Xebassian's Playroom, Part 3 of 4

Story by Zycaneus on SoFurry

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STORY: * * * XEBASSIAN'S PLAYROOM * * * WRITTEN: 10/07/15 BY : Zycaneus

WARNING: The following story contains scenes that depict graphic homoerotic and non-consensual sexual encounters between humanoid animals and scenes of violence. It is not intended for minors or those that may take offense to such topics.


Syex's fingers slid down Xebassian's back to his buttocks and kneaded the firm backside while he pulled Xebassian's thighs against his. The wuff's bushy black tail was wagging furiously but he neither noticed or cared. Syex was lost in the moment. A moment that when he'd first met this person just over three days ago he'd somewhat hoped might never come. Their first kiss was far more passionate then Syex had expected. At that moment all of his deepest most secret dreams about the ideal lover came together and crystallized in the body he was holding. Their tongues slid sensually against each other for long moments that seemed to hang in time. Then just as Syex was beginning to wish he could stay just like that for the rest of his life, the kiss ended when Xebassian pushed him away, but caught the wuff by the wrist before he'd gotten too far away.

"Come with me now. I wish to introduce you to my bedroom." His voice was a soft but commanding whisper. Holding Syex by the hand Xebassian led him back through his T-door and into his office, then through the large double doors into the bedroom that lay beyond. Here was a vision of opulence worthy of an English Lord of old. On either side of the entrance, Medieval suits of armor stood at attention with lances in hand poised in permanent salutes to all who entered. The walls were hung with tapestries and paintings of scenes from the ancient myths of mighty gods and goddesses and of great heroes riding valiantly into battle. To the left of the room was a sitting area with high backed wing chairs gathered about a small fireplace. A setting that wouldn't have looked out of place in a Victorian mansion of the 1800's. The right side of the room appeared to be dedicated to a home gymnasium with the entire right wall of the room a single large mirror.

But Syex took little notice of anything other then he was being led to that bed fit for a king by the lover of his dreams. Directly across from the entrance way and totally dominating the room was a large medieval style grand canopy bed. The four heavy wooden posts of the king sized bed were carved with the motifs of dragons and the relief set into panels of its heavy wooden roof depicted the countenance of the god Apollo guiding his golden chariot across the heavens.

"We seem to share similar tastes in decor my friend." Syex commented warmly. But at once was worried he'd said something wrong as the comment brought Xebassian to a sudden stop. A faraway look crossed his eyes and Syex swallowed and prepared to ask him what was wrong. But then Xebassian smiled warmly down at him.

"Friend? Yes . . . I believe I like that. We do seem to have much in common. Just so."

As they reached the foot of the bed Xebassian pulled Syex to face him. "Yes, now let us see what lies beneath this robe of yours."

Moving with a slow swan-like gracefulness, Xebassian's long fingers traced down Syex's front to the cloth belt that held his robe closed. Then he untied it as though he was lovingly plucking the strings of a harp. Letting the belt fall to the sides he slid his hands down Syex's front parting his robe like a curtain. His fingers teased their way down the wuff's furry white chest until he brushed ever so lightly across his sheath. Syex couldn't help sucking in a sharp breath as his body seemed to flutter in response. Syex hated to admit it but he'd always been a "wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am" type of lover. Something told him he was in for a unique experience.

Xebassian slid his long fingers beneath the robe around Syex's shoulders and pushed the robe back until it fell free to the floor. Then he stepped back. "A moment please. I wish to change into something more comfortable." But when Syex saw Xebassian call up his PCC, he stopped him.

"Oh no you don't!" Syex said catching his wrists. I want to peel you myself."

Xebassian hesitated for only a moment and then grinned and spread his arms invitingly. Syex reached up and unbuttoned the blazer and then started to undo the white shirt beneath. Syex did ask that Xebassian remove his ascot because he wasn't sure how it was tied.

"You may call me Xeba if you wish." Xebassian said in a forced whisper as he undid his ascot watching as Syex unbuttoned his shirt. Once Syex got the shirt open down to the trousers he didn't pull it out but instead slid his hands around Xeba's torso beneath his clothes. While his fingers traced up and down the soft warm back the wuff buried his muzzle into the silken soft fur and rubbed his head up and down the lean chest. Syex moved his hands to the trousers and quickly undid the belt pushing the pants and undies to the floor. Totally forgetting all his years of playing the dominant top in every one of his relationships, Syex dropped to one knee and hugged and caressed those long beautiful golden legs as he rubbed his furry head against Xeba's sheath.

