Friday chapter XII

Story by Todd Fox on SoFurry

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#7 of Friday

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* * * * *

Friday and Jake looked up from their relaxed watch on the sheep to see another pickup driving up the road. They were curious but the fence line was not really secure still and they had to be watchful that the sheep did not stray away. The two collies dutifully shepherded the sheep for another half hour before Tiffany and some male human walked up along the fence line. Both dogs perked but were more wary than anything. Jake still carried a limp from the last over the fence encounter but Tiffany put them at ease with a wave, "Hey, this is Jimmy, he's gonna help us with the fence." The man named Jimmy smiled and tipped his worn green fighting Irish cap to them. Friday squeaked her toy twice and wagged her tail.

"Oh, you're the mute collie Fred had, I heard about you." the man smiled and stepped forward to pet Friday. Friday shied a bit but let the man pet her head and muzzle, and after that she smiled in her canine fashion and wagged her tail.

"and you must be Jake," he said and scritched Jake behind the ears."

Tiffany laughed, "Wow, you must be good, usually Friday takes to men as master but Jake is more wary."

"Well he doesn't make us scared for you, you liked him fine so we'll give him a chance."

Friday squeaked her toy twice more and signed while Jake said the words "and you smell like sheep and dogs."

Tiffany laughed and brought the man back to the task at hand "Jake, I was wondering since you and Friday are out here if you could help Jimmy fix the fence.

Jake nodded and looked to Friday who looked unsure. "Friday can watch the sheep and I'll help you out." Tiffany smiled and the new man Jimmy nodded, "well I'm gonna be back in a few days with some supplies, so I'll see you then."

Jake nodded happily, Friday just held her squeak bone in her mouth and watched them go. Jake smiled to her as the two humans went on along the fence line. "He seems nice." Friday signed and shook/nodded her head unsure. ‘I think he is a useful human like you are a useful dog.' She smiled at her mate and wagged her tail. Jake smiled, the insides of his ears blushing.

* * * * *

Two days later the truck they saw before, the one that was the man known as Jimmys' came to their farm again.

Jake went to greet him and help him with the fence as Friday watched the flock.

Jake met Jimmy as he was unloading spools of wire off the truck. Jake never did anything with the fences except for opening or closing a gate so was excited about working on one. His tail wagged as Jimmy showed him the connectors and hardware. Jake tossed a wire tensioner back in the box in the back of the pickup and looked to Jimmy as he spoke.

"the first thing we gotta do is find out how the poles around here are gonna hold up." he smiled to the dog and took him around the front enclosures first, marking the old and rotting posts with red spray paint and then pulling off the hog wire that was what the previous fence was made of.

A lot of the posts were marked for replacement. So many in fact that he figured it would save time from marking if he just pulled them all up. But it was what humans did. He followed Jimmy around learning how to tell a good post from a bad one even if it looked solid. He was unsure about Jimmy but was beginning to warm to the man more and more as they worked together.

Jimmy surveyed the area and pointed so Jake could see his plan, "what we're gonna do is pull this old fence and I got a post hole digger we'll use to dig the posts and then sand and grit pack them it will help keep them from rotting in the ground." Jimmy watched the dog look at the small pasture.

"Okay?" he looked up at the man. "What first?"

Jimmy smiled, "the fun, ripping up all this crap fence and posts, then it gets hard from there." He smiled to Jake and ruffed his ears.

Jake didn't mind the hard work of pulling up the old useless fence and pulling out the old posts that would not make it. Tiffany came out about every hour with drinks for them both even though Jimmy brought water for both him and Jake. He watched his mistress blush a bit when she saw them working, particularly Jimmy. She sat on the tailgate of his truck and watched them dig post holes for about a quarter mile and then return when the post hole digger ran out of gas and to take a break.

She looked impressed with their progress.

"That's a lot of holes." She said and wanted to kick herself for it but to her relief Jimmy answered.

"Well they're spaced every ten feet so it looks and is a lot of posts. The truck with the posts should be here tomorrow so I figured I'll dig a ton of holes today." He said the last sitting on the back of his truck beside her. Jake drank water from a bowl and sat in the cool grass. It was light jacket weather to the humans but it was still nice outside to him.

He found that himself getting bored as the two humans continued to talk, so much so he took to watching Friday watch the sheep. Eventually he sighed and stood up. "Are we going to go back to digging holes?"

Jimmy laughed, "dog's eager to dig." He said joking and pulled the gas oil mix jug from further back in the back of the truck bed and filled up the post hole digger. As he screwed the cap back on the fuel tank he smiled to Tiffany. "Nice talking to you."

She smiled, "same."

Jimmy smiled to her and only at the last moment turned his head to begin walking away from her carrying the machine with him, Jake following.

"You're staying for dinner aren't you?" Tiffany suddenly called to him.

Jimmy turned to her grinning, "Is that a question or an invite?"

"Invite, would you like to stay for dinner?" she called and felt herself flush

"I would love to, what time?"

Now she stammered and looked at her watch, "about six thirtyish."

