Companions Chapter 26: Homeworld

Story by Evoquus on SoFurry

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#27 of Companions

[Companions Chapter 26]


WARNING! The following text contains explicit adult subject matter. It is not intended for anyone under the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18, then you must stop reading now. The author has taken steps to ensure that this story does not appear in any subject-inappropriate or age-inapropriate forum. This version has been posted with the author's permission to





* by Evoquus



* (c) Copyright 2003, Evoquus, All rights reserved.


* Feedback is appreciated: [email protected]



Rating: NC-17 for explicit sex: M/M, Human-Stallion-Mare, Anal, Oral

Chapter 26: Homeworld

"Hi Mommy!"

"Hi Tattoo," I said opening my eyes. I was on the ground, bound to the Earth by its unforgiving gravity, surrounded by the others who had done this to me.

"I believe we have a quorum," nuzzled my husband. "It took all of us to get you back, including Fred."

"Despite my efforts," I cried. "I wanted so bad NOT to come back. You have no idea what it's like."

"We do know, Danny," said Parceph. "And thank you for allowing me to settle my debts."

"Oh knock it off, Parceph," said Rovaun. "No one is keeping score."

"That's gratitude."

"Well, I'm grateful, Parceph. I am now indebted to you."

"Can't we just call it even for once?"

"And thank you, too, Fred. I know we don't see eye-to-eye on everything."

"Don't thank me. Thank Azgard. It was only as a favor to him that I decided to think happy thoughts about you. I hope I don't regret it."

"I promise I'll make it up to you. I assume no one thought happy thoughts about Garson."

"Nope. He's long gone."

"He did not have four compatible bodies and a son to attract his soul," said my husband.

"I wouldn't count on his demise, Husband. He seemed too confident that the sunset was harmless."

"See for yourself, Danny."

Bouceph's body lay breathing, but otherwise lifeless next to the grave. Garson's mare sniffed at him, then squatted and squirted him in an ineffectual attempt to arouse the dead. Then she kicked him.

"Huh," said Danny. "I guess he was the Wraith after all."

"I don't think so," I said. "That's not his grave. Husband, Bouceph needs to be put out of his misery NOW."

"I agree, Companion. Pall bearers, may I have your assistance please."

The four stallions each grabbed a leg and dragged the limp body to the cliff's edge. My Rovaun led the moment of silence, then both Rovauns pushed him over. Five seconds later we heard him hit the bottom hard. He was gone.

"Was that absolutely necessary?" asked Fred.

"Absolutely necessary, Fred, because Garson is still here."


"Right here." I pointed to the grave.

"What are you talking about?"

"Danny knows."


"You felt it, too."

"I felt something, but you're much more sensitive to it than I am."

"Maybe that's because you just passed through it a couple times. I, however, spent an hour trapped where Garson is now."

"Son-of-a-bitch," said Danny. "That's the hole I fell through? What's it doing here?"

"It's where our spatial ulcer maps onto this world, which may not be Earth after all, or at least not a geologically similar Earth. I recognized the feeling, but couldn't place it until Garson locked me out. It was that same trapped feeling as before. Mourne must have marked this spot for repair but never got around to fixing it. I made sure Garson's virtual link passed through it before taking a dive. If you look carefully, you can actually see his soul."

Everyone stood around the circle and bent down to see what evil looked like. One foot above the ground, there was a localized spot that shimmered, like a tiny distant mirage in a scorching desert.

"I always wondered how Mourne knew I was trapped. He could see it right here."

"He must have been very observant," said Azgard.

"How did you escape?"

"Rovaun linked with his body to reunite his soul," said Daniel. "That's why Bouceph's body had to be destroyed, to prevent that from happening."

"You're not as dumb as you look."

"I know you are, but what am I?"

"I say we leave him there," said Jeremiah.

"No," said Parceph. "He's still a threat. Neither he nor Bouceph came from our timeline, but if this hole leads to our world, then Garson is just one link away from entering it and could end up in our Bouceph. We have to destroy him - I have to destroy him. You had the pleasure of killing him once, Danny, now its my turn."

Parceph glanced at the ten percent of the sun that remained above the horizon. "But first, there's an innocent soul I must free before it's too late."

He walked over to the mare and gave her a tender hug.

"My Dear, I cannot bear to see you endure another minute of your tortured life. I hope you will forgive me for ending it."

He locked his chin over her neck to support her, then closed his eyes and wished her innocent soul into the setting sun. The mare went limp, and Parceph wept for her, gently lowering her body to the ground. He stood silently over her waiting for the last red slice of sunlight to vanish, then exacted his revenge on the evil that created her. He linked with the mare, and brought the terrified beast back to life.

