Break A Leg Chapter Three

Story by Marcus Noble on SoFurry

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#3 of Break A Leg

"Break A Leg"

By Marcus Noble

Cassandra makes a surprise visit. Feel free to leave me feedback via e-mai or AIM.

Chapter 3

Marcus was sitting on the couch of his living room, the smell of the microwave popcorn coming from the kitchen. It was Monday night, which meant that WWE RAW was going to be on. This was the main reason that Marcus wanted to not work singing at the club on Monday, Friday, and Saturday. He never wanted to miss wrestling. After the microwave timer went off and Marcus poured the popcorn into a plastic bowl, he heard a knock at the door. He sighed and shook his head, RAW was about to start and the last thing he wanted was to have to deal with a salesman and miss any of it. So he sat down on his couch and ignored the caller at the door. After turning on the T.V. the knocking grew louder as a familiar voice came from behind the door. "Open the damn door Marcus!" came a firm, yet effeminate voice.

Marcus jumped up from the couch and made a mad dash for the door. He opened it slowly and trying to look cool, ran a paw through his hair. But the blush on his face was still very evident. "Hey there sweetie." Cassandra stood in the doorway, her back resting against the frame as she crossed her arms and rested them on her waist. "You gonna let me in? Or do you think I look better like this?" She winked at him. Marcus shook his head and stepped to the side and she walked in, heading right for the kitchen. Marcus closed the door and followed in behind her as he talked. "So what brings you up to my place tonight?" Cassandra had already opened the fridge; she was leaning over and teasingly shaking her ass at him as she was looking at the sodas. "Wrestling is on tonight, so I figured that I'd join you and see what it was all about." She turned around, holding a coke in each paw and shut the door with her hip. She tossed one of the cokes to him and he caught it flawlessly. "Allright then, but I have just one rule." Cassandra popped open her can and walked past him as she asked "And what is that?" After all the teasing and hints that Cassandra was giving him, he had to lay this rule down, as a way to tell her that he wasn't ready yet. "The rule is, no fucking." Marcus said firmly and took a seat on the couch, popping open his can of coke.

"I wouldn't dream of it, not on the first date." She sat down next to him and grabbed a handful of popcorn. As she ate it he said, "Well I guess this could be a date, it is just us two here." She nodded and looked to the T.V. as the RAW theme music hit. Through the two hours of the program she just stayed silent and watched figuring that Marcus didn't want to spend the entire time answering her questions. Besides, Cassandra was too busy staring at the guys in tights grabbing each other. She went through the can of coke very quickly just to keep herself cool and calm. Marcus' voice running through her head the whole night "One rule, no fucking!" Well if she can't go for a lustful approach, maybe something more romantic would work. But Marcus was way ahead of her.

Marcus knew that Cassandra was dropping some major hints last time they were together. But being somewhat naive, he needed a French kiss, a crotch grope, and a sexual innuendo about dessert to let him know how she felt. So at about the halfway point of the program, Marcus wrapped her right paw around Cassandra's left paw. She smiled and kept her eyes on the T.V. pretending not to notice. Their grip was strong and firm, evident of their physical training. "I do agree with what you said at the club. About knowing how I feel when it comes to losing in relationships." Cassandra had sort of a blank look on her face, but then she remembered what she told him at the club when they first met. "But how you could tell with my eyes.." He stopped and firmly gripped her paws with his own. "I can tell with your paws." Her face was still blank and lost in what he said. "Your paws are strong, but reluctant. Why is that?" She looked down and sighed, moving her paws down to her lap and then looked at the T.V. "Are you taping this?" Marcus nodded and turned off the T.V. figuring he was in for a long story.