Syex would've been happy to continue just as he was but Xeba reached down and lifted him up by his arms, then pulled him close. Xeba put a finger under Syex's chin lifting it until they gazed into each others' eyes. "As much as I appreciate your enthusiasm, remember this is my turn, my game." Xeba's voice had become a low soft breath that radiated an animal magnetism filled with barely restrained lust filled power.

Xeba turned to his bed and reaching up yanked back the heavy burgundy-colored curtains that enclosed it. This revealed a mattress covered in plush orchid-colored comforters with a collection of satin fringed pillows of various sizes. Syex barely had time to take in the sight when Xeba unexpectedly bent down and scooped him up in his arms. For a moment Xeba stood there holding the surprised wuff before bodily tossing him on the bed. Syex braced for an impact as he felt himself self falling but then hit a surface that was more like a cloud. The overstuffed feather bed was one big soft pillow.

Xeba then violently yanked his clothes off the rest of the way flinging them to the floor before climbing into the bed and onto the wuff that lay there. His eyes seemed to burn with an inner fire of passion, hungry with desire. As he laid down on Syex his grin was a dangerous toothy one. "I'm the wuff hunting canine, and I've caught myself a wuff," Then that golden body was moving on top of Syex undulating himself as he ground his rising passions against the wuff. Xeba explored up and down the wuff's body with his mouth and his fingers. In between their tongues meeting in deep, passion-driven kisses, the orzoy nibbled and nipped at Syex's neck and shoulders. His teeth were sharp, but he knew how to bite just hard enough to bring the sensation close to the edge of real pain but not any farther. Even so Syex was sure he'd have welts on his neck by the next morning and was glad there was enough fur there that they couldn't be seen.

Then Syex happened to look up for the first time and saw that the entire inside of the bed's canopy was one big mirror. He could watch himself being made love to. As their foreplay grew increasingly intense Syex next caught something moving over his head out of the corner of his vision. Twisting his head around first one way and then the other he realized that the entire headboard was a video screen and according to the angles he saw, there were cameras on each of the four bedposts. With an inward smirk he realized that his golden lover was someone who enjoyed watching himself make love.

As Xeba explored and caressed the wuff, Syex's hands explored him and so did his feet. Syex wrapped his legs around Xeba's thighs and his feet massaged up and down the slender golden legs. When Xeba's mouth wasn't on his Syex mouthed Xeba's soft throat and shoulders until his fur was soaked with wuff drool. Syex's hands slipped past the orzoy's arms and grasped the wing shoulders and felt the strength in the wing arms.

Xeba continued to rub his maleness hard against Syex until he suddenly reared back. His mouth opened in a soundless howl and his wings beat furiously as his passions spewed all over Syex's chest soaking his fur. Then the golden canid collapsed on top of him.

"Oh no." Syex insisted, "You got your rocks off, I need release too. Now roll over." Xeba shot him a look that Syex thought might mean he'd gone too far. But then Xeba rolled off of him onto his back. Syex quickly climbed on top of him finally able to feel that silken golden body beneath him. He wrapped his legs around Xeba's and drove himself down between those thighs. Xeba realized what he was doing and crossed his ankles and tightened his thighs to give his lover a nice tightness to push against. Syex had already been close to climax and it wasn't long before Syex's passions erupted between Xeba's legs.

As he lay on top panting with his exertions Xeba lay running his fingers through the fur on Syex's back and through his thick black mane. Syex noted that Xeba had been watching the show reflected in the canopy mirror and enjoying it immensely.

"You feel damned good." Syex breathed into one of Xeba's soft ears.

"So do you." Xeba replied, nibbling lightly on one of the wuff's ears. "But don't think this is over my pet. Oh no this is just the beginning."

