
Story by Scan on SoFurry

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"You're always so serious", she said. So, I tried something happy and I hope funny. If it's not, well, maybe I am too serious. Warning: This story contains sexual intercourse between males with underage appearance. Who can't stand that should scamper away now. I quite like Elmer, so if any artist reads this and likes it, I'd like to request a drawing of him. Share and Enjoy!

  • * * "It's getting late," Kyle said. "We should head home." The boys walked over the old way through the woods. It was not a very warm afternoon, in fact it had rained not too long ago. The boys had been at the river, sitting and playing, getting a bit muddy. Now they were heading back into the town, a suburban shelter. Kyle was just an average fourteen year old boy. Little did he know about what would happen with the decision he just took, as he said: "I got to piss. Go on, I'll keep up." "Yeah yeah, whatever," his friend said. Kyle went off the path, behind some bushes, undid the zip and sighed in relief. While relieving himself, he looked around, and in the corner of his eyes he caught something strange. It almost looked like an entrance. He finished the job and wondered if he should call for his friends. He thought it'd be okay to take a look without them. Behind a thick layer of vegetation, he could see a cave, just barely high enough for him to crouch into. Since Kyle was not a scared boy, he brushed the bushes away and crouched into the hole. It was not deep, but dark in the dim light of the autumn afternoon. There seemed to be a curve. What Kyle first thought to be a reflection of the dusk sky turned out to be a light. The human did not make a shadow when crouching towards it. Behind the curve, he gasped. It was a bright glow, blinding him, and while his eyes got used to it, he fell with a cry. He found himself in a room. There was earth all around him, held my tree roots and similar things. But Kyle did not have an eye for those. In the room's centre, he saw a heart. At first his mind refused to accept it, but it was an organ, a heart, as he had seen it in some documentaries. It was conserved, in a kind of small glass tube, held by veins and other kinds of anatomy â€" Kyle never had spend much attention in biology class. It was connected to a skull on the top of the tube. The glass was pretty thin and shimmered in a soft blue. The skull did not look human, but Kyle could not really focus on that. But the fact that scared him out of his mind was that the heart was pumping. It was a very slow, but steady rhythm. Bum... Bum... Bum... nothing more but a whisper, yet it made to fill the room and the insides of Kyle's head. He stepped close, mouth agape, and touched the glass. It was warm, like a body. As he came even closer, he stumbled over a root. His hands pressed the glass, and he screamed in terror as he heard the glass cracking and shatter. Kyle quickly retreated his arms, but some shards scratched over his skin. He did not touch the organ, but some drops of his blood fell on it. Frightened the boy crawled backwards as the heart suddenly started to pump faster. The rate quickly arose, faster than a human heart could beat, and all the blood lines began to grow. Like a creeping plant, the roots grew longer and met the boundaries of the tube soon. The glass shattered and the shatters dissolved. Flesh started to grow out of the veins, muscles, bones, a skin crawled over it, forming a body. Kyle wished his heart would stop trying to spring out of his chest, even though he could understand its wish to get away. He stared at the... thing getting born. The skin grew hairs, all over it, a thick fur coat, entirely black. The light went away, and it became quiet in the cave. It was some sort of animal. The head looked canid. Yet it was humanly shaped. Arms and legs... a tail... it lay there, curled up, not moving. The boy gasped out loud as it started to move. Brown eyes stared at him, as if trying to figure out what he was. Kyle did the same, and the scene froze. Until it spoke. "Hello," it said. "You are my new master?" "Away!" Kyle screamed as the thing crawled towards him. "I don't understand. Did I do something wrong?" An animal face was just inches away from his. Kyle felt a root in his back, he had retreated to the wall. "Don't eat me!" he cried in panic. "All right, I won't. Was it your blood?" "Y-Yeah," Kyle stuttered. The wolf paused. Then It wagged its tail. "That's great," he said. "So you're my master." Then it grinned. "Am I dreaming?" Kyle asked. "No, I don't think so." He had weird voice, like the one of a child, just not as high. "Say, is Henry still king? How long have I slept?" Kyle slowly inched sidewards. "What?" It was best to just keep talking until that thing would give him a chance to make a break for it. "What are you?" "I'm Elmer," the wolf said. "I'm an... err... servant demon?" "A demon," Kyle repeated doubtfully. "Yeah right. You're some kid dressed up are you? To creep me out and then have a