It was June, last year. Marcus hadn't moved into the apartment building yet, and was in college, living with his parents. But Cassandra had just moved in, her master at the dojo knew the landlord and was able to get her a good deal on a one-bedroom apartment. After moving the last of the cardboard boxes into the living room, Cassandra plopped down onto the floor and wiped the sweat off her brow. She didn't want to pay for movers to get her stuff out of the truck. She was strong enough to get it on her own, or so she thought. She struggled with it for about an hour but managed to get all the boxes into her apartment without damaging anything in them. Like the other apartments in the building, it was unfurnished except for a washer and dryer in a closet adjacent to the kitchen area. Across the kitchen area was the bathroom, and down the hall from them was the bathroom. The living room area had the only key locked door in the apartment, which lead out to the stairwell, which then led outside.

Cassandra heard a knock on her door and sighed, shaking her head. She hadn't even moved in for five minutes and a salesman was bothering her. She heard the knock growing a bit louder and she slowly stood up, walking to the door and looking through the peephole. It wasn't a salesman at all. It was a purely black furred wolf, or a fox maybe? Some sort of canine that was so tall he had to hunch over a bit to look back through the peephole of the door. He was dressed very casually in blue jeans and a bright red colored U.S.A. shirt. He knocked on the door again and he whispered softly to himself "She has to be here, I just saw her go inside." Not wanting to be rude, Cassandra opened the door and smiled at him. "Hello. Sorry about making you wait. I was moving some of my stuff into the bedroom and it was so noisy I didn't hear you at first." He was a wolf, which was evident by the solid black fur covering his entire body, even his tail, which swished back and forth as he spoke, a small smile crossing his muzzle. "It's no problem. I saw the moving truck outside when I came home from work. Figured you might need help." He then looked around the living room at the stacks of boxes. "But you seem to have handled it quite well yourself." Cassandra chuckled and blushed, rubbing the back of her head. "Well I practice martial arts you see, so I want to keep up my strength." The wolf nodded and held out his paw to her. "Well let's test your grip, I'm Ryan Blackwood" She firmly shook Ryan's paw, even though his was bigger, hers was stronger.

"You do have a strong grip. But so do I." Ryan gripped her paw back just as firmly before letting go. "I train too. I do boxing training over at the gym downtown." Cassandra nodded and walked past Ryan and out into the hallway, closing the door behind her. "I'd like to talk more, but I have to get the truck back to the rental place before it closes." "Well how about I follow you there so I can bring you back. And if you're hungry we can get something to eat on the way." Cassandra suddenly stopped in her tracks, and flawlessly spinned on her heels to look at him, "Are you asking me out Mr. Blackwood? We only just met." Ryan gulped nervously and pulled the collar back on his shirt to ease his heavy breathing. "You can think of it however you want miss, I really just want to do a favor for my new neighbor. Besides, you haven't told me your name either." She giggled and stuck her tongue out at him, before then walking back towards him. "It's Cassandra Rosslyn. But please call me Cassandra." Ryan grinned; this was the score of the century. Not only was this new girl that just moved in really hot, but also she was falling for his trick easier than he thought. "Okay then Cassandra, so is that yes or no on my generous offer?" She put a finger to her chin, pretending to think. But she already knew the answer as soon as he asked. "Sure, you're the first in the building to talk to me anyway." "Oh don't worry about that, the other tenants are working couples. So they're at their jobs right now. As for me, I work from early morning to about early afternoon. So I usually go home after my lunch." Ryan said as he opened the door leading outside. "After you Miss Rosslyn."

They drove to the truck rental shop, and then Ryan took her to an Olive Garden restaurant downtown. Cassandra looked over the menu, occasionally trying to catch a glimpse of Ryan's eyes. She was feeling a bit wary now. He had been eyeing her suspiciously while she was in the car, as if imagining her with her clothes off. She shook the thought from her head immediately. The guy was just being nice right? I mean he hadn't tried to touch her yet, not even to hug her. She went back to looking over the menu, just wanting to enjoy the company of this polite young man. She ordered the seafood alfredo and a glass of red wine, she didn't bother trying to pronounce the name of it, it was way too hard. He ordered the chicken parmigana and a coke. "So how did you get so strong?" Cassandra asked him. Ryan smiled as the waiter came back with their drinks; he took a sip before speaking. "Well I am an amateur boxer, and a boxing trainer as well." He did a few small jabs into the air, and Cassandra just giggled. "Well I work as a martial arts trainer at the kitsune dojo. I work with kids, business people, and just about anybody that's willing to learn. I've only started a few months ago though."

