Taboo Fantasies Abound! M Typhlosion X M Human

Story by The Bloody Seje on SoFurry

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#15 of Taboo Fantasies Abound

First time for everything, right? I don't really care if these get posted in group pools; it just means people like them too much. ;P

The smut must continue! It has to! Jesus, can I get my payment?

"Nope, you still haven't done ALL of your prayers."

But it's all smut requests. I can't stop what I love to do.

"But you can surely stop for some-."

Jesus, not NOW!

On The Other Line-Daniel has an unexpected guest in his room, and an unexpected series of events unfold~...

This one was long overdue for many a reason.

1) It was one of my gifts to one of my friends on FanFiction named "ANewImagineNation", who helped me into the art of smut writing with his and Braindead's collab A Free Captive.

2)Not a lot requested for it till now.

3) I've been too mellow with my one-shots.

So, since we know who the character is-and if you don't, he was cast in the first installment of this series-there's not really a need for a backstory this time...

[Gasp] You know what that means! Straight to the good stuff! :D

And also, for now on, I'll post the next set of one-shots at the top of every beginning A/N for you! And me so I don't forget!

(SoFuffy users, this is my first time ever using foot fetish. It may be weak, or maybe not good enough for a real deal, but just be my critics for now.)

|1)M Hydreigon Pokemorph X M Dragon|

|2) M Pignite X M Quilladin|

|3) M Human X M Charizard|

Onward on our smut adventures, young smut squires!

A Gift to ANewImagineNation-"On The Other Line"-M Typhlosion X M Human(Oral, Anal, Rimming, Foot Fetish involved!)

Daniel had just came in his house, sighing as he relieved himself of his outside wear. His jacket and shoes hit the closet and soon he plopped down on the couch, propping his feet up to watch some TV. He didn't know if anyone was home, so he just kept it at a modest volume. Nothing was really on, so he resorted to watching a harmless sock infomercial.

Meanwhile, there was someone in the house, upstairs actually in Daniel's room. The mystery figure's ears perked up at the sound of an activated TV and set to see who was the intruder. Silently prowling out to the banister, the figure looked down to see a human on the couch. He crawled on all fours, making his way downstairs without a creak.

Sneaking up to the human was relatively easy, since he looked to be dozing from the boring program; trying to find the right place to surprise him, however, was relatively difficult. If he went near his head, he'd be heard no matter what he did to silence his prowl. So, he opted for his feet, which radiated a rather sweaty and musky scent into the air near them.

The more he inhaled, the more he could really get distracted by it. Right as he entered touching distance, he grazed the human's sock, getting a really whiff of the scent. He had felt a stir in his lower regions, but ignored it as he moved to the front of the couch.

Daniel saw something move out of the corner of his eye, so he turned to see-

"Oh! Hey Ty~! What'cha doing?"

'Typhlosion.(Nothing.)' The badger of fire stood up from all fours, looking down at Danny with a smile.

"Is Danielle here?" Daniel asked, getting a negative. Typhlosion belonged to his sister, Danielle, ever since she went on a journey with him as a shy, little Cyndaquil. They had their fill of adventure and battles, so they settled down at home after a year or two. Almost all of her Pokemon were released back into the wild, but Typhlosion stayed, becoming what most would describe as "an overgrown house pet".

"You were just holding down the house, weren't ya~?" Daniel leaned over and started scritching under Typhlosion's chin, making the Volcano Pokemon shudder and stomp the ground repeatedly in pleasure. A real pet in the making. The human proceeded to whisper more sweet nothings into Typhlosion's ear until he heard the phone rang in his room.

"Whoopsie~! Let me go get that, okay Ty?" Typhlosion, still coming down from his high-figuratively of course- nodded his understanding as Daniel went upstairs. The sounds of their conversation hit Ty's ears.

'Hey Danny.'

'Hey Adam! I'm back home and the Professor is safe!'

'Well that's good...'

Now that Ty was in his right mind, he noticed that between his legs, his soldier was hard and twitching with his heartbeat. Only one way to find out why, he thought of Daniel. His member twitched violently, sending a dollop of hot pre onto the floor.

