A Lovely Night Upon the Beach

Story by Angel Schaferhund on SoFurry

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A role-play between my character and mates character. Authors are us of course Cx

Angel played by: Angel Schaferhund

Dante played by: Dante the blue wolfeh

This is one we did in public on the beach one night... I saved it and cleaned it up some. When it's not 5am in the morning I may go over it again and clean it more x3 For now enjoy!

Dante gropes Angel's butt before kissing her cheek. Tail wagging happily, he'd release her rump to instead wrap his arm around her. "Hey gorgeous" The blue wolfy said with a grin.

Angel blushed from the butt gropage, turning around to greet her blue wolfeh in a hug. "Hello handsome, nice to see you here on the beach. How have you been?" she giggled, leaning in to lick across the blue wolfs lips.

Dante was just about to answer her question when his lips were licked. Murring from the taste of Angel, the canine just embraced her fully in his arms "Better know that I'm with you." A smooch was given to his love's lips, him briefly slipping her his broad wolfy tongue for a taste of blueberries. <3

Angel giggled a bit, murring from the taste of his tongue brushing along her own. "Glad to hear it. So what brings you to the beach tonight handsome?" she asked, the shepherd giving her lips a lick after that kiss ended, having another taste of his yummy kisses.

Dante shakes his head when the sheppy returned. Licking the sheppy's cheek, he'd just nestle against her before answering her question "Eh, nothing really. Besides the weather. Seemed like a good night to be out. Something told me I'd find you here too" He teased.

Angel chuckled at that. "Yes, I do like coming here... the sea breeze is always a nice change from the forest setting at home." Smiling she rubbed along his back before eying around for a place to sit. "Hmmm hammock or towel tonight?" she asked. Tonight she wore a blue bikini, and her tail bow was even matching it instead of her usual purple one. Over the suit though was a thin see through cover up, just to keep the sand out of her fur.

Dante nodded in agreement with his love "No doubt, why do you think I'm always lounged out in a hammock? Or well I used to be. It's been awhile really." At the mentioning of this, it made him answer her next question " Hammock for sure. We'll sway nicely tonight. It's good and windy "Smiling down to his sheppy, he'd bump noses with her "Mm, you look lovely tonight by the way. Thought you should know "Stealing a soft kiss, he'd turn with his arm still around her waist "Let's go get comfy. Unless you want a drink first?" He suggested.

Angel giggled a bit as someone flashed a camera behind her blue wolf, using her tail to cover most of it. "A drink sounds nice... wouldn't hurt to have some good sweet tea to relax with. Especially if I get all the kisses I am wanting." Grinning she headed towards the drink hut with him. "And thanks... you look handsome yourself as always" she blushed, taking his paw in hers while they

Dante was always found in his usual blue speedo, making people think he's naked on first glance. Upon seeing Angel blushing, the canine pressed a series of kisses to her cheek while they walked. He was thinking of some long island iced tea instead " Hehe, just sweet tea huh? How about something alcoholic with the word tea in it?" He suggested with a playful wink. His fingers interlocked with her own as they walked, it not taking them long at all to reach.

Angel couldn't keep her blush contained, the shepherd relishing the kisses she received from the good looking wolf beside her. "Ohhh, long island teas do sound pretty good right now." Nodding a bit, she swung her hand while it rested within his grasp, her tail flicking up to give his rump a light swat.

Dante was delighted to hear Angel agree to the alcoholic beverage instead "Mm, awesome. Glad you agreed, I didn't want to drink one by myself." While they walked, the blue wolf jumped a bit from the swat. He released a low playful growl before hip bumping his wide hipped lover. "Hehe, watch it you." Blowing her a kiss after that, his paw just moved down to rest just above her butt. <3

Angel snickered a little, the shepherd giving her hips a little wiggle after the hip bump. As they arrived at the hut she ordered their long island tea's then turned to her wolf while waiting for them. "Mmm, don't want to drink alone huh? Think I might try to take advantage of you or something?" she giggled. Not minding the paw above her rump, she merely murred from the warmth of his touch. She always did love having him close to her and touching meant just that.

Dante kept facing the bar, the blue wolf kind of trapping Angel against it while they waited for their drinks. Shaking his head, a little smirk played across his features. "Of course not. I'd enjoy anything you could do to me anyways I think..." He pondered over his words after speaking; was that true? Yeah. He figured it was. "Question is, will this be our only drink? Two would probably hit me nicely. I haven't had an alcoholic drink in a year or better. I's lightweight wolf." He said with a soft laugh.

