch. 3 Taming her ghoul

Story by Whitephoxx on SoFurry

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#2 of A Flame in your Heart

(I will post Ch.1-2 when I find them in my computer.)

Serach returns to Underworld to find her dear friend Charon only to find that both of them haven't be honest with each other.


My lone wanderer, Serach, is an anthromorph. Anthromorphs are the people of the capital wasteland who instead of turning into radioactive feral zombies, turned into great big furry beasts. It is wondered if the same aliens that crashed the ship into Earth (Fallout 3 DLC) had also done experiments on people prior to the fallout causing the severe mutation. Each anthromorph is suited to handle their own against the perils of the Wastes.





Developed Charon/Serach Esbjorn & Story©

The stench of rotting flesh bombarded Sera's nostrils as they walked through the concourse. The citizens of Underworld glared at her as she walked through the doors and up to the 9th Circle Bar. Her shoulders pulled back and her head held high as she sauntered through the crowd.

"Sera, be careful. You know your kind is not welcome here." The voice came from behind and caressed her sensitive ears. She turned to see Charon standing there, his arms crossed across his chest as he looked down at her. "You know I can't always be here to help you."

She beamed a large smile up at him before launching herself at him and throwing her arms around him in a sturdy hug.

"Oh Char! I missed you so much."

He chuckled at her show of affection before quickly shutting down to glare at Patches as he walked by. "Go on."

Serach smiled as she backed away apologetically. "I am sorry sweetie. I forgot that you have to keep this brute personification here. I have missed you terribly though."

He smiled down at her and gestured to the corner he occupied often in the bar. " Why have you come here? You know that there is a riot anytime an anthromorph comes to Underworld" He looked around anxiously as he pulled her stool closer to him. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself is something happened to you."

Sera sighed and pulled a flask from her hip. She knew that she always gambled with her life when she came here, but the time spent away from Charon took a toll on her.

"I heard of a contract that someone put out on Gretta, so I came to warn Carol. I couldn't trust a courier to make it...and Willow knows me well enough now that she just lets me right on in. I swear you worry too much. That and I missed you."

Charon rubbed his hand over his head and looked down at Sera. His mouth dried instantly and he cleared his throat. "Sera, you know...well...damn." He drooped his head over and covered his face in his hands as he grew more flustered. "How can you do this to me...everytime?"

"What? I just said I missed you." She said smiling up at him. "All you have to do is come with me."

"I don't have a contract anymore. I am a free ghoul."

"Exactly, you're free. Free to decide if you want to come and adventure with me, or if you'd prefer to stay here and suffer through the random visit from your favorite gal."

He rolled his lips together and looked away, if it were possibly he would be blushing. "Sera, I....I can't. I don't want..."

The mood in the bar changed from happy and loud to serious as everyone turned to watch the anthromorph visitor. Charon tensed up and bared his teeth as the ghouls started to walk over to them. Sera cringed and stood up, her eyes glistened with tears.

"Fine. I shall be at Carol's if you need me. I will be leaving in the morning. It was a pleasure to see your lovely town again." She stalked out the door, her armor clanking as she hurried to a safe place to cry.

Charon leaned back in his chair and watched the waitress walk towards him with a bottle of vodka. A look of disgust adorned what was left of her face as she sat down across from the man.

"Was that her?" Every word from her lips oozed venom and hatred.

Charon looked at the door and sighed heavily. "Yeah, that was her."

The girl scoffed and slammed her glass on the table. "Charon, really? She's an anthromorph. Do you realize how disgusting that is? Do you realize the looks you would get? What people would say? "-She pushed what was left of her hair behind her ear and looked up at him, pushing her breasts together and smiling wickedly- "You could do so much better with someone like you. Someone like...well...me."

He rolled his eyes and looked over at her as he lifted his glass of vodka to his lips. The liquid burned as it went down his throat. "Nora, I am quite flattered but I must decline."

Nora slammed her fist to the table. "Has she ever held you close to her naked body? Has she ever carassed your skin? Has she ever given you her body to do as you wished? WHAT DOES SHE HAVE THAT I DON'T? Skin? Oh that's right...it's hidden under pounds of fur. She's a freak, Charon. A freak of natur....." She stopped when Charon grabbed her face in his hand and squeezed her cheeks to silence her.