He knew what he wanted and he was gonna get it. He got back on all fours before going back upstairs, going straight into Daniel's room. It was simple-blue everywhere, a bathroom for privacy, and a closet that was closed for anyone to see. Daniel sat at his blue desk, holding his blue phone in his blue swivel chair.

_I'm just gonna go to sleep. Today was too stressful.' _Typhlosion could hear the other human on the the line get tired, so he decided to make his move while he was still here.

Right before Daniel could try and hold Adam to tell him something, he turned to see Typhlosion walking up to him. 'I_ hear ya. Bu- Oh, I'll have to call you back; my sister's Typhlosion came in. Bye~!'_

'Bye Danny...'

Daniel hung up the phone, looking at Typhlosion now.

"Aww~! Couldn't wait for me?"

"Ty...(I guess you could say that...)" The big ole badger then brought his paws onto Daniel's thighs, getting eye level with him. Ty rubbed his nose against Daniel's face, taken as affectionate by the human's giggling. It went further from that as the Volcano Pokemon went to straight nuzzling.

"Hmm...That feels nice Ty..." Daniel couldn't disagree the slightest; coupled with his natural body heat and his soft, well-kept fur, Ty could smother Danny if he wanted to and Daniel wouldn't complain. His nuzzling drifted past his lips, hot breath making contact with skin. Then suddenly, Ty leaned back and kissed Daniel! On the lips too!

The human was surprised b the sudden turn of affection, as evident by his lack of movement. He tried pulling back to ask about this, but Ty held him in place with a paw to his head. The Pokemon's hot tongue came out, licking eagerly at Danny's lips. Hesitantly, the human opened his mouth and was rapidly filled with Typhlosion tongue not soon after.

'Mmmph~...' Typhlosion's moaning let Danny know he was enjoying the acceptance, so he kicked it up a notch and actually kissed back! Pleased, Ty stood up and placed the human onto the bed, not breaking the kiss. Daniel wrapped his arms around Ty's neck to make the kiss deeper, moaning as Ty's heat was turning him on. For about almost ten minutes, they kissed, cuddled and even the occasional grope of Daniel's ass from Ty. Soon, they split their heads to catch their breath.

"So...Ty...What's up...?" Daniel asked, panting heavily since he didn't have the lung capacity of a Pokemon. Ty simply smiled and nuzzled Daniel, glad he wasn't rejecting his advances this time. Usually, he just shrugged Ty off. But this time, he could really show how much he cares for Danny...especially with the discovery of a hidden fetish of his.

Typhlosion gave Daniel some butterfly kisses, trailing from his neck while stripping his shirt off. Daniel was way ahead of him and basically tore it off, throwing it to the corner with his pants and socks too. His boxers remained, however, as Ty didn't stop at his crotch. Rather...he was facing his feet.

"Uh...Ty? You okay down there?" Daniel was getting a little creeped out from the stare Ty was giving his feet. Although his voice had concern in it, he was given no response as the Volcano Pokemon began to sniff his feet.

And not even normal sniffs. It was like deep whiffs he was inhaling through his nostrils, musk overriding his senses. A paw went down to his crotch and began stroking his hard cock, smearing his faucet-leaking precum on it. He moaned as he got closer and closer to Daniel's feet, the scent being etched into his face fur. It'd stay there for a while as he took more shuddering breaths of the smell.

Daniel was blushing above him, feeling a tingle in his gut that let him know this was arousing. He knew that Ty could have had feelings for him according to Danielle, but he wasn't expecting this. When Ty finally stopped, he was flustered in the face while the Volcano Pokemon was downright shuddering in bliss. His member throbbed almost painfully, meaning he was close, and Daniel knew the perfect place for it for the first time...

Ty wasn't in reality as he calmed down from that blackout. What had came over him? He was just enraptured by the scent and then...nothing but black till now...He didn't pay attention to the seductive human in front of him till it was too late. He felt something very warm press around his member and a rush of warmth began to descend on his hot rod-pun slightly intended. He didn't last long with this new occurrence and climaxed immediately, shooting what felt like more than ten ropes. He was expecting a mess, but when he looked down, he got a really nice surprise.

Daniel had his mouth about halfway down him cock, stopped where it got wider. A little trail of cum and spittle trained down his chin before he popped off Ty's cock lewdly. He swished something in his mouth for a moment or so before swallowing.