Angel murred happily while her wolf leaned up against her, she'd even shiver from his added warmth as their fronts pressed together. Her paws found their way to the edges of his speedo then, just softly toying with them as her fingertips slipped in and out in random spots around it. "Mmmm, I could go for two as well. Would make for a nice little buzz" Her paws then ran up along his stomach, claw tips giving light scritches across his tender belly, tracing along the toned muscles there.

Dante felt the urge to blush creeping up across his cheeks when feeling Angel's fingers dipping into his speedo. She never did it far but it still made him a little shy. He finally smiled and just licked across her chin "Sounds good then, we'll have two." A soft rumbling murr escaped from deep in his broad chest when she began stroking over his belly. His abs flexed under the scritching, him nearly pushing up into it. He always loved her attention. <3

Angel gave a few more light scritches before their first drinks arrived, the shepherd opening a bill with the bartender and pointing to the hammock they would be in. "Refill once for us please and then we should be good" she noted to them, soon tugging on her wolf's speedo again and wandering over in the direction of the hammock. She'd climb in first, scooting over so he could crawl in and join her.

Dante wagged his tail when their drinks were finally brought to them. Taking his, he'd sip on it a little before licking his lips " Mmm, not bad actually." He said mostly to himself. Squeaking a bit when the waistband of his speedo was tugged again, he'd follow after the lovely strawberry sheppy. Upon reaching the hammock, he'd wait his turn before joining Angel. Being careful not to topple them over, he'd also be wary of spilling his drink. "Mm." Once settled, he'd sigh softly. "This was definitely a good idea."

Angel set her drink on a table that was near them after taking a good sip. Soon after she turned to the blueberry wolf and curled an arm around his midsection and pressed her lips upon his cheek for a smooch. "Mmmm, you always look so mysterious in the moonlight babe... I love it." Her paws then wandered, starting around his chest and raking through the fluff that was there before working down again across his belly. She always knew just how much the wolf of hers loved belly scritches so was always ready to give just that. "Great idea...strawberry sheppy, blueberry wolfeh, long island teas, sea breeze and a lovely hammock... sounds like a good time to me." Winking she'd steal a kiss after.

Dante decided to set his drink down as well, after drinking about half of it first however. He'd lick the taste of it away before murring softly. When she smooched his cheek, he'd nestle in against her a little more. Ears perking at her words, he felt his cheeks almost turning a shade of purple "Mysterious huh? That is a new one. Is that good?" He winked playfully before resting his muzzle in against the side of her neck. He'd stifle a soft groan when she began to tease along his belly once more. Abs flexing once again, his icy blue hues ended up drifting closed. He couldn't help but soak up all that belly love, it was one of his favorite areas to have touched by his lovely sheppy.

Angel giggled with a slight nod. "Yes it's a good thing. Just the way the moon lights up your nice blue coat along with your eyes... seems to add a romantic glow of sorts... I love it." Smiling to her wolf, a slight shiver would run up along her spine when he nuzzled into her sensitive neck, a paw of hers claiming revenge by dipping down into the back of his speedo to give a teasy grope to one of his rump cheeks. The see through cover up she wore being the only thing to keep her fur from touching his at the moment. One of her legs moved to wrap around his, the sheppy slightly wondering just how hard it would be to lay atop him like she used to do... yet she never really did lie with him in this wiggly hammock before so felt a little nervous. She'd fallen out of a few too many... silly non-graceful shep and all. "Hmmmm"

Dante did finally blush, him looking away briefly as she spoke of romance and what not "Erf...well thanks. I've never noticed I guess. There is a nice moon out to give you a good look tonight huh." When she suddenly groped his butt, the canine yelped in surprise. Huffing afterwards, he'd playfully narrow his eyes at her "Grrr...dat's my butt." He whispered, cheeks puffing out as he attempted to look mad. Eventually he just laughed softly and licked across her lips "Hmm...what you thinking about? Not more butt gropes right." He watched her suspiciously before squeezing along one of Angel's thick thighs. He'd briefly lean away afterwards to get himself another drink of his beverage.

