the first trial

Story by Korumai on SoFurry

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#1 of The White Tigers Trials

hey everyone,

just finished this one today originally i meant it to be a rewrite of sorts of my first story, but i've decided now that i might just go ahead and make it an original story line.

as always any tips to help me improve are welcome as are any comments, love to hear from you all :3

The wind howled through the empty streets and garbage strewn alleys bringing with it flashes of lightning, rumbling thunder, and the scent of the rain that was soon to fall. He ran on though, uncaring of the encroaching storm, focused instead on the heavy footfalls that chased him through the darkness. "There's no use running cub, you can't escape me, and the longer you run the hungrier you make me." He heard the dark voice whisper. Regardless he ran on fear driving him from the monstrous creature that stalked him through the empty city streets. Finally his exhausted body betrayed him, and as he stumbled to the ground his breath burning in his lungs and his legs weak, the dark creature spoke again "I told you it was pointless to run, I always catch my prey." He felt the creatures' breath on the back of his neck, and then a firm paw clenching slowly around his throat....

Koru jerked violently awake as he landed hard on the floor next to his bed, his body tangled in his blankets and his fur drenched in sweat "Wow that was the worst nightmare I've had in a long time." He said quietly to himself as he pressed a paw to the place where he had hit his head on the floor. "Damnit Koru I'd like to get woken up by my alarm clock once, and not by the sound of your sorry ass falling out of bed." He looked up to the top bunk at the otter who was glaring sleepily at him "Sorry Danny, I had another nightmare." He said looking at the chubby otter apologetically, "Yeah well whatever, at least mom and dad said I can live in the dorms when college starts next week. Hopefully my roommate won't be a little bed wetting freak like you." Koru simply rolled his eyes, as Danny rolled over covering his head with the blankets.

He sighed quietly as he untangled himself from his blankets and tossed them back onto the bed, before slipping out of the room he shared with his foster brother. Closing the bedroom door quietly behind himself, he made his way quickly down the hall to the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind himself before walking over to turn on the water in the shower. As he stepped under the flow of warm water Koru's thoughts wandered, life had never been what you would call easy for him. He had been abandoned as a newborn cub by his parents, left on the threshold of the local hospital, with a note that simply said they would have no freak of nature living under their roof. After that his life had been a whirlwind of faces, so many he couldn't even remember most of their names, but they all had one thing in common they were all uncomfortable with the fact that he was different. And the Moore family was no exception at least they weren't at first, both Andrea and Danny still treated him as if he were a freak, but Andrea's new husband was different. At first Lucian treated him like a freak the same as the rest of the family, but gradually over the course of a month Koru could see a change in the burly badger's demeanor.

What originally was just a passing glance of disgust towards him, or a slap for some unclear reason became something more disturbing, he would even on occasion catch the older fur staring at him like he was a piece of meat on display. Koru jumped slightly as a knock on the bathroom door brought him back to the present, he finished quickly and turned off the water. As he stepped out of the shower he got the first good look at himself since the night before, he sighed dejectedly knowing that the only reason that people treated him badly was because he was a white tiger, and lacked the typical orange coloring of the rest of his species. It was also the reason that he was covered in bruises from his foster father; either that or it was just easier for Lucian to hit him and not his wife.

Koru jumped again as he heard a more insistent rap on the bathroom door, and quickly finished drying himself off, wrapping the now damp towel around his waist before unlocking and opening the bathroom door. "What took ya so damn long ya little shit?" Lucian growled pushing his way into the bathroom. "I'm sorry sir; I was in the shower when you knocked." Koru said softly. "Ya know ya don't sound very sorry." The older fur said. "Maybe ya should get on your knees and try again." He said this with that disturbing look plastered across his muzzle, as he began pressing himself against the terrified young tiger. Koru cringed as he felt Lucian move a paw behind him to roughly grab his ass, "I'm sorry sir I really need to go get ready for school." He said pulling himself from the burly badger's grasp. Just as he pulled free and began to move towards his room he felt a strong paw on his shoulder and was spun around to face the snarling older male, "I'll teach ya some manners yet ya little freak." He growled quietly, before backhanding the young tiger hard enough to make him see stars. Koru picked himself up off the floor slowly; he ignored the pain he felt and rushed to his bedroom needing desperately to get away from his foster father.