Then the waiter came out with their meal. They only talked a bit about their interests, but they didn't seem to have anything in common besides their interest in physical training. Too full from desert, Ryan paid for the dinner and they headed back for his car. "That was lovely Ryan. Thank you very much." Cassandra gave him a smile as she got into the car. "You're welcome Cassandra. But we aren't done yet." Ryan gave her a playful wink and she just blushed as he drove them home. They arrived at the apartment building and it was quiet. The families that lived there were probably sitting down for dinner about now. Cassandra stopped in front of the door of her apartment and Ryan quickly wrapped his arms around her in a firm hug. "ohhh Ryan, this is only the first date." She grinned and cooed softly. "Well with how timid you're acting, I would imagine that a lot of things we'll do tonight would be the first for you. " Ryan whispered softly as he pressed his lips to hers in a kiss.

Cassandra didn't like where this was going. The kiss she was in wasn't a passionate and loving one, it was more powerful, more forceful than she expected. But in a way, she wasn't sure what exactly to expect. She had never been kissed by a guy on the lips, and as Ryan guessed, she'd never made love with a guy before either. She pushed him away and looked away from him. "I don't want this Ryan, I'm not ready. I'm Sorry." She turned around and unlocked her door, slowly opening it and setting a foot inside before she was stopped. Ryan grabbed her left wrist and held onto it tightly, not wanting to let go. He grinned at her and pulled her into his arms again, hugging her tight, very tight, constricting her breathing. She twisted and turned against his arms, yelping out to try to call for help, but he quickly clasped a paw over her mouth. As she struggled against him, he pushed her into her apartment, quickly following in and securing the door behind him. Cassandra could see where this was going, and she wasn't going to have it. She slowly rose to her feet and took a defensive stance. "Sorry Ryan, but if you want me, you'll have to fight for it." Then, as if on cue, a clap of thunder came from outside along with a flash of lighting showing from outside the living room window, a sign of the events to come. Ryan cracked his knuckles and took his traditional boxing stance, gently bouncing from one foot to the other. He then threw out his right arm about halfway towards her, but then quickly came forward towards her face with the left.

Cassandra caught both of his paws in her own, sneered at him and gave him a swift, and strong kick to the chest. The sound of a soft crack echoed from the impact of her foot. Ryan stumbled back and coughed loudly, placing a paw to his mouth to cover it. He felt his mouth and then looked at his paw. Blood, he coughed up blood. "You bitch, you broke my ribs!" She spat at him and gave him a look as if daggers were shooting out of her eyes. "If you don't leave now, I'll break a few other things too." Ryan gave her a sneer of his own and grabbed an object from the pocket of his pants. It was an emerald green color, and was somewhat rectangular in shape. With a flick of his wrist, a blade flipped out, it had a bright sheen to it and was about three inches in length. Without warning, Ryan lunged at her at full speed with the knife sticking out in front of him. Cassandra quickly dived to the right, but the knife caught her left side as she fell to the floor. She felt her side with her right paw, she was scratched, and her shirt was torn open, becoming slightly stained with the blood coming from the wound. It wasn't a deep scratch, but the pain was moving from her side, and through her body. She then remembered the first thing the dojo master had taught her. In a life-threatening situation, you can use the adrenaline rush to your advantage, to get your opponent off guard when they think they've won. She felt the adrenaline coursing through her veins, as she fell to her knees, her head seeming to fall towards the ground along with the rest of her body. Ryan then walked over toward her, an evil grin on his face as he still firmly held the knife in his paw, Cassandra's blood still dripping off it. "You'll pay for defying me you little bitch!" He yelled out to her as he quickly brought the knife down toward her head.