Angel gave a final grope to his butt before slipping her paw free. "Fiiiineee... your butt... but that means my butt is my butt and you can't touch." Laughing softly she pressed on his puffing cheeks before leaning in to kiss one. "Thinking about making you my wolfy bed... but scared I might flip this thing if I tried to move" she admitted. "You know how bad I am with turning these things upside down and all." Reaching over to grab her own drink, she slurped down to a little past half before returning it to the table beside them. "Mmmm"

Dante was just finishing up his drink, him having the finishing sip after Angel had some of her own. Ears perking at her words, the wolf grumbled softly at this "Uhm, no no no. Your butt is mine and my butt is mine. Sounds better to me." Winking, the large blue canine teasingly prodded at her tummy with a few tickling pokes "Hehe, yeah, I know. You've turned us over once or twice before if I remember correctly. I think we'll be okay though if you want to attempt it again."

Angel gave a slight eye roll to his butt claiming's. "So greedy" she laughed. Eventually though she slipped her leg all the way over the wolf and waited for him to scoot into the center, moving slower than other times she had attempted this. In her mind she made a mental note to practice hammock lessons on the one they had in their back yard sometime for balance training. Once he moved, she gently placed her hips right along his, her arms pulling at his side to scoot her chest atop him as well. Once comfy and situated, she sat up though, rump fitting perfectly below that blue speedo. "I think I don't need this anymore" she whispered to him, paws gripping the side of her cover up and lifting it over hear head to leave her in just the blue bikini she wore beneath it. Tossing it to the side she smiled down to the blue wolf. "So far so good huh?" she said, giving a little hip wiggle above him.

Dante grinned a little before shrugging his broad shoulders. "Eh, I can't help it. Lovely sheppy butt and all. I mean have you seen it? Delicious." He teased with a playful wink. When feeling Angel starting to shift around, he'd settle down into the middle and waited. His large paws tried to help steady his lover until she found where she wanted to lay down. Delighted to see her finally settling into position, he'd grope along her thighs as she sat up. He'd bite softly at his bottom lip when feeling her gorgeous rump resting against his speedo. "Hm? Oh not one bit." He agreed, paws moving upwards to stroke along her stomach and sides. His fingertips kneaded through her ultra-soft fur, him enjoying the feel of her beneath his touch "Lovely sheppy." He whispered, the canine nodding in agreement. "Yes ma'am... going wonderfully. Only getting better." He teased, nudging towards the discarded cover up.

Angel blushed brightly from his final words, the shepherd feeling a shudder course through her from his loving touches. "Mmmm I have seen my butt yes, I do tend to take lots of showers and spot it in the mirror many times" she joked in return. "I still think your butt is just as good looking though" Winking to him, she noticed the bartender headed their way with two more drinks, picking up her first one and finishing it off. "Thank you" she said to them before they headed off, soon returning all her attention to the wolf trapped below her. "Getting better huh? Silly wolf" she chuckled a bit. Reaching down, she found his belly again, delivering more soft rubs and scritches along his muscular frame before a sigh of content released from her maw. "It has been awhile since we've gotten to come enjoy the beach together huh?" she said, leaning down across his frame to press her chest up against his while nestling her head under his muzzle. She loved how warm he was... a natural heater, always able to take the chill away from the night's breezes. "Mmmm my warm handsome wolfeh" she murred out, paws now working over his shoulders with loving massages.

Dante rolled his eyes at the strawberry sheppy "Psh, whatever. My butt can't compare to yours and that is final. Fussing around with that nonsense." He winked playfully before just softly caressing along her shapely hips. Quite content beneath his lover, the blue wolf just sighed happily "Oooh..." Happy to see their second drinks being brought over, the blue wolf beneath quickly helped himself to some of his own. He was already starting to feel the warmth in his belly, the alcohol making him feel even better while spending time with his love. After settling back from his sipping, he'd squeak out when Angel blessed him with more belly rubs. Groaning in delight, his hips slowly arched up into her butt from the attention "Mmm...better and better" He teased, his lips curling into a smile while his icy blues were closed. His own paws had found their way up along her hips, him once more teasing over her stomach and sides. Eventually the tips of his fingers slid down low enough to play around the waistband of her bikini bottoms.