laugh." Elmer said back on his bottom. Kyle caught something in a corner of his eyesight and was suddenly assured that Elmer clearly was male. The human tried to look somewhere else on the wolf. If he was a wolf. "N-No, I don't think so," Elmer finally said. "You wear funny clothes." "Look, I really don't..." Kyle started and stopped as Elmer's nose was touching his chest. "What are you doing?" The wolf retreated and bowed. "Forgive me, master!" "Stop that. I'm going home." He shook his head. "This is not funny." He slowly crawled out of the cave, stood and took a deep breathe. "Whoa, this has changed a lot." Kyle started. "Don't follow me, you... you thing." "Serving demon, thank you," the wolf said. "You're not a demon. A demon has... has horn and wings and a little spear to poke on people." There was a tiny moment of entire confusion. Kyle suddenly felt a hard pain in his head, his eyes tried to get out of his skull and then it was over. Elmer had changed. He now had two tiny horns on his head and huge wings on his back. They hat at least ten feet from side to side and seemed to be made of pure darkness. And they were torn. "Well, the spear was taken from me as they kicked me out." "Don't do that again," Kyle begged. "As you wish, master." Elmer folded his wings and they disappeared. He kept the little horns, though. Kyle noticed that the demon wolf was short. Kyle was not very tall himself, but Elmer was just two thirds of his height. The wolf really was black all over, and naked. Slowly the human boy started to believe that thing really was a demon. No way a kid could make up a costume as good as this. The fur was moving in the cold breeze and the face was really doing all the expressions. That was not a costume. So he must be dreaming. Or maybe a stone hit him in the cave and he was unconscious and buried alive. "Kicked you out? Where from?" Elmer shook his head. "You know, where the demons live. You call it hell, but you have no idea what it is like." "You're cute for a demon," Kyle said before he could stop himself. "Aren't you cold?" "Very." The boy scratched the back of his head. "So... er..." "See, your blood brought me back," the little demon explained. "So you're my master now." "You mean, the usual three wishes deal and every wish I do gets perverted into something horrible that makes me think over my entire life? No thank you. I've seen the films." The wolf looked lost. He was pausing as if solving a complicated riddle. "No...? I mean. I'm a serving demon, no wish-granting whatever. I don't do wishes, I do... serving. Whatever you need, master." Kyle sighed. "Er, I set you free. Ummm, go and mind your, er, demonic business." "I'm sorry, master, but there's a blood bond between you and me." "Oh, swell." The demon shrugged. "If you want to get rid of me, just kill me." He said it in a tone as if giving advice about opening a jar. "You know, stab me or whatever you like." "Are you crazy? I won't kill you!" "I'm damned and cursed. I have to serve my master until he kills me. And then I'll be reborn to serve someone else." Kyle stared at the demon for a moment. "That sounds... horrible." "No, I'm used to it. There's a lot worse things in hell. Have you heard of the guy who's getting his liver eaten out every day? Now that's horrible." "I'm still sorry for you, Elmer. Is there a way to get out of it?" Elmer nodded. "Yeah, but don't worry. You're my master. So give me orders." "I'm your master." "Yes," the demon nodded. "I can give you any order I want." "Indeed, master." "So you can convince me I'm not bloody dreaming?" Elmer took a step forward, lifted Kyle's shirt and pinched the boy's skin. "Ouch," Kyle twitched. "Thanks." "Glad to be of service, master." So they stood there on the hill, right before the forest. Kyle was still feeling awkward, standing on the grass with a naked demon wolf who was convinced to be his servant. Some things just did not go well into his mind. "I think I should head home," the human eventually said as he saw the sun going down. "Er..." "I will follow you. I want to see how my master lives." "Can't you... make clothes appear? Or look a bit more... human?" The demon shook his head. "I'm afraid, I cannot, master. I am..." "... a serving demon." "Indeed." Kyle sighed once more and took his jacked off. "Here. Zip it and it should cover your... body." then he took his cap off. "See, I don't think my mother would approve me having a... a serving demon. She once gave me a talk as I brought a hedgehog home." He put the cap on Elmer's head. "So keep your head low, yes?" "I'll do as you say, master." "Good." He went down the hill, to the houses. "So this... is your home?" Kyle jumped over a fence. Elmer did not jump, but somehow made it to the other side. Kyle had not looked at the demon changing the sides, afraid his head might hurt again. "When we're though the door you go right upstairs and into the first room to the left." He quickly opened the door, let Elmer in and just wanted to follow up as he heard a high pitched voice from the kitchen. "Oh, nice