Xebassian's Playroom, Part 2 of 4

Story by Zycaneus on SoFurry

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Second part of Xebassian's Playroom

Comments welcomed


STORY: * * * XEBASSIAN'S PLAYROOM * * * WRITTEN: 10/07/15 BY : Zycaneus

WARNING: The following story contains scenes that depict graphic homoerotic and non-consensual sexual encounters between humanoid animals and scenes of violence. It is not intended for minors or those that may take offense to such topics.


Syex and Xebassian stepped out of the T-Door and before them loomed the great dome of the Jak'Skann shopping mall. Xebassian paused a moment to close down his portal before following the wuff into the mall. From the time they entered the building their senses were assaulted with the usual barrage of advertisements. The fronts of every store were huge display screens that ran videos loudly proclaiming the quality, affordability, and desirability of their products or services. But if one made the mistake of actually looking at one of them, additional offers of bonuses, coupons and special deals would download directly into their vision. Idle conversation was all but impossible so Syex and Xebassian did what most shoppers did. Walking quickly along with their eyes held straight ahead. It wasn't until they had descended two elevators and then down a flight of stairs to the lowest level that the persistent flood of adverts finally ceased.

Syex noticed Xebassian wiggling a finger in his ear and chuckled, "Not a pleasant experience is it? You'd wonder why anyone would want to actually go there to shop."

"Yes, and yet thousands do. You saw how crowded the corridors were. 'Tis the smell of credits my friend. The life blood of our capitalistic society am I right?"

"Yeah maybe." Syex shrugged, "I still find it annoying as hell."

Finally they reached the end of the corridor where Syex's own store front was. In contrast to the loud and flashy video windows of all the other stores, this one displayed a three-dimensional image of a starry night sky with galaxies slowly turning. In the center of this display was what appeared to be an old fashioned neon sign that hung suspended in space that read; "Kaprey Nocturnum Emporium of the Phantasmic. Custom Avatars made here. The Animancer is in"

Xebassian drew his fingers down his long snout and then stroked his chin. "By and by, not to criticize but I believe you'd probably receive a lot more customers if your shop was a bit more . . . prominent, yes?"

"Yeah I've often told myself that but as it turns out, one, this is all I can afford at the moment and two, I actually prefer the peace of not being in amongst all of that." Syex jerked a thumb back in the direction of the halls of adverts.

Xebassian smiled, "Yes I believe I can appreciate that sir wuff. Just so. Shall we?"

Syex poked a finger into the store's front video screen. A moment later the front door opened and let them in. Syex led Xebassian through the rather small room of his office which also appeared to double as an antiques and curiosities shop. This space was made even smaller by the extraordinary collection of strange artifacts, oddities, knickknacks and antique furniture. A eclectic assortment filling every available space until it was hard to find room to walk around the old fashioned roll top desk to the curtained doorway beyond. The drapes of glistening beads in the back wall hung across a narrow archway. Beyond lie a stone corridor lit by stone gargoyle wall torches and then a flight of very old looking stone stairs continuing farther downward.

Finally the short tunnel opened up into an enormous subterranean grotto. The high ceiling was hung in arrays of stalactites, calcite straws, helictites and curtains of flowstones. In between the speleothem that hung down like countless fangs the ceiling was covered in luminous fungi that provided a soft greenish-white illumination. Light that augmented the hundreds of candles that burned in dozens of old fashioned chandeliers and candelabras set randomly about the grotto.

Throughout the grotto there were intricate columns of drip stones and rows of stalagmites that broke up the hugeness of the room into smaller areas and pathways. Yet this wasn't just a bare cave, but one that had been ornately carpeted, decorated and furnished to resemble something akin to a grand ballroom.

Syex saw that to his delight Xebassian seemed properly impressed by his abode as he stood transfixed by the otherworldly sight. After a few moments the dragon turned to Syex,

"You made all of this?"

Syex beamed with pride, "It took some doing I'll admit. I started on it couple of years 'fore I'd left my job at Renraw, and been adding to it ever since."

Then instead of leading Xebassian to his workstation Syex stepped aside and allowed his guest to wander about his grotto. Just beyond the entrance the walkway split in two with one path sloping downward to a large lower level. Here was an assemblage of a dozen or so lifelike manikins of various different species all attired in elaborate costumes and poised as though frozen mid-step as they danced to some unheard waltz.

Xebassian moved into the ballroom-like dance floor and then drifted slowly around and in between the frozen dancers. Syex followed behind him smiling as the dragon appeared increasingly mesmerized by the uncannily lifelike frozen figures. Finally Xebassian couldn't hold his curiosity back any farther and reached out and touched one of the dancers. He immediately withdrew his hand exclaiming, "Why they're real."