Koru didn't even bother to look in the mirror as he walked over to the suitcase in the corner where he kept his possessions, quietly shuffling through it until he found his frayed black jeans, a clean blue t-shirt, and his black hooded sweatshirt. He got dressed silently not wanting Danny to see him in the condition he was, he still hated the fact that these people could make him feel so worthless, and he really didn't want to let them see him cry. Koru wiped his tears away, wincing slightly at the pain it caused, before slipping on his shoes and grabbing his school bag, and stepping out into the hall. Luckily it seemed that after hitting him Lucian had gone back into the bathroom, as the young tiger could hear the off key singing of the large badger over the sound of the shower. He didn't stick around to listen though; instead he headed to the front door, grabbing a couple of granola bars as he passed through the kitchen. And as he stepped out into the crisp morning air he almost had trouble reconciling the beautiful surroundings with the ugliness that he had left behind in the small shabby dwelling he had emerged from.

He paid no attention to his surroundings as he walked to school that morning, lost in thoughts of the earlier events, if he had been paying attention he may have noticed the figure sneaking up behind him. "HEY KORU, what'cha thinkin about?" he jumped and spun around preparing to defend himself, relaxing only when he saw the speaker. His best friend Lily was standing there paw on her hip and tail wagging happily, she was a beautiful Shiba-Inu, and one of the most popular girls in school. She was also incredibly kind and was Koru's only friend since he had started school in Lakeview 2 months ago. "Holy shit Koru; did you get hit by a truck or something on the way to school this morning?" She said with a look of concern. "No... I just.... I fell out of bed again. Why, is it that bad?" He asked, keeping his eyes from meeting hers. Lily dug around in her bag, before producing a small mirror and handing it to him. He slowly raised the mirror, grimacing slightly at what he saw.

Lucian must have hit him harder than he realized, he thought to himself as he began looking unsuccessfully in his pockets for a tissue to wipe the blood from his nose and split lip. "Listen Koru I know we haven't been friends for long and all, but I really hope that someday you will trust me enough to let me help you." Koru looked up quizzically from the mirror in his paw as Lily began to dig around in her bag again. "Here at least take my cell number in case, you know, you ever need help or just need someone to talk to." She said, producing a piece of paper and pen, and quickly writing her cell number on it before handing it to him. "I don't think this will do me much good, I'm not allowed to use the house phone and I don't have a cell." He told her softly, staring at his worn sneakers. Lily looked at him thoughtfully for a moment before speaking again. "Really? Wow I wouldn't be able to get by without mine, but don't worry about it for now I'll figure something out, in the meantime I'm not letting you step foot in school looking like that, there's not much I can do about the black eye, but we can at least get the blood off your muzzle." She said his in her usual jovial tone, as she dug through her bag producing some tissues, and efficiently cleaning the blood from his fur.

The rest of the walk to school was pretty uneventful, as were the first half of his classes, the only point of interest being when Holly Woodard got distracted by a hot senior fur in chemistry lab and accidentally made a stink bomb. Koru couldn't have been happier when the bell rang signaling lunch, as the two granola bars he had pilfered for breakfast weren't a very filling meal, and he would get a chance to hang out with Lily again. "Hey there hot stuff, how's the day been treating you?" Koru just rolled his eyes and grinned at her customary greeting as he set his lunch tray down across from her at the table and sat down. "You keep talking like that and I'm going to develop an ego." He said winking at her. "Oh come on Koru, you do know that half the girls at this school have a crush on you right? Hell I bet even a few of the guys do, you've got a nice body and a great ass!" His eyes went wide at her comment as he coughed, nearly choking on his sandwich as she continued. "I mean you know everyfur loves a bad boy, and you usually look like you've been fighting. If only they knew it's because you're always falling out of bed."

Finally getting his breathing under control, Koru stared down at his half empty lunch tray. "You know that's not why I come to school with bruises every day right?" he said, more a statement than a question. "Yeah I do, but since you refuse to tell me the real reason, I choose to believe what you tell me until informed otherwise." She looked at him, watching as he stared at his half eaten lunch silently. "Listen Koru, I talked to my mom and she said it would be alright if I gave you my old cell, the one I usually keep in my locker. She even said she would pay the bill for you as long as you don't go too nuts with it."