Jimmy nodded and waved with his free hand, "see you then." and turned with Jake to continue working in the autumn day.

Tiffany sighed and looked out over the farm, her farm and her sheep. She picked up the empty glasses she brought out and headed to the house.

It was about an hour and a half before six that the sun went down, the man and dog duo working by the trucks headlights, then about six they got into the truck and drove back to the house to get cleaned up for dinner. Tiffany and Friday were already ready with dinner just being served. Jake smiled and noticed that the extra effort was put into everything. It was not a very fancy meal but it was good, chicken potatoes and fresh vegetables and a brownie dessert. Everyone ate heartily and talked with the obvious exception of Friday who seemed unsure with the entire thing.

Friday felt left out of everything, she could not even ask for potatoes without Jake looking at her, so she resorted to using her squeak toy to get his attention, and when he was enthralled with one of Jimmy's funny farm stories she tossed the squeak bone hitting him in the head with it and was so mad she had to throw it at him to get his attention she forgot what she wanted and became even more angry and just looked away and folded her arms when he looked over to her.

The collie bitch did not change her mind when Jimmy took her place on the couch. Jake was the unintentional chaperone as they watched TV. Not to be put out she squeezed into the tiny space left and then leaned over Jimmy to lay her head in Jake's lap. She was taken by surprise as jimmy began petting her back then scritched at the base of her tail. She held onto Jake's leg a bit tighter as the mans fingers went over the sensitive spot where her tail left her hips. She began to arch her back stretching her legs out and lifting herself on her arms, her back bowing in delight as she panted, tongue lolling as she thought about Jake doing that and more.

Tiffany giggled at seeing Friday, "well someone is having fun." She giggled as Friday licked Jakes' muzzle amorously her claws digging into his thigh but he didn't say anything because of the scent the bitch had on her. He looked what Jimmy was doing, or tried to as Friday kept licking his muzzle and eyes and ears.

Friday missed a lick as she felt herself lifted and it didn't register she was picked up until Jimmy spoke, "Sorry pup, show's back on." He said pointing at the show now playing. Friday moped a moment and looked at Jake hoping he would continue but he was interested in the show too. So she just laid on the floor and watched. She had no clue what was going on and it was all very confusing but the killed humans were taken apart and it seemed to have a purpose to it but then another human was put in the shelter. It made no sense to her so she went off to find her collie toy and went to sleep in the bed.

* * * * *

Friday watched Jake and Jimmy dig post holes, then watched as they directed the large truck with the pallets of posts to spots along the fence line, then begin putting in posts. She kept her eyes on the sheep and even as night fell and the sheep looked confused that they were not put in a paddock and bleated all was not well Friday sat watching them until Jake came out and sat beside her. "Are you alright?"

Friday smiled to him and leaned against his shoulder watching the sheep. Jake was mystified but sat there with her as the twilight left and the stars greeted the confused sheep. Jake waited to break away from Friday, seeing the disappointment in her eyes he only wondered. "You go on to the house, I'll take the sheep back." He offered but Friday stood up and with stiff legs began to herd the sheep herself, most of which were already waiting at the paddock gate anyway. Friday didn't let him help her and snapped at him and even used her whistle to tell him to stay back. Unsure what to do Jake retreated back to the house and waited for the collie to return.

Friday came into the house and averted her eyes from Jake and even gave him a sneer and went to her food plate and ate alone, her fur bristling when Jake neared. She collected her Stuffed toy and looked around for Jimmy, maybe he would pet her again, but he was not there. She sighed and slumped her shoulders holding her toy a bit tighter to her white furred chest. She nearly jumped when Jake touched her shoulder and she forgot she was mad at him and leaned into his chest and freed one arm from her toy to hold about his midriff. She felt him press his muzzle to the top of her head and sniff her and she did the same in his chest fur. Friday warmed as she felt his arms go around her the toy the only thing keeping them apart but she liked the feeling. Jake licked the top of her head and ears softly. She felt so soft and warm in his arms he didn't want to let go when Tiffany called him over so he put his arm around her midriff and tried to get her to come along but she didn't she stood there, and there he left her to see what Tiffany wanted.

Friday sighed disappointed and made her way to her room and began grooming her toy with the brush softly and hugged it to her before returning to the couch to sit dejectedly and rejected any of Jakes' advances to play or cuddle, but that didn't stop him from laying his head on her lap and watching TV with his feet on Tiffany's legs. She could not help but feel vexed at Jake, he was so smart yet so oblivious, he was the most work oriented border collie she had ever seen. It frustrated her and made her all the more attracted to him. Sometimes she pondered her own intelligence. She watched Tiffany play with the metal pins that were put into a small brace on his leg. He seemed to enjoy that and not to be outdone she began to scritch his muzzle and ears and pet over his eyes and neck. Jake murred with the attention and relished the petting and care.

