College days 6

Story by freakdudebob on SoFurry

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#6 of college days

He lay there whimpering into the muzzle as he watched her leave the room to come back with a jar full of some clear liquid. She put it down when the door to the dorm room flew open and a tigress and a mouse ran in slamming the door shut behind them. The pair ran to the vixen and began to talk to her in a rapid tone. Sam only managed to get a few words and they made no sense. He did manage to catch the mouse saying, "We'll take him but he wants to talk to you. How should we knock him out?", but then lost it again as the vixen answered in a very quiet tone. The tigress nodded before she walked up to Sam and slammed her fist into Sam's chest on the letter "E". Sam's vision filled with stars before everything went black. When Sam woke up, his chest was throbbing from the hit. He lifted his head and found himself in a shaded room. He saw that he was on the ground but was not tied to anything so he began to stand up. It was a struggle for the exhausted fox but he was able to stumble to his feet and then grab a wall to help hold him up. He looked for a way out and saw a staircase and he began to walk towards it while holding onto the wall. Before he reached the stairs, he heard a door open and light flooded down from the stairs and then he heard steps coming down so he pushed himself up against the staircase hoping to hide. He watched as the mouse came into view and then stopped when she noticed that Sam was not on the ground. She walked towards the spot where he had been laying and Sam used this time to creep towards her thinking, though not clearly, the he might be able to take her by surprise. Before he could even reach out, someone grabbed his neck from behind and lifted him up. The mouse spun around to see a struggling Sam being held up by the tigress. "Go and chain his legs to the wall before he faints again." the mouse said and the tigress did just that leaving Sam clutching his throat and gasping for breath leaning against the wall. "We should forgive him for that seeing as to how he has not been trained properly yet. Come on, let's get him some food and water so he doesn't dehydrate or anything." The tigress said as she began to walk back up the stairs with the mouse soon following leaving Sam sobbing into his knees. The two came back down after a few minutes with a bowl of water and a second bowl filled with fish sticks. They put them by Sam and the mouse gave him a pat on the head and then they both left leaving Sam alone to adjust to his new home. After sitting and sobbing until he had no more tears, he slowly lifted his head and looked around. He saw the water and food but he kicked them away from him wanting nothing more than to die than remain here. He slowly stood up and began walking towards the stairs not even realizing that he was chained to the wall until he tripped and fell onto the floor. He didn't even try to get up but just lay there wondering why this was happening to him. He did not even notice when the room began to change as he slipped into a state of semi-consciousness. "Sam. Sam. Sam!!" a voice began to call "M mom? Is that you?" Sam answered the voice "Who else would it be Sam? Now come on, time for dinner!" Sam's mother said Sam looked around and saw that he was in his old room sitting on his bed. He got up from the bed and began to head to the door when he heard his mother scream. He broke into a run calling "mom!" as he headed towards the kitchen. When he got there, the world began to crumble away but he ignored that as he saw his mother being held at gunpoint by a masked figure. The figure reached for the mask and pulled it off and Sam saw the vixen before he fully woke up screaming and crying. The door opened and the mouse and tigress came down to see Sam sobbing again and crying mom loudly. They left him there thinking that he had finally realized that he would never escape and that after this, he would be easier to train but that was not the reason. The vision he had just seen was one that had haunted him since it happened. He always woke up before he could see who the masked figure was because he had passed out before he knew who it was when that person had broken into his house and killed his parents and left Sam behind before setting fire to the building. He continued to sob even after he had fallen asleep. He had vowed that he would find who was behind the mask if it was the last thing he did. He would have to find a way out of this if he ever wanted to do that. But how would he escape?