I was single and now I am married to a vixen.

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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I was single and now I am married to a vixen by Raven Fox:A guy trying to start a new life in another state ends up on a starship married to a vixen.

Lynnwood Washington 2010.

Jared looked at the crowd glaring at him with hate. "I didn't do this, I will not vandalize a building."

"William saw you doing it, we believe him over you. Because of his political beliefs." Said some one in the crowd.

The twenty year old human walked away from the crowd. He looked at the crowd after taking a few steps. "You idiots are responsible for chasing businesses away. How does it feel by making Boeing aircraft move their manufacturing to Alabama and Microsoft to Mexico. One last thing, it's your stupidity that made the Air force buy the Airbus 330 for refueling tankers instead of the 767." Jared continued walking away from the crowd. A rock nailed him between the shoulders.

"We're calling the cops." Said some one, but Jared gave the crowd the middle finger. The human didn't feel sorry for the people of Washington state. Things are so screwed up that the state is seven billion dollars in debt. He didn't feel sorry when Boeing moved out of Everett to Mobile Alabama in late 2009. Now all of the U.S commercial airliners are made in the south. Jared laughed at the sight of Washington state's female governor crying when Boeing used the Dream lifters to move all the machinery out of Everett and Renton to a airport in Mobile Alabama.

"No, I am not doing anything to anybody. I am out of here tonight, because things are so bad at this state. The moving van is loaded and ready to go, just get to the moving van and maintain a low profile till tonight." He thought to himself as he walked to his friends house.

One hour later at Kenneth's house.

"Jared, I want you to leave. My wife wants you to get out of here." Said Kenneth looking at the dark brown hair guy with hazel eyes.

"Alright I'll go, just to let you know. I am real sorry that your wife took your balls and neutered you." Replied Jared looking at the twenty five year old blonde guy as he walked away to the U-haul truck.

Five hours later Oregon border.

"Whew, I thought I was going to be intercepted by the highway patrol." Said Jared as he drove across the bridge to Oregon.

The human relaxed as he drove down I-84 heading East. He glanced at the fuel gage noting that he'll be filling up at Pendleton. Jared twitched around in the seat tilted the steering wheel and scratched his nuts.

Two hours later, East of Pendleton Oregon.

Jared grinned as the lights of the town faded, then he looked at the stars in the sky. "Man, I just love the night sky in this state. I don't see that many stars at Washington because of all the B.S. in the air over there." He saw a large streak of light passing overhead. The human shrugged ignoring it. "Meteorite, I hope it hit's William on the head, but it looks like it might hit the northern area of Oregon or the south part of Washington. I hope an isolated part of northern Oregon so that this state gets any money from it." Jared thought to himself.

Unknown to Jared it wasn't a meteorite that streaked overhead of the U-haul. It was a spacecraft of the Border worlds. The Border worlds is a system of worlds at the far reaches of the galaxy. The Federation of planets does not have a relationship with the Border worlds due to the border worlds severing ties with the Federation. Earth is not claimed by any of the super powers of the galaxy, due to being called primitive. The Border worlds don't follow Federation rules, they do what ever they want to do. They pick up the occasional human Earthling male.

A bright flash of light engulfed the area of the moving van as Jared drove. The van stalled and rolled to a stop. The human steered the van to the shoulder of the highway cussing. "Must have been an EMP pulse. The last I heard everything was at peace." Said Jared as he got out of the van looking around. He looked at the sky, then turned around looking at the skyline. "No mushroom clouds, what the hell, it takes a nuclear explosion to make an EMP. Oh well, better call some one to give me a Jump start." The human walked back to the van to get his cell phone. He saw a figure walking toward him. Jared reached and grab a flashlight, but it didn't work. "Who are you?" A flash of blue light hits him.

The anthropomorphic vixen holstered her weapon looking at the human. She looked at the prone figure. "I am Heather of the Border worlds. I been watching you in the last couple of days." The vixen looked at the dark blue 1973 Dodge Dart with a white top on a trailer. "Better take that Earth vehicle with us, it must mean a lot to him." She thought to herself as she vanished with Jared. A second later, the car vanished from the trailer. The U-haul and trailer sat in the Oregon night. The next day the state patrol of Oregon will discover it and have the van towed.

BWS Intrepid some time later.

Jared opened his eyes feeling like he's been dunk in ice water. His vision is blurred and his limbs felt cold. A female voice said to him. "Relax, the effects of the stun will wear off in a minute. Just lay still and the side effects will wear off quicker."