Syex chuckled. "Well um. . . yea and nay. They're real Ident-Patches but they're attached to V-Bots."

"V-Bots? Aren't they rather expensive? Do they move? How did you manage to acquire so many?"

"Off the junk pile." Syex laughed. "Every one of these had been decommissioned and scheduled for deletion."

Now it was Xebassian's turn to chuckle. "Yes but isn't the scavenging of recyclables against the rules?"

Syex came up to Xebassian, and stood smiling up into the dragon's eyes. "Again yes and no. I ain't selling them. I don't repair them. I don't rewrite their functions. I can't make 'em do work for me. These are broken machines that will never move by themselves again. So no one has anything to say about it. But they are totally poseable and I can use them to showcase my avatar work."

Syex noticed Xebassian running his fingers through the feathers of a bipedal griffon heroically attired like a soldier from classical mythology.

"So soft . . . so wonderfully soft. Just so." He breathed, then looked towards the upper level. "Yes, now what's up there?"

"Oh um that's where my work station and my Animation Engine is. And ummmm . . . it's also where I have my bedroom."

The long snout swung back around to face him. The dragon's eyes had a hungry look in them and his mouth parted in a toothy grin. "Is that so? Well I'd like to visit all three."

With a smile Syex nodded and led Xebassian back to the upper path. This was a more narrow passage that skirted the rock wall as it rose up above the ballroom level. About half way along the path there was a small archway that led into the Animancing chambers. Set back into a small cavern of its own stood Syex's great Animation Engine. A massive dark tower over two stories tall of huge gears, rollers, clockwork mechanisms and crude electrical coils and components resembling something out of a mad scientist's laboratory.

Syex led Xebassian to his artist's table situated to the right of the Animation Tower. After offering a folding chair to his guest he took a seat on his stool and opened his antique wooden map cabinet where he kept his art archives. "Now um, you said you want me to choose what breed of canid that I'd think you'd look the best as, well I believe I know the perfect cani for you. Do you know what an Ussian Wuffhon is?"

"Never heard of them. Wuffhon? Hmmmms, so you're suggesting perhaps a canid-wuff mix? That could be interesting, yes."

"Oh no, the Ussian Wuffhon which um, are also known as Siboovian Orzoys. Said to be made to hunt wuffens in the lands known as the Ussian Union of the Soviet way back in the ancient times. Here, take a look at this info which the Xeno-archaeoly'gists managed to uncover." Syex said as he handed a vid-tablet to Xebassian.

"I um, realize the images ain't that good. Originally these orzoys were thought to be like um, some sort of decorative accessories to the wealthy. Because they're mostly seen posed with figures of royalty in old paintings. But according to recently uncovered texts they were also bred for hunting wild wuffs in the wild lands of Ussa.

Xebassian was studying the old images and nodding. "Yes these creatures are indeed beautiful. Such long, elegant bodies and heads. And you say they used to hunt Wuffies? Well I can certainly relate to that. Yes!" And the dragon gave Syex a sly toothy grin then ran his tongue over his lips.

Syex rolled his eyes and smiled. "Anyhoo I remember you'd said you'd like to keep your golden color theme and long mane. I um, agree those features would look very good on an orzoy. In addition I um, think you'd look good if I kept you as a winged creature as well. Maybe with a set of white bird wings instead of your bat wings."

"Hmmms, I like what I'm hearing so far, yes. So much so I believe I'll just give you free rein from this point on. Just so. However I will require some outfits to go with my new look, or Ident-Patches as you like to call it. At the very least I'll want at least one formal business suit. You can use the style I'm wearing as your guide. As you can see even for business I prefer bright colors. The double breasted jacket with long lapels is also a favorite style of mine. Then I'll require a leisure outfit of some sort. Something comfortable for lounging around my penthouse or entertaining guests. Plus one more." And Xebassian leaned forward, his mouth drawn into a toothy grin. "I want an outfit for when I play my games of bondage and domination. Something that will look sexy on me while I'm swinging my . . . ah, topping a playmate."

"So you want a 'Mastering' outfit?"

"Yes, if you wish to call it that, yes."

"Hmms um, I can do that. Now er um. . . about my fees."

"Yes?" Syex noted that Xebassian's entire demeanor seemed to change in an instant. Syex saw it in his eyes, the set of his lips which had suddenly ceased to hold a smile and the stiffening of how he held his body. It was as though his very being instantly became that of the cut throat businessman. Syex was suddenly worried about whether he would be able to negotiate a decent price for his efforts.