Friday remembered that Tiffany did not want Jake as a mate and calmed down a bit but still wanted to be the main focus of the dogs attention. She set her toy aside and began to lick his muzzle but he flipped his ear and shook his head then smiled up to her, "your whistle fell in my ear, sorry." He smiled up to her and she looked down and pulled her whistle off her neck and took off her collar too. She fluffed her neck and tried to look as fluffy and pretty as she could for him and was rewarded with his eyes locked to her face. She panted a canine smile as he looked at her as she pet him so carefully.

Tiffany saw Fridays attempt at seduction and smiled to herself. She would have to tell her mother about this.

* * * * *

Time passed and the house, barn and fields began to look less condemned and more like someone at least lived in it. The paddock and pasture four were completely fenced off and most of pasture one was complete. Jimmy and Tiffany were getting along quite well or so thought Friday. she was happy to be in the house when the first snow arrived. She was rather perplexed by all the strange human customs she was now experiencing. Some or really all she could not comprehend. She looked to Jake and inspected the strange phenomenon that was happening.

‘Why are you all putting a dying tree in the house?'

Jake laughed and handed her a box full of wire and some little spike looking things. She put the box to the side and signed, ‘we ate a feast not that long ago," it had been weeks but time measurement was one thing she never cared to learn," and now you all are dragging the forest inside where Tiffany throws out my chewing sticks. So forgive me if I'm a little curious. It seems odd.'

"What's wrong?" Jimmy asked seeing Friday sign so much and got both dogs attention as well as Tiffany who was putting a cloth on the floor

"Jake looked at Friday out the corner of his eyes as he faced his muzzle more to the humans, "I don't think Friday knows Christmas."

Friday looked at him, ‘what is it you said?' she signed and began to feel out of place again, her tail tucking a bit.

Tiffany got up to sit on her knees dusting off her hands as Jake signed ‘Christmas' to Friday.

"Christmas is a holiday where we celebrate the birth of Jesus." Tiffany said and accepted a helping hand from Jimmy to stand up.

Friday just sighed and sat down on the couch looking at the Christmas lights in the box she was handed still wondering what they were when Jimmy asked for them. Friday picked them up, got up and handed them to Jimmy. He smiled and thanked her. She watched him put the lights around the tree. She could not see why someone would put flimsy barbed wire around a tree in the house but sure enough everyone seemed happy to be doing it and like the feast thanksgiving she figured it was just another weird thing humans did but instead of turkeys and food, this one was done with trees and weak wire. She was not as into the festive spirit as the others until they brought out some boxes of balls.

Friday yipped and headed straight for them. they shone red blue and gold in their boxes and Tiffany and Jake opened the boxes of carefully packed balls Tiffany, Jimmy, and Jake each took balls Jake gave a pretty blue ball to Friday with a "Here you go" He was bout to show her how to put it on the tree turning from her to demonstrate the act when Jimmy grabbed her and pulled her mouth open with Tiffany running to the kitchen yelling, "bring her in here."

Jimmy half dragged the struggling bitch to the kitchen by the head and Jake had no clue what was going on and followed Jimmy asking concernedly what was going on over and over again.

Tiffany stood at the sink with the dish sprayer telling Jimmy to hurry up.

Jimmy pulled Friday over the sink and they started pulling pieces of a Christmas ball out her mouth. Tiffany rinsed the smaller bits out while holding Fridays' tongue so she didn't swallow any bits of glass.

They stood at the sink over fifteen minuets assuring that the silly collie bitch had no more glass in her mouth and cautiously let her go and she licked the roof of her mouth a few times and looked annoyed

‘Why would they make balls out of glass?' she asked Jake

"Because they are not for playing with they are for decoration"

Friday looked at Jake and shook her head. She knew of no decoration except as a threat to redecorate something using her entrails or body. She never thought of other things that were pretty or nice to decorate. But she was trying to be more human, for Jake.

She went to the living room before anyone knew what she was doing and took another glass ball and looked to the others in the house who were holding their breath to stop her. But she did not try to play with this ball she instead looked to the tree and walked over to it and tried to put the ball on a branch but it kept falling off. Jake bumped her hips with his and showed her a little hook on the top and hung his on a branch with the ball and Friday looked to him and grinned putting her ball close to his and smiling when there was suddenly a flash of blinding white light. The black and white collie blinked purple spots from her eyes and looked scared when she suddenly focused on Jake when he took her paw.

"You okay Friday?"

Friday looked to him and shook her head tilting her ears and tucking her tail in canine uncertainty.

Jake understood and looked to his mistress, "Could you show Friday your camera?"

Tiffany chuckled a little and showed her the camera. It was digital and she brought up the picture of Friday hanging her first Christmas ornament. Friday was amazed and smiled wider and Tiffany took another picture of her and the collie really started hamming it up with goofy looks and cute poses just to be photographed. She then pushed Jake up against a wall and kissed him hard, and was grateful to see the flash of the camera through her closed lids.

She let Jake go and ran over for Tiffany to show her the picture and she looked as giddy as any girl with her boyfriend as she danced from paw to paw waiting for the image and then grinning wider when she saw the image. She pulled Jake over to see him and her kissing on the view screen.

Tiffany was quiet for a second, she remembered the pictures she had found cleaning the house out. She looked at the laughing collie playing with Jake and tree tensile at her first Christmas celebration.

