The Trial of the Lost

Koru had no perception of time in the darkness that he had fallen into in that dark alley, and his senses to had seemed to have abandoned him. Or at least he thought they had, because as he moved through the darkness he began to notice that far off in...

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the first trial

The wind howled through the empty streets and garbage strewn alleys bringing with it flashes of lightning, rumbling thunder, and the scent of the rain that was soon to fall. He ran on though, uncaring of the encroaching storm, focused instead on the...

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Feeling Love

"Don't mind mom, she's a bit of a jokester but she really does mean well" the boy who had answered the door said to me as he turned and went back into the house. "Welcome to your new home Koru, dinner should be ready in a few minutes, and in the...

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Feeling Hope

I said nothing on the ride home from the police station that day, I simply sat there like a statue, listening to my mother but not actually hearing a word she said. I tried not to even let myself think, but I couldn't stop the fear that Snow would...


Feeling Lost

"I'm sorry sir I didn't see him, he jumped me from behind", I could tell instantly the officer didn't believe me, but he didn't press me further either, I was secretly hoping he would have. "Okay kid, well if you do remember anything please contact us"...

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Feeling Terror

From the moment I woke up that morning I felt it, a strange sensation that something was coming. What it was I had no idea, and if I had known what the day had in store for me I probably would have locked my bedroom door and not come out for a week....

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The Trial of Acceptance

Koru sat in stunned silence his mind unable to come to terms with what he had just heard, and after a long silence he finally spoke, "You expect me to believe a fur that abandoned me right after I was born cares about me at all!? I'm sorry but how...

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