*Ahem!* "Well um . . . I'm um, thinking about . . . well maybe 5meg for the Ident-Patch and each outfit will be about . . .mmm, ah, 80kilo. Um, is that acceptable?"

Xebassian visibly relaxed and his lips drew back into a smile. "Compared to what the Yensid Dynasty charged me that's very reasonable. Yes, extremely so. Now when can I expect to see some results?

Syex breathed a sigh of relief, "Well it's um, getting rather late so I'm thinking that I'll get to working on it first thing tomorrow morning. I don't have any other projects at the moment so I should be able to dedicate the next three to four days to just producing yours."

"Three or four days?" Xebassian said raising an eyeridge. "The Yensid corporation advertises nearly same day service."

"Ya'know the Yensid Corp has hundreds of Animancers and usually there ain't no less then three or four working on the same project. Plus most of their work is done from generic templates and drop down menus. I um, do a lot of my work from scratch. Makes it more original."

"Yes I see, well then Sir Wuff I suppose I should bid you a good night. I will contact you around noon tomorrow to see how things are progressing. Just so." So saying Xebassian stood up and stretched a bit.

"Hmmms, it would be nice if I didn't have to go through the mall again to get here though. Would you mind if I just linked my T-Door to your abode?"

Syex hesitated a moment before answering. Even if he'd actually created Kaprey Nocturnum to showcase of his abilities, he didn't think he'd like having his privacy invaded unexpectedly at any moment. He'd come to appreciate the sense of solitude he'd created for himself. On the other hand this was a client who was giving him a real shot in the arm of much needed funds. Perhaps it wouldn't do to say no. At least not at this point.

"Er um, sure. I suppose you can."

"Yes, I'll need a registration code for where in your abode you'd like it then."

"Um, yeah just a moment." And Syex pulled up the abode file on his PCC and found a good spot. "Yeah you can link to this room in fact. There's a wall over there that ain't doing anything import. Use reg#3321-a5465 to link in."

Xebassian air-typed on his PCC. Then touched the side of his dress cane and the black T-Door monolith materialized on the far wall.

"Fannastix!" Xebassian said with great satisfaction. "Well you have yourself a good night and perhaps one day we'll spend our nights together yes?" Xebassian cast a toothy smile back over his shoulder as he stepped through his portal.

Syex leaned back against his art table and let out a long breath while staring at the new black monolith that had taken up residence in his Animancing chamber.

It had been quite a day indeed and he knew he had a lot of work ahead of him. Still he thought it might be best if he jacked out to get some real sleep. Just because his physical body was mostly in a state of rest the entire time he was online, the mind still needed off time. Not only that but when he checked his body condition meter he noted he was also in need of some sustenance. It was time to get physical again.

Syex retired to his bedroom which was set back in a small alcove at the end of the upper walkway. Where the stalactites and stalagmites formed the impression of a giant set of jaws within which his mattress with its crimson colored, rug-like bedspread formed the tongue. Syex pulled off his clothes and tossed them to catch on the stalagmites before flopping onto his bed. After crawling under his covers, he opened his PCC one last time and commanded his grotto to turn off all the lights then set his alarm to wake him at T0600 sharp. Then he laid back and relaxed with a long satisfied sigh as he jacked out of his avatar and awoke into physality.

* * *

The following morning Syex logged back into his avatar before his alarm went off and was up and anxious to start to work on his commission. He didn't bother with his fancy tunic but instead wore his over sized, midnight blue, full length, terrycloth bathrobe with the big hood. It was what he always preferred to wear when working at his craft or lounging about his grotto. Its likeness to a druid's robe made him feel like a wizard as he walked, the voluminous garment swirling about him like a great cape.

The first steps of the design were as straightforward as could be. Syex began with his large sketching tablet, sitting curled up in one of the overstuffed easy chairs in the ballroom level of his grotto. There he began creating two dimensional drawings of what his client's new character should look like. As he worked out the details of the design, he sipped from a large wooden mug of hazelnut-flavored coffee and snacked on dark chocolate covered marshmallows, bacon sticks and spiced corn chips. The act of creating always gave him the munchies.