"Welcome back Garson. Why don't you stay a while. In fact, stay forever, you fucking piece of shit."

The hopelessly confused mare shrieked and whinnied and writhed on the ground, then stumbled to her feet and galloped away, only to drop down and writhe some more.

"What did Garson ever do to you?" asked Jeremiah to his mate.

"What he did to me pales compared to what he did to her. He made that bed, let him rot in it."

Still snorting and screaming, Garson stood up and lifted his tail, feverishly winking his clitoris at the stallions. Rovaun gave him his "Get lost" glare, which sent the skittish mare packing.

"I don't see him anymore," said Fred squinting over the grave. "Is that dickhead really in the mare now?"

"When he bonded with her," said Azgard, "he made his soul compatible with her body."

"But what's to stop him from starting this all up again?"

"That mare is not Hipponaur. She's just a horse, though her bonding has indefinitely increased her life span. Garson is now dumb as a post, looking for love in all the wrong places."

"Shit," grinned Fred. "I almost feel sorry for him."

"So do I, Companion... almost."

"Daylight's gone, guys," said Jeremiah. "We need to get a move on."

"Wait, Jerry," I said. "I think we can get back this way. Husband, link with me."

I stepped out and reached into the grave. As I had hoped, my hand disappeared up to my elbow.

"Jerry, Fred, grab hold of my belt. I want to have a look."

The men held firmly onto my waist as I bent down dropping my upper torso into the grave.

"Okay, you can let go of me. Keep linking, Rovaun."

"Let go?" Fred verified.


He and Jerry released me and watched me vanish into the sod, then heard a splash a second later followed by an agonizing scream.

"Are you okay, Companion?" asked my terrified mate.

"Fuck this water's cold! Can you still hear me?"

"Yes, Companion," he snorted. "I hate it when he does that."

"Okay, you can start coming through. It's only a fifteen foot drop from where you are. Jerry, you first."

Jeremiah reached his hand into the grave up to his elbow and pulled it out again.

"Son-of-a-bitchen!" he grinned.

"You're going to have to do more than just wave to me, Jerry."

He tumbled into the grave and everyone sighed happily when they heard the splash and the scream. Parceph, Fred, and Azgard followed, but when Daniel jumped through, something unexpected happened.

"What's the hold up?" I asked.

"I was waiting for the all clear to jump," said his Rovaun.

"I'm still waiting for Danny."

"My Companion jumped already!"

"He didn't come through."

"But we heard the splash."

"Where is everybody?"


"I'm in your garden, Rovaun, but no one else is."

"I'm coming!" He jumped in, and my Rovaun heard the wet explosion.

"Did your Companion join you, Daniel?" he asked.

"Yeah, he's here."

"Then I wish the two of you the best of luck."

While maintaining his link with me, Rovaun pushed my body and his into the grave, and both vanished from Mourne's world, closing the door behind them.

A minute later, Garson cautiously returned, sniffing around the lonely stones where he had seen the attractive stallion, earlier. Still smelling the sexy stud's presence, he stepped inside the circle and grazed peacefully on the sweet grass within, keeping his tail clear of his wetly winking vulva, just in case anyone should happen along that might take a fancy to him.

When my body came through with Rovaun, I reluctantly merged into it to endure the cold again.

"Where's Rovaun and Danny?"

"They are together, Companion, but they managed to land in a different world."

"Huh. Well at least they have each other."

"It is fortunate that your body and I returned here."

After climbing out, I turned around to ponder the pool and the spatial ulcer we all just fell through, then I smiled and shook my head.

"Ah, that Mourne. What a guy. Fortune had nothing to do with it, Husband. We're here and they're there, because that is how Mourne set it up. He picked a quorum from the only two worlds that could easily return home without him, and then marked the doorway to get there. Danny and Rovaun aren't in some other random world - they returned to their homeworld. That must be how the ulcer works from the other side when it's held open by a stable link. It's a good thing, too, because my counterpart wouldn't be too thrilled about his criminal record here.

"If that's true, Danny," said Parceph, "then why did my Companion end up here and not in his own timeline?"

"I don't know, Parceph. Maybe the ulcer doesn't connect to his timeline, or maybe he returned here because this was the timeline that he came from most recently."

"Or maybe Mourne is still Mr. Nice Guy," said Jeremiah, hugging his sopping wet horse.

"What about all that stuff Mourne said about preventing those other timelines?" asked Fred.

"I think that was just a smokescreen for Garson. And Mourne knew it would also give me an extra incentive to shoot him in order to protect another timeline I'm very fond of."

"I still don't see why any of us had to get involved! Mourne could have destroyed Garson himself!"