"You...will...never...speak...ill of her again. Don't even utter her name, hell...don't even glance in her direction." He growled through his clenched jaw. "She is ten times the woman you will ever be. And no, I have never fucked her because she isn't some common tramp that I would drag to bed to relieve my frustrations on." He slung the girl away from him and stood from his table to leave the room. She grabbed his leg and glared up at him.

"It's unnatural Charon, and if you do this...you will exile yourself from your own kind. She will NEVER be accepted here. "

He looked down at her and grunted. "Then that settles it. I guess I'll just have to follow her around...won't I?" He jerked his leg away from the clutch of the hag, leaving a look of disbelief on her face.

"Charon, I was kidding...haha...see? All joke...come back, let's have another drink...c'mon baby...I was just joking around. "

"I wasn't." He said as he stopped at the door without glancing back. Her stiffled sob was all the reaction he needed before he slammed the door behind him.

Carol sighed as she rubbed the soft fur of the girl sobbing into her luxury stall's pillows. She was soft and silken to the touch, something Carol didn't get the opportunity to experience often. Serach took care of herself, unlike most of her kind. The maternal ghoul stopped petting her visitor and wrapped her arms around the girl.

"Sera, my little thing. Please. Calm down and tell Aunt Carol what ails you." She ran a finger under the eye of the beast to attempt to wipe away the flood of tears.

Charon stood at the door and listened to the painful noises coming from his friend's room. He cleared his throat quietly to alert the innkeeper of his presence. Carol looked up and shook her head at him before lifting herself from the bed and closing the door behind her.

"What have you done now?"

He exhaled and fell into the empty chair of her lounge area, his hands shaking. "I tried to quit her Carol. I really did. I thought coming home, having rumors get out of Nora, and just refusing to answer her requests to visit would be enough. " He rose to his feet again to pace the room. His mind racing from thought to memory and back again. Carol walked to him and placed a hand gently on his arm for comfort.

"Charon, what happened between you two? Why does it matter if she delights in your company?"

Charon looked down and placed his head in his hands. "It happened unexpectedly, these feelings...it's like they tear me apart inside. She found me, she freed me from my previous master and she had me follow her obnoxious ass through the wasteland. She was a bitch. She hated my shortness and forced me to learn 'proper english'. If that wasn't offensive enough, she forced me to reside in an anthromorph colony with her till she decided for us to leave. She was annoying, bratty and stubborn. I should have hated her for that alone. One day, another beast accompanied us for a short trip to the local ruins and he made a sexual proposition of her. I burned with anger and forced myself between the two of them till we returned to the camp. Carol, I was burning with hatred that he would even THINK he had a chance with her while I was around. I confused her then I know it. It happened many other times as we traveled. She met up with a past lover, and it seemed like they were rekindling their passion when I made a scene, accusing him of stealing from our supplies..." He took a breath and looked up at the shock on his friend's face." If that wasn't it, I found myself...fantasizing over her. I thought I could bury these feelings when I came home...but when Nora just called her a freak...I..." Carol placed a finger to his lips.

"Nora called her a freak? That trollop. She has some nerve throwing stones from her glass house of fucktarded whorery" She clucked like a mother hen.

"Said she was a freak of nature and she would never be accepted here." He looked over to her. "And she was right about that, she won't be. So I will leave with her. I can't hide what I feel, it's obvious now."

Carol looked up into his eyes as if searching for a reason to disapprove. "You hurt her again Charon...I'll remove your cock from what's left of your body."

"Yes ma'am."

Charon sat down at the foot of Sera's bed when Carol left the room. Sera had cried herself to sleep and was snoring quite loudly into her pillow, Holy Atom..he had missed that. He looked down at his shaking hands to think of what would come next and how he would tell her he changed her mind when his jaw dropped. Her armor had shifted revealing a peek of her tender nether regions. He gulped as his cock hardened underneath his armor, making him uncomfortable to say the least. He let his gaze wander back up her body, her breasts were hidden away behind the firm leather but he knew they were soft and firm. Her waist wasn't narrow and frail like Nora's...she had a womanly figure with thick curves. His mouth dried instantly as he rested upon her sleeping face, his eyes coming to a stop on her lips. Charon groaned low in his throat as the memories of what he had fantasized doing to that mouth flooded back to him, his cock unbearable hard.

He shifted to reposition himself under his armor before turning to be face to face with the biggest furry maw he had ever seen.