The seriousness of her tone made him look up, and the concern on her face almost made him cry. Here was the one person that seemed to really care about him, and he was blatantly lying to her. He made his decision and began to speak before he could change his mind, letting his gaze drift down to his paws clenched in his lap. "I didn't get the bruises from falling out of bed." He said so quietly that Lily had to lean in to hear his voice. "My foster father has been acting really strangely, he.....he touches me, and when I try to get away from him he gets angry and beats me. I don't say anything because no one has ever cared before, and if I do say anything no furs believe me."

Lily moved quickly over to sit next to him, gently wrapping an arm around him and placing her paw on his shoulder. "Koru I'm so sorry, I knew you weren't telling me something, but I had no idea it was this bad. Have you called the police or told any of your teachers?" she questioned him softly, worried that if she pressed him to much he would push her away. "I told you I'm too afraid to tell anyone, and even if they did put me in a different foster home it would probably be just as bad. Anyway I don't think I could take it if I didn't have you Lily, you're the only friend I've ever had." He said flatly, never taking his eyes off his paws. She wrapped her arms around him, her worry for her friend plain for all to see.

"Is everything all right over here?" the question made lily jump slightly. She was so focused on Koru's troubles, and trying to make him feel better she hadn't noticed the school counselor approach their table. "We're okay Mrs. Lugard, Koru was just having a bad morning and I'm seeing if I can help him out." She said smiling brightly at the old golden retriever, who nodded quickly before walking away. "Thanks for not telling her." Koru said quietly, his voice wavering slightly. "I won't tell anyone unless you say it's okay, but I really wish you would at least call the police, I don't want to see you get hurt." Lily said quietly. He sat there eyes still locked on his paws "There's something else I need to tell you Lily." Koru said, raising his eyes to meet hers. "What is it?" she asked with concern. "I haven't told anyone this before, but I...... I'm gay." He said softly, so others wouldn't overhear. "Well that at least explains why you haven't hit on me yet, I was starting to worry I was losing my touch." She said giggling lightly.

Koru looked at her in disbelief for a few seconds, before a smile crept onto his face. "There's the Koru I know, glad to see you back buddy." She giggled again as she playfully punched him in the shoulder. "Thanks for not freaking out on me, and for the cell phone." He said, rubbing his shoulder where Lily's playful punch had landed on one of his fresh bruises. "Oh yeah I almost forgot." She said quickly digging the cell phone she had promised to him out of her bag, and pushing it into his paw. "I've already programmed both my home and cell numbers in it for you, so one push of a button and we can talk about cute boys all night long." Koru was just opening his maw to reply, when the bell rang signaling the end of their lunch period. He quickly said goodbye to Lily, promising to give her a call later, as they separated heading out to their afternoon classes.

The rest of the school day passed quickly and without incident, classes were attended, notes were passed, and homework was assigned. It wasn't until he was standing outside the school looking for Lily that Koru remembered what had happened that morning, and that he really had no desire to go back to his current home. Instead he headed towards the back of the building, to where the school's football field was located. Normally it was a quiet spot where he could think or get some homework done without his foster family harassing him, but today the football team was practicing for the homecoming game on Friday and he had to dodge a few curious furs that were out to see how well their team was doing.

Koru quickly climbed to his customary spot on the bleachers, high up in the corner where he could see the lingering furs without having them notice him, and pulled out his biology book to work on his reading assignment. Normally he would finish his work quickly but today was not such a day, as his eyes kept wandering down to the football field to fixate on the musclebound jocks. One in particular held his attention; he was a six foot tall light blue and white furred husky named snow. Koru knew there was no way the sexy husky could be interested in guys, but that didn't stop his hormone driven sixteen year old mind from living out the fantasy. He was so focused on thoughts of what he wanted to do to Snows tight backside, that when he heard the cough of a large muscled black wolf nearby, he nearly jumped out of his fur.

Koru swiftly moved his biology textbook to cover his growing arousal as the wolf stared at him, a knowing smirk on his muzzle. He quickly looked away from the strangers unnerving gaze, focusing on the book in his lap instead. Normally he was much more careful about his preferences around other furs, but for some reason he had let his guard down, and now had some perv leering at him. As he sat there thinking about how to get out of this predicament, Koru suddenly snapped back to his real problem and his lunchtime conversation with Lily. How was he going to handle the situation with Lucian?

