Morning After

Story by whereshadowsend on SoFurry

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#2 of Tamed

I am not sure if anything else happened that night. As soon as that cursed phrase sent its streams of pleasure and pride through me, I felt the exhaustion, emotional and physical, that was imposed on me, and drifted into black, dreamless, calming sleep.

I started to wake only after sunlight hit my closed eyelids, causing them to flutter open. In the first few moments, I went through the standard process of wondering who, what, where, and why I was. When these questions were answered from my most recent memory, I closed my eyes again tightly and wished it all away, certain it had been just a nightmare.

When I finally opened my eyes again, I realized that it was, indeed, a nightmare, but not one of the kind that passed away with the night. I was really stuck in this situation! This realization alone made me groan loudly in distress and humiliation. The sound apparently stirred the wretched being calling itself my master, and he came into the room. I didn't see him enter, but I could feel his presence in the doorway, looking at me. Even with my eyes turned to the wall, I could have sworn he had a smirk on his face. He didn't bother talking to me, instead just satisfying himself with watching me as I woke up completely. I guessed he carried me to this room, which was fairly small, and not very furnished. I had been placed on a large, soft pillow, and other than this there was not much in the room. There wasn't any room for it, either. The pillow was large, and it covered almost all of the floor.

"Ah, so you're finally awake," he said finally, and I turned around to look at him. Fully clothed again, and smiling so brightly, Raphael didn't have any hint on his countenance that he had recently performed such a grotesque deed as he did. I got into a sitting position and my lower back, ass, and insides hurt like hell from the movement, making sure that a heavy groan emanated as I took a tight hold of my bare stomach. He hadn't bothered dressing me, though by the light shampoo-y scent my fur had to it, I knew he had taken the effort of washing the previous night's mess from my body before placing me in this room.

"I guessed you would suffer the pain...not that I particularly enjoy seeing it on your face," he said, as if we were having a normal, everyday conversation.

"Fuck you!" I shot back at him, wincing as the jerk I didn't know I made when I swore made me feel more pain.

"That's not going to happen, pet."

"I'm not your pet."

"Oh, but you are. You know you can't go away from me unless I tell you to, and I made sure to put a few more suggestions while you slept. You're unbelievably cute when you sleep."

I fell into silence. If only I could break this weird mental hold he had on me, I'd do nothing rather than claw his eyes out and stuff them up his arrogant ass. He moved out of the room and came back in a few seconds, throwing some cloths at me.

"These will be your clothes for the day. Now, get dressed, and your breakfast is waiting for you in the kitchen."

With those words, he left the room. I looked at the clothes, and hissed at them. It was a pair of shorts and a tank top, both black. There was no underwear. Figuring it would be better wearing anything than wearing nothing, I slipped the clothes on, and regretted it almost instantly. Both articles were very tight, and the shorts felt constraining, hugging my thighs very tightly. The tank top wasn't much better, making me have to breathe a bit harder just to stretch the fabric with my chest. It was an improvement from being naked, but not a particularly large one.

At first, I had no desire in eating food he would have prepared for me, but a deep growl in my stomach and a slight light-headed feeling as I got to my feet told me that the energy I lost in the...thing last night was now dearly missed, and needed to be replenished. Slowly, as if walking on needles, I wobbled out of the room and into the living room, wincing as with every step my insides roared at me to stop moving. He was sitting in an armchair and watching me closely as I moved onwards to the kitchen, my tail held low and wrapped around my right leg. It had been a nervous reflex back when I was still a cub, and insecure. It was a thing I did when I felt down on myself for being teased about my size, for crying out loud! Why did it resurface?

The main thing was that he noticed it.

"Oh, that's just adorable. Little kitty feeling bashful all of a sudden?" he teased, and and I turned around, ready to spit an insult at him, but he stopped me.

"Respect, Kitten," and with that, the very juicy curse in my throat died before it reached the tongue. Holding my lips tightly shut, I limped to the kitchen and looked around for the food. There wasn't any.

"You're looking to high up," Raphael said behind my back, making me jump in surprise and turn around. How could he be that fast?

Then, his words set in, and I looked without much motivation at the ground. There it was, a bowl holding some, yes, cat food. There were the letters "ALEX" written on the side of the bowl. I hissed and looked back at the wolf.

"I'm not eating off the floor!"

"Then you're not eating at all."

Wanting to defy him, I walked over to the fridge and opened it, reaching to grab the first piece of meat on a plate I found.

"Bad boy."

As soon as I heard those words, I froze. A torrent of guilt and shame washed over me, and my ears laid back against my head, my tail winding even more tightly around my leg. In a daze of anger at myself, partially for being naughty and partially for even thinking something like that, I slowly retracted my paw and closed the fridge gently.

Damn you I though furiously at the wolf, but couldn't get the words out because of the command he'd issued earlier.