"Now Esby...Esby...Don't....LOOK AT ME.. c'mon...not this again." He held his hands up. The mouthtail wasn't a very aggreeable being when his host was unconscious. Charon couldn't imagine that he'd be very...forgiving... after what he had done to Sera. The maw opened to reveal rows of gleaming teeth, black tar-like saliva dripped from it's gaping mouth. Charon gulped as he peered into what would likely be his undoing as the beast opened wide enough to engulf him. He clinched his eyes shut before hearing a loud smack.

He opened one eye slowly to see Serach sitting straight up in bed, disheveled with a pissed off look adorning her face and a crowbar in her hand. Esbjorn was laying against the bed, his tongue rolling around gingerly.

"He didn't hurt you, did he?" She asked while rubbing her raw and bloodshot eyes.

Charon shook his head and slowly smiled, his princess had saved him yet again. "So...Sera...we need to talk."

Serach held up her hand to silence him as she sighed. "No...I owe you an apology and an explanation. " She looked at his confused look before she continued. "I came back because I heard rumors that you had taken a woman, and I didn't want to believe it. I don't know why but something about you after all the time we spent together...I started having feelings for you,I guess? I didn't really put much thought into it until you left and I realized I couldn't function without you. The mediocre things that were once so fun with you by my side had become a chore and made me quite miserable. So I came back to get you and to tell you how I felt...and...I realized the rumors were true. You had moved on...you didn't return my affec...."

She was cut off as Charon grabbed her roughly and pulled her to him, pressing his mouth hard against hers. She melted into his arms as he probbed her lips apart, deepening their kiss with his tongue ravaging her own. He ran his hard hands across her body and underneath her armor as her hands followed in suit against his own. He pulled away as she gasped for air, her eyes glossed over with lust as she stared up into his eyes.

"But...." She stuttered as he held up his own finger to her plump and raw lips.

"Sera, I loved you then, I had to leave you because I felt you didn't feel the same..." He said to her as he slowly started undoing the clasps to his armor, "I came here and buried that pain in whoever was willing but I still couldn't quit you. I couldn't get you out of my mind." He pulled the armor over his body and looked down at his dear friend, his hands finding her own armor and removing it slowly. "I tried so hard to tell myself that I didn't love you but I know the truth now. I will always love you and I have waited so long for this day." He pushed her shorts down and lowered his head to the warm space between her thighs. Sera jumped at the feel of him brushing against her fur and near climbed out of her skin when she felt his mouth against her moist lips. Charon gripped her hips with his hands and pulled her hard against his face as he wrecked her body with passion. She moaned and buried her face against the pillow to muffle the sounds of her pleasure from the other patrons of the inn. Charon chuckled against her clit as he flicked the small tender spot with his tongue before crawling up her body.

"Sera, if you feel I am moving to fast...just say so...I don't have to have this...as long as I still have you."

Serach pulled the pillow from her face and looked up at the naked ghoul before her. She bit her lip and murred."Please Charon...please don't leave me like this."

Charon smiled and pressed the head of his cock against her opening, his girth stretched her slowly as he tried to enter her carefully. "Sera, I am going to have to be rough just this once okay? Or it is never going to get in..." He waited for her to open her mouth in response before thrusting deep inside of her. Her mouth opened wide as she cried out and wrapped her arms around him. He moaned as he felt her tight around his member as he let the shock from his entry die down. He moved slowly in her, she was so tight around him and definitely not what he expected. She murred against his neck as he slowly pulled away and placed her foot paws on his shoulders, thrusting deeper into her while bracing himself for the coming climax. He couldn't hold back for long with how intense she was. Just as he found a steady rhythm and felt he could carry on a bit longer, he felt her rock her hips against him and tightening her core as she moved.

He groaned and gripped her body. "Sera...don't...I can't.."

She smiled as she rolled her body more quickly and murred which each time his cock thrust. He roared as he pulled her tighter against him, pounding into her harder and rougher as he felt himself come close to the brink. He grabbed both her hind-legs in one hand and drug her up to where she slightly hung in front of him, ravaged by his cock pounding roughly into her as she gripped the bed beneath her crying out for god and yelling his name as she came around him. He threw his head back and growled loudly, "HOLY FUCK SERA", as he unloaded his spunk deep inside

her. . He pulled out slowly and looked down at her panting before flopping down against the soft mattress beside her. His seed leaking out of her slowly as she giggled and rolled over to him. He smiled as she rolled all about the bed like a cat in ecstasy after a dash of catnip.

"That was so much better than I had dreamed of. " He said as he thumbed her soft brown hair before starting to redress himself. He looked over at her as she tried to pull her shorts up over her thighs and cringed, laughing to himself.