Syex let out a sigh. Inwardly he had begun to hope to get away without getting up the ass. Not that he wouldn't have loved to poke Xeba's sexy tailhole, but he himself never cared to be mounted. So even though he'd made a point to give Xeba a long and slender shaft that he hoped wouldn't hurt as much, he still would've preferred not to have to actually test it.

Xeba gently shoved the wuff off of him and scooted off the bed. At the foot of the bed he turned and put out a hand. "Now my pet, it's time for the second part of our games. Time for your master to teach you how to be a proper pet" Then he called up his PCC and the next moment he was wearing the mastering outfit Syex had designed for him. Because Xebassian had only said he wanted an outfit that would look good on him when he was playing the role of master, Syex decided not to use one of the typical styles so many others wear. In place of the traditional black leather garments Syex had created a bronze and copper-colored muscled cuirass. Highly polished and emblazoned with Romanesque designs covering his upper torso. For his lower torso, instead of the Roman leather skirt, Syex had made a formed leather crotch guard supported by a wide heavy belt. On his otherwise naked legs were a set of bronze greaves covering from his knee to his ankle and were a match for his cuirass in color and polish.

Xebaassian caught sight of himself in one of the many mirrors that were positioned about his bedroom and his mouth dropped open in surprise.

"Well . . . actually . . . Fannastix!" Xebassian exclaimed in his normally crisp tenor voice. Momentarily forgetting his guest was even in the room Xebassian went over to admire himself in the mirror. "It's not at all what I expected but . . . I like it. I look . . . heroic!" After turning this way and that he finally returned to Syex. "I'm glad I gave you artistic rein to create what you thought looked best for me. I'd never have considered this style otherwise. I'd envisioned a traditional black leather outfit. But this so much more original and it really harmonizes with my golden fur color. I thank you."

Returning to his bed he reached into a secret drawer in the foot board and when he stood up again he was holding a slave collar and leash. "But that's not going to save you from your lessons my pet." Then he wagged a finger in Syex's direction indicating that he should approach him.

Syex hesitated a moment and then sighed and crawled across the bed. "Remember, I get your tail when it's my turn."

"Agreed!" Xebassian snapped. "But this is my turn, and we're going to play it my way."

As soon as Syex was within reach Xeba slipped the heavy leather collar around the wuff's neck and fastened it with a small padlock. Yet he did it with such slow gracefulness that the act seemed as sensual as a kiss. Then suddenly Xebassian yanked on Syex's leash pulling him roughly from the bed.

"Come my slave. It is time to learn who your master is." Xebassian's voice had become a harsh, forceful whisper. Low and soft yet strangely commanding with perhaps something of the dangerous. Then Xebassian unexpectedly stepped on the leash and used it to pull Syex down to his hands and knees. "Now you will learn to heel for your master."

Syex grumbled at first but then an evil grin spread across his mouth. "So ya really wanna take a four-legger fer a walk?"

"Whaa?" Xebassian started momentarily puzzled. Then he remembered the huge wuff beast Syex had shown him back when they'd first met. "Don't you dare." He said with a giggle. "That's cheating." Then returned to his masterfully commanding voice, "Now behave yourself wuffie and heel."

Xebassian then led Syex around the bedroom on his hands and knees a couple of times yanking his leash when Syex didn't respond quickly enough. Sometimes he'd sit astride Syex's back and ride him like a horse, using the end of the leather leash like a riding crop. Other times he'd be rubbing his moist sheath into Syex's face. Or reaching beneath him to stroke the wuff's sheath with experienced fingers that titillated and teased. But above all, Xeba had led Syex over to his mirrored wall and there tried out one position after another admiring himself in the mirrors with his pet wuff in various orientations of submission. It was during one of the times that Syex watched Xeba pausing to admire himself in the mirror that the thought occurred to him that this all might be being recorded. The more he thought about it, the more likely it seemed according to the way Xeba kept pausing to pose them in the most dramatic positions. "By the last hair of the ancestors" Syex thought to himself. "If this golden bastard is using him to make a movie . . . maybe he ought to demand actor's wages as well."