"I don't think so, Fred," said Jeremiah. "It's always bad karma when God micromanages other people's destiny. He may have built the Colloseum, but he rightfully let the gladiators run the show. And given how everything turned out, aren't you glad that you decided to go backpacking this morning? We are."

Dripping and shivering, Fred hugged his mate. "I don't claim to understand what happened today, but I know it was important, and I'm glad, after the fact, that I was a part of it. And my dearest hope is that it never happens again!"

"Here, here," I agreed. "Jerry, a nice big campfire would be great right about now."

"We should return to Hipponaur, Companion. I have a feeling that others may be worried about us."

Rovaun led the caravan back to the clique. Parceph and I straggled behind the rest to chat.

"Thanks for sticking up for me back there, Parceph."

"My pleasure, Danny, though I have to admit that when the shotgun fired at Mourne, I assumed that Garson had somehow caused it."

"He did. Just not intentionally. Still, if it wasn't for you rallying the troops, we would have lost."

"Yeah, well, you needed a friend, and I'll never forget that you saved me from that asshole."

"So we're even?"

"For now."

Parceph turned to me, pensively deciding what to admit to next. "Can I tell you a secret? Swear to Hipponaur you won't tell anyone."

"Okay, I swear."

He paused for dramatic effect, then finally confessed, "I don't speak a word of Sumerian."

I stopped dead in my tracks. Parceph just stood there with his deadpan face, but his eyes smiled brightly.

"So... Mourne's last words to me..."

"Might have been Venusian, for all I know."

"You do realize that your little white lie saved us all from destruction."

"I am aware of that."

"I am going to step out and hug you now, and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop me."

"I am aware of that, too."

He embraced me with open chin and I gave him the warmest, lovingest, humanest hug I could virtually muster.

"I love you, Parceph," I said, sounding a lot more than chummy.

"I love you too, Danny... as a very dear friend."

I nuzzled his neck and planted a gentle kiss there. "Dear enough to let me kiss you?"

I felt his heart suddenly race as fast as my own. He was thinking about it, and was still thinking more about it when he spoke.

"Perhaps in public that would be unwise, but in private... I have no problem with expressing... some harmless... affection."

I traced my lips up his neck to his lower jaw, then held them there and planted another. "Is it okay if I kiss you here?"

"Certainly," he said nervously.

Then to his cheek. "How about here?" I sighed.


Then to the tip of his nose. "Here?"


Then down three inches. I didn't have to ask anymore. Our mouths and tongues were on and in each other like mating octopi. His moans, sighs and snorts suggested that he had been wanting this moment for quite some time, possibly ever since I teased him back to life inside Garson's lab. Back then, he had been all hot and ready to take me on, even when he still had tubes coming out of every conceivable orifice (and a few inconceivable ones), but then he never got the chance to follow through. At the time, I was worried he might try to rape me, as might be the arguably deserved fate of an overt cock teaser, but such was not the case with this more than honorable Hipponaur. Well, we weren't in Garson's lab anymore, and he just saved my life, and nothing made a Hipponaur more attractive to me than that. I would eagerly give him his chance if he wanted it.

"I shouldn't have done that," he nuzzled, after five minutes of mouth-to-mouth.

"I swear to Hipponaur not to tell."

"You virtually kiss better than my Companion."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

He mumbled something.

"Beg your pardon?"

"That was Sumerian," he snickered.

"I get it," I smiled, then pretended to get serious. "Parceph, I'm worried for your Companion."

"How so?"

I nuzzled some more. "Well, I saw how dangerous your Primitive was today, and, as your very dear friend, I think we should test it to make sure there are no lasting harmful effects."

He was silent while nuzzling me back. His decision could go either way, but ultimately he gave in to his desire.

"My Primitive," he said, kissing me tenderly, "is most active when the man is lying on his back."

"Oh, that sounds dreadful," I sighed.

"It gets very jealous when I make love face-to-face."

"I see."

"I haven't made love to my Companion that way, for fear of it taking over."

"I think I can help."

"It would be wonderful to know for certain whether or not I could control it under those conditions."

I stepped back from him and peeled off my virtual clothes. The stallion snorted and pressed his nose into my chest, inhaling my virtual odor and tasting my virtual pheromone-laden sweat. It took him forever to get to my hard-on, but he didn't disappoint when he reached it. Sucking me in, he worked me over wetly with twirling tongue and quivering lips, snorting hot puffs of steamy lust onto my groin. This was no Primitive; this was Parceph at his best. No wonder Jeremiah fell in love. As I neared climax, I grabbed onto his ears and pumped into his horny mouth, making him grunt and grin lasciviously. When my Hipponaur brain decided the time was right, it did something I honestly had not planned: It delivered to Parceph several stallion loads of virtual human essence.

