Omisa's life Olarnis

Story by Elis_Dragin on SoFurry

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This is another chapter of Omisa's life. Since we all know him for his Yissy anticts, this can only be viewed by 18+ people, dragons, elves, or whatever you are. Enjoy :D

Omisa awoke to the similar sound of his brother's voice, calling him downstairs to go out. He got up, noticing how dark the room was. In fact, it was darker than usual. He looked at the wall where the light crystal would have been, only to find it had ran out of power.

"Oh great, first my tea now my lights. How many things do they want from me?"

A few days ago, Omisa got into a fight with Drai, as brothers do, but he was armed and cut Drai's face, scarring under his eye and across his muzzle. As a result, Omisa was told by Olarnis that he couldn't have any tea until next week, when Drai's scar would heal.

"Omisa, are you coming or not?" shouts Olarnis from downstairs, starting to become a bit impatient with him. Omisa gets out of bed and walks out the door, cursing under his breath. He went downstairs to the sight of Drai standing by the table in the main hall, barely glancing at him, while Olarnis was at the foot of the stairs, arms crossed and with a slightly angry look on his face.

"Omisa, we may be dragons but that doesn't give you the right to ignore your brothers. Now come on, you need the exercise."


Every once in a while, the three brothers would go out for a fly, just to stretch their wings and get some exercise. Dragons would usually fly to move from one place to another but can also use it for social practise.

The brothers spread their wings and set off, leaving the acolyte behind and aiming towards the sky. Omisa was still a bit angry but was glad he could get a bit of fresh air; after all, it helped with his Yiss.

A few minutes and miles later, they come across a flock of dragons, heading to the east for a new home. Olarnis sees this, like he would see every now and then, wondering what it would be like to travel off the continent and to other parts of the world. However trouble was up ahead.

Coming up from the south was a large white dragon, with three horns upon its head and spikes along its back, wings beating the air, and nostrils flaring up. Olarnis quickly sees into the Dragon's mind and finds only darkness, eyes wide open as the evil dragon closed in.

"Omisa! Drai!" He called to his brothers. "Turn back, evil dragon dead ahead!"

"Huh?" Omisa said obliviously, facing south to see the monster closing in on the flock of dragons.

It was a sight that was not often seen, for the flock had now separated and started to engage with the evil dragon, fire and magic filling the space they flew in, creating a pretty display of fireworks.

"Where's the council when you need them?" whispered Drai under his breath, then a small group of figures appeared from the south, bearing weapons and heading straight for the creature.

"Turn around now!" Olarnis repeated, and so Drai turned with his brother to go home. Omisa, however, saw the first dragon from the flock fall from the sky, bite marks across the arms and neck, dead from blood loss. A swelling anger within him forced him straight at the creature; wanting to hurt it, even kill it. The two brothers noticed Omisa going straight for the flock, stopping in mid-air to double-back and chase after him. Omisa was younger and more streamlined than his bothers so he was well beyond their reach.

The evil dragon noticed the black figure of Omisa going straight towards it and smiled, knowing that such a small creature stood no chance against it. Its nostrils flared up once again and a jet of flame sprouted from them, heading towards Omisa. Seeing this, he dived to the right avoiding it by a long-shot and continuing his charge. The dragon attempted to fire again, and again Omisa dodged it, this time it was much closer. Omisa sweated a little, thoughts running through his head.

What am I doing? That's right, I'm helping the dragons. Olarnis always said I needed to do more community work!

Smiling a little at his thought, he eventually reached the dragon, landing on its head, hanging onto the horns as it attempted to shake him off.

"Omisa, this is not the time! Get away from it!" Olarnis called out but to no avail, he was too far away to hear it. Omisa climbed up the dragons head and stuck a claw straight into its eye, followed by an ear piecing scream from the dragon. He continued to attack the creature, still holding onto the horn while his hand turned the dragon's precious eye into a bloodied mess. The council dragons started their attack when they were within range, casting spells while the swordsmen moved in. The battle grew ever more violent, Dracious were falling from the sky as their swords bounced off the tough dragon scales, knocked unconscious by the dragon's tail and claw. Omisa caught sight of one of the swords, grabbing it and releasing the dragon's horn, spreading his wings as he jumped into the air. Taking flight, he went on to aid the council dragons, slashing at the wings of the dragon. The roaring and screeching becoming louder as the evil dragon started losing height, falling from the sky to the ground at amazing speed. Omisa was still trying to beat the creature to death, not knowing that he was falling along with the dragon.