"You okay?" Jimmy asked her snapping her back to reality.

"Oh yea, I'm fine. I was just thinking about something." She said meekly and smiled to jimmy reassuringly before she snapped a close photo of him making him blink and laughing before she joined Friday in tossing tinsel over the people more than the tree.

Friday laid her head on Jimmys' lap her feet on Jakes' belly as he rested his head on his mistress lap. She panted from all the playful exertion and pawed Jimmys' chin making him hold her paws together in his huge hand. "Let me do the honors." He said as he lifted Fridays head and got up. Friday wondered what honor he was doing until he flipped the living room light off and turned the tree on.

Friday sat shock upright amazed at the lit up tree. She had never seen anything more beautiful in her life. She could not take her eyes off the softly glowing lights and the reflections off the glass balls and other ornaments. It was breathtaking to someone who had never seen such a sight before. The collie transfixed her eyes to everything, unable to focus on just one point for too long before some sparkle from something else caught her eye.

"Well maybe Friday would like the honors." Jimmy said making Friday turn to see him just as a large plastic star was handed to her. She looked at it unsure but then jimmy knelt down to her level and took the star. "alright Friday, I'm gonna pick you up and you put the star on the top of the tree like this," he immolated his hand being the top of the tree and he placed the cone under the star over it.

Friday nodded and put her paws out to receive the star and was hoisted up by her sides and put the star on the top of the beautiful tree with Jake and Tiffany clapping then Jimmy clapped after he put her back on the floor. Friday was blushing red in her ears and even the bridge of her muzzle was pink tinged through her white fur she was so exited. Everyone was clapping for her, her honor of putting on the star. She ran over and hugged Jake as hard as she could. This was the happiest day of her life and still it went on. There was music and food and everyone seemed to be having a wonderful time.

Friday listened to the music, most was long voiced with human howls or held notes and she posed her muzzle to howl silently with silver bells and mouthed yaps to the spoken part. The rest of the house got a kick out of the black and white collie muzzle syncing to the song. Then to make things awkward silent night was the next song and the collie not realizing the silence implication the rest of the house thought enjoyed a bowl of eggnog. She began to wag her butt and tail as jingle bell rock came on and she pranced about happily joined by Jake limited by his brace minimally.

The whole night was amazing to Friday. She had no idea things like this were done. She sat on the couch the whirlwind of new things and dancing and eating and celebrating was exhausting. She looked at Jake with a smile and then she opened her eyes to daylight and the smell of food cooking. She looked about and realized she had fallen asleep. She looked to the tree and noticed boxes in bright paper and strange knots of flat rope. She sniffed at them and picked one up curious. She was slightly miffed with Jake as he pulled the box away from her "sorry, you have to wait till Christmas.

Friday just gave him an awkward look and she must be getting good at conveying her mind in her movements because she didn't even have to ask for Jake to explain and as usual he began several false starts and then just sighed before the final answer, "You remember when I told you about the Christmas tree. About it being the birthday of Jesus?"

Friday nodded.

"Well we wait until his birthday to open the gifts."

Friday wiggled her nose and licked her lips and quirked her ears thinking. ‘Why do we celebrate this birthday? I'm really not understanding."

Jake looked about and went to the kitchen for a few minuets and came back. "Tiffany will tell you at breakfast." Jake smiled

Friday waited patiently for the morning meal. It was larger than usual and she gorged herself on all the strange things and delights she never before fathomed in her life.

Tiffany hid a smile behind her hand and spoke to Jake. "She looks fat and happy." She said as Friday sat back in the chair and sighed contently. Jake smiled and nodded. She had packed away more food than her small frame would account for.

The trio was silently sitting at the table contented they had more than their fill and Tiffany was pleased she had no leftovers to speak of as she helped herself to one of the last two sausage patties.

Jake looked over to the other collie when she waved for his attention and signed to him and he nodded and looked to Tiffany, "Friday was wondering about Christmas, I was hoping you could explain it to her."

Tiffany nodded and smiled to Friday, "well I can," she said with a nod and took less time thinking than Jake before explaining with no false starts, "you see, way back over two thousand years ago there was a man Named Jesus who was very kind and helped a lot of people. He taught people about loving one another and we celebrate his birthday on the twenty-fifth of December."

Friday looked at Tiffany and raised one of her brows and signed having Jake translate for her, "I like to know about love but humans had to be taught love? Did they not know it back then and had to be taught?"

Tiffany laughed and shook her head, "well they knew about love back then but they were pretty bad back then and god sent his son, that is who Jesus was, Gods' son and he saw all the bad and wanted to make it better and help people get into heaven."

Friday looked to Jake and through the increasing psychic connection between the canines he signed heaven for her and she signed back, "what is Heaven?"

Tiffany listened to Jake translate and answered, "Heaven is where you go when you die."

Friday sat up in her chair and tilted her head and ears in obvious confusion even Tiffany could translate before she signed, ‘heaven is in the ground?'

Tiffany laughed, "No, Heaven is the place your soul goes once your body dies."