Angel wiggled as her bikini bottoms were the next victim of being toyed with, a blush forming over her cheeks. "Hey now, what are you doing down there?" she asked, her hips rolling into his touch. She herself was starting to feel all warm and fuzzy, her cheeks even lighting up with a permanent blush from the warmth she felt between alcohol and lovely warm wolf. Still yet she stole a few sips from her new drink, the shepherd smiling after to Dante. "If you think I'm taking those off you better be ready to remove yours too," she teased, her paws finding his ears and giving them each a few scritches. Falling back against his frame she then began to lap and groom along his neck, wetting the fur there with warm sheppy tongue licks and even adding in a few nibbles. Her tail flicked happily behind her, brushing along her wolfs inner legs from time to time as well.

Dante laughed softly at the paranoid sheppy above him. Her perma-blushing was too damn adorable really, it making the wolf unable to stop grinning. He licked along his lips before speaking. "Mm, what are you talking about? I's being a good wolfy. Besides, you were playing with my speedo earlier. I can't do the same to you?" Her rolling hips were met with a little arch of his own, that bulge in his speedo resting perfectly against her lovely bottom. He shuddered beneath Angel at the feel of her tail tickling over his inner thigh. Legs spreading a bit more, the wolf just let his paws grope over her shapely hips "Mmmm. Am I dirty, babe?" He whispered, murring in delight after as he was given those grooming licks over his neck. His head had tilted back for her, giving her full access to whatever she desired.

Angel continued to nip and lick along his neck for a while, her soft paws working along his upper arms with light circular motions. "No, not at all... just so... delicious" she grinned, rocking and wiggling her hips a bit more as she felt that bulge of his teasing at her backside. Sitting up again, she took a few more sips of her drink and allowed her hips to roll back along his groin, then forward and back again... teasing the wolf in return to his bikini breaching earlier. "You can do whatever you like handsome" she whispered to him, her whitish pink form easily illuminated by the moonlight above the pair. The moon wasn't quite full, yet held most of its shape tonight, working with the stars above to light up the beach enough to see several feet down from where they were. "I'm all yours for the taking babe" she said, giving a larger smile to show off her pearly whites. The alcohol was definitely making her feel quite fuzzy inside now, even sparking up a bit of arousal... or was it just the bulge under her rump doing that...hmm

Dante was shivering and groaning softly beneath his lovely strawberry sheppy. His icy blues were still closed, him just soaking up all her love and attention. Her words caused his ears to perk, cheeks flushing purple with a blush. "E-erf. You're the delicious one, Angel. My gorgeous sheppy." After speaking, the canine had to chew at his bottom lip to stifle any sounds from escaping due to her teasing. Loving the feel of her rump against his groin, he couldn't help it as he'd grind back up into her. Surely his love could feel how happy he was to be against her in such a way. As she spoke, Dante's eyes fluttered open to gaze up to her lovingly. "Mm, anything I wanted huh yeah..?" Pausing briefly to finish the rest of his drink, he'd let the mixture of liquors melt away his shyness. "How bout we enjoy this breeze a little more..?" With this said, his paws slid upwards along Angel's back. Grasping the strings of her bikini top, he'd loosen the knot until the material fell away from her perky breasts. A low rumbling murr escaped from deep in his chest when exposing his lover like this "Mmmmn."

Angel couldn't blush any more than she already was, nodding and knowing what was to come. As her blue wolf disrobed her top half, her perky C cup breasts fell loose from the confines of her bikini top, revealing to any who were around the little pillows that sat upon her chest. "Nnnngh... d-does feel nice to have that off now," she agreed, "Was starting to feel a bit too warm between you and the long islands there." A goofy smile curled along her lips after that, her hips now doing a little dance above his. Moving one side up, then following with the other, she caused her round ass to jiggle and dance across his groin, loving the sensation of that bulge poking at her from below. She was soon thinking a few things that were quite lewd, wondering just how hard it would be to peel off the pair's lowers to enjoy... a bit more closeness. If her strong armed wolf was paying any attention, it would easily be noted that the sheppy herself had become rather turned on by it all, her cunny lips starting to stain along her bottoms while filling the air around them with the light scent of strawberry sheppy goodness. "Mmmm... is right... why not just take it all off and enjoy the breeze completely?" she soon suggested, sapphire hues of hers now meeting Dante's icy blues with a look of lusty desire. Her tail gave another swish behind her, this time flicking up between his legs and giving a soft flick against either thigh.