"Omisa, get out of there!" Drai shouted, catching his brother's attention minutes before ground zero. Omisa attempted to fly away but was suddenly caught in the dragon's grasp, the evil dragon smiling at the thought that it will take one last life before its death. Omisa, however, is not the willing type. With some force, he pulled himself out of the dragon's claw and flew straight upwards, going as fast as possible. His ear holes heard a roaring sound beneath before a fireball impacted him in the back, smashing him into the sky. The last thing he could see was Olarnis flying down to save him.

Omisa awoke in his room, back safely in the acolyte with his two brothers standing around his bed. He attempted to move but only a searing pain was felt, Olarnis pushing him back down onto the bed.

"Sorry Omisa but you suffered some serious injuries. I'm afraid you will have to stay here for a few weeks." Olarnis told Omisa, indicating to Omisa's right wing. Omisa almost wept as he saw his wing, charred and scolded by the blast, the webbing torn and ripped in places with a blanket covering it to help soak up any blood. His left wing only had a few burns, but this meant that he may never fly again, something dragon always likes to do. Olarnis interrupted his moment of languish.

"Don't worry Omisa, I will fix your wing but it will take some time to make a potion. While Drai makes it, I will help you get whatever you need." Omisa replied quietly, grimacing slightly in pain.

"Could you leave me in peace?" Olarnis asked Drai to leave the room and soon, no one was there to disturb him. Omisa took a nap, knowing he can't do much right now.

It was only a few minutes before he felt a familiar swelling feeling between his thighs, awakening from his light sleep.

"Well, nothing can stop me from Yissing." He said, smiling as he tried to move his arm, his arousal growing even more at the thought. However, the same familiar pain returned as he barely moved an inch, turning his arm around to find the source. He saw his entire back arm scalded and sore from the fireball, cursing under his breath as he lay back down.

"Great, just great. I'm becoming more of a prisoner each day." Omisa said, and then a thought came to him, how many days have past since he was unconscious?

Olarnis was in the kitchen, mashing up some Paltria leaves in a mortar and pestle, making up a lotion that ease Omisa's painful burns. He was thinking of why Omisa would even go so far to save his kind, to put his own life in danger. He mixed in some water and poured the solution out of the pestle into a bottle containing another solution.

"Maybe, he was just doing what he thought was right." Olarnis said to himself, corking the bottle and leaving the room. Drai, meanwhile, was studying in the library, researching a spell to repair Omisa's ruined wing. Olarnis ascended the stairs and approached Omisa's bedroom door, hearing a soft whimper from the other side. He entered the room to see Omisa, crying out from his newfound disability, wanting it to go away. Olarnis closed the door and approached Omisa, trying to calm him down.

"Hey Omisa, don't cry, everything will be okay. You won't be like this forever." Omisa replied thought his sniffles.

"I know...I just...can' this." Olarnis hugged him lightly, keeping his condition in mind.

"I know Omisa, it's happened to me as well, when I fell off that cliff." Omisa calmed a bit, still sniffing a little. "I sprained my leg and wings, and couldn't be allowed out of my bed for a week. I felt upset, in pain, and afraid that I might never fly again. But that is a fear that we must overcome, you will fly again Omisa. Trust me!" Olarnis gave a light smile, making Omisa smile a little as well. "Now, I have a lotion here to ease your pain, just stay still while a apply it."

Omisa couldn't really move anyway, but did as he was told. Olarnis got some of the liquid in his hands, rubbing them together and lifting Omisa's right arm. He cried a bit at the pain but it subsided when the lotion was rubbed in, Omisa actually liking it a little. Then Olarnis lifted his left arm, less burnt then the right, rubbing in the lotion again. Omisa purred a little in his chest, liking the feeling of Olarnis hands massaging his arms. Olarnis noticed this, smiling at Omisa.

"You like this do you?" Olarnis asked.

"Yeeeeaaah." Omisa said, now completely relaxed by the sensations going through him. Olarnis then lifted his back up, causing Omisa to cry out in pain as his burns were touched. Then the pain subsided, Omisa welcoming the return of the lovely hands of Olarnis, rubbing the lotion into his back, curing him of his pain. He then felt aroused, a surprise to him and his sheath once again began to bulge. He then remembered that he could not Yiss in his state, and Olarnis wouldn't Yiss with him, would he? Olarnis noticed the bulge in Omisa's lower body, grinning a bit at the sight.