They finally stopped in front of Xebassian's gymnasium. "Now my pet, you're going to show me how well you can work out. You see I have a thing for watching sexy guys exercise." Xebassian indicated Syex climb on the first exercise machine and had him sit on the military press bench. As he commanded Syex to begin doing presses, Xebassian began running his fingers around the wuff's shoulders and down his body. As he demanded Syex exert himself more and more Xebassian nuzzled the wuff's chest and abdomen. As he encouraged Syex to work even harder the long snout dropped down to Syex's sheath and began to mouth and lick at it. Xebassian repeatedly promised that he'll only continue to pleasure the wuff as long as Syex kept up his exercises. But Syex was already getting tired and his muscles were beginning to ache. Yet that tongue felt so good and was so expert at drawing out pleasure with every stroke Syex continued to push himself hoping he'll cum soon so he could stop. When Syex began to complain he couldn't do another press, Xebassian gripped his thighs and shouted keep going or I stop. Then he clamped his jaws around Syex's erect and throbbing shaft and his long tongue began to seriously work itself along the whole length of the wuff's pride. As Syex became more desperate to keep going Xeba worked more frantically at his maleness sometimes opening his jaws so wide that Syex could feel himself entering the orzoy's throat. Finally Syex's burning rage reached its climax and he felt himself flooding the hot slick maw which momentarily bulged out its cheeks. Then Xebassian swallowed and proceeded to clean up the rest of Syex's crotch with his tongue.

Syex was left panting so hard from his exertions his wuff tongue lolled out the side of his mouth. "That was very good for your first time." Xebassian said standing up and licking his lips. "You're very tasty as well." Then he was pulling Syex up by the leash again. "But now it's time for the next act."

Xebassian moved Syex from the exercise machine to a bench press giving the wuff a snap on the backside with the end of the leather leash when he didn't move fast enough. But just as Syex was thinking his arms were too tired to do anymore exercises for a while Xebassian had him lay belly down on the bench and told him to grip the uprights with his hands. Syex did as he asked realizing it put him in the perfect position for mounting and for someone who got off on guys exercising this was probably the ultimate sex position. Looking at their reflections in the mirrored wall Syex saw Xebassian come up behind him readied himself to be invaded. But then the orzoy unexpectedly clamped handcuffs on his wrists chaining him to the bench.

"Hey now, what are you planning here? You're not going to . . ." But Xebassian put a finger on Syex's muzzle.

"It's the next part of my little game. And the most important part for me. I beg you not to jack out or do an auto-home recall on your avatar until I've played out the game to its end. I promise you if you'll do this for me I'll do anything you ask or let you do anything you want to me. And I do mean anything. But only if you let me do whatever I want to you. Do you understand?"

Syex nodded although with growing concern that he wasn't going to like what's about to happen next. Xebassian stood up and slowly stretched, arching his back and spreading his wings while making sure that Syex was able to watch him in the mirrored wall.

Then the orzoy began to prance and sashay about and a moment later the room was filled with a deep throbbing beat. The beat was joined by a melody of instruments that could be described as downright sassy. Next the lights in the room went out and were replaced by the eerie glow of black lights and laser driven light shows.

Then Xebassian made an elaborate gesture towards the mirrored wall and the wall opened up. The panels became doors that swung open to reveal a neatly concealed S&M dungeon. Xebassian went to stand before of his dungeon in front of where Syex lay chained to the bench. Parts of the interior of the dungeon were painted to glow in black light and arranged to produce strikingly ominous contrasts between that which glowed and that which remained black. Then whole time Xebassian never stopped dancing. Every sensual move he made was in time with the music and the black light seemed to make his golden fur gleam with inner radiance.

Syex had become so captivated by the show that Xebassian was putting on that he didn't catch it that the orzoy had picked up a bull whip. Xebassian danced back behind where Syex lay chained and since the mirrored walls were open he couldn't really see what the orzoy was up to. So it came as a complete surprise when Xebassian brought the whip down on his backside with all his strength. Syex shrieked in pain and struggled to pull free.

"Hey that hurt dammit!" Syex yelled but Xebassian only brought the whip down again and again. As Syex began to yell at the top of his lungs that he'd had enough Xebassian only yelled back; "Remember your promise! Remember your promise!" Meanwhile Xebassian was wailing the hell out of Syex's backside and back and legs.

