Human No More 5: A Wrinkle

Story by awesomeos on SoFurry

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#5 of Human No More

It's been awhile since I've uploaded anything. It's time I continue this story. Hope you guys enjoy then newest installment. More will be coming soon.

WARNING: Keep in mind that this is the next installment of the new versions of the first two chapters. If you've read those chapters earlier than the release date of this chapter, I suggest you read them again as this chapter will not make sense

Serafine lifted her tail high up into the air, the tip coming to a rest along the scales on her back. I followed the tip down with my eyes, watching the slow widening of the appendage until my view reached the base. That was when I saw her soaking wet vent, the folds just parted slightly to allow a view of the inner flesh. She rested her forepaws down to a laying position but kept her rear end high up to further direct the course of action I should take. She looked back, smiling slyly and looked underneath me to watch my arousal present itself. I felt my cock unsheathe, hanging down while it filled with blood. I looked up at her face and immediately met her eyes. Without breaking the stare, she slowly licked her lips seductively.

I wasted no time in bounding over to her to grab at her butt and pull her towards me. I stood up on my hind legs to pull her closer She slid along the stone floor easily, coming to rest with her rump up against my waist. I grabbed her tail with one paw and reached for my cock with the other. I positioned it right in front of her needy folds and pushed my hips forward until her lips enveloped my tip.

I woke up with a start, my heart racing. I looked outside to see that the sun was just barely rising. I couldn't yet see the light on the forest below us. It was still early. I tried to close my eyes and drift back to sleep but my mind was too preoccupied by the dream I had. These kind of dreams were becoming more and more frequent. A week and a half had gone by since we first met and my dreams with her slowly got more and more sexual throughout the week. I thanked my subconscious for stopping the nightmares where I got devoured by her but I wasn't sure if this was any better.

I looked down at Serafine who slept in my grasp. It was hard to argue with my subconscious, she was attractive. I felt torn, like I wasn't supposed to like her. I was still technically a human on the inside, and soon on the outside as well. I wasn't sure what it was, she didn't really have any human features but she was just so... enticing. Maybe it was how she acted around me; it seemed very human-like. Maybe that was what I was attracted to. Although, that wouldn't explain the erotic dreams I was having.

I started thinking about my dream again, what she looked like, her soft white scales, her thin arched torso slowly widening to her butt, which sported her strong hind legs. My mind started to wander towards thoughts about what she hid underneath her tail, imagining her tail wagging slowly, deliberately teasing, allowing a brief glimpse of what lay behind the thick limb. I imagined the look on her face as I pinned her down on her back and eased myself in, thinking of her moaning softly and lustfully as I filled her passage. I wondered if she would bite down on me as we made love, if she would feel the need urge to feel her lover in her teeth as we mated. I shivered at the thought of mating her, of being so close.

Suddenly serafine stirred under my wing and rolled over to meet my face. "Good morning," She said in a groggy whisper. "You're up early."

"Yeah, I had a bad dream and woke up."

She pushed herself away from my chest and looked down. I noticed her blush, the red showing through her minutely translucent white scales. "It doesn't look like it was all that bad."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"See for yourself," she said, gesturing downwards.

I looked down to see that my dragon cock for the very first time, erect and rubbing up against her leg. I could feel myself blush but wasn't sure if it would show through my orange scales, I hoped not. I immediately tried to move to hide my arousal.

She laughed as I moved my paws over my cock, pushing it up against my underbelly. "What's wrong? It's just arousal, everyone gets aroused."

"It's embarrassing though," I retorted.

"Oh, is that why you humans wear those coverings?"

"Yeah, we don't like to show off what we have down there."

"Hmm, humans are weird. They're too secretive for my liking... and those coverings that they wear taste terrible; I hate having to strip them off."

She pushed off me, stealing small glances at my dragonhood and stood up, walking over to the mouth of the cave. "Are you hungry? Why don't we go and catch something?"

Wanting to end the awkward encounter as swiftly as possible, I agreed. "Yeah, I am a bit hungry now that you mention it."

She nodded her head and jumped off the edge of the cliff. I sighed in relief and jumped up to leave the cave. I could feel my cock still hanging out and wished that it would go back into my sheath quicker. I Jumped into the air and dived down towards the forest below, hoping to find something quick and hopefully get my mind off the embarrassing morning.