"Who are you and where am I?" Asked the human as he saw a red blur approaching him. Then a slim hand that felt heavily calloused grabbed his hand. A sweet musk odor filled his nose.

"Heather I better be the first being he sees, so the shock will be less." Said a male voice, then a light colored blur comes in view.

"Alright Pete, you said I can have this one. I'll be in the corner waiting." Said the female voice with scorn.

Jared's vision cleared, then an older human male came in focus. He is the same five foot seven height as him with graying brown hair and green eyes. "So Pete, where am I?"

Pete grinned. "You're on the BWS Intrepid a spaceship of the Border worlds. I am from another planet across the galaxy. I had to be blunt to you because I may look like you, but our females." He gestures to the darken corner. "Look different from us, the Federation tested a drug on our worlds and the side effect changed our females at a genetic level." There's a growl from the corner. "I am just giving you a fore warning Jared." The humanoid looks at him, then turns to the corner. "Alright Heather, you can come out."

Jared looked at Heather as she walked out of the darken corner. She stood five feet tall petite in build, but well endowed. The vixen must be a 38 DD in the breast area, she has fox features, but on a humanoid body. "An anthropomorphic vixen, but the coloring is slightly different." Heather is the dark orange coloring with the light tan pattern starting at her cheeks going down the front to her inner thighs. But what is different, instead of the black socks and gloves, they're light tan. The only black on her is on her ears and the thin stripes on her muzzle. The head hair is yellowish copper colored stopping in the middle of her back. Right now she's wearing a low cut gray shirt and a pair of shorts the same color. "When did this happen to you?" Jared asked as the vixen caresses his chin.

Pete said with a solemn tone. "One hundred years ago Jared. We helped the Federation in a war, then they repay us in using our class M moons for prisons and dumping ground for old ships. Then thirty years ago they use our home worlds as a lab to test a drug. One thing they didn't put in their calculations Earthman. Our suns put out a type of radiation in their fusion, it mutated the drug and the drug mutated our females DNA. Since then, we cut off all contact with the Federation. The reason we took you from Earth, it's five females to one male and like Heather said, we have been watching you in the last two days. I think you might prefer living with Heather than in that screwed up state you came from."

Jared looked at the vixen looking at him with reddish brown eyes. He saw kindness in them, the human shrugged looking at Pete. "Alright, I'll stay with her. I got nothing holding me back on Earth. I am awfully sorry for what the Federation did to your females."

Pete put an arm around Heather looking at her. "You don't have to apologize for what the Federation did to us, but I accept your apology." He helps Jared on his feet, then Heather puts one of Jared's arms around her neck. The human noted that the vixen is strong for her size.

"Dam, I better not get her mad at me." He thought to himself allowing the vixen to help him. Jared admired her backside and watched the bushy fox tail whip around.

Pete is looking at him as Heather helped him out of the room. "I'll swing by Heather's stateroom in the morning. Heather, let him rest tonight alright." The vixen nodded guiding Jared to her stateroom.

Few minutes later Heather's stateroom.

Jared looked at the stateroom admiring the lay out. The BWS Intrepid must be a large ship from the size of the stateroom. Heather helped him remove his clothing to his shorts. The vixen laid him on the large bed. The human's eyes started to droop shut, he felt the vixen's hands rub all over his body. A minute later the mattress moved as the vixen got on the bed. Jared opened his eyes seeing Heather naked as she got on the bed, then his eyes shut again. Then he felt his shorts being removed and a warm wet mouth on his penis. "Oh, this feels good, I am going to love living with her." Jared thought to himself as he received oral sex from Heather.

After he was finished ejaculating he felt her long velvety tongue lick his scrotum for a minute, then she sucked on one of his testicles and the other. Finally she was done with him after cleaning his pubic area. Jared heard her go to the washroom to wash her mouth, then he felt her going back in bed. The furry body pressed against him, Jared open his eyes looking at her. He manage to stroke her muzzle, but she grabbed his hand and placed it on one of her firm breasts. The vixen's body got tight against him, then she whispered in his ear. "Tomorrow night, you'll be sticking your penis inside me and sucking on my breasts. I know we barely know each other, but I love and care a lot about you. I hate being lonely and sleeping in a empty bed."

Jared whispered in one of her ears. "Just to let you know, you'll be my first. I am looking forward to tomorrow night." Sleep claimed him, but he missed the large grin on Heather's muzzle.