He put his paw in his pocket slowly drawing out the cell phone Lily had given him at lunch, pulling up her number as he thought. He really didn't trust the police to help him, but at the same time he couldn't go back to that house. Lily was nice too but he had never met her parents, and he didn't know how they would react to their daughters newly out friend showing up and asking to crash on their couch. He sat there for a long time rolling his options over in his mind until he finally made his decision; he hit the send button and brought the phone to his ear. The phone on the other end only rang twice before Lily picked up greeting him cheerily, "Hi Lily......yeah...... I decided I'm going to go to the police.......nah I don't need a ride the station isn't too far...... I know, I know, I'll be careful.....sure talk to ya later...... Bye." The call lasted only minutes, but felt like much longer.

He had made his decision though, and as much as he dreaded walking into that police station, he knew he had made the right choice. He shoved his biology book back in his bag and slipped his phone into his pocket, noticing with only a passing interest that the strange black wolf that had been sitting near him he had vanished. Despite what he had told Lily the police station was not close and had indeed wanted a ride, but with all she had done for him already that day he had been unable to ask her to do more, especially because he was almost sure that his report to the police was going to end with him losing his only friend. Before long Koru had lost himself deep in thought, and was oblivious to his surroundings to the point that he didn't notice the shadowy figure trailing him down the darkened city streets.

By the time he did notice it was already too late. A heavily muscled arm covered in thick black fur, wrapped around his chest as at the same time his maw was clamped firmly shut by a large canine paw. He struggled futilely against strong grip, as his feet were lifted off the ground and he was slammed face first into the side of what he could only assume was a moving van of some type, knocking the breath out of him. His mind was in a state of panic as he tried to gasp for breath, but instead he found the act nearly impossible as his maw was still held shut. Before long the young white tiger began to lose the strength to struggle, and unable to draw a full breathe his vision began to darken around the edges.

"That's better cub, the more you relax the easier this is gonna be on you." The unfamiliar voice growled in his ear. Koru shivered uncontrollably pressed as he was against the cold metal of the moving truck, and feeling the unknown stranger press his growing arousal into his back. "You know cub I was gonna grab one of those jocks before you showed up. My lucky day I guess, instead of getting some common fur I happen upon a tiger, and not just any tiger but a white one." The stranger said, obviously pleased with himself. Koru groaned quietly as his vision darkened even further, hanging on the edge of consciousness by a thread.

It took the young tiger's oxygen starved mind a few seconds to realize that he was now moving, and that the paw had been removed from his muzzle allowing him to take a few deep rasping breaths. "Don't even think of screaming cub, all you'll end up doing is getting somefur else hurt, and as much as I need this I don't want to have to kill you or any other fur." By this time Koru's vision had cleared enough that he could make out his attackers face, it was that pervy wolf from earlier at school. Knowing that he was basically at the large furs mercy did not stop him from struggling even as weak as he was in his current state; his natural survival instincts would not let him give up without a fight. "Glad to see you're still with me cub, almost thought ya passed out on me, nothing worse than weak prey." The wolf growled out quietly, as he pulled his belt off and yanked Koru's arms roughly behind his back binding them tightly.

Koru took a deep breath planning to scream as loud as he possibly could, and nearly choked when large balled up piece of cloth was shoved deep into his maw and another piece of cloth was tied around his head effectively gagging the youth. "There all nice and tied up cub, been a while since I really let loose so I can't say that I won't hurt you, in fact I plan to make you scream till you pass out, but I will try not to do any permanent damage to you." The wolf said gently wiping a tear from Koru's cheek as at the same time he began to undo the young white tiger's pants. By this point he was both terrified and confused, he knew the wolf meant to rape him, and violently by the way he talked, but he also seemed almost tender and caring towards the young fur.

Koru began to look around desperately at his surroundings hoping to find some way out of this situation, but to no avail there was nothing he could see in the darkened alleyway that would help him out of the predicament, and the dumpsters that blocked his view of the empty street also kept any passing fur from seeing what was happening to him. The young tiger grunted as he felt the wolf's large paw reach down into the front of his pants and roughly squeeze his balls and sheath, he screamed ineffectually into the gag in his maw at the pain. "You think that hurts kitten? Then just you wait until we get to the main attraction, you'll lose your mind." The wolf laughed, as he yanked Koru's pants and underwear down to his ankles, before undoing his own pants and letting his massive member slap down onto the tigers now exposed and vulnerable backside.