The surprised stallion's eyes popped out as his cheeks bulged with voluminous virtual life. Unable to devour the half gallon of cum as fast as it burst forth, Parceph reluctantly allowed much of it to spill down my legs, but later recovered what he could once the reservoir of sex ran dry.

"You did that on purpose," he grinned, licking his sticky lips clean.

"I assure you, I did not. I'm just as surprised as you. Evidently I have my own Psycho to keep in check. He must really like you."

"Tell him he has the best tasting virtual essence I've ever had."

"I will, and he is looking forward to tasting yours," I said, lying down on the dew-dampened grass. With a virtual pillow under my ass, I spread my butt cheeks for him. "Fuck me, Psycho."

Parceph stepped over me and jokingly stabbed at my hole while screeching "Eeee-eeee-eeee-eeee" a la Alfred Hitchcock. I laughed out loud at this comical equine with an uncanny knowledge of human pop culture. We settled down when the reality of what was about to come next settled in. I reached up to caress the barrel of this beautiful stallion and said, "Leave the Psycho at home. Make love to me, Parceph."

I reached for his dripping cock and placed it where it belonged, but he was still hesitant to enter me.

"Please, Parceph..."

He whickered, and then slid warmly inside.

At about ten inches of penetration he sounded more cetacean than equine, nasally squeaking and whining his erotic pleasure. He thrust gently and shallow, mostly to keep the stimulus level high for both of us, but it was not life threatening in the least. Parceph had rendered his Primitive quite impotent.

"Danny, this feels exactly as I imagined it would."

"Have you been imagining it for long?"

"Ever since I first met you for the multiple bonding ritual."

"Parceph, your Primitive wouldn't kill a gnat. Varyl gave you the first opportunity to bond with me. Why didn't you take it?"

"Nerves, mainly. And I couldn't bear the thought of possibly causing the death of Rovaun's Companion."

"Do you realize that by turning Varyl down, you probably saved my life yet another way? If you had mated with me as gently as this, then I would have been more receptive to Chevrus, or maybe even Azgard."

"Hmm. It appears you owe me yet another debt."

"Then I offer you a pounding of flesh as payment."

"I cannot accept, Danny, for then I would fail the test."

"Parceph, you're not fooling anyone. We both know your Primitive would bore a banana slug. The test is over, you get an A-plus, now it's time to celebrate. Come all the way in, and come on down here. I want to be virtually covered in stallion."

My heart leapt when I felt him indulge, slowly sliding his member in up to his balls, then kneeling down on top of me to smother me with love. He snorted his ecstasy, but was no less in control, still thrusting sensually and now grinding into my backside, joyfully gasping and singing like a dolphin. With my virtual limbs I cradled and caressed the huge body that comfortably engulfed me like a warm fuzzy womb. It was as erotic and as tender as my wedding night, but here Parceph was loving me as a human, and I was afraid that I might never know my husband in the same way. The stallion above me shuddered with emotions, attempting to reconcile the joy and guilt that our union manifested.

"Are you okay, Parceph?"

"Yes, Danny. I have wanted this for two centuries. I just wish it were Jeremiah under me."

"You can call me Jerry. I don't mind."

"No, Danny, you misunderstand. I am enjoying this so much because it is you I'm making love to, and I don't want it to end, and neither does my Primitive."

"Parceph, my Companion can't make love to me like this, either. He's great, and I'll love him forever, but he can't do this. I feel so wonderful with you right now that I wish you were Rovaun. You may not be my husband, but you are definitely the Best Stallion."

Raising up and arching, he curled his head under to kiss me while continuing to gently thrust. That, and his lower abdomen rubbing against my aching cock induced another equine-sized climax out of my human-sized balls. My contractions around the base of his cock sent him into carnal convulsions, too, filling me up with essence of Parceph. He moaned his rapture without breaking the kiss, then whined with delight when I milked him with virtual muscles that his Companion would never possess. When the last of his climax was a pleasant memory, I delivered a final virtual surprise, bathing Parceph's invading tongue in his own essence. He snorted his amusement and lapped up much of it out of my mouth, mostly to smear it all over my face and hair. He did things to me that Rovaun wouldn't even consider, and had a spontaneity that I truly admired. Dropping back down to swaddle me again, he held himself deep inside and whickered like the purring kitten he was.

"You do realize the consequences of this coupling."

"No consequences, Parceph. Just two affectionate beings enjoying each other."

"There are definite consequences, Danny. Your honor and mine can never be restored." He nuzzled the top of my head with his nose. "Which means that we have nothing to lose when we do this again."

I kissed the chest that I was buried under. "...And again, and again, and again..."

"I still do not wish this to end, Danny, but we should return to the others, otherwise they are likely to return to us."

"Okay, but I still love you."