Dante was in the same boat as her, feeling all too warm after having finished up his second and last long island. His cheeks were burning now as well, icy blues glued to the sight of his lover's perfect chest on display for him. For now he'd behave, with at least molesting Angel any more. She did earn lustful moans from deep in the blue wolf's chest though, her lovely ass dancing along his bulge making him shiver. As the chills trailed up his spine, his powerful hips slowly bucked up into her a few times. He was straining against his speedo too, the lovely sheppy above having already caused his sapphire shaft to start spilling free from his sheath. Just nodding at what she said, he'd waste no time in undoing the strings to her bottoms. "Good idea, lovely. I'll get yours and you get mine?" He suggested, cheeks all blushy yet he didn't seem to mind. Dante was just a little light headed as well, considering every breath he was beginning to take led him to inhaling the sweet almost intoxicating scent that his lovely mate always left off. Her arousal scent made him shiver, his broad tongue lashing out across his lips too. "So glad I decided to come to the beach tonight. Gonna smooch Karamell on the cheek in the morning for letting me know you had come out here."

Angel nodded as she rose up on her knee's allowing her love to untie the bottoms she wore as they fell against him after, easily plucked away and set aside. While she allowed the slight room between them, she wiggled her paw tips into his speedo. With a tug here and there, she waited til his hips rose with her and pushed them down to above his knees, then moved her paws behind her while staying center in the hammock. The last thing she wanted to do was tip it now... once grabbing his speedo from behind her again she helped peel it the rest of the way down until he could kick it off with his feet. Sitting back up, she rested her now bare rump right below that sapphire cock that was presented before her, those cunny lips resting right up against his hefty blue orbs. Surely he could feel her heat against them, a bit of her sweet pre dripping over that furred sac. "Mmmm so that is who told you I was here... I'll have to give her a treat too then" she giggled, silently thanking her younger sister for tipping off her love. Now, reaching down with a paw, the strawberry shepherd grabbed hold of that thick cock before her, soft tender paw pads starting to stroke from the tip to the start of his sheath along what was already showing. "Mmmph... so thick" she whispered, the canine shaft in her hand being a nice considerable roundness for a wolf of his size. Just rubbing along it made her shiver along while nibbling along her lower lip.

Dante was staring intently when her bikini bottoms fell away from her figure. With her on her knees, it made it easy for him to peel away the material fully. He could feel a growing hunger overtaking him as Angel's delicious scent flooded his senses with her arousal. "Mmmn. You smell so good." He admitted, blue furred wolfy licking along his lips. His thumb was teasing through her pubic mound, just an inch or so above her aroused folds. Her wetness was already apparent, her lower sex lips glistening with her excitement. Forcing himself to focus for now, he'd grasp her hips firmly to hold her in place. She made him moan softly after she had freed his aching wolf dick, the meaty shaft bobbing back and forth before trying to stand in the open air. Her warm puss against his balls made him shudder, his paws grasping her hips to tug her just right. He was delighted to feel his lover's cunny against the belly of his dick. With slow rocks of his hips, he'd let her feel his eager cock grinding along the moist lips of her pussy. "F-fuck, babe...you're so wet to. Is my sheppy going to go for a ride..?" Her jerking with her paws was only aiding in slicking up his cock with the mixture of her pussy juices and his messy blue tinted pre cum.

Angel gave a final few strokes along his thick cock, giving her love a nod. "Of course... wouldn't be to fun if I just sat here and did this all night" she said playfully, yet her tone carried a sense of passion behind it. As her wolf squirmed and bucked his shaft right up against her folds she couldn't help but gasp out above him, that belly rubbing and teasing right up along her clit in the swift motions. Shuddering with delight, she freed his cock from her grasp, moving her paw to her own cunny lips and rubbing her own love button a bit before dipping her fingers down to test just how wet she was. Upon the withdraw of said paw tips, she'd find her white tips glistening with strawberry flavored pre, a light taste of what would come after she climbed upon the fat pillar before her. Something the sheppy enjoyed doing was tasting herself, which she did promptly after glancing at her paw tips. Moving them up to rub around her lips then licking off her own taste. "Mmm... ready for me then?" she asked her handsome wolf, sapphire hues meeting his yet again as her hips rose up, the shep scooting forward into position so that his thick rod was dancing below the tip of her sex. She loved teasing him like this... always knowing it got him going even more so than just jumping right into things. She didn't let her hips fall onto him yet, instead waiting for an answer from her lover. "I just want to feel you deep down inside me while I ride babe... You always fill me so well" she whispered last, waiting for his response after that with a rather naughty smirk plastered upon her face.

