Lost in it. WWV

Story by lucifer94 on SoFurry

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#6 of werewolf love

more plot, i had difficulty writing the sex in this chapter for some reason.

the story it self would end soon. sorry if you expected it to be longer.

If I had to describe how I was feeling it would be angry and horny. Horny because of my heat and angry because I just learned what is happing to Valrez is because of Shan. On second thought, change angry to furious, I was outright furious at Shan did to Val. Only three things stop me from killing him. Shan was driving and my two betas standing between me and him.

"Look I am sorry. We did not plan for this." Shane said again.

"Fuck you and your apologies, do you have any idea what Val is going though?"

Poram turned to me from the front seat, "Look, if you want to blame anyone blame me. The plan was my idea anyway."

Steven spoke next, "yeah, but I help with the research and preparations." So many people I want to kill at the moment.

They told me why Val, despite not being a werewolf, was going through a heat. As Shan was a magical werewolf, he could do charms and spells. Last month, when I left him alone with Val, Shan placed a rune on him called synchronization. If a person touches the one who bears it they are connected, in a mental and spiritual way. In order to remove it, both of the rune holders need to be close to each other physically, so we have to drive home to remove it.

There is more to it than that, if something happens to one of the two, the rune would recreate or 'synchronize' it in the other. Val's heat is nothing more than the rune recreating the sensation of one. He never went though these motions before, he must be scared out of his mind. When I went through my first heat, I did things to Will. My parents stopped me from going too far on Will and explained the heat to me. Val doesn't have anyone like that at the moment, so I have to explain everything to him. I pulled out more of the anaphrodisiac pills we got before we left, I don't want to fuck him Val while talking about the heat.

The anxiety I feel made the trip last longer than it should have. At first, I distracted myself by thinking of what I am going to do to these three after everything is over. The punishments I was thinking about then turned sexual, the stuff you find in BDSM culture. From there, my thought drifted towards Val, then finally me in a BDSM relationship with Val with me being the M. Do the pills even work?

A sudden sharp pain hit me. Something was pulling me, or felt like it was. "Fred, you alright?" Steven asked.

"It's nothing to worry," trying to sound confident, "how long till we get there?"

"Thirty minutes." The heat was getting more intense, if it is getting more painful to me, Val must be felling the same thing. The thought of Val in pain like this is not pleasant to me. I needed to get there now.

"Is there any faster way to get there?"

"Nope, thirty minutes by road." I was losing control, I could feel myself changing into my wolf form.

"And on foot?" Poram asked

"Though the woods I think roughly the same amount of time."

"Pull over." Shan pulled over on the shoulder.

"The fuck man!" I was in no mood to do this shit.

Poram opened the passenger side door, "you're losing control, take a nice jog though the woods and burn of that energy or you would fuck Val to death."

"How am I to jog though woods when I don't know where the house is?"

"The rune also links the both of you, focusing on that should lead you home." He was right it was faint, but I did feel something pulling me.

I decide to run the rest of the way, at least burn some of this energy I had. I shifted to full wolf, it was one of my mort faster forms that would cut down on time, and bolted into the woods. I didn't think of where I was, just focused on the bond me and Val shared.

Running past all the trees felt good. The anxiety I felt in the car seemed to settle down as well. Do I really want this bond broken? That thought entered my head. It was true that because of it Val is suffering, but I never felt this close with him or anyone like this before.

I slowed down considerably, thoughts I haven't thought through came into view. What will happen if the bond was broken? Would we be like before, just friends? Would he hate me? I froze in my path, the thought him hating me terrified me.

For werewolves, a mate is not a person you love or has sex with, it was an equal. It didn't matter what gender or age they were at, or if the person is smart or super strong, mates were equal. Alphas have the worse luck when finding a mate. You are always known as the 'leader' and people put you on a pedestal that is too high. Other werewolves instinctually respect you and bow to you, but never as an equal, but as something greater.

Valrez didn't see me like that. He didn't see me on a pedestal or some throne waiting for me to give orders, he talked to me like I was someone who was no different to him. Even if it was ignorance on his part, those times we spoke about random crap were my favorite moments with him. Did my wolf consider Val his mate? Did I have sex with him last month not because of lust, but because I had genuinely loved him? God, I am a fucking idiot. Maybe it was a good idea to run the rest of the way, I have a clearer head now. I returned to my trek with new vigor.