Friday just stared at the woman, she had seen many deaths and knew what blood guts muscle and bone were but never saw a soul. Or maybe she had and never known what it was. ‘What is a soul?'

Tiffany almost cut off Jakes translation apparently guessing the question, "it's your life force, the thing that lives inside you."

Tiffany was taken aback by the collies' look of horror and she flung her hands in a panic and Jake chuckled as he translated, "The shelter made me poop my soul out!"

Now it was Tiffanys' turn to look confused, "what do you mean?"

‘They killed my souls they said they were bad and killed them but they called them worms and worms go in the ground in old meat and,..'

Tiffany cut off Jakes' translation and laughed as the black and white collie femme stiffened her tail indignantly at being laughed at but Tiffany settled herself and spoke, "no silly those were worms, a parasite kinda like ticks only on the inside, your soul is the thing that makes you who you are. Your life force. no one can see it even if it leaves your body. And if you lived a good life then you get to go to heaven."

Friday soaked in the information and took the last sausage patty thinking as she chewed and then got a strange look on her muzzle. Tiffany thought she was about to choke but then her paws moved and Jake delayed in translating, "so when Maple was killed and Berry was shot they went to heaven?"

Tiffany didn't stall a second and nodded her head, "of course, they say all dogs go to heaven." She smiled and Friday had a blank look on her muzzle, totally expressionless.

The expressionless collie looked to the farm woman and carefully signed, ‘when I die, will I see them again?'

Tiffany nodded and was suddenly mobbed by the collie bitch. She wrapped her arms tight around the woman and licked under her chin. Tiffany didn't know what to think but realized she gave the collie hope on seeing her loved ones again. Tiffany hugged Friday back and pet her head to scruff. She felt like the collie bitch was a child when she hugged her. Maybe Friday was coming around. Maybe the patience and trials were finally beginning to bear fruit.

Friday nuzzled the woman happily. She liked Christmas and Jesus and she was beginning to like Tiffany, but just a little bit.

* * * * *

For a little over a week Friday would stare at the festively lit tree and the little presents under it. Tiffany was cooking and cooking more, which meant she made mistakes and Friday was getting a little heavier even with her usual hyperactive exercise regimen. She even began to let the woman throw it out rather than store it,. She had more food than she knew what to do with or could eat.

The collie femme was enjoying the food and fun until after a large exquisite breakfast she got up and looked to Jake. ‘I guess we should go and take the sheep out now.'

Jake shook his head no, "no, I gave them some hay when you were still asleep, they will be fine in the paddock today, because today we get to open presents.

Friday grinned and her tail wagged so hard the white tip of her tail batted the fronts of her thighs and her half fold ears perked.

The two looked to the collie bitch and chuckled. "I guess I'll hand out the presents then." Tiffany said getting up and heading to the tree in the living room the two dogs following her with tails wagging. She sat back and looked at a name and handed a package to Friday. She looked at the package and sniffed it and shook it and then just looked helpless at the festively wrapped gift.

Tiffany chuckled and held up a finger and got up getting her camera and then returning to sit back down and handing Jake a gift, "here show her how it's done."

Jake smiled as Friday watched him. she remembered about the can opener so was careful to watch and she was surprised to watch him tear the paper and bow off to reveal a large complex rubber puzzle. She looked at her own gift and scratched the paper with her claws as a flash went off from the camera and she reviled a package of three long smoked beef bones. She pranced form foot to foot her tail wagging wildly as she tried to bark in celebration but just made harsh rasp sounds before she thrust the plastic shrink wrapped bones to Jake and signed to him and he laughed.

"Can you get these open please?" Jake asked his mistress and offered the pack to her and she took the pack and used her teeth to make a notch in the plastic and then tear along the notch.

Jake looked over to Friday who looked unimpressed. She honestly thought she could do it but Jake spoke up, "it looks easy but it seems only humans have the teeth to do that, I tried to do it for years. I still can't do it."

Friday looked smugly to Jake as she was handed the package and the freed bone. She thought to prove Jake wrong so tried to nibble a notch in the plastic but it just turned into a chewed on side with three canine puncture holes that hindered more then helped.

There was a flash and a cackle from the camera and it's holder as she took a picture of the collie in defeat, her muzzle almost touching her chest and her eyes looking snidely at Jake with a chewed up plastic wrap still covering the treat bones. Not to indignant the collie smugly put the previously freed bone in her mouth and chewed on his idly as if this was what she was doing the whole time and the plastic wrap chewing was a hallucination.

With the novelty over, Tiffany gave out another gift to Jake and the process continued until there was no more bright boxes under the tree and the floor was littered with bits of bright paper and ribbons. Friday was busy trying to solve Jake's puzzle faster than he had while he watched and stole nibbles of her bone. She put it between her knees to protect it and she would pop his nose when he tried which made her time slower.

Tiffany looked about the house and began picking up paper as the puzzle was abandoned for a full on wrestling match. Tiffany began snapping pictures and then just set it on movie and recorded them wrestling around in the sea of paper on the floor.