I thought about reaching for the fridge again, but as soon as I did, I felt even worse than before. He grinned, apparently noticing it in my demeanor.

"Oh, yes, I should probably tell you that whenever I tell you you're bad, you're going to feel progressively worse each time you think about repeating the same action. Not sure how fool-proof I made that little suggestion, so there may be some unwanted effects, but we'll deal with them if and when they come up, won't we, pet?"

"I told you, I'm NOT your pet!"

He approached me, and this was the first time that I realized he was taller than me. The top of my head was at his nose. His entire body seemed to suddenly impose my private space, and I stumbled back until I hit the closed door of the store room, and he was right there, looking down at me.

"You are my pet, Alex, and the sooner you deal with that, the easier it will be for you. Now, be a good little pussy-cat, and eat your breakfast. It won't help either of us if you're malnourished."

As he said these words, his hand moved up to my throat and started squeezing. I grasped up at his wrist, trying to tear it away, but couldn't so much as budge it. When I thought of using my claws, I tried to make them come out, but the only thing that happened was that I felt the movement of little stumps. What came out were dull, rounded tips, barely visible beyond my fur. My eyes went wide in shock, and the grip on my throat no longer bothered me, because I forgot to breathe altogether. He let go of me as I turned my paws around in shock and looked at the finger tips. My claws...they were gone. I had taken such pride in them. They were sharp, long, deadly. My only weapon...gone!

"I had to get rid of those pesky annoyances," he said, looking at me smugly, "they put very ugly holes in the carpet."

"N-no..." I muttered, looking still at my fingers, willing the beautiful long weapons to grow back into their former glory. I felt even more defenseless. Slumping to the ground, onto my knees, I felt defeated. The disappearance of my claws was a huge deal for me, but the sum total of the things that happened to me in the short time since I left the bar was... to say life-changing would be to say that mass murderers were just naughty people in need of a little love and care.

A heavy paw fell to my head and petted me.

"You'll get used to it sooner or later. Now, eat, you need your strength."

I looked again at the food in the dish, and felt the hunger again. It overcame my pride, and I slowly lowered my paws and picked it up. The paw on my head squeezed my skull tightly, making me yelp in pain.

"Kitties don't eat like that," he said sternly, and pushed my head a bit lower.

I lowered the bowl to the floor and bent my head down, getting it close to the cat food, cursing the very moment I thought even of getting out of my house. I opened my mouth and licked gently at the food with my tongue, assuming he wouldn't have me use my paws to put it into my mouth either. The worst part, I guess, is that it actually didn't taste bad. Cat food was made for cats, and thus made to taste good to them...and most of me was feline anyway. I moved my mouth into the pile and started eating. Raphael bent down and made a long stroke from my head down my neck, until his paw was blocked by the tank top.

"That's a good boy," he said, and again that feeling of being happy, content to please him, spread through me. I ate the whole thing in a few minutes, because once I was over with the initial degradation at the method, I found that the food felt very good entering my empty belly. I ate the bowl empty, and then moved up into a kneeling position, looking to the ground. He had been standing there the whole time, looking at me.

" you can get up onto your feet. We have a few things to get done now," he said, and I got to my feet, wincing again as I was reminded of the pain in my ass again. It brought back the entire memory of last night, and I had to swallow quite a big lump in my throat to stop myself from breaking down again or trying to attack him.

I was still looking at the ground when he moved into my line of sight completely, and his paws went for my throat again. I didn't get a chance to try to avoid what I thought was going to be another choke, and there was a sudden loud click. I felt something tightly pressing against my neck, going around it, and realized he'd placed a collar there. My paws moved up and tugged at it in an attempt to find the clasp and take it off, but he took a hold of my wrists and pushed them down.

"You are going to wear that from now on, Alex. It marks you as my property."

"You've already fucked with my mind and raped least have me a shred of my dignity!" I yelled at the guy, rage bubbling over as the itchy, strange sensation made me irate.

"It is necessary. You are my pet, and pets are required by law to have tags on them. Besides," he said, lifting my chin and forcing me to look him into the eyes, "it looks good on you."

"Tch..." I managed to produce the sound as the only sort of insult I could send his way.

"Good. Now, it's time for you dessert."

"What?" I asked, but he was already pulling me back into the living room. I was thrown to the floor again, landing on my knees roughly, and he stood before me, his crotch level with my head.

"No...not again! Please!" I begged, but he unbuttoned his jeans and let them slide down, exposing a pair of red boxers.

"You have to get used to it. It's your main function as my pet, Alex, and I haven't gotten off properly from last night."

"What are you talking about? You FUCKED ME!"

"Yes, but not completely. But, we'll get to that later. Right now, I just want a nice little blow job from you."