Cassandra wasn't going to die, not at the hands of this son of a bitch. With the adrenaline going through her body, she brought her paws up to Ryan's arms, stopping the knife about an inch above her head. Holding both of them firmly as she slowly stood up. Then with a determined look on her face, she planted another hard kick on the same spot of Ryan's chest where she kicked him before. He cried out in pain, as if his ribs were breaking again. She then quickly grabbed his right arm, the one holding the knife and gave his forearm a hard strike with her left palm, feeling part of it shatter from the impact. The knife then fell to the ground at their feet. Ryan tried to go for a hook with his left paw after the other one shattered, but Cassandra stopped that one easily with her own left paw. She then grabbed the knife with her right paw and held it at his face and he quickly backed off. But it was just a bluff. He then went to give her another left hook. She saw it coming and then kicked his right kneecap, brining him to his knees before she planted the knife into his left kneecap. He fell to his knees, beaten, bloody, and bruised, as he pulled the knife from his knee, letting it fall at Cassandra's feet. He struggled to put his paws together to beg, despite the pain from his shattered forearm. "pp....please...fff forgive me!". She picked up the knife as she felt the adrenaline beginning to thin out of her system. Taking the same position that he did before with the knife. "You don't deserve to be forgiven." She then brought the knife down quickly, but stopped about half an inch above his head, flipping the blade back into the handle. "Hope you enjoy prison, fucker!" She said firmly as she brought the knife down hard onto the top of his head, knocking him out, his body falling flat to the floor.


Marcus was riveted by this tale, not only was this woman strong, but she took down a man larger than herself. "So what happened then?" Cassandra actually smiled as she reached this part of the story. She hadn't told anyone about what happened in so long, that it was nice that someone was actually willing to listen without lecturing her about what she should have done. "Well I called 911, and he was arrested, and put in a prison hospital. He had two fractured ribs, a broken arm, and a partially shattered kneecap. As for me, the knife wound wasn't that serious, just a small scratch and a few stitches. We both showed up in court, but Ryan pleaded guilty and the judge gave him fifteen years without the possibility of parole." Marcus smiled at her and leaned back in his couch. "Well I'm sure after the beating you gave him, he won't be going anywhere near you even after he gets out." Cassandra nodded and moved closer, rubbing a paw over his leg. "Yeah, and as I'm sure you can tell, you're the first guy I've gotten close to since that happened. You're a nice guy Marcus, I like you." He smiled and gently scritched her ears with his paw, his toes wiggling a bit as she rubbed his legs. "Thanks Cassandra, you're really nice, and if you don't mind me saying so, kind of sexy too." He smiled as he said this, but this time, he didn't blush, feeling more determined. She giggled and slowly moved her paw up her leg, eyeing the bulge in his pants. "And so are you Marcus, especially in these tight jeans." She cooed to him softly, as she gripped the bulge in her paws, giving it a soft squeeze.

"Ohhhhh now Cassandra, you remember the rule don't you?" He could see where this was going, but he didn't say this because he wasn't interested in having sex with Cassandra, but because he wanted to see where playing coy would get him. She seemed to be very smart and clever, he wanted to see how she would get around the rule he laid down earlier, no fucking. "Oh I know the rule, but I've figured a way around that." She leaned forward and softly kissed his lips, moving a paw to the zipper of his pants and slowly pulling it down. Marcus kissed her back his tongue wiggling against hers as he thrust the growing bulge into her paw. "That's it Marcus, give into the lust you're feeling." She continued to grin and moved down onto the floor, staying on her knees. She pulled Marcus' pants down to his feet and then onto the floor, exposing the navy blue briefs he was wearing. He looked down at her and blushed softly, this was the first time a woman had seen him naked, well almost naked, since his last girlfriend, and that was about half a year ago. Cassandra smiled and gently tickled his legs with her fingers, and as Marcus chuckled, he moved his legs to dangle off the side of the couch. "Never thought you were a briefs guy." She said as she slowly continued to move her paws up his legs. Marcus wasn't sure what to think of this, he did feel insecure about many things, especially about sexual things. "Well I've worn them all my life, they're very comfortable." She gave the bulge in his briefs a firm squeeze and felt it grow in her grasp, she then wrapped her thumbs around the waistband of the briefs and slowly pulled them down. His thick, red, half hard member springing forth into the air as Cassandra went back down to the floor, staying on her knees.