Heather turned to Jared still grinning. The vixen stroked the thick dark brown hair. She licked his chest, then ran a finger down the chest looking at the bare skin. Heather propped herself on an elbow looking at his features. "So you never had sex with a female. I am going to be your first, don't worry, I am a patient teacher." The vixen stroked his cheek and fell asleep resting her head on his chest.

The next morning, Heather's stateroom.

The human woke up feeling something on his chest. He saw Heather's head resting on his chest. Jared saw the reddish brown eyes with cat like pupils looking at him. The vixen grinned at him folding her arms onto his chest then resting her muzzle on them. Jared stroked her long yellowish copper colored hair.

After a minute admiring her, the human went to bathroom to wash himself. Heather followed him inside. She showed him how to operate the shower, by washing him. Jared admired her lean body as he worked the soap in her silky fur. The vixen grabbed the soap, then knelt down washing his penis and scrotum real slow causing his penis getting hard. Heather stood up rubbing her body against him. Jared felt the wet fur and the soft flesh of her breasts on his wet skin. The reddish brown kind eyes looked at him, then the vixen hugged him giving him a kiss.

Jared returned the kiss stroking her hair. He looked at her features rubbing her back feeling the muscles that felt like steel. The human felt the vixen rubbed her crouch on his leg. Jared felt a different wetness from that area. "She must be really horny, to have her pussy that wet." He thought to himself as they finished the kiss and got out the shower to dry themselves.

The couple dressed themselves, Heather had Jared help her put on a bra. The human fastened the bra noting that the vixen uses one a size smaller to make her breasts more shapely. He watch as Heather put on a clean shirt and shorts. The vixen did get his clothes from the van, so he has clean clothes. Heather stuck his dirty clothes in a bin, after they were done getting dressed, a chime sounded.

"Enter." Said Heather as Pete walked in the stateroom. Pete looked at Jared and Heather nodding.

Pete looked at Jared noting the Earthling seem rested and relaxed. He looked at Heather grinning. "I am glad that you made him sleep last night. Alright, let's go to the chapel and do the ceremony." Said the humanoid looking at Jared's puzzled expression. "Couples do a joining ritual, like marriage. When filling the paperwork, write seeking asylum, then everything will be easier."

Jared nodded as he followed Pete, Heather is behind them. The human looked at the ship as he walked the passageway. He felt butterflies as he found out that he is getting married to a female he barely knew. So he shrugged his shoulders and followed.

Minutes later, Jared is looking at Heather's eyes as they said vows. A silver ring is slipped on his finger as the finalization of the ceremony. Heather gave him a kiss giving him a hug. The human looked at the crowd in the chapel. He saw humanoid males and canine females. Jared saw vixens, wolves and other type of canines. "I really am sorry for what happened to the border worlds. The Federation is bad as some countries on Earth, I am not putting down the U.S.A., but some of the wealthier states do bad things to the less fortunate states and countries. That's why some countries hate the U.S., well I am no longer a citizen of Earth so don't let that get to you, just enjoy your new life Jared." He thought to himself looking at Heather.

Bridge of the BWS Intrepid.

Heather showed Jared the bridge of the starship. The vixen showed him a diagram of the ship. The BWS Intrepid looked an imperial star destroyer from the movie Star Wars.

FSS Dagger.

The humanoid female looked at her reading and called the captain over. "Sir, I am getting a plasma trail near Earth."

The tall blonde older guy looked at the reading. "Yes, you just picked up a Boarder worlds ship in Stealth mode. Set course to intercept them." The captain grinned as he heard his ship gain speed.

BWS Intrepid, same moment.

An alarm sounded and the crew became alert. Heather looked at a display growling. "It's a Federation vessel, we must be leaking plasma." The vixen looks at Jared grinning showing her teeth. "Don't worry, they don't stand a chance against this ship."

Pete heard a chime from a communication console. He grinned shrugging. "Alright patch them thru." He saw an image of humanoids on a bridge. The human looked at the human looking females with disgust.

Jared also looked at the image. He hissed thru his teeth remembering of how he was treated back on Earth. The women ignored him due to not making much money, plus his taste in old cars. The human was tricked by one woman to have a sexual experience but there was nobody in the bed. Jared ended up going home with a steel hard erection and less money.

The captain of the Federation ship looked at Jared and at Pete. "Picked up another Earthling. We're not allowed to land on that planet, it's to primitive. Going to have him mate with one of your females." He looked at Jared again with a look. "Are you really going to live with one of those females?"