you come home eventually, young man." "Yeah, mum," he answered. "Who's that friend of yours?" "His name's..." He thought fast. "Elmer. Er, we want to play some games." "Should I call his mother?" "No, it's all right." "If you want anything, help yourself." "Yeah, thanks, mum," Kyle said and quickly went into his room. He closed the door, leaned against it and sighed. Elmer was playing with the light switch. He switched the light on and off. On and off. On and off. "Amazing," he said. "What kind of magic is that?" "That's not magic," Kyle said, a bit annoyed. "It's physics. Electricity. Would you please stop switching?" The demon left the switch. "I wonder how long I've been sleeping." "We've got, er, Queen Elizabeth the Second, if that helps." "A Queen?" the wolf sneered. "Don't be ridiculous." Kyle shrugged. "Can't say." He watched the demon take the clothes off. "We need to find something fitting in my wardrobe." "I... prefer to be naked. You see, clothes are made for humans and they're uncomfortable against fur. And with the tail." "Oh." "What is this?" Elmer asked. "It's called a computer. It... shows you pictures." "Pictures?" the demon wondered. "What kind of pictures?" "Uh, any kind. It can show you anything." "Wow. That's magic." "No, it's not. You can buy it at the store in town." Elmer stood in front of the screen and bowed forward. "Hello? Hello, computer thingy? Will you show me a nice picture?" Kyle let himself fall onto bed. "It doesn't work like that. Gosh, I'm tired. Hey, Elmer?" The wolf spun around. "Yes, master?" "How can you be a serving demon if you can't do any magic? I always thought your sort grants wishes that go horribly wrong." "I... used to do that, yes. But..." He coughed. "But I was a miserable failure." "You failed at granting wishes?" "Er." The demon scratched the back of his head. "No, actually, I did that part well. Very well. Uh, too well." "So what was the problem?" "You know, horribly wrong was not... yeah my clients were too satisfied. The boss was not really happy hearing 'yeah, I sold my soul but at least I got my wishes granted'. No, not happy at all." Kyle nodded. "I see the picture now." Elmer turned. "Oh, does the computer show that, too?" But the screen was black. "Or not." There was a awkward silence while Elmer moved through the room, admiring every single piece of unknown he could find, which really was a lot. Then Kyle said: "Can you please at least get some shorts from my wardrobe? You're quite..." "What?" The human shook his head and looked at the clock. "I'm tired already." "Aren't you happy with me?" the demon asked nervously. "I... Please forgive me for being so loud!" "Oh, it's okay. I just don't know what to do with you, actually." "Give me orders, master. I'm here to serve you." "I think I have a spare blanket and a mattress in the wardrobe." The wolf tilted his head. "But... don't you like me?" "Like you? What?" Elmer stood in the middle of the room. "You're my master! You must like me. If not, you can just kill me." "You sound like you're begging me to kill you! What do you mean, liking you?" Elmer went up to the human. "Don't I look good for you?" he asked. "Er... you... look good. Yes." The demon hugged Kyle. The human blinked. The wolf was all fuzzy and warm. Kyle was tired and a bit cold, but the warmth of the wolf's body made his muscles melt. He relaxed a bit. "You smell funny," he mumbled, because that was everything that got into his mind. "Please don't kill me," the demon sobbed. "It hurts. And I am afraid of the dark." "Y-You're lonely, aren't you?" "Yes." The wolf sighed. "Master," he added. "See... I'm just a boy. And you're a demon." "So?" Kyle paused and looked into the deep brown eyes. Afraid of being alone. Yes, he knew that feeling. Why did he suddenly feel so... so relaxed and warm? Something told him it was okay. He had no idea what exactly was supposed to be okay, but he felt it was. It was a general feeling of being okay. It was a weird taste he was feeling now. Kyle was suddenly aware he had his lips pressed on the wolf's nose, an incident as surprising for the demon as for the human. He jerked his head back. "I..." "It's what I am here for, master." Now he got it. Serving Demon. Right. "I don't even know how I'm supposed to kiss your... your..." "Muzzle? I'm afraid I can't help you with that. None of my prior masters ever wanted to kiss me." He made one paw go under Kyle's shirt. "They preferred... other techniques." "Elmer?" "Yes, master?" "I... I've never done that before," the human admitted, blushing. Elmer smiled soothingly. "It's easy. You just have to relax." And the wolf slowly pushed the shirt up, stroking over the boy's skin... Just downstairs, on the couch, Kyle's mother had a huge sneeze. "Bah," she sniffled. "Feels like my allergies are acting up," she said. Her husband was switching through channels. "Did you notice he's always coming in late?" "Oh, I wouldn't worry," his wife said. "He's just that age. Getting interested. Bet he's chasing them girls all afternoon." She smirked. "Do you