"You love everybody," he said, rising up and pulling out.

"Not everybody, just those worthy of me." I got up and walked naked to my Hipponaur body and kissed it with equal passion.

"Yes, we must all love ourselves before we can love others," he chuckled.

"This isn't quite what it looks like. I'm sharing you with myself. You didn't get all of it, and I must say, Parceph, you are scurrrrumptious!"

The gorgeous stallion whickered and nuzzled my back while I fed myself the rest of him. Then I turned to give him a final hug and a kiss.

"I still love you, too," he said warmly, "more than the very dearest of friends. If I didn't already have a soul mate, I know that I would be wondering about you."

"I don't want to mess anything up between you and Jerry."

"Don't worry, Danny. This was his idea."

"What?" I said, breaking away from him. "I thought it was my idea."

"My Companion knows me all too well, especially my feelings for you. He gave me permission to seduce you as long as I gave him permission to do likewise."

"Parceph!" I said with mouth agape, then I shut it and smiled, "I could not be more flattered."

As the last to return to the clique, we were also the last to find out the terrible news. I found Rovaun consoling Shianna who was weeping on the ground.

"Varyl's gone," she sniffled.

"Oh, no..." I said, suddenly realizing what Mourne had truly meant about far-reaching repercussions.

"I don't know what happened," she cried. "One minute he was fine, and the next he fell over as if something took a bite out of him."

"I'm so sorry, Rovaun," I cried.

"It was not your fault, Companion."

"Did YOU do it!?"

"No, Shianna!" emphasized my mate loud and clear.

Startled at his harsh tone with her, she shook off her tears. "His last words were of you, Danny. He said, 'Tell the Wraith that God has made it a beautiful day, indeed,' then he just... vaporized."

Rovaun turned to give me a hug. "His final words for you, Dear Companion, offer a promise of hope," he said emotionally.

"I really liked Varyl," I cried into my mate.

"I know, Companion. He was very fond of you, too."

"I hope he has finally found peace."

Parceph approached solemnly. "Rovaun, Danny, may I have a private word, please."

He herded the six parallel-world-travelers away from the others.

"Given the circumstances," he said, "I think it best that we not reveal to anyone what happened today. All of us know that what Danny did had to be done, but the others who weren't there might not be so understanding."

"I agree," said Azgard, looking sternly at his mate.

"I have no reason to blab," said Fred.

"I wish Varyl were here to erase it. And all the rest of the crap that I remember, now. At least Tattoo's okay."

"You will get through this, Companion. Mourne's and Varyl's final words to you are proof that this was meant to be."

"I murdered a mare, Danny" said Parceph. "That's something I have to live with, but I know in my heart it was the right thing to do."

"You didn't murder her, Parceph. We all know how painful that was for you to free her."

"In any case," he said, lowering his head, "I would appreciate it if that didn't get out as well."

There was mutual agreement that today's unpleasantness would be best left forgotten, then we returned to the others to grieve the loss of a dear friend. Jeremiah and Fred built a large bonfire around which we all gathered to share our favorite stories of the great Hipponaur who helped shape the beautiful world we lived in. He would be remembered and missed by all.

I took Varyl's passing particularly hard, not only because of my involvement, but because of the consequences it would have on other worlds. The Sentinels were all gone. There would be no more inter-dimensional travel. No more cross-pollination. No riding on Anthraun-populated beaches. We were all on our own.

And I would never see Josh again. I took some small comfort knowing that he and Danny would be safe, but my actions today would still affect them, for Varyl would no longer be around to officiate at their wedding. I know how that would make me feel. It would mean that my marriage to Josh would be not quite as special as it was to Rovaun, only because Varyl didn't sanction it himself. I know that sounds petty, but that's how much Varyl meant to me. I hoped for my other self's sake that he would not let Varyl's passing alter the beautiful destiny he would share with his soul mate.

Hearing new stories of Varyl, especially of how he so enjoyed entertaining Hipponaur foals, left me feeling bittersweet. He would always be remembered for the love he showed for his race and for the compassion he offered any individual who sought it. We celebrated his life that glowed as brilliantly as the embers that flew into the heavens above us. Yet I couldn't help feeling terrible for robbing him of the chance to bless my own sons, and for robbing them of the chance to know and love their adopted grandfather.

With impeccable timing, Fred pulled out a bag of marshmallows and toasted them as a "toast" to Varyl, handing them out to eager Hipponaurs who all instantly became his best friend. Soon everyone was toasting Varyl, and then roasting Varyl, because a burnt marshmallow was the perfect metaphor - black and crusty on the outside, warm, soft and sweet on the inside. "Who wants another Varyl?" was always met with a dozen "Me!"s. And Varyl, wherever he was, undoubtedly was having a good laugh.