Dante was eager for his love, Angel having him panting hotly beneath her. His icy blues were glazed over with lust from the teasing he had endured so far. Squeezing and massaging along her hips, the wolf's own rolled forward into his mate. He loved just grinding along her heated little cunny, the moist sex lips feeling incredible against the belly of his thick wolf meat. Her tasting herself after finding out how wet she was made him whimper softly. Licking over his lips, he'd huff in complaint. "Erf...that shoulda been my taste" He teased, blue wolf just winking up to her. With a lusty little smile plastered across his features, the big blue canine nodded eagerly to her words. "More than ready for you, babe. I need you bad." He'd hush a few moments later, the wolf chewing at his bottom lip to stifle any moans. He could feel the bulbous head of his wolf dick kissing at Angel's warm little puss, the sweet folds just slightly teasing his girth. With a little tug on her hips, he'd let his lover feel that thick cock head parting her folds and expose the warm pinkness of her velvety inner walls. "And I will again" He managed to mutter out, before claiming his lover like only he could. Angel could feel him sinking within her, that thick wolf dick stretching open her snug love tunnel and massaging along the ridges deep within her pussy. His claws dug firmly into her thighs while he filled his lover, him gritting his teeth and all from the sheer tightness of her around him. <3

Angel moaned out as the wolf pressed her hips down, the feeling of that fat wolf cock splitting open her sex causing her to shudder quite violently above him. "NNnnggghhh...oh gods... s-so amazing" she stammered out, now allowing her hips to sink even lower as her wolfs manhood stretch her wide open to accept the 3.5" girth of his deep inside her. Moving to rest along the base of his cock, she sat there for a moment while holding back little whimpering moans of pleasure, allowing herself to re-adjust to his magnificent size. Just sitting there with him deep inside had her vice like grip squeezing and releasing around his cock with the throbbing need to feel more of him, already daydreaming of his knot tying them together while his seed rushed forth. Before she started in with any movements of her own though she did lean forward to plant a loving kiss upon her blue wolfs lips. Sharing the taste of her that still lingered upon them. "Mmm, there... a taste for you too" she whispered hotly, then thrust her tongue within his maw for an entangled kiss of tongues, her smaller one rolling around his while giving brief suckles along his thicker one. Upon parting from the kiss she was already panting herself some, the alcohol sensations slowly beginning to fade only to be replaced by the strong desire to breed her love below her. Pressing on the hammock below with her knees, she rose back up to the tip of Dante's shaft and sunk down again, her cunny juices squelching nicely along his member to coat it in all her yummy pre. Her movements were almost achingly slow at first, pace picking up as she started to find a nice rhythm to fall into. "Gaaah....take me and claim me as your own" she moaned out, every passing inch of his cock within her causing her to beg for more, those rigid folds massaging tightly

Dante was no longer buzzed off the alcohol alone, his lover helping him reach a new 'high' as he began to feel drunk off their combined lust and arousal. He was panting hotly, tongue even lolling out of his maw as his lover claimed every throbbing inch of his dick as her own. He loved how he always seemed to fit perfectly within his sheppy, her sweet little cunt engulfing all twelve inches offered to her. She could already feel his swollen knot against her, that bulbous knob a half inch or so thicker than the rest of his meaty dick. Having forced his icy blues to open, he'd gaze up to his love with a look of hunger plastered across his face. He wanted more, no, he had to have more. Delighted that it seemed she felt the same way, he'd witness his lover beginning to move. Whimpering from the teasingly slow pace, she caused his dick to ache while deep inside her vice like little puss. His claws had loosened their hold, the big blue wolf now just massaging and groping over her shapely hips. While taking in the sounds of his mate's own enjoyment, her sweet moans and whimpers of delight sent shivers down his spine. He loved when she voiced her pleasure, the sounds like oh so sweet music to his ears. When Angel had lifted herself up to the bulbous tip of his dick again, he'd look down to where they were still connected. Shuddering from the yummy view he was provided with, he got to witness her eager innards swallowing up his dick so lewdly again. Hearing those juicy squelching sounds as her pussy juices coated his dick, the wolf couldn't help but buck his hips forward in time with her dropping down. With his added pressure, that sapphire canine cock stabbed roughly at her cervix. He too was daydreaming about tying with his mate, it being the best feeling in the world to flood her womb with his rich blueberry seed. His toes curled into the hammock and he moaned in bliss as she was once again seated upon his knot "Mmmmn, f-fuck, Angel.." The blueberry wolf moaned out. His hips gave a few spasms beneath her, just in hopes of bouncing her along his eager canine dick a few times more. Luckily for him, with his increased need came his mate's as well. He was delighted to feel her beginning to increase her pace, her lovely ass beginning to slap in against his lap as she rode his eager wolf dick so perfectly. "T-that's a good girl...nnngh just like that..."

