Crazy Paranormal Chapter 1

Story by short1 on SoFurry

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I was sleeping peacefully until my alarm clock started going off. I groan and rolled over onto my stomach and presses snooze and goes back to sleep. Five minutes later I heard my mom yelling at me. "Victoria! It's time to get up you're going to be late for your first day at school," At that statement I jumped up out of bed and got changed into a cute little dress that I got yesterday. It took forever to find something that I actually liked in this small little town.

I moved into Nightshade a few days ago from California. Nightshade was a spooky little town with with lots of woods. The sun is hidden behind all of the trees and clouds here. It's really humid here though and I hate it. California describes me very well. I like The sun, ocean and everything that's there. I have a really good tan, which I know will be gone in about a week. I had a few friends there but they were mostly side friends, since they had other friends. I did have a few crushes but my feelings for them always faded away. My father died a few weeks ago. I shut down after that and hardly talked to anyone. He was my best friend and father at the same time. So my mom decided to start that we all needed a fresh and decided to move here in Nightshade.

After I'm done getting changed and doing my hair, I run downstairs and grab an apple. I turn to my mom and kisses her cheek and starts to head for the door.

"No, come back here and eat a full breakfast." Mom said in a stern voice. I groan, "But mom, I'm going to be late, I'll eat a full breakfast tomorrow, I promise."

"Alright, have a good day at your new school. Make new friends!" ,she yelled. "I'll try!" I yelled back and head for the door.

As I walk out of my driveway I found footprints that belong to a wolf, a really big wolf. I feel that someone is watching and I look around and into the woods and a shiver goes down my back. I shook my head and started walking to school.

Once I reach the school, I go into the front office to get my schedule. I ring the little bell that was sitting on the counter. A young woman, about twenty-four comes walking out to the counter. "Hi, may I help- wait your the new student right? Well I have your schedule right here." She hands me my schedule but still looks at me smiling.

"Thanks." I head out for my first period class. I go into a few wrong classes until I reach my destination. I walk in and the teacher and students look at me. I keep my head down and walk to the teacher an hands him a paper and sits down on the front seat, the only available seat that was there. The teacher starts teaching again and the students put their attentions back to the teacher. I kept my head down for the rest of the period.

An hour later, the bell rang and I gather my stuff and went out of the classroom. I go to my next period and sit down in the back. All of the students come piling in, all laughing and having a good time. I watch them, tears stinging my eyes, wanting to be just like them again but I can't, I can't be happy anymore. I keep watching them until they get in their seats, well at least most of them did. The girl that wasn't sitting was standing over my desk. This girl had long flowing blonde hair, blue eyes, and a petite body, average height. So my instincts are saying that she the popular one. Also, the mean one. I could tell from the disgust I could see on her face. "What do you think you're doing in my seat?" Sho looked down at me.

I look up at her, my eyes not showing any emotions. "I'm sitting down." She looks even more disgusted, if that's possible. "Well then get out." I sigh and look down, getting my stuff out and ready to go for class. "What do you think you're doing?"

I look back at her. "What do you think? I'm getting my stuff out for class, now could you please get out of my face?" If looks could kill, I would've been dead three minutes ago. The teacher comes in and the girl sits in the seat up front. She looks back and glares a me and turns around to the front of the classroom. All of her friends were staring at me like they could not believe that I talked back at her. In the middle of the class, something hits my hand and lands on the ground. I pick it up and open it up.

"_Watch your back, new girl, she'll hunt you down until she breaks you into pieces." _

I look around to see who threw it, but found no one suspicious. I sigh, _A great way to start a first day at school. _

Thirty minutes later, the bell rang. I quickly gather my stuff again and walks to my locker to get my materials for the next class. I close my locker and turns around and my eyes found really pretty hazel eyes. Neither of us could look away, so we just kept staring at each other. His friends followed his gaze and looked at me. The warning bell rang and I blinked and shook my head. The hazel eyed guy was really handsome and athletic looking. He started walking towards me, but I turned around and walked to my next class. _He's really hot, _I thought. My third period hour was my favorite, art. I'm a really talented artist. My dad was the one who inspired me, before he died.

Class started, and the teacher was taking role. The door opened and came in was the hazel eyed guy. I look down before he could see me. But it was too late, he saw me and went to sit on the other side of the room. I kept taking little glances at him, while we were drawing the basic stuff. I glanced at him and couldn't look away. He caught me glancing at him and gave me a disgusted look, the same one that the blonde girl did. It hurt me for some reason. Like a tug at my heart. I looked away and just kept drawing, but I couldn't get that look out of my mind. _What did I do wrong? _The teacher asked if we could pass our drawings up and to start drawing a more complicated picture.To get him out of my mind, I drew something that wasn't part of the assignment. I drew my dad, the last happy moment I saw before he dropped dead. He was cooking and with a women's apron on, which we couldn't stop laughing at. His face looked really happy and healthy. But deep down he knew that he wasn't healthy.

Tears threatened to break through but I wouldn't let them. I finished my drawing and walked up to turn it in. She looked at it and said, "Victoria? Please stay after class for a little while, I have something to discuss with you." I sighed, knowing that I would get in trouble for drawing something else, other than the assignment we were supposed to do. "Yes ma'am"

A few minutes later, the bell rang for lunch and I packed up but stayed by her desk while she waits for everyone to leave. After the last student was out and the door was closed, she grabbed my drawing. "I just want to see if you wanted to enter the drawing contest that we're having next week. I know it's short notice but I was just wondering if you wanted to compete because this drawing is incredible." I felt pride throughout my whole body. "Oh um, well yes, I think i could manage to put something together. Thank you so much."

She smiled at me and I walked out the classroom. I walked to my locker to put my stuff away and grabbed my lunch. I heard giggling and deep laugh down the hall. I looked over and found that the blonde girl was all over a guy. I looked more closely and saw that it was the hazel eyed guy. I stared at them, my heart broken. I don't know why, but it hurt to watch them but I couldn't look away. The girl's back was turned towards me, but the guy saw me and stared while he was sucking on her neck. I stared back, not being able to look away. I hadn't realized that tears were falling down until I tasted them. I blinked and wiped them away. I closed my locker and took a deep breathe and walked passed them. I could tell that the guy saw my wet cheeks. He started to pull away but the girl wouldn't let go. He pushed her off. "Get the fuck off Britney." Ah, so Britney's her name. It suits her.

*Please comment if you have any questions or you just want to say stuff. Thanks!*