Jared looked at Heather and at the image grinning. "Just to let you know, I heard how you messed up the Border worlds. You're just like some places on Earth, yes I am going to live with a female from the Border worlds. One of their females treated me nicer in one night then human females from Earth in my twenty years of life."

A female from the screen said. "What about your mother?"

Jared snorted. "Her, she didn't want me when I was born. My mother put me up for adoption, so I didn't have a mother." He saw Heather crying, the human knew that the vixen is upset from what she heard.

The image spoke again. "What are you going to do Earthling?"

Jared embraced Heather giving her a kiss. He stroked her backside fondling her bushy tail. The human gave her tongue in her muzzle tasting the sweet slime in her mouth. Then he released her. "That's my answer, I am living with her." Jared noted a female from the Federation ship giving him a look. As he left the bridge a hand grabbed him.

Heather is giving him a look. "If you did that kiss for one more second, I would of engage in a mating with you."

Jared chuckled. "That would of gave the Federation a good show."

"You better be ready for tonight. I am really wet down there." Replied Heather looking at him.

"Remember, you will be training me tonight. Don't get mad if I screw up." He whispered in her ear.

As Jared walked out of the bridge Heather put her arms around him. She placed her muzzle at his left ear. The vixen exhaled, the human felt her warm wet breath, then she licked his ear. "Don't worry my dear mate, I am a patient teacher."

Pete chuckled as he watched the couple walk off the bridge. He turned to the view screen. The human's expression turned serious. "Alright, let us pass. You do not to annoy me Federation scum."

The captain of the Federation ship sighed. "Can we at least talk, you were good allies."

Pete's expression harden. "Yes we were. But how do you repay us? You used our moons as a dumping ground for your worse and violent prisoners. Plus thirty years ago, you used our planets for a test lab for a drug to suppress violent emotions." He walked to a female wolf stroking her muzzle. The human looked at the wolf's light blue eyes. "I am forty two years old, which means I was twelve when you did that experiment. My younger sister was a cute blonde girl with light blue eyes. Take look at my helmsman Federation scum! This is what you did to my sister." Pete points at the wolf with blonde head hair. "Tamera, de cloak the ship, allow them to scan us, but jam their transporters."

FSS Dagger.

The captain watched his view screen as space shimmered. Then a large ship appeared in front of his. The BWS Intrepid is less then fifty miles in front of his. The human turned to a female at a station. "Scan it, plus see if you can lock on to that Earthling."

The female touched some controls and sighed, then her face went pale. "I can't get a lock on that Earthling. Sir, that ship has thirty disruptor cannons, twenty torpedo launchers. Primary, secondary and emergency shields."

The captain's mouth went dry and he felt fear. "She's a predator, a killer."

Pete's image returned with a grin. "I suggest you let us go. I say right now you just found out that you do not stand a chance against us. So see ya later, if it were not for greed on your part. We might still be friends."

The ship vanished, the captain just looked at the area of space. He clenched his fists and turned to his bridge crew. "Send a message to base and lets continue our patrol."

Night cycle, BWS Intrepid. Heather's stateroom.

Jared laid on the bed naked as Heather undressed herself. He watched as the vixen climbed onto his body sitting on his hips. Heather got up a little holding his penis upright. The human watched as she lowered herself on it. Jared felt wet soft flesh touching the tip and felt a opening widen. He shuddered as he felt his length slide into the vixen. The human noted that the passage is tight and very wet. Heather let out a gasp and moan as he entered her. Jared sighed as the vixen brought his face to one of her furry breasts. "Suck gently and stoke my ass plus my tail." Said Heather with a moan.

"Ok." Said Jared as he looked at the light tan furry breast with the pink areola. The human sucked on the breast and ran his hands on the firm ass. A second later he stroked the bushy fox tail. He is in ecstasy of what he is feeling at the moment. The warm soft flesh of the areola on his lips, plus the warm silky fur on his naked skin. Heather stroking his body with her slim hands and the greatest feeling now is the warm wetness surrounding his penis at the moment. Jared heard the vixen yelled, then the vaginal canal contracted pulling on his penis and a little fluid exited her.

Heather pulled him away from her breast looking at him. The vixen stroked his face and his hair. The reddish brown eyes looked at him with the cat like pupils. Her thin tongue licked her lips and she kissed him. Heather's tongue licked the inside of his mouth and she tilted her head up and yelled again. The vixen put his head down on the pillow laying down on him. Her hair fell onto his face tickling his cheeks. Jared saw her grin at him. "One thing about that drug did to us females is make us real horny. I myself do not mind it one bit. It tires our males, but we half to give them a diet that makes them have endurance." The vixen said to him smiling, then Jared felt her vaginal canal tighten around his penis giving him a tug. He yelled as he emptied his seed in her.