Angel loved every bit of his attention; the hands upon her hips, the sound of his deep voice speaking out to her along with the feel of him shivering beneath her. Each second passing felt long... like minutes, her needy sex pulsing with the sensation to swallow him wholly inside of that drooling cunt of hers. Their mixed scent surely hit the air around them, forcing anyone near to realize quickly what lewd acts upon the beach were happening within the pair's hammock of love. Hips still moving in a steady pattern, she eventually picked up the pace yet again, moving in a nice medium bobbing as her tunnel swallowed his wolfhood and slipped off again while a bigger mess of their mixing love potions was left dribbling down her mate's thighs with each pump. Coating over his hefty orbs with the warm creamy thickness and even down lower to drip through the hammock net and onto the beach below. Reaching up, the strawberry sheppy began to fondle her own soft pillows, rubbing her tender paw pads along the areola's of each breast before pinching the nips at the ends to harden them some... shivering from the added pleasure. Her ears folded back as her lids grew heavy over her eyes, leaving only enough space to look down at the expressions her lover made below her. Her tail flicked and swished behind her as she moved, the blue bow upon it being the only article sported on her entire frame as she rode her wolf joyously. "A-Ahhhhnnnn....I-I've missed having you inside of me" she groaned out to him, finally falling forward against his frame to let her chest pop and wiggle along his while her hips kept up the steady pace, her leaning on elbows now to stay just far enough above him to allow a nice view of the going on's between her lovely breasts. "More... please more..." she begged, her innards screaming as the walls of her pussy ached to be tied to him, every pounding hit against her cervix causing her to gain a harder shiver than the hit before. While taking such a pounding from her wolf, she couldn't help but be thankful for the fact of meeting him that fateful day over a year ago, hands wrapping around his shoulders before pressing in for another kiss of his sweet luscious lips. "I love you Dante" she whined out, moans following soon after as she felt her wolfs knot upon each pump downwards onto that fat pillar of cock she rode. "I need you... all of you...Please..."

Dante wasn't sure how much more of this he could endure, the lewd act of mating with his lover like this in the open being something he wasn't accustomed to doing. Usually their love making was behind closed doors or out in a secluded area on their land. For now though, it seemed him and his sheppy was putting on a show. Not really aware of anyone around right now; he was too far gone in the pleasure to worry about anything else anyways. At the increased pace of his mate's bouncing along his dick, he too got more eager with his thrusts. She could feel her needy little pussy fucked nicely, powerful wolf hips bucking up into her from below to meet her downwards thrust. He loved the sounds their hips made when colliding, that gorgeous ass of hers slapping lewdly into his thighs every time she bounced along his eager canine cock. As the mixture of their love juices dripped down his hefty bouncing balls, he'd gasp and shiver as some even leaked between his rump cheeks and soaked his tail hole. That odd sensation made his back bow a bit, which in turn made his cock rub in a different way against her velvety inner walls, quite possibly even passing over that oh so elusive g-spot. "Mmmm. I-I love you too, Angel." He managed to mumble out, it mostly understandable. What followed wasn't really however "Nnnnnhhh...m-mine." He clutched along her gorgeous bouncing ass with one paw while the other dipped down between her lovely thighs. To add to his love's pleasure, he'd teasingly part her clitoral hood to gain access to her surely engorged clit. Softly he'd pinch at the little love button, fingers toying and playing over it while she bounced along his pride. His tongue was lolling out of his maw, chest heaving with every panting breath he took in. He wasn't going to last much longer, the nearly spent wolf whimpering and moaning beneath his love. His hefty orbs had quite the load worked up for her too, his sack already tucked snug to his body. He was going to lose it with any passing second, his hips even losing rhythm and just beginning to spasm at their own accord. This led to a sloppy thrusting upwards, but still good enough to nearly spear her pussy and womb with every bit of his dick; including that bulbous knot at the base still struggling for access.