"I knew you liked but not that much for sure!" He said, laughing at what he said, and then whispering in Omisa's ear hole. "You know what this means, don't you?" Then Olarnis laid him back down on the bed, moving himself further down Omisa's body, lightly touching his sheath. A spark of pleasure went through Omisa as his tender spot was touched, his penis head now emerging, followed by the rest of his length. Olarnis knew that Yiss could also ease pain, and Omisa's arousal was the best time to perform the act.

Olarnis climbed on top of Omisa, looking into his eyes, moving himself so his body lightly rested on Omisa's. Omisa was a bit baffled at Olarnis' sudden change in nature, not knowing what to make of the current situation.

"Olarnis, are you sure?" Curiously asked Omisa.

"Of course, because I said I will take care of your every need?" Olarnis replied, moving up again until he felt Omisa's penis head press against his tail hole.


Omisa nodded in response, giving Olarnis the cue. He eased himself down on Omisa's member sliding down along his body, grimacing from the slight pain the intrusion caused. Omisa gasped a little, feeling the tightness of Olarnis' tail hole around his member, warmth spreading through his body. Olarnis gave Omisa a little kiss of trust on the forehead as he took in the entire member.

Omisa, like all Dracious, had a penis roughly 8" long. The length of the large intestine inside a Dracious could more than accommodate a part of such proportions.

Olarnis rested for a bit, feeling a sort of pleasure from his brothers' member intruding his insides. The event that occurred made him aroused, his own member releasing itself from the sheath and hanging in the air. Omisa looked at Olarnis, a slight need in his eye, knowing that his bigger brother would help him anyway. Olarnis embraced his little brother, keeping his head on his shoulder.

"As brothers." Olarnis told Omisa.

"As brothers." Repeated Omisa. Olarnis moved back up, pushing the member out with his inner muscles until the head was the only part left in. He moved back down, this time with greater force, his tail hole engulfing the member in one swift move. Omisa moaned quite loud at this movement, liking Olarnis' inner walls squeezing his member. Olarnis started up a steady pace, moving Omisa's penis back and forth inside of him, since Omisa could not manage the task himself. Omisa liked the act being performed on his body, smiling and moaning as his older brother continued to pleasure him.

After some time, Olarnis felt Omisa's member become wet inside him, knowing that Omisa's pre was leaking out into his tail hole. His own member now leaked pre, dripping on Omisa's belly as he continued back and forth. He quickened the pace as they both felt their climaxes on the horizon, wanting them to finish this act up. Omisa started moaning even louder as his member was massaged by the walls of Olarnis' tail hole, while Olarnis kept pulling and pushing the member inside his body, liking the resulting pleasure from its intrusion. Omisa was closing in on his climax, whispering in Olarnis' ear hole.

"Thank you...Olarnis."

"No...problem. You are" Olarnis continued to move until Omisa began to spasm underneath Olarnis, making him push down forcefully on his member. Omisa began to ejaculate inside Olarnis, his penis throbbing against Olarnis' prostate, causing Olarnis to climax, ejaculating his cum onto each others bellies. Olarnis never knew what it felt like to have Yissed like this before but now he knew, as he purred at the warm and gooey mess that lay inside him.

They lay there for a while, enjoying their afterglow until Omisa interrupted the silence.

"Thank you Olarnis, this means so much to me."

"It wasn't such a big deal!" Olarnis replied, both of them laughing as they lay there. Omisa's member had long retreated into his sheath, as had Olarnis', knowing he will need to clean it later. He looked back at Olarnis.

"Should you get up now?" Omisa questioned.

"Yeah, your cum should have circumcised by now, I didn't want to leave a mess on the floor." Olarnis separated from Omisa, a small trail of cum seeped out of his tail hole, indicating it had circumcised. He got up and proceeded to the door, and then Omisa spoke to him.



"Will you help wash me later on; I need someone to carry me to the shower room."

"Why not Drai?"

"He might take it the wrong way." Omisa replied, making Olarnis giggle a bit.

"Okay, but no more Yiss for now. I won't satisfy your every need, but I will make exceptions now and then."

"I got it." Omisa confirmed, and with that, Olarnis departed the room, leaving Omisa to himself once again. Omisa looked down at his sheath, wondering why Olarnis did it, thinking there was a lot more to this than to ease pain. Olarnis heard this telepathically and said to himself.

"Because, my brother, my father did the same for me...when I was injured."