After Heather cleaned him and herself, Jared went to the vixen laying on her back. He went between her legs and stuck his tongue inside her. The human grabbed the pink colored lips and stuck his tongue in deeper.

Heather looked at Jared feeling the human's tongue inside her. The vixen grinned to herself. "Slow it down a little. I want to enjoy this. Go a little deeper." She grabbed the sheets moaning.

A little while later laying Jared felt a tongue licked his member. He looked down seeing Heather sucking on his penis. A minute later the vixen is straddling his hips sitting on his harden member. The human gasped watching his penis going inside the vixen.

The next day, Heather's and Jared's stateroom.

Jared woke up to Heather shaking him awake. He rubbed his eyes looking at the vixen smiling at him. They both went to the washroom to clean themselves.

After they got dressed, Heather looked at Jared grinning. "Well, I got something to show you, but it will half to wait till after breakfast."

The human grinned and followed her out of the stateroom.

That moment Federation command.

The captain of the FSS Dagger looked at the Admiral at the desk. He sighed. "Sir, I had a run in with a Border Worlds ship. The ship was heavily armed, but due to tactical advantage it had over me, I had to let it go."

The Admiral nodded. "I am going to make a recommendation to authorize a first contact with Earth. So the Earthlings will know about the Border worlds."

The captain sighed as went back to his ship. Unknown to them a device mounted in a picture frame recorded the conversation. The picture was a gift to an Admiral when the Federation was friends with the Border worlds.

Cargo area of the BWS Intrepid.

Jared grinned when he saw his 1973 Dodge Dart in the bay. Crew members are doing stuff to the car. The human opened the hood of the car. "What the hell!?" He asked looking in the engine compartment.

The slant six engine is gone. In it's place is a box one foot wide, by two feet long and eighteen inches deep. The device has glass like tubes, like off a florescent light fixture lying on the device. Heather touched his shoulder. "I had a feeling you wanted this transport, so I had it brought onboard. We are modifying it so you can use it on our worlds." The vixen touches the device that replaced the engine. "This is a power cell that turns a shaft. Right now the drive line of your transport is fused to this power cell."

Jared opened the drivers door and Heather got in the passenger seat. She gave him a look when she shifted her tail so she can sit down comfortable. He saw that a few more controls were added. The human reached in his pocket to fish out his keys and inserted the pen star shape key in the chrome ignition key slot. The vixen nodded as he turned the key. Thru the gap where the hood meets the fire wall, Jared saw a bright blue pulsing. He stuck his head and shoulders out and saw the glass tubes pulsating. The Dodge is now making a strange sound. It sounded like an electric motor running and a teenage girl screaming thru a long tube. The human pushed on the accelerator and noise increased in volume. "What does this run on now?" Jared asked as he shut off the car getting out.

Heather looked at him grinning. "Dylium crystals, they last years. They power this ships reactor and our shuttles. Don't worry about some parts of your needing replacement. We copied parts of your car by scanning it, so all you have to do is go to a replicator and ask for a part and a new one materializes out of thin air."

Jared chuckled. "The oil companies will hate this car." As he shuts the hood and pockets his keys. The human strokes the hood of the thirty seven year old car.

Pete walks in with a sullen look. The humanoid looks at the couple. "We have a problem, the Federation is going to do a first contact with Earth." He looks at Jared. "You and Heather are going to Seattle to check things out." Pete saw that Jared is looking at Heather to say something. "We have a device that will make Heather to look human."

"I really hate using that device, it's to tight in the chest area, it makes my breasts hurt." Said Heather with a look.

"I modified it so you can be your regular breast size." He hands a watch to Heather.

The vixen looks at Pete as he hands her a small plastic container. She opens it looking inside. "So this time I'll have blue eyes."

Pete grins at her. "Yes, plus you're going to be a redhead." He looks at Jared as he hands a small purse to Heather. "Going to be a married couple, since you were married yesterday. Jared, you and Heather are going to be transported to a secluded area in Everett. Look for any signs of Federation personnel, plus we are going to install a scanner to your car. Just use the ground mode on your car, don't use the other controls till Heather shows you how to make your car go in flying mode."

Later at an underground parking garage in Everett.