"Didn't think I'd be this sore afterwords but holy Atom, you are a beast." She giggled as he tossed her top to her.

"Well, it's no secret no I guess. I had come here to express to you that I was leaving with you. " Charon said as he steadied his hand against the door. He smiled as he heard Sera chuckle.

"Well after that...I'd be surprised if you let me leave". She said as she fastened her armor down.

She smiled up at him as he pushed the door open, revealing a rather distraught looking ghoul.

Charon stopped and held an arm protectively in front of Sera as they stepped out to hold her behind him.

"Nora...what are you doing here?"

Nora stood before Serach with a laser pistol pointed directly at the beasts heart. She gritted her teeth and her eyes darted to Charon.

"I made you happy, I gave you my body...and you chose to bed this animal? Pelts and Smoothskins are our enemies Charie."

Charon put his hand up and slowly approached the distraught hag. His heart racing for fear of what his mistake would mean for Sera. He glanced behind to where she stood and saw an expression of pure loathing adorn her face.

"Nor...." He was cut off as a figure darted around him and lifted Nora from the ground. Serach had darted around his hulking body and gripped the ghoul's throat in her handpaw, crushing her pipes slightly as she lifted her from the safety of the floor.

"Did you really think you can hold your own against me? Did you think we evolved to this from hiding from imbeciles like you?" She squeezed her paw a little tighter as the thoughts of the girl bedding Charon came to mind. "I would have been fine with that little insult, but calling Char...Charie?Announcing bedding him like your his trophy whore? No...that is just too much to tolerate."

She lifted the ghoul higher as her mouthtail crept from behind her and unhinged his jaws like a massive snake. She slowly lowered the kicking ghoul into his open maw.

"ARE YOU CRAZY BITCH?!?!" Nora screamed while kicking frantically as Esby's tongue wrapped around her leg to tug her down faster.

Sera's eyes narrowed and glowed a piercing blue as she flashed her fangs at her in a hiss. Nora's screams only excited her and fueled her rage.

Charon cleared his throat from behind her and placed a firm hand on her shoulder. "Please don't do this, fluffy."

Serach paused and turned to look at Charon standing behind her wide-eyed in panic. Nora was still thrashing about and suspended, but neither Serach or Esbjorn paid her any mind.

"Did you just call me fluffy?"

"Isn't that like a term of endearment to you guys?"

Serach dropped Nora, who tried to quickly scoot away but was stopped short by Esbjorn's tongue curling around her ankle and dragging her slowly to his open mouth. "You think fluffy....is a term of endearment?...."

Charon looked to Carol who was laughing hysterically and pleaded to her with his eyes.

"Sera baby, I'm new at this whole...sweet thing. Please, just...baby...Baby's good right?" He looked to Sera and frowned till she nodded. "Baby...okay, I can do that. Baby, please don't do this...she isn't worth the hell we'd get from Cerberus."

Serach groaned and rolled her eyes, before whacking Esbjorn again with her crowbar and muttering "down boy". She sauntered over to Charon and took his hand gently and jumped up on her toes to kiss his cheek. "You're lucky I love you."

He rubbed his cheek. "I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing that."

The sun rose above them the next morning as they carefully walked through the ruins of D.C. The anthromorph giggled as Charon wrapped an arm around her shoulders gingerly and walked beside her, leaning her body against his with each step. It felt good.

The scenery always was the same, every time she visited D.C, drab and depressing. She often thought back to what the city was before the bombs fell. It was a massive hellhole now of super mutants and ghouls, not even anthromorphs ventured this far east.

Charon tightened his grip around her as he felt her sigh.

They cleared the city within hours, the wasteland's dry empy appearance welcomed them after the headache of navigating crumbling rubble.

Serach cleared her throat as they walked through an old pasture.

"So...Nora? What made you go for that beastly woman...Charie?"She snorted back laughter. Charon groaned and slapped his palm to his face, slowly dragging it down.

"Sera, men aren't like women. We have urges..."

"Charon...anthromorphs have breeding season...I understand...'urges'."

He flushed a shade of crimson before continuing. " Sera, why do you do this? She meant nothing, she was just an easy hag at the bar that put out. I thought it would piss you off into staying away or something."

He sighed as all of a sudden he was tackled on his back, a red puff of dust clouded the air. He fidgeted and grumbled as he got his breath back to see Sera straddling him when the dust cleared. She was leaning right in his face, his eyes widdened as she lowered her muzzle to his ear-hole.