"Hmmm. Spicy~..." It wasn't bad actually. The fluids had the normal, salty aftertaste, but there was a zesty spice to it. Needless to say, Daniel might be adding a thing or two to his nachos from now on...Hehehe...

'Ty...Phlosion(Uh...Thanks?)?' He may have been coming down from his high, but he could understand that he may be getting admiration for naughty things such as-

'AHH~!' Then, without warning again, Daniel was on his cock, sucking almost greedily if Ty didn't know any better. He was already at his limit, trying to go down further. The tip was just at the back of Daniel's throat, but being swallowed against by his esophagus. The human bobbed his head, using one of his hands to jerk off the other half he couldn't take into his warm and welcome oral orifice.

"Mmmm~..." It caused him to gag trying, but Daniel was really trying to get all of Ty inside his mouth. He kept trying to relax his throat with every descent so he could inch his way down to those musky crotch furs he's being tantalized by. Luckily, with every bob of his cranium, it wasn't long before his gag reflex started packing for a vacation and the amount he took in started to increase. A salty substance was being ejected from the hot dick in Danny's mouth, which helped his throat from being torn as well.

Typhlosion could only moan and stare in awe as his center of affection began deep-throating his cock, only one inch unaccounted for his the human's mouth. Just to help, he began buckling into Danny's mouth and was not met with the sounds of choking, thankfully. With the worry of hurting his Danny out the window, he began face-fucking the boy with abandon, tongue lolling out instinctively with all the pleasure that came with doing it.

Soon, the throbs that signified a fast-approaching orgasm coursed through the veiny cock that belonged to the Volcano Pokemon above Daniel, and he was once again given no warning before he was roughly pushed off of it. Then, he shot in the face with lava-hot cum and he had to close his eyes. His face was covered in every which way, and Ty still wasn't done as the boy felt shots hit his hair, chest, and back. When he opened his eyes, he closed one as some cum dribbled down.

Typhlosion looked down at his "canvas", panting a bit heavier than last time, but still surprisingly hard. He had one load left...and he wasn't gonna waste this chance shooting it all through his mouth. He'd shoot it in where it really mates...So, as Daniel tried to lick away the cum around his mouth and other places, he was lifted up, then turned around so he was on his hands and knees with his ass being presented towards Ty. Just to tease, he shook it alluringly, virgin rosebud winking in anticipation for what was to come.

And it had a reason to quiver with its owner's arousal as a wet object slurped from the base of his scrotum, up his crack and to the to the tip of Daniel's taint in one motion. This led to him shooting a premature shot of cum onto the bed. Actually, it's been wondrous as to why Daniel hadn't cum yet...but then again, he's only been sucking hot Poke-cock and getting face-fucked.

Ty licked all over Daniel's anus, making sure to pay extra attention to the pucker with his ministrations so what he had planned wouldn't be entirely painful. Pausing, he saw that his saliva coated the whole crack, so he twisted his tongue to make it taper off towards the tip...before pushing against the boy's rectum. Daniel gasped as the wet and prehensile muscles managed to surpass the resistance of his anal ring and infiltrate his clean and forbidden innards.

There were no un-pleasantries to be tasted in Daniel's ass. He kept his hygiene up to speed and even used Rawst Berry soap...his favorite flavor of berries. He kissed the entrance passionately and spread the cheeks that threatened to cave him in to let him dig deeper. His saliva settled in briskly, doing its job of helping relax the virgin sphincters. At first, he wasn't able to cover much with how resistant Daniel's rectal passage was, but with time, it was well worth the wait as his tongue even managed to brush against a little hill of nerves inside.

A loud moan from the boy whose ass he was munching told Ty that the bundle was his prostate. He made a mental note of where it was before pulling back, seeing that the hole had tightened back but not to original width. Bringing his cock up, he pressed against the pucker once more before it gave way and let the warmth encompass his member.

"Ooooh yeah...~ So big, Ty..." Daniel moaned from under Typhlosion, pushing back against the advancing dick slowly to enjoy it. It was even big enough to press against his pleasure bundle while it was still pushing itself in, and it served to make him shoot another shot of premature cum. His arms, tired from earlier, went to noodle mode and slipped from under him, raising his ass higher as his chest went down.