Syex thought if he could only activate his PCC he could turn his pain receptors off and this wouldn't be a problem. But his hands were bound to where he couldn't even reach his activation key. What was worse is with every strike Xebassian seemed to become wilder and more unhinged. Making things even worse the orzoy had begun to giggle uncontrollably. It was a high-pitched insane sound, more likened to the bone-chilling laugh of the hyena.

At one point Syex managed to catch a brief glimpse of the orzoy in the flash of the light show that bathed them both. In that moment he saw the wild-eyed face of a crazed maniac. He could swear that Xebassian was also drooling as well. Syex realized this had gone beyond simple pain he was experiencing sheer agony. He wondered just how much more of this treatment he could stand before he was forced to jack out. His answer came when Xebassian suddenly threw himself on top of the trapped wuff. Syex first had the breath knocked out of him as he was body slammed. But then he felt the whip wrap around his throat and with Xebassian's insane giggling right in his ear the orzoy began to strangle him.

Syex suddenly couldn't breathe. He also couldn't reach his activation key to jack himself out of his avatar. He began to truly panic. Because the link between his physical body and his avatar were so strong he knew his real body was likely beginning to suffer as well . Then came the thing one never wants to see in their online existence. His vision began to warning-flash. Angry flashes of red with the words "Critical Error Imminent!" displayed in his vision. This fucker was actually trying to kill him Syex thought and realized his only hope was to command his real body to hit the emergency jack out button. Back in physality Syex knew there was a red button on the armrest of his link couch where his real hand rested. It was a matter of moving one of his fingers approximately a half inch and pressing down. But because of the level of immersion his mind had learned to accept while being plugged into the Grid, it took a supreme effort to perform even so simple an action. What made it a hundred times harder was the mad nightmare that was going on all around him. Not to mention the horrifying sensation that he was dying. He couldn't breathe. . . "I don't want to die!" He strained to send a command to his physical body to press the emergency jack out key. "I don't want to die!" The warning of imminent program crash flashed faster in his vision and was joined by audible alarms that screamed death into his ears.

Then his real finger finally pushed the button and suddenly everything froze in place. Syex experienced that familiar feeling of falling as he jacked out of his avatar. The world became a two-dimensional image on a three-dimensional wrap-around computer screen as Syex awoke from the Grid and was back in his body.

* * *

Awaking back in my real body wasn't as much of a relief as I would've liked. I still gasped and struggled for breath with every fiber of my being. My hands came out of the interfacing gauntlets and tore at the latch on the cover of my link-couch. After an agonizing few seconds I got the lid up and I sat up so fast I nearly threw myself to the floor. Then for long moments I leaned against the lid of my couch trying to convince my lungs that I could actually breathe. My chest heaved and my heart throbbed so hard that it felt like it was going to pound its way right out of my rib cage. After several minutes that felt like forever I was finally able to breathe more or less normally again. It was then that my feelings of sheer terror were replaced by anger. No . . . more then anger, this was rage. Pure blind rage. Rage at the sensations of being trapped and unable to save myself. Rage at the bastard that actually tried to kill me. Rage at anything and everything within reach. I screamed out my fury and exasperation at the spartan walls of the small cubical I called home. In spite of there being just enough room in my home pod to walk around I tore about the tiny room punching the walls and pounding my fists on the lid of my link-couch.

After several minutes of some therapeutic temper management I began to calm down and sat on my couch panting. I understand that the death of an avatar isn't supposed to be able to cause the death of a real body. But dammit all, it sure feels like it can. Oh that cy'fucing bastard! Who does he think he is?

He's nuts that's who. He's a crazy shit-assed psycho. Hellwire! He's into snuff! No wonder he has trouble finding people willing to play with him.

A moment later my door intercom began to buzz and an official sounding voice demanded to know if I was alright. I collected myself and in as calm a voice as I could muster answered saying that everything was fine in here. The Security-Bot outside acknowledged and logged my answer and added the standard warning against disturbing the peace before I heard it wheeling away down the hallway.

I glanced down at my totally naked, nearly white-skinned simian body. Yeah I was all right. But I'd love to make sure that fucked up narcissistic bastard wasn't. Then I tried to clear my mind and consider what I could really do about it. Even if it is just virtual reality. Even if it isn't really happening. It damn sure felt like it was and that was terrifying enough.