Syex created what amounted to a hominid bipedal version of the elegant Ussian canine that would be nearly as tall as the dragon form it was replacing. Syex assumed that Xebassian would prefer to have an anatomy that could be imposing when he wanted. Yet at the same time, Syex chose a slightly effeminate look for the new image. His client had told him to create something that he found attractive. So he made the body rather slender because Syex was never much for heavily muscled guys. Just enough muscle not to be called skinny was ample in Syex's opinion. To the long gracefully tapering head with its large, soft, sighthound-like eyes Syex added a very long golden mane. Long enough to cascade down over one shoulder or the other as desired. With a large pompadour curl that rose up from the forehead. Being one who had always been attracted to a set of well formed legs, Syex made his creation's legs proportionately long in relation to the body with graceful curves and covered in just enough fur to be soft to the touch. These ended in well formed digitigraded feet with long even toes that Syex worked on until they were just perfect. By the time he was satisfied with their designs he was already beginning to become aroused by the thought of soon being able to play with sexy legs and feet. The tail he made almost as long as the legs with a generous amount of hair and gave it a saber-like curve at its tip. Finally he had originally wanted to give the character white wings but when he thought of the golden theme changed them to the wings of a golden eagle.

It was nearly noon by the time Syex was satisfied with the collection of designs he'd created and moved himself up to his art table. There he'd just begun loading the sketches into his computer for the 3D wire-framing process when the T-Door began to hum and a moment later Xebassian the dragon stepped into the room.

"Greetings sir wuff, I hope I'm not disturbing important work?" Syex thought he caught a note of irony in the dragon's tone but couldn't put a finger on just what he might mean by it.

"Um, actually you're just in time. I was just loading in my preliminary sketches. You can look them over and see if you approve of what I've come up with so far." and Syex handed the dragon his sketch tablet.

"Fannastix, and fascinating. I like what you've created but I didn't realize that Animancers when through all of this. After all they didn't let me watch the process at Disney Yensid corporation."

"Actually they don't. They um, work mainly from templates and pre-fabs for the fastest possible turnover. As I told you I create from scratch. It's why my creations have their own unique look."

"Yes it does, even I can see that. And I do like the effect of the wings too. You're making me look . . . heroic." There was a grin of honest approval on the dragon's muzzle. "Well then perhaps I should let you get back to work. Would you mind if I stayed and watched?"

Syex sighed. "You can if you like. I've no real objection to it. But in all honesty it would probably slow me down a bit. I don't work as fast with someone I feel the need to chat with present."

"Just so, then I'll leave you to your tasks sir wuff." And the dragon turned to leave. But Syex called after him. "If you want to help speed things up a bit, you can file for the upgrade with the Offices of the Census Bureau. There's no fee for an Ident-patch upgrade but you still have to register it. You can download the file and fill it out awhile. But don't send it in yet until we're ready to link your new IDP to your avatar."

"I will take your advice Sir Wuff." Xebassian said without turning around, instead waving his cane over his head in acknowledgment. And with that Xebassian vanished through his T-Door.

Syex spent the next four days working feverishly on his commission. From early in the morning to late in the evenings with only short breaks in between to see to his bodily needs in physality. Enjoying as he always had watching his creation develop from a collection of two-dimensional drawings into a fully formed sculpture indistinguishable from a living entity. It was far more complex and involved then even producing a sculpture in clay or stone as the Animancer had to establish every possible move or position the image might have to take. This included working out how the light might fall on it in any given situation. Even the textile responses that would occur as the form interacted with the environment and other people had to be established. In spite of using the latest in computer aided design programs it still amounted to a lot of work for a single Animancer.

When Syex considered that he'd be soon be not only rubbing bodies with his creation but likely sharing the most intimate exchanges of bodily fluids, he paid special attention to its tactile qualities. The fur he made generously thick, soft and silky as he knew how. When Syex considered that since he'd likely have to put up with being mounted by this creature as he'd more or less agreed to, he'd give particular attention to the genitals. He formed the shaft long and slender so while it looked of an impressive length it shouldn't hurt as much if it was used on him. The buttocks on the other hand he created to be firm but soft and the tailhole nice and tight which he hoped he could soon be giving a good stretching to.

By noon of the fourth day, Syex was finally pleased and satisfied with his work and spent the rest of the day designing the three outfits that Xebassian had requested. Unbeknownst to the dragon he also designed a fourth outfit that he planned for the golden canid to wear when it was Syex's turn to play the master.

Finally Syex informed Xebassian that his new identity was at last ready. He suggested that because he'd worked all day on it and it was late they'd schedule the Animancing session for the following day. But Xebassian was so anxious to get his new body he insisted they perform the operation that very night. So Syex was still loading the model sheets into his Animation Engine when Xebassian stepped out of the T-door.

"Yes. Well then" he announced, his excitement barely contained. "When do I start?"