"I was rather pissed off." She leaned back just enough to kiss his lips. "Just don't do it again."

"Baby, I never intend to."

She helped him up, brushed the dirt from his armor and skipped off ahead of him. Charon shook his head as he walked slowly behind her. She was an enigma and always had been. She was old in the world and wise, yet still had a child-like wonder about her. He smiled to himself, that was why he fell for her. In the Wasteland, you never saw people so immersed in the world yet so happy.

It was like a rainbow sprang from her ass when she woke each morning.

Serach stopped and sniffed the air. Charon stopped immediately and crouched to hide quickly if need be. She growled and slowly stalked over to a rock jutting out from the cliff wall and peered over it.

A group of Herde stood feasting on several carcasses of Brahimin, she motioned for Charon to sneak behind her up the side of the rocks. He moved quickly and climbed as fast as he could, accidentally dislodging a deposit that crashed down the rock face. He turned to look over the side in panic as the Herde's ears perked up. He saw Sera motioning for him to hide out of view as the anthromorphs staggered around the corner.

She curled her lip in a snarl as they saw her and cackled.

"Well look what we have here ladies?" The shortest one exclaimed. "It's one of those hybrid beasties we've heard so much about."

They circled around Serach, her fangs bared. She backed into the corner as she panicked.

One grabbed her ankle and tugged her down, kicking as she went.

"What part do you want to eat first? She's a feisty one." Another spat out as Serach kicked it in the maw. "You're a tad unlucky lil one. You're kind isn't usually alone out here."

Serach snarled and snapped at it's fingers when they reached out to grab her muzzle. "Bitch." The first short female stuck her several times in the side with a small combat knife. She whimpered as it leaned down to her. " You should have just surrendered. This is all going to make your meat taste horrible." She started to faint from the blood gushing from her wound when she heard a male voice yell from above.


Her head rolled to the side where Charon was pointing his shotgun right at them. "A GHOUL? She's with a ghoul...." they whispered as she slide in and out of consciousness. " A ghoul? You think he's one of Gob's? ...No...wouldn't be this far out...What if they are in Elle's troop?...What if she's with Odd..." Several gasps came from her side as they mentioned someone named Odd. They stomped in the dust and yelled something about it not being worth their time and ran quickly off. Serach looked up as Charon reached down to her, the last vision in her mind was that of Charon's eyes tearing up before her body went limp in his arms.

~*~ The haze cleared when she opened her eyes, the wound in her side throbbed in pain causing her to grimace. She searched around the room she was in and saw several dead raiders in the corner, Charon rustling through their pockets for things they might have of use on them. She sniffled and started to shift herself to get up, her teeth clenched together to fight back crying out in pain.

"SERA! What are you doing? " Charon was suddenly above her, an angry look slowly stretching across his face as she still pushed herself up from the floor.

"Char, we can't just stay here all day. We have to keep moving. It's not safe out here. Something scared those herde's off when they saw you, and that means there is something worse off out there." She staggered to the window and looked out of the barren land. Rusted farm equipment decorated the landscape and sank into the dead earth beneath them. She sighed as Charon pulled her over to rewrap her wound with clean bandages, his touch soothed the anxiety that the pain caused her.

"I think I know what they were talking about and I know how to find out." He said as he dressed her bandages. "There is a ghoul in megaton, Gob, and he's like a son to Carol. She mentioned that he was starting a revolution to free ghouls from slavery. You know...you two would probably get along."

Serach chewed her bottom lip and thought of the possibilities. "Charon, I am an anthromorph. You saw how Nora acted in response to me working with you. We don't get along."

Charon smiled and tilted her chin up. "Stop chewing on your lip, you know what your mum used to say about that. Those Herde gals recognized an anthromorph with a ghoul as a threat. Which means there are more like us out there. We just have to find them. Put off going back to the colony, and let's go to megaton. If anything, it's a fluke and we have more time to ourselves before we get back."He embraced her and kissed her temple, inhaling the smell of her hair. "Think of what we could do to help more ghouls like me? You could educate more people with your pointless book knowledge."

He chuckled as she playfully punched his armor.

"That pointless book knowledge changed your life."

She looked out the window as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, his chin resting on her head. "Yes, it gave me you. So....what's the verdict?"

Serach turned with a wicked grin and looked deep into his fading blue eyes. "We head out at dawn."