I grunted in negation and tried to move away, but he pressed his paw against the back of my head and shoved my face into his crotch. I got a strong musky scent from it, and it made me fall into a daze.

"Lap at it."


"I said, lap at it."

"I don't...want to, please...don't do this to me..."

"Bad boy," he said sharply, and again my ears fell back against my head, my tail wrapping around my leg. Wanting to correct my wrong doings, I extended my tongue and placed a slow lick on the outline of his member in the red cloth. It felt dry and I had to spit out a few hairs that got caught on my tongue.

"There you go. Now, lower my boxers with your mouth."

He put pressure on the back of my head, warning me that he wasn't in the mood to be disobeyed. Fearing what else might come, and fearing the feeling I got when he told me I was being bad, I obeyed. Moving my face a bit higher, I opened my mouth and grabbed the edge of his shorts with my teeth. I moved my head down and pulled the cloth with me, until it was down to his thighs, where he wiggled his legs a bit and let the underwear slide down onto the floor. His member, already half-hard from all the attention it was getting, and the attention it was about to get, sprang up into my face again. I sniffed at it, and the musk and scent of pre that was already starting to dribble made me feel excited. I wanted to do this, and I hated myself for this. I hated him for putting those thoughts into my head.

I opened my mouth reluctantly, and he shoved his dick in. My lips closed around it, and we just stayed like that as he grew inside me.

"Mhm, that's a good boy," he murmured to me, and it made me start to rub my tongue against his head, starting to slobber around the meat that was starting to stretch my mouth as it did the night before, though this time there was considerably less pain involved.

He started moving in and out at a slow pace, and I just made my lips cover my fangs, so as not to graze the tender flesh. It was much slower than what he did last night, and he slowly worked his way to the deeper parts of my throat. His paw, which had all the time been on the back of my head, now started scratching at the fur there, making my tail swish from side to side. I was enjoying this! The realization was a shock, and I felt at the same time disgusted and proud as I heard him moan approvingly. My own member was straining against the tight shorts, unable to fully come out of its sheath.

It lasted a long time, but finally he was completely in, his knot at the entrance to my mouth, my lips barely grazing it. He held me there for a while, and I started panting lightly to get air to my lungs as the thing was almost completely shutting my airways off. My slobber was all over his member, making it gleam lightly in the sunlight that came through the window.

Suddenly, I got a strange thought in my mind, and before I could so much as think another, I started straining to move further, to get his knot into my mouth. The scratching on the back of my head stopped, and I guessed he was as surprised as I was at what was going on.

"'ll...choke..." he muttered between pants, and the thought of that merely encouraged me more. Somehow, this existence just wasn't going to make me feel any better about myself any time soon. I didn't want to be doing this. If I died...well, it was for the best.

I crawled closer and lowered my body, raising my head and making it so that his cock was going straight for my throat, instead of hitting the back of it. Pushing up, I forced myself to take a deep breath and continue, until finally I felt the tickly fur of his sheath, his knot filling the front of my mouth as his cock got completely immersed into my throat. My gag reflex triggered again, and my entire throat started spasming around his cock, making him moan loudly. I lapped with my tongue at the knot, and he grabbed my head tightly and pressed against his crotch, shooting streams of semen deep into my stomach. I moaned at the feeling, but also started grunting as the choking began.

Quickly, he pulled out, making me lose my balance and fall onto my back and gasp for air, his semen starting to pour out of my mouth. He was a wolf, and that meant that he was going to keep on seeping for a while. I saw that his knot had swollen up to be even bigger, and his seed was still pouring down onto my stomach. He watched me with something strange in his eyes, just standing there and finishing the orgasm.

When he was done, he went to the bathroom without a word and then returned with a towel. Kneeling down beside my tired body, he wiped his cum away from the tanktop. He frowned when he saw my shorts, which were now wet with my own cum.

"You'll need a change of clothes," he said, and at the same time I felt a slight bit of pride for feeling the shocked pants in his voice, and also horror for what I'd just done.

"See, that wasn't so bad," he went on, moving up so his face was level with mine, "didn't you like that?"

I looked at him, and somehow couldn't get angry. This was...this was my fault.

"Y-yes...I...d-did..." I admitted, and he just smiled. There was still something weird in his eyes, and it took me a while to figure out it was actually affection.

"That's my pretty kitty..." He murmured, and licked my wet nose gently. It made me blink and reel back a bit, surprised that he was being so...gentle. He had just raped me, and now he was...licking me? What the fuck?

I turned onto my side and gathered my knees up to my chest, hugging them, closing my eyes and letting my tail drape over my hip.

"This is so fucking messed up..." I whined, trying to force the tears back.

I felt a paw slide gently across the side of my face, and then scratch under my neck.

"Don't worry, Alex," he said softly into my ear, making it twitch at the sensation of hot breath brushing against it, "It'll be all right."