I gained on Serafine, trying to follow her lead. She banked to the right. I followed her, unsure of where she was going. We had never been this way before.

Soon she slowed down and started to land near what I could tell was a small lake. She landed next to the edge of the lake and looked up at me to see how close I was to landing. I swooped in playfully, trying to lighten the mood and take both of our minds off what happened earlier. She ducked and laughed, dunking her paw into the water and splashing some at me when I passed by. I circled around for another try and came in fast. She threw water straight at me but a little bit of liquid wasn't going to stop me. I tackled her into the lake, submerging both of our bodies in the deep pool. We wrestled underwater for a short while before we both let go and swam to the surface.

"Oh wow, this was just the perfect refreshing bath that I needed." She said after shaking the excess water off her face.

"I thought we were getting food."

"Look around, there's food everywhere."

I looked down to see fish swimming around me. There were hundreds swimming close enough that I could just grab them. I reached my paw in and scooped a couple out, letting the water drain from my grasp. The fish flopped about helplessly as I brought them to my mouth and tossed them in. Serafine did the same and then ducked her head into the water, grabbing a mouthful of fish and swallowing them and the water down.

"Hey, there's something I wanted to ask you."

I looked up from my handful of fish. "Yeah, what's on your mind?"

"Well, do you remember when I told you about only meeting other dragons on rare occasions?"

I nodded.

"Well, one of those meetings is coming up and I was wondering if you wanted to go to it with me?"

"Yeah, I'd love to. When is it?" I asked.


"Tomorrow?" I responded. "I mean... yeah, I guess that would be okay."

"Great, that's why I wanted to take a bath, I wanted to make sure I looked nice."

"How far away is this gathering?" I asked.

"It's a fair bit past the horizon. We will have to leave early in the morning to make it there by sundown." She said, climbing out of the pool and shaking the excess water off her. She sat in the sun, waiting for me to get out of the pool and join her.

"I'm going to stay in for a bit longer and grab a few more fish." I called.

She nodded and waived her hand in an approving gesture.

I dove down towards the bottom of the lake, wanting to explore the dark depths of the water. It was hard to see with the small amount of light that shone through but I managed to find the bottom of the lake. I looked around and saw a few fish floating near the lake bed. Clawing at them, I managed to catch a few larger fish and headed towards the surface. As my head broke through the water, I looked over at Serafine who seemed to have something in her paws. Swimming closer, I noticed that it was a human.

"Hey, Nathan, look what I found wandering all alone in the woods!" She called out, turning her attention back to the prey in her grasp.

I swam to the edge to inspect what she had. He was not from the village, that was for sure. He seemed to be a traveler that had managed to run into two predators. I could smell the sweet aroma wafting off the captured human. It left me confused. I decided not to say anything.

Serafine licked her lips and suddenly threw the helpless human into the air. He soared high above the tree tops, finally reaching the point where gravity would pull him back to his doom. I saw the horrified expression on his face as he plummeted towards Serafine's open Jaws. It reminded me of how helpless I felt the first time we met.

Before I knew it, Serafine lunged her mouth towards the human, snapping him out of the air with a reverberating click of her jaws. She swished him around in her mouth for a short while before swallowing him down. I watched as a small struggling bulge took shape and traveled down her throat. She licked her lips and smiled at me. "What a treat to find a human so far into the woods, they never tread so close to the cave."

I tried to give a sincere looking smile but wasn't sure if it was successful until she smiled back.

Then she got low into a stalking position and started walking around me slowly. She gave me a mischievous grin.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

She only continued to smile. I watched her circle me until she jumped towards me suddenly, knocking me off my paws. We rolled around trying to gain the upper hand on each other. I could hear her laughing as we continued to wrestle around. Without warning, I felt a bite on my shoulder. I looked over to see her gnawing on me as we rolled around. I wasn't sure what I should do. I wanted to reciprocate her actions and give her a lighthearted bite but something about it seemed heavier than a normal gesture between dragons. I couldn't quite place the feeling but the biting set off a sort of carnal lust inside me, making me want to challenge her. It seemed like my jaws had a mind of their own because before I had made up my mind on whether or not I was going to bite her back, my teeth had found purchase on her shoulder.