Ty on the other hand was holding back the pressure that threatened to make this whole experience short. Danny's ass was warm...and so tight was hard trying not to jizz all at once just to make it easier to fuck. He jolted a bit when their hips met. Gyrating, he felt a great, hot warmth just brushing against the tip of his member, meaning that if he were to start...

"Go on Ty~...Show me what you got." Daniel was not at all being a conscious, staring up at Typhlosion with a gaze that made him feel like prey. Only slightly scared for his well-being, he pulled back, feeling Daniel's ass muscles pull back with him like lips for a popsicle. Grunting, he pushed right back in, a bit harder, resulting in another lecherous moan out of Daniel. This came to be his pace-nice and slow and gentle. Daniel would have none of that.

"Is that all...? I got toys that do better than that..." Something in Ty's brain switched with that insult, making him growl. Daniel thought he had done something wrong overstepping his boundaries of dirty-talk. But his doubt went through the window when the Volcano Pokemon grabbed his hips roughly and instead of pushing back inside as he was pulling out, he slammed back in.

The human cried out, but Ty wasn't done. He pulled back just the same and slammed back in, sending the boy forward to the headboard. Their hips met in loud smacks, Danny's ass cheeks turning a shade of red. It stung a bit, but turned the human on as well. As his face rubbed against the sheets, he began to think...

_'I-i should try getting him like this...e-everytime...' _Wow, he was being pounded so hard, he stuttered a bit with his own thoughts! He smelled a bit of smoke and looked to see Ty's shoulder pads flaring up with each thrust. Danny's no rocket scientist, but he could deduce that's the reason why he was going so hard...Or maybe he's close. You never know.

Although, a half-hour of being rutted open by a hot and steaming dick with a hot and growling owner, he was wondering when was the epic climax. Sure, he had finally came on himself ten minutes back, but now he was fixing to cum alongside his new lover. Then, he felt it-the telltale throbs of someone getting close to cumming their load.

Ty had been enjoying Daniel's ass like it was the last, fun thing he'd ever do. Sure, he had tried different positions, but it was Doggy-style that really set him off. As he kept pistoning in and out of the well-abused human's asshole, he could feel a rising pressure in his loins. This was it...Pre-cum practically drooling out, he went into a blur, even reaching a paw down to get Daniel close with him. They both moaned, squirmed, and shifted as they thrusted in sync with each other. Then, with a slam of their hips that anyone next door could hear, they both cried out their last orgasms of the night.

Daniel's cum joined the pool that was already on the bed, soaking the bed sheets beyond the pint of blissful ignorance. He would need to wash them later. But that would not be on his mind tonight as a rush of hot semen flooded his used ass and soothed the aching muscles within. Most of it settled within his gut, making his body feel warm while the rest that wouldn't fit spilled out his ass and dribbled down his thighs.

Both of them panted in their afterglows, Ty more-so as he shot three loads in one night. Daniel's vision was blacking out, so he only said one thing to Ty,

"...We' this more..." And like a light, he was out, not even separate from Ty's phallus.

The next morning, Daniel woke up to an interesting sight. One, he was cleaned to where he couldn't smell what he and Ty did last night. Two, his bed was cleaned as he was sleeping in it without feeling damp or something.

Three, Ty was at his feet again, just sniffing them contently like they were flowers.

"...Wow, you really like my feet, huh?"

'Ty.(Mhm.)' He continued sniffing, not caring that Daniel was awake. It was then where Danielle walked in, basking in her twin glory.

"Hey, hey...hey." She stopped at the sight of her shirtless, barefooted twin brother currently having his feet worshipped by her one and only Pokemon.

"Uh...I can explain...?" Daniel squeaked meekly, smiling nervously at the emotionless gaze of his sister.

"Hmmm... Well it's about time he made his move. Nowadays, can't even brush my own hair without him griping about you..." She walked away grumbling to herself, leaving Daniel and the foot-sniffing Typhlosion to themselves.

"O...kay...I'm gonna call Adam..."

Now then, there's a candy meant for anyone there!

This is the stuff I can come up with when I'm not given a specific scenario!

I give unique results!

Tell me what you all think of my first time using foot fetishes!