think he's old enough to know about that stuff?" "I think he should be told about protection." "What?" She nodded. "Maybe he needs the talk." Then she sneezed loudly. "Jesus," she mumbled. Her husband gave her some tissues. "Thanks," she said. "No idea what's up." "No idea, either, honey." "So, off you go." "What now?" "Yes, honey." Kyle's father looked as his wife, realised he lost some kind of game and stood up from the sofa with a long, outdrawn grunt. He slowly went up the stairs, knocked and opened the door. "Dad!" He stood shocked. His son was sitting on the bed, pants pulled down, and he had a very prominent erection. Kyle quickly grabbed his blanket and put it over his crotch. "Dad!" he repeated. His father felt the blood rushing into his face. "Er... er, what were you doing, Kyle?" "None of your business!" Slowly the man recovered from the shock. "Y-Your mother told me to give you the talk." "What, the talk talk?" "I think so." "About this?" Kyle asked and pointed at his crotch. His boner tented the blanket. "I..." his father began. "I think it's better if we talked... later." "Thank you, dad." "Don't mention it, son." And because he's a father, he added: "Have fun, son." Then he closed the door again, face red like a beet. Elmer crawled up from behind the bed. "Is he gone?" "Yes." Kyle dared breathing again. "You sure move fast, don't you?" "I've had some practice. Will he come up again?" "I... I don't think so?" Elmer moved the blanket away and grinned widely, as only a canine being could grin. "You're still hard," he noticed. Kyle moaned as suddenly a tongue flicked over the head of his penis. Every time the soft canine tongue moved over the glans, there was a tingly feeling moving up into his brain. It made him moan every time Elmer licked him. Then the demon took the shaft into his mouth. First Kyle was afraid about the sharp predator teeth, but that worry was soon drowned out by the pure pleasure of Elmer's movements. He felt lips and tongue close around his sensitive flesh. Waves of hot emotions his his mind. The human could not help but moan as Elmer cupped his testicles and caressed them slowly. Kyle took a long breathe in and twitched. He released all the feelings with a loud grunt. Elmer's muzzle was filled with a warm, white cream. The wolf moved up and semen was hitting his face. The human panted and looked into the demon's cum-covered face. "That felt amazing." With one finger, Elmer poked the human penis. He looked at it as if he was daydreaming. "Yeah", he said. Kyle noticed the wolf's erection. He never before had seen a lupine penis. It had been in a sheath before, but now it was grown and throbbing. He reached out and touched it. It was hot and almost pulsating with boiling demon blood. "Lie down," the human demanded. Elmer lied down on the bed, a bit confused. None of his prior masters had ever thought of his pleasure... The demon moaned quietly as the boy got over him. "Close your eyes," Kyle whispered. The lupine and human penis touched and Kyle rubbed them both, to get himself hard again. The demon was really hot, it showed his heritage. He made sure he was still all lubed up with saliva and semen as he made his penis stroke over Elmer's tail hole. The demon slowly wagged his tail, showing how much he enjoyed it. Elmer was more ready then ever to have a master enter him. Very carefully Kyle pushed his rock hard member inside the wolf. The demon was boiling inside. Elmer moaned as the male meat drilled deeper into him. The human pulled out and pushed back in, slowly first, then faster. The demon was so tight he had to bite his lips so he would not cum immediately. Kyle also stroked and pumped the demon's penis. Elmer dug his claws into the sheets, leaving some tiny holes. He panted faster while Kyle was thrusting harder. The demon clenched his eyes and let his mind completely dissolve in the lake of pleasure. He was so relaxed... he let all the feelings meet up in his crotch... just... Elmer opened his eyes wide and let out a long groan. Boiling hot cream spurted from him, hit his chest and even muzzle, flowing over Kyle's hand. The human also released himself with a moan, and Elmer pleased felt his insides being filled up with the boy's milk. Both males panted, knackered and tired, but happier than ever before. Elmer grabbed his master's head and kissed him. Or rather, did something close to a kiss. He was covered and filled with semen and felt better than he had ever in the recent three hundred years. Kyle lay down flat on the sheets. Elmer climbed over him, hugging him, comforting him. It was dark outside, night had begun. Kyle pulled the sheets over them. "Master?" Elmer whispered after some minutes. "Yes, Elmer?" "D-Do you think you could... love me?" Kyle thought for a moment. "Maybe. Probably." "Thank you," the demon sighed. And for the first time ever, he hoped his curse would be broken one day. Kyle stroked the demon's head fur until he fell asleep. And there was silence for the night, except for some loud sneezed from the parents' bedroom.