Angel continued at the quickened pace with louder moans of delight, the sheppies tight vice massaging along her wolfs cock with every thrust he gave to her bouncing. Unable to take it much longer herself, her lips were drooling with copious amounts of pre, a little pool even building up below the pair's hammock from the amount of juices they made together. His words fell on her ears like the sweet breeze running along her coat, making them fall back along her head as she peered up to him now while barely lying above him with a look of pure passionate love she held only for him, paws grasping at his shoulders while dulled nails dug into the skin as she gripped him tightly. "M-mine" she repeated back to him, then suddenly thrust her hips down over that fat bulbous knot of his. Taking in such a large add-on of course caused her wolfs tip to penetrate deep into her cervix, a few final bobbing thrusts up and down along his dick as she felt it pound deep within her again and again. Finally feeling that inevitable swell happening, locking the pair together in a union that couldn't be broken, the shepherd's cunny screaming out as her stomach did heated flips at the sensation of having her love buried deep down inside of her. Tilting her head back she released an earth shattering howl into the midnight sky above, also giving a grand view of her perky chest to the wolf right there with her. Her tunnel spilled forth her full blast of orgasm that had built up between the pairs love making, it rushing forth to bath over the blueberry wolfs dick in heavy spurts yet all kept held inside her by that wonderful knot that tied them together ... Violent quivers coursing throughout the female as she was bred and claimed properly by the one who held the key to her heart, those paws clinging desperately... almost painfully to his frame as she ached to stay close to him while the afterglow began to set in. The howling soon ceased after her climax pumped her empty, now feeling a slight bulge along her stomach as she was filled with her own juices and heavenly wolf dick. Panting vigorously above Dante she continued to whimper and moan out as he spasm'd below her, knowing full well that he wouldn't be able to stay completely still even after his balls emptied within her. "Nnn... So perfect...I love how great you feel so deep down inside of me" she groaned out to him, still choking on the loss of air she experienced after such a workout love session. Her nostrils flared as she gulped up the fresh air around them, yet with a bit more time her breathing steadied enough to pepper her love's face in sweet kisses and licks to show her full appreciation for letting her have the full desires she had craved for so much. "My handsome adorable loving wolfy" she cooed, nuzzling her face down into his neck fluff while enjoying the feel of him just sitting deep inside her.

Dante was finally back to where he belonged, his mate above forcing herself down onto his knot as she released that earth-shattering howl of complete bliss. He'd answer her call seconds later, head thrown back as he too howled into the night sky overhead. She could feel him so deep within her, bulbous cockhead having gained access to her most inner core. Cumming as he howled, his lover could feel her womb flooded with gooey hot spurts of his rich wolf spunk, the torrents flooding her with every pulse his eager wolf dick gave off. Due to how long it had been since he had properly bred his mate like this, his pent up load surely left his lover feeling full. His paws were loosely holding onto her hips, the big canine having pulled her down against his chest while cumming inside her. Peppering her breasts in his warm panting breaths, he'd nuzzle into the mounds with a satisfied whimper. His howling had died down a little while after her own, the wolf now just reduced to a heavily drooling mess of panting blue wolf. He felt like he was drained of all his energy, the only thing him wanting to do was lay beneath his lover and soak in the afterglow of a well-earned orgasm. There wasn't any other way he'd like to end his night then this right here; locked in the most intimate of ways with the love of his life. After the recovery process had set in, his icy blue eyes fluttered open to gaze up to her lovingly. Still glazed over with lust, he'd stare into her eyes with a little smile creeping up upon his features. "Nnngh, gods, Angel." He finally whispered, his warm breathing washing over her face. "That was so good, babe. I love you so much." He muttered out, right before squeezing her snug in his powerful arms. His grip loosened almost immediately, him still too worn out to maintain any sort of power for long. Hell, at this rate him and the sheppy might end up just sleeping out here under the starry night sky.