The closer I got to the house the stronger the bond feels, my body just followed the pull of the bond. I started to see some marks that meant I was back in familiar territory. The house slowly came into view. I am almost there. I slowed down as I got closer, starting to transform back in human form. William was on the front porch holding some cloths.

"Hey, enjoyed your run?" he asked.

"Yeah it was good." He handed me the cloths. Cloths do not change with us, so I was naked in front of my brother.

"Poram text me you were coming and to prepare cloths." I didn't see the car around, so I must have arrived ahead of them.

"Okay, where is Val?"

"Upstairs, in your bathroom taking a cold shower."

Fredrick where are you? I heard his voice again, it sounded needy. He needs me. I charged upstairs, he was in my bathroom, I could hear the shower. I also heard another sound, but I couldn't tell what it was. Did he hurt himself? I didn't even knock when I got to the door, I just forced it open. The smell of water filled the air along with the sound of the shower running, but my attention was on something else.

In the shower stall was Valrez, legs spread wide open, fingering himself in the ass, with the ass towards me. _ Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck him in the ass._ No, must regain control, resist that ass. Focus on what you are here to do.

I turned away, "Oh, sorry Val, we need to talk." God damn it, look him in the eyes. He moved closer to me without me knowing it, I didn't knew he was up, and planted a surprise kiss on my lips. His lips were soft, I really liked the feeling I got from it. I felt his tongue get in my mouth, it tasted so good. I was getting lost in the kiss. No, this needs to stop. I had to pull us apart. "Val stop, we cannot do this."

Val looked visually upset, if he wanted to continue fine, but I don't want it to be because we are both in heat. Val grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and shoved me in the shower. Cold water rain down on me, my clothes were getting wet Val walked towards me, wearing nothing but a confident grin. "Look who is all wet," Valrez spoke in a mocking voice, "we need to remove those wet clothes or you might get sick." If Val was more clear- headed, I think he would have said something better.

Val put his hands under my now wet shirt. I tried to stop him, but he started to nip and kiss my neck. I felt really good, it was getting more and more harder to focus on the talk. Screw it, fuck now, and talk when we are more clear-headed. I gave in to my lust, it was too much to handle. Val removed my shirt and stared at my chest. I consider myself average built, but the way Val looked at me it was like I was some piece of art.

He started to move lower on my body, he was trying to remove my pants. He was struggling to undo them, "let me" I told him. I decided to try it like I was putting on a show, we were both going to enjoy it. I slid them off slowly, almost painstakingly slow. When they were completely off, Val kissed my legs. He moved up my legs, worshiping in kisses and nips, and then he got to the cock.

With no hesitation, he put it in his mouth. Oh god, his mouth was fantastic. The way he sucked it was close to perfection, I almost came in him. I placed my hand on his head. I didn't want it to stop, keep going. I then forced him to deep throat my cock. The sound of him gagging on my cock pulled me out of the daze I was in. "Shit, Val you alright?"

The eyes I saw back were empty, there was not much thought behind those eyes. He turned me around and I felt something warm and wet contact with my ass. He is rimming me! He is rimming me and I loved it! He keeps going deeper and deeper, I am howling at the work he was doing.

I was a little sad when his rimming stopped. I felt him line up against my body, "I will try to be gentle." I knew what was coming, slowly Val's dick slid in my ass. It felt better than I have imagined it to be, I couldn't stop myself from moaning. Despite how it felt, Val was not having an easy time doing this. His trusts were sloppy and they missed the prostate. I am giving an ass for effort.

"Lay down." I told him. He pulled out than laid down on the ground liked I asked. I towered over him then knelled over him. I couldn't see underneath me, so I relied on feel. I didn't expect Val to thrust his cock right into me like that.

"Sorry." He said.

"I am not mad." I was ecstatic, I hope if this relationship continues I hope to experience more of Val's more dominant side. I rode his dick for all it is worth, looking at his face while I did so. He looked so cute as I was riding him. I slowly clutched his dick harder, he was about to blow.

Val grabbed my dick and started to stroke it. "I'm about to..."

"I know, let's do it together." I started to do it faster. I can feel it, almost. I came on Val after he came in me. My semen covered his face and chest, he looked sexy in it.

We were both panting after that love making. I realized that the shower was still on, I didn't want the sperm gone just yet. Val looked exhausted, it was his first time being dominant so it is to be expected. I planted a kiss on his lips.

"Can we just lay here for a while?" he asked

"Sure" I grabbed all the towels I could find in the room and made a little pile for the both of us to lie on. Val fell asleep almost immediately on contact, I followed him shortly after.