She eyed his member and leaned forward, letting her tongue hanging out of her mouth as she wrapped a paw around it. She squeezed the throbbing length until it was fully hard; it grew to about seven inches in length, and half an inch in thickness. She spread his legs apart and moved her head closer, very slowly to tease him, moving her tongue closer as well. "Cassandra, what about the rule?" Marcus managed to moan out. Cassandra's slow movements making him want it even more. "This isn't fucking Marcus, it's third base. And please, call me Cassie." As she finished speaking, Cassie laid her tongue against the head of Marcus' throbbing member, giving it a soft lick. She hummed softly and gave it another lick; Marcus moaned out and arched his back, his cock throbbing back against the licks as warm pre leaking out of his tip. She gave it another lick and then looked up at him. "How long has it been?" Marcus then blushed again and thought for a moment. "About six months, that's when my last girlfriend left me. But she's not as good as you are." The blush faded from his face as he finished speaking. She then opened her mouth and moved it towards the tip of his member "Let me show you how good I can be." That was the last thing she said before wrapping her lips around his member, gently sucking on it. She then began sucking on it harder and harder, bobbing her head as she felt Marcus thrust into her mouth. The pleasure of her sucking was moving through his body as Marcus continued his slow, but deep thrusts, feeling himself quickly getting close to his climax, more pre leaking out of his member and into her mouth, his sac quickly tightening. She moved her right paw to his sac and gave it a firm squeeze; the pre continuously flowing into her mouth told her that he was close. She gave it another hard squeeze, which drove him over the edge. He gave a hard thrust into the back of her throat, shooting his hot, thick ferret cum into her. Then liquid shot into the back of her throat and into her stomach. She sucked it down until she felt it stop, and then slowly pulled off his member, letting it fall limply between his legs. The organ now soaked in her saliva.

Marcus laid back against the couch, his fur covered in sweat, breathing heavily as he was very exhausted now. "I'm sorry I was so quiet." He said between heavy breaths. Cassie just giggled and wiped her mouth with her left wrist. "It's okay sweety, these walls aren't entirely soundproof anyway." She rose to her feet, and gently patted his right thigh. "I'll be right back. You don't mind if I use your shower do you?" He shook his head and just laid there on the bed, watching her as she went into the bathroom. After he rested up, Marcus went into his bedroom and changed his clothes, putting on an Otakon 2005 shirt and a pair of blue sweat pants. He could hear the water still running in the shower, along with a voice softly singing. He smiled and went back into the living room, it was 11:30 p.m. and RAW had ended about twenty minutes ago. He grabbed the remote from the table in front of the couch, and pressed the button to rewind the tape, taking the spot that he had previously on the couch. Shortly afterward, the water coming from the shower stopped, and Cassie stepped into the living room wearing Marcus' green bathrobe. "Catching up on what you missed?" She giggled and took the seat next to him. "Well Cassie, I don't like to miss my wrestling. But you gave me some entertainment that was a lot more exciting." She smiled and kissed his lips softly. "You know, tomorrow is open mic night at the Whole Rest Club. I could see about getting you a spot to sing a song or two if you're interested." Cassie wondered where this came from, but she realized that she was singing in the shower and Marcus must have heard her. "Sure, I wouldn't mind giving it a go. As long as I get some time with you afterward in the dressing room." She gave him a sultry wink. "Well I'm sure I could pull a few strings." He smiled and rested a paw on her leg, then pressing the play button on the VCR remote. "Now let's pick up where we left off."

Feel free to leave feeback via e-mail or contact me via AIM, JimFoxhart