After a while both dogs laid opposite one another panting hard on the floor half covered in torn paper and each others saliva as Tiffany coughed having laughed herself hoarse.

When the dogs had cooled down a bit Tiffany had them clean the paper and took them to the bath. This mystified Friday who was used to baths in the evening now.

‘Why are we having a bath now?'

Jake smiled, "because we're going to Mr. and Mrs. Athens house for Christmas dinner."

The black and white collie ohed silently and smiled nuzzling Jake after her collar was removed.

* * * * *

Friday wagged her tail as she wolfed down turkey and stuffing and cranberry sauce and sweet potatoes and collard greens and even a pecan pie. But it was the whole thing. The collie had never eaten so much in her entire life and everything was so plentiful and delicious. She sat on the floor and didn't dare move. She felt a little sick but she was not going to loose any of the food she ate.

Bonnie and Clyde lounged beside her Clyde slept soundly but bonnie looked about paranoid and suspicious someone might want the food back but the worst part for the nervous collie was when she farted loud enough to get the entire table to turn and look at her.

Tiffany laughed and shook her head turning it back to her mother and father as Jake was talking about Jimmy.

Tiffany's mom looked at her, "well why didn't you tell him to come over?"

"Well he has his family for Christmas and it's not like we're dating, he's just a friend."

Mrs. Athens wrinkled her brow and pursed her lips, "just a friend huh?"

"Tiffany was about to talk when her father cut her off talking to Jake, "Well get the dog a bitch and she finally goes out to get a man." Mr. Athens looked to Jake "for a while I was wondering if you were gonna be my son in law." He laughed and ruffed Jake on the head before leaning back in the chair and drinking some of his sweet ice tea. As his daughter sat slack jawed in indignation.

"No dad, we're just friends. We go out have a good time, just friends."

Mr. Athens looked at his daughter and shook his head. "girl, you better wake up, the boy likes you and I bet if you asked you would find out he would like to be more then friends."

Tiffany threw a napkin at him and sniffed, "whatever dad."

Jake was enjoying the situation until he felt Friday wrap her arms about his neck and lick his ear. He wrung his head and pushed her back a bit. Not now." he said annoyed but she pulled on his tail. He growled at her and signed to her and she signed back. Mrs. Athens saw the frustration in the collies' paws. she looked at Jake considering and then looked to her daughter to asked about this jimmy again.

Friday sniffed and folded her arms between her breasts and food bulging belly unwilling to talk to Jake and he seemed fine with it. So she walked by and tipped his chair and looked back coyly before going to Mr Athens and getting his attention. Friday looked to Mr. Athens and took him by the hand but he didn't move. Instead he looked at her and asked, "what are you doing?"

Friday took her whistle and blew it in a follow command waking Clyde and having Bonnie twitch her ears a bit somehow coming up on her silent and fast. She rolled her eyes and pushed bonnie away and made a shooing motion to Clyde who groggily but happily put his head back down. Friday then pulled on Mr. Athens arm.

"What do you want dog?" Mr. Athens asked gruffly.

Mrs. Athens looked to her husband, "she wants you to follow her."

"I know that woman, "he retorted "what I wanna know is why."

Jake touched her shoulder to have it shrugged off. She was still upset with him, but he still spoke, "what do you want Friday?"

Frustrated with her lack of progress with Mr. Athens she turned to Jake needing him, ‘I need him to follow me and you to stay here.'

Jake looked at her funny but relayed the information to Mr. Athens who shrugged and got up. "I'll be wherever this dog drags me."

Friday lead Mr. Athens to the shearing shed and to the place the cutters hung. She looked at Mr Athens and hoped. She pulled on the cutters and presented them to him.

"Dog, you are fool crazy if you think I'm gonna shave your ass down in winter."

Friday shook her head and laid on her back and made a circle around her vulva and tailhole. Mr. Athens just looked at her funny for a few seconds then laughed, "So ya want me to shave your beaver."

Friday shook her head no, she had no beaver and didn't think they lived around her area anyway. So to reemphasize she pointed to the shears and circled her vulva and tailhole.

Mr. Athens chuckled and grabbed her ankles and flipped on the shears, "I dunno if it'll be pretty but it'll work." And he chuckled and commented about shaving dog beavers before holding her legs up by the ankles and turning on the shears.

She remembered how Tiffany shaved herself and she had been shaved like this once before. She just wanted Jake to notice her, she wanted to be attractive in his eyes, and he always paid so much attention to his mistress, and this was a human thing to do. At least her master would mate her, and Berry. But now the only two dogs were one that was not yet an adult and Jake, who was as much a dog as Tiffany. But he was handsome and strong and she was not going to resort to sheep like her master.

She startled when Mr. Athens brushed the cut fur from her bottom and gave her a swat on her rear before he put her rump on the ground and let go of her legs. "smooth as a baby's butt, this ole man ain't lost his touch." He said proudly.

Friday sat up and inspected his work. She honestly liked this cut a lot better than the one she got even from the groomers.

She got up happily and got the broom as Mr. Athens cleaned the sheers.