Jared held open the passenger door as Heather got in. He looked at the redhead human female as she got in. She looked at him with her blue eyes. The human got in the drivers seat and started the car. The Dodge made the sound like it had a 318 V-8 in the engine compartment. Jared chuckled as backed the car out of the parking spot. "Looks like a Earth car till someone opens the hood."

Heather looked at him. "Yeah, if anyone crawls under it. They will see a different underside."

They drove out of the parking garage. Jared sneered as he saw the people of Everett walk around doing their business. A slim hand stroke his leg, he glance at Heather looking at him. The human smiled at her as he turn right onto Broadway.

Five minutes later a Mc Donald's.

Heather gave Jared a look as the car went to a drive thru. "Sorry, I had to get a quarter ponder with cheese. Do you want anything?"

"Cheeseburger with fries and a medium diet coke." Answered Heather as they went thru.

Someone tapped on the glass while they went thru. Jared rolled down the window seeing Kenneth. He saw Heather in the passenger seat. "Jared, I thought you were at Wyoming, who's that?"

"I live there, plus this is my fiancée Heather. I been seeing her since high school. She's the reason I left this state. I had to get back here to take care of business." Said Jared putting a hand on Heather's leg.

Kenneth looked at Heather seeing silver rings on her and Jared's fingers. "Come on Jared, move back here. This state is more civilized then Wyoming. What did you do to your car, it sounds different?"

Jared grinned. "That slant six threw a rod. My new friends in Wyoming put a 318 V-8 in this beauty. I made some new friends, ones that stick with you in a pinch. I am not betraying them by leaving them. Kenneth, remember that your wife had you throw me out of your place on the day I left?" Kenneth nodded. "I am going to do my business here and go back to Wyoming tonight. I am glad Heather is with me so we can take turns driving there."

Kenneth sighed. "William was arrested yesterday for vandalizing a building. So you are innocent of what you were accused of a few days ago, so we're sorry."

Jared looked at Heather, then sighed. He looked at Kenneth. "One of the amendments of the Constitution states that people are innocent till proven guilty. That mob had me guilty without a trial. People hate me here because I don't vote and I don't pick a side. I am not a liberal or a conservative Kenneth. I am just a tax paving American citizen I accept your apology Kenneth, as for the people in this state, there un forgiven." He drove forward to place his order.

Kenneth sighed as someone honked his horn due to him being on the road. "Move it, are you related to George W. Bush!" Said the driver of the car.

He looked one last time at the dark blue car as it went around the tan building. The human looked at the litter on the ground and soft drink stains on the asphalt. "Jared's right, this is a filthy state. My eyes are opened, no wonder he left."

One hour later.

Heather's cell phone chirped, she opened it and listen. "The Federation is not going to do a first contact. Personal from the Border Worlds decided talk to the Federation so we can gradually become friends again. It's not going to happen overnight, might take months till were back to the way we were a hundred years ago. So head to the spot and we'll pick you and Jared up." Said Pete's voice from the cell phone.

Jared looked at Heather and shrugged. "Earth's not ready, maybe someday. We still have diversity and mistrust."

"Just like the Federation Jared, the Border Worlds are more civilized then them. I know that us Border Worlds females want sex a lot, but you can thank the Federation for that. It will be awhile before I forgive them for what they did to us females." Said Heather as she put away the cell phone.

Jared nodded. "There is a reason for negative feelings. If you just have positive feelings, you will get harmed or killed. I know that it causes problems, but people need to learn to control it. People can't take a pill or drugs every time they feel ill, I don't know what will happen to Earth. Maybe someday the problems will go away. Greed and mistrust is the reason this state has so many problems, in my opinion everyone from the governor down to city council members needs to be replaced with new personal to turn this state around. Boeing is never going to return here, I know that for a fact."

That night BWS Intrepid, Heather's and Jared's stateroom.

The vixen is tight against Jared's body. She smiled at the good feeling inside her. The fire inside was just quenched, plus her breasts still felt the warmness of her mate's mouth. Heather stroked Jared's dark brown hair admiring it. She looked at the still human form and rested her head on him feeling his body heat.


This is an older story of mine, sorry for any problems with it. I had the hard drive come apart in my computer and I lost some stories I was going to put up on Yiffstar: Part five from tales of a changed Earth and the newest chapter of The adventures of Lisa the Vixen. I got to rewrite those stories and it's looking like till the first weeks in July till I have some new stuff up. Not all is lost, I am in the process of cleaning another old story to put up in a week. To anyone who's curious, a hard drive failure sounds like screws in a tin can being shake up