Rovaun noticed my melancholy mood and joined me with melancholy of his own when all of the marshmallows were gone.

"I know this is difficult for you, Companion, but do not blame yourself. No one else is."

He nuzzled, then kissed me tenderly.

"Thank you, Husband, I really need you right now."

"More than you know. Parceph, may I have a private word with you?"

The stallion came over and Rovaun led us away from the others.

"What is it, Rovaun?"

"Parceph, I know about you and my Companion."

The repentant stallion dropped his head. "Rovaun..."

"Hear me out. Having a human soul in a Hipponaur body puts my Companion in an awkward and unfair position with respect to Hipponaur law. He is unable to control his own Primitive which makes him act like a slut to anyone kind enough to breathe the same air. I have accepted him as he is and have come to realize that the best way to keep him happy and returning home to me every night is to let him out during the day. As long as you are discreet, you have my permission to play with him occasionally."

"Rovaun, I still humbly beg your forgiveness..."

"Oh stop being so damnably honorable, Parceph. Have you forgotten that we are practically lovers ourselves?"

Parceph looked up and snorted indignantly. "I have not forgotten, Rovaun, and any time you wish to become my brood mare, just say so."

"Ha! You will become pregnant by my seed long before that ever happens," retorted my mate.

"Gentlemen, please," I mediated. "I'm sure we can come to an agreement. Parceph can top Rovaun Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and Rovaun can top Parceph Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. On Sundays you both top me."

"There, you see Rovaun?" smiled Parceph. "Your level-headed Companion solves yet another Hipponaur crisis."

"Don't you have someone to comfort?"

"I was just leaving," said Parceph, turning to go. "See ya later, Lover. You too, Danny."

He departed with plenty of pride to spare, but none of it spilled onto me. I lowered my own head.

"How did you find out?" I asked contritely.

He bent down to kiss me. "That's how."

"Oh," I said, licking Parceph off my equine lips. "It wasn't his fault, Husband. I just wanted to thank him for saving my life."

"We all saved your life. Are you going to 'thank' all of us?"

"I already thanked Azgard this morning," I said, hanging my head even lower.

Rovaun snorted and sat down on his haunches, then lifted my head with his own and sat patiently for an explanation.

"But I only did it virtually with them. I don't let anyone near my Hipponaur body but you."

"Then how do you explain the evidence?"

"That happened after the fact. I was just making it more special. All I wanted was to show him some appreciation for saving my life. If he hadn't known how to speak Sumerian..."

"He doesn't."

I was left speechless by my mate, who simply sat there and continued to smile at me.

"What... makes you say that?" I hemmed, being careful not to break my oath.

"Because it is ridiculous."

"Um... do you think the other Rovaun thought so, too?"

"Of course."

"What about Azgard?"


I sat down next to him, astonished to realize just who the true quorum was. It wasn't the human candidates. It was their Hipponaur Companions.

"You all played along."

"It seemed the most prudent thing to do. Though initially I vehemently opposed your actions, I agreed with Parceph's argument that it might have been Mourne's intent all along, despite the specious evidence. Fortunately, Varyl's final message bolsters that claim. You did well, Companion."

"Then I don't know what to say, except... confess that my show of appreciation for Parceph was anything but selfless."

"Companion," said the Hipponaur with the world's biggest heart, "what I told Parceph is still true. You cannot control your Primitive any more than I can control mine. It is a part of who we are. We learn to live with it, and by living with it, we let it out once in a while."

"Parceph CAN control his, Husband. I bet with practice, you could control yours too."

"Perhaps, but I am less than confident."

I kissed him tenderly with my equine lips. "When we first met, you told me that you looked forward to the day when you could fuck my brains out. That day has come and gone. Now I look forward to the day when you can take me as a man and make love to me as beautifully as you did on our wedding night."

My husband's eyes welled up with my own. "That would indeed be beautiful, Companion."

"Parceph can do it, Husband, and now Azgard can, too. If you could do it as well, then my Primitive would have no reason to wander any farther than an arm's length from your tail. It's all in the mind. All you have to do is will it."

I stepped out naked and laid down on a virtual honeymoon suite mattress. "Let's take our Psychos out for a walk and see if we can't make them heel."

Eagerly up for the challenge, my husband's dark eyes blazed at me, as did his thirty inch sword that he would wrest from his Primitive. The sword slid all the way in, and the sexy battle of wills commenced.

As the bonfire died down, Jeremiah helped Fred set up his tent, which was large enough to sleep six.

"I like my space," he explained, though no one asked.

"I didn't say I wanted to join you in there," said Jeremiah.

"Is there room for me?" asked Azgard.

"Not all of you, Gargantua, but maybe half of you could sleep with me."