"You know doll, I know you ain't wantin' that cut to keep the dinglberries out your fur." Mr. Athens said never looking up from his work. "You did it for that dog in there I know."

Friday stopped sweeping and looked at the man. She never kept it a secret but she wondered why he was pointing out the obvious. He looked at the collie bitch to see if she was paying attention then went on, "ya see, Tiffany is one of them new age types that believe in all that kindness and fair respect bullshit and she fed it all to Jake since he was a pup and he eats it up, so if you're thinking you wanted that cut for what I think you want that cut for you're gonna have to tackle that dog down and take it yourself. Cause he's clueless."

Friday nodded to Mr. Athens and smiled wickedly. She knew how to get Jake to do what she wanted, and when the time came as it did every year she would know what to do. But she was bound and determined to try for extra anyway.

Mr. Athens put away the shears and Friday put the broom back and they trekked back to the house. Friday was so pleased with her cut the first thing she did was show Jake, and by proximity Mrs. Athens, Tiffany and bonnie. Clyde slept through it but would be told about it by bonnie for a while.

"Why did you shave the dogs'," she stalled a second, "area." Mrs Athens asked looking oddly at her husband

Tiffany smirked, "she got you to do it too huh."

That comment garnered both her parents' attention but her mother spoke, "you shaved her area too?"

"Well honey," Mr. Athens chimed in, "you said I should see what the dog wanted and this was what she wanted. And I figure I know how you gals like to keep pretty for your men folk and look pretty and be noticed, Jake I'm talking to you Jake."

Jake nodded and looked to Fridays presentation, "it is a nice job." He said unsure and rather nervous.

Friday put her foot down and snuggled to Jake in the chair but he was not receptive. "Not now Friday." He growled lowly and looked to Tiffany helplessly.

"Damnit Jake she didn't do that to keep the dingleberries off her fur.

"David!" Mrs. Athens scolded her husband, "that isn't proper dinner table conversation."

Mr. Athens nodded to his wife. It was one of the only times anyone really saw him relent without a side word, when his wife remanded him for manners or etiquette. There was a story behind it but it was often spoken quietly as if the gods would hear it and fate would turn cruel to them.

"Yes dear, I was just trying to let the dog know he was being wanted, I mean if you did that to me." He raised his brows and grinned.

"How do you put up with him?" Tiffany asked her mother indignantly. "It's hard to believe he has three masters and a doctorate." She said snidely

Mrs. Athens smiled, "because as crass and obnoxious, and smart as he is, I don't think there is a better man in the world for me."

Tiffany sighed. She was defiantly going to find a man who respected women more than her father.

"Well since you're asking, I think your mom here is one foxy mama, and well I had to hog her all to myself."

"Until I'm old and hit menopause," she said and put her elbows on the table and nose in the air but looked at her husband.

"Well honey, we discussed that, when you're all old and stop putting out I'm gonna trade you in for a newer model."

Tiffany hardly ever saw her father move so fast to avoid a hit to his chest her mother aimed at him and he laughed before she threw a fork at him hitting him in the chest. He laughed and picked the fork up from the floor and brandished it at his wife, "well fork you too woman!" and his wife laughed behind her hand, "you know you are so forked tonight." He went on putting the fork on his plate to take it to the kitchen.

"Who says you're gonna get any tonight?" Mrs. Athens shot back to Tiffanys' dismay and a muttering of "I can't believe this." As she tried to hide her face with her hand.

"Who says you're gonna be awake for it, HA!" he said and went through the kitchen door, his last word said.

How do you put up with that man?" Tiffany muttered and looked to Jake trying to ignore the collie trying her hardest to seduce him.

Tiffany looked about her and sighed getting up and following her father into the kitchen with her plate. Friday watched her and looked scornfully at Jake and swatted his ears before walking to the front door and leaving. Jake knew it was a bathroom break and she would be back but he was glad to see her finally leave him alone.

"What the hell are you doing?" Mrs. Athens said looking at the collie with a scowl.

"What do you mean?"

Well you chased that poor thing off." She said as if Jake were the bad guy. He furrowed his brow and tilted his head, "all she does is tease me anyway, and she can get pretty bad. I think she just gets a twisted thrill from watching me react." He looked at the older woman and sighed, "Friday, she is really mean and teases me constantly then denies me or runs when I show her any interest. Believe me, I tried with her but all she does is push my nose in the mud."

Mrs. Anthony laughed, "well she wants you to chase her, she wants you or wants to be with you but wants you to want her and know she is worth your time, it's if the woman feels insecure, she can tease you and if you do not come for her she does not have the shame of real solid rejection, not like asking if you like her, she wants to see about it on her own. And she knows you are interested but wanted to see how interested and you must be stringing her along or something"

Jake looked unsure again and sighed, how could this collie bitch get any more complex? How could his situation get more complex? He looked up to Mrs. Athens who waited patiently knowing the dog was trying to get to form an idea or question but was scared of either the asking or the answer. Jake struggled a little but he decided to put it all on the line, "Friday likes me to do things, well I don't like to do. It, I, I care for her and am scared to do things to her and be too rough, and it's, I don't like it even if she does, it makes me feel bad?" he said the last questioning to see if it was a question.