Syex chuckled, "I already have. I'm almost finished setting things up for you. Um, you brought the Upgrade Reg form from the Census Bureau? Okay let's see it. Yeah it's best I submit it more or less as I'm linking in your new IDP. Now um, take a seat in that lounge chair within my Animation Engine if you please."

"Ahhh, shouldn't I like . . . jack out for the Animancing? That's what they made me do when I got this avatar."

"Um, remember you're not getting a new avatar. Only a new link to it. So no you don't have to unplug from your avatar."

"I see, well then I suppose I await your ministrations."

"This shouldn't take too long considering."


"Considering my flair for the dramatic." Syex said with an evil grin as he reached up to his Animation Engine and pulled down a huge old fashioned knife switch. A sharp electric bang was heard from within the machine followed by the unmistakable hum of high voltage. This hum rose steadily as Syex watched a large bass analog dial. Then he pulled down the second switch. Again a bang and hum was heard to join the first. As it rose to the pitch of the first hum Syex pulled down the third switch and soon the entire grotto reverberated with raw power. When the power could no longer be contained within the circuitry of the machine, high voltage electrical discharges began to arc between the electrical coils at the top, filling the room with the acrid smell of ozone. A moment later the whole Animation Engine seemed to light up, each section coming on with a wham as the power descended down its sides and within its framing.

"I see you really get off on this yes?" Xebassian said as he saw Syex dancing around his machine with a rather wild-eyed expression like a mad scientist. Then Xebassian was bathed in an eerie greenish-blue light that seemed to totally paralyze him, at the same time making him appear to glow from within.

It was then that Syex grasped the handle of a large flywheel crank and began to turn it. The clockwork innards of the Animation Engine came to life as the stack of drawings and instructions Syex had loaded into the take up chute were sucked in by the rollers and began a complex and convoluted journey. First drawn up through the various levels of the machine and then back down again.

Beneath the machine Xebassian's form seemed to waver and flash and for a brief moment there were two rapidly flickering images superimposed upon each other. Then the image resolved itself into that of Xebassian's new look. But it didn't stop there as one outfit after another appeared and then was replaced by the next until all four outfits Syex had created had been permanently linked to the same avatar. When the images had all stabilized Syex let go of the crank and allowed the weight of the flywheel to keep the mechanism turning over until they had re-deposited all the model sheets back into the holder. Then he went around to the power controls and one by one shut them down.

Beneath the machine the golden furred canid slowly stood up appearing a bit groggy. "My. . . that was an experience."

"Isn't it though." Syex said as he walked up thoroughly pleased with his creation. "How ya feel?"

Xebassian flexed his long fingers first and then his wings, stretching them out to their fullest reach as he arched his back. "I feel . . . I should look sexy." Then he glanced about. "I need a mirror."

"Er, umms, this way." And Syex led Xebassian out of the Animancing chamber and over to where his bedroom was. There Syex had his full length mirror set into the rock wall. Xebassian stood gazing at himself for a long time. Turning this way and that. Adjusting his tie, his suit, and mostly running his fingers through his long luxurious golden mane.

"Yes, did it ever occur to you. . ." Xebassian said while he continued to admire his new body. "That if you want to provide avatars to people that you really should have a nice mirror in your Animancing chamber? I should think that most people will likely be anxious to see how their new bodies look."

"I um, thought they'd already know that since I'd have shown them all the images of what they were going to look like beforehand."

Xebassian's long snout swung around to fix his large soulful eyes on the wuff. "It's not the same. Believe me."

Syex nodded. "Um, okay, I'll keep that in mind."

Then as Xebassian went back to studying his new reflection Syex moved a little closer. "Well now, ya'know that although you'll able to switch your IDPs at any time you shouldn't do that for um, at least, oh say about two to three hours."

"Oh and why is that?" Xebassian asked without his eyes once leaving the mirror.

"You should wear this form until the next System database update. Otherwise the system auto-crawlers might decide it's a glitch in your A'tar and remove it."

"Ah! You can restore it if that happens yes?"

"Yeah of course. I always keep the model sheets on file. And um, it'd be no additional charge for that service of course."

Syex was beginning to wonder if Xebassian was going to spend the entire night staring at himself and somewhat sarcastically asked; "Well er . . um, are you pleased with your new form?"

The tall canid suddenly turned on the wuff and took Syex's head in his hands. "Let me show you Sir Wuff." Then Xebassian bent down and their mouths met. As Syex's mouth opened in surprise, he felt Xebassian's long tongue slip inside and begin sliding against his own. Syex felt a bolt of lightning shoot up his spine as his arms slid around the handsome canid. This canid that was the most handsome and beautiful he'd ever seen. Because that was exactly how he'd designed him.