"Which half would you prefer?"

"Better make it the front half tonight," he laughed. "I'll never get to sleep otherwise."

Fred crawled naked into his sleeping bag while Azgard shimmied in through the front door, quickly plugging it up. The stallion tried to delicately roll over onto his side without damaging the tent, but little and not-so-little rips and tears were unavoidable.


"Don't worry about it," he said, caressing his stallion's face.

"I am very proud of you," whickered Azgard.

"For what? I didn't really do anything but take up space today."

"No, Companion, you are just as much the Wraith as Danny and Jerry. Your participation made the difference between winning and losing, and Mourne chose you because of it. I don't think you understand what an enormous honor that is."

"So I'm told. You were there, too."

"That's right, and the only thing I did more than you was take up more space and provide Garson an impenetrable defense, but it doesn't matter. It has been foretold for millennia that the Wraith would change the destiny of Hipponaur. As a team, we did that today. You and I made Hipponaur history."

"I don't know, Azgard. History requires a written record, but we all promised to keep it a secret. No one will know."

"Mourne and Varyl know, and I don't believe they are dead. I prefer to believe that they have purposely made themselves less accessible, because we have reached a point in our development in which we no longer require their direct guidance. Their departure may also safeguard against the Garsons of our world, and others."

"That's got me worried, too. There are bound to be other timelines where Garson and Bouceph will become one. Danny killed the Garson in this one, and today we neutered one other. There must be only a million more to go."

"I am not worried at all, Companion. You are forgetting that there are also a million of us to defeat him. It is quite possible that a million lonely Garsons are all craving horsedick right now."

"Hmm... He's not the only one," he smiled, allowing himself a brief respite from his anxiety. Too brief for Azgard.

"Garson isn't the only one that worries me," he continued. "I think Danny is just as dangerous."

"I can understand your fear, Companion. It is possible that someday Danny could end up as powerful as Garson, but I don't believe that is his destiny. He has no ambitions of conquest, he simply wants to belong. Unlike Garson, he did not choose to become a Hipponaur, so maintaining a virtual human form is his way of coping. Yes, there are times when it gives him an edge over the rest of us, but ultimately, all that matters is that his is a good soul, though perhaps he tries too hard to win friends."

"But he takes risks that affect more than just him. He KILLED Mourne! And then almost got himself killed! Not once did he give the rest of us a chance to at least offer an opinion, nor did he ever heed my suggestions of a possible non-violent alternative. We might have been able to come to some agreement without any bloodshed."

"I doubt it. I believe Parceph was right about Mourne. Everything that happened today happened by design. Had Danny known that shooting Mourne would be shooting Varyl, he never would have pulled that trigger, and then we would all be suffering Garson's wrath right now. I already pledged my lifelong friendship to him, and nothing that happened today makes me wish to reconsider. If anything, I'm even more glad to have him as an ally."

"He's an ally now, but power corrupts..."

"Companion, in ten months he's going to pop out his son. Then all he's going to want to do is be a mommy. Until then, all he wants to do is make sure that it happens. You can't fault him for that."

"No, I guess not. I'm just intimidated by him."

"You aren't the only one, but if you make an effort to know him, I think you and he could be very good friends. I'll tell you a secret: sing a song to his son, and Danny will fall in love with you. He's especially fond of Dinosaur Rock."

Fred chuckled, then gazed at the impossible Clydesdale who now had a firm loving embrace on his soul. Azgard gazed back at the man he would spend a Hipponaur lifetime with. He wanted more than ever to initiate an intimate encounter but restrained himself believing the first move should be his mate's. So instead, he concentrated on being irresistible by poking the tip of his tongue out and seductively waving it at him.

Fred snickered at the obvious ploy. "Would you say this first day of the rest of my life was typical of Hipponaur or an aberration? Because if every day from now on is going to be as horrendous as this one then I don't think..."

Azgard didn't answer. The horrendous day was over, they were alone together, it was their time now. The stallion just laid there smiling adorably with a half inch of lonely tongue looking for lingual companionship.

And Fred found him irresistible.

He leaned forward and mated his own tongue to Azgard's, then firmly fell in love. Whickering his passion, the stallion opened his mouth and allowed the human inside. The larger lingua cradled the lesser with the loving tenderness of a mother feline to her newborn kitten, forever freeing all angst built up in the man.

"Azgard," he sighed as he nuzzled his mate. "It must be more than fifteen years since I've said this to anyone, and I don't know why I feel the need to say it now, but I do: I love you."

"I know that you do, for soul mates can do nothing less. I love you, too, Companion, forever and always."

"I can't believe it. My soul mate is a talking Clydesdale. I couldn't have imagined a happier future. But I still can't imagine ever being able to fit you inside me."