Mrs. Athens smiled and folded her hands when she spoke, looking the part of a sage, "you love her right?"

Jake nodded softly

"she has to see that you will be strong, that and if you want to keep her interested in you then you need to show her your strength and dominance sometime and I see you have a real hard time with the dominance aspect."

Jake sighed and lowered his head sadly to have his jaw taken in Mrs. Athens hand and lifted to look at her, "you are a good dog Jake, but how much comfort does this, what I'm doing to you now bring you?"

Jake smiled a little with his tail wagging a bit, "it does make me feel a bit better."

"And I grabbed your jaw and forced you to look at me, and it makes you feel better, a move where I physically imposed my will for you to meet my eyes. Sounds bad right?"

Jake nodded as his head was freed from the woman's hold. "So even if it's rough and seems bad, it's good?"

Mrs. Athens nodded, "but it is all in the time and consent."

Jake nodded and lowered his head at the consent word, "I told Tiffany, but, I raped Friday the first time she went into heat on the farm."

Unlike his mistress the elder Athens woman only smirked and chortled a little and shook her head.

Jake looked at the old woman annoyed, "I'm not kidding, she just teased me,.." He looked down a bit ashamed he was defending his wrongful actions but looked up at Mrs. Athens when she spoke,

"So you raped Friday, the most vicious, violent, rough, crass, vengeful and maniacal dog ever to look at this farm since it's founding, and you still breath now?"

Jake looked confused but answered the question, "Yes."

"Jake, did you even leave with a cut or a bruise?"

Jake glanced about, "no."

Do you think for a second that if you did anything to Friday that she didn't want, you would be unscathed?"

"But I raped her!"

"You can't rape the willing, I see the way she looks at you and you ignore her. I want to clot you between the ears sometimes, or ask Tiffany if I should get another male dog for you, I mean the girl strives for your attention and you ignore her." Mrs. Athens leaned across the table and pointed her finger at his nosepad as she spoke sternly, "that girl does everything under the sun for you to notice her and you ignore her, she must like you something fierce to put up with you."

Jake was gasping and gawking unsure what to say, HE raped her because SHE wanted attention?! His attention? "But, but,.."

"But, but nothing you silly dog, if you want to make that girl of yours happy, pay some friggin attention to her." The old woman sat back in her chair, I know Tiffany taught you to be gentle and that is fine and has its place, but it is also in perspective. That girl tries to save the world by helping stray dogs who started life bad, and then she got you and then Friday. But every year we have to beat off vegan hippies with a stick because they want to save all the sheep from becoming food. Her passion is her fierceness to do what she feels is right and stick to it, that is the strength, the vegan hippies, as silly as they are, are passionate and want to do right by what they believe, but you need to show your strong side your passion in the belief that Friday is the one for you and that you will fight for her even if you have to fight her."

"That makes no sense." Jake complained

"Look, it doesn't have to make sense, think about it, if love made sense would you really be attracted to that crazy collie? No! You would find some meek little thing and brood her up with pups, but instead you found something in that dog to fall in love with,.."

"Her face" Jake interrupted then fell silent waiting for the rest of what the woman had to say but she instead prompted him on the new track. "What about her face did you fall in love with?"

Jake smiled and laid his head on his arms on the table, "I saw her eyes, and her mouth, and her muzzle, that night I caught her stealing sheep she looked at me with such fierce determination I almost wanted to let her go, then I saw how beautiful her white muzzle was and her black lips, even peeled in a snarl. I think I loved her ferocity."

Mrs. Athens smiled, "she is ferocious, I'll give you that. I guess as polar opposite as you two are you are a great match, but I'm telling you, you need to be passionate with her, show her she is important to you, but don't smother her, but be there and you know, take care of her." she said the last softly and rubbed the dogs furry shoulder, "listen to your heart."

Jake nodded and sighed, and sat in thoughtful silence until a piercing whistle blasted through the house announcing that Friday had arrived with Mr. Athens as they both came in from the kitchen. Friday ran up to Jake and lowered her front half to look him in the eye and twittled the whistle in the get closer command.

Friday spat her whistle out in shock and found herself in Jake's lap, "this good?" He teased her and she smiled before putting her whistle up to her lips and after a few tries managed a recognizable hold command. Jake looked over to the old woman with a smile and she smiled back and then making a shooing motion and out of sight of Friday she mouthed, ‘go on, pretty'

Jake looked up at the collie that had his heart at their first fight finding those same deep earthen eyes, "you are so beautiful" he murred softly and licked her nose pad softly. He felt her warm and wiggle in his lap as her arms wrapped around his neck her head pressing to his, her whistle still in her mouth but it was pushed from her lips to dangle on the string around her neck. Her only regret was not having a way to tell him she loved him.

Mr. Athens during the time had gotten himself a drink and with his throat no longer parched spoke to his wife, "well I figure things are working out right well and I guess the new year will be a good one.