Still, after I thought about it for a bit there are a lot of people who are actually into snuff games. And not just those that enjoy the feeling of killing someone but many who for whatever reason like to be killed again and and again. While I personally can't see what they might enjoy about it, I can surmise it's the result of playing in a world where there aren't supposed to be any real consequences. Either for what you do or whatever is done to you. Therefore snuff games aren't against the law. In fact about the only charge I might be able to actually file against him was for the act of non-consensual snuff.

But then I wondered if I could ever make such a charge stick? He could claim that as far as he knew, it had been all consensual right up to the end. And for the majority of it, he'd be absolutely correct. I had gone along with everything he had wanted even to the point of allowing him to tie me up. It was only after he'd turned on all of that loud music and the light show that he really started doing things I was objecting to.

It was around about then that it hit me just how perfectly he'd planned things. With all of that noise and flashing lights in the room even if I managed to get a court order to subpoena the system database logs of the snuff scene, he could easily claim that he never heard my objections. That would end in a he-said-I-said situation. Dammit all to deletion with my luck I'd likely be the one ending up being scolded for not making sure I had safe word established with my playmate.

I leaned back into my link couch to retrieve the remote keyboard and perform a reboot on my avatar when I noticed my message board lit up. It was a message from none other then Xebassian DeBorzak. I felt like just deleting it without even bothering to read it. But then again maybe I'd like to see him try apologizing for his actions. Or maybe even just to see if that narcissistic ego-maniac would even know what an apology is. But what I read turned out to be even more disturbing.

FROM : Xebassian DeBorzak TO : Syex Zandarr STX : My dear, dear, friend wuff. You have no idea how wonderful it has been being able to play with you. I am forever in your debt. I know I got totally carried away and I'm very sorry about that. I can appreciate that you're probably very angry with me. As reparations for my actions remember I have promised you may abuse me in any way you wish. That includes if you wish to beat me up first. I will willingly accept whatever punishment you deem appropriate. Oh and I also have transferred the credits I owed you into your account. Let me know if those sufficiently cover your fees. However I would like to impose one more request upon you if I may. I would really appreciate it if you don't reboot or home-summon your avatar for a little while. I'm having such a good time playing with it, I beg you to just allow me a little more time with it. I look forward to serving you my master wuff upon your return. Loves, Xeba ETX = ^Z

Awww crap! By the last hair of the ancestors! He kills me and then plays with my body? Isn't that like . . . necrophilia? I bury my face in my hands drawing them down my face. Shaking my head in the sheer absurdity of it I reach to reboot my avatar out of his sicko grasp. But then I stop and think about having my way with that beautiful golden body. Do I really want to throw away that chance? After all I made it everything I ever wanted in a lover. About two more times I reach for the reboot switch only to be held back by indecision before finally throwing my hands up. Not only does he represent a good time but he's a big bag of credits. His creds did rescue my business when I'd become convinced it was going to fail. Before I met him I was ready to grubwire almost anything to turn a cred. A good relationship with him means I'll likely be able to get more creds out of him for other projects as well. Okay okay. I'll let the nut case play for a while. After all it isn't actually effecting me and no matter what he does to my avatar it will all be undone the moment I press the avatar reboot button.

At that point I became all philosophical. Probably because it took my mind off of cussing him out some more. I found myself pondering what life must've been like been back in the olden times before the invention of the Gridworld. That cyber-space which freed all of B'obomankind from the constraints and limitations of our sad physical forms and opened up worlds of truly unlimited possibilities.

While engaging myself in useless trains of thought to relax my mind I stood up, deciding that perhaps this would be a really good time to have some food. It usually makes me feel better to have a full stomach. A real full stomach that is. Just beside my link-chair I took a seat on the evac stool and folded down the cheerfully orange-colored dinner table in front of me. Then as my body relieved itself I chose a 'level four' meal from the food dispenser which slid a large sealed tray of steaming nourishment onto my dinner table. Opening the colorfully decorated carton and pulling back the plastic film I broke apart the provided plastic eating utensils and hungrily dug into what the packaging claimed to be meat steak with mushroom gravy. Personally I doubted any of us knows what a real steak is as I scooped up spoonfuls of the small grey cubes covered in a brown sauce. More likely these were processed insect mash or maybe some laboratory grown animal proteins. Still it was a familiar taste that produced a satisfying sensation on my tongue. The partition containing the dark green paste likewise made claims to be some delicious wild plants but was probably just the usual algae and seaweed. As was the section of my tray that boasted it was fruit while in truth the gelatinous bright red goo was at best some concentrated fruit juices mixed with plant starches to thicken it. Besides, everyone knows that cherries are green, and not red.