We continued to roll around, biting and wresting each other until she managed to pin me down successfully. Letting go of the bite, she stood up in a dominant position over me, looking down into my eyes. At first I was worried that she was mad at me by how she glared, but her mouth turned into a seductive smile while still keeping her fiery eyes locked onto mine. She lay down on top of me, getting comfortable on my body.

"Ah," she sighed. "This is nice. I love the life of a dragon, it's so easy. The only worry is food and if you have a nice area like me, food isn't even a worry. I've got everything I need here."

I smiled. "I have to admit, being a dragon is pretty nice. I've never felt so free. Every day was a struggle to survive back when I was a human, you never knew what might go wrong. Even if you did everything right and your crops were growing nicely, there was still a possibility of stepping out into the forest for too long and coming across you."

Serafine licked her lips for effect, giggling at my unimpressed expression.

"You're not quite as bad as I thought you would be." I noted.

"What do you mean?"

"Well legends and stories travel around and I used to hear awful stories of you obliterating entire traveling parties, leaving one or two people behind after being too full. Toying and torturing your prey, it just sounded so evil. I worried that I would meet you one day and not die a quick death."

Serafine looked ashamed. "Well... I do like to play." She muttered.

"So the stories are true?" I asked.

She nodded, looking away.

"Hey," I rubbed a paw along her back. "I told you that you don't live up to the stories. I've met the sweet soul behind the scary scales and I don't see anything that you should be ashamed of." Without thinking, I licked her cheek to try to cheer her up. I immediately regretted my decision. I had to stay more distant than I was. I needed to leave before the potion took effect. My mind arrived back at the present situation. She was looking straight into my eyes, hers were watering slightly, her face expressing a display of pure joy.

Suddenly, I felt a warmth on my cheek. Serafine had returned the lick, smiling at me and wrapping her arms and legs around me. Instincts told me to wrap my wings around her and I didn't even hesitate. She nuzzled my neck, pawing at my chest. I could feel her tail start to wrap around mine as she continued her licks. I lost myself in the licking; it was like my tongue had a mind of its own. I loved the feeling of her attention on my body. Her scales rubbed up against mine, I had never realized how soft they were. The nuzzling continued for quite a while.

For a second she stopped and I looked up from my nuzzling. She was beaming, I had never seen her so happy. Something was wrong though, she seemed hesitant. I watched as her face slowly approached mine, her expression was one of hope but also apprehension. Our noses touched and she slowly twisted her neck and planted her lips on mine. Without hesitation, I reciprocated the action, kissing her. The kiss stopped as quickly as it had started but we both looked into each other's eyes and knew that the first kiss wasn't enough. We both went in for the next kiss, each subsequent lock of our lips becoming more and more passionate. Her mouth opened up and locked around the side of mine. I did the same. I could feel her tongue run along my teeth as we continued to kiss. My heartbeat quickened in rhythm with the passionate beat of hers. I had never felt so close to someone before and that was when I knew that I had ruined everything.

She continued the kissing and started grinding her hips along mine, her arousal starting to become present as the passionate display continued. I stopped the kiss, I had to.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I... I can't be doing this."

"Wh- I don't understand. Why?"

"I can't explain but I just can't get this close."

She looked at me, disheartened. All her desires slowly faded. She didn't speak as she got off me and stood up. She walked towards the water and took a drink. It seemed as though she was trying to act as natural as she could. When she walked by, she looked up and gave me an attempt at a smile but failed miserably. I watched as she spread her beautiful wings and started to fly back to the cave. It was almost time to sleep. I followed her back, keeping my distance. I didn't know if I was welcome back in her cave.

She landed and walked into the cave. Hearing me land, she looked back with slight curiosity but turned her head back forward when she realized who it was. I walked in and lay down on the stone floor doubting that she would join me. My mind tried to reason that once I turned into a human, I would be eaten if I stayed with her. I tried to think that maybe there would be someone else for me after I left, another human. It was all I could hope for at the moment. Serafine slept across the cave floor, curled up tighter than I had ever seen her. It was going to be a cold night.