"I can imagine it. I'm imagining it right now."

"Please don't pressure me."

"I shall never pressure you, Companion. Since you cannot even imagine it, you are clearly not ready. Once you can imagine it, then the next step is thinking about it, then considering it, then desiring it, then begging for it. At that point, I shall consider whether or not you are worthy of it."

"Yeah right, you'd fuck me in my sleep if I weren't already zipped up.

"In a hummingbird's heartbeat."

Fred smiled at his funny horse and rubbed noses with him. "Are we going to get married, too?"

"Yes, and have a thousand foals."

"Ho, ho, hold on there. I still want a career and live in the human world."

"And I am looking forward to joining you there. The family can come later. I have no objection at all to you pursuing your honorable profession. I was hoping," he cooed, swirling his tongue around and then into Fred's ear, "to have my first lesson."


"In human reproduction."

Fred backed away just to make sure he read the stallion correctly.

"I promise not to bite," he twinkled.

With a seductive grin, Fred slowly unzipped the sleeping bag, and fed his groin to his lover.

"Hey! Cellie! Bonding rock. Fifteen feet up."


I awoke just before dawn, my heart pounding after hearing that voice utter those seven words in my sleep. My husband lay next to me, and after the beautifully tender moments we shared last night, I have never loved him more. If he could control his Primitive, I could control mine, but this invitation wasn't necessarily about sex, which made it too good to pass up. No one else was awake, so I stole out of camp to rendezvous with a dream.

The night sky was brightening over the bonding rock, and though it was still relatively dark, it was plain to see that there was no one else around - not fifteen feet up, nor to the left nor to the right. Yet I knew that that didn't mean Josh wasn't here.

I produced a large virtual step ladder and planted it on the flat rock, then climbed up and poked my head through an invisible vertical hole, where I met the awaiting equine lips of my Anthraun soul mate.

"I was expecting your Hipponaur mouth, but your human one will do," he grinned.

"I can't believe I'm looking at you, Josh!"

His nose just barely reached the bottom of the ulcer, and it wobbled around as he was having difficulty remaining still. At one point he nearly fell over.

"Whoa, take it easy down there!" he said.

"What are you standing on?"


"Pardon me for having an itch!" said the Clydesdale out of sight.

"Is Fred with him?"

"He's sacked out in his tent. I guess he and Azgard had quite a night."

"It was his choice to sleep with my back end, not that I'm complaining."

"Josh, how are you and Danny getting along?"

"You wouldn't BELIEVE how well it's going after only one day, even with the terrible thing that happened to Varyl.

"Hmm." I didn't need to be reminded of that so soon.

"He seemed like a great guy. I wish I'd gotten a chance to know him better."

"He would have liked you."

"I think so, too. Danny was with him when he died, and do you know what his final words to him were?"

"God has made it a beautiful day, indeed."

"Huh? No, nothing so obtuse. He said, 'You and Josh have my eternal blessing.'"

"Varyl always knew the right thing to say."

"Yeah, well, I'll tell you, it sure didn't hurt."

"How did you find out about this hole?" I asked.

"You told me about it just now."

"No I didn't. You told me."

"How the hell could I know it was here?"

"I guess someone's still looking out for us."

"Hurry it up!"

"Azgard's getting antsy. I gotta go. But why don't you come over some time?"

"I will on my anniversary."

"Your anniversary!? Why wait so long?"

"Because you have a beautiful life to get on with, and so do I. And keep this hole a secret. Don't even tell Danny about it, okay? You too Azgard. Say hi to Fred for me."

Josh puckered up, and I gave him another virtual wet one on his puss.

"I love you, Cellie."

"I love you, too, Josh. Now go make my other self deliriously happy some more."

"Will do. See you in a year."

"In a year. Bye."

I hopped off the ladder and yelled at the top of my lungs, "WAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOO!" waking up a few woodland creatures a little earlier than they would have appreciated. There was no doubt in my mind who told Josh and me where that spatial ulcer was, nor was there any doubt that the door that led to the only other world I cared about had not been there yesterday. I never felt more blessed.

I hopped virtually onto my Hipponaur body and laid back to contemplate what I should do next. Should I tell the others of my discovery and its implication? Or should I keep it a delicious secret as an anniversary present to my magnificent husband? Decisions, decisions. There was no need to decide this very second, so I decided to not decide. Instead, I gazed at the heavens that gazed back at me with sleepy nocturnal eyes winking out one-by-one with the oncoming day. A beautiful day, indeed, that God had made.


[End of _COMPANIONS_ Chapter 26: Homeworld]

[This concludes Part 8 of the series. Take a break.]

[Next in series: Chapter 27: Fred's Tall Tale]