I finished my meal which finally satisfied my body's needs and sat enjoying a brown-colored, sugar-packed energy drink the packaging called "Cofftea". As I sat relaxing I heard some vehicle roll up and stop at my pod. A moment later my door-lert pinged that there had been some new deliveries that would need putting away. So I activated the auto-wash on the evac seat and when it was finished and my posterior had been blown dry I got up and went to the front of my pod where I unlatched the door and poked my head out into the hallway. My public suit hung on the hook by the door and I should have put it on before leaving my pod. But with a quick glance up and down the rows of other pods that shared this level of the Compartment complex in which I lived I determined no one else seemed to be out and about at the moment. So I decided could cheat and step out of my pod without dressing in order to retrieve my packages. I knew I was taking a real chance considering the strictness of our indecent exposure laws. Ironic laws they were because in spite of the fact that it was often perfectly all right to be completely naked in the Grid, it was considered highly indecent to show even the slightest uncovered skin in real life. The bottom line . . . we B'obomen don't like being reminded what we really look like.

Confident I wouldn't be seen in the short time it would take to pick up a couple of boxes I stepped out of my Home Pod into the corridor. There I could hear the reassuring sounds of electricity humming in the many transformers in the compartment as it flowed into all the pods that shared the space with mine. That and the comforting sound of the constant rush of wind through the air scrubbing system. I reached down and picked up the small package from the top of the pile of boxes to ensure it was indeed addressed to me.

"ZXX-333, yup, that's yours truly."

As I bent down to pick up my stack of packages I happened to glance out of the big window at the end of the corridor. My pod was next to the last before the window and I could just make out the other building that stood across the street from my building through the omnipresent smog. It made me pause to remember all of those stories I'd read growing up about how in the olden days many ages ago you could actually go outside without a enviro-suit and the air wasn't toxic. But then I corrected myself that I didn't need to stand here and wonder about what it was like back then. If I wanted to walk through that world of open blue skies beneath the soft golden-white light of the sun of Erthoba I could simply log into the Gridspace where my fellow Animancers have recreated the experience down to the slightest details. In fact it was only because this compartment complex is one of the oldest in the city that it has any windows at all. You don't need to put windows into building if there's never anything to see but grey smog so thick you can't even see the street below the window or any of the auto-transports moving along it. That this old building had windows wasn't what really amazed me though, but rather that there were cleaner-bots out there that still bothered to keep the windows clean . . .Why?

My moments of reflection was suddenly interrupted when I heard the door on pod ZXX-332 next door start to unlatch. I quickly ducked back into my own pod and slammed the door shut behind me. I didn't need to face the stiff fine for being outside my pod and not decently covered.

Back inside the sanctity of my personal pod I opened my packages and stored the each of the contents in the appropriate cupboards and refilled the dispensers. Then I stuffed the empty boxes along with my dinner tray into the waste chute and folded up the dinner table and pushed the evac seat back into its receptacle.

As I again took my position on my link-coach, I decided that the full stomach had put me into a much better mood. As I reinserted my feet into the control boots and wrapped my long toes about the controls I found myself thinking that perhaps instead of being mad with Xebassian for what he did to me to instead use that to my advantage. After all he is promising he'll do anything I want. It's like the old saying; Don't get mad, get even. And I believe I know the perfect way.

Perhaps it's time for mister golden boy to learn he's not the only one with a nasty fetish. So with an particularly evil grin on my face I pulled the Interface lid back down over my head. But instead of logging back into my Avatar, I set myself for a couple of hours of sleep mode after programming my interfacing command to full auto-reboot my avatar upon log in. Then I set my alarm for the next morning cycle and hit the sleep mode switch. As electromagnetic radiation flooded my brain I faded off into dreamland.

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