Terror overwhelmed the young tiger, and he began thrash about and scream, no longer able to control himself. He cried out even louder when he felt the wolf straddle him roughly grab his tail and yank it out of the way, and then line his massive member up with the youth's vulnerable tailhole. Koru whimpered softly into his gag as he felt the wolf press the tip of his large canine cock against his exposed hole, silently hoping that this whole thing was just another one of his horrible nightmares and he would awake safe in his bed.

Then the screaming started, and at first Koru had no idea where the sound was coming from, but before long he realized the screams were his own as the pain finally registered. The wolf had driven his entire length into the youth with one thrust at the same time his claws had driven into both the youth's chest and side, holding him in place for the larger male. Koru lost complete control of his senses as the immense pain threatened to break his mind, he could no longer feel the movement of time, nor the trickles of blood running into his fur from the many punctures and scratches the claws digging into him left. He had no idea how long he lay there under the large wolf, feeling the massive cock ram into his guts repeatedly and painfully. but not even the feeling of the rapidly swelling knot at the base of the twelve inch canine cock, pushing its way into him, and stretching his already bleeding tailhole almost to the point of permanent damage, was enough. It was the sound that brought him back from the edge of insanity, a low growling coming from near his neck and the feeling of teeth piercing his skin, followed closely by a burning warmth deep inside of him.

Minutes that felt like hours passed, as Koru lay there before the wolf released his neck from the grip of his viselike jaws, and the flow of what must have been the wolfs seed into his gut began to slow. "I haven't caught anything as good as you in a long time cub. The fact your still conscious after all that is a bit shocking, but unfortunately for you there's one more bit left that I don't think you're gonna like." The wolf said this with what seemed true regret for what he was about to do. By this point Koru was barely coherent, his cheek fur stained with tears and his throat raw from screaming, so much so that when he felt the large black wolf begin to forcibly withdraw his still swollen knot from the youths raw tailhole, he could do no more than whimper as the pain and the darkness overwhelmed him.

The young white tiger awoke slowly, and finding that his paws were no longer bound behind his back and the gag had been removed from his maw, he tried to raise himself off the dirty ground into a sitting position. The pain stopped him though, before he raised himself more than a couple inches from ground it ripped through his battered and bleeding body and caused him to collapse back to the ground with fresh tears upon his cheeks. He lay there for a few minutes, letting the wave of pain subside, and as he lay there he noticed his phone lying easily within reach. Had it fallen out his pants pocket when the wolf had ripped off his pants? He considered this only for a second before slowly reaching over to grasp the device, calling the only person he trusted at the moment. Lily answered on the third ring and before she could even say hello, Koru spoke "Lily.... please I need your help." He croaked out, his voice conveying the almost intolerable pain he was in.

He heard her voice shouting worriedly through the phone, but the immense pain, and the approaching wail of sirens were making increasingly hard for him to concentrate on anything. It wasn't long before the sirens stopped replaced instead replaced by the flashing lights of an ambulance, and the sound of footsteps "I don't see any injured furs here, you sure that operator wasn't just having one over on you Ned?" he heard a soft feminine voice ask, "She seemed pretty serious, said some guy gave her this address, told her there was an injured cub in the alley, and then he hung up on her." The male voice replied quickly, "Well I don't see anyone in distress so let's get out of here; this alley gives me the creeps." It was just as the paramedics were turning to leave, and possibly doom the young white tiger to a cruel fate, that Lily still on the other end of the line began to scream loudly into her phone trying desperately to get her injured friend to respond.

"Wait Anne, do you hear that?" the footsteps stopped as the paramedics paused as one, and turned to listen at the mouth of the alley. "Yeah I do, well we are here so we should at least check it out. Would really hate to find out we left somefur out here to die because we thought it was a prank." she replied quickly. Koru listened to their quick conversation not really understanding much of what was said, he was slowly slipping into unconsciousness and trying desperately not to. He was terrified that if he fell asleep he might not wake again, and as hard as his life had been, he had finally found a ray of hope in his friendship with Lily. It was as he was thinking about Lily, that the beam of a flashlight illuminated the area around him and he heard the male paramedic yell to his partner, "Holy shit, Anne get the stretcher down here now!" and with those panicked shouts, Koru slowly lost his fight with the exhaustion his body felt, watching through his slowly darkening vision as the paramedic desperately tried to get him to respond to his voice until there was nothing but darkness......